Magazine Deconstruction


Transcript of Magazine Deconstruction

Page 2: Magazine Deconstruction

I feel that it looks

professional and

effective by

including the

subheadings at the

side of the

magazine as they

are in a place that

catches the

reader’s attention

and will make them

intrigued to read

more. (5)

I also would like to include my barcode in the bottom corner of my magazine

as I feel that it isn’t a vital part of the magazine so is out of the way and

doesn’t distract people’s attention from the rest of the magazine (4)

I like the fact that

they have used

coloured circles

on the black

background which

are advertising or


features on the

magazine, by

including these it

makes it

impossible for

them to be

missed, therefore

people have to

look at the feature


They have

cleverly used a

black background

as it exaggerates

the red demonic

character and the

racing red title; I

feel that it is a

good idea to have

a background

colour that is

subtle/discrete so

that the other

pictures and text

on the magazine

can be focused on

more. (2)

I would like to

include an effect

that enhances the

‘spookiness’ of my

chosen font. The

flames in this

picture exaggerate

the scariness of the

devilish character;

therefore I feel I

would benefit from

using a font that is

spooky and

different. (1)

Page 3: Magazine Deconstruction

(1)When creating my magazine for my horror film I would like to have a big bold title in the top

centre of the magazine just like the empire magazine. I would also like to try and include a

‘spooky’ effect on my font so that the genre of the film is clear and I also feel that this will

intrigue people in to wanting to read the magazine as it catches their eye as it is so

distracting. However, I do feel that sometimes it can look slightly unprofessional and can

put people off of a magazine, therefore I want to try and find an effect that is subtle but

noticeable. Here are two examples of scary fonts below:

(2) When I create my magazine, similarly to Empire magazine I would like to have my

background all one colour that isn’t too bright or distracting so that I can exaggerate and

enhance all of my other images. I feel that it looks very professional when magazines do this

as it makes it easier for the readers to focus on certain parts of the magazine singularly. I

would like to have one main image that is big and in the centre (or near enough) of the page

as I feel that it is inviting and immediately gains people’s attention, therefore making them

want to look further in to the magazine and possibly buy it.

(3) When creating my magazine, I am going to include ‘pop up’ adds on the front of the cover

as they promote the magazine even further by trying to get people to want to read more in to

the magazine. It is effective when these pop up shapes are bright as they stand out and make

it so people have to look at them, therefore making them tempted to read further in to the

magazine. When I come to including a pop up add or two on my magazine, I am going to use

them as a circular shape similarly to Empire magazine, I am also going to position them on

the right hand side of my magazine as I think it is an effective layout to have one side full of

certain information and the other full of ‘advertisements’.

Page 4: Magazine Deconstruction

(4) Although the barcode isn’t vital when it comes to the appearance of a magazine, it is when

it comes to the security side of things as every magazine needs to include one. As it isn’t

appealing to look at, I would like to include a barcode in one of the bottom corners of my

magazine, this way it is seen but isn’t distracting and won’t take people’s focus away from the

rest of the magazine. Another reason why it is good to include the barcode in the bottom

corner is because it is a good way to fill any spaces on the magazine which will take up more

room and make the magazine look professional and busy.

(5) Once I have decided on a number o subheadings, I will then need to place them on my

magazine in an effective place where they are going to be read. After looking at Empire’s

magazine, I like the idea of placing the subheadings on the left hand side of the magazine as

this is the sweet spot of the magazine which means that people’s eyes are immediately

directed to this point on a magazine, therefore it would be a good idea to put useful and

important information here so that people are engaged in what they see/read and want to look

and read further in to the magazine.

Page 5: Magazine Deconstruction

This magazines title

doesn’t look as effective

as Empire

magazine’s, the effect

on the font looks slightly

unprofessional and

messy (1)

The subheading’s look

too big in my opinion

and take up too much

room on the front

cover, this therefore

distracts the readers

from the main image (2)

The barcode is again in

the bottom left hand side

corner of the page, I feel

that it is a nice place for

the barcode as it is

subtle and doesn’t take

the attention away (3)

The main image on this

magazine is effective and

portrays the horror genre

of the film that is being

advertised, however I feel

that there is too much red

on the whole of this


cover, therefore the

image isn’t as effective

and shocking as it could

be (4)

Page 6: Magazine Deconstruction

(1) The title looks messy and in my personal opinion, it doesn’t match the rest of the magazine. When I come to

choosing a font for my magazine, I want to make sure that it links with the rest of my magazine and has a clear and

organised structure. I feel that the title is one of the first things that people look at when looking at a

magazine, therefore their first impression will have an impact on their view on the rest of the magazine, which is why it

is important to have an effective font.

(2) When I create my magazine, I would like to make sure that my subheadings are big and noticeable, however I want to

make sure that they aren’t distracting like the ones on the scars magazine, the font that the magazine editor has used is

very distracting and in my opinion looks quite ‘tacky’, therefore when I come to creating my magazine I want to make

sure that the font I use for my subheadings looks professional but suits my genre well.

(3) I am also going to include the barcode in the bottom corner of my magazine as I feel that this is the best place for it

as it won’t be distracting and will hardly be noticed by people. Any information that I feel isn’t as relevant or important, I

am going to try and hide on my magazine so that the information that is important can be seen and people’s attention

will be focused on that.

(4) When I create my magazines front cover, I would like to make sure that my main image stands out and is

effective, however when researching in to other horror magazines, I found that most of them don’t include photos of the

villains themselves but usually the victims, I feel that this is good as it keeps the villain a mystery and lets the audience

think and guess who it is, therefore I too would like to include a picture of my victim on my magazine rather than the
