Mahmood Khalil, Ahmad Khatib, Mohammad Khacfe, Ziad Assaf.

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Transcript of Mahmood Khalil, Ahmad Khatib, Mohammad Khacfe, Ziad Assaf.

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  • Mahmood Khalil, Ahmad Khatib, Mohammad Khacfe, Ziad Assaf
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  • Our Question: O Could school life be the main reason behind ADHD? How does it affect school performance and what is our responsibility? Students School Doctors Parents
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  • Content: 1- Defining ADHD 2-Symptoms 3-Causes 4-Diagnoses 5-Treatment 6-ADHD and society
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  • What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
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  • What is O A medical condition appearing in early childhood characterized by inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity
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  • ADHD symptoms: 1 Inattention 2 Hyperactivity 3 Impulsivity
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  • 1- Symptoms of inattention Easily distracted Daydream, easily confused Miss details Forgets things
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  • 2 -Symptoms of hyperactivity Talks non stop Plays with anything in sight Have trouble staying still Difficulty performing quiet tasks
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  • 3 -Symptoms of impulsivity Very impatientInappropriate comments Have difficulty waiting Interrupts conversations
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  • ADHD Genetics Environmental Factors Or
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  • What causes ADHD? 1-Genetics ADHD tends to run in the family, therefore, it is very common for individuals to inherit such disorder.
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  • 1- Dopamine : It influences brain functions like: regulating attention, cognition, & movements. The lack of dopamine makes it difficult to pay attention to non stimulating activities. 2- Norepinephrine : has a role in attentiveness. A lack of norepinephrine causes issues with attention.
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  • 3- Glutamate: has a role in learning and memory. Too much glutamate can have damaging effects by killing neurons.
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  • What causes ADHD? 2- Environmental Factors Many studies have found a relationship between alcohol and Tabaco use during pregnancy such that is a factor that may cause ADHD for the child.
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  • O No single test can diagnose a child as having ADHD. O There are two different ways for diagnosing it: 1-Consulting a doctor 2-Taking a test
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  • 1- The referring pediatrician and specialist will determine if a child: Experiencing seizures Vision or hearing problems Learning disabilities Anxiety or depression
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  • Questions that may be asked: Patient Questions: -Are the behaviors excessive, and do they affect all aspects of the child's life? -Do they happen more often in this child compared with the child's peers? -Are the behaviors a continuous problem or a response to a temporary situation?
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  • 2- ADHD Diagnostic test ADHD diagnostic tests are preformed as a easy way to detect if an individual has ADHD, however, tests such as this A sample ADHD test: adhd/quiz-index
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  • Treatments for ADHD: O ADHD is an incurable disorder, however there are various factors that may diminish its symptoms: - Way of living - Environmental factors - Medication
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  • Things on should do before taking medication: O An individual facing ADHD should change his way of living both in school and at home: At Home: on should - Sleep early - Healthy diet - Do homework directly after school
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  • Things on should do before taking medication: O In school: one should: - Sit in front of the class - Sit away from people who talk a lot in class - Keep a stress ball with him or her
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  • Environmental Factors O An individual facing ADHD must be surrounded by people whom always encourage him. O Environment consists of Teachers Parents Friends
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  • Environmental Factors O All three, parents, teachers and friends should: - Help individual with studies - Calm him or her down when needed - Provide a cheerful environment - Give him or her time to understand certain things
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  • O The most common type of medication used for treating ADHD is called a "stimulant." Although it may seem unusual to treat ADHD with a medication considered a stimulant, it actually has a calming effect on children with ADHD. Stimulants: Ritalin (short acting) Concerta/ Strattera (longacting)
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  • The affect of the medication on the subject: Increasing attention Maximum attention Medication effect wares away
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  • How society characterizes an ADHD individual:
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  • Resources: O n-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/index.shtml n-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/index.shtml O O O adhd.html adhd.html