M Hassan.docx

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  • 8/13/2019 M Hassan.docx



    In the name of Allah the most Merciful the most Beneficent

    After praising Allah and sending blessings on his messenger (pbuh);

    Allah (swt) says (Alabizikirullah tatminal qaloob) The meaning of this saying of Allah is that the peace of

    heart is in the remembrance and zikr of Allah . Over here remembrance signifies complete religion

    (Islam). Religion has five branches :1. Beliefs 2. Worships 3. Dealings or business 4.Way of life, Habits

    and Behavior 5.Islamic morals (also mysticism).The first four sections can be corrected by the books of

    our religious guides and by their speeches and advice but in the correction of the fifth section (Islamic

    morals) the way of Allah is persistent that there is a need for a person to seek the guidance of a learned

    preceptor ( (Recheck)).

    Sheikhs (Spiritual guides) train their disciples (murid) according to their own methods, all are good may

    Allah accept them. Among these methods one method is of my religious preceptor sheikh ul hadees of

    Jamia Ashrafia Lahore; Maulana Sufi Sarwar sahib. He starts the correction of character of a person whowants to become his mureed by telling him to act on five things : 1 To grow a beard that shouldnt be

    less than a fist 2 Not to wear unislamic dresses 3 Not to watch TV 4 To keep pajamas above the ankles 5

    To pray with congregation (jamat) behind an imam who has correct beliefs. After bringing these five

    deeds into practice he tells the mureed to read qasd-us-sabeel (find the English version) so that he may

    understand the correct purpose of bayt (tell here). Then read the 3 parts of the book Preaching of

    Islam (Tableegh deen). First part : Apparent principles of deeds. Second Part: Details of Bad manners.

    Third part: Details of good morals. Second part has further 10 subdivisions and our sheikh starts the

    lessons of mureed from 1st

    subdivision (Eating too much and Greed for food) so that after reading each

    subdivision the mureed informs his condition that either the particular lesson is in his practice or not. If

    it isnt in practice then the mureed should at least one week do effort and informabout his condition.Even if there is still any weakness in practice a weeks timeis futher given , conclusively when the

    lesson is brought completely into practice then the next lesson may be taken and so forth one may

    carry on . During the spiritual journey if one feels any defect of practice in any of the previous lessons

    covered he should repent and do Istighfar and bring it back into practice with courage. With this pious

    zeal of practice read the subdivisions of the last two parts of the book and then again read from the 1st

    subdivision of the first part. After completing tableegh-deen from the training (islahi) syllabus study

    Hayat-ul-Muslimmen then Faroo-ul-iman then speeches of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanivi (r.a) that are

    published by the name of Khutbat Hakeem-ul-Ummat. Also while studying Tableegh deen study

    Heavenly Ornaments (Behsti zewar) to get knowldge or religious acts and deeds.

    Allah (swt) has given the honor to this sinner that after reading each portion of Preaching of Islam

    informed his condtion to his shaykh . Where ever I felt difficulty in practice or understanding anything I

    took guidance from my shaykh . All praises to Allah our sheikh for guidance used to tell such a sentence

    that all trouble would end and practicing it would become very easy. A thought from Allah was coming

    in the heart of this person from quite a duration that the sayings of our shaykh and other spiritual

    guides should be stated after each subdivision so the summary of the whole article may be revised

  • 8/13/2019 M Hassan.docx
