Maharashtra Pollution Control Board


Transcript of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

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Ms. Adroit Estate Developers Pvt.Ltd.,

On Proposed redevelopment on plot bearing C.S.No.577, Situated at

Malbar Hill Division "D" Ward,Nepean Sea Road,Mumbai-400007

Date of Public Hearing: 07/08/2015 Time : 1 1:30 hrs.

Venue : Office of the Collector & District Magistrate Mumbai Citv. Old Custom House, Shahid Bhagat Singh ~ a r ~ , - ~ o r t , Mumbai 400 601.

Public hearing for proposed redevelopment of building by Ms. Adroit Estate

Developers Pvt. Ltd., on Proposed redevelopment on plot bearing C.S.No.577

Situated at Malbar Hill Division, "DM ward, Nepean Sea .Road,~umbai-400007.

The following panel members of the public hearing committee were present.

1. Shri. Chandrakant Thorat - Chairman Resident Deputy Collector & Addl. Dist. Magistrate, Mumbai City.

2. Shri. Amar Durgule - MemberIConvener Sub-Regional Officer, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Mumbai - I.

In the beginning Shri. Amar Durgule, Sub Regional Officer, MPC Board,

Mumbai-I, convener of the public hearing meeting welcomed the Chairman of the

Committee, the panel members, the tenants /residents and commenced the meeting

with the permission of Chairman. He explained the purpose of public hearing,

mentioning that as per the MOEF, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Notification S.011533

dated 14Ih Sept.2006 and amended thereto, and Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ)

~otihcation dated 61h January, 201 1, the Public hearing of tenants / residents shall be

carried out for redevelopment and construction activity in the CRZ area.

Accordingly, MIS. Adroit Estate Developers Pvt.Ltd., had submitted application for

public hearing along with detailed Environmental Synopsis report for the proposed

redevelopment of building on Proposed redevelopment on plot bearing C.S.No.577,

Situated at Malbar Hill Division, "D" Ward, Nepean Sea Road, Mumbai-400 007 to

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board dated 24.06.2014 Accordingly, the Resident

Deputy Collector & Addl. Dist. Magistrate, Mumbai City had fixed the date of public

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hearing on 07.08.2015. The Convener briefed that, a public notice regarding the said \\.

public hearing was published in the daily newspaper "Navshakti" in Marathi and

"The Free Press Journal" in English on 05/07/2015, i.e. one month prior to the

meeting, inviting suggestions, objection and comments about the proposed

redevelopment project. Documents of Environmental Synopsis's regarding public

hearing were made available for reviewlstudy for the tenants or residents of Mumbai

at -

1. Office of the Collector L District Magistrate Mumbai City, Old Custom . House, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001,

2. Regional Officer (P&P), MPCB, Sion, Mumbai, Regional Office & Sub

Regional Office, Mumbai - I, Raikar Chamber, "AW~wing, 216, 2" Floor,

Deonar Gaon Road, Near Jain Mandir Govandi Q, Mumbai-400088.

3. Environment Dept., New Administrative Building, 1 5 ~ floor, Mantralaya,


4. Astt. Commissioner, 'D' Ward Office Bldg. R.No.110, Jobanputra

Compound, Nana Chowk, Mumbai - 400 007.

The convener also informed to the tenants / residents that the purpose of

the public hearing Committee was to conduct the public hearing and to record the

opinion, suggestionslobjections of the tenants 1 residents, with regards to

environment point of view. The Committee will not take any decision about the

project. He also informed that the said public hearing is for the tenants 1 residents

affected by the project. The project proponent will present the details about the

project and its impact on environment and the mitigation measures proposed by the

project proponent. Thereafter the tenants / residents can give their, suggestions1 a

objections, comments, and opinions verbally as well as in writing about the project,

which will be recorded and the same will be forwarded to the Maharashtra Coastal

Zone Management Authority, Mantralaya,'Mumbai. . . .

After this, with the of Resident Deputy Collector &. Addl. Dist.

Magistrate, Mumbai City and Chairman, the Public Hearing Procedure was started.. ,

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Shri. Sourabh Jayswal, the technical consultant of the said project, briefed

about the proposed project by power point presentation. He showgd the details about

the location of the project and showed the location map and Google image of the

site. He also showd the details about the plan layout of the building and the details

about the parking and the details about the residential flats, the detailed layout plan,

parking area plan and the residential floor plans. He mentioned that the total plot

area of the existing plot is 1841.98 which comes under CRZ-11 area. The

proposed redeveloped into a residential building of Basement+ Ground Floor + 15'to

10" parking floor+loth to 28Ih Upper Residential floor use.

The total Construction area is 11416.83 sq. mtrs. The total cost of the

proposed project is about Rs.13crres. The height of the-building is 123.75 mtrs.

No. of proposed tenements are 46 and total residential and non-residential

population is -- 248. The water requirement is 30 ~ ' l d a ~ during the construction . .

phase and in operational phase water requirement is 32 - ~ ~ l d a ~ . The total sewage

generation will be 28.0 m3/day out of this 16 m3/day is gray water which will be -- treated into the Sewage Treatment Plant of capacity 20 CMD consisting of primary,

secondary treatment. The treated water will be recycled for flushing and gardening and

excess treated water will be connected to MCGM sewerage. The total power - requirement is 100 KVA during the construction and same will be provided by

BEST undertaking or Tata undertaking. The D.G. set will be in an acoustic

enclosure and with sufficient height of stack. The solid waste generated 87.3 kglday

will be segregated into dry and wet waste and wet solid waste 62.1 kg/day will be

disposed to MCGM for further treatment and dry waste 25.2 kg/day will be sold to

authorized recycler. The rain water harvesting system will be provided. Also at the

time of construction activity, necessary precautions will be taken to control the

noise pollution.

The Chairman of the Committee Resident Deputy Collector & Addl. Dist.

Magistrate, Mumbai City then appealed to the tenants I residents to express their

views, doubts, and objections, opinions, suggestions about the project, only from the

environmental point of view, if any, so that the project proponent will clarify the


The following persons raised the questions.

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'. \. Shri. Amar Durgule, Sub Regional Officer, MPC Board, Mumbai-I, convener

. of the public hearing meeting. 'Y

Question: - How many trees will be planted on site? Where is the location of

proposed STP?

Answer: Shri. Saurabh Jayswal the technical consultant of the said project

informed that informed that they are going to plant taller trees due to

space constrain. The STP will be proposed at the basement.

Shri. Chandrakant Thorat, Residential Deputy Collector & Addl. Dist.

Magistrate, Mumbai City.

Question: - What is the present status of the project? What is.the proposal for treatment of Organic waste generated?

Answer: Shri. Saurabh Jayswal the technical consultant of the said project

informed that at present the old depleted structure is demolished and

the construction work upto 9" floor is completed and the work is

stopped due to the direction received from Environment Department. -- The solid waste (debries) generated is disposed off as per the BMC

approved land.

Finally, the Convener informed the public that all the views expressed in the

meeting, letters if any submitted and the project proponent's reply will be put in

minutes of the meeting and forwarded to the MCZM Committee, Environment

Department, Mantralaya, Murnbai.

The Resident Deputy Collector & Addl. Dist. Magistrate, Mumbai City and

Chairman of the Committee thanked all the panel members, tenants / residents and

the project proponent for co-operation to conduct the public hearing successfully

and concluded the hearing.

( Amar Durgule ) ( Chandrakant Thorat ) Mernber/Convener, Resident Deputy Collector &

Sub-Regional Officer, Mumbai, Addl. Dist. Magistrate, M.P.C. Board, Mumbai Mumbai City

and Chairman

Public Hearing Panel

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MAHARASHTRA POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Tel: 24024022/24020781/ 24010437 - Kalpatam Point, 3d Floor,

Fax: 24093814 / 24044532 Sion - Marunga Scheme Road No. 8, website: http://ww,

P P Near Sion Circle, Sion (E)

E-mail: [email protected] ~m~~ Mumbai - 400 022 T I wy --

No. BO/JD (WPC)/PH/B- 3 1 Date: 0 / 07 /2015


In compliance of Notification S. 0. 1533 dt. 14/09/2006 and amended Notification S.O. 3067 (E) dt. 01/12/2009 of Ministry of Environment and Foiests, Government of India, the Public Hearing Panel in respect of .proposed project of reconstruction of existing Building Projects property bearing C.S. No. 577, Malabar Hill, Division, Nepeansea(L.J. Marg), Mumbai proposed by M/s. Adroit Estate Developers Pvr Ltd, property bearing C.S. No. 577, Malabar Hill, Division, Nepeansea(L.J. Marg), Mumbai , Maharashtra is as below;

1) District Magistrate, Mumbai Or his representative not below the Rank of an Additional District Magihate


2) Representative of Maharashtra ~ollution Control Board Member, Convener

Sub Regional Officer, M. P. C. Board, Mumbai -I will work as;

The Members are requested to make it convenient to attend the Public Hearing dt.07.08.2015 a t 11.30 am. at Collector Office Old custom House , Shahid Bhagatsingh Marg, fort Mumbai 4000001,

Member Secretary Copy submitted for Information to:

1) The Additional Chief Secretary, Environment Department, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mantralaya. Mumbai- 400 032

2) The Chairman M. P. C. Board, Mumbai Copy for Information to: District Collector, Mumbai . Copy to project proponent: M/s. Adroit Estate Developers Pvt Ltd, propeny bearing C.S. No. 577, Malabar Hill, Division, Nepeansea(L.J. Ma-), Mumbai

Copy for Information & necessluy action to: 1) Regional Oficer, M. P. C. Board. Mumbai . 2) Sub Regional Officer, M. P. C. Board, Mumbai-I - He is instructed to ensure that the

copies are served to all concerned. 3) EIC, M. P. C. Board, Mumbai - For information & display on website. - Soft copy of

Executive Summary sent to EIC section.

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YLlWlUWlRIPOUUnOll~BOUID - - R1gb1alOm(4 Humball Sub Rq1m.l mks. Ymbl- l

QaF= h a ! Ctuni-. '*-'.216. Z'fWr. D.aYG-3 Pesd. W. Jdm UmW. h a d l (Li. h ( u m 088

*mlr "0. :- (m2, .-ma fa M. ,a%, :m 5- . I D :. -, W.b.U :- liM

An Applicil1,on *om WS. ADROIT ESTATE DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. f o ~ t h e ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d redeVelOpmDnlalPlol~onng C. S. NO. 577, Maim Holl Dwslon. '0-Ward', N-n Sea Roaa. MmbaHOO 007 is received lo Maharasmla Pollution Control M. ii is nemssary to conduct PuUic Hearing under Item No. 0 V la) (c) 4 (15 pr C-1.4 Regulation Zone (CRZI Ndtkzmon h d . 6" Jsn. 2011. The Pubiv hsanng is to b m n d W horn Va Erwimnmntsl W l e abaul the p-ad prgm. Cdy Imm I Residents of abam sa!d buildlw c m partnpata in thePublk Hearing. DRsolPvbllcHearlng : 07.01LnnS nmlngolPuMkHe.rlnp: I1:Ma.m. Venue :OMw ol - & RtlrM

Maglslnla -1 PClly), 016 Cy.1- HOU-, SMY Eungn SlnghM"g.MumbaUQQO01.

An Maaa(sd - requosled to send melr cwnmsm d k d y l o Marbar SsasCsnl Stais Isvd Envlmnment l m m d #u~mmnmt AuthOdty BUw M ~ n g a d d ~ .

MEMBER SECRETARY St.(. knl Envir~msnt mpact h s o a u w d AulhadIy,

Envlmnm.z4 IMprtnmS R. No. 217. Mant&ya *nn.r* UumbaC400 032. Td. No. (022) 2 M m. 2279 3132.

w e s l i a n s , viawa, m m ~ n t s and &]mian8 of ths tenant./ R~aldenLr can bs f i l d ! regislsrsd at the following addrwllrs In rnieng wilhln 30 d s p from fhe dsta el plb l ra l im ol m!3 nolice. A$o Gugpsotbls, views. wmrnentr and o b i d m In oml~ndwritmncan be pessnledduriw WPubl#c Hcenng. Copl..olth. Er.cuUvo Summryof fh. P r W In Engllahl m m l h l and Envlronmsntal l rnpv l As-nmem sludy pro a w l a b k at th. lollowIno OIRces. Ccnc0rn.d m o n r m w dudy IheaDvsdDEumemsdvrlngthaOnlse hours. 1) O~AU of lho C ~ I k t o r . Murnbai Cw Old Curtorn Hauso.

ShanldBhapaI SinQh Marg. Fon. Mumh-400001. 2) Envlrmmsnt Dapl. Gom. ot Maharahrra. I 5 FIm New

M m i n ~ ~ I ~ e B u ~ . . Llanlraiaya.Mum~. 31 Joint M n c l o r (WPC). M.P C. Board. SimMumtal. 4) Regional Ofllcer-MumC&Su&RsgtonaI Omer, -4,

MPCBaam Rellrar Chembers.'A" rring.216, Tflr. m a r Gson Ad.. NearJan Manair ,G~vmd~lE) .MumDs~OBR

6) Am. CanrnMoner. '0' ward. Once BMg.. R No. 11% 1. Fl,.. J0banp"W Compound. Nana Chow*. Munbi- w m 7 .

&I 1- 8ubR.(ltmnl Onlor. -1.

Y. P. C. wrd. Uumbal.

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