Magna Carta PWD

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Transcript of Magna Carta PWD

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    Republic Act 7277

    Republic of the Philippines


    Meto M!nil!

    Fifth Re"ul! Session



    Republic Act No+ 7277




    #e it en!cte- b. the Sen!te !n- the House of Repesent!ti/es of the Philippines in

    Con"ess !sse0ble-1


    CHAPTER I #!sic Pinciple

    SECTION + Title This Act sh!ll be 3no4n !n- cite- !s the M!"n! C!t! fo

    %is!ble- Pesons5+

    SECTION 2+ %ecl!!tion of Polit. The "!nt of the i"hts !n- pi/ile"es fo-is!ble- pesons sh!ll be "ui-e- b. the follo4in" pinciples1

    6!+ %is!ble- pesons !e p!t of the Philippine societ.& thus the Sen!te sh!ll "i/e

    full suppot to the i0po/e0ent of the tot!l 4ell*bein" of -is!ble- pesons !n- thei

    inte"!tion into the 0!inste!0 of societ.+

     To4!- this en-& the St!te sh!ll !-opt policies ensuin" the eh!bilit!tion& self*

    -e/elop0ent !n- self*eli!nce of -is!ble- pesons+

    It sh!ll -e/elop thei s3ills !n- potenti!ls to en!ble the0 to co0pete f!/o!bl. fo

    !/!il!ble oppotunities+

    6b+ %is!ble- pesons h!/e the s!0e i"hts !s othe people to t!3e thei pope

    pl!ce in societ.+ The. shoul- be !ble to li/e feel. !n- !s in-epen-entl. !s possible+

     This 0ust be the concen of e/ the f!0il.& co00unit. !n- !ll

    "o/en0ent !n- non*"o/en0ent o"!ni8!tions+ %is!ble- peson5s i"hts 0ust

    ne/e be pecei/e- !s 4elf!e se/ices b. the Go/en0ent+

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    6c+ The eh!bilit!tion of the -is!ble- pesons sh!ll be the concen of the

    Go/en0ent in o-e to foste thei c!p!bilit. to !tt!in ! 0oe 0e!nin"ful&

    po-ucti/e !n- s!" life+ To e!ch out to ! "e!te nu0be of -is!ble- pesons&

    the eh!bilit!tion se/ices !n- bene9ts

    sh!ll be e:p!n-e- be.on- the t!-ition!l ub!n*b!se- centes to co00unit. b!se-po"!0s& th!t 4ill ensue full p!ticip!tion of -i;eent sectos !s suppote- b.

    n!tion!l !n- loc!l "o/en0ent !"encies+

    6-+ The St!te !lso eco"ni8es the ole of the pi/!te secto in po0otin" the 4elf!e

    of -is!ble- pesons !n- sh!ll encou!"e p!tneship in po"!0s th!t !--ess thei

    nee-s !n- concens+

    6e+ To f!cilit!te inte"!tion of -is!ble- pesons into the 0!inste!0 of societ.& the

    St!te sh!ll !-/oc!te fo !n- encou!"e espect fo -is!ble- pesons+ The St!te sh!ll

    e:et !ll e;ots to e0o/e !ll soci!l& cultu!l& econo0ic& en/ion0ent!l !n-

    !ttitu-in!l b!ies th!t

    !e pe

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    6f+ Soci!l #!ies efe to the ch!!cteistics of institutions& 4hethe le"!l&

    econo0ic& cultu!l& ece!tion!l o othe& !n. hu0!n "oup& co00unit.& o societ.

    4hich li0it the fullest possible p!ticip!tion of -is!ble- pesons in the life of the

    "oup+ Soci!l b!ies inclu-e ne"!ti/e !ttitu-es 4hich ten-s to sin"le out !n-

    e:clu-e -is!ble- pesons !n- 4hich -istot oles !n- intepeson!l el!tionship@

    6"+ Au:ili!. Ai-s !n- Se/ices inclu-e1

    u!li9e- intepetes o othe e;ecti/e 0etho-s of -eli/ein" 0!tei!ls to

    in-i/i-u!ls 4ith he!in" i0p!i0ents@

    2 u!li9e- e!-es& t!pe- tests& o othe e;ecti/e 0etho-s of -eli/ein" 0!tei!ls

    to in-i/i-u!ls 4ith /isu!l i0p!i0ents@

    = !cuisition o 0o-i9c!tion of euip0ent o -e/ices@ !n-

    ? othe si0il! se/ices !n- !ctions o !ll t.pes of !i-s !n- se/ices th!t f!cilit!te

    the le!nin" pocess of people 4ith 0ent!l -is!bilit.@

    6h+ Re!son!ble Acco00o-!tion inclu-e 6 i0po/e0ent of e:istin" f!cilities use-

    b. e0plo.ees in o-e to en-e these e!-il. !ccessible to !n- us!ble b. -is!ble-

    pesons@ !n- 62 0o-i9c!tion of 4o3 sche-ules& e!ssi"n0ent to ! /!c!nt position&

    !cuisition o 0o-i9c!tion of euip0ent o -e/ices& !ppopi!te !-

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    60+ Re!-il. Achie/!ble 0e!ns ! "o!l c!n be e!sil. !tt!ine- !n- c!ie- out 4ithout

    0uch -i>cult. o e:pense+ In -ete0inin" 4hethe !n !ction is e!-il. !chie/!ble&

    f!ctos to be consi-ee- inclu-e

    the n!tue !n- cost of the !ction@

    2 the o/e!ll 9n!nci!l esouces of the f!cilit. o f!cilities in/ol/e- in the !ction@

    the nu0be of pesons e0plo.e- !t such f!cilit.@ the e;ect on e:penses !n-

    esouces& o the i0p!ct othe4ise of such !ction upon the ope!tion of the f!cilit.@

    = the o/e!ll 9n!nci!l esouces of the co/ee- entit. 4ith espect to the nu0be of 

    its e0plo.ees@ the nu0be& !n- loc!tion of its f!cilities@ !n-

    ? the of ope!tion o ope!tions of the co/ee- entit.& inclu-in" the

    co0position& stuctue !n- functions of the 4o3 foce of such entit.@ the


    sep!!teness& !-0inist!ti/e o 9sc!l el!tionship of the f!cilities in uestion to the

    co/ee- entit.@

    6n+ Public T!nspot!tion 0e!ns t!nspot!tion b. !i& l!n- !n- se! th!t po/i-es

    the public 4ith "ene!l o speci!l se/ice on ! e"ul! !n- continuin" b!sis@

    6o+ Co/ee- entit. 0e!ns e0plo.e& e0plo.0ent !"enc.& l!bo o"!ni8!tion o

     ces o copo!tions en"!"e- in soci!l -e/elop0ent sh!ll be ese/e-

    fo -is!ble- pesons+

    SECTION + Sheltee- E0plo.0ent If suit!ble e0plo.0ent fo -is!ble- pesons

    c!nnot be foun- thou"h open e0plo.0ent !s po/i-e- in the i00e-i!tel.

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    pece-in" Section& the St!te sh!ll en-e!/o to po/i-e it b. 0e!ns of sheltee-

    e0plo.0ent+ In the pl!ce0ent of -is!ble- pesons in sheltee- e0plo.0ent& it sh!ll

    !cco- -ue e"!- to the in-i/i-u!l u!lities& /oc!tion!l "o!ls !n- inclin!tions to

    ensue ! "oo- 4o3in" !t0osphee !n- e>cient po-uction+

    SECTION 7+ Appenticeship Sub

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


     The %ep!t0ent of Soci!l (elf!e !n- %e/elop0ent sh!ll -esi"n !n- i0ple0ent

    t!inin" po"!0s th!t 4ill po/i-e -is!ble- pesons 4ith /oc!tion!l s3ills to en!ble

    the0 to en"!"e in li/elihoo- !cti/ities o obt!in "!inful e0plo.0ent+ The

    %ep!t0ent of L!bo !n- E0plo.0ent sh!ll li3e4ise -esi"n !n- con-uct t!inin"

    po"!0s "e!e- to4!-s po/i-in" -is!ble- pesons 4ith s3ills fo li/elihoo-+

    SECTION + ,oc!tion!l Gui-!nce !n- Counsellin" The %ep!t0ent of Soci!l

    (elf!e !n- %e/elop0ent sh!ll i0ple0ent 0e!sues po/i-in" !n- e/!lu!tin"

    /oc!tion!l "ui-!nce !n- counsellin" to en!ble -is!ble- pesons to secue& et!in

    !n- !-/!nce in e0plo.0ent+ It sh!ll ensue the !/!il!bilit. !n- t!inin" counsellos

    !n- othe suit!bilit. u!li9e- st!; esponsible fo the /oc!tion!l "ui-!nce !n-

    counsellin" of -is!ble- pesons+

    SECTION + I0ple0entin" Rules !n- Re"ul!tions The %ep!t0ent of L!bo !n-

    E0plo.0ent sh!ll in coo-in!tion 4ith the %ep!t0ent of Soci!l (elf!e !n-

    %e/elop0ent 6%S(% !n- N!tion!l Council fo the (elf!e of %is!ble- Pesons

    6NC(%P& sh!ll po0ul"!te the ules !n- e"ul!tions necess!. to i0ple0ent thepo/ision un-e this Ch!pte+

    CHAPTER 2 E-uc!tion

    SECTION 2+ Access to Bu!lit. E-uc!tion The St!te sh!ll ensue th!t -is!ble-

    pesons !e po/i-e- 4ith !-eu!te !ccess to u!lit. e-uc!tion !n- !0ple

    oppotunities to -e/elop thei s3ills+ It sh!ll t!3e !ppopi!te steps to 0!3e such

    e-uc!tion !ccessible to !ll -is!ble- pesons+ It sh!ll be unl!4ful fo !n. le!nin"

    institutions to -en. ! -is!ble- peson !-0ission to !n. couse it o;es b. e!son of

    h!n-ic!p o -is!bilit.+ The St!te sh!ll t!3e into consi-e!tion the speci!l

    euie0ents of -is!ble- pesons in the fo0ul!tion of e-uc!tion policies !n-po"!0+ It sh!ll encou!"e le!nin" institutions to t!3e into !ccount the speci!l

    nee-s of -is!ble- pesons 4ith espect to the use of school f!cilities& cl!ss

    sche-ules& ph.sic!l e-uc!tion euie0ents !n- othe petinent consi-e!tion+ The

    St!te sh!ll !lso po0ote the po/ision b. le!nin" institutions& of !u:ili!. se/ices

    th!t 4ill f!cilit!te the le!nin" pocess fo -is!ble- pesons+

    SECTION =+ Assist!nce to %is!ble- Stu-ents The St!te sh!ll po/i-e 9n!nci!l

    !ssist!nce to econo0ic!ll. 0!"in!li8e- but -ese/in" -is!ble- stu-ents pusuin"

    post secon-!. o teti!. e-uc!tion+ Such !ssist!nce 0!. be in the fo0 of

    schol!ship "!nts& stu-ent lo!n po"!0s& subsi-ies& !n- othe incenti/es to

    u!li9e- -is!ble- stu-ents in both public !n- pi/!te schools+ At le!st 9/e pecent6D of the !lloc!tion fo the Pi/!te E-uc!tion Stu-ent Fin!nci!l Assist!nce

    Po"!0 ce!te- b. /itue of R+A+ 72D sh!ll be set !si-e fo -is!ble- stu-ents

    pusuin" /oc!tion!l o technic!l !n- -e"ee couses+

    SECTION ?+ Speci!l E-uc!tion The St!te sh!ll est!blish& 0!int!in !n- suppot !

    co0plete& !-eu!te !n- inte"!te- s.ste0 of speci!l e-uc!tion fo the /isu!ll.

    i0p!ie-& he!in" i0p!ie-& 0ent!ll. et!-e- pesons !n- othe of

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    e:ception!l chil-en in !ll e"ions of the count.+ To4!-s this en-& the %ep!t0ent

    of E-uc!tion& Cultue !n- Spots sh!ll est!blish speci!l e-uc!tion cl!sses in public

    schools in cities& o 0unicip!lities+ It sh!ll !lso est!blish& 4hee /i!ble& #!ille !n-

    Reco- Lib!ies in po/inces& cities o 0unicip!lities+ The N!tion!l Go/en0ent sh!ll

    !lloc!te fun-s necess!. fo the e;ecti/e i0ple0ent!tion of the speci!l e-uc!tion

    po"!0 n!tion4i-e+ Loc!l "o/en0ent units 0!. li3e4ise !ppopi!te countep!tfun-s to supple0ent n!tion!l fun-s+

    SECTION D+ ,oc!tion!l o Technic!l !n- Othe T!inin" Po"!0s The St!te

    po/i-e -is!ble- pesons 4ith t!inin" in ci/ics& /oc!tion!l e>cienc.&

    spots !n- ph.sic!l 9tness& !n- othe s3ills+ The %ep!t0ent of E-uc!tion& Cultue

    !n- Spots sh!ll est!blish in !t le!st one "o/en0ent*o4ne- /oc!tion!l

    !n- technic!l school in e/e. po/ince ! speci!l /oc!tion!l !n- technic!l t!inin"

    po"!0 fo -is!ble- pesons+ It sh!ll -e/elop !n- i0ple0ent spots !n-

    ph.sic!l 9tness po"!0 speci9c!ll. -esi"ne- fo -is!ble- pesons t!3in" into

    consi-e!tion the n!tue of thei h!n-ic!p+ SECTION + Non*Fo0!l E-uc!tion

     The St!te sh!ll -e/elop nonfo0!l e-uc!tion po"!0s inten-e- fo the tot!l hu0!n

    -e/elop0ent of -is!ble- pesons+ It sh!ll po/i-e !-eu!te esouces fo non*fo0!l

    e-uc!tion po"!0s !n- po

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    6c+ e!l. eh!bilit!tion of the -is!ble-+

    SECTION + Reh!bilit!tion Centes The %ep!t0ent of He!lth sh!ll est!blish

    0e-ic!l eh!bilit!tion centes in "o/en0ent po/inci!l hospit!ls& !n- sh!ll inclu-e

    it !nnu!l !ppopi!tion the necess!. fun-s fo the ope!tion of such centes+ The

    %ep!t0ent of He!lth sh!ll fo0ul!te !n- i0ple0ent ! po"!0 to en!ble0!"in!li8e- -is!ble- pesons to !/!il of fee eh!bilit!tion se/ices in "o/en0ent


    SECTION 2+ He!lth Se/ices The St!te sh!ll potect !n- po0ote the i"ht to

    he!lth of -is!ble- pesons !n- sh!ll !-opt !n inte"!te- !n- co0pehensi/e

    !ppo!ch to thei he!lth -e/elop0ent 4hich sh!ll 0!3e essenti!l he!lth se/ices

    !/!il!ble to the0 !t !;o-!ble cost+ The N!tion!l Go/en0ent sh!ll po/i-e !n

    inte"!te- he!lth se/ice fo -is!ble- pesons 4hich sh!ll inclu-e& but not li0ite-

    to& the follo4in"1

    6!+ pe/ention of -is!bilit. thou"h i00uni8!tion& nutition& en/ion0ent!l

    potection !n- pese/!tion& !n- "enetic counsellin"@ !n- e!l. -etection of

    -is!bilit. !n- ti0el. inte/ention to !est -is!blin" con-ition@ !n-

    6b+ 0e-ic!l te!t0ent !n- eh!bilit!tion+

     The %ep!t0ent of He!lth sh!ll 9el- 0e-ic!l pesonnel speci!li8in" in the te!t0ent

    !n- eh!bilit!tion of -is!ble- pesons to po/inci!l hospit!ls !n-& 4hen

    /i!ble& to 0unicip!l he!lth centes+ It sh!ll !lso t!in its 9el- he!lth pesonnel in the

    po/ision of 0e-ic!l !ttention to -is!ble- pesons+ It sh!ll futhe ensue th!t its

    9el- he!lth units h!/e the necess!. c!p!bilities to 9t posthetic !n- othotic

    !ppli!nces on -is!ble- pesons+

    CHAPTER ? Au:ili!. Soci!l Se/ices

    SECTION 2+ Au:ili!. Soci!l Se/ices The St!te sh!ll ensue th!t 0!"in!li8e-

    pesons !e po/i-e- 4ith the necess!. !u:ili!. se/ices th!t 4ill estoe thei

    soci!l functionin" !n- p!ticip!tion in co00unit. !;!is+ To4!- this en-& the

    %ep!t0ent of Soci!l (elf!e !n- %e/elop0ent sh!ll -e/elop !n- i0ple0ent

    po"!0s on !u:ili!. soci!l se/ices th!t espon- to the nee-s of 0!"in!li8e-

    -is!ble- pesons+ The co0ponents of such ! po"!0 sh!ll be !s follo4s1

    6!+ !ssist!nce in the !cuisition of posthetic -e/ices !n- 0e-ic!l inte/ention ofspeci!lt. se/ices@

    6b+ po/ision of speci!li8e- t!inin" !cti/ities -esi"ne- to i0po/e- function!l

    li0it!tions of -is!ble- pesons el!te- to co00unic!tions s3ills@

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    6c+ -e/elop0ent !0on" -is!ble- pesons of ! positi/e self*i0!"e thou"h the

    po/ision of counsellin"& oient!tion !n- 0obilit. !n- sten"thenin" -!il. li/in"


    6-+ po/ision of f!0il. c!e se/ices "e!e- to4!-s -e/elopin" the c!p!bilit. of

    f!0ilies to espon- to the nee-s of the -is!ble- 0e0bes of the f!0il.@

    6e+ po/ision of substitute f!0il. c!e se/ices !n- the f!cilities theefoe fo

    !b!n-one-& ne"lecte-& !buse- !n- un!tt!che- -is!ble- pesons 4ho nee-

    custo-i!l c!e@

    6f+ po/ision of !fte c!e !n- follo4*up se/ices fo the continue- eh!bilit!tion in !

    co00unit.*b!se- settin" of -is!ble- pesons 4ho 4ee ele!se- fo0 the

    esi-enti!l c!e o eh!bilit!tion cente@ !n-

    6"+ po/ision of -!. c!e se/ices fo -is!ble- chil-en of pe*school !"e+

    CHAPTER D Teleco00unic!tions

    SECTION 22+ #o!-c!st Me-i! Tele/ision st!tions sh!ll be encou!"e- to po/i-e

    ! si"n l!n"u!"e inset o subtitles in !t le!st one 6 ne4sc!st po"!0 ! -!. !n-

    speci!l po"!0 co/ein" e/ents of n!tion!l si"ni9c!nce+

    SECTION 2=+ Telephone Se/ices All telephone co0p!nies sh!ll be encou!"e-

    to inst!ll speci!l telephone -e/ices o units fo the he!in"*i0p!ie- !n- ensue

    th!t the. !e co00eci!ll. !/!il!ble to en!ble the0 to co00unic!te thou"h the

    telephone s.ste0+

    SECTION 2?+ Fee Post!l Ch!"es fo the %is!ble- Post!l ch!"es sh!ll be fee onthe follo4in"1

    6!+ !ticle !n- lite!tue li3e boo3s !n- peio-ic!ls& othope-ic !n- othe -e/ices&

    !n- te!chin" !i-s fo the use of the -is!ble- sent b. 0!il 4ithin the Philippines !n-

    !bo!-@ !n-

    6b+ !i-s !n- othope-ic -e/ices fo the -is!ble- sent !bo!- b. 0!il fo ep!i@

    Po/i-e-& Th!t the !foes!i- ite0s !e fo peson!l puposes onl.1 Po/i-e- futhe&

     Th!t the -is!ble- peson is ! 0!"in!li8e- -is!ble- !s ceti9e-

    b. the Soci!l (elf!e !n- %e/elop0ent O>ce of the loc!l "o/en0ent unit

    concene- o the %ep!t0ent of Soci!l (elf!e !n- %e/elop0ent+

    CHAPTER Accessibilit.

    SECTION 2D+ #!ie*Fee En/ion0ent The St!te sh!ll ensue the !tt!in0ent of

    ! b!ie*fee en/ion0ent th!t 4ill en!ble -is!ble- pesons to h!/e !ccess in public

    !n- pi/!te buil-in"s !n- est!blish0ents !n- such othe pl!ces 0entione- in #!t!s

    P!0b!ns! #il!n" =??& othe4ise 3no4n !s the Accessibilit. L!45+ The n!tion!l

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    !n- loc!l "o/en0ent sh!ll !lloc!te fun-s fo the po/ision of !chitectu!l o

    stuctu!l fe!tues fo -is!ble- pesons in "o/en0ent buil-in"s !n- f!cilities+

    SECTION 2+ Mobilit. The St!te po0ote the 0obilit. of -is!ble- pesons+

    %is!ble- pesons sh!ll be !llo4e- to -i/e 0oto /ehicles& sub

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    -is!ble- pesons in the soci!l econo0ic -e/elop0ent of the count.& thei

    o"!ni8!tions sh!ll be encou!"e- to p!ticip!te in the pl!nnin"& o"!ni8!tion !n-

    0!n!"e0ent of "o/en0ent po"!0s !n- po

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    ho4e/e& Th!t the e0plo.e 9st sou"ht po/i-e e!son!ble !cco00o-!tions fo

    -is!ble- pesons@

    6h+ F!ilin" to select o !-0iniste in the e;ecti/e 0!nne e0plo.0ent tests 4hich

    !ccu!tel. eJect the s3ills& !ptitu-e o othe f!cto of the -is!ble- !pplic!nt o th!t such test pupots to 0e!sue& !the th!n the i0p!ie- senso.&0!nu!l o spe!3in" s3ills of such !pplic!nt o if !n.@ !n-

    6i+ E:clu-in" -is!ble- pesons fo0 0e0beship in l!bo unions o si0il!


    SECTION ==+ E0plo.0ent Ent!nce E:!0in!tion $pon !n o;e of e0plo.0ent&

    ! -is!ble- !pplic!nt 0!. be subci!ls in/esti"!tin" co0pli!nce 4ith this Act sh!ll be po/i-e-ele/!nt info0!tion on euest@ !n-

    ?+ the esults of such e:!0in!tion !e use- onl. !cco-!nce 4ith this Act+

    CHPTER 2 %isci0in!tion on T!nspot!tion

    SECTION =?+ Public T!nspot!tion It sh!ll be consi-ee- -isci0in!tion fo the

    f!nchises o ope!tos !n- pesonnel of se!& l!n-& !n- !i t!nspot!tion f!cilities

    to ch!"e hi"he f!e o to efuse to con/e. ! p!ssen"e& his othope-ic -e/ices&

    peson!l e;ects& !n- 0ech!n-ise b. e!son of his -is!bilit.+

    CHAPTER = %isci0in!tion on the $se of Public

    Acco00o-!tions !n- Se/ices

    SECTION =D+ Public Acco00o-!tions !n- Se/ices Fo puposes of this Ch!pte&

    public !cco00o-!tions !n- se/ices sh!ll inclu-e the follo4in"1

    6!+ !n inn& hotel& 0otel& o othe pl!ce of lo-"in"& e:cept fo !n est!blish0ent

    loc!te- 4ithin ! buil-in" th!t cont!ins not 0oe th!n 9/e 6D oo0s fo ent o hie

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    !n- th!t is !ctu!ll. occupie- b. the popieto of such est!blish0ent !s the

    esi-ence of such popieto@

    6b+ ! est!u!nt& b! o othe est!blish0ent se/in" foo- o -in3@

    6c+ ! 0otion pictue& the!te& concet h!ll& st!-iu0& o othe pl!ce of e:hibition o


    6-+ !n !u-itoiu0& con/ention cente& lectue h!ll& o othe pl!ce of public


    6e+ ! b!3e.& "oce. stoe& h!-4!e stoe& shoppin" cente& o othe s!les o

    ent!l est!blish0ent@

    6f+ ! b!n3& b!be*shop& be!ut.*shop& t!/el se/ice& fune!l p!lo& "!s st!tion&

    o>ce of ! l!4.e& ph!0!c.& insu!nce o>ce& pofession!l o>ce of ! he!lth c!e

    po/i-e& hospit!l o othe se/ice est!blish0ent@

    6"+ ! te0in!l& -epot& o othe st!tion use- fo speci9e- public t!nspot!tion@

    6h+ ! 0useu0& "!lle.& lib!. o othe pl!ce of public -ispl!. o collection@

    6i+ ! p!3& 8oo& !0use0ent p!3& o othe pl!ce of ece!tion@


  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    =+ po/i-in" -is!bilit.& -iectl. o thou"h cont!ctu!l& licensin"& o othe

    !!n"e0ent& 4ith ! "oo-& se/ice& f!cilit.& !-/!nt!"es& pi/ile"e& o

    !cco00o-!tion th!t is -i;eent o sep!!te fo0 th!t po/i-e- to othe !ble*bo-ie-

    pesons unless such !ction is necess!. to po/i-e the -is!ble- peson 4ith ! "oo-&

    se/ice& f!cilit.& !-/!nt!"e& pi/ile"e o !cco00o-!tion& o othe oppotunit. th!t is

    !s e;ecti/e !s th!t po/i-e- to othes@

    Fo pupose of this section& the te0 in-i/i-u!ls o cl!ss in-i/i-u!ls5 efes to the

    clients o custo0es of the co/ee- public !cco00o-!tion th!t entes into the

    cont!ctu!l& licensin" o othe !!n"e0ent+

    6b+ Inte"!te- Settin"s Goo-s& se/ices& f!cilities& !-/!nt!"es& !n-

    !cco00o-!tions sh!ll be !;o-e- to !n in-i/i-u!l 4ith ! -is!bilit. in the 0ost

    inte"!te- settin" !ppopi!te to the nee-s of the in-i/i-u!l+

    6c+ Oppotunit. to P!ticip!te Not 4ithst!n-in" the e:istence of sep!!te o

    -i;eent po"!0s o !cti/ities po/i-e- in !cco-!nce 4ith this section& !n

    in-i/i-u!l 4ith ! -is!bilit. sh!ll not be -enie- the oppotunit. to p!ticip!te in such

    po"!0s o !cti/ities th!t !e not

    sep!!te o -i;eent+

    6-+ Associ!tion It sh!ll be -isci0in!to. to e:clu-e o othe4ise -en. eu!l

    "oo-s& se/ices& f!cilities& !-/!nt!"es& pi/ile"es& !cco00o-!tions o othe

    oppotunities to !n in-i/i-u!l o entit. bec!use of the 3no4n -is!bilit. of !n

    in-i/i-u!l 4ith 4ho0 the in-i/i-u!l o entit. is 3no4n to h!/e ! el!tionship o


    6e+ Pohibitions Fo puposes of this Section& the follo4in" sh!ll be consi-ee-

    !s -isci0in!to.+

    + the i0position o !pplic!tion of eli"ibilit. citei! th!t sceen out o ten- to

    sceen out !n in-i/i-u!l 4ith ! -is!bilit. o !n. cl!ss o in-i/i-u!ls 4ith -is!bilities

    fo0 full. !n- eu!ll. en

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    th!n othe in-i/i-u!ls bec!use of the !bsence of !u:ili!. !i-s !n- se/ices& unless

    the entit. c!n -e0onst!te th!t t!3in" such steps 4oul- fun-!0ent!ll. !lte the

    n!tue of the "oo-& se/ice& f!cilit.& pi/ile"e o 4oul- esult in un-ue bu-en@

    ?+ ! f!ilue to e0o/e !chitectu!l b!ies& !n- co00unic!tion b!ies th!t !e

    stuctu!l in n!tue& in e:istin" f!cilities& 4hee such e0o/!l is e!-il. !chie/!ble@!n-

    D+ 4hee !n entit. c!n -e0onst!te th!t the e0o/!l of ! b!ie un-e cl!use 6?

    is not e!-il. !chie/!ble& ! f!ilue to 0!3e such "oo-s& se/ices& f!cilities&

    pi/ile"es& !-/!nt!"es& o !cco00o-!tions !/!il!ble thou"h !lten!ti/e 0etho-s if 

    such 0etho-s !e e!-il. !chie/!ble+

    SECTION =7+ $se of Go/en0ent Rece!tion!l o Spots Centes

    Fee of Ch!"e Rece!tion!l o spots centes o4ne- o ope!te- b. the

    Go/enent sh!ll be use-& fee of ch!"e& b. 0!"in!li8e- -is!ble- pesons -uin"

    thei soci!l& spots o ece!tion !cti/ities+

    SECTION =+ I0ple0entin" Rules !n- Re"ul!tions The %ep!t0ent of Public

    (o3s !n- Hi"h4!. sh!ll fo0ul!te the ules !n- e"ul!tions necess!. to

    i0ple0ent the po/isions of this Ch!pte+


    SECTION =+ Housin" Po"!0 The N!tion!l Go/en0ent sh!ll t!3e into

    consi-e!tion in its n!tion!l shelte po"!0s the speci!l housin" euie0ent of

    -is!ble- pesons+

    SECTION ?+ Role of N!tion!l A"encies !n- Loc!l Go/en0ent $nits Loc!l

    "o/en0ent units sh!ll po0ote the est!blish0ent of o"!ni8!tions of -is!ble-

    pesons in thei especti/e teitoi!l

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    SECTION ?2+ T!: Incenti/es 6! An. -on!tion& beuest& subsi-. o 9n!nci!l !i-

    4hich 0!. be 0!-e to "o/en0ent !"encies en"!"e- in the eh!bilit!tion of

    -is!ble- pesons !n- o"!ni8!tions of -is!ble- pesons sh!ll be e:e0pt fo0 the

    -ono5s t!: sub

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    + e:e0ption fo0 t!:es !n- -uties on i0pote- sp!e p!ts@ !n-

    7+ E:e0ption fo0 4h!f!"e -ues !n- !n. e:pot t!:& -ut.& i0post!n- fee+

    SECTION ?=+ Continuit. Cl!use Shoul- !n. -ep!t0ent o !"enc. t!s3e- 4ith

    the enfoce0ent o fo0ul!tion of ules !n- e"ul!tions !n- "ui-elines fo

    i0ple0ent!tion of !n. po/isions of this Act is !bolishe-& 0e"e 4ith !nothe

    -ep!t0ent o !"enc. o 0o-i9e-& such sh!ll not !;ect the enfoce0ent o

    fo0ul!tion of ules& e"ul!tions !n- "ui-elines fo i0ple0ent!tion of this Act to the

    e;ect th!t

    6!+ In c!se of !bolition& the -ep!t0ent o !"enc. est!blishe- to epl!ce the

    !bolishe- -ep!t0ent o !"enc. sh!ll t!3e*o/e the functions un-e this Act of the

    !bolishe- -ep!t0ent o !"enc.+

    6b+ In c!se of the -ep!t0ent o !"enc. t!s3e- 4ith the enfoce0ent of fo0ul!tion

    of ules& e"ul!tions !n- "ui-elines fo i0ple0ent!tion of this Act is 0e"e- 4ith

    !nothe -ep!t0ent o !"enc.& the fo0e sh!ll continue the functions un-e this

    Act of the 0e"e- -ep!t0ent o !"enc.+

    6c+ In c!se of 0o-i9c!tion& the -ep!t0ent o !"enc. 0o-i9e- sh!ll continue the

    functions un-e this Act of the -ep!t0ent o !"enc. th!t h!s un-e"one


    SECTION ??+ Enfoce0ent b. the Secet!. of )ustice

    6!+ %eni!l of Ri"ht

    + %ut. to In/esti"!te the Secet!. of )ustice sh!ll in/esti"!te !lle"e-/iol!tions of this Act& !n- sh!ll un-et!3e peio-ic e/ie4s of co0pli!nce of co/ee-

    entities un-e this Act+

    6b+ Potenti!l ,iol!tions If the Secet!. of )ustice h!s e!son!ble c!use to

    belie/e th!t

    + !n. peson o "oup of pesons is en"!"e- in ! p!tten of p!ctice of

    -isci0in!tion un-e this Act@ o

    2+ !n. peson o "oup of pesons h!s been -isci0in!te- !"!inst un-e this Act

    !n- such -isci0in!tion !ises !n- issue of "ene!l public i0pot!nce& the Secet!.

    of )ustice 0!. co00ence ! le"!l !ction in !n. !ppopi!te cout+

    SECTION ?D+ Authoit. of Cout The cout 0!. "!nt !n. euit!ble elief th!t

    such cout consi-es to be !ppopi!te& inclu-in"& to the e:tent euie-

    b. this Act1

    6!+ "!ntin" te0po!.& peli0in!. o pe0!nent elief@

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    6b+ po/i-in" !n !u:ili!. !i- o se/ice& 0o-i9c!tion of polic.& p!ctice o

    poce-ue& o !lten!ti/e 0etho-@ !n-

    6c+ 0!3in" f!cilities e!-il. !ccessible to !n- us!ble b. in-i/i-u!ls 4ith -is!bilities+

    SECTION ?+ Pen!l Cl!use 6! An. peson 4ho /iol!tes !n. po/ision of this Act

    sh!ll su;e the follo4in" pen!lties1

    + fo the 9st /iol!tion& ! 9ne of not less th!n Fift. thous!n- pesos 6P D&+

    but not e:cee-in" One hun-e- thous!n- pesos6P &+ o i0pison0ent of

    not less th!n si: 6 0onths but not 0oe th!n t4o 62 .e!s& o both !t the

    -iscetion of the cout@ !n-

    2+ fo !n. subseuent /iol!tion& ! 9ne of not less th!n One hun-e- thous!n-

    pesos 6P &+ but not e:cee-in" T4o hun-e- thous!n- pesos 6P

    2&+ o i0pison0ent fo less th!n t4o 62 .e!s but not 0oe th!n si: 6

    .e!s& o both !t the -iscetion of the cout+

    6b+ An. peson 4ho !buses the pi/ile"es "!nte- heein sh!ll be punishe- 4ith

    i0pison0ent of not less th!n si: 6 0onths o ! 9ne of not less th!n Fi/e thous!n-

    pesos 6P D&+ but not 0oe th!n Fift. thous!n- pesos 6P D&+& o both& !t

    the -iscetion of the cout+

    6c+ If the /iol!to is ! copo!tion& o"!ni8!tion o !n. si0il! entit.& the o>ci!ls

    theeof -iectl. in/ol/e- sh!ll be li!ble theefo+

    6-+ If the /iol!to is !n !lien o ! foei"ne& he sh!ll be -epote- i00e-i!tel. !fte

    se/ice of sentence 4ithout futhe -epot!tion pocee-in"s+

    SECTION ?7+ Appopi!tions The !0ount necess!. to c!. out the po/ision of

    this Act sh!ll be inclu-e- in the Gene!l Appopi!tion Act of the .e! follo4in" its

    en!ct0ent into l!4 !n- thee!fte+

    SECTION ?+ Sep!!bilit. Cl!use Shoul- !n. po/ision of this Act be foun-

    unconstitution!l b. ! cout of l!4& such po/isions sh!ll be se/ee- fo0 the

    e0!in-e of the Act& !n- such !ction sh!ll not !;ect the enfoce!bilit. of the

    e0!inin" po/isions of this Act+

    SECTION ?+ Repe!lin" Cl!use All l!4s& pesi-enti!l -ecees& e:ecuti/e o-es

    !n- ules !n- e"ul!tions inconsistent 4ith the po/isions of this Act !e heeb.

    epe!le- o 0o-i9e- !cco-in"l.+

    SECTION D+ E;ecti/it. This Act sh!ll t!3e e;ect 9fteen 6D -!.s !fte its

    public!tion in !n. t4o 62 ne4sp!pe of "ene!l cicul!tion+


  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    * See 0oe !t1 http1KK444+nc-!+"o/+phK-is!bilit.*l!4sKepublic*!ctsKepublic*!ct*


    Republic Act ??2

    Republic of the Philippines

    Con"ess of the Philippines

    Meto M!nil!

     Thiteenth Con"ess

     Thi- Re"ul! Session

    #e"un !n- hel- in Meto M!nil!& on Mon-!.& the t4ent.*fouth -!. of )ul.& t4o

    thous!n- !n- si:+



    #e it en!cte- b. the Sen!te !n- House of Repesent!ti/es of the Philippines in

    Con"ess !sse0ble-1

    SECTION + ! ne4 ch!pte& to be -eno0in!te- !s Ch!pte + Othe pi/ile"es !n-

    Incenti/es is heeb. !--e- to Title T4o of Republic Act No+ 7277& othe4ise 3no4n

    !s the M!"n! C!t! fo %is!ble- Pesons& 4ith ne4 Sections =2 !n- ==& to e!- !s


    CHAPTER + Othe Pi/ile"es !n- Incenti/es

    SEC+ =2+ Pesons 4ith -is!bilit. sh!ll be entitle- to the follo4in"1

    6! At le!st t4ent. pecent 62 -iscount fo0 !ll est!blish0ents el!ti/e to the

    utili8!tion of !ll se/ices in hotels !n- si0il! lo-"in" est!blish0ents@ est!u!nts

    !n- ece!tion centes fo the e:clusi/e use o en

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    to be issue- b. the %ep!t0ent of He!lth 6%OH& in coo-in!tion 4ith the Philippine

    He!lth Insu!nce Copo!tion 6PHILHEALTH@

    6e At le!st t4ent. pecent 62 -iscount on 0e-ic!l !n- -ent!l se/ices inclu-in"

    -i!"nostic !n- l!bo!to. fees& !n- pofession!l fees of !tten-in" -octos in !ll

    pi/!te hospit!ls !n- 0e-ic!l f!cilities& in !cco-!nce 4ith the ules !n- e"ul!tionsto be issue- b. the %OH& in coo-in!tion 4ith the PHILHEALTH@

    6f At le!st t4ent. pecent 62 -iscount on f!e fo -o0estic !i !n- se! t!/el fo

    the e:clusi/e use o en

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


     The pi/ile"es 0!. not be cl!i0e- if the pesons 4ith -is!bilit. cl!i0s ! hi"he

    -iscount s! 0!. be "!nte- b. the co00eci!l est!blish0ent !n-Ko un-e othe

    e:istin" l!4s o in co0bin!tion 4ith othe -iscount po"!0sKs+

     The est!blish0ents 0!. cl!i0 the -iscounts "!nte- in sub*sections 6!& 6b& 6c& 6f

    !n- 6" !s t!: -e-uctions b!se- on the net cost of the "oo-s sol- o se/icesen-ee-1 Po/i-e-& futhe& Th!t the tot!l !0ount of the cl!i0e- t!: -e-uction net

    of /!lue*!--e- t!: if !pplic!ble& sh!ll be inclu-e- in thei "oss s!les eceipts fo

    t!: puposes !n- sh!ll be sub

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    SEC ?+ ,ili9c!tion+ Fo puposes of this Ch!pte& /ili9c!tion sh!ll be -e9ne- !s1

    6! The utte!nce of sl!n-eous !n- !busi/e st!te0ents !"!inst ! peson 4ith

    -is!bilit.@ !n-Ko

    6b An !cti/it. in public 4hich incites h!te- to4!-s& seious conte0pt fo& o

    se/ee i-icule of pesons 4ith -is!bilit.+

    SEC+ ?2+ An. in-i/i-u!l& "oup o co00unit. is heeb. pohibite- fo0 /" !n.

    peson 4ith -is!bilit. 4hich coul- esult into loss of self*estee0 of the l!tte+

    SEC+ =+ Section ? of Republic Act No+ 7277 is heeb. !0en-e- to e!- !s follo4s1

    SEC+ ?+ Pen!l Cl!use+ 6! An. peson 4ho /iol!tes !n. po/ision of this Act sh!ll

    su;e the follo4in" pen!lties1

    6 Fo the 9st /iol!tion& ! 9ne of not less th!n Fift. Thous!n- pesos 6PD&+

    but not e:cee-in" One hun-e- thous!n- pesos 6P&+ o i0pison0ent ofnot less th!n si: 0onths but not 0oe th!n t4o .e!s& o both !t the -iscetion of

    the cout@ !n-

    62 Fo !n. subseuent /iol!tion& ! 9ne of not less th!n One hun-e- thous!n-

    pesos 6P&+ but not e:cee-in" T4o hun-e- thous!n- pesos 6P2&+

    o i0pison0ent fo not less th!n t4o .e!s but not 0oe th!n si: .e!s& o both !t

    the -iscetion of the cout+

    6b An. peson 4ho !buses the pi/ile"es "!nte- heein sh!ll be punishe- 4ith

    i0pison0ent of not less th!n si: 0onths o ! 9ne of not less th!n Fi/e thous!n-

    pesos 6PD&+& but not 0oe th!n Fift. thous!n- pesos 6PD&+& o both& !tthe -iscetion of the cout+

    6c If the /iol!to is ! copo!tion& o"!ni8!tion o !n. si0il! entit.& the o>ci!ls

    theeof -iectl. in/ol/e- sh!ll be li!ble theefoe+

    6- If the /iol!to is !n !lien o ! foei"ne& he sh!ll be -epote- i00e-i!tel. !fte

    se/ice of sentence 4ithout futhe -epot!tion pocee-in"s+

    $pon 9lin" of !n !ppopi!te co0pl!int& !n- !fte -ue notice !n- he!in"& the

    pope !uthoities 0!. !lso c!use the c!ncell!tion o e/oc!tion of the business

    pe0it& pe0it to ope!te& f!nchise !n- othe si0il! pi/ile"es "!nte- to !n.

    business entit. th!t f!ils to !bi-e b. the po/isions of this Act+

    SEC+ ?+ The title of Republic Act No+ 7277 is heeb. !0en-e- to e!- !s the M!"n!

    C!t! fo Pesons 4ith %is!bilit.& !n- !ll efeences on the s!i- l!4 to %is!ble-

    pesons sh!ll li3e4ise be !0en-e- to e!- !s pesons 4ith -is!bilit.+

    SEC+ D+ The %ep!t0ent of Soci!l (elf!e !n- %e/elop0ent& the N!tion!l Council fo

    the (elf!e of %is!ble- Pesons& !n- the #ue!u of Inten!l Re/enue& in consult!tion

  • 8/9/2019 Magna Carta PWD


    4ith the concene- Sen!te !n- House co00ittees !n- othe !"encies&

    o"!ni8!tions& est!blish0ents sh!ll fo0ul!te i0ple0entin" ules !n- e"ul!tions

    petinent to the po/ision of this Act 4ithin si: 0onths !fte the e;ecti/it. of this


    SEC+ + This Act sh!ll t!3e e;ect 9fteen 6D -!.s !fte its public!tion in !n. t4one4sp!pes of "ene!l cicul!tion+


    * See 0oe !t1 http1KK444+nc-!+"o/+phK-is!bilit.*l!4sKepublic*!ctsKepublic*!ct*
