Pak. J. Bot., 47(2): 485-492, 2015. MACROMORPHOLOGICAL AND MICROMORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF FOUR SELECTED PASSIFLORA SPECIES IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA RUBASHINY VEERAMOHAN * AND NOORMA WATI HARON Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia * Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]; Telephone No.: 603-79676701 Abstract Taxonomic studies of four selected Passiflora species; Passiflora edulis Sims (Passion fruit), Passiflora coccinea Aubl. (Scarlet passion flower), Passiflora foetida L. (Stinking passion flower) and Passiflora incarnata L. (Fragrant passion flower) were carried out to distinguish their morphological characteristics. Macromorphological characters on the leaves, flowers and fruits of all four Passiflora species were observed under a binocular microscope and they varied characteristically in terms of colour, texture and shape of flowers, leaves and fruits. Jeol JSM-7500F Scanning Electron Microscope was used to observe the micromorphological characters such as stomata, trichomes, and leaf surface indumentum of each Passiflora species. Micromorphologically, each species varied in types and sizes of stomata, epidermal surfaces and presence of trichomes. Key words: Macromorphology; Micromorphology; Passiflora; Peninsular Malaysia. Introduction The family Passifloraceae is represented by four genera (Ancistrothyrsus, Dilkea, Mitostemma and Passiflora) in America, of which Passiflora is numerically and economically the most important genus of the family (Waterhouse, 1994). The species of this genus are mostly originated in tropical America and about 200 of these species are native to Brazil (Viana et al., 2010). They are distributed in warm temperate and tropical regions of the world. Passiflora species are much rarer in Asia, Australia, and tropical Africa (Patel, 2009). Only less than eight species of Passiflora were recorded in Malaysia out of more than 500 species worldwide (Viana et al., 2010 & Waterhouse, 1994). The genus Passiflora is the largest in family Passifloraceae (Ulmer & MacDougal 2004). Patel (2009) mentioned that the plants of genus Passiflora are shrubs, entire lobed or palmate, sometimes compound, imparipinnate; stipules grow at the base of petioles, rarely absent; tendril axillary, arising from sterile pedicels. Several have edible fruits and attractive flowers. There are about 40 cultivated species, but only fewer than six are fruit crops in the neotropics and only one, Passiflora edulis Sims (passion fruit or purple granadilla) and its varieties, such as the yellow flavicarpa, is economically important (Waterhouse, 1994 & McGuire, 1999). Many others are grown outdoors in the warmer parts of the world or in the glasshouses for their exotic flowers (Dhawan et al., 2004). The wild species in the genus Passiflora have important characters for breeding programs, especially for their ornamental values. Passiflora has wide morphological (Crochemore et al., 2003a) and genetic variability (Crochemore et al., 2003b & Viana et al., 2010). Most taxonomic studies on Passiflora are based on the morphological and agronomic characterization and the taxonomy of the Passifloraceae family has yet to be clarified (Viana et al., 2010). Phyto-constituents like alkaloids, phenols, glycosyl flavonoids and cyanogenic compounds are known in the genus of Passiflora (Patel, 2009 & Patil, 2010). It has also been discovered that a chemical component of passion flower, namely passicol, has antimicrobial activity (Nicolls et al., 1973 & Mohanasundari et al., 2007). P. edulis var. flavicarpa Deg., the yellow passion fruit and P. edulis Sims, the purple passion fruit, are the most economically important species in the Americas, Australia and Africa. Classical methods of selection are being used in Passiflora breeding programmes. The germplasm of wild species is being used to transfer desirable traits into the cultivated species in Brazil (Dornelas & Vieira, 1994). Although various economic importances have been reported in Passiflora species, taxonomic information on some species are still lacking. Hence, it is the aim of the present study to add more taxonomic information particularly on the micromorphological aspects of the economically important Passiflora species in Peninsular Malaysia. Materials and Methods Macromorphological studies: Passiflora specimens were collected from various locations around the states of Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and observed under a binocular microscope. Vegetative and reproductive morphological characters were recorded and photographs were taken. Scanning electron microscopy techniques: Micromorphological studies were conducted by observing the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the leaves under the scanning electron microscope. The four selected Passiflora leaf specimens were cut in square shape with measurement of approximately 3 mm x 3 mm and soaked in a mixed solution of 8% Glutaraldehyde and Sorencen’s Buffered Phosphate solution with a ratio of 1:1 for one hour. The leaf specimens were washed with Sorencen’s Buffered Phosphate solution and distilled water in a ratio of 1:1 for 5 minutes. Specimens were then soaked in a mixed solution of 4% Osmium and distilled water with a ratio of 1:1. After about 14 hours at low temperature, the dehydration process was conducted in vessel fumes. The concentration of ethanol was increased for every 15 minutes, from 10% until it reaches 100%. Specimens were soaked in a mixture of 100% ethanol and 100%

Transcript of MACROMORPHOLOGICAL AND MICROMORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF …2)/12.pdf · macromorphological and...

Pak. J. Bot., 47(2): 485-492, 2015.




Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia *Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]; Telephone No.: 603-79676701


Taxonomic studies of four selected Passiflora species; Passiflora edulis Sims (Passion fruit), Passiflora coccinea Aubl.

(Scarlet passion flower), Passiflora foetida L. (Stinking passion flower) and Passiflora incarnata L. (Fragrant passion

flower) were carried out to distinguish their morphological characteristics. Macromorphological characters on the leaves,

flowers and fruits of all four Passiflora species were observed under a binocular microscope and they varied

characteristically in terms of colour, texture and shape of flowers, leaves and fruits. Jeol JSM-7500F Scanning Electron

Microscope was used to observe the micromorphological characters such as stomata, trichomes, and leaf surface

indumentum of each Passiflora species. Micromorphologically, each species varied in types and sizes of stomata, epidermal

surfaces and presence of trichomes.

Key words: Macromorphology; Micromorphology; Passiflora; Peninsular Malaysia.


The family Passifloraceae is represented by four

genera (Ancistrothyrsus, Dilkea, Mitostemma and

Passiflora) in America, of which Passiflora is

numerically and economically the most important genus

of the family (Waterhouse, 1994). The species of this

genus are mostly originated in tropical America and about

200 of these species are native to Brazil (Viana et al.,

2010). They are distributed in warm temperate and

tropical regions of the world. Passiflora species are much

rarer in Asia, Australia, and tropical Africa (Patel, 2009).

Only less than eight species of Passiflora were recorded

in Malaysia out of more than 500 species worldwide

(Viana et al., 2010 & Waterhouse, 1994). The genus Passiflora is the largest in family

Passifloraceae (Ulmer & MacDougal 2004). Patel (2009) mentioned that the plants of genus Passiflora are shrubs, entire lobed or palmate, sometimes compound, imparipinnate; stipules grow at the base of petioles, rarely absent; tendril axillary, arising from sterile pedicels. Several have edible fruits and attractive flowers. There are about 40 cultivated species, but only fewer than six are fruit crops in the neotropics and only one, Passiflora edulis Sims (passion fruit or purple granadilla) and its varieties, such as the yellow flavicarpa, is economically important (Waterhouse, 1994 & McGuire, 1999). Many others are grown outdoors in the warmer parts of the world or in the glasshouses for their exotic flowers (Dhawan et al., 2004).

The wild species in the genus Passiflora have important characters for breeding programs, especially for their ornamental values. Passiflora has wide morphological (Crochemore et al., 2003a) and genetic variability (Crochemore et al., 2003b & Viana et al., 2010). Most taxonomic studies on Passiflora are based on the morphological and agronomic characterization and the taxonomy of the Passifloraceae family has yet to be clarified (Viana et al., 2010). Phyto-constituents like alkaloids, phenols, glycosyl flavonoids and cyanogenic compounds are known in the genus of Passiflora (Patel, 2009 & Patil, 2010). It has also been discovered that a chemical component of passion flower, namely passicol,

has antimicrobial activity (Nicolls et al., 1973 & Mohanasundari et al., 2007). P. edulis var. flavicarpa Deg., the yellow passion fruit and P. edulis Sims, the purple passion fruit, are the most economically important species in the Americas, Australia and Africa. Classical methods of selection are being used in Passiflora breeding programmes. The germplasm of wild species is being used to transfer desirable traits into the cultivated species in Brazil (Dornelas & Vieira, 1994).

Although various economic importances have been

reported in Passiflora species, taxonomic information on

some species are still lacking. Hence, it is the aim of the

present study to add more taxonomic information

particularly on the micromorphological aspects of the

economically important Passiflora species in Peninsular


Materials and Methods

Macromorphological studies: Passiflora specimens

were collected from various locations around the states of

Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and

observed under a binocular microscope. Vegetative and

reproductive morphological characters were recorded and

photographs were taken.

Scanning electron microscopy techniques: Micromorphological studies were conducted by observing the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the leaves under the scanning electron microscope. The four selected Passiflora leaf specimens were cut in square shape with measurement of approximately 3 mm x 3 mm and soaked in a mixed solution of 8% Glutaraldehyde and Sorencen’s Buffered Phosphate solution with a ratio of 1:1 for one hour. The leaf specimens were washed with Sorencen’s Buffered Phosphate solution and distilled water in a ratio of 1:1 for 5 minutes. Specimens were then soaked in a mixed solution of 4% Osmium and distilled water with a ratio of 1:1. After about 14 hours at low temperature, the dehydration process was conducted in vessel fumes. The concentration of ethanol was increased for every 15 minutes, from 10% until it reaches 100%. Specimens were soaked in a mixture of 100% ethanol and 100%


acetone with ratios of 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3 for 20 minutes respectively. The leaf specimens were then soaked in 100% acetone solution for 20 minutes, repeating them for four times. Next, the method of Critical Point Drying (CPD) was conducted using Bal-Tec CPD 030 Critical Point Dryer. Specimens were mounted on aluminium with diameter of 12.5 mm using Conducting Carbon Cement (LEIT-C), kept in a drying jar, and coated with a thin layer of gold (40-60 nm) by using BIO-Rod SEM Coating System. Stomata and the abaxial and adaxial surfaces structure of the leaves were observed under the Jeol JSM-7500F scanning electron microscope and recorded.

Results and Discussions

A summary of the morphological characteristics is given

in Tables 1 and 2. Baranova (1992), Jones (1986) and Li et al. (2007) stated that leaf epidermal characteristics are of prospective taxonomical significance and the leaf is more sensitized and flexible to environmental change compared to other organs. This is because environment change typically results in anatomical and morphological responses on leaf, including morphology (thickness, length, width), surface (epidermis, stomata, attachment) and mesophyll (palisade, spongy, sclerified, intercellular space, vein) (Xunling & Jing, 1989 & Li et al., 2007). Li et al. (2007) studied the structure of leaf epidermis in Wild honeysuckle and Japanese honeysuckle for classification and documented their ecological habits. They also stated that leaf morphology allows comprehension of its ecology adaptation on the leaf-structure such as well-developed epidermal hair, conducting tissue and mechanical tissue. For example, some plants adopt protective measures against drought and possess well-developed epidermal hair and wax-like water-repellent cutin covering the epidermis, which reduces the rate of transpiration and irradiation. However, in this study, we have only focused on the morphological characters to distinguish each Passiflora species.

Leaf: Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis leaves are ovate, trilobed, where the middle lobe is longer than the other two side ones (Fig. 1a). The middle lobe measures approximately 3.5-8 x 2.3-5 cm. The leaf apex is cuspidate while the leaf base is cordate with serrate

margin. The abaxial surfaces of the leaf are shiny, smooth and bright green. Fig. 1b shows the distribution of paracytic stomata on the leaf abaxial surface of Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis which was observed under the scanning electron microscope. Papillose epidermal surface with undulating anticlinal wall was observed. The stomata on the abaxial surface measures 13.4 x 10.1 µm (Fig. 1c). Fig. 1d shows the absence of stomata and irregularly shaped polygonal epidermal cells on the adaxial surface. Epicuticular wax is sparsely distributed on the surface. Trichomes were absent on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the leaves.

Passiflora coccinea Aubl. leaves are oblong shaped (Fig. 2a). A mature leaf measures 9.5-12.5 x 6.5-8 cm. Leaves are alternate. The leaf lamina of both abaxial and adaxial surfaces are green, however, the adaxial surface has a darker shade of green compared to the abaxial surface. The leaf margins are doubly serrate, with an acute apex, and have rounded base. Scanning electron microscopy observation shows that the abaxial surface of Passiflora coccinea Aubl. leaf has papillose epidermal surface which is covered by a very thick epicuticular wax. Stomata and trichomes were also observed on the abaxial surface (Figs. 2b and 2c). Stomata are anomocytic and they measure 8.58 x 3.85 µm (Fig. 2d). The trichomes are simple unicellular; highly dense on the leaf midrib (Fig. 2e). The adaxial surface of Passiflora coccinea leaf shows absence of stomata and less trichome distribution compared to the abaxial surface (Fig. 2f).

Passiflora foetida L. leaves are pubescent on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces, including the serrate ends of the leaves. Leaves are thin and bright light green coloured (Fig. 3a). They are divided into three lobes. The middle lobe measures 6-11 x 4-4.5 cm. Leaf shape is ovate whereby the base of the leaf is cordate. Based on the scanning electron microscopy observation of a Passiflora foetida leaf, the abaxial surface has a rugose epidermal surface which is not covered by a very thick layer of epicuticular wax (Fig. 3b). Stomata are amphiparacytic, about 11.6 x 6.75 µm (Fig. 3c). The trichomes on a Passiflora foetida leaf are glandular and simple unicellular (Figs. 3d and 3e). The adaxial surface has lower density of amphiparacytic stomata compared to the abaxial surface (Fig. 3f).

Table 1. Macromorphological comparison between four Passiflora species.

Species Leaf Flower Fruit

Shape Colour/Texture Colour Petals Corona Shape Colour Bract

Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis Ovate,

trilobe Bright green/


White 5 White –

purple base

Oval/ round Green to purple Absent

Passiflora coccinea Aubl. oblong Green/


Red 5 Dark purple –

white tip Round Green – whitish spots

– dark green stripes Absent

Passiflora foetida Linn. Ovate,

trilobe Bright green/


White 5 White – pinkish

base Oval/ small Green to yellow Present

Passiflora incarnata Linn. Palmate,

trilobe Dark green/



white 5 White & purple Oval Green to orange Absent

Table 2. Micromorphological comparison between four Passiflora species.

Species Epidermal Stomata Trichomes Epicuticular




Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis Papillose Paracytic Absent Sparse Undulating

Passiflora coccinea Aubl. Papillose Anomocytic Simple unicellular Thick Undulating

Passiflora foetida Linn. Rugose Amphiparacytic Simple unicellular & glandular Thick Sinuous

Passiflora incarnata Linn. Papillose Amphipericytic Simple unicellular Sparse Undulating


Fig. 1a. The habit of Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis.

Fig. 1b. Abaxial surface of Passiflora edulis leaf (Magnification:


Fig. 1c. Paracytic stoma of Passiflora edulis measuring 13.4 µm

by length and 10.1 µm by width (Magnification: 3000x).

Fig. 1d. Adaxial surface of Passiflora edulis which shows

absence of stomata (Magnification: 250x).

Passiflora incarnata L. leaves are alternate and

palmately tri-lobed measuring 7-14.5 cm long (Fig. 4a).

Leaf apex is cuspidate while the leaf base is cordate with

serrate margin. The adaxial surface of the leaves is dark

green whereas the abaxial surface is dull green. The

scanning electron microscopy view of a Passiflora

incarnata leaf shows papillose epidermal surface with

amphipericytic stomata distributed on the abaxial surface

(Fig. 4b). The stomata measures 12.1 x 7.15 µm (Fig.

4c).Trichomes are simple, unicellular and sparsely

distributed throughout the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of

the leaf (Figs. 4d and 4e). Both stomata and trichomes

distribution are more dense on the abaxial surface

compared to the adaxial surface.

The leaves of Passiflora species do not only vary in

shapes and sizes, but also show multiplicity in their

epidermal structures when viewed under the scanning

electron microscope. The anticlinal cell walls are

undulating or sinuous on both epidermis. However,

abaxial epidermis reveals more wavy nature of anticlinal

walls in Passiflora coccinea whereas the adaxial

epidermis reveals more sinuous nature of anticlinal walls

in Passiflora foetida. The stomata are paracytic,

anomocytic, amphiparacytic and amphipericytic. Both

Passiflora foetida and Passiflora incarnata have

amphistomatic leaves, where stomata are present on both

abaxial and adaxial surfaces. Trichomes are simple,

unicellular in Passiflora coccinea, Passiflora foetida and

Passiflora incarnata. However, Passiflora foetida has

both simple unicellular and glandular trichomes, whereas

Passiflora edulis var. edulis leaf shows total absence of


The micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis

have been scrutinized in several plant groups over the last

four decades. These characteristics have been useful at

numerous taxonomic levels and valuable to distinguish

among groups of existing taxa with acknowledged

relatives available in the fossil record (Li et al., 2007).

Watson & Dallwitz (1992) stated detailed descriptions of

the leaf epidermis in various taxa, highlighting the

importance of these characters in the systematic of

Poaceae. Previous studies by Davila & Clark (1990) and

Watson & Dallwitz (1992) found that the abaxial surface

of the leaf blade was taxonomically informative.


Fig. 2a. The habit of Passiflora coccinea Aubl.

Fig. 2b. Abaxial surface of Passiflora coccinea leaf

(Magnification: 600x).

Fig. 2c. Trichomes of Passiflora coccinea are simple unicellular

and the distribution on the abaxial surface is more than on the

adaxial surface (Magnification: 120x).

Fig. 2d. Anomocytic stoma of Passiflora coccinea measuring 8.58

µm by length and 3.85 µm by width (Magnification: 2500x).

Fig. 2e. Passiflora coccinea midrib with highly dense simple

unicellular trichomes (Magnification: 150x).

Fig. 2f. Adaxial surface of Passiflora coccinea leaf which shows

absence of stoma and less trichome distribution compared to the

abaxial surface (Magnification: 120x).


Fig. 3a. The habit of Passiflora foetida Linn.

Fig. 3b. Abaxial surface of Passiflora foetida leaf.

(Magnification: 500x).

Fig. 3c. Amphiparacytic stoma of Passiflora foetida measuring 11.6

µm by length and 6.75 µm by width (Magnification: 1500x).

Fig. 3d. Trichomes on a Passiflora foetida leaf apex. One of

them is glandular and the other is simple unicellular trichome

(Magnification: 120x).

Fig. 3e. Glandular and simple unicellular trichomes on

Passiflora foetida leaf margin (Magnification: 300x).

Fig. 3f. Adaxial surface of Passiflora foetida leaf which shows

lower density of amphiparacytic stomata compared to the

abaxial surface (Magnification: 500x).


Fig. 4a. The habit of Passiflora incarnata Linn.

Fig. 4b. Abaxial surface of Passiflora incarnata leaf

(Magnification: 300x).

Fig. 4c. Amphipericytic stoma of Passiflora incarnata

measuring 12.1 µm by length and 7.15 µm by width

(Magnification: 3500x)

Fig. 4d. Trichomes of Passiflora incarnata are simple

unicellular and the distribution on the abaxial surface is more

than on the adaxial surface (Magnification: 150x).

Fig. 4e. Adaxial surface of Passiflora incarnata leaf which

shows absence of stomata and less trichome distribution

compared to the abaxial surface (Magnification: 150x).

Fig. 5. The flower of Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis. (a)

petal, (b) sepal, (c) corona filaments, (d) stigma, (e) style, (f)

stamen, (g) ovary, (h) anther.


Flower: The flowers of four Passiflora species studied

are highly distinguishable by the colours of their petals

and corona series (Table 1).

The flower of Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis (Fig.

5) is white with five ovate petals and sepals. There are

four series of purplish corona. The inner corona series are

whitish half way up and dark purple half way down the

base with slightly wavy structures. The outer corona

series are longer than the inner corona series.

However, the flower of Passiflora coccinea Aubl. is

generally striking red in colour with dull-red bracts

located under the sepals (Fig. 6); constituted of five petals

and five sepals. The flower also has three outer corona

series that are dark purple, except for the edge of the

coronas which are white.The outer coronas are longer

than the other two inner series of coronas.

The flower of Passiflora foetida L. consists of five

whitish petals and five whitish sepals (Fig. 7). There are

three pinnatifid shaped bracts with hairy-like gland ended

structures underneath the sepal. There are also four

corona series which are divided into the outer corona

series and the inner corona series. The pinkish inner

corona series are shorter compared to the white-pinkish

outer corona series.

Passiflora incarnata L. flowers have five bluish-

white petals and exhibit a series of white and purple

corona (Fig. 8). There are several corona series which are

divided into the outer corona series and the inner corona

series. The two violet outer corona series are wavy on the

upper half and longer compared to the white-purple

striped inner corona series.

Fruit: Most species have elongated or round edible fruits

which are distinguishable by colours and textures, shapes,

and the presence of bracts (Table 1).

The fruit of Passiflora edulis Sims var. edulis is an

oval to round shaped berry with approximately 95 to 125

seeds in each locule. Seeds are flat, oblong shaped, brown

blackish in colour and shining. The fruit pericarp is thick,

with smooth and shiny light green outer surface, which is

accompanied by white spots. The fruit colour transitions

to purple when it matures.

On the other hand, the fruit of Passiflora coccinea

Aubl. is a round berry which encloses 30 – 35 flat and

brown seeds in every locule. The berry has a thick

pericarp and is pubescent. The outer pericarp is light

yellowish-green in colour, accompanied by green spots

and six green vertical stripes. The bract transitions from

pale red to green colour when the fruit is formed.

The fruit of Passiflora foetida L. is a berry with thin

pericarp covered by bracts. Each fruit has black and shiny

small seeds, approximately 20 to 25 seeds in each locule.

The outer layer of the fruit is smooth, green when immature

and transitions to orange in colour as it matures. The

mature fruit produces a sweet smell compared to the

immature one. There are three stripes of bracts which cover

the fruit, where it declines and shrinks as the fruit matures.

The fruit of Passiflora incarnata L. is an oval berry

with thick pericarp which is green at immature stage and

transitions to orange in colour as it matures. The fruit

consists of 80 to 100 dark brown seeds in each locule.

Fig. 6. The flower of Passiflora coccinea Aubl.

Fig. 7. The flower of Passiflora foetida Linn.

Fig. 8. The flower of Passiflora incarnata Linn.



The present study shows that the Passiflora species

in Peninsular Malaysia can be distinguished by their leaf,

flower and fruit characteristics where they varied in sizes,

shapes and colours. Whereas micromorphologically, SEM

observation shows that each Passiflora species varied in

types and sizes of stomata, epidermal surfaces, and the

presence and types of trichomes. This study has added

new taxonomic information especially on the

micromorphological aspects of four economically

important Passiflora species from Peninsular Malaysia

which has never been studied by previous researchers.


The authors gratefully acknowledge The Institute of

Research Management and Monitoring (IPPP), University

of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the research

grants PV051-2011B and RG037-09SUS, and The

Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science,

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the

facilities provided.


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(Received for publication 3 January 2014)