
Graphic elements, generic codes and conventions and target audience analysis Task Choose three music magazine covers and analyse the different graphic elements on them, following the template provided in the students area/AS Media folder.

Transcript of Magazines

Page 1: Magazines

Graphic elements, generic codes and conventions and target audience analysis

Task Choose three music magazine covers and analyse the different graphic elements on them, following the template provided in the students area/AS Media folder.

Page 2: Magazines


To know the main graphic elements in a magazine cover.

Page 3: Magazines

Graphic elements of a magazine cover There are a series of conventional

elements included in all magazine covers (although not all magazine covers will include all of them)

Have a look at the following examples.

Page 4: Magazines

MASTHEAD: This is the title and/or logo of the magazine.Identifies the brand. It is usually located in the same place

COVER LINES: Aside form the main cover line, there will be others that flag up different issues inside the magazine.

FONT TYPESThe font types used in this magazine cover are sans-serif fonts, which….COLOUR SCHEME:

Colours such black, white and red conveys... The choice of white for the background matches the model’s t-shirt as well as the use of black and red for the text creates a colour scheme that…

MAIN COVER LINE:This is the text that goes with the main image. It further explains the more about the main issue.

MAIN IMAGE: This is the photograph or illustration that occupies the biggest area in the cover. This image tells you what the magazine is about, as well as what is the main issue.



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MASTHEAD: This is the title and/or logo of the magazine.Identifies the brand. It is usually located in the same place

COVER LINES: Aside form the main cover line, there will be others that flag up different issues inside the magazine.

FONT TYPESThe font types used in this magazine cover are sans-serif fonts, which….

COLOUR SCHEME: Colours such black, white and red conveys... The choice of white for the background matches the model’s t-shirt as well as the use of black and red for the text creates a colour scheme that…

MAIN COVER LINE:This is the text that goes with the main image. It further explains the more about the main issue.

MAIN IMAGE: This is the photograph or illustration that occupies the biggest area in the cover. This image tells you what the magazine is about, as well as what is the main issue.

BARCODE/DATELINE: Date, issue number, price,…

Page 6: Magazines

Task 1 Research: Magazine cover Choose three music magazine covers and analyse

the different graphic elements on them, following the template provided in the students area/AS Media folder.

Analyse masthead, skyline, main image, main cover line, additional cover lines, flashes, additional images (in case that there are any), issue number, price, date and barcode.

Analyse use of font types (serif/sans serif), use of images, sizes of text and images and use of a colour scheme.

Page 7: Magazines

Task 1 Research: Magazine coverIn your analysis you must answer these questions in the boxes provided in the template:

How many elements can you spot? List all in different boxes. Describe the masthead. What font types are used

(serif/sans serif)? What colour is used? Is there a skyline/header above the masthead? What font

type and colour? What is the headline/main cover line (image/cover line)? What other cover lines are included? What is the composition of the text and images? Think of

size of text and position of images. What are the codes and conventions of that particular

genre. What are the main two colours in the image? What are the main two colours in the text?

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Masthead: The title (can also be the logo) of the magazine. It

identifies the brand and conventionally positioned in the

same place on all volumes.

Skyline: The writing above the masthead, at the top of the

magazine cover.

Dateline: The information on when the magazine issue was


Main image: The photograph that occupies the biggest space

on the cover. It is usually attention grabbing and who the main featured article is about.

Main cover line: The text that accompanies the main image. It gives an overview of the entire

whole story and entices the reader to read on.

Cover lines: Two titles previewing additional stories in the magazine. How many cover

lines depends on the target audience and the genre of

magazine it is.

House style: How publishing or printing companies like to present and layout their

graphic material, giving the magazine its unique identity. The colours are subtle, pastel shades of pink that connote

femininity and elegance. Bold accents of black and blue

complement the pink, used to look eye-catching. There is only

one image on the cover: the music artist Katy Perry. The

typography is sans serif, so very quick and easy to read.

Website: idk

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Masthead: The title (can also be the logo) of the magazine. It identifies the brand and conventionally positioned in the same place on all volumes.

Slogan: A phrase which sums up a magazine and presents its

unique brand image (also known as a tag line).

Pull quote: Words taken from articles inside a magazine, usually in

quotation marks.

Dateline: The information on when the magazine issue was

released. Barcode: Used to retail magazines.

Additional image: Represents a different story inside.

Plug: Information about the contents of a magazine given on

the front cover.

Flash: Text/image in a shape on a magazine front cover.

Cover lines: Titles that preview additional articles in the


House style: How publishing or printing companies like to present and layout their graphic material,

giving the magazine its unique identity. Bold shades of red and

blue are used in the colour scheme. They are associated with Western

nation flags (i.e. UK, USA) and connote masculinity (appropriate for targeting male young adults). Sans-serif typography makes it

quick and easy to read. The main image on the front cover is the band All Time Low. Their target audience will be able to identify

with them. Yellow, white and black accents complement the main colour scheme, making it more

appealing to the eye.

Main cover line: The text that accompanies the main image.

Main image: Photograph that occupies the biggest space on the


Website: A web address to where the reader can find out

more about the magazine, often to assess exclusives.

Issue number: How many times this volume

has been published.

Price: The retail cost.

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MASTHEAD: This is the title and logo of the magazine. It identifies the brand and is usually located in the same place

FONT TYPE: San-Serif font is mostly used throughout the magazine cover. From being used for the masthead to the cover line.

COLOUR SCHEME: Colours such as red and yellow stand out and will catch the eye straight away.Also the use of the colours being bold makes the cover seem almost like a poster. Fire can also be represented by these two colours which can also mean power. Graphics:

MAIN IMAGE: This is the photograph that takes up the biggest area of the cover. It’s also in front of the Masthead of the magazine but the Masthead is still legible. The main imagine in this case is the main artist that will be feature inside the magazine.

BARCODE: This is needed to purchase the magazine. It’s a common convention of a magazine, however some magazines don’t put them on the front cover as it can be unappealing and does not go with the theme of the front cover

DATE/PRICE: Date (also can be the issue number too) and the price are common conventions in magazines. It occupiers a very small space as the company doesn't’t wants it to stand out as it doesn’t actually appeal to the audience as it just informs them on how much they will spend on this product. As it’s £3.99, it seems to be aimed at middle class audience.

MAIN COVER LINE: This is the text that goes with the main imagine. It explains more about what the main issue is and will be featured in the magazine. In this context it’s the band

PLUG: This plug of a free item inside encourages the reader/audience to want to buy this issue.

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MASTHEAD: The title of the magazine is also the logo and very recognisable in the music industry. Like most magazines, its behind the main image but still legible


COLOUR SCHEME: Pink is used with just black, white and yellow, the colours the artist is wearing. Pink is the main colour though for the background. Being a female dominated front cover, pink is usually associated with females therefore a good colour to use. The use of black for most of the text makes specific text, most likely the most important, to stand out.

MAIN IMAGE: The main image is of a well known artist, Katy Perry. Taking up a large about of space, the main image is the first thing the audience will see and notice.

DATE/ ISSUE NUMBER: This will just tell the audience when the magazine was published as well as what issue the magazine is. This is usually the smallest text and accompanied by a barcode and price but this magazine has just stuck with the date and issue number.

MAIN COVER LINE: For this magazine the cover line is the biggest/boldest righting but on the left hand side. It is simply the name of the artist who will feature in the magazine.

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FONT TYPES: Throughout the magazine cover, San-Serif font is used.

MASTHEAD: The masthead is the biggest text but as well a code of the magazine as its green, sticking with the theme of the magazine. It is still behind the main imagine but again still legible. Also its an acronym/logo of the actual name of the company that produces this magazine

MAIN COVER LINE: ‘Green Day’, the name of the band featured as the main image and content of the magazine is the title of the main cover line. This cover line indicates who the main image is in case the audience don’t know who they are.

MAIN IMAGE: The main imagine again takes up the most space on the magazine. It also will gain the most attention from a reader. The main imagine on this magazine is the artist that is the main feature of the magazine, in this case, Green Day. The artists are not all doing a typical pose a rock band would be expected to do. On the other hand they are styled conventionally like a rock band from what we can see. They seemed to not be photoshopped or ‘glammed up’ like most artist would be on a front cover. Saying that, they are an all male band in their 40’s

COLOUR SCHEME: Green/PinkThe colour scheme is related to the artist that is featured on the cover (Green Day) newest album at the time ‘¡UNO! ‘. The album was green and pink. However the use of green as well is a code to the band as the band does have ‘green’ in it’s name. It is then incorporated into the magazines colour scheme. On the other hand, green and pink are complimentary colours to each other with yellow highlighting key points.

Plug: This plug is highlighted in yellow and is meant to stand out to grab the audience attention. However it’s quite small but is in serif font. In this issue of the magazine, there is an exclusive poster. Freebies like this can draw the audience to buy the magazine.

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Graphic elements analysis

Marie Hodge

MASTHEAD: This is found normally at the top of the magazine this is because this is the place where it is more bolder so the audience can know who they are reading.

COVER LINES: this is normally found on the other side of the magazine. Cover lines are mainly for the audience to tell what else is in the magazine.

FONT TYPES: the mostly used in magazine are sans serif and serif this because they are easy font to read. On this magazine the fonts are serif this gives the magazine a classic look and still able to read.

COLOUR SCHEME: colours are very effective on a magazine and is important because certain elements can stand out more. sometime they use whatever the staff is wearing for example in this magazine they used the lipstick because it goes with the colour of the logo.

MAIN COVER LINE: the main cover line is most like information on what the magazine is about this also accompanies the main cover shot. The main cover in this magazine is LANA DEL REY this gives information that there's an article about her in the magazine.

MAIN IMAGE: this normally takes up most of the area on the front cover. The main image is important because this gives audience an idea of the content of the magazine and will attract some audiences.

ISSUE NUMBER/ DATELINE/ PRICE: to inform audience how old the magazine is and how much its is.

SKYLINE: writing at the top of the masthead gives you information about the over content like a cover line by skylines are located at the top of the magazine.

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MASTHEAD: This is located at the top of the magazine this is because its where it stands out the most. Its important for the mast head to be bold so the audience know what they are reading.

MAIN COVER LINE: Accompanies with the main image. Main cover line gives you information about the article but not to this magazine it is chemical romance this gives us information that the person on the front of the magazine has maybe had a bad experience with love.

COLOUR SCHEME: the main colour on this magazine is red because of the red hair it also goes with colour line because of the word romance. Red in this case is a very powerful colour compare to the baby blue back ground and the white. The black is used to make the element stand out to the red. Colours on a magazine are important because you need to make certain elements stand out and make the magazine stand out it self.

MAIN IMAGE: this is a photograph that take most of the room on the page this is normally related to the main the cover line. The main image is normally usefully because it brings audience attention and can get the colour scheme out the images. On this magazine he has an evil looking face and also started straight at you the face is important because if it was something unusually then it will make the magazine pop out and also depending on the person on the magazine it can attract difference audiences to the magazine.

COVER LINE : the cover line gives you more information about the magazine and what in contains they are normally located on the side of the magazine to not attract much attention as the main cover line and for instants on this magazine you can se there are not as bold as the main cover line.

FONT TYPES: The font types used on this magazine is bold and some element stands out more than the other. The font types used on this magazine are sans serif this is unusually for this because normally sans serif is used for article (body) but it can be used ass the head line because it creates and more bolder affect.

DATE: To let the audience know when this paper was issued

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MASTHEAD: This is the title on the magazine. The masthead is normally found at the top this because to make it stand out and so the audience will know what they are reading.

MAIN COVER LINE: phrase on the front cover to give information on what is going to be on the this case is BRING ME TO THE HORIZON this lets buyers know that an article is going to be in the magazine about them.

COLOUR SCHEME: is important because it make certain elements stand out for example the PUFF in this magazine is a blue splat which stand out for all the other element in the this magazine there are a lot of vibrant colours to make sure that element are standing out because the magazine is very busy and has a lot of elements.

MAIN IMAGE: a photograph that takes up the most amount of room in the front cover. This is important because it gives audience an idea on what inside the magazine. On this magazine’s front cover there are 7 additional images ,this makes the magazine look busy and full of content.

FONT TYPES: The font types used are important because you need to make it easier on the audience to read.In this magazine the font type they have used is sans serif, this is the easiest font type to read and is normally used in headings and titles, but less commonly as body text.

COVER LINES: Phrase given to give in formation about the contents of the magazine. An example of this would be Mathew’s live returns.

SKYLINE: writing at the top of the cover to give more information without getting in the way of the main image and not making it look to busy.

BARCODE/DATELINE/ISSUE NUMBER/PRICE: Useful because u know how old the magazine is and how much it is

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MASTHEAD: the name of the magazine, helps the audience to identify the brand, and a bit about what the magazine is all about. For instant, this magazine masthead is bold and red and this shows the audience that the magazine is all about the best and bold artists.

COVER LINES: the cover line attracts more people to buy the magazine because they want to know more about what is means and why it was written like that.

FONT TYPES: the font type used is ‘Serif’ and this makes it easier for the audience to read. This will also persuade the readers to buy it because they wont have any difficulties reading it.

COLOUR SCHEME: the colours really portray her beauty and this will attract more people especially boys as they idolise her beauty. The nude/pink lips show that she’s trying to be a bit seductive as it also demonstrates her naked beauty. The pink blusher on her cheeks also show that she is being seductive as rouged cheeks also show how attractive she is.

MAIN COVER LINE: the main cover line demonstrates that the magazine is not only going to be about the artists songs but it’s also going to be about her personal life.

MAIN IMAGE: the main image takes most of the page and it is a median close up shot of Rihanna. Her face is half hidden which intrigues the audience because they want to know why half her face is hidden, the audience want to find out more about the artist.

BARCODE: the barcode is important because it lets the readers know how much the magazine is.

DATELINE: this shows the audience when the magazine was issued because people want to know if it’s a recent magazine or not.

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MASTHEAD: the name of the magazine gives the audience a bit of an intel on what the magazine is all about. For instants this magazine masthead is mainly white and have some bright colours, this shows the readers that it has got serious facts about the artists but also has interesting facts about them.

Cover lines: the cover lines attract more people to buy the magazine as it is an interesting facts about what’s happening within the music industry

FONT TYPES: it is a sans serif font type and this is just a basic font type which illustrates to the audience that it is a basic magazine with lots of information. This font tupe is also very clear and visible which makes it easier for the audience to read.

COLOUR SCHEME: the colours are very colourful and clear which will attract more people to buy the magazine.

MAIN COVER LINE: here the main cover line demonstrates who will be featuring this magazine and it is important because it allows the readers to now who will mainly be in the magazine before buying it as not everyone might like Beyoncé

MAIN IMAGE: the main image is of a famous and beautiful singer, the magazine billboard used this as it will attract more people to buy it because a lot of people are attracted to Beyoncé and she is an idol to some people. The image of Beyoncé takes most of the page as it is a median close up and it’s a very provoking picture as her mouth is half open and her eyes look like they're staring right into the viewers eyes and this may persuade more people to buy the magazine,.

BARCODE/DATELINE: this is important because it allows the readers to know when the magazine was issued, most people will want to know this as they want to have the most recent magazine. It is also important because it allows the audience to know the price of the

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MASTHEAD: the name of the magazine helps the audience identify what type of magazine it is and what types of things are included in the magazine. For instance, the name of this magazine already shows the audience that everything in the magazine is about pop.

COVER LINES: the cover lines make the magazine look interesting and it attracts more readers because it has interesting news about the artists. This is important because everyone wants know what’s going on in the famous people’s lives.

FONT TYPES: the font type is really easy to read as it is a sans serif font type. It is also a really basic font type which shows the audience that we love pop talks about the basic things going on in the artists lives.

COLOUR SCHEME: the main colours in this magazine is pink and this mostly attracts females as it’s a very feminine colour. The colours are also really bright and this attracts people as it looks appealing.

MAIN COVER LINE: the main cover line demonstrates who is featured in this magazine which also shows the audience what this magazine is all about and who its mainly about.

MAIN IMAGE: the main image takes all the attention away from everything else on the page as it is of a beautiful famous singer and she looks really happy, this will also attract more readers because it makes the magazine look joyful.

BARCODE/DATELINE: this is important because it allows the readers to know when the magazine was issued and how much its costs.

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What is graphics?Lesson 1: Font Types

Page 23: Magazines

TF1.Font types

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Font types• There are two main categories of font types:

•Serif •Sans serif

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Serif Easy to read. Looks traditional. Widely used in long texts as books, articles in newspapers/magazines,


AaTimes New Roman

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Sans serif Strong, bold and clear. Modern looking. Often used for titles and headings. Widely used on web design.

AaCentury Gothic

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AaAaItalic Used to highlight or emphasise a text.

Associated to quoting, speeches and dialogs.

Verdana Italic Times New Roman

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AaAaBold Thick. Used to highlight part of a text. Widely used on headings.

Arial Times New Roman

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AaGill Sans Ultrabold

Other possible variations of the Gill Sans font family.

AaGill Sans Condensed

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Other possible variations of the Futura font family.