Main task magazine analysis

Main Task Analysis

Transcript of Main task magazine analysis

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Main Task Analysis

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Sell lines – short and sharp to allow for quick reading and instantly bring about interest in the magazine

Masthead – situated at the top of the magazine in large, contrasting font to draw attention to it and make it one of the first seen aspects

Barcodes located at the bottom of the page typically in the corner where it is less noticeable and takes up less of the magazine cover

Consistent colour scheme on the cover – achieved through images corresponding with font colour or models wearing certain colours to fit in with it

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Using locations and words such as ‘community’ for regional magazines are very effective in enticing audiences as they feel more of a personal connection to the magazine and will end up being more likely to buy it

The use of a well-known writer and illustrator will make the audience more likely to actually take on what the article is about as the reader’s will be more likely to take in what someone well-known is saying (Zimmerman and Bauer – Obstinate audience theory)

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The most obvious and prominent aspect of magazines used for attracting readers is the background of the front page. In my research I have found that the image used it typically either a shot of scenery typical in that area or of a person who tends to be the main feature of the magazine. In the case of this Time Out magazine, Martin Freeman is the celebrity who has an interview in the magazine and so the front cover is dominated by an image of him which gives the reader an insight to the magazine.

‘Life’ magazines are almost always found using an image which is iconic to the region they focus on for their front covers. In this case of Cornwall Life they have used a shot typically thought of with Cornwall - the seaside, cliffs and nice beaches. This image then usually sets the tone for the colour scheme of the magazine as the font colours will have to work around the image used.

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Also the pictures are usually close/medium-close up shots for individual models and more of a medium/long shot for groups of people. The focus predominantly on the face of the model for individuals whereas a group picture captures the whole of the people .

When a model is used on the front cover there are typical conventions which are followed…

Usually there is lighting which brings out the subject of the image and darkens the background to bring more attention to it

Also direct mode of address tends to be used to draw readers in and create a level of personal connection with the magazine.

Direct mode of address used to gain reader’s attention and create a personal connection – An image of an attractive woman establishes the ‘male gaze’ as they will establish her as an erotic object

The band’s name is contrasting to the background and enables it to stand out to attract readers and entice them to buy the magazine

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The layout of the magazine is also essential for bringing out the most important features. For example, in these magazines the image and logo are very important so are formatted in a way to highlight and draw attention to them whereas the less important features such as the website and date are smaller and made less noticeable. The date and issue numbers are there to make the reader feel as though they are getting the most recent and up-to-date news and therefore seeing the magazine as trustworthy (uses and grats.)

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The use of a barcode is common in regional magazines and depicts trust and respectability, as well as being informative (Uses and grats.) which draws readers into buying

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- Bold yellow background – everything else contrasts to this which enables it to stand out- Black and white font colour consistent on cover and ties in with black clothing of model

- Predominant blue and white scheme carried on from image through to the font colour

- Blue on whit and white on blue creates consistency and contrast

- Black/grey colour scheme which also fits in with magazine’s logo

- Model’s clothing fits in with colour scheme – sell lines also follow suit to create consistency

I have found that magazines carry a house style throughout and it is used in order to provide identity within the magazine and its name. The colours, more often than not, compliment each other and any bold and outstanding colour would be used minimally and usually for promotion. The mastheads or sell lines to tend to be contrasting to enable emphasis and draw attention to them however the colour combinations do still allow for professionalism and realism within the magazine. The number of different colours used tends to be minimal from what I have found in my research. This is achieved through doings things such as having all masthead font the same colour and then having straplines and subtitles in blue, for example.

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Another typical convention I have found with my research into regional magazines is advertising near the front of the magazine. Usually this is featured on the next double spread page after the front cover with a single company taking the whole spread by itself for advertising. These adverts are typically dominated with a single large image accompanied by smaller amounts of text in contrasting fonts to still make it noticeable. Brand names and prices are typically included here. This allows the reader to remember the image and small passages of text helps to anchor this into their memory. In some cases however, the advertisements can go on for two whole double page spreads at the beginning of the magazine which, in turn, pushes the contents page(s) further back into the magazine. In other circumstances there are two different advertisements featured on one page each as opposed to taking over two pages.

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A double page spread advertisement typically features one large or a selection of smaller images across the spread of both pages.

Information with regards to contact and websites are usually situated at the bottom of the page in a contrasting and noticeable font which can be easily identified.

Supporting information is smaller and in a short, concise format for quick reading

Brand names are large and noticeable in a bold contrasting font to draw attention to them

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Alternatively to a double page spread for one advertisement, some magazines adopt a layout which fits multiple adverts onto the two pages

The same conventions apply when it comes to supporting text which is small in font size, short and concise

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Throughout my research I found that there was the most variance between magazine when it came to their layout and style of their contents page. Common codes and conventions are still applied in all cases but the way in which they were portrayed varied greatly. The most obvious characteristic I found was that there was no set ‘trend’ for the layout of the contents page most noticeably whether or not it was on a double page spread and each magazine constructed their page very specifically to their house style and targeted audience.

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The font used is typical of the ‘Life’ magazines as it is in sans serif and in black to contrast with the white background with bolder font used for the headings to allow easier navigation. The following supporting text is then in a smaller font but in far less quantity to make for quick reading.

More images are used here in Cornwall Life’s contents page and this gives a quicker visual insight as to what the magazines contains.

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This contents page in ‘Buckinghamshire Life’ magazine portrays many common features of a regional magazine contents page. The font used is sans serif and in black to contrast with the white background with bolder font used for the headings to allow easier navigation. This helps to create a professional look, relevant as well to the target demographic.

Furthermore any supporting information is short and concise to allow more ease for the reader as they will not necessarily be paying a lot of attention to it.

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Large header for name of page – eyes are drawn to it and easily noticed – QR code as well as webpage link and twitter link which is relevant to the younger target audience making their accessibility and connectivity with the magazine easier and better

Larger, bold font to highlight page number and subject of that page making navigation quicker and easier

Smaller supporting text in both font size and quantity – quick and short details about what the story entails to entice readers

Half of the page is taken up by an advertisement which differs from other advertisements found near the beginning of the magazine in a sense that there is a lot more text involved with less imagery – potentially down to the nature of what is being advertised – the name of the company is still large and bold to be easily seen with contact information available as well

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Contents page title is far smaller than what I have commonly found in my research and therefore challenges common conventions – there is more emphasis on the issue of the magazine as this font is far larger and more noticeable

This particular layout features images at the top half of the page which provide an insight into the subjects further in the magazine to entice readers – page numbers are also on the images to allow easier navigation fro readers

Again, this magazine follows conventions typical of regional magazines I have researched through the use of larger, sans serif fonts for page numbers and headings followed by smaller, short amounts of font for supporting text to again increased reading speed and ease

Social media links available for more accessibility and connectivity with the magazine

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Common features I found in contents pages included the heavy use of imagery. This attracts the audience as it is highlighting key features in the magazine which they hold an interest in and are tempted to read more to find out about it (Uses and grats.) There are also social media links which connect the magazine and reader and establish a more personal connection (uses and grats. – personal relationship)