Magazine Test

THE INFINITE FIELD MAGAZINE A New Thought for A New Day AUGUST 2009 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved. Playing with Life Manifesting Abundance Exploring the infinite field of possibilities that lies in each of us... the INFINITE FIELD MAGAZINE


Magazine For Magazine

Transcript of Magazine Test


AUGUST 2009VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Playing with Life

Manifesting Abundance

Exploring the infinite field of possibilities that lies in each of us...



Exploring the infinite field of possibilities that lies in each of us...


z A Note from the Editor z Namaste, today is a wonderful season presenting multiple opportunities of growth and prosperity for each of us. It is one

that can only happen as we manifest our dreams together. For years, I have dreamt of you. Today, I am realizing that

manifestation as each of you join me in this exciting endeavor.

Many of you may wonder how we got our name and how this magazine came to be. Our name comes from John

Gilmore, Spiritual Leader of Open Heart Spiritual Center in Memphis, TN. One day, I received an email the email address

began with infinitefield@xyz. I wasn’t sure who it could be from. I mean, I know the Universe and Spirit can speak to you, but this was pretty interesting even for me. So, I immediately opened the email and it was from John. The name stuck with

me and truly haunted me in my dreams and in my spirit. I knew that there was something special about this name. The name: The Infinite Field seemed to challenge me to go to a place where I had not gone...To go to a place that I did not

know....To go to a place where my spirit lived and where I could be free.

Each month, I will invite you to come to this place and to share this field of infinite possibilities with me as we co-create this space together. As John explains it, the infinite field is a place for anyone & for everyone. It is a place of complete

consciousness and connectedness to the spirit of God. If you experience it once, it is a place that you will want to dwell for all of your days. The Infinite Field is not very far, it is in your spirit and you have been there before although sometimes our

human form forgets the way.

Thank you for joining in this journey of exploration into the Spirit & thank you for being a co-creator of abundance, gratitude, and love.

May all of YOUR Best & Ha#iest Dreams Come True,


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continued on page 2

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Cover Story

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Having just returned from an eleven day journey

to China my mind is still processing what my eyes witnessed and heart experienced in a land and culture that is so profoundly different than I could have ever imagined. From the beginning, with a total of thirty-eight sojourners in our group, "The

Ancient Wisdom" tour took on a life of its own. Upon arrival in Beijing we hit the ground running and never stopped. Our group seemed to move with a singular sense of elegance, grace and flow that very much reflected the energy of the culture

in which we were being immersed. Each historical landmark and ancient structure we visited seemed to top the one before in its immensity of scale, detail and beauty. Every experience of contemporary China added a new depth of

appreciation for a culture that has adapted

amazingly fast to westernization while still maintaining its ancient roots.

Each new day I kept anxiously waiting my "next" experience of China, assuming it couldn't possibly be greater than the last. I mean, what could

possibly be greater than the Great Wall itself, or more stunning and breathtaking than the Forbidden City? Then, one day during lunch, at a small local (non-tourist) restaurant in downtown Beijing which Yin, our guide, referred to as "The

Shouting Restaurant", it happened. My peak experience for the entire journey divinely exploded before my eyes. The name of the restaurant was appropriate enough; with everyone conversing at the top of their lungs while different

"Not Christian or Jew, Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, Zen. Not any religion or culture system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all…I belong to the Beloved, have seen the two worlds as One and that One call to know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing-Human Being." ~ Rumi

order, the energy was absolutely magnetic. No, my

epiphany didn't happen while drinking the dead snake-in-the-bottle wine or eating a fiery spice-soaked dumpling; it was in the eyes of a small child, perhaps two or three years of age, who stood motionless outside the restaurant peering directly

into my eyes through the window.

In that magical moment time stood still. I could see her mind at work, thinking about me…as if she recognized me and was trying to remember if and how she knew me. Then suddenly, as if she

realized I was a member of her own family, her eyes lit up even more, she giggled and cracked a

big smile that bridged any possibility of a

chasm between cultures, age and language, dissolving all barriers

between us. In that pristine moment she and I truly did know one

another. We had connected with something we both

inherently had in common -- our humanity, as well

as our oneness in something infinitely larger than life itself. At peak moments such as this the veil between the two is very thin. When we can look beyond size, age, gender, nationality, color, culture, religion or any of the other many labels we tend to

place upon others and ourselves, we realize we are all very much the same. We all are born; we all die. We all laugh; we all cry. We all know joy; we all know pain. We all share the same planet and we all share the same name: Human Being. And all it

takes is a simple gaze into another's eyes while we remember that who we are really looking at is actually some aspect of ourselves, followed, of course, by the universal language of a smile to bridge any perceived communication gap.

Only after having this peak moment was it that I looked up, at first somewhat startled to see the child's mother standing there grinning from ear to ear. She no doubt took great pleasure in witnessing

her daughter's delight in our encounter. Clearly this child had a great role model for openness to others, who, at first glance, may appear "different". About that time everyone sitting at my table got in on the action and began smiling and waving to this



courses of food were being served in rapid-fire

beautiful child and her proud mom, who both replied with more of the same. It was one of those profound moments that will be indelibly etched into the walls of my mind and heart forever.

So there I was, 7,000 miles away from home fully

expecting to experience my divine ah-ha moment while standing next to the Grand Canal in Suzhou, or doing Tai Chi with hundreds of others at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, or being mesmerized in the presence of the Terracotta warriors or while

sitting in silent prayer at the Wild Goose Pagoda in Xian, or gazing at the stunning nighttime skyline of skyscrapers along the Bund in Shanghai. No. All that it took was one small child who was willing to allow me to see myself and all of

humanity in her.

I returned home from an amazing trip abroad once again humbled and reminded that at the end of the day life is really about relationships. Why so? Because, if we are willing to look deeply enough

into one another, getting past all of our judgments

and fears about our differences, we be able to see what we have in common. In short, we'll remember to remember there is only One of us here. Contained within the wisdom of this awareness lies the potential for a lasting peace in

our world. How could we possibly conspire to do harm to another when we see ourselves in them? Do you need to go 7,000 miles to be reminded of this? Of course not. You need look no further than the next person you encounter today. The Sufi

mystic Rumi summarized it beautifully when he wrote, "In any gathering, in any chance meeting on the street, there is a shine, an elegance rising up." May this be the day you meet and greet yourself in another. Just let it shine.




P.S. If you found something stirring within as you read this, I would like to invite you to consider joining us for our Sacred Journey to Thailand in January. That which is stirring is your soul seeking to meet itself in others. What better way to do it than by experiencing Thailand with a group of like-minded souls? In order to maintain the intimacy of the group, it is limited to only 25 sojourners. For more information on our Sacred Journey to Thailand, click here:,


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From Frustration to Gratitude

A few months ago, my husband and I were driving home from a friend’s house late one night. Within 10 miles of our home, my car began to act weird. The check engine light came on, smoke was coming from under the hood, and it became really hard to steer. I managed to pull off the highway at the upcoming exit and made it to a gas station just beyond the off ramp. I was frustrated and thinking: Oh geez! Why is this happening now? It’s 11:30 at night! Why can’t my car just work like it’s supposed to…

After we called the auto service and waited for the tow truck, I thought: You know, it’s really a good thing that we made it the 80 miles that we did, that we didn’t get stuck all the way down in Miami, that we’re really close to home. I’m so grateful that we could get to this open and lighted gas station instead of the car dying on the side of I-95. It didn’t bother me that we waited an hour for the tow truck driver. And I continued thinking about how GRATEFUL I was for the situation I had because it could have been much worse. Just a year earlier, I would probably not have moved to grateful so quickly, if at all.

Lori Saitz is the Founder and Chief Executive Rabbit of Zen Rabbit Baking Company, which makes the world famous Gratitude Cookie™. The Gratitude Cookie™ is perfect for showing appreciation for valued relationships, whether business or personal. To sign up for F.R.E.E. “Gratuities-Tips on Bringing More Joy to Your Life” and learn more about The Gratitude Cookie™, visit HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" .

For the first 40 years of my life, good things came my way and I accepted them without conscious thankfulness. After all, I deserved life's pleasantries. I actually felt that I deserved more of them. So, why didn’t I have more? With each good experience came a tinge of dissatisfaction as I would find myself saying, “yes this is nice, but…” And I was frustrated that my life wasn’t richer, in all aspects. Finally, my mentor, Paul Martinelli, instructed me to read the "Gratitude" chapter from the Science of Getting Rich twice a day for 30 days. That was the start of a change. It took a few more years of studying the masters, e.g. Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, to really get the importance of gratitude. I discovered the importance of feeling gratitude which goes beyond verbal expression of gratefulness. The process is ongoing, however, the payback is absolutely worth the invested time and effort. Start today and see for yourself.



There are nearly one million restaurants in the United States today, according to the National Restaurant

Association, including approximately 200,000 fast-food establishments. Embarking on a summer road trip without stopping at one of them can seem like a hopeless challenge. Focus on your water and fiber intake to make sure that those golden arches come no closer than the exit in the rearview mirror.

Taking the time to plan before you leave can have a big impact on your health, your mood, and your satisfaction with your trip. Make a mental checklist as you pack your car and consider the following

road trip remedies.

With a little planning and healthy foods packed in a cooler beside you, your next trip is sure to be a healthy one. Travel safely!

Steps Solution

Surf Test Spend some time on the internet before departing and identify healthy, family-friendly restaurant choices for mealtime stops. Sites like or are a good place to start your search.

Stay hydrated In addition to the recommended 64 ounces per day, the sun beaming through windows and the mental demands of driving increase your need for water. Children in the back seat may overheat more easily, so make sure that everyone has their own water bottle. Need a caffeine boost? “Many people choose sodas when traveling, but a cup of black coffee provides the same amount of without added sugar,” says personal trainer and nutrition consultant Jason Bowers. “Remember, though, that you should take in no more than 240 micrograms of caffeine per day, which is only 2-3 cups of coffee.”

Fill up with fiber Keep protein-filled, fibrous foods on hand to ward off hunger and keep energy levels constant. “Pre-mixed protein shakes are great on-the-go snacks, especially light versions” Bowers says. “Fruits like apples and oranges travel well and pack a healthy dose of fiber, not to mention a sweet pick-me-up. Unsalted almonds are very heart healthy and contain good fats. Beware of consuming too many as you drive – a ¼ cup serving of most nuts provides 30% of the daily recommended value of fat intake.”

Know your tastes

The Ayurvedic tradition identifies six separate tastes; sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. We need all of them to remain balanced, and keeping all six on hand helps satisfy unexpected cravings. Sweet foods include ripened fruits, natural granolas and cereals, and teas sweetened with honey or blue agave. For a sour zing, reach for citrus fruits and yogurts. Pretzels or crackers flavored with sea salt ease cravings for salty snacks. Most greens fall in the “bitter” category. Pungent flavors include chili peppers, black pepper, and ginger. Beans and coniferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage are considered astringent.

Anticipate cravings

Be realistic about your cravings and pack healthy alternatives to meet them. For instance, I love chocolate and know that after hours of driving, I am likely to find myself standing in front of a gas station candy display. Instead, I pick up a small bag of Bear Naked Chocolate Granola at my local grocer before I hit the road. It is made of natural ingredients, packs a healthy dose of protein and fiber, and boasts a rich flavor that satisfies my need for chocolate in a few bites. Traveling with a group? Try taking the entire family to your local natural foods market to select a handful of dried fruit, carob-covered almonds, or trail mix for an assortment of natural, budget-friendly treat options.


Yours in optimum health,

Jan Bowers