Magazine front cover analysis

Magazine front cover analysis

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Page 1: Magazine front cover analysis

Magazine front cover analysis

Page 2: Magazine front cover analysis

Often a different font is used for the mast head and subheadings. This helps the mast head stand out and also makes it more rememberable as it is usually the magazines own design. Kerrang magazine used a font which looks as if it has been smashed. This suits the music genre as it is meant to be rock music and look “hard core”.

“ticket give away” adds pulling power to the front cover, the readers are promised a chance to win a free ticket to one of the big festivals for this music genre.

The picture fills up the entire width of the page, this shows the entire width of the page, this shows that it is a big band and their talent cannot fit onto one page.

Reversed out text is used to draw attention to the headline.

The colour red stands out and makes the magazine look more exciting and appealing.

“Free poster special” makes readers feel that they are getting more for their money it would also make new readers who like the band want to buy that magazine as they can see what genre the magazine is and they get a free poster.

Lots of famous faces that will be easily recognised by viewers, this entices them to buy it as they want to read about people they know.

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Using a bold mast head makes the title stand out, it is easily recognisable and will be remembered. It is usually one word or an initialization of the full name, this keeps the title catchy and easier to remember than “New Musical Express” which is what NME stands for.The mast head can be seen from a distance so it will still stand out from across the shop

Putting big news on the front cover entices readers

Thumbnail pictures give a viewer a visual sense of what will be inside

Using headings and pictures we can see that this is a music magazine straight away, this targets an audience who enjoys this type of music.

Using 3 main colours keeps the cover looking simple yet fun. Red and yellow are both bold, warm colours and so make you feel excited and stand out. This attracts readers as it looks exciting like the music.

Using a large picture of the main featured band catches viewer’s eyes in shops. A large picture of a celebrity attracts the customers as it could be someone they look or admire. This is why the photo fills more of the page than text does

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Freebies draw the reader in, especially once they see that the freebie is worth more than the magazine.

Using quotes from articles sparks an interest but doesn’t give too much away so they reader has to buy it to find out the whole story.

The model is looking directly at the camera; this makes us feel involved as it is as if she is looking at us.

Using a big number such as 303 impresses viewers

Smaller photos on the front give a good insight into the contents and attracts readers who want more than what they can read or the model on the cover.

Four main colours keep the magazine standing out and looking fun without looking messy.

“Get great hair” targets women as they are stereotyped as always wanting nicer hair and by buying this magazine they are promised to get it.

The font used for the mast head gives the magazine a fun, relaxed feel. It is also reversed out font which stands out and looks bold.

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This front cover doesn’t have many headlines on it, this means we don’t know what the magazine is about until we buy it which creates mystery. The only clue we have as to the magazine genre is the picture and the headline “Summer Swimsuit Issue” which makes you think it might be a fashion magazine.

Bold colours are used throughout – gives the feel that this magazine is for strong, independent readers and makes the magazine stand out.

The uncluttered front page gives it a calm feel.

V magazine uses an unconventional masthead, they have the words “V magazine” in small letters at the top, this is not very attention grabbing, However, underneath the small font is a much larger “V” which fills the whole page and grabs attention

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The colour of the font is a different colour to the models dress, this helps her stand out and brings attention to her picture but also makes the text easy to read.

The text follows the shape of the models body, this makes it look like it fits better and frames the model which brings even more attention to her.

Red masthead against a white background looks fresh and bold.

To draw in readers they use a very well known cover star and use her name on the front cover, the name “Mary-Kate” is in a bodler, bigger text to the rest of the related text which stands out and is easy to spot straight away.

Controversial stories draw the reader in.

Includes website so readers can use this view too.

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The picture of the cover star is underneath the masthead and other titles. This brings attention to the titles but also frames the model so you focus on her. By placing the model underneath the mast head it really makes “Vogue” stand out.

“The fashion bible” implies that it will be better than all other fashion pages in any other magazine.

The mast head used here is bold and fills the whole width of the page, this makes it stand out in a shop and on the front cover. It is reserved out and so stands out from the other big fonts which are in pink or black. It is also a widely recognised magazine so having the masthead so big will easily catch attention.

A well known model has been used, Kate Moss is easily recognisable and someone who is in the media quite often. By using her they already have an audience established as they want to find out celebrity of model gossip.