Machine Learning @ Mendeley

Machine Learning@Mendeley Part I: Introduction Presenter Name: Kris Jack (@_krisjack), Lili Tcheang and Maya Hristakeva Presenter Title: Chief Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Senior Data Scientist Date: 01/10/14


Presentation given at Mendeley's Open Day 2014. A high level description of what machine learning is used for in Mendeley before going a little deeper in user profiling and recommender systems. I am responsible for the first part of the presentation only. Lili Tcheang and Maya Hristakeva created parts II and II respectively.

Transcript of Machine Learning @ Mendeley

Page 1: Machine Learning @ Mendeley

Machine Learning@MendeleyPart I: Introduction

Presenter Name: Kris Jack (@_krisjack), Lili Tcheang and Maya HristakevaPresenter Title: Chief Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Senior Data ScientistDate: 01/10/14

Page 2: Machine Learning @ Mendeley

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

• Applications of Machine Learning– Spam Detection for Email– Personalised Search (e.g.

Google, Bing)– Speech Recognition– Recommender System (e.g.

Amazon, Netflix)• Definition:– Software that improves itself

with experience (e.g. exposure to new data)

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Why is ML Important to Mendeley?

• Information Extraction– Metadata extraction

• Catalogue:– Crowdsourcing– Duplicate detection

• User Profiling– Descriptive and Predictive

• Recommendations– Contextualise research– Make new discoveries

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A Closer Look at 2 ML Applications

• User Profiling:– What are our users currently

doing with Mendeley?

• Recommender Systems:– How are we helping

researchers with their work?

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Machine Learning@MendeleyPart II: What kind of User are you?User ProfilingPresenter Name: Kris Jack (@_krisjack), Lili Tcheang and Maya HristakevaPresenter Title: Chief Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Senior Data ScientistDate: 01/10/14

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Here’s What We Did…

•Take 2000 users.•Extract 40 activities recorded for those 2000 users.•See how those users cluster according to their activities.

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What were those activities?

• Social– Group invites– New followee– Posts– etc

• Productivity– Reading– Writing– Search– etc

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Here’s how people cluster

-0.4 0.1 0.6 1.1-0.4









More Productivity


e So




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Why is this interesting?

Career Progression

Student PhD Student Post Doc Professor




Librarian Other

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Machine Learning@MendeleyPart III: Recommendations

Presenter Name: Kris Jack (@_krisjack), Lili Tcheang and Maya HristakevaPresenter Title: Chief Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Senior Data ScientistDate: 01/10/14

Page 11: Machine Learning @ Mendeley

Recommendations @ Mendeley

• Mendeley Suggest• Related Research• Mendeley Digest• People Recommender

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Recommendations @ Mendeley

• Mendeley Suggest• Related Research• Mendeley Digest • People Recommender

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Recommendations @ Mendeley

• Mendeley Suggest• Related Research• Mendeley Digest• People Recommender

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Recommendations @ Mendeley

• Mendeley Suggest• Related Research• Mendeley Digest• People Recommender

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Recommendations @ Mendeley

• Mendeley Suggest• Related Research• Mendeley Digest• People Recommender

your coauthors authors of the paper you are

reading (i.e. real-time)

your colleagues

authors of work that interests


Authors you

cited/were cited by

Authors who are influential/

trending in your field

Authors who your

influencers follow

Page 16: Machine Learning @ Mendeley

Recommendations @ Mendeley

• Mendeley Suggest• Related Research• Mendeley Digest• People Recommender

Page 17: Machine Learning @ Mendeley

ML @ Mendeley

• Information Extraction– Metadata extraction

• Catalogue:– Crowdsourcing– Duplicate detection

• User Profiling– Descriptive and Predictive

• Recommendations– Contextualise research– Make new discoveries

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Thank you for your