Machines Case Study

MACHINES CASE STUDY VACUUM SUCTION: After I cleansed Aishling’s skin I explained to her how the vacuum suction machine will be so beneficial for her skin type, I told her how the machine works, and about the noise it produces so that she will know exactly what to expect and be comfortable enough with the whole procedure. I then started sanitizing the area, I applied oil to my client’s face and neck, making sure I had enough on so that the ventouse will slide easily on the skin’s surface. There were no problems with the machine, it was working normally, and there were no chips in the ventouses and so I turned on the machine and carried on with the treatment. I started practicing on myself just to find the right working pressure inside the cup so that the underlying tissue won’t raise more than 20% inside the cup. 1

Transcript of Machines Case Study

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After I cleansed Aishling’s skin I explained to her how the vacuum

suction machine will be so beneficial for her skin type, I told her how the

machine works, and about the noise it produces so that she will know

exactly what to expect and be comfortable enough with the whole procedure.

I then started sanitizing the area, I applied oil to my client’s face and

neck, making sure I had enough on so that the ventouse will slide easily on

the skin’s surface. There were no problems with the machine, it was working

normally, and there were no chips in the ventouses and so I turned on the

machine and carried on with the treatment.

I started practicing on myself just to find the right working pressure

inside the cup so that the underlying tissue won’t raise more than 20% inside

the cup.

After checking the pressure I moved on to the actual treatment starting

from the neck and moving upwards and draining the lymph towards the

closest set of lymph nodes. The treatment went on normally and it didn’t

take longer than 10 minutes.


A slight erythema was obvious on my client’s cheeks and neck, and I

have to mention that I tried to overlap as much as I could all the strikes so


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that I wouldn’t leave any unwanted waste behind; the skin seemed relaxed

and the pores were more visible.



As I was able to feel with my palms the tissue being more relaxed, my

client was able to feel it as well. She said that the best sensation she got was

the feeling of the skin being lifted under the chin, she considers that area less

accessible to hand massage. After the treatment my client told me that she

felt heat especially on her cheeks but that it was a very relaxing sensation.


As for homecare advice I advice her to drink plenty of water as the

water helps the removal of waste by different methods of excretion; to try

and perform a small face massage when applying the moisturizer, always

going upwards and towards the closest set of lymph nodes.


I had a small problem gliding the ventouse on the bony areas of the

forehead but I discovered that a wrist movement was needed to improve it,

so I know what I have to do the next time I use this machine on another



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I have used the vacuum suction machine on my client not long ago(2

days ago) and today I met her again to perform another facial treatment

including the direct method of the high frequency machine, treatment that

will dry and heal all the existing papules and pustules existent on Aishling’s


Now with the high frequency I had to make sure that my client was

aware of the fact that this machine uses an alternating current, a current that

will produce ozone and a noise that she may consider to be strange.

After explaining to her how the machine works, I made sure that the

machine was functional and in a good condition, I checked the electrodes,

the cables, the fuse and the switch and sanitized everything before starting

the treatment.

When I was done with this part I told my client that talcum powder

was to be applied over a fresh cleaned and toned skin, so that it will provide

a good environment for the electrode to slide on. Before checking the

intensity on myself I made sure that all the jewelry was gone as I did not

want any shocks to occur.

I started her treatment by touching her forehead and going in a

circular movement downwards towards her neck. I made sure I covered all

the skin on the face and neck and then I changed my electrode into a smaller


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mushroom type, one that will be able to treat smaller areas with more

precision and aid sparking her papules and pustules.

At the end of the treatment I turned the intensity off before lifting the

electrode from her skin and then I proceeded with toning and moisturizing

her skin. The treatment was performed for no longer then 12 minutes.


I have to say that mu client’s skin had a normal reaction to the

treatment, erythema wasn’t that obvious, but I was able to see that the

pustules and papules were visibly smaller, not very red and more dry.


My client felt heat all over her face and neck, she didn’t really enjoy

the smell of ozone that much but she found the treatment very relaxing.

When she looked into the mirror she was amazed to see that the machine

was so efficient even from her first treatment. She told me that her face felt

tighter and firmer, a little bit dry, and that her imperfections minimized.


After this treatment I recommended my client to try and not wear any

makeup for the rest of the day, as the ozone left on the skin was still very

active, and will remain active for a while. As well I told her to cleanse, tone

and moisturize and to avoid any products containing lanolin as this is a


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comedogenic product and it is not very good for an oily complexion. I also

recommended her to avoid alcohol as much as possible, and have at least 8

hours of sleep a night.


The treatment went on just as planned with no problems, my client

was a little bit worried about the current but soon realized that there was

nothing to worry about. I believe that as some point my explanations wasn’t

that complex about the procedure and so the next time I will try to explain

the treatment in a better way just to give more reassurance.


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With my next client I had an appointment scheduled for some time,

but she hasn’t been available for a while as she wasn’t in the country at that

time and so I had to reschedule the meeting. Her name is Marinela, and she

is a little bit older then my usual clients as she will turn 54 in June. As I

mentioned before in the main profile her skin in a great shape but as years

went on the elasticity had something to suffer and it’s appearance is not what

it used to be. After a little talk with my client about the machines we could

use for her skin type we decided together to try the faradic machine and the

indirect method of the high frequency machine once at a time or combined

in the same facial.

I recommended her to have the faradic done 3 times a week for the

next 4 weeks, and the high frequency twice a week for the next 4 weeks. For

a mature skin the faradic machine would be beneficial as it helps with the

improvement of the muscle tone and the facial contours, and that is why I

believe that this machine is most beneficial for her skin type of skin, as her

skin type is normal. The indirect method of the high frequency machine

would allow more relaxation for the tissues on the chest, neck and cheeks, a

propriety my client will enjoy very much, as her favorite part in a facial is

the facial massage. I believe that these 2 treatments will complement each

other as one is more stimulating and so more irritant to the nerve endings

such as the faradic machine and the other one is more soothing, calming and

relaxing such as the indirect method of the high frequency machine.


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We decided to go with the faradic treatment first as it can be

performed after the cleanse and before the massage, and so before starting

with the actual treatment I begun the explain the way the machine works,

and what my client was about to experience during the treatment, and the

potential results after a course of treatments performed. After this I set my

client comfortable on the bed, arranged everything I needed on the trolley,

and begun with the routine check of the machine, just to make sure that

everything was working properly so that I wouldn’t have any unpleasant

incidents during the treatment. I then started sanitizing the machine and my

hands, got the damp cotton all onto the electrode after I have used saline

solution to soak it in and begun the treatment starting to stimulate the

muscles along the jaw line.

I worked on a biphasic polarity so that the intensity would be equal

under both electrodes and stimulate the motor points evenly. I didn’t want to

over stimulate the muscles from the first treatment so I allowed around 6

contractions for each muscles that I stimulated, and did that 3 times around

the face, always asking my client if the intensity of the contractions was

bearable. The treatment took no longer than 15 minutes and when it was

done I proceeded with toning the skin and preparing it for the next treatment

for be performed.



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The reaction during the treatment was normal, the contractions of the

muscles were visible, I wasn’t able to see any erythema being present on the

area, all the muscle groups were evenly stimulated, the contractions were

smooth and I felt the skin a little bit tighter after performing this treatment

on my client. As visible results are not present after the first treatment I

reassured my client that after the course of treatments she was choose to

have an improvement in the skin tone and face contours would be visible.



My client felt the treatment stimulating and told me that she was never

aware of how many muscles there were around the face area and how they

can be stimulated. She found the contractions natural, and felt her face

working for the first time in her life. She also felt the contractions o little bit

irritant around the eye area and the corners of the mouth.

After the treatment she told me that she feels her face relaxed and

tighter than before and that she is glad to have had this treatment done.


After this treatment I advice my client to try and exercise the facial

muscles at home as well because this treatment is all about maintenance and

we all have to take care of our contours in order to keep them in place for a

longer time. As she is not a very big fan of cosmetic products I

recommended her to keep on drinking just as much water, and to apply


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natural masks mixed at home with natural ingredients to keep the skin

nourished and hydrated.


My client felt a slight discomfort when the contractions was produced

around the eye area and the corners of the mouth and I believe it’s because

of the intensity of the current used, I believe it was a little bit too strong for

that area so I will know for sure that the next time I use this machine I have

to take bigger care with the current intensity as I don’t want my next client

to feel the same discomfort again.



I decided that this treatment can be performed in the same day with

the faradic treatment right after it actually as I believe that the one of the

high frequency indirect method propriety is to soothe the nerve endings I’ve

just irritated with the contractions produced by the faradic machine.

This machine is more used on mature, lined wrinkle prone skin, and is

beneficial because it helps improving blood circulation, it produces heat and

that helps relaxing the client more. I explained to my clients that this

machine is working with an alternating current and that she is going to hold

the saturator in her hand while I perform the massage and complete the

current circuit.


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The machine was working properly and after sanitizing I applied oil

onto my client’s skin, talcum powder onto my client’s hands gave her the

saturator, started massaging with one hand and turned on the intensity so

that I would avoid any potential shock. The movement used were the same

as for a facial massage with a slight difference as I avoid using tapotment

movements for the same reason stated before: to avoid shock. When I

reached the forehead I turned down the intensity as I was able to feel the

current with my palms. The treatment took around 20 minutes after which I

toned the skin and prepared for the next step of my client’s facial.


During the treatment I was able to feel heat being produced and my

client getting more and more relaxed. There was erythema produced on the

cheeks and neck, the pores were more visible, the skin on the face, neck and

chest was visibly relaxed and nourished.


My client was very happy with this treatment, she likes the facial

massage but she found this one more uplifting than the one with no current

being used. She felt heat coming from my hands as I was massaging here

shoulders, she felt her skin lighter, she described that she felt her cheeks

burning at some point.

After the treatment she told me that the indirect high frequency is

perfectly combined with the faradic, because it relaxes you skin in such a

way that you forget everything about the previous contractions. She was


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very satisfied with the treatment and assured me that she was going to come

back again to have it done.


The homecare advice offered is slightly similar to the one I gave her

for the faradic machine, but as a specific one I would have to tell her to

choose an oil that suits her skin best, to try to avoid the eye area when

performing the massage and to have enough oil on so that she will not over

drag her skin. I also told her that a warm environment and relaxing music

will contribute to her relaxing state of mind while performing the facial

massage, as well as to always move upwards with the movements to help

maintain the facial contours.


Everything worked out just as planned, my client did not complain

about anything, she enjoyed the treatment, the machine worked just fine, no

shocks occurred, my clients was just as happy as I was with everything, and

as I asked her to come back again she made the next appointment for the

week coming.


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As I said previously my client just turned 30, and she has a quite busy

lifestyle to handle. Her skin used to be normal, but since she came here it

begun to get dry and now her overall skin type tends to be dry, she even has

some dry patches in places. I told her how important a skin care routine

was, so that she can try and improve the status of her skin by permanently

hydrating and nourishing the skin from inside out.

We agreed to meet and discuss a treatment plan for the facial

electrical machines so that we can find together the best treatment that will

be most beneficial for her and her skin type. We agreed on using the

galvanic machine - iontophoresis and the indirect method of the high

frequency machine, both of them once a week for the next 5 weeks, and I am

going to use them together in the same facial treatment, using iontophoresis

first and then the indirect high frequency. In my client’s case I stick to the

idea of hydration, stimulation and moisture, because at some point when the

skin gets drier and drier my client will be able to feel a slight discomfort,

and so I am trying to avoid that from happening.



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Iontophoresis can be used for a variety of skin conditions, because

after u identify the skin type of your client there are a variety of products

that you can use that will suit your client’s needs best. The aims of the

treatment are the aims of the product you are using, and this can be a

different one depending on what product u are using, and in this case I am

going to use a dry skin iontophoresis gel which will help hydrate and

moisture the skin, will help with the regeneration from the inside out aiding

desquemation and improving the blood and lymph flow. For this treatment I

wanted to do another skin sensitivity test just to make sure that skin reacts

correctly during and after the treatment, and for this I used a cotton bud and

an orange wood stick – the sharp and blunt test.

As for the indirect high frequency that I was going to use after the

iontophoresis treatment, I have to say that my main concern was to maintain

the effects of the iontophoresis by stimulating the skin in a relaxing way; an

indirect high frequency treatment will help even more with the hydration and

nourishement of the skin by the usage of almond oil, oil that I intended to

leave on the skin after the treatment was over.


My client was not wearing makeup the day we met to perform this

treatment so after I placed her comfortably on the bed and sanitized my

hands and area I performed a superficial cleanse in order to prepare the skin

for the coming treatments. I then proceeded with the sensitivity test and was

very pleased with the result as her skin sensitivity was very to and I was

ready then to commence with the treatment. As the iontophoresis method


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work by applying current on the surface of the skin it was necessary for me

to make sure that the machine was in perfect condition and that it was

working properly before I started applying the current. After I did this, I

applied the iontophoresis gel on my client’s skin, a dry skin iontophoresis

gel, and made sure I spread it evenly over her face and neck.

The next step was to test the intensity of the current on myself to

avoid any kind of shock on my client, and after doing this I sanitized the

electrodes and went on to the actual treatment. When using this method we

have to make sure not to exceed more than 2 milliamps because a higher

intensity than that could harm the client.

Before starting I had to apply some Vaseline around the eye area to

prevent “flash” which may occur when the electrode is too close to the eye

and the intensity is too strong. The working point for my client was 40, but I

reduced it to 38 to make it more comfortable for the client. While

performing the treatment I explained to my client how the machine works

and how the principles of likes repel and opposites attract works for this

treatment. The main propriety of this machine is to repel the gel inside the

skin deeper than a normal hand massage, because of the same polarity

existent inside the gel used and the electrodes, which in this case were both

negative. The treatment lasted for 10 minutes, in which time my client did

not report any discomfort.


The reaction during the treatment was normal; the gel was absorbed

nicely into the skin. My client was a little bit nervous about this treatment as

she had never had it done before, nor did she know how it worked, but she


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got passed the nervousness and when she felt the heat she got relaxed. She

described the treatment as “relaxing and soothing” and that it was different

that what she expected. She was able to feel a slight metallic taste in her

mouth but that it didn’t bother her at all. As for what I was able to see, there

was erythema produced on her cheeks and that I felt her skin a little tighter

after the treatment.

After the treatment my clients told me that she was able to feel her

skin cleaner, fresher and lighter than before, that she enjoyed the treatment,

that she was happy with the results and that she was looking forward to

having the next treatment done.


For this section I recommended her not to apply make up for at least 8

hours after this treatment or for as long as she could, as the gel that

penetrated her skin was still active and continued to work under the skin,

and that is why she should try and keep the area as clean as possible, to

create a good environment for the gel to work its way and maximize the


As well I reminded her the importance of a skin care routine, the

importance of massage on her skin and the way a bad lifestyle can affect

your appearance. The amount of water that she drinks, the fact that it has to

increase in order to help with the hydration. To try and apply a hydrating

mask once or twice a week, or a homemade mask a fruit or vegetable mask,

one that would suit her best, and not to forget to moisturize her skin with a

day and night cream, and to make the difference between them two products,


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because even if their aims are the same they work in different ways, ways

that have to be followed in order to maintain a healthy looking complexion.


In this section I will mention that the treatment went on great, I was

very happy with the results, with the reactions of the client during and after

the treatment, and very happy about the fact that she wanted to come back

for another one, I found it very encouraging. As far as I’m concerned I

believe that I explained the treatment in an efficient way that I reassure my

client enough to make her confident and comfortable. The aims of the

treatment were reached as her skin looked brighter and more hydrated than

before. I got the feeling that my client was just as happy as I was with the

treatment and that she would recommend me further to other people which is




After performing the iontophoresis which can be performed after the

cleanse and before the massage, I decided that the massage performed on my

client would be most beneficial when done along with the indirect high

frequency. What I aimed with this treatment was to relax my client, to

improve the blood and lymph flow, to aid desquamation, to soothe the nerve


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ending and last but not least to still nourish the skin after the iontophoresis


As I knew exactly what I wanted from this treatment I started

sanitizing everything including my hands, applied talcum powder on my

client’s hands, tested the intensity of the current inside the saturator on

myself first to protect the client for any discomfort and then started the

actual treatment.

I went for almond oil as a massage medium, because it allows more

hydration for the skin, and because it’s a perfect base allowing the ease of

movement while performing the massage, as well as the fact that it’s not

penetrating the skin easily and so it allows a gradual hydration. The massage

performed was a normal facial massage excepting the tapotement

movement, which is not recommended to be used during this treatment

because as the therapist is part of the whole circuit or the current,

interrupting the contact with the skin while the current is still flowing will

give the client a shock, which is a very unpleasant sensation.

The treatment was performed for around 20 minutes, after which I

turned off the intensity slowly while still having one hand on my client,

turned the machine off and proceeded with the next step which in this case

was to allow the oil to rest in the surface of the skin before applying the

mask, as it will not allow the mask to dry the skin, and because it will still

hydrate the skin.


My client didn’t have the chance to have a lot of facials, including

facial massages but she described the treatment extremely relaxing, uplifting


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and soothing for her skin. She found it great, and she told me that she felt

her skin intensely hydrated, soft and smooth and that the heat she felt during

the treatment was “extraordinary”. There was no erythema present this time,

but I was able to see her skin glowing, being more radiant, nourished and

relaxed, and I was happy to have made her forget about the tighter sensation

she usually got before on her skin. She found the noise of the machine a

little different, but she wasn’t nervous at all about this treatment as she had

been a little nervous about the iontophoresis treatment earlier that day. She

was happy with this treatment as well, and told me that she enjoyed it more

than the previous one.


As she enjoyed the massage so much I decided to show her some easy

massage movements that she could use at home, while applying a

moisturizer on her skin or even performing a small massage routine using oil

as a medium for relaxation and to improve her facial contours. I also told her

that is it very important always to massage upwards and never to over drag

the skin. Always to make sure she has enough oil applied to the area so that

her movements are easily sliding on the surface of the skin. I also advised

her to try and find a good massage oil, one that is not very easily absorbed

into the skin, and to leave it on even after the massage is over so that it can

hydrate for a longer time.



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I believe that the whole treatment was a success, and I was so happy

with the results and my performance as an overall treatment. This time I

knew better what intensity to use on the high frequency method, and there

were no shocks or discomfort at all before, during and after the treatment.

Her skin looked lovely, no dry patches, no tightness, just a nice even

complexion, healthy looking skin. The aims of this treatment were reached,

and I am sure that by the time the course of treatments is done her skin

won’t be having any problems with dryness anymore.


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Miriam is a lovely 19 year old girl, and her skin type is oily. Because

of this aspect she used in the past for a big amount of time, some harsh skin

care products and turned her skin into a combination between oily and

sensitive. Her skin has the appearance of an oily complexion, but it sensitive

to some products and that is why she had to be very careful with what she

chooses to use as part of her skin care daily routine. After presenting the

machines to her and discussing with her skin type and problems, we decided

to go for the desincrustation treatment and the direct method of the high

frequency machine.

Desincrustation treatment is a very complex but effective treatment,

especially for an oily skin because it relaxes the pores, softens the skin,

breaks down the keratin present in the superficial layers, causes vasodilation

which will encourage the blood flow and aid the removal of waist, increases

the metabolism and last but not least it breaks down the acid mantle; all

these are effects of the cathode under which sodium hydroxide is produced.

The advantage with this machine is that the polarity can be reversed, the

cathode becomes the anode and so the effect of the cathode are reversed, and


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the formation of hydrochloric acid will restore the acid mantle. This

treatment can irritate the skin so that I why I recommended her to have it

done only once every two weeks.

In completion of this treatment I suggested the direct method of high

frequency, which will maintain the effects of the desincrustation, and help

dry out any existent pustules or papules on the surface of the skin. This

machine had drying, germicidal and healing effects, and it is very beneficial

for oily skin. Because we had the desincrustation treatment done before this

one I chose to have this one done for around 7 minutes, today, continuing to

have it done 3 times a week for around 12 minutes for the next 4 weeks.


Before I started the treatment I wanted to make sure that my client is

fully familiar with the machine, how it works and what the results are. I also

told her that she might feel a slight sting over the papules or pustules,

because the skin over those areas is more thin and sensitive to the current. I

explained about the polarity, about the saline solution, timings, the usage of

witch hazel when rebuilding the acid mantle back, and why it is so important

not to over treat the skin. I also warned her that there may be a breakout after

this treatment as it allows the toxins inside the skin to come towards the

surface of the skin to be eliminated. I also told her that the quantity of

sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid is neither big nor concentrated so

there is no possibility of skin burn from that cause. Again in this case I

wanted to perform a sharp and blunt test to make sure that the skin

sensitivity is just right for this kind of treatment, as a therapist should not

take chances but has to be certain before commencing. As well before


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treatment I had to make sure that the machine was working properly and that

is was in a good condition, that I had everything I needed for the treatment, I

sanitized my hand and the machines, applied Vaseline around my client’s

eyes to prevent the flash, applied the desincrustation gel and spreaded evenly

over the face and neck, and started moving the cathode over my client’s skin

gradually turning up the intensity of the current making sure that the client is

comfortable and the intensity correct. I went on with circular movements

using the cathode to massage the gel into the skin for about 7 minutes, when

I stopped to change the polarity, to anode and to reverse the effects of the

cathode, for which I used another small sponge soaked into witch hazel, and

used it for around 3 minutes, at which point I turned the intensity down and

turned off the machine. There was no excess gel left on the surface of the

skin so I decided to tone the skin and prepare it for the next treatment to



Her skin’s reaction during the treatment was great, I didn’t see any

sign of irritation, erythema was present, but a little bit more visible than

usual. My client was able to feel a sting over the papules and pustules, and

she found the overall sensation irritant. She also told me that she was able to

feel the metallic taste in her mouth which she really didn’t enjoy at all. She

felt the skin very clean though, but sensitive to touch in some places. After

the treatment she told me that she finds her imperfections more visible now.



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For this section I advice her to pay attention to the products she uses

for her skin care routine, to avoid anything harsh, and to try and find a

moisturizer that has the perfect balance for her skin, one that is not too

greasy nor too tight for the skin. To exfoliate but not harshly, to do it around

two times a week, so that she will provide a great environment for the new

cells to be created and the old cells to be replaced. I explained to her that

oily skin is a tricky skin to deal with, it can benefit from one product only

for an amount of time, because it’s changing frequently and so you always

have to find the right product to suit your needs. To try and avoid anything

comedogenic, like lanolin, to get enough sleep because the mitotic activity is

at its top between 12-04 am, to use a sun screen, a good cleanser and a good

toner, and to try and avoid alcohol in toners as this might irritate her skin at

some point.


The treatment went on well, as I expected, my client was a little bit

nervous about it, and wasn’t really happy with it, but not because of the way

I performed but because of the effects the machines has over the skin. The

metallic taste bothered her more than I expected even though she hasn’t got

any bridge work or many fillings. She was happy with the way I explained

everything I was planning to do, before and while I was doing it.

As a conclusion I have to say that I pleased by the way the treatment

went, and I was eased when my client told me that she will come back to

have this done again, as she said that” once every 2 weeks it’s not that bad”.


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The high frequency method is suitable for an oily skin, a congested

skin, acne prone skin, because of its healing and drying proprieties. Miriam

doesn’t have big problems with skin congestion, but she has pustules and

papules here and there and that is why I recommended this treatment so that

we could treat the problem, and improve her complexion. As well I

mentioned before that her skin can be sensitive sometimes and that is why

today I’m not going to exceed 7 minutes in treatment with the direct high

frequency. Before I began I had to make all the electrical checks, I checked

that the intensity control was at zero, checked all the plugs and cables and

made sure to sanitize everything so that I would work in a clean

environment. I also tested the intensity on myself before starting the

treatment just to be sure that everything was working right. I explained to

her that she might feel different smell, the smell of ozone, and that she might

feel a metallic taste in her mouth because of the current, but she kept an

open mind and that gave me a lot of confidence.

Her skin was clean and toned after the precious treatment, and from

there I applied talcum powder on her face and neck area, placed the

electrode on my client’s skin, switched on the machine and I gradually

increased the intensity. I carried on with circular movements all over her


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face and neck, and I tried to cover as much as I could every part of the skin.

When half the treatment was done I stopped and got the furgulator electrode,

which will help me with the sparking of pustules and papules. In this process

I made sure I did not over treat the area, or burned the skin, as it is very

sensitive around congested areas.

The treatment lasted for around 7 minutes, and went on well. I then

applied toner and started discussing the treatment with my client.


Miriam wasn’t that nervous about this treatment, and she kept an open

mind during it. She never complained about the smell or a metallic taste in

her mouth, she just told me that it was very different than what she had in

mind about this treatment. She told me that she actually liked the smell, and

that she thought that is was smelling very clean. She was able to feel the heat

on her skin, which she found very relaxing and soothing. During the

treatment the production of heat is the main effect of the machine used and

because of that a lot of changes would occur inside the skin and on the

surface of the skin: such as increasing the metabolic rate, the cell production,

elimination of toxins from the tissue, blood flow increased, soothing of the

nerves which will relax the client, and last but not least the germicidal,

drying and healing effect of the ozone present when using this machine.

After the treatment she was amazed to see that it worked from the first

session, she told me that she can see her imperfections smaller, and that she

felt her skin a little bit irritated but very clean and firm. She also told me that

she was looking forward to having this treatment done again on her, and

asked me if this can be done on parts of the body, as she has a little problem


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with her back and shoulders. We agreed to meet again and have a look at her

other problem and try to help as much as I could.


For the last of the day I told her not to wear any makeup, as the ozone

was still active and for the best results it should be left do act on the skin for

as long as possible. Miriam has a skin care routine but the products she uses

are not my favorite on the market, and as her budget is not very accessible I

tried to explain to her how beneficial natural products were for the skin, how

to prepare an egg white mask with some lemon juice, a mask that will help

with her skin condition. And I also told her that instead of the toner she

currently uses, to try and get rose water and try using that as a toner, because

it is very gentle with the skin, hydrates the skin and does not irritate as it

doesn’t have any alcohol content. She is not wearing a sun protection factor

so I told her that when she buys a moisturizer she should pay attention to

this small detail which is very important. I told her to go for a 15 SPF, which

allows some of the rays to be active upon the skin, the sun may help with the

condition but will not heal it. Another thing I told her to avoid doing is

touching her face, because she does that a lot in work and her hand aren’t

always clean, so this too could be a cause of skin congestion. Exfoliation is

another thing she must not avoid from her routine as this is a very important

step in the skin recovery process; aids new cell production, and the

replacement of the old ones with the new ones, a process needed by an oily

skin. To finalize I told her that when she finds a routine that suits her best, to

try and stick to it as much as she can, and never skip the steps no matter how

tired she would be.


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Everything went on very well, there was no discomfort for my client

nor any shock of any kind. The intensity I used was the right one, the skin’s

reaction was normal, erythema was present, but it soon disappeared after

finalizing the treatment. I was able to explain the procedure in a very good

way, and my client was happy and confident about everything I was going to

do, because she knew in advance what my next step would be.

In conclusion I can say that the aims of the treatment were reached,

along with my client’s wishes and concerns. My client was happy with the

result, she even said she would recommend me further to her friends, and

she booked another appointment with me for the coming week