M D ST R lLiA B Lfi - NYS Historic...

-L i/- Uj'f; jdpiwis- ,13 Jaatara* 1 . \ -M AdYdHJBH * A C lo rjr/;',',i’,1’ti«' .... , i ,.i..' „ .«...■ !...».n, yi.; .., in.,-.; .......:■>- ..... m ,- . rr *h!jM cof-iri^hT a* fmd M~W EVENnsra klfS 33. 33 y t ft-iff I :n'A Nqjil *’l« , 1 d fraagfe m<m?% ■He&/ J Jft>9Mgg|$8C *U% f&j&r- |o' ttjkiclb.d^ 1 - 1 M lirthi vMf,W‘ cl ^ c i l .3-Ti-- ■ jisi&t ^ h a h '# ? * *k». "uaifjtT jit? fc; '1 ' “ •*• • — •' —•'• } wtt tf'?S££*i ^ .'‘ '-r.L'A'fi.Atl ’ ■-tft'fy?, %■«■>!;-Jr':’ u W ‘t,W‘> • ^-p'^ b-**t ‘ J afof i *-*?<(i - jitfmvfcx ?!MI iilffllS h TT jvat^ 4 ^ $fc3T .fcD ,W *.W n<fr» iff 1 -( +. ii j, *.. «**, »,.* ? 2 «A.» ; .&i*?^v*f 1 *>.<•!j < {> _ •_'<fii;--::. t-( *«^ ax -*s#W wawaa i*£v %! p ;'y^f3S n ••'- 6 TJIU J5 l ZiTftgs-'t iWWtlltlW •<*is -. **«*•«**. A » *W»-*GSr»IR^W r?!5r>-aKHOM *■* tt r” '■ > mi «*"***■ ■1-LsL ,J L .*41 i ir i t'n i-sa ?■;,■ TTfe t |_ ___! ...!,..T-,T- ...... '... n ' . -: rg£.Ja, •■ • f' f?4 t '« ’ ;«'l ntj} W t.: ■ .‘ * •«3 |„'.t A t-iiVv w r J v: €}*» '.■'■ j-'. ’ !T- I **01 (d^'itttdfSW "•/'lui'i'- v .• -^ £l*v- *JkHP 2 BNk- ft;,' ■: •** c to «fftr#fn i^Ju u i jiiii',.’!!' i A l .-j ">■ i 7 .H i r ■*""' -“— ........... ...i tsusd?vtEBiroita; rfs . RS: - i n rj|}« KirtirfTr' ‘?kj; tiw. „. . m F $ ; S % aSftdt mm strfSfc^* j'nfcs? 4m 1 ms & ,-^-wiiic --- ' ' J s I o ® e - @ J . , [^<? Jouhnal p if he m iy paper <*% Or ;#f4 t ^sfsisA 'TiS tlTOlf# ‘ ^ Bsa3fM * 2 T 2 » T rrox “ BiDgjSpiei.....fcO ‘Vtfk.T37 p ■' XZZ2J.&3&2S* j«!»A pio *T H S^IM fl. tving ^ e*1 that " - - - - - v ■Ip- 4»y. Terras; Terms of adve m m w w m w w ^ [B u im eii cft^B not exceeding four lines inler- ted In this coJaTpQEfffo/^Gper year, or in the Dai ly and Weely JGnmal-both, for J 10 per year.] -JL o ft. tH IL IB A Y , Law Office, ovef ^ ■ w x & g r 'r ’i w ' i ? t>upr*-1 ------------------ y .i. — ------------------------ J tamp, -------- r ._T„_ r„. _^__jja-pt 8 . Omnibus hi waiting at the Depot and Steunhoat Landing, free lor .guests at the house. Thejhar Bupplied with chmeh'ales, liquors and cigars.: \ july let C. TOhLES, Photo ^te-st^>na^ fa; ive si |her, ^«>N)orj etlSm It «^t J ' l 3? ; tire- Jo'dw iD-nota- amg com sidereiL :t ^ Iw fe tiie riiig tbo'eiectioaicqfc^rj^leyfa^’ftroiFai . TKe. generwt *o|iiiiloii seiemed to i>e that APlld gpre nfero ift ^ffm crSirttHtVTirefereace no III for Greeley over Grabt.'-' icAi simple re- w ieL^a,tbe |lewof:ratiorC8 #iif^.. cotU^.’feHce of Liberalr ^publidbns, service than n^iorma '-P Vhis ^tky<ldii|nijEae<i. y'-ffim easJ^lnfpsi feiace%' ah; 10r Iteade S tiw a s %Ml^|adiflaiccl ® trateri h €ontr^ e t.f tne etore of lP. GJohnbr, btnss pdmp. ItirAefl ld t^iri ' Mu 5T;! iw^SiAsftaan, • Jmac&i£p0 ts^' l|a 4 m iptter forfl 1 Aliba^S^ hy: siva- St.y thehDOfti «n^ hjpn er !lwdrs bree’ fonr-stottr'1largo [■- xjtVf2-M/««k ■ . -j - « f ♦ .liiijtiinl - j f Estainsted'(l 0ss, fW ,W 0 ^ vuaCil^i nwntfn'/-. * - ^It a-v^Jabie T O coRtr^jl^ly.gY eii out icitcrcla? ddrjbbji^in^ »h-.Mr3iDejoatl»between fe w to fl^ p d . IM W & jfeittesM th jBuem.fo^^o£06t $#^iwo7Qpor lit i ijjf .... ' 'II . f liEbw I a.-falfty tcll iiitorft teimaifa i&t of boilij g :liquor at ^Tewrark y^thrday. M on of GenASbetonan, sallsju tke ^Bteaxc ep Pussif, terfiayv’to join <nte fa- tbfOlfd. ►Judgel EAwardst P Uk .pout - Liid Si itTfaoiyijiS::E>ai:inT al so> the Rittiu. (| # H ^ rfd ito -|fo W 4ii hand. A -'•■-*• y:— '. i< ini’’ -vi-+ t . — r- , ** i <» ^fiEyVj,YoRK, J u ly 3d. JiiH morning. A htradred flU fifiti’OLll^S -seQift Slftporfce<l ye3ter<laj, ' MATAffOHA^ J b i f li. ^ IRle*!l[hrii| ,* yes- 18 city; Ts-itn a iu m L e r o f m e e t : 'dleciFbil>t»ed .a MBBIfp g UmiiffT ftM t Htelill.alry tlie »re f i» rt)ui^h| 1 ir'bpt they n^tuve pfc COlintryTiavors ms escape. f A^EQQr yrevojlsthat Cton. LaKocha has« cacjtmjreu SfhaStreyi^^si- a severe M lt: lltj^vAo- ^evojrpmeiii. P ATRICK WAI«I«, No. 8 South Aurora St.,' ----------- w •* ' ' ftopk and taken (the V*Where he is s>re- store o i f % , , . . . . pared tof manufeettfr'e and tell Boots and Bhjoes on the most favorable terms. Give him a ca d July lst 9 m s . AxtirorR &&T7 Atteation fi^ren to RttesofQg . mMhrnmzi. GiveMm a m. djoiyistEm .D.5BS&>y Drag stprexcor, stdto'in^tmhn-^ti; ~ j*t aft -i-iW -»» . ifi'tijtm vv july latBm B n W M U JA N T M lf liinlfer. • for Felti, mm pdd ftjld SMni. Nfl: Mfibith djnlsr 1st 5m. done on siort-nc QljDlyki- i i tiprjuia coiian con* mg, and Trnnfe repairing 6 West State-st, r JnpMTi onrce on _ .Q ___, Co’a Store, one door south“of Poet C'fflce. v^V’, At eaee. it* & rtK IW H B 't ft: W A G 0 7 I£ R « Atfm nejl Couxiseilore. Olpce in Ma*ot«i&Block, \ j , flijaiyfim fwSimoKK d dealer in et.— Brea^aSSTM' , Qr«ce: .bm~ ’d. B tod 7 West team Cto&fny, '• ft ;- 1 forme^A.9-trhe 'S£- mcjudmg' ExrGovemop Blair, ■ and Es« Congressman D riggs. of ^chig^n^waW also hddJ A State Convertttbjpr jhvas called to meet at Jaeksorv, July I 7th, and a State ’ Executive committee was also appointed. . i New York, July er 'o f “B t^ m i^ ^ ^ ^ c H ^ ^ ^ a ll parts of the United States. The design is 1 j 6 assemble at Baltim ore a body, qf respectable Uemocrat8 ,equal in number to J|ie dqlegatei^ to the N ational Con- vemibn to protest against Greeley’s nomination, and organize a bolt if he should be made the candidate. 1 | [CONFIDENTIAL.] f ' NBW D jsak Saa^-T-Tii© * C incinnati uawjve- meni, conceived in comfitio% )m m far spread in its nojalign infllueDCe that prorqjrt m easures. alone can ^ave th e Dernbcratic i*arty from disbandment lie and ‘destruction., It is impossible for V illito .p o litr ' L " A1- ‘ ft#** the any- in i but their^avowed object-l-to dis banfflthG party. As a means of iuiwa. ttsefnpjr^s tlie Democratic orga: zxzatKOi* gliouM be preserve A and' the GMeley- jtes announce their intention to bolt and Support their candidates if they fecurfe their object, it iff now the [duty- of all true. . Democrats to prepare for a severance from such politicians and by throwing off the ele ments of discord, to make the o^ganiz- les. ation purer, stronger and better in futm:£. The honeet men of our edun.4 ' I i -|4*£-4)f §1 igMjF frwi- j- try w ill be attracted to that ptrtyf w jlV w K t C c p y l I which places^ itself upon principles, The Gincinnati convention was with-, out followers, and hair of them have- ranks of the scheming politicians who der and office, and that ^ to __ ~ ,Gc nomina tion at ItirflSKfcpp ^Tqn #|t requested to . attend at the' Baltilafcore invention and tb seciut the prei i/J-a Auna cd to ra >i .*on *• i. j . jui haid'i^eiiived n o c on iwin a^fom q £*Gtu rc- bori*. a p Gen. ’w it^ i.h ii > l}er,tw ' Deval^' m^ipA- fftJat'^bnferey fqi'o^^ haYiqg ‘through. > < 1 avs ago... BA^r.P|t A NCIkco, Jul y 8 . rneel&Bjsf of citizens have vot- ise ten million dollars toward the construction of the sixth parallel of the Atlantic and Pacific road {^ com mittee was appointed to eanvasa for siibsoriptio^. ^ ^ \ . 4 * r. t JtRMpHm, July-J. Mssp-il^qtqt.diamficon, _whose hus- barid 'wfls^ac'quittcd',oh-;Mon:day of kill ing J^enmett Jones, .her seducer; at tempted suicide by taking morphine on Monday]; but a stomach pump saved her life: i'" v | ; v'?.;'’i ; ' t'.p « -! i ’ **r ■* JLIL. ». *j if. 1 Tbo Mail tram? :' TOBT ffEttVlB,''‘J ftlf 1 raiw oh the Midi ancl Tfoaid af Uniojiville, ran oif*tIie track;'“3tondfty,‘.crossing in jh ii tanv. ' ib sVd ng efg'H’t berSonA 1 iht noW *f a- xr*~ Jf iiO - u %*’ j- 1 T^axx,ahasse, July 8. The (Democratic State Convention Will meet in" JaCk'sonVilte, Wednesday, Augn&t 11 th , Ia ikAtillnale eandldo.fes for governor, l4euti\GoverH9r, Mem bers of CJongx^es and Residential elec- tors. K Bctland, Vt., July, 3.“/ A fire yesterday near Cutting&ville station burned a thousand eonfe of wpod^ a steam swing apparatus and other valuable property. ! So£ydkgSn34, Ju ly J. The Sjate'shad prop?g^|pg C57tflbUiiIj|' ment on the J-Iudson was broken up thie morning on account of the intense heat. Seth Green sent westward to day 20 , 0 w 0 eiffd to be put into the head waters o : the Mississippi, as an experi ment, b] itqucst of Spencer F. Bail’d, United ®tat|G 8 Commlseiener of isher- ae»I? I» Toj», JO>vu j , rjhetoMAs kmd c m w s , mtot * . anS as*Ier.to B 0 Qtgwa gpba w m k -fW km r... IHatrict of your more C<«vMtk»( moo loot to so utterly shamctoMina^otsl abandon outside 5pf the jpaity to;aelect life-long opponent* «s ^their powpew* ■ Bnejh bidding, «aA it remains for t^qe ’ crats than fti|i|M )| to organize er conventimi witnobt “ delay, anH. €o .te.'tped and -trpatworthij ardvbtwera. As bntnirOenisuch menl suppoH true Democ^jiie^Ting politicians jwhq have en^ea^brew to disrupt the party as solitary and stranded leaders L^ti^tlsrfwpiilhr iekiii'thfii'dkr. S.a««Rli)aw W ftM rtfitftiffttlferte « mrpmv W-. Voiek, J|dy; 3 . The local sporting fraternity is great ly surprised and disappointed over the defeat pf Boa sett by Longfellow yester day. Many betting men l<^ 8 t heavily. ^ i Tols M o, Juifs. Ella Wilson won a race in three strftght heats at Qdiekstep Park yee- Detroit, wbn the eecond race. Bait F*ahcibco, July 3d. Thir^-hine and seven EfeininiAn Frairg, btniiheafrom GkuternAl*, f<a^firogaey agsiut ibqv ieir co-religionis^. , Jreely from tl of than jaither larger >.'*Ehe, Wfo: iharged by •p^d* , i.j t falling oC. upon mwij The gtfikw , ajtnougii «tsw have a , strong hi the EJmpIAyers ‘Union (o persuade to return syi iter, nroceasion of word ing men, 1 st is under pro- A committee of the Employ- h*ve issued an address to bag to them to resume Hsf being distributed to- 3ing distribi vat fo of the fife. tGretoiC o* 5 ,% iil'm jvlyjasija adjpui TAflM b » mf itoi mUktof^9 rOtUlBOO % |pk ^ Mgs of the and nesQlyed ltd the .^.maiolity. of r , f»rv unrcnrsiATTt, ^ i\ r:»^Lh»«^A;itniderouE! thUt: e(dker: iprvh: do: Iztt 0 « f% IW i W 'J 'J • .. . »WS*lW. u»e fire a g :Inslor'5!,J>ai)c-r. JW frid rffiu ftS H nfty,,fijlicmsand . dqllars,^ -.Tfee .fiiber Utmflin^ oa.Eeatfs, a il,H a w -Afc, yre»e i ot pq badly ihs 4ft, ' 1rc7 ported. ‘ , l4. jV. . Libbie Guriabrant has nut vet boon informed^'that report «>f tin- st orv of he^commutariPii nf mqUim is un- founded.f * i . • . Jjlrs^ George, Uvaqs?. ol Pine llusb, cbim iiitted suicide S>aturd&V by drown- ‘C^aUs^'loW splrifer* ‘ '• <? '- HtTJRON.r N r ;Y .. J u l y '«. A passenger on the lightning express train, of the Hudson River ltailroadj yesterday, afternoon, jumped from a oar at pa^tteton, and was instantly kill ed. Prom papers on Ms person, *it js believed to be B. D. Ff. MiHer, of Ajg- liersf. Mass. ' / NeVYou^ July :i. Balt Lake dispatches' of last night state that the report^ pf recent murders by Indians have been confirmed,and at a Council held there yesterday consist ing of the See’y of the Interior Cowan, .Gqv. Woodi), Gen. Morrow, Indian Agent Dodge, and several other offi cials. It was resolved that Dodge should immediately "proceed to the southern part of the te r r i tory ami call u council of- Indian fiMcffi of vafionfi trih o l and iu a li^ k d tnem to return to their reservations.,, I»| Case they decfine he will inform them 1 that the Government w ill take prompt measures to move against them- Strong detachments of cavalry .w ill- be sent south at once. Dodge heft l^st evening. ■ww lwwpn i Mew- X"orler Sto«ftc H u A ’et.- FTKSTBOMD. f » ’ > Ifj News T^ikj-Juljr a—13p5 rv m. j | ^P?iEVA»-5J ^pvjsw. .. . _ Stocks aufi and steady. \Gotd heavy at 118s-* and 118ft. Qnot«i dnll sm heavy ealei. *aofeift|. i duil«nl fteavy. Money, fifeBj. tJ. A w ,n 6 wlg«!ae iiS iJ Illino is CentrAl,...i< ” ~ ~ *“ " U. S. 6 s, ’71. re*... MBS* V. S, 63, ’81 COUP' lhji U.8.BA0,63ra«r-..ii4M U. B488 Bk 0 ’Giv. 4oottp new . T15 ¥. A lfcJLW ft <^tci>.T7. ..7T.... 134 ^ U .X j f t 5.SQ $F eotfj 04a u.s . OnrneSc: ISO CfieyeTd AfUtt?VS! 3t Chira & Tfortw’n, 18 i >» I , • |»ef>d’ JS034 s m v f c i* Bock island. .1105C ftiiforBt, rani,...; m% ^ T . W^b. &aWe 6 VlV TO KorVYVayne..?... . . vo ^L;* T,-Saate... 90 1' ' 14 prefd 4o eaifgo 0 s Aitqn.., * tiO prefO. 15» ) " t * ’v 111 fM Vh Air** it i GBimfr Misa^L . ;s£ ;46 W O. pr33*raa«.: 91 - 9S%£ m% m copiohflftted Co&l Cumhemnd. .-. T 70 W o ! « o & do P^- * - * TS^v Boston Wiite!* Ph. 50^ W ® f JkSiEk' S Am. Mer. -U j ?, JS j . 73 U. S. Bxp^ere, \Xv ao % ;.rr '** ......... S&-jSC?. -:::::: M g k a K ::: HT; Harlem stock.. iv.lfn HarfotoreCdl..V-. 314 f New York Ptodhce Market'. . , < ' . NbV[ YoaK, Jv£f 3. -•s C ottok- At 25^'coats Jor middling, and, up lands. * J& ffsSM ttf& lt& i.‘r a tottowing netes? f 5/25a®5,75 fm »np§r fine west* era; $6,20a$7,l5 conunon to choice extra States •mmon to lehoieti hxffa weBtern : |6,oo#r,80/ com Sjl9Pat&,67 com r KTEFtOTTR—] Bal< 1,61 l, 6 Ca -Nominally lovi'er; ieebfpts 81,000 hue’ 15,pOObmhelB at the following rates. NorSzpriogftoije: 60 No. 1 do.; Mil Tke 8toA mi Trial. KTeW V 6SK, July 4. common to, ohoiqe round hoop. \ m—Doll arid heAvy-t-Wei 61 fiOOhbls.' «■ c&bts M,000bus' foflowing rates. »1,60 No. | do.; „ m U hi 1CU . ^ w o i^ s m le r Michi- gsa.; i,65al,7Q wM(e weetorn ;.!I,05&1,70 frhite Michigan; l,C5al,70 No. Milwaukee to arrive next week. Private terms dnil. ,Kv»—78aS0c. Corn—Dun and declining; iteceipts 147,or0 twrh; 8*108 75.00Q 60a62 cent?. Western mixed, sales do. 63a68V, Babilbv —Diul|nd. unchanged. , Oats—Dnll, leceipfcs 105,000bushels; sales 19- 000 bushels. 48 @ 48^ for Westefi in stc re and afloat, 48 <a 44 fbr Ohio. Pose—Unchanged. Bales ol Kibble. 1 \ |' 3 .- 25^ --. p f i r - e m i anfi miict. i Crrs M e a t — T>wi|. - \ larbt-pqii . ftpb of 800 tierces at 61 @ p u iO^!L# f o r kettle r^idered. ^MrvTER-22^8 cte. C hbR b —10*11ft. Waiemsr—90#, Sugar—Dq} 1 . Egos iPBTBonBux—Unchanged. . i/OAL—4 @ . 6 Id. , LEHiEr.—steal Grande, lieht “Woon— dull change L '1 I i * r ^ i’Jr i 5-1 - “* j L / AT Ifl*'* - m <aj w , H ' s fT 'X T TT 1 7 1 * . JL', - fJ '1 ' fV *& . vt KNIVES t1 » ' . * . . 1 tin toilet. W are, slop Pails , & c., AT G E O . R A N K IN ’S . Ayres and Rio TUe cotirt w D i was? vrblTilVdi iilUt Imndrede Wbl’t tuvited away £©-<3&y, «n- J able to jp in ndmitance to tlie Stokes tl4nl. Tne first witness was Dr-. Marsh,. who testified: Attended post mortem of Fisk’s body; descrii»ed course taken by bullet in abdomen; jmlgod dwithof Flak ran pod by shock. < J^XO e K s io r Weather Report, WAsuoroTOjN. July . T ROEABIT.ITTES . Cool and cloudy weatheij will proba- Wy continue in .lew E n g k H W " »itore «opt^ue tq slqwly dimiii- n the Appdlaohian range ip the F* fiver; cloudy wefith,er, with jht IocrI raiR 8 » preywling from HK- nois to Michigan! and Minnesota. Lb-' 6*1 fclillild^r sior-Btta In south Atlantic and GuUnSfaHsl more • punierous than on Tatedity. 't Cable Telefflttitis. P L AN I NO MJLL, (No, 88South Anrora-gt.) AT TH E IRON BRID G E, Itbaca, N. T. I All prepxred to do all klade of W OOD-W ORK. My Machinery is of the iateBt improvement, being pnrchajea elnee the Are. ' ^Planiixs C5 - , JU § t Q P^N EO south'rE itY NINE- ; ,. ' .i ' i ° 7 r | * ' r Fr^hch China D^coratbd TOILET kjaj a * ,i% AT | -. .4 . . . . 4 RA\ JVlomldings Dl *11 STYLES kqjt on h*nd tod toRdetH: order. 4 M h.U Rttitefta - ainft Feftee - X*feftcit - s e i o t i w«.yrtMia "mm* mmn*mrn% ; a immmwwtM&m*! !{, <i Mtonfactnrad *t ^ r i . and examine my. . jjflaiattY, w ift em w -t!- Ifti *7 nvnhenr., OftilX-- «4f ;t moheyy'^ha^T Nafhf ‘ ^ Stir ekl 6k vn, *»> ’I -1 ..■• , i’ n. 9- ' qpeped , 1 Cojrtb^ ^ m htindrod Ltnericau '-JjUl ■w/tNflf •IT ■ .-'-’i 7. ■hi) rtimKihp: '••■A* ■"* ‘.-ifI H1.31 ^ 'j '.•:} * • '•> i ’ll*- ' *i*: *.«•:* :;n tdi*-: © j st toowdis: T fKMMaqf, y._. 8 oatwick k Wlfliaw*: N E W ©TFYi&J&e-'-, i . i ‘ . ’ i PARLOR SPITTOONS, *' p ' l.i iij;t lij MPt , ■< j'-i >■-*; i -mi. j. . luiiftaMaliaMi ■.• r.f'js, :\,,f \.-\t \ r.r>*j *t- i^l >U‘> - • 1 FBlNhHOHlWA . 'if * 10 ‘/ii :' er A Setg, o. jtyim, 3: 1 - The Arolibi»htoj> o f. %^.eadi / Oabeeilla, san+ insurgent leader wonodrd and taken prisoner, wnpe, at tempting to enter Kens,, , Hia.itrqopa were beaten and retreated- •«■. r . ! < LbNrihS, JW y 3. Steypl# Lfipwhiir obllidedi last m ght vrttji an finkjjown!Tl^et-if^| fcle Of ’Wight.‘ -No lires lost. 1•4( 1 -iFi' • • !••• *-'> I - 7l’^ . .. i The ^alsptta, ffcm lavetiwoh iwas ,w5pc^qd f javerrifatd. ;^ vrn ,^fr;;.t%hrrswt drojsh^h-.'nhjii.’- k - ».« <a .111 •: » ^ ;i ^hdvi7jn»u»flo4*»rit»U^»*jr •■■ 1 -r- 1 fivit ■ i f t . uoiw and made nr *te*t Aiftt ’1 ( 0 V K .K . o.nH9ie« ~ X 6.aa,ia tl O llA l. I..Ill .I 01 .I* .,..,. Il |,< I jv ALL MACHINES 1 \ '4WlS}fcfnij - kQ i . .a ;U ‘W o o i it ' 5^ ■ ' NO.OOOftOftNftS of JNOO. WanWft-ftr wkleh tk* i | i M t «lari ftH # t irfllbe faktia CABH. , ' ^ !i , j . ^ <>• | • ! > , t ' ’ ?>i?./ .vrui■ fikSjLQi 8 . M] llliil ks ^iAsaa.^ 74 JWsSiJ. v Y .fll Agent, and, of Will rmftotospy. t #. BeUcht ^,*V~ / . r • - ' . . , r. T . , *** tlrely bntiied m a fewminutek. The blnmb- wm* the - ! K /. s '"l ! ^trumep fire work* at ^ public niftoileR e and exhibition of a a KIVBQN, M . D., i~ ' ■■■ ' ■" ' ,; " teeM zh ! ‘-'i ? fencjl.j $tlj KdAom I l lm : HjmiaaihaA I^ a.-.i:r~^. «-- ^-*- 8 ^^ ^ ^ l l tCA3M f-’DD -hOT.dSq£ 5Sl Zgv? \ftA ♦-.r v* hi Iffe Aft €9£!l Vik-a*k#ati mnd. , pftahacftr - to reeTan , mmm 1 r i7 i if 1 ^ £ ; \ -,P^ s tu 195, n-i m i 'J fui hef 1 fvjtUfr -.ip ,>J toll Idi Ik .i: '• l.fjrnp ,! ' |J|. ; h. b. f>!«) rJII 5.-PHR iroitf/rky O E O .R if r3l I ?Mtb Kill’S. ill '1 D <W'HS4^KS1I •■<> **^'"¥ % i ‘•'av i I r* , .:.,mij. y MDSTRlLiABLfi St. •# U »a* . £>]* .’ % *w ‘,r -*« "'!:*• -'1 ’ . I1- . ■1 .' FRElt l^t.i 'jfYTI ?ir ;i7< 7 I i-u:-■ I * ! . .-•-!• -\i4' BOQTmi HOLDERS, '-•• I.T'f : i ■ T oilet sets , vases , . 7.-V fe (f<sf.A T ,7 - K t , *• Tv |* t • GEO. RAftKIN grzzyt ■'oau- t « ... r [. 'tfDl ">T r*»3» s ** pot c- I !’ .- r 1 !, T-, ' f u

Transcript of M D ST R lLiA B Lfi - NYS Historic...

Page 1: M D ST R lLiA B Lfi - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031157/1872-07-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · -tft'fy?, % « > !;-Jr': ... »re f i» rt)ui^h|1ir'bpt they n^tuve



U j'f ; jdpiwis-



1 . \


AdYdHJBH * A C lo r j r / ; ' ,',i’,1’ti«'. ..., i ,.i..' „ .«...■!....».n, yi.; . . , in.,-.; .......:■> - ..... m ,- .

rr *h!jM c o f- ir i^ h T a* fmdM~W

E V E N n sra k l f S 33.

33 y t

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:n'A Nqjil *’l« ,1 d f ra a g fe

m<m?% ■He&/ J Jft>9M gg|$8C*U% f&j&r- |o ' ttjkiclb.d^ 1-

1 M li r th i vM f,W ‘ c l ^ c i l .3-Ti-- ■ jisi& t ^ h a h '# ? * *k»." u a i f j t T

jit? fc; '1' “ •*• • — • ' —•'•} wtt tf'?S££*i ^.'‘'-r.L 'A 'fi.A tl ’

■-tft'fy?, %■«■> !;-Jr':’

uW ‘t,W‘> • ^ -p '^ b-**t ‘J afof i *-*?<(i - jitfmvfcx ?!MI iilffllS ‘hTTj v a t ^ 4 ^ $fc3T .fcD ,W * .W n < f r » iff

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iW W tlltlW •<* is -. **«*•«**. A » *W»-*GSr»IRWr?!5r> -aKHOM

*■* t t r”

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i i r i t ' n i - s a ?■;,■ T T f e t |____! ...!,..T-,T-...... ■'... n ' . -:

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- £l*v- *JkHP2BNk- ft;,'■: •** c t o «fftr#fn i^ Ju u i jiiii',.’!!' iA l .-j

">■ i 7.H i r ■*""' -“—........... ...itsusd? v tEBiroita; rfs .

RS: - in rj|}« KirtirfTr' ‘?kj; tiw. „.

. m F $;S % aSftdt m m str fS fc^ *j 'n f c s ? 4 m 1m s &,- -wiiic --- ' '

J s I o ® e - @ J ., [^<? Jo u h n a l p if he miy paper <*%Or

;#f4 t sfsisA'TiStlTOlf# ‘ Bsa3fM

*2T 2» T rrox

“ BiDgjSpiei.....fcO ‘Vtfk.T37 p■' X Z Z 2 J .& 3 & 2 S * j « ! » A p i o * T H S ^ I M f l .

tving ^ e* 1that

" - - - - - v■ I p -

4»y. Terras;Terms of adve

m m w w m w w ^[Buim eii cft B not exceeding four lines inler-

ted In this coJaTpQEfffo/ G per year, or in the Dai­ly and Weely JGnmal-both, for J 10 per year.]-JLo f t . t H I L I B A Y , Law Office, ovef^ ■ w x & g r 'r ’iw ' i? t > u p r * - 1■------------------ y .i. —------------------------ J

tamp,-------- r ._T„_ r„ . _ __jja-pt8.Omnibus hi waiting at the Depot and Steunhoat Landing, free lor .guests at the house. Thejhar Bupplied with chmeh'ales, liquors and cigars.: \

july let “C . T O h L E S , Photo

^ te-st^ > n a^ fa;ive si|her, «>N)orj



« ^ t

J 'l3?; tire-Jo'dw iD-nota-

amg com sidereiL :t ^ Iw fe tiie riiig

tbo'eiectioaicqfc^rj^leyfa^’ftroiFai . TKe. generw t *o|iiiiloii seiemed to i>e

that APlld gpren fe ro ift ^ ffm crSirttH tVTirefereaceno III

for Greeley over Grabt.'-' icAi sim ple re -

wieL^a,tbe |lewof:ratiorC8# i i f ^ . . cotU^.’feHce of Liberalr publidbns,

service than n^iorma'-P

Vhis tky<ldii|nijEae<i. y'-ffim

easJ^lnfpsi feiace%' ah;10r Iteade S t iw a s%Ml |adiflaiccl ® trateri h €ontr^e t . f tne etore of lP. GJohnbr, btnss pdmp.

ItirAefl ld t^iri ' Mu5T;! iw ^S iA sftaan , • Jmac&i£p0ts^' l |a4

m iptter f o r f l1 Aliba^S^ hy: siva- St.y thehDOfti «n^ hjpn

er !lwdrs bree’ fonr-stottr' 1 largo[■- xjtVf2-M/««k ■ ■ . -j - « f ♦ . l i i i j t i in l - j

f E s ta in s ted '(l0ss, f W , W 0^v u a C i l^ i nwntfn'/-. * - ^ I t a - v ^ J a b i e

T O c o R tr^ j l^ ly .g Y e ii o u t ic itc rc la ?ddrjbbji^in^ »h-.M r3iD ejoatl»betweenf e w t o f l^ p d . IM W & jfe itte s M thjBuem.fo^^o£06t $#^iwo7Qpor •lit i ijjf.... ' 'II . f liEbwI a.-falfty tcll iiitorft teimaifa i&t of

boilij g : liquor at ^Tewrark y^thrday.M on of GenASbetonan, sallsju tke

^Bteaxc ep P ussif, terfiayv’to join <nte fa-tbfOlfd. ► Ju d g e l EAw ardst P U k.pout - Liid Si it TfaoiyijiS: :E>ai:inT al so>

the Rittiu.(| # H ^ rfd ito -|fo W 4 ii hand.A -'•■-*• y:— '. i< ini’’-vi-+ t .—r- ,

** i <» ^fiEyVj,YoRK, Ju ly 3d.

JiiH m orning . A h tradredflUfifiti’OLll S -seQift Slftporfce<l ye3ter<laj,

' MATAffOHA J b if li. IRle*!l[hrii| ,* yes-

18 city;Ts-itn a iu m L er of m e e t: 'dleciFbil>t»ed .aMBB I f p g Umii f f T f t M t H te lil l .a lry

tlie»re f i» rt)ui^h|1i r 'b p t they n^tuve pfc COlintryTiavors m s escape. ‘ f

A^EQQr yre vo jlsth a t Cton. LaKochahas« cacjtmjreu SfhaStreyi^^si- a severeM lt: lltj^ vAo- ^evojrpm eiii.

PA T R IC K WAI«I«, No. 8 South Aurora St.,' -----------w •* ’ ' 'ftopk and taken (the

V*Where he is s>re-store o i f % , , . . . .pared tof manufeettfr'e and tell Boots and Bhjoes on the most favorable terms. Give him a ca

d July lst9m

s. AxtirorR &&T7 Atteation fi^ren to RttesofQg

. m M h r n m z i. GiveMm a m . djoiyistEm

. D . 5 B S & > yDrag stprexcor, stdto 'in^tm hn-^ti; ~ j*taft -i-iW-»». ifi'tijtm

• vv july latBm

B n W M U JA N T M lf liin lfer. • for Felti, mmpdd

ftjld SMni. Nfl: Mfibithdjnlsr 1st 5m .

done on siort-ncQljDlyki- i i

tiprjuia coiian con* mg, and Trnnfe repairing6 West State-st,

r JnpMTionrce on _ .Q___,Co’a Store, one door south “of Poet C'fflce.v V’,

A t

eaee.it* &

rtK IW H B 't ft: W A G 07 I£R « Atfm nejlCouxiseilore. Olpce in Ma*ot«i&Block,\j, flijaiyfimfwSimoKK

d dealer inet.—

Brea^aSSTM', Qr«ce:.bm~

’d. B tod 7 West team Cto&fny,' • f t ;- 1

forme^A.9-trhe 'S £ -m cjudm g' ExrGovemop Blair, ■ and Es« Congressman D rig g s. of ^chig^n^waWalso h d d J A State Convertttbjpr jhvas called to meet at Jaeksorv, Ju ly I 7th, and a State ’ Executive committee was also appointed. . i

N ew Y o rk , July

er 'o f “B t^ m i^ ^ ^ ^ c H ^ ^ ^ a ll parts o f the U nited States. The design is 1j6 assemble at Baltim ore a body, qf respectable Uem ocrat8,equal in number to J |ie dqlegatei to the N ational Con- vem ibn to protest against Greeley’s nom ination, and organize a bolt if he should be made the candidate. 1


Djsak Saa^-T-Tii© * C incinnati uawjve-meni, conceived in comfitio% )m mfa r spread in its nojalign infllueDCe that prorqjrt m easures. alone can ^ave the Dernbcratic i*a rty from disbandm ent

l ie ’ “ ‘and ‘destruction., It is impossible for V i l l i t o .p o l i t r ' L " A1- ‘

ft# **the

any-in i but their^avowed object-l-to d is

banfflthG party. As a means of iuiwa.ttsefnpjr^s tlie Democratic orga: zxzatKOi*gliouM be preserve A and' the GMeley-

jte s announce th e ir intention to boltand Support their candidates if theyfecurfe th e ir object, it iff nowthe [duty- o f all true. . Democratsto prepare for a severance from suchp o liticians and by throw ing off the ele­ments of d iscord , to make the o^ganiz- les. ation purer, stronger and better infutm:£. The honeet m en of our edun.4 'I i -|4*£-4)f §1 igMjF frwi-j-try w ill be attracted to that p trty f ” w jlV w K t C c p y l Iw hich places^ itse lf upon principles,The G in cin n ati convention was with-,ou t followers, an d h a i r of them have-

ranks of the scheming politicians who der and office, and that ^ to

__ ~ ,Gc nomina­tion at ItirflSKfcpp Tqn # |t requested to . attend at the' Baltilafcoreinvention and tb seciut the prei

i/J-a Aunacd to ra

>i .*on *• i» i.j . juihaid'i^eiiived n o c on iwin a^fom q£*Gtu rc- bori*. a p Gen.’w it^ i.h ii > l}er,tw '

Deval^' m^ipA- fftJat'^bnferey fqi'o^^ haYiqg ‘through.> <1avs ago...

BA^r.P|t A NCIkco, Jul y 8. rneel&Bjsf of citizens have vot-

ise ten million dollars toward the construction of the sixth parallel of the Atlantic and Pacific road { ^ com ­mittee was appointed to eanvasa for siibsoriptio^. ^ ^

\ . 4* r . t JtRMpHm, July-J.Mssp-il^qtqt.diamficon, _whose hus-

barid 'wfls^ac'quittcd',oh-;Mon:day of kill­ing J^enmett Jones, .her seducer; at­tempted suicide by taking morphine on Monday]; but a stomach pump saved her life:

i'" v | ; v'?.;'’i ; 't'.p« -! i ’ **r ■*

JLIL. ». *j

if. 1

Tbo Mail tram?:' TOBT ffEttVlB,''‘Jftlf 1raiw oh the Midi a n cl Tfoaid

a f Uniojiville,ran oif*tIie track;'“3tondfty,‘ .crossing in jh iitanv.' ib

s V d

ng efg'H’t berSonA 1iht noW * fa-xr*~ Jf iiO - u % *’ j -

1 T^axx,ahasse, Ju ly 8.The (Dem ocratic State Convention

Will m eet in" JaCk'sonVilte, W ednesday, Augn&t 11th , Ia ikAtillnale ean dldo.fes fo r g o ve rn o r, l4euti\G overH 9r, Mem­bers of CJongx^es and R e s id e n tia l elec-to rs. K

B c t la n d , V t., July, 3 .“ / A fire yesterday n ear Cutting&ville

station burned a thousand eonfe ofwpod a steam sw ing apparatus andother valuable property.

! So£ydkgSn34, Ju ly J.T he S ja te 'shad p r o p ? g ^ |p g C57tflbUiiIj|'

ment on the J-Iudson was b roken up thie m orning on account o f the intenseheat. Seth Green sent w estw ard to ­day 20, 0w0 e iffd to be put in to the headw aters o : th e M ississippi, as an experi­m ent, b] i tq u c s t of Spencer F . Bail’d ,United ®tat|G8 Commlseiener o f isher-

ae»I? I» Toj», JO>vu j ,

rjhetoM As k m d c m w s , mtot * . anS as*Ier.to B0Qtg w a gpba w

m k — - f W k m r . . .

IHatrict of your more C<«vMtk»( moo loot to so utterly shamctoMina^otsl abandon

outside 5pfthe jpaity to ; aelect life-long opponent* « s^their powpew* ■ Bnejh b id d in g , «aA i t rem ains fo r t^qe ’c ra ts th a n f t i | i | M ) | to o rgan ize e r conventim i w itn o b t “ delay , anH. €o

.te.'tped and -trpatworthij ardvbtwera. As bntnirOenisuch menl

suppoHtrue Dem oc^jiie^Ting politicians jwhq h av e en^ea^brew to disrupt th e party as solitary and stranded leaders

L ti tlsrfwpiilhr iekiii'thfii'dkr.

S.a««Rli)aw W ftM rtfitftiffttlferte «mrpmv W-.

Voiek, J |d y ;3.T he local sp o rtin g fra te rn ity is g rea t­

ly su rp rised an d d isap p o in ted over th e defea t p f Boa sett by Longfellow yester­day. M any b e ttin g m en l< 8t heavily.

^ i TolsMo, J u ifs .E lla W ilson w on a race in th ree

s tr f tg h t heats a t Q diekstep P a rk yee-

Detroit, wbn the eecond race.Bait F*ahcibco, July 3d.

T h ir^ -h in e andseven EfeininiAn Frairg, btniiheafromGkuternAl*, f< a ^ f i r o g a e y a g s i u t ibqv

ieir co-religionis^. ,J re e ly from t l

of thanjaither larger

>.'*Ehe, Wfo:

iharged by•p d* , i.jt fa llin g oC . upon mwij

The g tfikw , ajtnougii «tsw have a , strong hi

the EJm pIAyers ‘U nion (o persuade to return syi

iter, nroceasion of w ord­in g men, 1st is under pro-

A committee o f the Employ-h*ve issued an address to

bag to them to resume Hsf being distributed to-3ing distribi

vat fo

o f th efife.


o* 5,%


jvlyjasija adjpuiTAflM

b» mf

itoimUktof 9


% | p k ^ M g s o f th e and nesQlyed

l t d the .^.maiolity. of

r , f»rv unrcnrsiATTt, ^ i\



e(dker:iprvh: do: Iztt

0 « f % I W i W ' J 'J •.. . »WS*lW. u»e fire a g :Inslor'5!,J>ai)c-r.J W f r id r f f iu ftS Hnfty,, fijlicmsand . dqllars,^ -.Tfee .fiiber

Utmflin^ oa.Eeatfs, a i l ,H a w -Afc,yre»e i o t p q b ad ly ihs 4ft, ' 1 rc7ported. ‘ , l4. jV. .

Libbie Guriabrant has nut vet booninformed^'that report «>f tin- st orvof he^commutariPii nf mqUim is un-fo u n d e d .f * i . •. Jjlrs George, Uvaqs?. o l P ine llusb ,

cbim iiitted suicide S>aturd&V by drown- ‘C aUs 'loW splrifer* ‘ '•

<? '- HtTJRON.r N r ;Y .. J u ly '«.A passenger on the lig h tn ing express

train, of the Hudson River ltailroadjyesterday, afternoon, jumped from a oar at pa^tteton, and was instantly kill­ed. Prom papers on Ms person, * it js believed to be B. D. Ff. MiHer, o f Ajg- liersf. Mass. '

/ N e V Y o u ^ July :i. Balt Lake dispatches' of last night

state that the report^ pf recent murders by Indians have been confirmed,and at a Council held there yesterday consist­ing of the See’y of the Interior Cowan, .Gqv. Woodi), Gen. Morrow, Indian Agent Dodge, and several other offi­cials. It was resolved that Dodge should immediately "proceed to the southern part of the t e r r i ­tory ami call u council of- IndianfiMcffi of vafionfi tr ih o l and iu a li^ k dtnem to return to their reservations.,, I»|Case they decfine he w ill in form them 1that the Governm ent w ill take promptmeasures to move against them- Strongdetachments of cavalry .w ill- be sentsou th a t once. D odge heft l^st evening.

■wwlwwpniMew- X"orler Sto«ftc H u A ’et.-

FTKSTBOMD. „ f »’ > Ifj News T^ikj-Juljr a—13p5 rv m. j

| P?iEVA»-5J ^pvjsw. .. . _Stocks aufi and steady. \Gotd heavy at 118s-*

and 118ft. Qnot«i dnll sm heavy ealei. *aofeift|. iduil«nl fteavy. Money, fifeBj.

tJ. A w ,n 6wlg«!ae iiS iJ Illinois CentrAl,...i<” ~ ~ *“ "U. S. 6s, ’71. re*... MBS*V. S, 63, ’81 COUP' lh ji U.8.BA0,63ra«r-..ii4M

U. B488 Bk0 ’Giv.4 oot tp ne w . T15

¥ . A lfc JL W ft< tci>.T7. ..7T.... 134 U .X jft 5.SQ $F

eotfj04 au .s .OnrneSc:

ISOCfieyeTd AfUtt?VS! 3tChira &Tfortw’n, 18i >» I , • |»ef>d’ JS034

s m v f c i *Bock island. .1105CftiiforBt, rani,...; m%

^T . W b. &aWe6VlV TO KorV YVayne..?... . . v o^L;* T,-Saate... 901' ' 14 prefd 4o

eaifgo 0s Aitqn.., * tiO“ “ prefO. 15»

‘ ) " t* ’v111 fM V ■ h

A ir** ‘ it i

GBimfr Misa L. ;s£ ;46W

O. pr 33*raa«.: • 91 -


mcopiohflftted Co&lCumhemnd. .-. T 70W o ! « o &

do P^- * —- * TS v

Boston Wiite!* Ph. 50^W ® f JkSiEk' SAm. Mer. -Uj?, JSj. 73U. S. Bxp^ere, \Xv

ao % ; . r r '* * .........S&-jSC?. - : : : : : : M g k a K : : : HT;Harlem stock.. iv.lfn HarfotoreCdl..V-. 314f

New Y ork Ptodhce Market'. . ,< ' . NbV[ YoaK, Jv£f 3. - • s

Cottok- At 25^'coats Jor middling, and, up­lands. *J & f f s S M ttf& lt& i .‘r atottowing netes? f 5/25a®5,75 f m »np§r fine west*era; $6,20a$7,l5 conunon to choice extra States

•mmon to lehoieti hxffa weBtern :|6,oo#r,80/ com Sjl9Pat&,67 comr KTE FtOTTR—]Bal< 1,61 l,6Ca

-Nominally lovi'er; ieebfpts 81,000 hue’ 15,pOO bmhelB at the following rates. NorSzpriogftoije: 60 No. 1 do.;


T k e 8toAmi T r ia l.KTeW V6SK, July 4.

common to, ohoiqe round hoop. \ m—Doll arid heAvy-t-Wei 61 fiOOhbls.' «■ c&bts M,000 bus'

foflowing rates. »1,60 No. | do.;„ mU hi 1CU . ^ w o i^ sm le r Michi-

gsa.; i,65al,7Q wM(e weetorn ;.!I,05&1,70 frhite Michigan; l,C5al,70 No. Milwaukee to arrive next week. Private terms dnil., Kv»—78aS0c.Corn—Dun and declining; iteceipts 147,or0

twrh; 8*108 75.00Q 60a62 cent?. Western mixed, sales do. 63a68V,Babilbv—Diul|nd. unchanged. ,Oats—Dnll, leceipfcs 105,000bushels; sales 19-

000 bushels. 48 @ 48^ for Westefi in stc re and afloat, 48 <a 44 fbr Ohio.

Pose—Unchanged. Bales ol Kibble. 1 \ | ' 3.-25 --.p f i r - e m i anfi miict. iC rrs M e a t — T>wi|. - \larb t-pq ii . ftpb of 800 tierces at 61 @ p u

iO!L# f o r k e t t l e r ^ id e r e d .^MrvTER-22^8 cte.

ChbR b—10*11 ft.Waiemsr—90#,Sugar—Dq}1.Egos—iPBTBonBux—Unchanged. . i/OAL—4 @. 6 Id., LEHiEr.—steal

Grande, lieht “Woon— dull change


I i * r ^ i ’Jri5-1 -

“* j L

/ ■ AT

Ifl*'* - m

<a j■ •

w ,

H' s

f T ' X T T T 171*. JL', - fJ

' 1

' fV

*&. vt

K N IV E St1 » ' . *

. . 1

tin toilet. Ware,s l o p Pa il s , &c.,


G E O . R A N K I N ’ S .

Ayres and Rio

TUe cotirt w D i was? vrblTilVdi iilUtIm ndrede Wbl’t tuvited away £©-<3&y, «n- J able tojpin ndmitance to tlie Stokestl4nl. T ne first w itness was Dr-. Marsh,.who testified : Attended post mortemof F isk ’s b o d y ; descrii»ed course tak enby bullet in abdomen; jmlgod dwithofFlak ran pod by shock. <

J ^ X O e K s io r

W e a t h e r R e p o r t ,WAsuoroTOjN. July


Cool and cloudy weatheij w ill proba-Wy continue in .lew E n g k H W" »itore « o p t^ u e tq slqw ly dim iii-

n th e A ppdlaohian ran g e ip th e F* f iv e r ; c loudy wefith,er, w ith

jh t IocrI raiR8» p reyw ling from HK- nois to M ichigan! an d M innesota. Lb-'6*1 fclillild^r sior-Btta In south Atlanticand G uU nSfaH sl m ore • punierous th an on T a t edity . 't

C a b l e T e l e f f l t t i t i s .

P L A N I N O M J L L ,(No, 88 South Anrora-gt.)

A T T H E IR O N B R I D G E ,I tb a c a , N. T .

I All prepxred to do all klade of

W O O D - W O R K .My Machinery is of the iateBt improvement, beingpnrchajea elnee the Are. '^ P l a n i i x sC5 - ,

J U § t Q P ^ N E O

s o u t h ' r E i t Y N I N E -; ,. • ' .i 'i ° 7 r | * ' r

F r ^ h c h C h i n a D ^ c o r a t b d

T O I L E T kjaj a * ,i%AT | ‘

- . . 4. . . . 4R A \

J V l o m l d i n g sDl *11 STYLES kqjt on h*nd tod toRdetH: order.

4 M h.UR tt ite f ta - ainft F e f t e e - X *feftcit

- s e io t i w«.yrtMia "mm* mmn*mrn%; ai m m m w w t M & m * ! !{, < i

Mtonfactnrad *t ^

r i .

and examine my.. jjflaiattY,

w i f t e m w - t !-

Ifti *7 nvnhenr., OftilX--«4 f ;t moheyy'^ha^T Nafhf ‘ ^Stir ekl 6k

v n , *»> ’I-1 ..■• ,

i ’ n . 9- 'qpeped ,

1 Cojrtb^ ^


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■w/tNflf•IT ■ .-'-’i 7. ■ hi)

rtim K ihp:' • • ■ A *

■"* ‘.-ifI H 1.31 'j'.•:} * ‘ • '•> i’ll*- ' *i*: *.«•:* :;n tdi*-:

© jst toowdis: T

fK M M a q f , y . _ .

8 oat wick k Wlfliaw*:

N E W ©TFYi&J&e-'-,i . i ‘ . ’ i

PARLOR SPITTOONS,*' p ' • l . i • ■ iij;t l i j

’M P t, ■< j ' - i >■-*; i -m i. j.

. luiiftaM aliaM i■ .• r.f'js, :\,,f \.-\t \ r.r>*j *t- i l >U‘>- • 1

FBlNhHOHlWA. 'if *10‘/ii ■ :'

er A Setg,■ o.

jtyim, 3: 1- The Arolibi»htoj> of. %^.eadi /

Oabeeilla, san+ insurgen t leader w onodrd and taken prisoner, wnpe, a t­tem pting to en ter Kens,, , H ia.itrqopa were beaten an d retreated- •«■. r .

! < LbNrihS, JW y 3.S t e y p l # Lfipwhiir obllidedi last

m g h t vrttji an finkjjown!Tl^et-if^| fcle Of ’W ight.‘ -No lires lost. 1 •4(

1 -iFi' • • !••• *-'> I - 7 l’ . ..

i The ^a lsp tta , f f c mlavetiw oh iwas ,w5pc^qd

f javerrifatd. ; ^ vrn • ,^fr;;.t%hrrswt drojsh^h-.'nhjii.’- k - ».« <a .111 •:

» ^ ;i ^hdvi7jn»u»flo4*»rit»U^»*jr • ■■ 1-r-1 f i v i t ■ i

f t . uoiw

and made nr *te*t Aiftt’1


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