Magazine cover Q1 Evaluation

Codes and convention in the real media product How I applied it to my poster Masthead The masthead is the title block for the magazine. It is usually the most eye- catching convention on the page. In most of the real magazines, the masthead is big and stands out , normally placed on top of the cover. Eg: TOTAL FILM I also used a big and stand out masthead and place it on top of the cover. “NEW STAR” is my masthead.

Transcript of Magazine cover Q1 Evaluation

Codes and convention in the real media product

How I applied it to my poster

Masthead The masthead is the title block for the magazine. It is usually the most eye-catching convention on the page. In most of the real magazines, the masthead is big and stands out , normally placed on top of the cover.Eg: TOTAL FILM

I also used a big and stand out masthead and place it on top of the cover.“NEW STAR” is my masthead.

Selling line This line is to show clearly what the magazine is about. It’s often placed near the masthead.For example, the selling line of Empire is ‘’ The world biggest movie magazine”.

I also have a selling line for my magazine which is “A new step to the movie world”.

Headline It’s the main statement. It’s usually in the largest and boldest font, describing the main story. It’s normally placed in the center of the cover.

I also use the largest and most standing out font for my headline, which is the title of our film.

Central image It’s the most important part of a magazine cover. It’s usually a big, good quality and stand out picture of a famous person, who Is normally main actor in a new film. The central image need to attract the viewer and always placed in the central of the cover.

In my cover, I also took a picture of two main characters in our film. It’s a scene in the trailer and the characters wear the same clothes that they did in the trailer. It’s the same as they normally in a real product to make it recognizable for the audience.

Cover lines These lines are to show the audience what are other stories in the magazine.

I also have some cover lines in my magazine cover to show other films and news inside the magazine.

Barcode It appears on every magazines and normally placed downward the bottom of the cover. However, it still depends on the position of other titles.

I also place the barcode down to the bottom of my cover as in one of the real product of Empire.

Lure It usually is a phrase or word which can make the viewer want to read the magazine. Eg: can be something included when buy the magazine.

There are some similar lure in my magazine cover.

Date and price In every magazine cover, they always have the date and the price of the magazine. It is placed in where can easily be seen by the audience. It is often small.

I put the date and price near the masthead where the audience can easily see. It’s small but not hard to see.

Magazine website

The magazine website always appears in the cover.

I also have the magazine website on my cover.