Magazine analysis

Masthead: The masthead for NME is capital block letters and is in red. The title is very well known and because of this the audiences will be able to identify it very easily. Also due to this magazine being free the title needs to stand out more being in a different colour to everything else so that all audiences will spot it. The tile being positioned in this are means that it will be the first thing people see if it is located in a magazine stand because it will pop out of the top of the stand. The colour pallet of this magazine is very modern. The use of red in this magazine is really effective. The red is used to show off the important parts of the magazine. By doing this audiences will be able to discover the important parts of the magazine so that they don’t have to flick through the magazine. The use of blue on the magazine also has the same effect. Wembely stadium now stands out from the rest of the magazine because it is the only piece of information on the cover which is in blue. This is important because it has been highlighted to advertise it. Because of this it is important to make sure it is highlighted from everything else on the screen. Plugs are also included on the front of the magazine. These give the reader an insight on what is going to be included in the magazine. The plugs are kept very short and don’t give too much away about the articles in the magazine. This will have been done to hopefully intrigue the audience into purchasing the magazine to find out more. The photography on this cover is very simplistic. The standard use of a close up shot is very effective in this magazine. This photo will have been taken like this because the main article of the magazine will be based around him and him only. The barcode is also well placed on this cover page. It will have been placed in this area of the cover to ensure that it isn't interfering with anything else on The puff is placed at the very top of the magazine above the mast head and across the whole front. This is effective because you have to go passed reading that to read the title. Because of this you will always end up reading it even if you don’t mean to. The puff gives information on what is included in this magazine.

Transcript of Magazine analysis

Page 1: Magazine analysis

Masthead: The masthead for NME is capital block letters and is in red. The title is very well known and because of this the audiences will be able to identify it very easily. Also due to this magazine being free the title needs to stand out more being in a different colour to everything else so that all audiences will spot it. The tile being positioned in this are means that it will be the first thing people see if it is located in a magazine stand because it will pop out of the top of the stand.

The colour pallet of this magazine is very modern. The use of red in this magazine is really effective. The red is used to show off the important parts of the magazine. By doing this audiences will be able to discover the important parts of the magazine so that they don’t have to flick through the magazine. The use of blue on the magazine also has the same effect. Wembely stadium now stands out from the rest of the magazine because it is the only piece of information on the cover which is in blue. This is important because it has been highlighted to advertise it. Because of this it is important to make sure it is highlighted from everything else on the screen.

Plugs are also included on the front of the magazine. These give the reader an insight on what is going to be included in the magazine. The plugs are kept very short and don’t give too much away about the articles in the magazine. This will have been done to hopefully intrigue the audience into purchasing the magazine to find out more.

The photography on this cover is very simplistic. The standard use of a close up shot is very effective in this magazine. This photo will have been taken like this because the main article of the magazine will be based around him and him only.

The barcode is also well placed on this cover page. It will have been placed in this area of the cover to ensure that it isn't interfering with anything else on the cover. Overall it doesn't’t cause an eye sore.

The puff is placed at the very top of the magazine above the mast head and across the whole front. This is effective because you have to go passed reading that to read the title. Because of this you will always end up reading it even if you don’t mean to. The puff gives information on what is included in this magazine.

Page 2: Magazine analysis

The masthead for clash is also in big bold capital letter. However this title covers the whole of the page unlike NME where it is located in the top left of the cover. Clash generally format all of there magazines to ensure that the title covers the entire width of the page. Because of where the title is placed it will be very easy to identify the magazine as a Clash magazine. This is useful because it means that the audience of the magazine will be able to notice the magazine much easier and may also attract a higher audience because of the big title. This may give the impression that the magazine is very popular (which it is) resulting in more people possibly purchasing the magazine.

The plugs on this magazine are located at the bottom of the page and in a centered order. Doing this leaves the rest of the page blank to give the image a greater effect on the magazine. Because of where the plugs are placed it gives the impression that the person in the photo is looking down on the plugs which directs you to them.

The photograph taken on this cover is very clever. The way in which the person in the photo is looking down at the floor is very smart. This results in you looking down toward the bottom of the page which is where the plugs are. This follows the format of making you follow the page down until the bottom.

The colour pallet for this cover is very light. The background is a form of light pink. This works well with the colour of the writing because it means that the colours don’t clash so you can still see it all. The use of all of the background colours overall helps to bring out the title and the rest of the writing on the mag.

Yet again the barcode on this is very well placed. It is also placed away to the side on top of the persons top. This is a good place to insert a barcode because it isn't interfering with the cover.

Page 3: Magazine analysis

The mast head of this magazine is placed behind the front photo this is because the magazine title is well known so the magazine doesn’t need to show of their title because people will already know that its theirs. It is also spread with wide spaces between each letter across the whole top of the page. This is effective because it helps fill the width of the page without stretching the letters.

The colour pallet for this magazine is very dark. The majority of the colours used in this pallet are very dark and blue. This is effective in the cover because it highlights the photo and makes the person stand out. Also the colour of the title is good because it slightly blends into the background but stands out enough to be noticeable. Yet again this doesn't’t really matter because the title is so recognisable.

The plugs on this magazine are very short and simple. They also use the effect of having a much larger plug at the top which titles the person in the picture. This is done to emphasize the fact that he is the highlight of the magazine. The smaller plugs are just highlighting the other interesting parts of the magazine. This is done to intrigue the reader into what is gong to be in the magazine and hopefully attract more readers widening the audience of the magazine.

The barcode on this magazine is yet again very well placed. On this cover the barcode is placed here because it is the part of the page which is completely blank. Because of this you result in following the Z format across the page to get to the bottom of the page. Yet again the barcode isn't covering anything and is very effective.

The way the photograph is taken in this magazine is also very simple but effective. The way in which the lighting has fell on the person on the cover has given the effect of him covering his face. The lighting in the background has also given a cool dark vibe to the image which gives a good effect on the whole to the cover.

Page 4: Magazine analysis

The contents of this page is very well measured and smart. The use of the lines to spread the contents apart are very helpful. Because of these lines the reader can see where each section ends and starts. The column along the left is very well designed and well structured. The colours on the numbers change as you move down the page. This will be done to help the reader identify certain numbers. Also there are smaller titles as well to help you identify areas if the contents. This contents page is also very full of information about the magazine. There are benefits and drawbacks with this. Drawbacks can be that it makes the contents look to cluttered which can out readers off of the magazine if it causes them to struggle to find what they are looking for.

The colour pallet of this magazine is very useful and simplistic. The use of the blue on the lines helps for users to identify different areas of the magazines. Also there are other uses of the blue in this contents. The other use of blue helps the reader to identify where the headings for other articles of the magazines. Colours are used again further down on the left hand column of the contents. The colours change depending on the numbers, this is useful because it again helps audiences to identify areas of the magazines that may interest them.

The pictures taken on this contents page are very well placed. The larger image in the middle of the page is dropped a layer behind. This gives a layered effect to the contents which I find very appealing. It has also worked very well on the contents because the page numbers don’t match with the skin on the lady so there isn't any clashing of covers. The same effect has also been used across the top of the page. It again gives the same effect which I think is a nice overall finish to the magazine.

The font used for the contents title is very smart and visually pleasing. The way that each letter is split into different shapes creates a nice effect on the title. The font does follow through other titles and some of the contents but the rest of the writing is quite a simple font which easy to read.

Page 5: Magazine analysis

The colour pallet for this contents page is yet again well designed to the page. Page numbers for articles are all in pink. This is helpful to the magazine because it helps audiences identify where the pages are much quicker because it is easier to spot. The coloured banners for titles of the contents pages are also very useful in the magazine. By using these it makes areas of the magazine stand out which may be very interesting or highlights important parts. The grey outline on the contents list is also another good feature of the colour pallet. By using this it creates a sort of box effect around the list which makes the page look cleaner because it adds to the organisation of the page.

The layout of this contents page is very organised and simple. Everything is placed around borders and boxes which helps to structure the contents into the columns. Also the use of increasing the font size of the page numbers also helps to make them more readable. In addition, on the bigger articles inside the magazine they also increase the size of the page numbers further. This will be helpful to the audience and intrigue them to this because its a lot larger than the other numbers which emphasizes that it is important. The way the columns are laid out overall has a big impact on how smart and professional this contents page looks.

The font used on this contents page is again similar to the font used on the front page of the clash magazine. The font is very simple and the letters are quite bold and thick which gives the presentation of a clash magazine because of their recognisable fonts.

The pictures used on this contents page are quite obscure but effective. Again the way that the head of the person in the top picture is out of the picture. This is smart because it makes the magazine look more layered this gives a good effect because it makes the cover look more alive and will interest the reader and other audiences.

Page 6: Magazine analysis

The column's on this magazine are well laid out also. From the way the contents is split you can see where the columns would fall in the design. The use of a short snippet of the article will increase the interest of audiences because they will be able to find out parts of the article which will then lead to them wanting to read more and hopefully purchasing the magazine. The arrow in the bottom right corner is also very effective on the magazine. I think this because it may seduce the reader to carry on through the magazine. Also the use of the banner across the top helps to show the reader what the page is about. Also I like this because its different from other magazines which say contents which makes the magazine more unique.

The amount of pictures on this contents page is much lower than the other two contents pages. Personally I prefer this because it makes the layout with the columns more visible. I like this because it makes the contents look more professional and tidy.

The colour pallet for this front cover is very basic. The majority of the magazine is white for the background and black for the majority of the writing. The use of red throughout the magazine contents is very effective. I think this because the title of the magazine is also red on the front cover of the magazine. Because of this it makes the layout look more effective. The use of the red in the index is also quite effective because it draws the audiences attention to it because it’s a different colour. The pallet is very strict throughout this contents page which adds to the professionalism of the piece.

the font used in this contents is very bold throughout. This is useful in a magazine because it makes the writing easier to read especially when reading the smaller texts. The font on this contents also suits the magazine genre in the way it is displayed on the page.

Page 7: Magazine analysis

The colour pallet of this magazine is very plain and quite gungy. The use of these colours makes the magazine look quite old fashioned. This works in the vaccines favor because there music fits this setting of colours. The use of blue in this magazine ads to the effect of the genre of magazine it is and gives it more of a lively look. I like the use of blue a lot in this because it stops the magazine from looking to grungy and brings out more of an alternative look to it.

The positioning of the picture in this magazine is quite common in double page spreads. They tend to have the image on one of the pages covering one whole page. This NME cover does it slightly different. They have extended the picture so that it stretches along onto the second page and covers a third of the other side of the double page spread. I like the use of this in this magazine because it makes this magazine stand out more than others. This additionally gives the unique layout to represent NME.

The writing style used in this magazine is split into two separate columns. I find this very effective because it makes the magazine look much more organised and simple. The use of blue on the capital letters also looks nice on the layout and helps to highlight the start of new sections of the articles. Also using a larger font and the different colour on the quote is effective as it may intrigue the reader to read the entire text.

Page 8: Magazine analysis

The image is placed on the left page of the double page spread. This is a common format for double page spreads as shown in the double page spread before. This is effective in a magazine because it highlights the person in the image and shows that the article is all based around them. Personally, I really like the photo used in this double page spread because the pose used and the shot taken looks really well taken.

The title on this double page spread takes up the whole top half of the left page. This makes the title stand out a lot more than it would if it was just a title on the front. The quotation signs on the title will also draw attention to it. This will attract audiences because they mean that the person in the picture has said it himself.

The use of the plain black and white colour scheme for this double page spread gives the magazine quite a retro look. This fits the indie/ alternative vibe which the magazine will be aiming to approach.

The layout of this double page spread article follows the same format as the other magazines with split columns. The start if new sections of the article also has larger text to show the reader where new areas start and finish. Also the way in which the important words of the piece above are in bold black which is highlighted up from the grey writing. The text which is spread apart from the rest of the article as well is quite an effective column. This is placed in the page because it is separate from the other article which will help the reader identify the change in article.

Page 9: Magazine analysis

The colour pallet for this double page spread consists of very pale colours. The use of the green and the yellow works well together to bring the two pages together. Also the colour pallet used matches the top which King Krule is wearing in the photo which is effective on bringing the whole double page spread together.

The photo in used in this double page spread has been placed on the whole of the left page of the spread. This is very common in double page spreads as seen in the other two double page spreads analysed. This works well on double page spreads because it means that the photo used in the magazine can be expressed more and gives the chance for people to be able to respect the image because it is of a larger enough standard for everyone to see.

The layout of this magazine also follows the same format of columns as the other magazines. This magazine has also left the first half of the right hand side of the double page spread quite clear. This will have been done to ensure that the title of the person and to place a small bit of information about the article to entice the reader before they begin to read it.

The font used throughout the article on the right is very standard and bald throughout. Again this magazine has adopted the extra large starting letter of the article. These are used to grab attention to the reader. They also add personality and strengths to the writing in mind.