Magic English Learning School · fresh bZyb fvle, wfbœ fvle afresh I have started a new course...

Magic English Learning School 13 th Class Given Word Bangla Meaning Changing Word Sentence joy Avb›` Kiv enjoy Everybody should go to ESE to enjoy Free Seminar. trust wbf©i‡hvM¨, wek¦vmfvRb trustworthy Everybody likes him because he is trustworthy. decent iæwPkxj decently She dressed decently. balance cwigvc imbalance Pollution creates imbalance in the environment. free gy³ freedom We gained our freedom in 1971. history HwZnvwmK historical Cox’s Bazar is a historical place. fear fqvZ© fearful Parents are ever fearful for their children. danger wec`RbK dangerous The tiger is a dangerous animal. great mygnvb greater Nobody is greater than anybody. wonder we¯§qKi, A™¢yZ wonderful Computer is a wonderful invention of science. cover XvKbv †Lvjv uncover Don’t take uncovered food. slave `vmZ¡, †Mvjvgx slavery Everybody should do slavery of Allah. correct f~j incorrect We should not write incorrect sentence. responsible `vwqZ¡nxb irresponsible He is not irresponsible in his duties. deed mwZ¨B, Aek¨,e¯‘Z indeed In is indeed a remarkable achievement. belief Awek¦vm Kiv disbelief Why did you disbelief her? able m¶g Kiv enable ESE enables the student to speak English. invest wewb‡qvM investment Share businessmen have lost their investment. polite Amf¨, Af`ª impolite He is very impolite in this behaviour. honest Amr dishonest Dishonest men are hated by all. rich abx Kiv, mg„× Kiv enrich You have to enrich your vocabulary skill. strength kw³kvjx K‡i †Zvjv strengthen We have to strengthen our capacity. ease Avivg`vqKfv‡e easefully You can work here easefully here. success mdj, K…ZKvh© successful They have been successful in life. examine cwi¶K examiner The examiner has entered into the class room. implement ev¯ÍevwqZKiY implementation The implementation of Padma Bridge is not easy. little ‡QvU ev Le© Kiv belittle They have belittled themselves. bright D¾¡j Kiv brighten You can brighten you future by learning English. pure AcweÎ impure Don’t drink impure water. attentive Ag‡bv‡hvMx inattentive He has been inattentive in his studies. solvent A¶g, †`Dwjqv insolvent Share businessmen have been insolvent. noble RNb¨, bxP, j¾vKi ignoble It is an ignoble matter for her. regular AwbqwgZ irregular He is irregular in his class. short LvU Kiv shorten Please try to shorten your speech. book cyw¯ÍKv booklet This booklet was printed yesterday. honesty AmZZv dishonesty Dishonesty is not the best policy. allow AbgywZ bv ‡`Iqv disallow You will be disallowed. ravished AwcÖwZKi unrevised This is an unrevised incident. intelligible A‡eva¨, `~‡e©va¨ unintelligible It was unintelligible to me. maxim m‡e©v”P Kiv maximise Please maximise the window. important ¸iæZ¡c~Y©fv‡e importantly She has delivered her speech importantly. conscious ¯^Áv‡b, m‡PZbfv‡e consciously We should speak consciously. seen A`„k¨, A‡`Lv unseen Men are interested to see the unseen. use DcKvix useful A cow is useful animal. fresh bZyb fv‡e, wfbœ fv‡e afresh I have started a new course afresh. wise AbweÁ unwise Don’t be unwise like me. social AmvgvwRK antisocial Don’t take part in antisocial activities. logic hyw³K logical Her speech was logical happy AmywL unhappy He wasn’t unhappy in his life. good fvj ev wcÖq e¨w³Z¡ goody He is a goody person in my life. help Amnvq, A¶g, wbiæcvq helpless He leads a helpless life. member ¯§iY Kiv remember We should remember the history of our liberation war. friend eÜzmyjf friendly My father is friendly towards me. luck ‡mŠfvM¨µ‡g luckily Luckily I got a change to visit Cox’s Bazar. stop weivg, weiwZ, _vgvi ¯’vb stoppage There is no stoppage on this road. aware m‡PZbZv awareness Awareness is a good virtue. value g~j¨evb valuable Time is very valuable in our life. certain AwbwðZ uncertain He was uncertain of his success. fortune fvM¨evb, †mŠfvM¨kxj fortunate Really, she was a fortunate person. dead cÖvbNvZx, gvivZœK, deadly Criminals use deadly weapons to murder. poor `vwi`ªZv poverty We should try to control poverty. dark AÜKvi Kiv darken Don’t darken you life using drags. broad cÖm¯Í Kiv broaden We have to broaden our road.

Transcript of Magic English Learning School · fresh bZyb fvle, wfbœ fvle afresh I have started a new course...

Page 1: Magic English Learning School · fresh bZyb fvle, wfbœ fvle afresh I have started a new course afresh. wise AbweÁ unwise Don’t be unwise like me. social AmvgvwRK antisocial Don’t

Magic English Learning School 13th Class

Given Word Bangla Meaning Changing Word Sentence

joy Avb›` Kiv enjoy Everybody should go to ESE to enjoy Free Seminar.

trust wbf©i‡hvM¨, wek¦vmfvRb trustworthy Everybody likes him because he is trustworthy.

decent iæwPkxj decently She dressed decently.

balance cwigvc imbalance Pollution creates imbalance in the environment.

free gy³ freedom We gained our freedom in 1971.

history HwZnvwmK historical Cox’s Bazar is a historical place.

fear fqvZ© fearful Parents are ever fearful for their children.

danger wec`RbK dangerous The tiger is a dangerous animal.

great mygnvb greater Nobody is greater than anybody.

wonder we¯§qKi, A™¢yZ wonderful Computer is a wonderful invention of science.

cover XvKbv †Lvjv uncover Don’t take uncovered food.

slave `vmZ¡, †Mvjvgx slavery Everybody should do slavery of Allah.

correct f~j incorrect We should not write incorrect sentence.

responsible `vwqZ¡nxb irresponsible He is not irresponsible in his duties.

deed mwZ¨B, Aek¨,e¯ ‘Z indeed In is indeed a remarkable achievement.

belief Awek¦vm Kiv disbelief Why did you disbelief her?

able m¶g Kiv enable ESE enables the student to speak English.

invest wewb‡qvM investment Share businessmen have lost their investment.

polite Amf¨, Af`ª impolite He is very impolite in this behaviour.

honest Amr dishonest Dishonest men are hated by all.

rich abx Kiv, mg„× Kiv enrich You have to enrich your vocabulary skill.

strength kw³kvjx K‡i †Zvjv strengthen We have to strengthen our capacity.

ease Avivg`vqKfv‡e easefully You can work here easefully here.

success mdj, K…ZKvh© successful They have been successful in life.

examine cwi¶K examiner The examiner has entered into the class room.

implement ev Í̄evwqZKiY implementation The implementation of Padma Bridge is not easy.

little ‡QvU ev Le© Kiv belittle They have belittled themselves.

bright D¾¡j Kiv brighten You can brighten you future by learning English.

pure AcweÎ impure Don’t drink impure water.

attentive Ag‡bv‡hvMx inattentive He has been inattentive in his studies.

solvent A¶g, †`Dwjqv insolvent Share businessmen have been insolvent.

noble RNb¨, bxP, j¾vKi ignoble It is an ignoble matter for her.

regular AwbqwgZ irregular He is irregular in his class.

short LvU Kiv shorten Please try to shorten your speech.

book cyw Í̄Kv booklet This booklet was printed yesterday.

honesty AmZZv dishonesty Dishonesty is not the best policy.

allow AbgywZ bv ‡`Iqv disallow You will be disallowed.

ravished AwcÖwZKi unrevised This is an unrevised incident.

intelligible A‡eva¨, `~‡e©va¨ unintelligible It was unintelligible to me.

maxim m‡e©v”P Kiv maximise Please maximise the window.

important ¸iæZ¡c~Y©fv‡e importantly She has delivered her speech importantly.

conscious ¯̂Áv‡b, m‡PZbfv‡e consciously We should speak consciously.

seen A`„k¨, A‡`Lv unseen Men are interested to see the unseen.

use DcKvix useful A cow is useful animal.

fresh bZyb fv‡e, wfbœ fv‡e afresh I have started a new course afresh.

wise AbweÁ unwise Don’t be unwise like me.

social AmvgvwRK antisocial Don’t take part in antisocial activities.

logic hyw³K logical Her speech was logical

happy AmywL unhappy He wasn’t unhappy in his life.

good fvj ev wcÖq e¨w³Z¡ goody He is a goody person in my life.

help Amnvq, A¶g, wbiæcvq helpless He leads a helpless life.

member ¯§iY Kiv remember We should remember the history of our liberation war.

friend eÜzmyjf friendly My father is friendly towards me.

luck ‡mŠfvM¨µ‡g luckily Luckily I got a change to visit Cox’s Bazar.

stop weivg, weiwZ, _vgvi ’̄vb stoppage There is no stoppage on this road.

aware m‡PZbZv awareness Awareness is a good virtue.

value g~j¨evb valuable Time is very valuable in our life.

certain AwbwðZ uncertain He was uncertain of his success.

fortune fvM¨evb, †mŠfvM¨kxj fortunate Really, she was a fortunate person.

dead cÖvbNvZx, gvivZœK, deadly Criminals use deadly weapons to murder.

poor `vwi`ªZv poverty We should try to control poverty.

dark AÜKvi Kiv darken Don’t darken you life using drags.

broad cÖm¯Í Kiv broaden We have to broaden our road.

Page 2: Magic English Learning School · fresh bZyb fvle, wfbœ fvle afresh I have started a new course afresh. wise AbweÁ unwise Don’t be unwise like me. social AmvgvwRK antisocial Don’t

fool wb‡e©va, nvev foolish He is a foolish boy.

cool kxZjZv coolness I can’t tolerate coolness.

angry ivMvwš̂Zfv‡e angrily He called me angrily.

assume Abygvb, Kíbv assumption Your assumption is not right.

rail ‡ij †_‡K miv‡bv ev m‡i hvIqv derail He derailed some garbage.

snare duv‡` †djv, Rv‡j †djv ensnare He has ensnared me.

jury AvBbwe`, AvBbÁ jurist He was a jurist.

abashed AweeªZ, AfxZ, Ajw¾Z unabashed I am not unabashed.

offensive AvµgYvZœKKfv‡e offensively He attracted me offensively.

ability A¶gZv, `ye©jZv inability Don’t share your inability among friends.

approve Aby‡gv`b, mg_©b approval I did not get approval.

read cvVK reader I have given the book to the reader.

aim j¶nxb aimless Aimless people can not shine in life.

discipline Awbqg, wek„•Ljv indiscipline The boy was punished for indiscipline.

legible A¯có, AcvV¨, illegible Your hand writing is quite illegible.

moral Amr, bxwZnxb, Amvay immoral I don’t like immoral person.

child ‡Q‡j-‡g‡q children Children are the future hope of our nation.

achieve AR©b, cÖvwß achievement It is my achievement.

occasion ‡Kvb we‡kl Dcj‡¶ occasional His visit here is occasional.

fruit djcÖm~, djevb fruitful ESE course is really fruitful.

prison Kviviæ× Kiv, Ave× Kiv imprison He has been imprisoned.

urban bMivqY, knivq urbanization The urbanization programme of the government was laudable.

title AwaKvi †`Iqv,bvg †`Iqv entitle He has entitled me.

noble gnvb Kiv ennoble She ennobled herself.

cloud ‡gNv”Qbœ, †Nvjv, A¯úó cloudy Today’s sky is cloudy.

depart cÖ¯’vb, ewnM©gb departure I can not forget departure of my father.

sufficient Ach©vß, AcÖZzj insufficient The poor always eat insufficient food.

sincere AvšÍwiKZvnxb, KcU insincere I don’t like insincere student.

understanding fyj †evSv‡evwS,gbgvwjb¨ misunderstanding Misunderstanding damages relationship.

wide we¯—…Zfv‡e widely It is widely known that honesty is the best policy.

improve DbœwZ improvement His improvement proved reality.

confess ¯̂xKv‡ivw³, cvc ¯^xKvi confession They have taken confession from the criminal.

courage mvnmx Kiv encourage He encouraged me to do the work.

power ¶gZv ev AwaKvi ‡`Iqv empower Women she be empowered.

advance c‡`vbœwZ, AwMÖg A_©vqb advancement The advancement of medical science is a wonder in the word.

memory ¯§iYxq,weL¨vZ memorable 21st February is a memorable day.

beautiful my›`ifv‡e beautifully The house was beautifully decorated.

education wk¶v welqK educational He did not add his educational background with resume.

agree Pzw³ agreement I singed the agreement.

popular RbwcÖqZv popularity He has no popularity in this area.

appear Dcw ’̄wZ, D`q, cÖKvk appearance She had a childlike appearance.

locate ’̄vb, Ae¯’vb location Do you know the location of DU.

faithful wek¦ Í̄Zvi mv‡_ faithfully He didn’t his work faithfully.

prefer AwaKZi evÂbxq, †kªq preferable Death is preferable to dishonor.

personal e¨w³MZ bq Ggb impersonal “It” is an impersonal pronoun.

grade µ‡gvweb¨vm, chvq/gvÎv gradation The gradation of result is not correct.

publish cÖKvkbv publishing Publishing the book I help the poor student.

resource m¤ú`kvjx resourceful He is a resourceful person.

change cwieZ©b ‡hvM¨ changeable I have no changeable property.

better DbœwZmvab,DrKl©mvab betterment We should work for the betterment of the poor people.

hard Kó, `y‡f©vM,†K¬k hardship He can endure hardship.

inspire AbycÖvwYZ inspired He inspired me to take part in the play.

fix DcmM©, c~‡e© emv‡bv prefix You can add prefix or suffix to the word.

kind `qv kindness Kindness is a great virtue.

heart AvšÍwiK, mv`i hearty They gave me a hearty reception.

patriotic ‡`k‡`ªvnx unpatriotic An unpatriotic man is hated everywhere.

sure wbwðZfv‡e surely He will surely come.

hood evj¨Kvj, †Q‡j‡ejv boyhood Everybody wants to return to boyhood.

know ‡Pbv, cwiwPZ known He is a known person in my life.

magic Rv`yKi, H›`ªRvwjK magician He was a talent magician.

sign ûwkqvwi, ms‡KZ signal It is my last signal to you.

Measure your speed

1st 2

nd 3


Page 3: Magic English Learning School · fresh bZyb fvle, wfbœ fvle afresh I have started a new course afresh. wise AbweÁ unwise Don’t be unwise like me. social AmvgvwRK antisocial Don’t

Table No-12

A.S. Wh I can be a student. Wh I could be a student. Wh I should be a student.

N.S. Wh I can’t be a student. Wh I couldn’t be a student. Wh I shouldn’t be a student.

I.S. Wh Can I be a student? Wh Could I be a student? Wh Should I be a student?

I.N.S Wh Can’t I be a student? Wh Couldn’t I be a student? Wh Shouldn’t I be a student?

Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cvwi| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cviZvg| Avgvi GKRb QvÎ nIqv DwPZ| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cvwi bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cviZvg bv| Avgvi GKRb QvÎ nIqv DwPZ bv| Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cvwi? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cviZvg? Avgvi wK GKRb QvÎ nIqv DwPZ? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cvwi bv? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z cviZvg bv? Avgvi wK GKRb QvÎ nIqv DwPZ bv?

Can not = Can’t (Lv›U) Could not = Couldn’t (LyWv›U)

Should not = Shouldn’t (ïWvÚ)

We can be good speaker. Avgvi fvj e³v n‡Z cvwi|

You can be religious. Zzwg avwg©K n‡Z cvi|

She can be a singer. ‡m GKRb MvwqKv n‡Z cv‡i |

He can be a great leader. †m GKRb gnr †bZv n‡Z cv‡i|

They can be politician. Zviv ivRbxwZwe` n‡Z cv‡i|

English can be helpful to get a good job. GKwU fvj PvKzwi †c‡Z Bs‡iRx mnvqK n‡Z cv‡i|

ESE can be suitable for learning English. B.Gm.B Bs‡iRx †kLvi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx n‡Z cv‡i|

Corruption can be a social disease. `~bx©wZ GKwU mvgvwR e¨vwa n‡Z cv‡i|

Record here

1st. 2

nd. 3


Reading Practice with Correct Pronunciation. Bangladesh is our motherland. We love the blue sky, the green field, the murmuring sound of the river and the simple people of this country.

He who loves his country is a patriot. A real patriot loves his own country more than his own life. Man is the architect of this own fortune.

Unless a man works hard, he can not be fortunate. Some people think that the success in life depends on fate. But it is not true. We must

remember that industry brings about success. The War of Liberation is a unique event in our national life. The undaunted sons of Bengal

have freed the country at the cost of their own lives. The freedom fighters are our pride. Their memory will remain immortal in history. It is

our moral obligation to show respect to them. It is the month of Baishakh. The sun is over the head. The roads and streets are dry. People are

going to market with umbrellas on. Many kinds of fruits are found in the market. Bangla is an international mother tongue. Every year the

21st February is observed as the International Mother Language Day. Many youths have laid down their lives for the sake of this language.

There is no such precedence in this world. This is why, Bangla is our pride. Man dose not live for ever. Death must come one day. But those

who do good deeds are immortal on the earth. People remember them even after their death. So everyone should follow the good path. The

Liberation War is a unique event in our national life. The dauntless off springs of Bangla have liberated the country by sacrificing their lives.

The Freedom fighters are our pride. Their memory will be ever-lasting in history. To show respect towards them is our moral obligation.

Children are the future of a country. The children of today are the citizens of tomorrow. It is they who will bear the responsibility of leading

the country in future. The development of society will surely depend on them. So, we have to educate them with perfect learning. Bangladesh

is our motherland. We love the blue sky, the green field, the murmuring sound of the river and the simple people of this country. He who

loves his country is a patriot. A real patriot loves his own country more than his own life. Man is the architect of this own fortune. Unless a

man works hard, he can not be fortunate. Some people think that the success in life depends on fate. But it is not true. We must remember

that industry brings about success. The War of Liberation is a unique event in our national life. The undaunted sons of Bengal have freed the

country at the cost of their own lives. The freedom fighters are our pride. Their memory will remain immortal in history. It is our moral

obligation to show respect to them. It is the month of Baishakh. The sun is over the head. The roads and streets are dry. People are going to

market with umbrellas on. Many kinds of fruits are found in the market. Bangla is an international mother tongue. Every year the 21st

February is observed as the International Mother Language Day. Many youths have laid down their lives for the sake of this language. There

is no such precedence in this world. This is why, Bangla is our pride. Man dose not live for ever. Death must come one day. But those who

do good deeds are immortal on the earth. People remember them even after their death. So everyone should follow the good path.

Record here

1st. 2nd. 3rd.

Let me (come) - Avgv‡K Avm‡Z w`b

Debate topic: “Money is the Root of all Evil Activities”

“Village life is better than Town life to make a happy life”

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Page 4: Magic English Learning School · fresh bZyb fvle, wfbœ fvle afresh I have started a new course afresh. wise AbweÁ unwise Don’t be unwise like me. social AmvgvwRK antisocial Don’t

Sentence Making

evsjv evK¨ English Sentence

1. †h aygcvb K‡i †m wewfbœ †iv‡M AvµvšÍ n‡Z cv‡i|

2. fvj PvKzix †c‡Z Bs‡iRx KZUzKz mnvqK n‡Z cv‡i?

3. ‡Zvgvi Av‡ivI avwg©K nIqv DwPr e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi|

4. myw`N© 12 eQi Bs‡iRx‡K Compulsory Subject wn‡m‡e Aa¨vqb Kivi ciI †Kb Zviv Bs‡iRxi GKRb fvj e³v n‡Z cv‡i bv?

5. ESE Bs‡iRx wk¶vi GKgvÎ mwVK I wbf©i‡hvM¨ c×wZ n‡Z cv‡i|

6. weRqxiv wfbœ KvR K‡i bv, Zviv GB KvR wfbœ fv‡e K‡i|

7. gvbyl c„w_ex‡Z AmvaviY wKQy bv| gvbyl AmvaviY n‡q D‡V Zvi wbR¯̂ wKQy ¸‡Y|

8. gvbyl Zvi eyw×gËv, wPšÍvkw³, B”Qvkw³ I KVyi cwikªg‡K Kv‡R jvwM‡q DbœwZi Pig wkL‡i Av‡ivniY Ki‡Z cv‡i|

9. hviv Bs‡iRx I Kw¤úDUv‡i `¶ Zviv Lye mn‡RB my›`i K¨vwiqvi Build up Ki‡Z cv‡i|

10. †h †`k hZ †ewk AvB.wU †m±‡i Skilled eZ©gv‡b †m †`k ZZ‡ewk DbœZ|

11. nvRvi eQi Av‡M gvbyl A‡bK wKQyB RvbZ bv, hv AvR Zviv Rv‡b|

12. K¬vm Iqvb †_‡KB Kw¤úDUvi Aewk¨K welq wn‡m‡e wbe©vPb Kiv DwPZ e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi|

13. †h mKj QvÎ/QvÎxiv Bswjk fvl©‡b cov‡kvbv Kivi my‡hvM cvq Zv‡`i KLbI Bs‡iRx †Kv‡m©i cÖ‡qvRb nq bv?

14. Ggb ‡KD †bB †h Bs‡iRx‡Z K_v ej‡Z bv Pvq|

15 hw` Zzwg Bs‡iRx‡Z ew³Zv w`‡Z cvi Zvn‡j Zzwg A‡b‡Ki bR‡i Avm‡Z ci‡e|

16. g¨vwRK Bswjk G Lye mn‡R Bs‡iRx †kLv‡bv nq|

17. †ivRv GgwbB GKwU Bev`Z hvi e`jv Avjøvn wb‡Ri nv‡Z w`‡eb|

18. cÖ‡Z¨K bi-bvixi Dci †ivRv ivLv diR?

19. hviv †ivRv bv iv‡L Zviv †hb C`Mv gv‡V bv hvq|

20. C` gv‡b Lywk, C` gv‡b Avb›`|

Page 5: Magic English Learning School · fresh bZyb fvle, wfbœ fvle afresh I have started a new course afresh. wise AbweÁ unwise Don’t be unwise like me. social AmvgvwRK antisocial Don’t

Let’s learn Article magically

we Í̄vwiZ K¬v‡m Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡e