Magazine proposa final


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Magazine proposal final By Callum McCormick

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After studying the results

• After studding the result of both my online survey and focus groups I have decided to continue with my original idea of a classical music magazine. However instead, as originally intended, of creating a classical music magazine for a young demographic I have decided to focus of a more mature demographic.

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Content/ title

• Continuing with the classical theme, my articles will reflect the wants of my focus group. The first type of article was a historical exposal on a classical composer, my magazine will feature these sort of articles as part of the core experience and this puff will feature predominantly on the cover of the magazine. The feature article will be an expose on the new talent in the classical world. The focus group also showed an interest in a pull out music sheet to be able to play along with your favourite composer. As well as a free ITunes download link.The title shall reflect the classical theme of the magazine ether:Virtuoso or Symphony

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Why this magazine?

• I have decided to create a classical magazine. The reason is because I really have a passion for the music and the genre. It was classical music which allowed me to pass my exams, and it is the music genre I have spent the most time lisening to over the year. I originally wanted to make this magazine with a target audience similar to my own age, however I hat to face the truth ( young people do not like classical music) Discovering this I have decided to change to a more adult demographic, I will bring to the magazine hundreds and hundreds of first hand experience of the genre.

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Ideal target audience

• The magazine will be focused on a more mature sophisticated demographic middle class demographic. A and B in the social economic scale. The age is unimportant as well as the gender, it will appeal to someone with sophistication and that has a passion for the genre.

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Character Profile•This is John Smith

•He is 40 years old.

• He is a business man dealing in trade and finance

•He is a Caucasian male

•His interest include relaxing after a long day and listening to classical music on his laptop. He also enjoys playing a instrument, such as the piano, and researching his favourite Composers online, but he finds this time consuming.

•He believes in a busy life style he is constantly working, extraverted and full of energy, he believes in efficiency and convenience.

What he really wants is a magazine which takes all his musical interest's to be displayed in one place that is monthly and contains articles that he can pick up and read any time such as on his tablet or phone.What he wants is.. Virtuoso