M6.2 Sideshare Presentation (Katy Perry's Social Media Presence)

M6.2 – Katy Perry (Social Media) By: Brittany Desilva
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Transcript of M6.2 Sideshare Presentation (Katy Perry's Social Media Presence)

Page 1: M6.2 Sideshare Presentation (Katy Perry's Social Media Presence)

M6.2 – Katy Perry (Social Media)

By: Brittany Desilva

Page 2: M6.2 Sideshare Presentation (Katy Perry's Social Media Presence)

Katy Perry (Katheryn Hudson) Background

• Katy Perry was born in Santa Barbra, California on October 25th, 1984

• She is the middle child of pastor parents • She signed her successful record deal with

Capitol in 2007 • Her career fully kicked off after her Teenage

Dream album was released with her famous “I Kissed a Girl” song.

Page 3: M6.2 Sideshare Presentation (Katy Perry's Social Media Presence)

Online/Social Media Presence

• I found that Katy Perry’s social media presences was greater on her twitter then her other forms of social media. She seemed to tweet everyday a couple times a day, whereas on her Instagram she only posted a picture once every couple of weeks. Her twitter was used to promote events and also tweet personal events to keep fans updated. Instagram seemed to be more for her personal use and not used much for promoting.

• I also checked on her Facebook page daily and this seemed to be used a bit more then Instagram. Her Facebook page was use more for promoting her upcoming events/concerts.

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Katy’s Online Life

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Links to Katy Perry’s Social Media Pages

• http://instagram.com/katyperry/

• https://twitter.com/katyperry

• https://www.facebook.com/katyperry

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Online Communities

• There are many online communities that surround Katy Perry some maintained by fans and others by Katy herself and/or manager. Here are some of them:

• http://katy-perry.net/ : is a fan maintained community that allows other fans to watch videos, see pictures, comment and talk about Katy Perry. http://www.katy-perry.org/ is another fan maintained site that serves the same purpose.

• Lastly there is a site called http://www.katyperry.com/ that is run by people that work with Katy Perry. This site is used to promote concerts and events that are coming soon.

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Debra Eckerling- Five Social Media Tips For Musicians- http://bit.ly/1eaB54r

1) Find you audience

2) Post meaningful, sharable content

3) Engage your current fans

4) Continue the social push IRL . Hand out Swag. Put up Flyers.

5) Post consistently

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Katy Perry: Has she found her audience?

• I feel that Katy Perry has found her audience, she has been a successful musician since 2007 after signing a record deal with Capitol records

• Katy did sign with other record companies before Capitol but didn’t take off and find her audience until 2007

• Since then she has been a very successful and very popular musician, it is important that she found her audience in order for this to be possible.

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What meaningful and shareable content does she post/share?

• Katy Perry is very good at interacting with her audience/fans. As of right now she has an event going on, on her twitter that is called #DARKHORSECAM to promote her new music video. This hashtag is also used to involve her fans, she has constantly retweeted pictures of fans that are participating in this event.

• Other content that she posts are pictures and/or tweets of things she likes such as heart shaped chicken nuggets, and things she is doing at the time. These things are exciting to an audience since they get a small yet meaningful look into her private life

• Lastly Katy Perry promotes concerts and events to keep her fans updated on where she will be next

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In what ways does she engage effectively with her fans? What are they not doing?

• As said before Katy Perry seems to be engaging with her fans through twitter pretty regularly, she retweets their pictures, keeps them updated, promotes events & gives snapshots of her personal life.

• What I feel that she could improve on is using other social media as regularly as she does with twitter. I know this could be an issue with time that she has but for me I go to Instagram to look at pictures of behind the scenes photos celebs have taken or photos of there personal life, Katy has very little pictures on her Instagram and does not update often. These pictures make your audience/fans feel more connected to the artist which is important to a fan.

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How does she converge/overlap Online & Physical spaces? Is it effective?

• Katy Perry has recently started a trend on Twitter for her recent tour called #THEPRISMATICWORLDTOUR. Her fans that have bought and received their tickets have tweeted with the hashtag. By Katy starting this hashtag it give the option for audience members to tweet during the concerts they attend

• She seems to nicely overlap online & physical space without being overly pushy about live tweeting at her concert, but the option is there

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In what ways does she post and engage with her audience consistently?

• Again I feel that Katy Perry is handling her twitter page very well and is consistently posting and tweeting every chance she gets, although this is a huge social media site there is others that some fans use more often, I feel that she could improve her engagement if she puts in the same amount of time on all of her social media pages.

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Debra Eckerling’s Five Social Media Tips Vs. Katy Perry

• Overall I feel that Katy is mostly following Debra Eckerling’s tips for her to interact with her audience and fans

• She keeps in contact with fans and keeps them aware of what is going on in her professional and some personal life

• Katy is aware of her audience and is on track with targeting them

• Although she could expand her social media presence to different sites she is consistently using twitter to engage with fans