Magnetic Chinese Therapy Balls

Electro-Magnetic Chinese Therapy Balls A New Approach to Baoding Balls By Sifu Dan Ferrera


Chinese balls are magnetic

Transcript of Magnetic Chinese Therapy Balls

  • Electro-Magnetic Chinese Therapy Balls

    A New Approach to Baoding Balls By

    Sifu Dan Ferrera

  • Electro-Magnetic Chinese Therapy Balls

    According to the traditional Chinese medical theory of what is known as "Jingluo", the ten fingers of the hands are connected with the internal organs of the body via energy

    routes known as meridian channels. Simply stated, "Jingluo" is connected with the fingers, cranial nerves, and vital organs of the entire human body.

    Each finger (and corresponding toe) is also associated with an entire meridian channel within the body. According to the Shaolin theory, the thumbs (big toes) are connected to the bodys respiratory system, which includes the lungs, the entire skin surface as well as the hair and nails. The index fingers (2nd toes) are connected to your digestive system (Stomach, Large & Small Intestines, Pancreas and Spleen). The middle fingers (3rd toes)

  • are associated with the entire circulatory system, the heart as well as the spinal cord and central nervous system. The ring fingers (4th toes) are connected to the liver, gallbladder and eyes. The little fingers or pinkies (pinky toes) are associated with your kidneys, ears, reproductive organs, skeletal system, including the bone marrow and the bladder and

    urinary system.

    Rotating the therapy balls within the palms of your hands using the hand muscles and five fingers is a very simple yet powerful exercise, which can stimulate the various

    acupuncture points on the hand, resulting in the unimpeded flow or circulation of vital life force energy know as Chi and blood within the body. It can cause the "jingluo" to become unblocked and thorough allowing the bodys vital energy and blood circulation

    to function in harmony while keeping the hand and finger muscles nimble, the bones and tendons strong, the mind sober and relaxed and can significantly energize and invigorate

    the circulation of blood, and can prevent and aid in the healing of hypertension as well as various chronic diseases. If you continue practicing these simple hand therapy exercise everyday for months and years, you can get the fine results of keeping your brain in good

  • health with high intelligence and good memory, relieving your day to day stress and fatigue while slowly drowning all of your worries, which current medical research and

    theory says may even result in a prolonged healthy life.

    Why are these Therapy Balls So Special? We use two highly energetic materials to stimulate and massage these meridian channels kicking this entire process into high gear. If you do any type of hands on healing, such as Reiki, message, laying on hands, Quantum touch, etc. we believe that you will notice almost immediate benefits from using these special therapy balls. The first ball is a extremely powerful magnet, the other ball is made of solid copper from Michigans Keewanaw Peninsula. This particular copper is very dense and hard and is considered to be the highest quality available. Energetically, copper is Yin and has been reported to combat lethargy, laziness, restlessness, excitability and the non-acceptance of oneself. It

    can stimulate initiative, optimism, independence as well as making you more diplomatic in your problem solving. It gives you a more philosophic energy, allowing you to release

    yourself from restrictions that you have placed upon yourself. Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and subtly aligns them. Copper has been used successfully to amplify and transmit thought. This is very

    important as it amplifies your ability to project intent. It is said to be a bestower of Good bringing Luck and good fortune to persons, especially in the recovery of lost or

    stolen property. Copper stimulates and activates the base and sacral chakras advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire and vitality directing the energies toward the pursuit of ones true path or evolution. It allows you to recognize the barriers, which obstruct the path of your development. Finally, copper can conduct electrical impulses and can magnify the energy transfer from healer to patient. Similarly, copper can convert magnetic energy into electrical energy, which is why this particular

    therapy ball combination is so unique and highly powerful.

    The second therapy ball is an extremely powerful 12,500 gauss neodymium magnet. Current scientific research studies documents the following physiological effects of

    biomagnetic therapy:

  • * It increases the electrical conductivity of the blood.

    * It effects increasing blood and oxygen circulation along with the nutrient carrying potential of the blood.

    * It is able to positively effect pH balance (acid-alkaline) towards alkaline, which is often acidic and imbalanced in disease tissues. * It positively speeds up the migration of calcium ions to facilitate the healing of nervous tissue and bones (usually at least in half the time). Because of this it can also help remove the pathological buildup of calcium associated with arthritic joints. * It can powerfully influence the production of certain hormones from the various endocrine glands. * It stimulates and fosters enzyme activity and other related physiological processes.

    Magnetism, The Bodys Second Nutrient

    Every cell in the body is designed like a tiny storage battery. We obtain electrical energy for our cells via the electrically charged air we breathe in the form of positive and negative ions. Air is our bodys first and primary nutrient. Our second nutrient, which is

    closely related to electricity, is magnetism. Remember, that we are all bio-electromagnetic entities and that there is also another less familiar name for electrical

    energy, which is "electromagnetic energy" or "electromagnetic vibrations." Basically, electrical energy is a combination of two things: magnetic fields and electrostatic fields. Wires can guide electrical energy, but it can also travel through space without any wires whatsoever. For example, if we wave a bar magnet near a coil of copper wire, electrical energy is produced by simply moving the magnet and this energy will leap into the copper even though the magnet never touched the wire coil. This is fundamentally the same process used by electric generators. They simply rotate magnets around copper coils and the moving magnets produce or transfer electrical energy, which leaps into the

    coils. Science also recognizes this close relationship between electricity and magnetism. As far back as 1820, Hans Oersted of Denmark discovered a direct relationship between

    electricity and magnetism by showing that an electric current flowing in a wire caused a

  • nearby compass needle to be deflected. Following the discoveries of Oersted, Ampere, an 18th century physicist whose notable achievements were germinal to the harnessing of

    electrical energy, discovered a quantitative relationship between the strength of an electric current with the magnetic field it creates (Amperes theorem). Noting the close relationship between electricity and magnetism, he described magnetism as electricity thrown into curves.

    Magnetic energy is a structuring force of the entire universe. As such, it is a reflection of

    the order that causes the infinite galaxies, stars and planets throughout the known universe to revolve and spin at incredible velocities while remaining in their respective orbits. As one of the fundamental forces of nature, electromagnetism is in concept equivalent in definition to the Traditional Chinese Medicine concept of Chi, or the East

    Indian Ayurvedic definition of Prana. These concepts are what many in the West, regard as the life force or life essence.

    One can tangibly understand that the scientific south side of a magnet was equivalent in energy to the definition in of Yin Chi, or in Ayurveda of Shakti energy. The North facing side was equivalent to Yang Chi, or Ayurvedic Shiva energy. The South pole of the

  • magnet is cooling, sedating and dispersing, which corresponds to the Traditional Chinese medicine definition of Yin or negative polarity. The North polarity is heating, stimulating

    and accumulating, which corresponds to the Traditional Chinese medicine definition of Yang or positive polarity. Now consider that every atom generates an electromagnetic

    field, we humans, along with all of nature, are imbued with the power of electromagnetism. It is also possible for us to channel our innate positive electromagnetic energy for healing ourselves and others. There are of course some doctors and medical experts that discredit the idea of bioelectricity and electromagnetic energy. The interesting contradiction to their opinion is that modern medicine has come to depend upon so many high tech diagnostic procedures such as the (ECG) electro-cardiogram, the (EEG) electroencephalogram, the (EMG) electromyogram, which measure the electrical activity in the heart, the cerebral cortex and the skeletal muscles respectively. If there

    were no electrical energy in the body, such tests would not be possible. Also consider the fact that you are not termed brain dead until there is no electrical activity being

    measured in your head.

    Currently, the Earths magnetic field strength is about a Gauss. While seemingly small, the magnetic field strength of gauss as a measurement is in proportion to the total mass of the magnet. With that, a Gauss strength in proportion to the enormous size of the Earth

    becomes very significant. As a matter of fact, it is absolutely essential to life. The large therapy ball magnet that you will be utilizing is 12,500 Gauss. Part of the Earths magnetic field is created by the ionosphere-- a layer of air containing electrically

    charged particles that extend from sixty to a hundred miles above the Earths surface. Extending some thousands of miles into space is the magnetosphere, also known as the

    Van Allen Radiation Belt. The magnetosphere is a huge swarm of radioactive particles that are threatening to life. If it were not for the fact that the harmful radiation particles are trapped by the Earths magnetic field, life on Earth would not be possible. Interestingly, the half Gauss strength of the Earth also seems to be in a state of cyclic change so that over time, the Earths magnetic poles have repeatedly shifted and changed their location. Current scientific research estimates that these reversals occur

    approximately every half to one million years. The most recent reversal occurred about

  • 700,000 years ago. It has been documented that the Earths magnetic field has diminished about 50% of what it was 500-1000 years ago, with a full 5% decline recorded in the last 100 years. Can you appreciate the vital importance of this geomagnetic energy to life? Doctors Barnwell and Brown of the Department of Biological Sciences, North Western

    University, USA, conducted a great number of experiments exposing magnetic fields upon a variety of living organisms and reported that, There remains no reasonable doubt that all living organisms are extraordinarily sensitive to magnetic fields. The effect of magnetic fields on living organisms continues in the United States and throughout the world but some of the most important medical research is that which is being conducted by the Japanese. If all living organisms are extraordinarily sensitive to magnetic fields, dont you think that a 50% to 70% decline in the Gauss strength of the Earths magnetic field is significant to all life on the planet? Now, also consider that chemicals change in

    molecular weight when they are exposed to magnetic fields. Also consider that when water is exposed to strong magnetic fields, more of the beneficial negatively charged

    hydroxyl (OH-) ions are generated to form calcium bicarbonate and other alkaline particles. Normal water typically has a pH level of around 7, which is neutral, while magnetized water can reach an alkaline pH of 9.2 after being exposed to a 7000 Gauss strength magnet. When pH levels drop below 7, the water or substance is acidic. Alkaline pH levels have been shown to be strong enough to destroy cancer cells (see Barefoot and Reich) because according to the theory, cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Now, lets shed some additional light on this topic. Consider the fact that our physical bodies are over 70% water and our blood is 90% water and this water is absolutely filled with electro-conductive metals such as sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, etc. We believe that this is exactly how bioelectricity is

    conducted throughout our physical bodies. Magnetic fields have been scientifically shown to rearrange hydrogen bonds. Therefore, this same phenomenon allows the body's liquid to dissolve and break down electro-conductive minerals in the blood, allowing them to conduct ions and/or "Chi" throughout the energy pathways of the entire body. Numerous rigid, scientific studies have been done both here and in Japan and China documenting the electromagnetic energy and infrared radiations emanating from Qigong practitioners. The benefits of Qigong practice are very real. As we explained earlier with

  • the electric wire influencing the compass needle, pure science states that wherever you have an electrical field, you also have a magnetic field and vice versa, thus magnetism is

    our second nutrient.

    When you are using these special therapy balls, you are stimulating all of the energy pathways in your hands and fingers. We believe due to experience that the orbital interaction of the copper ball with the magnetic ball also transfers a very mild electrical stimulation (micro-electricty or Yang energy) as a result of rotating them in your hands. Both copper and magnetism are considered to be Yin energy, but when you move them through rotation in your palms, you also generate Yang energy or electrical energy,

    which also stimulates the meridian channels. Therefore your hands as well as your associated organs benefit from both Yin and Yang energy through this unique interaction

    of copper and magnetism with our therapy balls. (Copper Sphere) 1.625 diameter (Magnet Sphere) 1.5 diameter Note: Women or people with small hands may prefer the 1.25 diameter spheres.

    FYI, the magnet is actually just as large as the copper sphere after the chrome coating is added. WARNING, keep the magnet away from TV-screens, Computers, most electronic devices, children, etc. Also those with internal devices like pacemakers should consult their physician prior to purchasing and/or using these spheres as described herein. The magnet is also somewhat fragile, so use caution and protect it from hard surfaces if dropped.

    Additional Exercises:

    1) After rotating the spheres for several minutes in each hand place the copper sphere in the right hand and the magnetic sphere in the left hand and squeeze gently allowing the accumulated micro-electricity from the copper flow into your body. Visualize the copper as a miniature sun (Yang) and the magnet as a miniature moon (Yin). You may feel a slight buzz or vibration from the spheres.

    2) After holding the spheres for a minute or so, begin rotating your fists around each other (one over the other) in a circular pattern. Leave an inch or two of space between the fists and try to feel the electromagnetic energy transfer occurring between the two spheres. Imagine yourself as a powerful electricity generator while performing this exercise. Mentally repeat: I Am growing stronger & stronger! See images on the following page. This can be done either in a standing posture or sitting upright on the end of a chair.

  • 2) While rotating the spheres as described prior, begin to feel the internal energy inside your body and connect this motion of the hands with the microcosmic orbit. Feel the energy rising up your spine and descending down the front of your body as illustrated below. Continue this for 5-minutes.

    3) Reverse the rotational direction of your fists as well as the internal orbit flow and now feel the energy rising up the front of your body and descending down your spine as you rotate your fists. This exercise is known as the reverse orbit. Performing this with the spheres in hand makes the chi much more electro-magnetic inside the body. Perform this exercise for 5-minutes as well.

    4) For this exercise you will rotate your fists as before, but now across the horizontal plain to cause internal rotation of your stomach centers. Have the palm side of your fist-hands facing your body. Imagine that you are holding onto to something

  • like a steering wheel of a car. Begin to rotate this imaginary wheel as if you were turning it to the left over and over. You will have to one hand slightly outwards to prevent your hands from hitting one another. As you keep turning this imaginary wheel to the left, focus on your stomach and feel the internal energy rotating with the corresponding motion of your hands. Do this for 3-minutes. Imagine that the energy is expanding outwards, larger and larger. Feel it flow around the stomach, then around the entire perimeter of your body. Next imagine that it is going completely around the earth. You can picture the sun rising, high noon and sunset and/or the moon revolving around the earth for this stage of the exercise. Keep expanding the energy picturing a galaxy spinning in space.

  • 5) After approximately 3-minutes, reverse the direction, now turning the wheel perpetually to the right feeling the internal energy in your abdominal region rotating in correspondence to the hand motions. In your minds eye, see the galaxy spinning in connection with your hand motions. Then begin to contract the energys radius, now seeing the sun or moon orbiting the earth again. Next, feel the energy flowing around the perimeter of your body, then focus intently on your stomach, feeling the energy contracting into this region of the body. Make the circle inside your belly get smaller and smaller, like a vortex of water going down a drain. Now try to only feel the Dan Tien area of your body, which is located below your belly button and above your pubic bone. Keep rotating your fists and try to feel your Dan Tien (2nd chakra) spinning as you rotate your fists. This exercise should also take about 3-minutes from start to finish.

    6) Place both spheres in your hand again as shown on page 2 and rotate them as best you can without allowing them to touch one another. Hold your hand so that your palm is facing upwards and the spheres are basically rotating on a horizontal plain parallel to the earths surface. As you rotate the spheres in your hand feel your internal spinning in unison or sympathetically with the motion of the spheres. With the spheres in your left hand, rotate the energy inside your body so that it spins around and to the left. Then place the spheres in the right hand and rotate them so that your internal energy spins around and to the right within your body.

  • 7) Just like exercise 4 & 5, you will imagine expanding the energy on the first set of rotations while holding the spheres in the left hand and then contracting the energy on the 2nd set of rotations spinning in the opposite direction with the spheres in the right hand.

    Exercises 4 & 5 will create a vacuum effect with your Dan Tien due to the centrifugal expansion and contraction of your energy centers. As a result, this will cause them to accumulate additional chi for the next 10 to 15-minutes even after the exercise is done. Thus, you get nearly 20-minutes of benefit with only 6-minutes of exercise! Exercises 6 & 7 produce a similar effect with your root (Earth Chi) and crown centers (Heaven Chi).

    Any of the exercises provided within the material can be performed in the sequence given or as complete stand-alone practices. In other words, if you just want to run the orbits as shown in 2 & 3, then that is 100% fine. If you just want to do the six-minute exercise of expanding and contracting the energy centers that is fine too. Of course, that said there is a beneficial synergism effect that results from performing all the exercises as given, but understand that you can customize your practice routine based upon available time for the given moment.

    Disclaimer: There are no medical claims pertaining to the healing capabilities of these items or exercises. It is recommended that in all cases of disease, injury, sickness, etc. that the aid of a licensed health practitioner is obtained and that you follow their suggested treatment. This information is being made available for your personal and experimental purposes only and therefore absolutely no claims of healing and/or curing disease are made herein, expressed or implied. Remember, it is against the law to diagnose or make any claims that you may heal another person by any means whatsoever unless you have this privilege granted to you by law.