THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY DECEMBER 25 1910 i0 MAGAZINES THE ANSWER- TO THIS WEEKS PUZZLE Twentyfour Periodicals for the Solvers to Quandary Over By ERANCES CARROLL Slaee t e uaaleia began now a year y who las not written te me of your good wishes for me room of my heart today and for each kind word each apleadld wish you made fur in all thfe time I wteh you a honored times bapotness Somehow or other you have wormed yourselves into my hearty lid made m feel very chose to you in all the Inter eattee tines we have had together puz- zling over aft sorts and oondldons of enigmas aad hrterooOng aaoetiens You have done ao m cfc more than send sotetione of the UHJ B for hardly one Rae come that did not oontaia a f JIM of best wishes and good cheer So ete you vond ar that I Rive you la return quite all of today for a Christmas tft Aad wbon my strip comes in I shall read each of you a token of the truth of what I tell yen newt In the meantime eo on Mean fakhful to the puzzlea 6 on having all the Inn out of them you era jje OR fuser and f wfaea they are hard and you cant untangle them in a mo- ment and best of all go on teHinir me all about it For I intend to store MB all the things you say to me through the coming year that I may them together another Christmas and think over them to my Sadness and Jay gratefulness deal to do this week Ju i being happy JJ OOonnMl ba1 prepared a rcry easy meeie for She asks you twenty questions and the answer to each Is the name of a sceHkaewH magaaane Almost every 11 I ierry CIari dMr PIII CJreIe and a ato there Is JaanJl7 or I ather theun togther tile lave me whoa heart t Me y My sf ather that YOU Wouia have a Mrs ttif ens iii emcee today ectrx k rind heart ncwimc rood your ¬ = > > The Inquiry Magazines i 100 years 2 Santa Claus ancient minstrel public place In Rome early New England settler 7 One who sketches noted fairy large body of water 10 The sailors hoodee it A dispenser of justice prospect 13 What we all cHng te planet 15 A citizen of the orW 16 A show ground 17 A boys jack knife 18 Part of a rope 19 Hash food that husbands of answer is a hoaaoM word hi YoKe questions and answers are cleverly aiTanged that they cannot to entertain and interest of The Inquiry but I Shall Maybe I want to ottbihm the names of those who correctly answer the nuzzle And maybe that I it aM for I might want te see how faithful you are durinsr ChrisOaas week or It be when solve the write me a word about K- Hewevsr I rive you this lie pusale this week hoping that it add to yo r Christmas B I 3An 4A SAn 6Veracity 8A I gA 12A I4A I zoThe acid tt yes 11 nna of these every the Year yOU No mites r8 for the aokJUG1S s dad to have your answers just the- e again Puny that I uiss words or Rood cIteer you and t Mt it is all of these together may ere ti t ap- prove sour hams lllaety T maxaainea art o erect a- be t HkeIY thtscs Poems Women Should KnowEd- itors Nisie Every poem which will appear IB this series is one that has brought a throb of hope a throb of courage a throb of happi- ness or of inspiration to some human heart In clipping and saving the series you cannot afford to miss one number A CPeMfahei by JtograO t FRAMER- s h ¬ Te Soat Hsiy One dose Graat me repose Free ma fans each wIT thought GatiMroI from tike day wMoh brevght Its weight of woes me aa a tttOe That Moos Itself at twlo ht hour Amidst the dew And Jii the morning waken np And oaena wise its little ena- Of wondrous hue Tomorrows Menu How to Prepare It BREAKFAST Bananas Rite with Tidy Croam Broiled Rant Hashed Browsed Potatoes Buckwheat Muffins Drip Coffee DINNER Service for Ten Crabtlake Canapes XaltaJM Christmas Consomme Turkey SaIpIcoa 7te C d Mashed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Lettuce Salad French Cheeae Straws Christmas slackens Whipped Cream Peppermints Nubs CoaTee Creamed Oysters in Thimble Cases HomeMade Pickles Thin Bread and Butter Christmas Wreaths Grape Juice or Cocoa Crab Canapes From dices of stafc bread cut onefourth of an inch thick stamp out ten circles the rounds with butter and brown light- ly in the oven When cold spread with cavaire Chop fine one cup of crab Rakes and mix with onehalf cupful of stuee tartare Spread this generously over the raviare Add onefourth of a tea al each of salt and white pepper to a cup of cream and beat the cream until Arm Tint half the cream red and the other half green with rolor pastes CoYer lightly with the large red stars on the center of each canape Serve very cold as an petiaer Tomato Custard Beat three egg yolks nd one whole egg add onefourth Teaspoon each of salt and paprika and half a cup of well reduced tomato puree Turn into a buttered pudding dish IB a pan of water in a slow even JANET 3t Christmas Beakeis Bake ten deep When cakes are cooled a cut out the centers to make hollow cups Soften some spaghetti by a pan of boiling water cut in required lengths for basket handles shape as de- sired on a board and let dry then set in place Beat one cup of double cream two tablespoons of sugar and a fourth- of a teaspoon of vanilla until firm add half a cup of chopped nuts hazel nuts or almonds with a few pistachio sots and use to mi baskets a table- spoon of nuts above the cream More elaborate baskets may be had by cover- ing with confectioners icing white and piping with ornaments frosting colored green Christmas sugar roll thin and eat with a dough- nut cutter Brush the surface of te sprinkle id nuts blanched tiny round red candles Press is wtfh Mgbt motion of ottn pin Place in belting pans and bake ia a moderate oven Trk y Saipfeon One oup cold ti r ebalf inch cubes onehalf cH temple cut tn small cubes one half ClIP button mushrooms onehalf green pepper ewi in shreds onehalf small onion Pasty chopped one and one half tablespoons butter one and one half tablespoons turkey dripping two cups brown or stock salt pepper celery salt aDd a few grains cayenoe Process Prepare turkey airl mix Melt butter and dripping isr- a saucepan add onion and green pepper cook without browning minutes Add stock gradually while beating con- stantly Season with salt per celery salt Add rains rayeime Heat mushrooms hi their liquo drain add mushrooms to Reheat meat in sauce and serve in a border of broiled rice Sprinkle all with paprika the Ittds as IT wit LATE LVNCHEO S ea aK I green with a star tube pipe HILL cup- cakes WreathsFor err owiu a4i there I five lee pays taMcome day is Make Rower k ba cream and ap cook- ies the- e beaten n and ke7cd tons ue well a few S ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ Make me as the woodland ntodr That soars and Lhijt far beavoKward At break of day Make my thoughts with fteettogfwtaga That fty away from earthly things Born of the lay Robert Kerr Marsh GIVEN LAST WEEK Story of a Thief Given Vith Names of Books Inserted in the Story of a which was given you Sunder with the name cT each book left blank Two continents were ringing with the theft of The Queens Necklace a bauble that according to an eminent writer had been one of the causes of the French Revolution This is A Tale of Two Cities wane the robbery was Made in France the eminent criminologist Sherlock Holmes was confident that the thief was aa Englishman He therefore telegraphed his French the well known Mona who was well versed ia The Mysteries of Paris to look out for The Fugitive Holmes suspected a man with A Magic Skin who had been giving revolting exhibitions at No 5 John Street and mss known oa account of a dual per- sonality as Jekyll and Mr Hyde He had been unable to learn whether this maR was The Master of a band or was operating on Ms own account Detectives On Both Sides of the trying to earn A Thou sand Franks Reward offered by the French government which would prove A Glorious Fortune to the one making the capture The Parisians at beet a volatile people wanted to know the Truth of the delay In the thief Just as this crisis The Chief of Police announced the capture after A Stern Chase of the criminal On being put through the third degree he confessed and said that be had Great Expectations from an uncle but that the Hard Times bad caused him to choose A Crooked Path After- a brief trial he was sentenced to the BastMe For the Term of His Natural LIfe Best Salad- The best salad I have ever eaten One large chicken boiled and cojd yolk of three esr s boiled hardy one and one half tablespoons of melted butter one halt pint of vinegar and some chicken one gilt of mixed mustard one hAlf teaspoon pepper salt to taste two heads of celery the meet In small pieces also celery Mix alt mash yolks of smooth chpo the whites and mix with butter mustard and vinegar Stir alt together and where it wW keep cool before using Attractive Salad Remove malaga grapes from stems wipe each one separately and take out seeds Make a cut in each grape be ginning at the stem end and extending the entire length Insert in tile cut a narrow strip of canned pimento Part two seedless oranges and remove the white portion from each rate the fruit into sections discarding the tough parts Arrange on a bed of lettuce leaves and pour over it a well blended French dressing To Separate When two class traafeiers or dishes stick together so that there is danger of breaking ia rotting them apart put cold water ir the inner one and bold the outer one In warm water and they will separator vase ANSWER TO PUZZLE TIn be- cause Leeoq Dr channel were gravy eggs alt Tumblers a following con- frere to- gether ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° BailE Sf Tke stars inellae aw- jl Monday December 26 igio Te staged wit and darting thought come rwma they long Have smgf- ctjypRCGRY In ecliptic conjunction with rules powerfully fer hi tuition Insight resourcefulness qulok of wit and energy oC thought IB tilt period The Moan in a watery sign has the Venus and Jupiter In beneftc as peel making auspices for a brightly unite in benefiting tb ImputeeB and in blessing her relations peace and mercy grant favers en this day I to the recipient and returns to- tbo donor iverably for health a4 and malice J e words are under malignant den1 their r who are given to mock their caprices in these twentyfour hours lucky for investigation and the training of the young are good aepecta Teach ers lecturers and sfeecM ben- efit Venus is held in this to exert a po rniHy favorable influence over en- tertainments Visits and amusements Tfcr Is a good omen over anything I rule cite to be to rich reward thoughtfulness and reason born today are held to be and Kindness Helpful Hints For Busy Homemakers Always shrink a new braid before sewing to a skirt otherwise the bot- tom of the skirt will become p dker ed the first time of wearing ia a show- er of rain In melting salads do not chop your meats and a chopping bowl Cut into the desired shag pieces with ors This te quicker nester and cleaner than the old way A good way to wash bottles or warm soapy water together thorn Del shake well This will dean the glees well and will net scratch It To prevent any shade of biae from fading soak for two hours ia u paM of load has been added Then be sure dry well before washing and ironing I A pond silence cloth for the dtema table can be made with a double thJek of flannel laid with the soft on the inside sad quilted on the machine edge with a handing of white tape To kill on any feathery plant swell as small ivy and like make H paper cone te cover the plant and burn a quantity of sulphur under the con A pinch of sulphur will usually jkC all lice To remove iron meld from marble rub the marble with a cut lemon dipped ia common salt If this does set remove i Ja try rubbing it with spirits of ammonia is often successful other treatments fall In either case it is well to afterward rinse the spot and polish it with soft cloth f I I e CfUl2pcJ f t and happy day t The IIpees Trope who er aughrfes promee I Jupiter rules ill an evil sign over untruths deceit tIMe It will be well for to guard against hasty or Sarcasm should refrain entirely from and matrimony are I exeell8llt There is a sIgJt reMIL h study and matters I I cookery Persons with this blrthdate are BB t by tars that often grant I J t f in vine gat cruets ill to put crushed sills lid in to wl one ogace of Sugar c toe I meas white side I I the when o roses but do taU nees Sun rtuuste higher do se that ggeh results tOi fO r Thor tongues unkind y nuttier signs under iet oars ra a i governed great- s justice egg water i lice a ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ DAILY fASHION TALK a TO TIMES READERS A Smart Little Coat < Cost of This Coat in Two Materials C rd rey 3 frog Sic leek Total K yarn of veMot far oaHar and 3 f raga 3fe each Total I IJ4 tX 71L1iL l 15 1IZ- 1K yards oC 1 1 JM1Iu 45 I yeS Cmdlts sy xe l Coat k Coslfat T es a it LE How the Animals Keep Christmas SANDMAN STORIES r day the horse said to the other I wonder what they are going to do with the tree I say them take into the house Perhaps I am go- ing to be taken in there OR cold nights be said and tied to R It is plain to roc said a turkey cold nights we are value than a horse Why shouldnt It be fer my fatally asked the rooster Because none of your family can fly so Ugh said the turkey holding her head in the air The cat came in the barn Just then What are you talking about she asked About the tree that the horse saw HBD COLLAR LAST taken into the house said the turkey- I think my fairilv are to perch in It on very cold nights and the horse thinks it is for him The cat laughed You are an igno- rant lot she said that Is a Christmas tree We have one every year What i a Christmas tree asked a who herd escaped from Thanks- giving and did not like to talk about said the cat The turkey save a sigh of relief And everybody in the house gets a present and there is candy o the eat continued I had this collar last Cooky Secrets The secret of good cookies is to we just enough flour to roll them without sticking To do this take several thicknesses of white muslin or part of an old sheet flolded to lit the board win do sprinkle with flour take part dough at a time and roll with light touch never pressing hard on cooky or doughnut dough The follow recipe is fit for a king One cupful ef MUter or mixed butter and lard and onehalf cupful of sugar three gv od- taMespoonsfuls of cold water in which dissolve one level teaspoonful of soda three sss two teaspoonfuls of baking powder one teaspoonful of cinnamon one scant teaspoonful chive one cupful of dates and nuts not chopped but cut line Bake in quick oven not Leftovers for Soup- In mixing leftovers for soups never combine ash and meat beef and Iamb chicken and beef Sometimes a little bacon or pork bones can be added to soup stock for richer flavoring ONE that my family are to roost In It on ofmore H I YEAR AID presents on It J- Ute lug too hot THIS r i tiE They bang f ¬ ¬ ¬ > yeaj she said twisting her neck proudly- I do not see why w should net have a Chrtetoas tree send the horse who and sweet things Where wou2d we got a asked a duck who was listening You do not need a tree to get pres- ents saM the oat The hang their stockings and Santa Claus puts presents In them That is Just as bad for us said the cc none of us wear stockings The dog began to wag his taiL I know what can be be said The horse can hang bin outside the stall and the cow can sleep with her bead out of her stall and will something on her horns I am sure The pigs can push their trough outside their house and he will be sure to see that The turkeys and hens will have to hunt shells and set them around the henhouse doorThere will not be to go around said sue hen there were only nine in that last brood that was hatched Wen leave the henhouse door open said the doc Yes said the rooster and Mr Fox or some other ferocious animal wit have Chlstmas before w do ho I will have the door dosed and trust to luck for Christmas presents Til be glad when Its all over said an old hen sighing I have been an orphan pTd a widow after one of those celebrati T war to know how Santa Claus said the pig He Is an old said the cat with a white beard And he Is dressed in rod said the dog who wanted to let them know that he knw as mud as the cat did about him I Just know lie will not leave me anything said the cow If he wears that horrid color The night before Christmas the barn yard was quiet at an early hour for the dog and cat told the animals that Santa never left presents while anyone was Newest Fads of Fashions FanciesL- arge hats have little trimming I The fad of the year Is the Ratine and camels hair are in high favor Morocco is being worn especially in buckles Pony skin has never become popular In England In Venice lace the assortments show little changn Velvet sashes are elegant with a gown Many women have their hatpins match heir brooches Gloves for evening are now worn loose and baggy Detachable yokes are provWad with some of the new waists Black and white Is much seen in piping and button effects feedbag err light- weight f ked tree ir looks beadwork i ¬ that are with capes are always becomingto- tho younger obit aroM and thin one la exceptionally In the r doth with velvet but velvet vein teem oaranroy and Mho mad all are the ia del There te a yoke waist tile circular coat hf attached sad the cane te star It The patch pockets are applied on huHeat ed lines The aleevoa are just fun enough for comfort sad are naashed with A tata on- chfldrena coats this season braid HI much liked and al tacit a the vel- vet te quite cor- rect and fur i- barmg great vogue The want made of velvet or of for on the CIte and eta would be and attractive Rough tombed doth are task jonable and one of those hi dark red or Woe with beads of black silk braid would be pretty and useful seat in the height of atyl2 For a child of Imw years of will be ramiired- of hey MMMOU pat tits OK ames n e isliiiii at GoUon COATS H- It is tit to cant of JI used is exceedingly Mlnihe ud velveteen vain b or 1 yard SIt wide A N- et 4 slrelMer asasssat harririea assassin trim- med fie jshasias are- Intash this seaesa ed sew arrang- ed va- riety trm lI t- are tttnussdng aoao asrart age paib s- M adios wide less s and years bergs ¬ wake The next morning as soon as it was light the horse turned around in Ms stall and sntred at bin It was filled with oats and be was busy eating when mooed at him Is there anything on my horns T she Dont see anything said the horse munching oats I knew be would not leave me any thing she sighed The farmer came in then sad with hJra his little daughter Chrhnmas she called aa she ce e in the door here is some sugar ft you billy horse and some carrots you mooly sow and I am going to put a sprig of holly on the poet of tech shall so you all can have Christmas Then she went to the pig pen and told i the Idred man to give the pig an extras large breakfast and she put some holly j 13 THERE OK Y HCRN3 over their door The turkeys and the hens were also remembered with a gen erous supply of corn when the animate met in the barn they all expeessed themselves sat tailed nitZT Christmas But I do sot be lieve In the Santa Claus you told mo about said the pig was a little girl not an old man who save me my Christmas I guess it Is all well for the ones hi the house said the eov but the barnyard animate would not fare any oa Christmas than any other if there is not a kind littte girl farmer family to thick of e Salt Pork Fruit Cake threes meat grmdor on pound rats Ins two ergs five ewes flour see cup nut meets two cups sugar one cup molasses and teaspoon soda put in Sour dry two teaspoons cinnamon one teaspoon cloves one plat hot water put salt pork into mixing bawl pour tat water over perk add two beiten well add sugar raisins molasses T afe and apices add flour last Bake one hour Hickory Nut Cake- One cup white sugar one small table spoonful butter r r lard two eggs beat threefourths cur sweet milk two cups flour two teaspoonfuls belting powder threefourths cup hickory nuts chopped bake In two layers Frosting pre large cup sugar water to melt good boll until ft threads from spoon Beat white of one egg pour sugar into It then after Its quite cood add onehalf cup of chopped hickory nuts spread on cake then on top layer put half hickory nuts to trim It along on the I see the top of DIY I Jerry I La er Hit e I Take ha eemts worth of sit pork run egg ti i boa asked snot head fit s tiE t iSED s d- s fNl days I > ¬ ¬ = SELFRELIANCE SUCCESSFUL CAREER Muoh Good Time Wasted In Being Constantly on the Alert for Help From Others Such Attitude Affects Character- By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX SECRET- OF for outside help of decided mental power of gin and unqoeatioiMd ability because she brae always wafted for- man or of r position power or r Whet character just at a winds pigment de- velopment would be attecto tt instead of learning to walk to K lead depended upon tie guidance 9f some bead Early Youth Blighted by Father The bright daughter f an blighted by the filet that her father brad failure She felt that her huooond Married brother to whom she turned failed to do for her what she he should and ao valuable years of Ute passed by before she discovered that in lay the ability to achieve suc- cess to aid the father to make the home for herself which her huohand bad fatted io wake for her and t be independent of the indifferent brother I lit career kind far matter whether la the trades the w tile do not be con staatIy the alert A I Bedded sae te attain say mainly l tKhens help her on tile WIlT she ers hUteno her cats that T an of tile Improvident father telt that her early youth was not done an fur her that lie should SIte marriage had not done an for that Jte A fit t noon a being looks at out a ofay y he prefes- siess area on woesa yet failed goat to Whenever a a vmaa 8tst thought s peruR do for me- Saida aftaze naiad akeeils it always married and her proved a her should neU Just ciao 6 bamas ¬ ¬ trotehe before eamedof acMevomoMa Waste No In FeeKsh Regrets B a divine compliment wises any with no one on whom to depend or o turn people are ono do sot need i are gives eruichea the able their own llmba Aa thou wouMat treat fat God Himself soul Is an emanaUuit from tile Whole theev Vast and atbomed ac the imahlj seta Thy oer pflot WW r Go seek thorn sad trot ThoM aaanfcnu widest can phtce strength Such triumphs aa no mortal ever gained May yet be thine K thorn bat b In thy Creator and thyself At length Some feet mast troth name hcightj TH T- Ttmattatoed r Prim on achiv achieve CorrrfgM ISM toy Now TOTfc Kvminff only to weu DIIde Cause back of for r It soon Ie he reed all lydmtte ce un Time Waste time to belittling regretS that other pespie net done for you the7 IIIwe done it stands solitary in the t for SIck given Trust ill tJdae own 1UI epsef y Thou not what in caves J lit IIIIIIt wilt nee WIly not thy own p I end ho him Lest Sltm as iIt so In sad basso what shay soul world assistance nOrme well cripples bet don hbam fires lie row or thy tvesirtg Rind maybe No men a m uty tin Jraa PsblM t a CQ > Question Box of The TimesI- t dots not matter how personal are the things you want to lama qncrj to Question Box Editor and lll axurrrer you J promptly where U possible do Your name will net lie printed There so request Fend err she is to so you J JL Buj a small soft brush us It to scrub the face everjkjrfsht with a good pure soap std tepid water Rinse well with cold water sad rub a good alder food into the pores after this trratmtit Enlarged pores may be he caused by being dogged with dust fey which the above treatment wet prove moat effective although you l at The skin will gradually become If the enlargement of the pores i aa to often the seas to a serves comfltlon or imHgfcarfuo I Would advise that yov attend to your BASTA EMBROIDERY IS BEING REVIVED Figures Are Geometrical In Long Straight Stitches H3BRS te to be sees nowadays a striking revival of basCa em broMery that manycolored work on heavy canvas somewhat re- Eembnng tile old tapestries and which may be utilized for everything from an arm licitly to a pin cushion Usually the are geometrical ones to long a somewhat Variety bs now introduced how- ever by moans of subjects reproduced to the primitive delineation of costumes and manners inspired by ancient art In such instances tares are worked out in beady tent stitch and occasion- ally the long typical stroke is carried across slantwise to form tapestry panels sets of chair backs and seats animated by groups of native pictori- als You do not know the dcIciousness of the fin est California canned fruit until you have tried HUNTS QUALITY FRUITS The kind that ls XOT- lyepcclcd Such flavor Why ev- ery luscious bite will remind you of sunny orchards with ripe juicy fruit banging low on the boughs ready- to be plucked We have taken the local agency for these celebrated goods and to introduce them are offering them at wholesale cost 2Sc per can Guaranteed equal to any fruits sold anywhere at 4vc per can Money back if not as represented Sanitary Grocery CO Inc At Any of Our 34 Stores Pores to one of things They may the pores to contract sad the smeller how I T bet t Enlarged and due several can- not expect other peas due disorder- ed stra- nd formals s s t 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ general health sad hnaamti easier The following te a last of the Months for which you asked January Garnet February AMOt ot aid Agate July Roby August Sept mb a v OctoberOpal November December TIM uuinu Childs Constant Rom lovely for young ehiWren of course it eon easily not so serviceable a Mourning Eti eette so hate but hv I should opus once and give myself all the pleas- ure and comfort with my ratmc Brooklyn X T- oii Fulton st Ladies Wishes Its Many friends and Patrons MERRY XMASA- ND A and extends to them its cordial thanks for the hearty support they have given it during the past year has done something new for the people of Washing has gives them the benefit of manufacturers pricey on the choicest as sortment of plumes and hats ever brought to this city its preparations for The Coming Year will enable it to over aa eveR better service than before providing its pa Irons larger assortments liner variety and lower prices than heretofore have been possible Your patronage is cordially 91 5 G Maui 660S 287 Mint Arcade rv J ad Onto ill Euclid are these condition If exist birth May Co JI tiex fur For year pi aDO there JIG rule t- at X York X Y Rh aTe 1 erA Quality Shop A HAPPY NW YEAR THE JULIR tonit I in- vited JULIET liiies7 s Stree- ti0 t they Ise and thsk cor- responding stones lsareiBioistrre- AprilDie end ipsa Cent ro is asiaieg as aahr there- fore silos B Mourning Is warn a parent a year reopArhlg Is pos hie n Bmsdway Ii l I TIlE QHaG s Phfadeiphta ¬ ¬ ¬ =




Twentyfour Periodicals forthe Solvers to Quandary



Slaee t e uaaleia began now a year

y who las not written te me of yourgood wishes for me

roomof my heart today and for each kind

word each apleadld wishyou made fur in all thfe timeI wteh you a honored times bapotness

Somehow or other you have wormedyourselves into my hearty lid made mfeel very chose to you in all the Intereattee tines we have had together puz-zling over aft sorts and oondldons ofenigmas aad hrterooOng aaoetiens

You have done ao m cfc more thansend sotetione of the UHJ B for hardlyone Rae come that did not oontaiaa f JIM of best wishes and goodcheer

So ete you vond ar that I Rive you lareturn quite all of today for aChristmas tft

Aad wbon my strip comes in I shallread each of you a token of the truthof what I tell yen newt

In the meantime eo on Mean fakhfulto the puzzlea 6 on havingall the Inn out of them you era jje OR

fuser and f wfaea they are hardand you cant untangle them in a mo-ment and best of all go on teHinir meall about it

For I intend to store MB all the thingsyou say to me through the coming yearthat I may them together anotherChristmas and think over them to mySadness and Jay gratefulnessdeal to do this week Ju i being happy

J J OOonnMl ba1 prepared arcry easy meeie forShe asks you twenty questions and

the answer to each Is the name of asceHkaewH magaaane Almost every


Iierry CIari dMr PIII CJreIe

and a ato there Is JaanJl7 or

I ather theun togther tile

lave me

whoa heart

t Mey




that YOU Wouia have aMrs

ttif ens



today ectrx k rind


ncwimc rood






The Inquiry Magazines

i 100 years2 Santa Claus

ancient minstrelpublic place In Romeearly New England settler

7 One who sketchesnoted fairylarge body of water

10 The sailors hoodee

it A dispenser of justiceprospect

13 What we all cHng teplanet

15 A citizen of the orW

16 A show ground17 A boys jack knife18 Part of a rope19 Hash

food that husbandsof

answer is a hoaaoM word hi

YoKe questions and answers arecleverly aiTanged that they cannotto entertain and interest

of The Inquiry but I Shall

Maybe I want to ottbihm thenames of those who correctly answerthe nuzzle

And maybe that I it aM for Imight want te see how faithful you aredurinsr ChrisOaas week or It be

when solve thewrite me a word about K-

Hewevsr I rive you this lie pusalethis week hoping that it add toyo r Christmas B








acid tt yes 11nna of these everythe Year

yOUNo mites r8 for the aokJUG1Ssdad to have your answers just the-



that I uiss words or Rood cIteeryou and t

Mt it is all of thesetogether






sourhams lllaety Tmaxaainea


o erecta-



HkeIY thtscs

Poems Women Should KnowEd-

itors Nisie Every poem which will appear IB this series is one

that has brought a throb of hope a throb of courage a throb of happi-

ness or of inspiration to some human heart In clipping and saving

the series you cannot afford to miss one number


CPeMfahei by JtograOt


s h


Te Soat Hsiy One

doseGraat me repose

Free ma fans each wIT thoughtGatiMroI from tike day wMoh brevght

Its weight of woes

me aa a tttOeThat Moos Itself at twlo ht hour

Amidst the dewAnd Jii the morning waken npAnd oaena wise its little ena-

Of wondrous hue

Tomorrows MenuHow to Prepare It

BREAKFASTBananas Rite with Tidy Croam

Broiled Rant Hashed Browsed PotatoesBuckwheat Muffins Drip Coffee

DINNERService for Ten

Crabtlake Canapes XaltaJMChristmas Consomme

Turkey SaIpIcoa7te C d Mashed Potatoes

Brussels SproutsLettuce Salad French

Cheeae Straws Christmas slackensWhipped Cream

Peppermints Nubs CoaTee

Creamed Oysters in Thimble CasesHomeMade Pickles

Thin Bread and ButterChristmas Wreaths

Grape Juice or Cocoa

Crab Canapes Fromdices of stafc bread cut onefourth of aninch thick stamp out ten circlesthe rounds with butter and brown light-ly in the oven When cold spread withcavaire Chop fine one cup of crabRakes and mix with onehalf cupful ofstuee tartare Spread this generouslyover the raviare Add onefourth ofa tea al each of salt and whitepepper to a cup of cream and beatthe cream until Arm Tint half thecream red and the other half green withrolor pastes CoYer lightly with thelarge red stars on the center of eachcanape Serve very cold as anpetiaer

Tomato Custard Beat three eggyolks nd one whole egg add onefourthTeaspoon each of salt and paprika andhalf a cup of well reduced tomato pureeTurn into a buttered pudding dishIB a pan of water in a slow even

JANET 3tChristmas Beakeis Bake ten deep

When cakes are cooled acut out the centers to make hollow cupsSoften some spaghetti by apan of boiling water cut in requiredlengths for basket handles shape as de-sired on a board and let dry then setin place Beat one cup of double creamtwo tablespoons of sugar and a fourth-of a teaspoon of vanilla until firm addhalf a cup of chopped nuts hazel nutsor almonds with a few pistachio sotsand use to mi baskets a table-spoon of nuts above the cream Moreelaborate baskets may be had by cover-ing with confectioners icing white andpiping with ornaments frosting coloredgreen

Christmas sugarroll thin and eat with a dough-

nut cutter Brush the surface ofte sprinkle

id nuts blanchedtiny roundred candles Press is wtfh Mgbt motionof ottn pin Place in belting pansand bake ia a moderate oven

Trk y Saipfeon One oup cold ti rebalf inch cubes onehalf

c H temple cut tn small cubes onehalf ClIP button mushrooms onehalfgreen pepper ewi in shreds onehalfsmall onion Pasty chopped one and onehalf tablespoons butter one and onehalf tablespoons turkey dripping twocups brown or stock salt peppercelery salt aDd a few grains cayenoe

Process Prepare turkey airlmix Melt butter and dripping isr-a saucepan add onion and green peppercook without browning minutesAdd stock gradually while beating con-stantly Season with saltper celery salt Add rainsrayeime Heat mushrooms hi theirliquo drain add mushrooms toReheat meat in sauce and serve in aborder of broiled rice Sprinkle allwith paprika

theIttds as




S ea



green with a star tube pipe





a4i there




pays taMcome day is

Make Rower



cream andap


the-e beaten



tons uewell

a few









Make me as the woodland ntodrThat soars and Lhijt far beavoKward

At break of dayMake my thoughts with fteettogfwtagaThat fty away from earthly things

Born of the layRobert Kerr Marsh


Story of a Thief GivenVith Names of Books


in the Story of awhich was given you

Sunder with the name cTeach book left blank

Two continents were ringing withthe theft of The Queens Necklace abauble that according to an eminentwriter had been one of the causes ofthe French Revolution

This is A Tale of Two Citieswane the robbery was Made in

France the eminent criminologistSherlock Holmes was confident thatthe thief was aa Englishman Hetherefore telegraphed his French

the well known Mona whowas well versed ia The Mysteries ofParis to look out for The FugitiveHolmes suspected a man with A MagicSkin who had been giving revoltingexhibitions at No 5 John Street andmss known oa account of a dual per-sonality as Jekyll and Mr HydeHe had been unable to learn whetherthis maR was The Master of a band orwas operating on Ms own account

Detectives On Both Sides of thetrying to earn A Thousand Franks Reward offered by theFrench government which would prove

A Glorious Fortune to the one makingthe capture The Parisians at beet avolatile people wanted to know theTruth of the delay In the thiefJust as this crisis The Chief of Policeannounced the capture after A SternChase of the criminal

On being put through the thirddegree he confessed and said that behad Great Expectations from an unclebut that the Hard Times bad causedhim to choose A Crooked Path After-a brief trial he was sentenced to theBastMe For the Term of His NaturalLIfe

Best Salad-The best salad I have ever eaten One

large chicken boiled and cojd yolkof three esr s boiled hardy one and onehalf tablespoons of melted butter onehalt pint of vinegar and some chickenone gilt of mixed mustard onehAlf teaspoon pepper salt to taste two

heads of celery the meet Insmall pieces also celery Mix altmash yolks of smoothchpo the whites and mix with buttermustard and vinegar Stir alt togetherand where it wW keep cool beforeusing

Attractive SaladRemove malaga grapes from stems

wipe each one separately and take outseeds Make a cut in each grape beginning at the stem end and extendingthe entire length Insert in tile cut anarrow strip of canned pimento Parttwo seedless oranges and remove thewhite portion from eachrate the fruit into sections discardingthe tough parts Arrange on a bed oflettuce leaves and pour over it a wellblended French dressing

To SeparateWhen two class traafeiers or dishes

stick together so that there is danger ofbreaking ia rotting them apart putcold water ir the inner one and boldthe outer one In warm water and theywill separator vase






channel were














BailE SfTke stars inellae aw-

jl Monday December 26 igio

Te staged wit and darting thoughtcome rwma they long Have smgf-

ctjypRCGRY In ecliptic conjunction withrules powerfully fer hituition Insight resourcefulness qulok

of wit and energy oC thought IBtilt periodThe Moan in a watery sign has theVenus and Jupiter In beneftc aspeel making auspices for a brightly

unite in benefiting tbImputeeB and in blessing herrelations peace and mercy

grant favers en this dayI to the recipient and returns to-tbo donor

iverably for health a4and malice

J e words are under malignant den1their

r who are given to mocktheir caprices in thesetwentyfour hours

lucky for investigationand the training of theyoung are good aepecta Teachers lecturers and sfeecM ben-

efitVenus is held in this to exert apo rniHy favorable influence over en-

tertainments Visits and amusementsTfcr Is a good omen over anything

I rule cite to be to rich rewardthoughtfulness and reasonborn today are held to be

and Kindness

Helpful Hints ForBusy Homemakers

Always shrink a new braid beforesewing to a skirt otherwise the bot-tom of the skirt will become p dkered the first time of wearing ia a show-er of rain

In melting salads do not chop yourmeats and a chopping bowlCut into the desired shag pieces withors This te quicker nester andcleaner than the old way

A good way to wash bottles orwarm soapy water together

thorn Del shake well This will deanthe glees well and will net scratch ItTo prevent any shade of biae fromfading soak for two hours ia u paM of

load has been added Then be suredry well before washing and ironingI A pond silence cloth for the dtematable can be made with a double thJek

of flannel laid with the softon the inside sad quilted on themachine edge with a handing of whitetape

To kill on any feathery plantswell as small ivy and like make Hpaper cone te cover the plant and burna quantity of sulphur under thecon A pinch of sulphur will usuallyjkC all lice

To remove iron meld from marble rubthe marble with a cut lemon dipped iacommon salt If this does set remove

i Ja try rubbing it with spiritsof ammonia is often successful

other treatments fall In eithercase it is well to afterward rinse thespot and polish it with soft cloth





t and happy dayt The IIpees

Trope whoer aughrfes promee

I Jupiter rulesill an evil sign over untruthsdeceit

tIMe It will be well for to guardagainst hasty orSarcasm should refrain entirelyfrom

and matrimony areI

exeell8lltThere is a sIgJt

reMIL h study and matters


cookeryPersons with this blrthdate are BBt by tars that often grant I





vinegat cruets ill to put crushed sillslid in

to wl one ogace of Sugar ctoe

Imeas whiteside




orosesbut do






do se that ggehresults

tOi fOr Thor

tongues unkindynuttiersigns

underiet oars



governed great-s justice











A Smart Little Coat


Cost of This Coat in Two Materials

C rd rey

3 frog Sic leek


K yarn of veMot far oaHar and3 fraga 3fe each



IJ4 tX 71L1iL l 15


1K yards oC 1 1JM1Iu45


yeS Cmdlts sy xelCoat

kCoslfat T

es a itLE

How the Animals Keep Christmas


day the horse said to the otherI wonder what they are

going to do with the tree I say themtake into the house Perhaps I am go-ing to be taken in there OR coldnights be said and tied to R

It is plain to roc said a turkey

cold nights we are value thana horse

Why shouldnt It be fer my fatallyasked the rooster

Because none of your family can flyso Ugh said the turkey holding herhead in the air

The cat came in the barn Just thenWhat are you talking about she

askedAbout the tree that the horse saw


taken into the house said the turkey-I think my fairilv are to perch in It

on very cold nights and the horsethinks it is for him

The cat laughed You are an igno-rant lot she said that Is a Christmastree We have one every year

What i a Christmas tree asked awho herd escaped from Thanks-

giving and did not like to talk aboutsaid the cat The turkey save a sighof relief

And everybody in the house gets apresent and there is candy o theeat continued I had this collar last

Cooky SecretsThe secret of good cookies is to we

just enough flour to roll them withoutsticking To do this take severalthicknesses of white muslin or partof an old sheet flolded to lit the boardwin do sprinkle with flour take part

dough at a time and roll withlight touch never pressing hard oncooky or doughnut dough The follow

recipe is fit for a king One cupfulef MUter or mixed butter and lard andonehalf cupful of sugar three gv od-taMespoonsfuls of cold water in whichdissolve one level teaspoonful of sodathree sss two teaspoonfuls of bakingpowder one teaspoonful of cinnamonone scant teaspoonful chive onecupful of dates and nuts not choppedbut cut line Bake in quick oven not

Leftovers for Soup-In mixing leftovers for soups never

combine ash and meat beef and Iambchicken and beef Sometimes a littlebacon or pork bones can be added tosoup stock for richer flavoring


that my family are to roost In It onofmore




presents on It



too hot

THIS ritiE

They bang






yeaj she said twisting her neckproudly-

I do not see why w should net havea Chrtetoas tree send the horse who

and sweet thingsWhere wou2d we got a asked

a duck who was listeningYou do not need a tree to get pres-

ents saM the oat The hangtheir stockings and Santa Claus putspresents In them That is Just asbad for us said the cc none of uswear stockings The dog began towag his taiL I know what can be

be said The horse can hang binoutside the stall and the cow

can sleep with her bead out of her stalland will something on herhorns I am sure The pigs can pushtheir trough outside their house and hewill be sure to see that The turkeysand hens will have to hunt shellsand set them around the henhousedoorThere will not be to goaround said sue hen there were onlynine in that last brood that washatched

Wen leave the henhouse door opensaid the doc

Yes said the rooster and Mr Foxor some other ferocious animal withave Chlstmas before w do ho I willhave the door dosed and trust to luckfor Christmas presents

Til be glad when Its all over saidan old hen sighing I have been anorphan pTd a widow after one of thosecelebrati T

war to know how Santa Claussaid the pig He Is an old

said the cat with a whitebeard

And he Is dressed in rod said thedog who wanted to let them know thathe knw as mud as the cat did abouthim I Just know lie will not leave meanything said the cow If he wearsthat horrid color

The night before Christmas the barnyard was quiet at an early hour for thedog and cat told the animals that Santanever left presents while anyone was

Newest Fads ofFashions FanciesL-

arge hats have little trimmingI The fad of the year Is the

Ratine and camels hair are in highfavor

Morocco is being worn especially inbuckles

Pony skin has never become popularIn England

In Venice lace the assortments showlittle changn

Velvet sashes are elegant with agown

Many women have their hatpins matchheir brooches

Gloves for evening are now wornloose and baggy

Detachable yokes are provWad withsome of the new waists

Black and white Is much seen in pipingand button effects











that arewith

capes arealways becomingto-tho younger obitaroM and thin onela exceptionally

In the

r dothwith velvet

but velvet veinteem oaranroy and

Mhomad all are

theia del There te a

yokewaist tile circularcoat hf attached sadthe cane te

star It Thepatch pockets areapplied on huHeated lines Thealeevoa are just funenough for comfortsad are naashedwith A

tata on-

chfldrena coatsthis season braidHI much liked and

al tacit a the vel-

vet te quite cor-rect and fur i-

barmg great vogueThe want made ofvelvet or

offor on the CIteand eta would be

and attractiveRough tombeddoth are taskjonable and oneof those hi darkred or Woe withbeads of black silkbraid would bepretty and usefulseat in the heightof atyl2

For a child ofImw years ofwill be ramiired-


hey MMMOU pattits OK ames

n eisliiiii at GoUon



It is



cantof JI


is exceedinglyMlnihe ud



or 1 yardSIt wide A

N-et 4



harririeaassassin trim-med

fie jshasias are-Intash thisseaesa





riety trm lI t-



aoao asrart


paib s-M adios

wideless s

and yearsbergs


wake The next morning as soon asit was light the horse turned around inMs stall and sntred at bin It wasfilled with oats and be was busy eatingwhen mooed at him

Is there anything on my hornsT she

Dont see anything said the horsemunching oatsI knew be would not leave me anything she sighed

The farmer came in then sad withhJra his little daughterChrhnmas she called aa shece e in the door here is some sugar

ft you billy horse and some carrotsyou mooly sow and I am going toput a sprig of holly on the poet of techshall so you all can have ChristmasThen she went to the pig pen and told i

the Idred man to give the pig an extraslarge breakfast and she put some holly j



over their door The turkeys and thehens were also remembered with a generous supply of corn

when the animate met in thebarn they all expeessed themselves sattailed nitZT Christmas But I do sot believe In the Santa Claus you told moabout said the pig was a littlegirl not an old man who save me myChristmas I guess it Is all wellfor the ones hi the house said theeov but the barnyard animate wouldnot fare any oa Christmas thanany other if there is not a kindlittte girl farmer family tothick of e

Salt Pork Fruit Cakethrees meat grmdor on pound ratsIns two ergs five ewes flour see cupnut meets two cups sugar one cupmolasses and teaspoon soda put inSour dry two teaspoons cinnamon oneteaspoon cloves one plat hot water putsalt pork into mixing bawl pour tatwater over perk add two beitenwell add sugar raisins molasses T afeand apices add flour last Bake onehour

Hickory Nut Cake-One cup white sugar one small table

spoonful butter r r lard two eggs beatthreefourths cur sweet milk two cupsflour two teaspoonfuls belting powderthreefourths cup hickory nuts choppedbake In two layers Frosting pre largecup sugar water to melt good boll untilft threads from spoon Beat white ofone egg pour sugar into It then afterIts quite cood add onehalf cup ofchopped hickory nuts spread on cakethen on top layer put half hickory nutsto trim It along on the

I see the top of DIY


La er



ITake ha eemts worth of sit pork run




asked snothead


s tiE t iSED

s d-s fNl








Muoh Good Time Wasted In Being Constantly on theAlert for Help From Others Such Attitude

Affects Character-



for outside helpof decided mental power ofgin and unqoeatioiMd ability

because she brae always wafted for-

man orof r position power or

r Whet

character just at a winds pigment de-velopment would be attecto tt insteadof learning to walk to K leaddepended upon tie guidance 9f somebeadEarly YouthBlighted by Father

The bright daughter f an

blighted by the filet that her father brad

failure She felt that her huooond

Married brother to whom sheturned failed to do for her what she

he should and ao valuable years ofUte passed by before she discovered thatin lay the ability to achieve suc-cess to aid the father tomake the home for herself which herhuohand bad fatted io wake for herand t be independent of the indifferentbrother

Ilit career

kind far matterwhether la the trades the

w tile do not be constaatIy the alertA

IBeddedsae te attain say mainly

ltKhens help her on tile WIlT

she ers

hUteno hercats that T

an of tile

Improvidentfather telt that her early youth was

not done an fur her that lie shouldSIte marriage

had not done an for that JteA


noon a being looks

at out aofay y heprefes-

siess areaon

woesayet failed goat

toWhenever aa vmaa

8tst thought speruR do for me-

Saida aftaze naiad akeeils

it always

married and her proveda

her should


Just ciao 6 bamas



trotehe beforeeamedof acMevomoMa

Waste NoIn FeeKsh Regrets

B a divine compliment wises anywith

no one on whom to depend or o turnpeople areono do sot need i

are gives eruichea the abletheir own llmbaAa thou wouMat treat fat God Himself

soulIs an emanaUuit from tile Whole

theevVast and atbomed ac the imahlj setaThy oer

pflot WW rGo seek thorn sadtrot

ThoM aaanfcnu widest

can phtcestrength

Such triumphs aa no mortal evergained

May yet be thine K thorn bat b

In thy Creator and thyself At lengthSome feet mast troth name hcightj TH T-

Ttmattatoedr Prim on achiv

achieveCorrrfgM ISM toy Now TOTfc Kvminff

only to weu DIIde Causeback of for r It soonIe he reed all lydmttece un


Waste time to belittlingregretS that other pespie net donefor you the7 IIIwe done

itstands solitary in the

tforSIck given

Trust ill tJdae own 1UI epsef y

Thou not what in





WIly not thy own p


end hohimLest Sltm as


so In sadbasso

what shaysoul world

assistancenOrme well


betdon hbam fires lie


thy tvesirtg RindmaybeNo men a m uty

tinJraa PsblM t a CQ


Question Box of The TimesI-

t dots not matter how personal are the things you want to lamaqncrj to Question Box Editor and lll axurrrer you


promptly where U possible do Your name will net lie printedThere so request

Fend err sheis to so


J JL Buj a small soft brushus It to scrub the face everjkjrfsht witha good pure soap std tepid waterRinse well with cold water sad ruba good alder food into the pores afterthis trratmtit Enlarged pores may be

he caused by being dogged with dustfey which the above treatment wetprove moat effective although you

l atThe skin will gradually become

If the enlargement of the pores iaa to often the seas to a

serves comfltlon or imHgfcarfuo IWould advise that yov attend to your



Figures Are Geometrical InLong Straight


H3BRS te to be sees nowadays astriking revival of basCa embroMery that manycolored workon heavy canvas somewhat re-

Eembnng tile old tapestries and whichmay be utilized for everything from anarm licitly to a pin cushionUsually the are geometrical

ones to longa somewhatVariety bs now introduced how-ever by moans of subjectsreproduced to the primitive delineationof costumes and manners inspired byancient art

In such instances tares are workedout in beady tent stitch and occasion-ally the long typical stroke is carriedacross slantwise to form tapestrypanels sets of chair backs and seatsanimated by groups of native pictori-als

You do not know thedcIciousness of the finest California cannedfruit until you havetried


The kind that ls XOT-lyepcclcd

Such flavor Why ev-ery luscious bite willremind you of sunnyorchards with ripejuicy fruit banging lowon the boughs ready-to be plucked

We have taken thelocal agency for thesecelebrated goods andto introduce them areoffering them atwholesale cost 2Scper can Guaranteedequal to any fruits soldanywhere at 4vc percan Money back if notas represented

Sanitary Grocery COInc

At Any of Our 34 Stores


to one of things They may

the pores to contract

sad the smeller how





due several

can-not expect

other peas

due disorder-ed

stra-nd formals


s t





general health sad hnaamti easier

The following te a last of the Monthsfor which you asked

January GarnetFebruary AMOt ot


July RobyAugustSept mb av OctoberOpalNovemberDecember TIM uuinu

ChildsConstant Rom

lovely for young ehiWrenof course it eon easily

not so serviceable a

Mourning Eti eette

sohate buthv

I should opusonce and give myself all the pleas-

ure and comfort with my ratmc

Brooklyn X T-oii Fulton st


Wishes Its Manyfriends and Patrons



and extends to them itscordial thanks for thehearty support they havegiven it during the pastyear

has done something newfor the people of Washing

has gives them thebenefit of manufacturerspricey on the choicest assortment of plumes andhats ever brought to thiscity its preparations for

The Coming Year

will enable it to over aaeveR better service thanbefore providing its paIrons larger assortmentsliner variety and lowerprices than heretoforehave been possible Yourpatronage is cordially

91 5 GMaui


287 Mint Arcaderv J ad Onto

ill Euclid are

these condition If exist




tiex furFor year pi

aDO there JIG rule t-


X York X Y

Rh aTe


Quality Shop





I in-vited


liiies7 sStree-



Ise and thsk cor-responding stones

lsareiBioistrre-AprilDie end


Centro is asiaieg

asaahr there-

fore silos

B Mourning Is warn aparent a year reopArhlg


pos hie

n BmsdwayIi






