Mackenzie All Star Booklet 2015

Player Biographies Mackenzie 2015



Transcript of Mackenzie All Star Booklet 2015

Player BiographiesMackenzie 2015


Double D’s NoteDear Lister,

Ladies and gentlemen, can we please have your attention. We’ve just been handed an urgent notice from the LDL. We need all of you to stop what you’re doing and listen.


Prepare yourselves for the adventure of a lifetime. Fantastic dodge-ball, wild fans showing their tower pride. Last year, the Lighthouse be-gan this tradition of a small booklet of player biographies, and Double D Dodgeball is keeping it going.

Just like the rest of you, we fell in love with dodgeball the very first time we stepped into the Tuckey. Just two goons on 5K yossin’ bombs and wheelin’ moms. All Star week is an experience that is just as fun on and off the court, for players and fans alike. We got to know the All Star teams, especially our own tower. (RIP Champs) It was exciting that we could finally put a name to a face of some of the great dodge-ball players out there and have better dodgeball discussions.

Our hope is that this pamphlet allows you guys to get a head start on the All Star experience. So you will be able to get to know the team a little better than you did and get more out of the experience and get invested in your team and your players. The more you put into All Star week, the more you get out of it. We encourage you to participate in as much of it as you can, as it is one of the greatest weeks in your Lister experience. Take advantage of all that All Stars has to offer.

From the folks at Double D Dodgeball, you stay All Starry Lister.

Dan Strowbridge and Darren RoszellDouble D DodgeballThe Lighthouse


A Message from the LDLHey Team,

First of all, thank you all for being a part of the Annual All-Star Tour-nament! The All Star Tournament is undeniably the most anticipated and celebrated week in the Lister Dodgeball League Calendar – and rightly so. This week exists as a celebration of everything the LDL was, is, and will be in Lister. As a league that champions Sportsman-ship and Teamwork above all else, it is always an inspiration to see league members gather to celebrate the league and its pillars together. Whether you are participating as a player or a spectator, we all partake due to a love and passion for dodgeball. The LDL is unique amongst sports leagues, campus organizations, and residence culture. Imita-tions have been attempted, however the reality is that what we have in Lister in very special and incredibly unique. The LDL is the reason Lister alumni still proudly call themselves Listerites, show up to events like Campus Cup and the Alumni Tournament, and keep their old LDL jerseys tucked away as mementos of their time in Lister.

I encourage each and every one of you to participate in as much of All-Star Week as you can. Our league is the envy of every organization on campus and every sports league because of our passionate, dedicat-ed, proud members. Whether you are competing, spectating, or simply reading this package, be proud!

David Semple and Saadiq SumarLDL All Star Executives

MACKENZIEAlex Nadeau, 1MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Whitehorse, YKMajor/Minor: Undeclared General SciencesPreferred Position on Court: Edge/doctor netFavourite Dodgeball Memory: First doctor kill

DeborsiHazarika, 1MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Jorhat, Assam, IndiaMajor/Minor: BSc in Computing Science with a minor in EconomicsPreferred Position on Court: Center line, especially during doctor games!Favourite Dodgeball Memory: Being team-killed by Nick von Wackerbarth in my first ever LDL game some two and a half years back! Also the Ivanhoe dodgeball tournament of 2014 when one of my wayward balls barely scraped against Quinnton Fortune Wilkie in a 2v2! I still get milkies reminiscing that moment!

Justin Hodgson, 1MSecond-time All Star

Hometown: Wetaskiwin, ABMajor/Minor: Animal Health SciencesPreferred Position on Court: Corner or Double doc-torFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Catching a ball thrown by Armann from an arms length away and catching it at the line.

MACKENZIECole Wallawein, 3MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Innisfail, ABMajor/Minor: BiologyPreferred Position on Court: I’ll play anywhere ex-cept doctorFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Making the Mac All Star team

Kyle Cugnet-Huber, 4MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: AssassinFavourite Dodgeball Memory: First time I picked up a dodgeball

Markus Augustus Christopher Lawley, 4MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Fort McMurray, ABMajor/Minor: Chemical EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: I prefer the edge of the key in classic. In doctor games playing corner is fun.Favourite Dodgeball Memory: Last year in the first round of playoffs we were playing against a team where we had picked three classics and they had picked two doctors. Their doctor was pretty good ex-cept he often put his head down going back to his net, so one time I managed to sneak up to beside our net and got a throw off just as he was getting back, which was one of the best faceshots of my career as well. It was really exciting because that meant we were likely going to be up 2-0 in the game afterwards. A few of the guys on the team did mid-game celebrations, we were asked to tone it down a little after that game.

MACKENZIEBrad Horn, 5MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Orangeville, OntarioMajor/Minor: First year EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Left CornerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Playing Classic against 6 Schaffer where it was me vs. 6 people. Time ran out after I had killed 5 of them, but then Kalada lost the ensuing 1 vs. 1 :(

Kalada (Kal) Nkwonta, 5MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: Bsc Earth and Atmospheric SciencesPreferred Position on Court: Right CornerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: I once tried to chal-lenge Alan Su in a drop in. I threw and missed and before I knew what was going on, he curved a ball around a shagger’s head and nailed me right in the face. I fell on my back, glasses broken, blood on my nose. He gave me a handshake after though so it was all worth it!

Riley Pas, 5MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Middle shagger pre-ferred positionFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Throwing as hard as I can at drop ins. kill led to us winning that Doctor game and remains in my memory as an eternal glory mo-ment.

MACKENZIEBlake Potter, 6MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: West Kelowna, BCMajor/Minor: EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Right corner/right sideFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Beating 5S in LDL

Carter Bates, 6MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Right side; between middle and cornerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Evan Gyulai and I be-ing the last two people alive on our team, and taking out nine people on the other team to win the game!

William Liu, 6MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Langley, BCMajor/Minor: Majoring Political SciencePreferred Position on Court: CornerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Dodgefest against Scott Veronelly’s Dribbling Academy; when I jumped over the line and shame killed the second double doctor

MACKENZIEBrenden McNeil, 8MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Thrower on the left sideFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Crossing Tyler Bro-chu in the Mac hall tournament ... twice.

Sam Delisle, 8MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: North Bay, OntarioMajor/Minor: EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: CornerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: First game of the season I guess

Tyler Brochu, 8MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Sexsmith, ABMajor/Minor: Phys Ed/Ed combinedPreferred Position on Court: Whatever’s best for the teamFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Game 3 of series against 3 Mac last year. Went to a 2 v 2 in game 5. Swear it took 5 years off my life haha. Too stressful for this old man.

MACKENZIERyan Janzen, 9MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Prince George, BCMajor/Minor: Mechanical EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Middle throwerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: During a game in Dodgefest last year, I had two balls thrown at me. One missed, but the other hit my chest and popped up. It was Classic, so I needed to catch that ball. I leaped, arm outstretched, and managed to catch the ball, barely. The crowd went crazy and I got hit shortly after!

Dylan Knapp, 11MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Mayerthorpe, ABMajor/Minor: BSc in Petroleum EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Wherever’s not gonna get me hitFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Last year I was on the 4-5 Kelsey team and the first game back we were playing 3 Mac. Both teams hadn’t been beaten by a team in Classic Lister at that point so it was like the battle to be the best team in classic. To sum it up we lost the match and I broke my arm throwing. It was a pretty memorable game!

Adeline Coetzee, 1MTwo-time All Star

Hometown: Krugersdorp, South AfricaMajor/Minor: Immunology and infectionPreferred Position on Court: Anything but edgeFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Anytime Grant Moss is on the court.

MACKENZIETara Freeman, 1MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Coombs, BCMajor/Minor: NeurosciencePreferred Position on Court: The floor...or edge shagging if we’re being serious here. Favourite Dodgeball Memory: Honestly there are so many good memories it’s too hard to pick just one. One of my favourite things however has always been those epic out of control hero shags across the court. Sometimes not the smartest but they are really fun to do. At least a few good memories have come from doing those, especially during drop ins.

Katie Fitzgibbon, 1MTwo-time All Star

Hometown: 8KMajor/Minor: …..ArtsPreferred Position on Court: Benchwarmer, but am happy being watergirl as well. Favourite Dodgeball Memory: Kelsey All-Stars actu-ally winning a game last year lolz.

Erica Zhu, 2MTwo-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: Specialization in Molecular GeneticsPreferred Position on Court: Closer to the sidesFavourite Dodgeball Memory: That time I curved the ball cross court and hit Evan

MACKENZIELauren Engelking, 3MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: Biology major, Poli sci minorPreferred Position on Court: One or two off centreFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Not breaking my nose

Jillian Armstrong, 4MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: I’m from Kamloops, BC (unfortunately)Major/Minor: I’m in first year EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Edge shagger (in doc-tor I like to be one in though)Favourite Dodgeball Memory: My favourite dodge-ball memory is when Jesse (the 4 Mac liaison) told me that someone had mentioned me in the LDL forums after one of our first games even though I really had no idea what I was doing

Gill Perlette, 5MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Calgary, ABMajor/Minor: Environmental EngineeringPreferred Position on Court: Left sideFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Any time in the Tuck-ey is a good timeary, AB

MACKENZIEDeborah Wong, 7MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Hong KongMajor/Minor: PharmacyPreferred Position on Court: Don’t have one for shagging, but I loved playing double doctor last year.Favourite Dodgeball Memory: Face shot by Joey Poapst… “[It’s like getting] slapped in the face by Re-gina George. It was AWESOME.” #honoured

Claudia Basic, 9MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Coquitlam, BCMajor/Minor: EnglishPreferred Position on Court: On the BenchFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Being faceshotted by my teammate so hard during warm up that my contact fell out.

Paige Sellars, 9MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Middleton, NSMajor/Minor: Major: Biological Sciences, Minor: ChemistryPreferred Position on Court: Middle ShaggerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Playing on 2 Mac last year. We were in a practice with 9 Mac and we decid-ed to play shirtless doctor ’cause we had no pinnies. Soon into the game the 9 Mac doctor did a penguin slide into the net making the loudest squeak imagina-ble and floor-burned his nipples. It makes me laugh to think that I’m now dating that doctor.


Karolan Phillips, 10MFirst-time All Star

Hometown: Alix, ABMajor/Minor: Faculty of NursingPreferred Position on Court: Middle ShaggerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Shaming Tyler Bro-chu at the line

Kreg Klymyk, 4M AlumTwo-time All Star (Manager)

Hometown: Innisfail, ABMajor/Minor: Double Major in Accounting and Market-ingPreferred Position on Court: Left CornerFavourite Dodgeball Memory: Mackenzie vs. Kelsey game in last years round robin tournament. It was such a close game and with Alia McLure lead-ing the Mackenzie fans and Matt Bennett leading the Kelsey fans I had never heard the Tuckey get so loud. It was extremely fun to play in!!

Good luck, Mackenzie All Stars!



Edited bySareeta Lopez, Editor-in-ChiefJaimee Russnak, Section Editor

Darren Roszell and Dan Strowbridge, Double D Dodgeball

PhotographySelf submitted

brought to you in collaboration by Double D Dodgeball