m. · 2008. 4. 3. · CoddingtonRecords DESCENDANTSOFISAAC, REUBENANDUZZIAH...


Transcript of m. · 2008. 4. 3. · CoddingtonRecords DESCENDANTSOFISAAC, REUBENANDUZZIAH...

  • m.

  • I;

  • Coddington Records


    By Rev. Herbert G. Coddington, D. D.


  • Coddington Records

    ^33 g.SLSo

    ni-.SCl".\l).\XTS OF

    SAAC. Rl-.l'lM'.X AND L'ZZIAll CODDI XclTOXOI" Wddni'.RIDCl':, Xl'AV JI'.RSI'A"

    'J'liis paniplilct is supplementary to one inililislied in 1907

    under the title of "The Coddington Family: Records of one

    line of the descendants of John Coddington, of WOodhridge,

    X. J.-

    Isaac, Reuben, Uzziali and Jotham (whose line is given in

    the 1907 pamphlet) were brothers, sons of lienjamin Codding-

    ton, born in 1()S0. Ilenjamin was a son of the first John

    Coddington of Woodbridge.

    llv Ri;\'. I i i:ur.i;uT (i. Coihuxcton-. 1). D.

    .Syracuse, X. V,


  • tj.%iJ^. t\. t^J^^^^HUH%^. \0\'Hy

  • \

    Descendants of

    Isaac, Reuben and Izziah CoddingtonOf Woodbridge, N. J.

    This i)ani])lilct is sui)])lementary to one published in 1*'07,

    under the title of "The Coddington Family; Records of one line

    of the Descendants of John Cuddington of \\'oo(lbri(lge, X. J."'

    Isaac. Reuben. I'zziali and jdtliani (whose line is given in

    the l''()7 i)am|)hlet ) were l)r()thers, sons of Renjamin Codding-ton. born in 1680. lienjaniin was a son of the hrst John Cod-

    dingti in. ( if Wm idbridge.

    a . > >'

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  • [)ESCEXDAXTS OF UZZIATl CODDIXGTOX (P.orn 1739),SOX OF r.F.X I AM IX CODniX(Vr()X ofwoodiirii^icif,N. J. (Iloni 1()8U). AXi:) (^KAXDSOX OF lOllX COD-DIXGTOX OF WOODIiRlDGE, X. J. (Born 1654).

    1. l'7.7A\\\ GODDIXGTOX (son of Benjamin, b. 1680—J.ihn. 1). 1()54): 1). l/o'': d. 21 ^[arcll. 1816. in his 78tli year.

    Lived in Berth Aniljoy, X. J., and in Xew ^'()rk City. Bnriedin Presbyterian eemetery. \\'oodbridge. X. |. I lis will is to

    be ftunid in Surrogate's offiee. Xew N'ork City. I lis will, dated2'' June. 1815. may also l3e seen in Book I', of Wills, pnge 234, in

    Surrogate's offiee. Xew lirunswiek. X. j. In it he mentions hiswife. Jemima; daughters. Elizabeth Coddington and Sally Ann

    Coddington : son. Moses Coddington; dauglUi,r. Margaret Blood-

    good; granddaugliter. Betty Riee{ ?). Thomas Bloodgood ipro])-ably husband of Margaret C. Bloodgood ). is excluded from sliarein estate. Moses Cod(Hngton and F])hraim Ilarriet are the execu-tors. M. (1st) Elizabeth Lovee. b. alxmt 1736. d. 2? June. 1803,aged 67 rears; m. (2nd) Eleanor, widow of Lorton Letts; m.(3r(n Jemima Flood, b. abrmt 1784. d. 20 :\lay, 18A'). aged 85.

    Cliildren :

    ((/) 2—Marsareta (Peggv), b. 30 June. 1760; m. —•— P)looclgood.ib) 3— lohii. b. 26 Feb.. 1762; d. 27 Feb.. bSOS.(r) 4— Benjamin, b. 24 Dec. 1763: d. 30 Dec. 1763.(d) 5—Vileta (Lettv). b. 8 Jan.. 1765; m. Laurence P.nskirk.(e) 6—Moses, b. 9 Nlav. 1767.(f) 7—Lovec. b. 13 .Aug.. 1769; d. 24 Dec. 1773.(g) 8—Uzziab. b. 11 X..v.. 1771.Oi) 9— I-:iiza))elli. 1). 14 Jan.. 1774; d. 3 Oct.. 18

  • Id whose ii;inK'> are iml i;i\cn. lie leaves to liis wife the liouse

    \7(^ C.reeiiwich street, and the rent (if the h(mon of I'zziah. h. 17.V)— I'.en-jamin. 1). UuSO—John. h. 1()34): h. •) .May. 1767: d. ahont 1S3_\Lived in .\ew ^'ork City. M. h'erclo (or h'arelo or I'airclou^ii ).

    Children :

    (a) IC)—Ann 1'.; m. lacksnii.{/;) 17—(HM.ruc I-arrlo, li. 15' Xnv.. 1792. in X. ^. Citv; d. 6 Sept.,


    (f) 18— lane; m. • llagadoin.id) 19—Eliza \V. ; m. v^hirlev.(c) 20— F.llen (Hance); m. 1 lance.

    S. rZZIAIl CODDI.XG'l'O.X (son of Uzziah, h. 1730— lien-

    janiin. h. 1()80— [ohn, 1). 1654) ; h. 11 Xov., 1771 ; (?) m. Eliza-l,eih . Child :

    21—John Hvans, 1). 17 Dec. 1800.

    17. GHORC.h: KARCUJ CUUDIXGTOX (son of Moses, h.1767—Uzziah, 1). 1739—Benjamin, b. 1680— John, b. 1654) ; b. 15Nov., 1792. in X. V. City; d. 6 Sept., 1874. Lived in N. Y. Cityand in ^^mkers. X. \'. M. Sarah I'errigo.''' b. 12 Feb., 1798, per-haps in riaintield, X. J., d. 29 Dec. 1874; dau. of William Per-

    rigo and Alary Lambert. Mary Lambert was born 24 Sept.,1778, the second child of James Lambert and Llannah Littell.

    James Lambert was the son of James Lambert, who was the sonof John Lambert, who came to this country and settled in West-field. John Lambert was the son of Roger Lambert, of \\'ilt-shire, England. Children :

    (a) 22—Sarah Ann, b. 18 July, 1836, at Yonkers, X. Y.; m. 28April, 1858, at Yonkers, X". Y., Peter Underhill Fowler, b.5 Mar., 1835, at Yonkers. X\ Y. Children :1—Caleb Underhill Fowler, b. 30 Aug., 1859. lias a son,

    Arthur M. Fowler.2— lane Ann Fowler, b. 23 Oct., 1862.3—George Vermilvea Fowler, b. 30 Oct.. 1870.

    (b) 2.3—George FaVclo. b. 6 Feb., 1820: d. 10 Mch., 1901.(r) 24—Moses, b. 6 Mch. 1822; d. 17 Mch., 1901.((/) 25—Elizabeth Farclo, b. 25 Apr., 1824; m. John P. Groshon.(

  • 2.?. r.F.oRc.i". i-.\ii>:c'i.( )r(;ii (..r i-ani..) connixc-T()\. Ir. (soil of (icorm' I'arclo. h. 17'^2— Moses. I). 17f»7—l'//iali." 1). I7.V>— I'.cnjaiiiin. h. 1 Ivl).,ISJO. ill \r\\ \: h". 2 1-VI).. 1X23; d. M Jan.. loix,; dan. \ William \n.

  • (1914) at lOr. Soiuli Parkway. East Orange. X. J. M. July. 1S70,Marv (orMarcy) (.'uniuiiii^-. Cliildren:'


  • I\.\( )\\ ALL MI'.X li\ iIr'sc i)rcscins. ilial \vc jdsluia lUoxd-£:[()(»(1, I'z/iali C"(iil(lin_i;t()ii. hoili of the City of Xcw ^'ol•|\^ Cart-iiK'ii. arc finiilx Ixuind to Kani]) ayrs of the same place, niasoiier.ill ihe --11111 of L' 1(1(1. to lie paiM 1m -aid Kain|i \\rs or to hi- cer-

    tain Attorney, e\:c.. dated March _'. 17''S. £!()()' on the hrsl (hiyof May next and the reniainiiii,^ £ 100 in two xxar- fruin the saidmonth of May at seven per cent..\Liry ivomaine Joshna i'.loodgoodW. Ivomaine I 'zziah Coddinj^tonXew ^l•rk Deeds. Lilier 52. folio .V'4.

    'nilS iXDlLXTl'Kh: made Decemhcr 24. ISOl, r.ctwcenI'zziah Coddin^toii. Jr.. of the City (^\ Xew \'ork. and I'.lizahethhis wife, of the first part, and Cahriel \ er])lanck Lndlow of thesame jilace. Coimsellor at Law, and Fdizaheth his wife, of thesccoiiil part, for .S47.^0 Land in the Sixth ward, heini;- i);n't of thel.aml comiiioiilx railed tlie Clmrcli L^arm. ^:c.

    I'zxiah Coddington. Jun'r.L'lizaheth Codin

  • Carlnian, «S. (.'alhariiic lii> wife. tS: Samuel L'ockran ni same i)lace,Carver an in his lifetime by the heirs or

    devisees of the said John Lovee hy dee

  • i)i'.S(."i".\i) \.\Ts ( )i" ui".i"r.i".\ c"( )i)ni\(7i"( )\-( r.nni alidut 1745 )

    WIK ) WAS Till'". S( ).\ ( )!•• i;i"..\|.\,MI.\ c"( )|)|)|\C.T( )\" ( )!•\\< H )|)|;ki|)c,|.;. x. |.. iioRX l^iso. AM ) Tl ll

  • 4. TOIIX e'( )I)1)I.\'('.T( )\ (Mill ol" kculjcn. b. about 1/45-

    r)enjaniin. b. UuSO^obn, I). I'i34) ; "heirs live in New Jersey'iz;il)(.lh . Tbc'N' b\el)(ikrii. X. T.111.

    5. Ar.RAIIAM (ur Al)rani ) CODDINGTON (son of Reu-ben, 1). al)uut 1743

    —r.cnjainin, b. 1680

    —John, b. 1654); b. 8

    Xov.. 1768; (1. about 1832; m. 2?, Xov.. 1789, Mary Leacroft. b. 9

    Ian.. 1773. His will is to be seen in the Surroj^ate's office in New^ork Citv. Lived in Ivsse.x Co.. X. J., and afterwards in X. Y.

    C'il\'. Children :

    (rooklyn. N. Y.5—Charles.6—Theodore.7—Samuel.8—William IT.

    (/") 17— Susan, b. 28 Oct.. ISOl ; m. Samuel Frost, and had follow-ing cliildren :

    1—Marcus.2—Stephen, of Blauvelt, Rockland Co.. X. Y.3—Marv Amelia.

    ((J) 18—Abraham "(or Abram), b. 27 Feb.. 1804 in X. ^. Citv.(/() 19— lohn. b. 19 Julv. 1805. in X. Y. Citv.( ; ) 20—Reuben, b. .10 julv. 1809. in X. Y. Citv.( /) 21—Richard, b. 18 Mar.. 1812. in X. Y. Citv.(/>•) 22—Fliza Ann. I). 2 June. 1814; m. Caleb Wildcv ; no children;

    d. 22 Ian.. 1905. at Pleasantville. X. W

    6. ABRAHAM CODDINOTON (son of Isaac.

  • (a) 23— Miriam, tii. 11 Mar., IS.v. Isaac DcVeaiix'' (or DcVoc), ofX. ^. City. h. 1S.U son of Fridcrick l)c\i-aux. 1.. 1782.and S.ir.ili Tcrluinc. I'Vcdfrick Di-W-aiix, h. 17.^0. \v;is tin-son (if jolm I )L'V(.'aiix and Rchrcci.

    7. j()ll.\ (."( )I)I)I.\(;T( ).\ (son Ml" Isaac. .1. ;.l)()iu ISl.^—Rcnihcn, 1). alxml 174.^ Ilcnjamin. h. IdSO— |i.lin, 1). ir).=^4): rah S\varthi)use (or Swarthoiit ). Chihhx'ii .

    id) 24— .Mary l-'lizahetli, d. at a.i,^' of 12 years.lb) 23—Sarah, ni. Cami)liell. and li.td ehildren.

    ''. ISAAC C"()|)I)I.\(',T( ).\ (son of Isaac, d. ahoul 1S15—keuhen. h. ahuut 174.^— llcnjaniin, h. I'lSlJ— |hn, h. lf)54): I).May. ISO'), in X. N'. City: d. 13 Oct.. 1S74. in".\. \". City. WithIiis hrother conducted a drug stt)re in .\e\\ Vovk Cilw Was anienilier ot' St. John's C]ia])el. Trinity J'arish. X. ^'. Citw Mar-ried ahont 1S4_\ in X. \'. City, jane Price. 1). J5 Dec, ISli.. in X.\'. City; d. 2.^ June, IS'd. in .X. \'. City; dan. of Ichahod I'riceand Susan Mt)orc. Chilch'en :

    ((/) 26—.Anne, died in iiifancv.(/>) 27— .Mary, h. 20 July. 1S4.1 m. ISS.l. I'.ernard A. Seliulze. 'i'liey

    lived at lirick Cliurcli. \. I. Xn children. Thev live(1915) at 5US W. 114lh St.. X. V. Citv.

    ((-) 28—Henrv Kiersted. h. 22 Oct.. 1S45: d. Julv, 19ft^).((/) 1-milie. h. 4 .\pril. 1S47: d. 11 Jan.. 1899; m. 29 .\u-. 1871.

    Walter Jeremiah .McXaicr. of P.allina. Ireland. Children:1—Ella Coddinyton .Mc.Xaier. li. 27 lul\. 1872; unni;ir-

    ried 1915.

    2—Walter James McXaier, h. 21 Oct.. 187,3: d. l,i X..v..1914: 111. Ivlith I)\\i,L;Iit Merri.'iiii. Tlies' h;id oneciiild.

    3—Jo.seph TreaiKir Mc.Xaier, h. 4 Aiir.. 1875: unmar-ried 1915.

    4. l-^milie. h. 4 .\i)r., 1870 ; unmarried 1915.5—Arthur I., h. 1879: d. 1879.

    (r) 30—Harriet La Fetra. h. 16 July. 1848; d. 22 Auti.. 1015: un-married. Lived (1914) at Poughkeepsie, X. ^.

    (f) 31—Isaac, b. May. 1850: d. 1874: unmarried.((/) 32— vSusan Davis, h. 19 v^ept., 1851: unmarried. Livinc' (1914)

    in F'hiladeli)hia. Pa.( /) ) ^^— lames, h. .Mav. 1853: d. Awj;., 18S3 ; unmarried: druLi clerk.( / ) 34— Rachel. 1). 1855; d. 31 Dec, 1884. or 29 Dec, 1885; unm..!-

    rii.cl. See lUirials in Trinity Parish, X'ew York City.'Rei)orted from St. Jnlm's Chapel. Burial at GreenwoodCemetery."

    (j) 35—Jane Price. 1). 24 .\uti., 1856, in X. ^. City; unmarried.Teacher. Episcopalian. Liviu" ( 1914) at 258 West 132ndSt.. X. V. City.

    ( /. ) .36— h",ll;i. 1). 29 Jan.. 1858; unm;irried. I\iiiscopalian. Teacherin jiulilic school. X. ^. City.

    (/) 37— Frank, li. 18. I.y The New Harlem I'uh. Co.. X. V., 100.1.

  • 10. j . \ M I : S C( ) 1 ) I ) I X ( ^iTOX ( son o f I saac, d. about 1 8 1 5—RculxMi. 1). about 1745— I'cnjamin, b. 1680— [obn. b. 1654) ;b. 21 Auo-.. 1811. ill \. ^. City: d. 14 Jan.. 1879, in i\. \^ City.Sec r.urials in Trinity I'arisli. X. N'. City. Buried at Creenwood

    Cemetery. l\e])tbcr,

    Isaac, conducted a druj^ store in .X. N'. City. 'I'be tirni of 1. c\: J.CoddinutcMi, druists, was establislied in 1834 in Cireenwicb vSt.Tbev removed in 1836 to cor. of Hudson and Sprinj^ Sts. brom1845 to 1871, tbev were establislied at 715 I'.roadvvay; from 1871

    to 1873 at Union'Square an Fch., 1841, in X. ^'. City; nnnL-irriid. l'",i)is-

    copalian. Living- (1915) 21,3 Kingsbridge Road, West,New York Citv.

    (//) .39—Hannah, b. 29 May, 1843, in X. ^. City; unmarried. F.pis-copalian. Living (1915).

    (r) 40—James, I). 4 July, 1849; d. Alarcli, 185(3.

    18. ARRAAf (or .Vbrabam ) CODDINGTON, JR. (son ofAbram, b. 1768—Reuben, b. about 1745—Benjamin, 1). 1680—jobn, b. 1()54) ; b. 27 bAd)., 1804, in X. Y. Citv. Trucking busi-

    ness. Died 29 Nov., 1851, in N. Y. City; m. 4 Sept., 1836, MaryAnn W'innick, b. 23 Aug., 1817; d. 1857; dau. of Jobn and Afar-

    garet W'innick. Cbildren :(u) 41—Theodore Thomas, b. 3 Jan., 1839, in X. Y. City.ib) 42—Reuben Fletcher, b. 27 Xov., 1844, in X. Y. Citv.(r) 4.3—Maria Louisa, b. 20 Aug.. 1849, in X. Y. City; m. Palmer

    W. Copeland, and liad children :1—Lulu.2— Lillie.3—Florence.

    ((/) 44—Abram, 1). 5 July, 1837. in X. ^'. City; died in infancy.( (• ) 45—'Slnvy M., b. ("i Nov., 1S47, in X. Y. City; died in infancy.

    1'). TC)I1X CODDIXGTOX (son of Abram, b. 1768—Reu-])en, b. "a])out 1745—Benjamin, b. 1680—Jobn, b. 1654); b. 19

    Jul}', 1805, in X. \'. City; suffered a sunstroke in 184*>; a builder;d. in Pleasantville, X. Y., about 1892; buried in C.reenwood

    Cemetery, Brookbn. X. \'. : i)erbai)s m. a widow witb one daugb-ter. Cluldrcn :

    ( If ) 46— William.ih) 47—A girl.((•) 48—A girl.

    20. RbA'I'd'.X CnDDlXt'.ToX (son of \br:im. b. 17(.8—l-icuben, 1). abont 1745— I'.enj.amin. b. loXO— b^bn. b. 1651) ; b. 30July, 18()f^ in X. N'. Citv. Cbildren:


  • ((/) 49— Alir.ili.ini. d. 13 I'\l).. 1S Jan.. 18.V). in X. ^. Citv.I.i\ing (l')04) at 540 ilaiu-ock St.. r.nioklyn. .X. \'. j.ivitig( 1"'14) at Maplewood. X. I. Is clerk for Coti. (/las Co. Married28 .March. 1871. l-.lvira Aim Cornell, h. 12 April. 1841. in r.rook-Ivn. X. ^.; d. 24 .March. 1«)06. at Ih-ooklvn, X. \'.: daughter of\\'illiam .\le.\ander Cornell, h. 26 .\ug.. 1810: d. 20 .March, 18.^0.ati

  • 42. RlU'r.I-.X l"l,l':'rClll''.k C* jDDIXC.TOX (son ofAbram, 1). 180-1—Abrani. 1). 1768—Reuben, b. about 1745—15en-janiiii, b. 1()80— lolin. 1). 1()54) : b. 27 Nov.. 1844, in N. Y. City;

    employed by R. O. Dun Com. Agency ; d. 6 ( )ct.. 18')6; m. 24 Dec.,1866. Maria Klizalieth Anderson. 1). 5 Jtme. 1844. in Brooklyn,N. V. Living ( V)\A) at 126 Prospect St.. .Xutley, N. J. ; daugliterof William F. and Klizalietli C. .Anderson. Cbildren :

    („) 59—Kditli, I). K) lune. 1869, at Hrooklvn, X. Y. Episcopalian.Married 2.3 jniu', 1S97, at Brooklyn, X. V., Clinton M.Woodford (son of Walter (). Woodford and Julia d'.rain-ard) Woodford). Ik 13 Feb.. 1X69. Brooklvn. X. ^^ l.ivc( 1914) in Xutk'v. X. I. Ciiildrcn:

    ]_Claiule 'rinn-slnn Woodford, h. 14 Aiir., 1S9S. i'.ro,,k-Ivn, X. N'.

    2_W,-,ltri- I'k-tcIuT W Iford. 1.. .1 .Mav, 190.'^, Xutlcv.X.J.

    (/,) r.n—Kliza1)eth. 1). 29 March. 1S72. in l!rooklvn. X. V.; m. 20

    Oct., 1897, in T-rooklvn, Louis H. R. FrcMicli. b. 3 Oct., 1873,in X. \'. City. Live (1914) at 282 Parker Ave., Buffalo,X. Y. Episcojjalian. Children :

    l_Eldon Fktciier Frencli. b. 1 lulv. 1898. in Buffalo.X. ^•.

    2— .Mildred Frencli. b. 5 Jan., IQOO, in Buffalo, X. ^.

    4'). ABRAIkVM (.M- Al)rain) CODDIXGT( )X ( .son of Reu-ben, b. 1806—A])ram, h. 17()8— Reul)en. 1). about 174.=^—L.enja-min, 1). 1680— L)hn. 1). 1(..^4): d U Feb.. 1861. in West llol)o-ken. X. Y.

    .^0. RICHARD LI'..\CROFT CODDIXGTON (son (d Ricli-;ir(k b. 1812— .\.ln-am. b. 1768— Reuben, b. about 1745—lienjamin,],. 1(,80—Jobn, b. 16.^4 ) ; 1). 6 Dec. 183'^ : (k 4 May, 1867. A dockl)uilder. Served in the Ci\'il War in a X. J. regiment, and \\;iswdunik'd at tlie battle of Fredericksburgh. Children:

    (a) ()1— Herbert. Living (1891) at Xevvark. X. T. (?)(/H 62—Sarah. Living (1891) at Xewark. X.J.

    ?2. \MLLL\M HEXRY CODDIXC.TOX (son of Richard,b. 1812—Al)ram. h. 1768—Reulien. 1). aboiu 1745—Benjamin, b.1680—John. b. 1654); 1). 12 July, 1833. A canvasser and clerkand later a custom hotise employee. Served in tlie Ci\il War inthe navv ; eidisted in 1861; dischai'ged from hospital in Lhiladel-

    ])hia in 1863; enlisted again in 18(')4; discharged at close of warin 1865. Lived for a time at 407 Tom])kins Ave., 15rooklvn, X. V..Marrie.l 10 Afay. 1860, M.ary Aim ('..md. li. 11 X^v.,' 1833. atLrookh-n. .X. ^'.; dan. of William ('.(Hid and (.'athcrine Lull.Cliihh'eii :

    (,n 0,3--. \da Mav. b. .30 .\iiril, lS(d. i.ixing ( 1S')I ) at 335 West.^9tb Si., X. \'. Ciiy.

    (/') 64— i£ugene .Mel\ille, I). 15 .\pril, 18(4.(

  • (,•) ()7—Ccoruf Kniiiklin. I). Xdv.. ISfiS;


    1. Tv^AAC CODDlNC/roX (son of benjamin, 1). 1680—John,I). 1(>54 ) ; 1). about 1720; m. v^arah GicUles (originally L5o Gardes),l-'arnior. of Woodhridgc, X. J. Cliildrcn :

    (h) 2— liilin.(b) 3— r.cnjamin. h. al)i)Ul 1756; d. 2S Aui;-., 1836, aged SO.(c) 4—Archibald, b. about 1757; d. 19 .\i)r., 1822, at Mt. Ilorcl),

    X. J., in his 66th year.((/) 5—Abby, m. John Sweezy (or Swozy) and bad cliildren:

    1—Robert2—Mary, m. ],e\vis >rundy.3—Lvdia.4—Sarah.

    2. JOIIX CODDLXGTON (son of Isaac. 1). about 1720—Tienjaniin, b. 1680

    —John, b. 1654) ; m. Mary Coon, who d. 5 Apr.,

    lSf)l. aged 74 years. Farmer. Lived and died at ^It. Horelo,

    X.J. Children:

    („) 5—Harriet, d. 30 March, 1887, aged 78 vrs. 4 mos. 15 davs ;ni. 15 July, 1829, \Vm. Smith.* They lived in Xevvark.X. j., where Mr. Smith was a grain and Hour dealer, andiiad children :

    1—John.2—William.3—George.4—Cornelius.5— Silas.C^Albert.7—Catherine.8—Mary Louise, h. 10 Juno. 1834; m. Joslnia Ciililis

    Slocum.9—Harriet.10— lane.

    (/,) 7—Catherine, b. 14 Sejit., 1811: d. 20 Jan., 1855; m. ThomasRichards, and had seven cliildren.

    (() S—George Washington, b. 14 Feb., 1813; d. 30 May, 1893;m. L3 Oct., 1845, Jane Coddington.

    ((/) 9—Reuben, d. 24 Mar.. 1873, aged 55 yrs. 7 mos. 12 da}s.Xever married.

    (c) 10—John, b. 26 Dec, 1818: d. 26 Fcli., 1907; m. Ann IdizaMoore.

    (f) 11—Bartholomew, b. 16 Xov., 1821; d. 13 Jun.. 1896; m. Chris-tiana Coddington (sister of jane Coddington, who marriedGeo. W. Coddington.

    (,,) 12—Mercy, b. 27 Apr., 1826: d. 7 Jan., 1881: m. CorneliusSmith.

    3. r.KXJAMIX COnDTX(rr(AX (son of (1) Isaac, b. about1720— T)enjaniin, li. 1680—John, 1). abonl lo,^4): I), alxiut 1756;d. 28 Aug., 1836, aged 80 years. 'AVas a Revnlutionar\- soldier."

    *See "A Slioii Mistorv of tlu; Slucums. Slucumbs nr Slocnnilis of Anu-nVn," lij'Chns. K. Slncinn, M, D.. piib. Syrnciisc-, N. V.. 1SS2.


  • Was |)r()l)al)Iy a private in C'aj)!. ( )j;(lcirs Cn.. 1st Ikci^I., X. |."CaiiK' from Kaliway and sctik-cl at Mt. Ilcich. Somerset Co.,\. I..'" where he \\a^ a fanner. Married I lainiah Coon, of C'oon-loun; ]). \? jnne. 17askin,e;Ridge. Children (of Lydia) :

    1— Ilu.uli: went to Illinois.2—F.stlur: m. John Phillips of Xewark, X. J.3—Sarah: went to Illinois.4— lackson ; went to Illinois.

    4. .\RCII1I'.AI.I) CODDTXCrroX (son of (1) Isaac, b.about 1720— Benjamin. I). 1680— Jobn, 1). about 1()54) : 1). abmil17.-7:

  • S. GF.()k(;i'. W ASMIXCTOX CODDIXCxTON (son of (2)],,l,n.

    — (1) Isaac. 1). al)i)ul 1720—Benjamin, b. U)80—John. 1).alxmi U.54) : h. U l-Vl).. ISl.^ near Mt. 1 lorcb, X. J.; d. 30 .May,1S''.\ near Millington. X. |. i"'armcr: lived in Somerset connty,X. }'.: m. lo Oct., 1X45. Jane Coddington, b. 27 Alar., 1820. at Mt.

    1 1 Orel). N. 1.: d. 21 Jan.. l'H)2. near Millington, Somerset Co.,X. 1.; dan. of Win. lienj. C. and Christiana Cazad (or Cazard).

    ller sister. Christiana Coddington, married I'.artholomew Cod-

    dington. a brother of George Washington Coddington. Children :

    (a) 32—John G., 1). 3 Oct., 1846.(b) 33—Christic'inna, 1j. 12 Fcl)., 1849. Living (1915) at Millington.

    X. J. Unmarried.(enjamin. b. 1680—John, b. about 16)54); b. 26 Dec, 1818. atAlt. I lorcb. N. 1.; d. 26 Feb., 1897: m. 24 Nov.. 1841, at Ml.

    I lorcb, X. J.. Ann Eliza Aloore, 1). 25 Feb.. 1820. Lived at Alt.Ihn-eb. N. 1. Mason ; Alethodist ; Republican. Children:

    ((,) 38—Jeremiah, h. 25 Sc])t.. 1842; d. 19 March. 1907. AlarriecL.iiad two children. >

    (ly) 39_:Marv, b. 9 Oct.. 1844; d. 1 Nov. 1914. Xcver married.

    (c) 40—Ephfaim, 1). 30 Sept., 1846; d. young.((/) 41—Lucinda. b. 19 Alarch. 1852; d. young.

    11. BARTHOLOAIFAV CODDINGTON (son of (2 ) John—( 1 ) Isaac—Benjamin, b. 1680—John, b. about 1654 ) : b. 16 Nov..1821 ; d. 13 June, 1896. A carpenter. Lived at Alt. Horeb, N. J.Married 9 Aug.. 1845. at Mt. Horeb. N. L. Christiana Codding-

    ton. b. 16 Mar., 1826. at Alt. Horeb. N. J., d. 12 April. 1915:

    daughter of William Benjamin Coddington and Christianna Ca-

    zard. Jane Coddington, a sister of Christianna, married George

    Washington Coddington, a l)rother of I'.artholomew. Children:( a ) 42—David.' b. 7 Dec, 1848.(jj) 43—William, b. 19 Alav, 1850.(

  • I). _' Sept.. 17X4: (1. IJ Juuf. 1S37. l-'aniicr. Mctliodist. In earlylife was a hatter aiitl lived at ("ireen r.rook. X. |., hut ahmil 1.SJ3he niitved to Mt. Iloreli. X. J., where he ])urchased a larj^e farm,on which he lived duriii|L,' the remainder of his life. .Married() l-'el).. IS]/.. Christianna Cazad. h. 1'' I"el).. 17S'). d. 14 .May. 1X61.

    dani,diter of i\ev. Thomas Casad. a i'.a])li.sl minister of SussexCo.. .X. I., who wa> the son of .Martinis .Vnthony Crozat. who. itis said, "came from l-'rance to this country early in the eij^htcenthcentm-y and was the holder of a i^rant of land takiniL,^ in the Mis-

    sis>ip])i \alley for five miles each side of the .Mississi])i)i river fromthe Ciulf of Mexico to .\laska Lake." lie died in Somerset Co..X. I., leavinij nine children. Rev. Lydia Casad Sexton has writ-ten her autohio,t;rai)hy. She was livinj.,' (1H')3) with her son.Zadok Sexton, at Seattle. W'ashins^ton." Children:

    ((/) 51—Cazad. 1). 7 March, IS17: d. 16 June. 1.S77.(h) 52—(k-orKC Cazad. h. 4 Dec. 1818.(— llarriet .Amanda.

    ((/) 54— Israel Cr.nn. li. 24 Feh.. 1823.((') 55—Christianna. h. 16 Mar., 1826, at Mt. Morel). X. J.:_ m.

    l'>;irtholoine\v Coddinsjfton. Residence. .Martinsville. .X. I.

    (f) 56— .Mary. h. 21 Xov.. 1828; m. Ira Mnndy and had child—Lewis.

    (//) 57—Willi.im II., h. 4 .\ug.. 1832.

    14. TS.\.\C CODDlXC/roX (son of (3) r.cnjamin— ( 1)Isaac— I'.enjamin. h. 1680— John. h. about 1654): b. 1787: «1. 13

    .\])r.. 183.3. \cver married.

    1.^ MILL.XRD CODDIXCVrOX (son of (3) r.cnjamin—(1) Isaac— I'.enjamin. !). 1()80—John, h. U..^4 ) : b. 17*^3: d. 2S

    Julv. 1846: m. Klizaheth X'antile. Children:ill) 58— l-Jenjamin.(/;) . 59—William.(c) 60—Otto.((/) 61—Mary.(r) 62—jane.(/) 63—"Hannali.( g ) CA—hjneline.( /; ) 65—Catlierine.

    16. A.XROX CODDTXCTOX (son of (3) lienjamin- ( 1)Isaac-r.enjamin. b. If.SO b.hn, b. about 1634): b. 17''():

    d. 15

    Jan.. 1832: m. Sarah Coryell, (."hildren :

    (a) 66— Tohn.(/,) 67-jnh.


  • (r) r,S—Jane.((/) ()9—Catherine.

    (c) 70—Fannie.

    21. ivSAlAM C( )l)l)l.\(/r( )X (son of (4) ArcliihaM—O )jsj^ae— I'enjaniin. 1). I'lSO—John, 1). about 1()54); 1). al)out 177(S,at Alt. llorcb, N. |.:

  • 2.>. IS \.\C' \WTNI.i: L"( )|)|)l.\(;'r( )\ (-,.in..l il) An-ln-lt;il(l ( 1 ) Isaac— i'.ciijaiiiin. h. U)SO—Jolui, h. ahnut U»54 ) ;li. 5 jiino. ISO.i. jtrohalily at I'.oiiiul I'.rook or riiion \ illaj^c, N.J.;(I. Jl IhI).. ISS". at -Mattoon, III. Successively a hlack'smith,farmer and lumber dealer. Justice (if the I'eace fur a time.Moved to Terre I laule, hnl.. ISoJ. and to ijnton. hid.. 1S4.^..Married 2 Sept.. 1S24. I'liehe Ruckman ; h. 18 July. l/W; d. 21May. 1872. at .Mattoon. 111. -She was third "child of Stei)heuIvuckman and Mary (or I'.sther ) I)ol)hin of Cauldwell. who weremarried 12 Mar.. 17''4. Ste])heu Ruckman was the first child uth of David Smallev.\\M[. Children :

    ((/) 87— Isaiah, h. 1.^ julv. 1825, near Martinsville. X. J.(/-) cS8—Mary. li. ?, Oct., 1826. near Martinsville. X. j.: m. 24 Apr..

    1S4.\ William Casto. Livintj- (1891) at Davenport, .\el).(. a])out K>.^4 ) ; 1). 1795; d. 16h\'l).. lS7(i. Limiher dealer. Methodist. Lived at .

    .Married. 1827. -Julia Anne Ayers, b. 9 h'eb.. 180.\ d. 20 Feb.,18().^. daughter of Moses Ayers and I'hebe Smalley. Moses

    Ayers was the son of Jonathan Ayers, of Stone House \ illage.I'hebe Smalley was the third child of Jacob Smalley (son of

    John) and Tal)itha Moore. Jonathan .\ycrs (brother of Julia.\nne .\yers ) married Mary Coddington, daughter of JeremiahCoddington. Children :

    («) 94—Avers, b. 25 Oct., 1828.ib) 95—Jidia Ann, h. 7 Mar., 1830; d. 10 Sept., 18.32.(r) 96—Svlvanus A., b. 27 Mar.. 1832.id) 97—Amanda, b. 28 Feb.. 18.34: unmarried (1891).(c) 98—Ahnira. b. 11 Aus.. 18.%; m. T. R. llod.ue.f Children

    (perhaps others) :1—Ellis A.2—Augustus.

    (/) 99—Augustus F.. b. 18 Mar., 1838.(g) 100—Phoebe Ann. 1). 12 Apr.. 1840; d. 29 Aug.. 1847.(h) 101—Restores, b. 21 Mar., 1842; d. 9 Sept., 1842.(/) 102—William A.. 1). 11 Dec., 1S48.

    2r. r.l'.XJ.XMIX CODDIXC/roX I son of (4) .XrchibaM—(1) Isaac— llenjamin. b. 1680—John. b. about lo34); d. before

    "See "Passaic X'allcv (".encnl(it;ics." p. 362.*See "Passaic ValK'v Genealogies," p. 389.tin will of \Vin. A. Coddinslon is mentioned "Mary .\nii ITndiie. a niece, wife of

    nicdduvc \i. TIddgc."


  • 1S82. l.ivol ;il Ml. M.irrI). X . j. Married Sarah Moore/'' dan.of I k'ur\- Moore (smi df Jose])!! Moore of Alt. Dethel) andRachel llyon. Rachel Lyon was h. 21 \ni(., 1781, the dan.uiUerof I'.henezer I.yon. son of I'eter Lxon. I'eter lived on StonyMill, nearly sonth of Littell's IJridge. lie was b. in 1722 and .—(^ld style.

    Harriet jMoore, sister of Sarah Moore, married Ceorge Cod-

    dington, son of William.

    I'.henezer Lvon was horn 2*J April. 1746, and married, first,Sarah Willcox, danghter of John W'illcox, Sr. She died 1 June,17')5. aged 45 years. He married, second. Caty Drake, danghterof Edward Drake. He married, third, l\-mny. the mother ofWilliam Titns.

    Sarah (Moore) Coddinglon married, seccjnd. Badgley,and had a son, Alfred S. Uadgley.

    Children :() 104—Israel A.(. 1680— lohn, h. aliout 1654); b. about1804. Living (1891) at Xorth Plainfield, X. J. Alarried ElizaAloore, b. about 1810. d. 18ri6. daughter of Benjamin Moore andluniice Finglev. Chikh-en :

    (a) ]0>— Harrison. 1.. 1842. at Aft. llorcli, X. I.,/,) 108— Aloorc.(

  • (c) 111—janr : iinmarrird in IS')].(/) 112— luinicc ; uiimaniid in ]S')|.((/) 113— Ruth: in. Cuinilius Ackirnian.(//) 114— Mary: unniarrii-d in 1S*M ; perhaps inarrirr] 17 April,

    \i>9S, Israi'l J. CiMin, as his sriond wife. (Sec undi-r No.77.)

    ^\. I^WI'^ C'oDDIXCToX (son >>\ (4) Archih.-ild— ( 1 )Is:iac I'.c'iijamiii, h. l^SO—John, b. alxnit ]f)54); h. M) Xov..17''7, at Ml. Il(.rd). X. J. : "

  • I'lcld, l)cci miiii^' one of tlu' IcukTs of llir I 'nion C'luiiit}' l);ir. Forseveral years hv was in |)arlners]ii|) with JdIiii II. Jackson, thesuccessor of the th-ni of Suydani and Jackson, and since Mr.

    Jackson's death in 1

  • 35. r.KORrj-, COI^DIXC.TOX (son of (S) Gcor^jo Wasli-iiii^ton

    —(2) John— ( 1 ) Isaac— Ucnjaniin. 1). h)XO—joliii. Ii, altciu

    1()54) : 1). 2] 'W-Avch. 1S51 : in. Mar-ard Way. I.ivin-- ( ]'>]r i at.Millinj^toii, X. I. CliiMiX'ii :

    (a) 124— .Vlarv.(/;) 125— .M. I.Mui.sc.

    3S. Ji':kl-:.\ll.\ll C'ODDIXC/I'OX Cson of (10) J, ,1)11— (2)Tolin— ( 1 ) Isaac— IJeiijaiiiin. h. 16S0— jolin. h. about 1654) ; b. 25Sept. 1842: d. 1'' March. V)07 : m. I^iiinic Wadswoith. .Metho-dist, fanner, "'prosijerous." lUiried in cenieter\ ailjoinini;- Metho-dist church at Mt. liorel). X. [. Children:

    ((J) ]2U—Warren.ib) 127— I'.ortha Frances.

    42. D.W II) C( )I)1)IX(;T( )X (son of (11) I'.artlioloinew—(2) lohn— ( 1 ) Isaac— Henianiin. 1). ]f)HO— lolm. 1). about l')54) :b. 7"Dec.. 184S. .Ma-on. Liviu"- (1915) at Marlin^villc. X. J.Married Xancv . b. 12 \)(.\\. 1855. Children:


  • tist. Lived and died in .Milhuni, X. |. .Married Sarah MariaPrice, h. 30 Oct., 183). in .\e\v \in-k City. Children:

    ((/) 138— Ivlward Price; h. 19 .\ut>-., 1842.(b) l.'^^—Charles .Augustus; h. 27 Sept., 1846; d. 21 Feb., 1871.

    Never married.(c) 140—William iienrv: 1). 12 Sep.. 1851; d. 5 Oct., 18.S1.((/) 141—William; I.. ,3 Sep., 1853; d. 30 Sep., 1854.(() 142— Sarah .Mead; h. 24 Fel).. 1858; d. 6 Oct., 1869.(/) 14.3—Christiaiina; 1). 8 Oct., 1844; m. David T. Kitchell. Living

    ( 18

  • (r) 153— 1(1.1 I...ui>:i; 1.. 1 Dec. IST/.; ni. 2 Mrir.. ISOO, T'.dmr.iulluiKi^'iH' 1'|H- of l!tTii;ir(l-\ ilK-. \. |.

    :-'7. WII.I.IA.M M. C( )|)|)1.\(;T( ).\ iMHi ..I" (lo) William

    I'cnjaniin. 1). 1784— (3) liciijaniiii, 1). ahmit 175f)— ( 1 i Isaac,

    1). about 1720— llenjaniin. 1). I'iSO— |(ilin. Ii. alxml U)54 ) ; h. 4Alls,'.. lS3i. Livint,' ( IS'n I at .M.irtiii>villc. X. j. Marrir.l M:iryS])encer. Children :

    (a) 154—Joel.(b) 155—Fninklin.(c) 156—James.(d) 157—Kezia.((•) 158— Horace.

    58. r.FA'JAMlX COnOfXr.ToX (.son of {]-

  • 72. .\ia"lIli;.\Ll) ISAAC CODDfXr.TOX (son of (21)Isaiah, h. about 1778— (4) Archibald, b. about 1757— (1) Isaac,b. about 1720— IJenjanun. 1). 1/)S0—John. 1). al)out 1654); b. 23

    April. 1S23. near Ml. I lorcb. X. j. Lived at Hound T.rook, N. J.Freeholder for six years in Middlesex County and for three yearsin Somerset County. Was Justice of tiie Peace six times. I leklthe office of Assessor. Re]niblican. Metliodist. Married 27

    May. 1857, Phebe Mundy, 1). 4 July, 1833; d. 11 Mar.. 1891;daus^hter of David Miuid\- and .Marv Coon. Children:

    (a) 162—Mary; h. 17'Xnv.. lS58:"d. 28 Feb., 1890: m. Theodore L.Abl)ott.

    (/;) 163—David I'.llswortli : 1). 1.^ Mar.. 1862: d 11 Oct., 1865.(r) 164— Arcliil);ild Isaac: li. 20 Au^-., 1867. L'nmarried in 1891.

    7'?. TAMF.S CODDIXGTOX (son of (21 ) Tsaiah, 1). about1778— (4) .\rchil)ald, h. about 1757— (1 ) Isaac, b. a])out 1720—Ijcnjamin, 1). U)80

    —John. b. aljout U)54 ) ; I), near Somerville,

    X. T- Methodist. Re])ublican. Married at I'rliana. 111.. Mar\- E.Mains. 1). 30 May, 1838. Children:

    ((/) 165— Bert, h. in Indianapolis. Ind.ih) 166—Luella, li. in Indianapolis, Ind.( (- ) 167—Lanra Kate, h. in Indianajxilis, Ind.(

  • I), aliinu 17J()— r.c-njaiiiin. h. I'lSd ImIiii. li. aliMiit W'.."4 ) : 1>. 27

    JiiiK'. lS;vS. at Ml. I'lorcl.. X. J.: .1. 1.^ I )rr.. 1"1.\ at Mt. Il..rel..

    X. I. I'"aniur. I.iwd in Mt. Ilnrcl). .\ . I . i I'. < >. .Martinsville').

    MarricMJ i I>t). 1S(.7. S. I'"annic' Smith. 1). P' June. 1S4'). al i'arsi-

    jianny, .\ . J. .^^lir a as a solioo! Ifaohcr lOr some years before lur

    niarrias^e. A niemlur of the M. h". eluirch. She

  • S7. ISAI AM (."oDDIXCrnX i son of (23) Isaac Vantyle,h. 1S03— (4) Arcliih.-ild. h. ;iliout 1757— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720—

    IJcnjaniin. b. \(W- b'bii. b. aboul 1654); I). 5 (dr 13) July,1825, at r.oiuul I'.rook, "X. j. ; d. 2 July, I'^Ol, at Chicago, 111. Car-

    penter and wagon makHr. .Moved to Minomonie, Wis., 1865; to

    Cbampaigu. 111.. l(S7fi: lo Kansas City. .Mo., 1S7'-'; to Chicago .Was enrolling officer of Green Co., Ind., during the Civil war.W^as Justice of the Peace in Minomonie, Wis., after the war.Married 13 .Aug., 1850, at Linton. Ind.. Itlizabeth Osborn, b. 22March. 1^2'), al Linton. Ind.: d. 4 Dec, 1

  • about 1720— licnjamiii. h. luSO - |..liii, 1.. ;iImhu 1(»54 i : h. S Oct.,1S34. at TcM-re I laulc. Iiid.: d. 5 Ih'I).. I.SJO; m. ( H-t.. lSr.O. Sarali

    'l\'\i'rl)aiit,Hi. (I. about lSf»X. CbihhxMi :( (/ ) J()4— C'liarlrs. d. in infamy.( /M 205— I'nrin.i, d. in iiif;incy.

    ''.\ ci-.i'iiAs Di'.wriT C()i)i)i.\(;'r().\ o.mi ..i (_M)I.'^aac \autyle. b. 1S()3

    — (4) .\rcliibaM. 1). alxiui 1757— (1) Isaac,b. about 1/20— I5enjaniin, 1). 1680— b.bn, b. about 1654): b. 20.Marob. 1S37. at 'rerro llauu\ hid." Living iVXU) at 5(J0 l-:.(irand .\vc.. Dcs .Moines. Iowa. .Married 14 .Vpril. 185'^ Mary IvMiller. Tbey bave no eliildren of tlieir own bm ba\e ado])tedcliildren.

    ')4. .WERS CODDlXCTc )X (son of i 24 i Israel, b. 1795—(4) Arcbibald. b. about 1757— il) Isaac, b. about 1720—Beu-janiin. b. 1680—jobn. b. about l'i54 i : b. 2? ( )ct., 1828. Lumberdealer. Member of Reformed cliurcb. Married ll>t) 24 Se])t..18hL Fannie I\H/:al)elli Lavlon. d. 18 Ian.. 1864: m. ( 2nd I |une.1870. Pbcbe .\nn La\ton, d. 2 Ian.. 18/'). Cbild :

    ((/) 206— I'cUT I'.ayton. I.. 15' Jan., 1S()3: d. 26 .May, l,^.'^,

    96. SYL\'.\XrS .\. CODDIXOTOX (son of (24) Israel,b. 1795— (4) .Arcbibald. b. about 1757— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720—

    Denjamin. b. 1680— lobn. b. about 1654) : b. 27 Marcb. 1832;m. 9 June, 1862. Aleta lUisb. Lived at Xorlb I'.rancli. X. JCbildren :

    (a) 207—Lewis 15.. 1). 4 I an., 1864.(/;) 208—Cliarlcs, h. \^ Feb.. 1866.ic) 209—Clarence. 1), 31 Marcli, 1870.(d) 210—Fred. h. 15 Mav. 1875.(e) 211— :\lav. 1). 5 Feb.. 1878.(f) 212—Estdic, 1). 14 Alio-., 1880,

    99. AUGL'STUS F. CODDIXCTOX (son of (24) Israel,b. 1795— (4) Arcbibald. b. about 1757— ( 1 ) Isaac, b. alxnit 1720—

    P.enjamin, b. 1680—Jobn, b. al)out 1654 I: b. 18 Marcb. 1838:m. Mary I'xmnell. Liviu"" ( IX'M ) at .Macon Citv, (^icor^i^ia (258Orange street ). Cbildren :

    \a) 213—Ku^cne 1'..(b) 214—Arthur.(c) 215— llerlicrt.

    102. WILLIAM A. CODDIXOTOX (son of (24) Israel.b. 1795— (4) .Vrcbibald, 1). about 1757— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720—P.enjamin. b. 1680—Jobn. b. about 1654): b, 11 Dec. 1848;ni. Flizabetb Stout. Living ( 18')L) at P.ound P.rook. X. I. Xochildren ( 1891).

    103. DW ID CODDIXC-TOX i son of i 2'? ) Penjannn ( 1).\rcbibald, li. about 1757— ( 1 ) Isaac, b. alxmt 1720— P.enjamin. b.ir,80—John. 1). about 1654).


  • 104. IvSRAl'.l. A. C'ODDIXCTOX ( xm of (23) ricnjaniin—(4) Archibald, h. al)()ut 1757

    — (1) Isaac, b. about 1720—Ben-jamin, 1). 1680— |.)iin. 1). about 1654): b. 1.S38, at Mt. TToreb,N. ].: (1. 22 Mai-cb, 1872. Resided at Alt. lioreb and BoundBrook. N. T. Married Saville M. Fisher, b. Nov., 1842, at P.oundBrook, N. "1.: d. 27 julv. 1800, at I'.ound iirook, N. J. Children.

    (a) 21()—William A'rchihald, h. 14 May, \^A, at r.nnn

  • Plainfic'ld. X. f., (laui^hior of Charles I'lacc lA'j^^ctt and AnnaKlizahcth \ an Winkle.

    122. K \^.M( ).\i) ('.I'.i )K(;i-: c"( )I)I)I.\c.T( ).\ (s,,n uf {^^)

    John C... h. 1S46— (8) Georije W .. h. ISI.^— (2) John. h. about175-1— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720 I '.cnjaniin, b. IfhSO— lolin. 1).about 1654): b. 2') bVb., ISSO; m. 19 Oct.. 1^06. Susan Kray.TIrv Hvo (1*'15) at I'.crnardsvillc. Somerset Co., X. J. lie is a

    carpenter. Xo children (1014).

    126.—W'ARRF.X Cr)ni:)!X(riY)X (son of (3S) Icreniiah. b.1842— (10) John. b. 1818— (2) Joim. 1). about 1754^(1) Isaac,b. about 1720— I'enjaniin. 1). 1()86—John. b. about 1654).

    128. \VI:SM^^" CODDTXr.TOX ( son of (42 ) David, b. 1848— (11) r.artholoniew, 1). 1821— (2) John. b. al)out 1754— (1)Isaac, b. about 1720— Menjamin. 1). 1680—John. 1). about 1654) ;b. 25 Dec. 1879.

    129. ALIiKRT COl^DIXOTOX (son of (42) David, b. 1848— (11) r.artholoniew. b. 1821— (2) John. 1). about 1754— ( 1 )Isaac, b. about 1720— llenjaniin. 1). l')80— John. h. a1)out 1654):b. 3 (Vt.. 1881.

    131. F.IAIF.R CODDIXCrroX (son of i 42 ) David. 1). 1848—(ID Bartholomew, b. 1821— (2) John. 1). about 1754— (1)Isaac, b. about 1720— r.cnjaniin. 1). 1680— [olm. 1). about 16.54);b. 11 Sei)t.. 1887.

    133. CHESTER ARTML-R CODDIXGTOX (son of (42)David. 1). 1848— ( 11 ) r.artholomew. h. 1821— (2) John, b. about175-1— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720— I'.enjamin. 1). iKSO^Tohn, b.al)ont 1654) : b. 20 ^Fay. 1892.

    138. EDWARD PRICE CODDIXGTOX (son of (51 ) Ca-^ad. 1). 1817— (13) WiHiam P.enjamin. 1). 1784— (3) benjamin,b. about 1756— (1) Isaac. 1). al)out 1720— I'.eniamin. 1). 1680—John. 1). about 1654) : b. 19 Aug.. 1842. at Milburn. X. J.: d. 26

    April. 1870. Rived in Xewark. X. J. A hatter. A Fiaptist.Married Sarah lane Toleson. 1). 16 |nne. 1843. in Xewark. X. J.;

  • M5. WILLIAM l'.i:.\J.\MIX C'ODDTXGTOX (son of (52)George CazacL I). LSLS— (13) William ilenjaniiii, 1). 1784— (3)Benjamin, h. nlxmt \7?()

    —( 1 ) L-^aac, b. abont 1720— lienjamin. h.

    1680— folin. b. al)(>nl 1(.34) ; b. 2 \\i\wcvy, \e\vMoris'. Li\'e(l al \\ anxMnilU'. X. J. Xevcr niarric(L

    147. I'ZRA C(Jl)l)iXC/r()X (>on of (32) C^eorge Cazad, 1).1818— (13) William llenjamin, b. 1784— (3) l>enjamin, 1). about1736— (1) Isaac, 1). about 1720— IJeujamin, 1). 1680—Jobn, b.about 1634) : 1>. 14 Sept., 184'); (L 3 bVl)., 1882. Farmer at W'ar-renville, .X. J. Xcver married.

    134. JOEL CODDINGTON (son of (S7) William TL, 1).1832— (13) William Benjamin, b. 1784— (3) licnjamin, 1). about1736— ( 1 ) Isaac, 1). al)out 1720— Benjamin, b. 1680—Jolm, h.about 1634).

    133. FRANKLIN CODDINGTON (son of (57) William II.,b. 1832— (13) William Benjamin. 1). 1784— (3) Benjamin, b.about 1736— ( 1 ) Isaac, Ix about 1720—Benjamin. 1). 1680—Joliu,b. about 1654).

    136. JAATFS CODDINGTON (son of i 57 ) William IT.,b. 1832— (13) William Benjamin, I). 1784— (3) Benjamin, b.about 1736— (1) Isaac, 1). al)out 1720—Benjamin, 1). 1680—Jobn,b. a1)out 1634).

    138. llOR.\CF CODDIXGTOX (son of (37) William LI.,b. 1832— (13) William Benjamin, b. 1784— (3) Benjamin, b.about 1736— (1) Isaac, h. aliout 1720— lienjamin. 1). 1680— Jobn,I), about 1634).

    139. WILLIAAF CODDINGTON (son of (71) 1'bomas. b.1821— (21 ) Isaiali, 1). about 1778— (4) Arcbiljald, 1). about 1737—(1) Isaac, 1). about 1720— I'enjanu'n, 1). ir)80— lolm. b. al)out1634).

    160. LEWIS ML^NDV CODDINGTON (son of (71)Tliomas, b. 1821— (21 ) Isaiah, h. about 1778— (4) .Vrcbiliald. 1).al)out 1737— ( 1 ) Isaac, 1). al)out 1720—Benjamin, b. 1680— Jolin,b. al)out 1634) ; b. 26 Au"-., 1848, at Mt. Bethel, now called Gallia,vSonierset Co., X. L ; m. 1 1 Dec. 1873, at Somer\i1le, .X. J.. SusanClara ATason. 1). 12 Ajiril, 1848. at Somcrville. X. L, dauijhter of

    Pethuel ?ilasou and Susan Ramsay. Resides ,'U Somcr\-illc. X. J.President and gXMU'ral manaj^er of the Standard Gas Fi.xture Co.,Bound Brook. X"^. J. Treasurer of a compauA' conductino- fiverestaurants in New "S^orlc Citw l'>ai)li-^t. Democrat. I'resident



  • anil trcasmxT i

  • —Toliii. 1>. al)out U>54); 1). 1 XdV.. 1S7(). at Soniorvillc, N. |.

    Lives (1904) at 140 South 14tli St.. Newark, X. |. Married 14

    Sept., 1004, at Newark, N. J., Martha II. Raiidah. dauohter of

    J()se]ih Randall of Kearney. N. j.

    182. CLARKNCl'. Al'GUSTfS C'ODDI XCTON (son of(80) Eiioeh Watson^]).

    1831— (_M) Isaiah. 1). ahont 1778— (4).\rehihalil. h. ahont 1/^7— ( 1 ) Isaac, h. ahont 1720—IJenjamin, h.1680— lohn, h. ahont 1654) ; h. ') Inly. 1880, in Montgomery Co.,111. Unmarried in 1004. hiyin- ( 1004) at 82 S. 14th St., New-ark. X. J. A ])ank elerk.

    184. W'llJ'.rk WATSUX C()I)1)IX(;T()X (son of (80)En(xdi Watson, h. 1851— (21) Isaiah, h. ahont 1778— (4) Archi-liald. 1). al)ont 1757— ( 1 ) Isaac. 1). a])ont 1720— lienjamin. h. 1680—John. h. aliont 1654) : 1). 2 May. 1S')1. at Xewark. N. J.

    185. HAROLD I. CODDINGTON (son of (80) EnochWatson, h. 1851— (21 ) Isaiah, h. about 1778— (4) Archihald, b.about 1757— (1) Isaac, h. al)ont 1720— Ik-njamin, h. 1680— John,h. aliont 1654).

    186. CHARLES WESLEY CODDINGTON (son of (80)Enoch Watson, b. 1851— (21) Isaiah, h. about 1778— (4) Archi-bald, b. about 1757— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720—Benjamin, b. 1680—John. b. about 1654) ; b. 2 Nov.. 1897, at Newark, N. J.

    187. VANTYLE WILLIAM CODDINGTON (son of (87)Isaiah, b. J825— (23) Isaac \antyle. 1). 1803— (4) Archihald, b.about 1757— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720—Benjamin, b. 1680—John,1). about 1654) ; b. 5 July, 1852. at Linton. Greene Co.. Ind. Liv-

    ing (1014) at X'^orth Milwaukee'. Wis. .Architect, manufacturer,inyentor. Is a graduate in architecture of the State University ofIllinois. Is the inyentor of a s])lit wood pulley. A\'as for a timea manufacturer in Kansas Cit}', Mo. Married 21 lune. 1876. at

    Champaign, 111.. Alice McCollister Lee. h. 17 March. 1851. at Mt.Auburn. 111. Children :

    (ii) 230—Corinne, li. 15 June. 1877, at Champais.;n, 111. Living (1914)at 1057 Linden Ave, W'ilinette, 111. Christian Scientist.Married at EvansKm, 111., 12 May, 1S98. William Sander-son (a decorator), b. 23 Afa>', 1862, at Markham, Ontario,Canada, son of John Sanderson and Lctitia .Morrison.Children :

    1—Klizabcth lane. h. 4 Feb., 1899. at Kvanston. 111.2—Eleanor Hester, b. 28 Jan.. 1902. at l-:vanston. 111.3—Vanlvle William, b. 8 April, 1907, at Wilmetle, 111.4—Alice, I). 19 Dec. 1909. at North .Mihvankee, Wis.5—Robert Cecil, b. 2H Marcli. 1910. at Wilmelte. 111.6— John Archibald, b. 15 Feb., 1912, at Wilmette, 111.7—Corinne, 1). IT, M.av, l')11, ;it Wilmette, 111.


  • (/;) 231—Saimu-1 Civil. 1.. 14 M:iy. ISSl. .-.t Kansas City, Mo.(. .\RCIlIi'..\IJ)()Si50RX C()r)niX(;T().\ (sonof {> Snminerdale .\ve., Chicago. 111. lie is a gradnate of the

    v^tate L'niversity of Ilhnois. class of 1881. with degree of M. Litt.Assistant teacher in I'ahner's Acadeniy, Kansas City. Kan.. 1881-

    2; i^rincipal of pnblic school at Elinlinrst. 111.. 1882-3 : principal of

    jmblic school at liarrington. III., 1883-4; principal of pnblic school

    at Cnminings. 111.. 1884-7: in l)nsincss in Kansas City, Mo., 1887-

    18*^0: ])rincipal of Sheldon School. Chicago. 111., 1800-2; jirincipalof Knickerbocker School. Chicago, ill.. 1892-1901: principal of

    (jondy School. Chicago, 111., 1901-5: attended Leipsic I'niversityand traveled in Knro])e 1905-6: i)rinci])al Talcott School. Chicago,111., 1906-7: ])rincipal ( iraeme-Stewart School, Chicago, 111.. 1907-

    1913: president of Chicago .Alumni Association of the I'niversily• )f Illinois. 1906: Rei)nblican candidate for SniK'rinten

  • (lautjbtcr of George A. Kr>l

  • _'i.v iuu;i-.\i- i;. r* )I)I)I\(;T()\ ix.n of (99) AugusiusF.. I). 1S3.S— (24) Israel I). 17"^=^- (4) AiTliil.aM. 1.. alxmt 1737—( 1 ) Isaac, h. about 17_'()— r.enjaniin. h. I'lSO \nhn !> .-ilxnit1654).

    _'14. Airnilk C( )|)1) I.\C.'r( ).\ (son of (9

  • 222. KDWARD M'DWK'K CODDTXGTON (son of (138)Echvanl Price— (48) Cazad— (13) William I'enjamin— (4) Ben-jamin— ( 1 ) Isaac—Benjamin, h. 1680— John, 1). 1654) ; h. 7 Jan.,1868. at ^[illmrii. X. J. Lives (18')1) at 16 .Marshall St.. New-ark, X. J. A graver and chaser and diamond setter. ^Tethodist.Repuhlican. ^Tarried 2 Dec, 1891, at Newark, X. J.. Alice lane

    . 1). 10 Dec. 1870, at Xewark, X. J. Cliild :"

    (a) 243— AlluTt Lindslcy, fl. in infancy.

    22?>. I'KRLKV .MASOX CODDIXCTOX (son of (160)Lewis Mnndy. h. 1848— (68) Thomas, b. 1821— (21) Isaiah, h.abont 1778— (4) Archibald, b. abont 1757— (1) Isaac, b. abont1720—Benjamin, b. 1680— John, b. abont 1654) ; b. 3 Feb.. 1875,at Somerville, X. J. Lnmarricd (1904). In restaurant l)usinessin Xew York City at 69 West 23rd St., and at other points in thecitv. "Codington" restaurants were conducted at 1487 Broad-

    way, 767 Sixth Ave.. 424 Sixth Ave., 622 Sixth Ave., 116 Fulton

    St., 113 Xassau St., and elsewhere.

    231. SAML'HL CECIL CODDIXCxTON (son of (187) Van-tyle U'illiam. b. 1852— (87) Isaiah, b. 1825— (23) Isaac Van-tyle, b. 1803

    — (4) Archibald, b. about 1757— (1) Isaac, b. about1720—Benjamin, b. 1680—John, h. about 1654) : b. 14 May, 1881,at Kansas City, Mo. Civil engineer and general contractor. Pres-

    byterian. Republican. Living (1914) at Xorth ^Milwaukee, W'is.L'^nmarried (1914).

    234. CLYDE CODDIXGTOX (son of (187) A^antvle Will-iam, b. 1852— (87) Isaiah, b. 1825— (23) Isaac Vantyle, b. 1803—(4) Archibald, b. about 1757— ( 1 ) Isaac, b. about 1720—Benja-min, b. 1680—John, 1). about 1654) : b. 21 Aug.. 1887. at KansasCity, AIo. Entered the L". S. X'^avy in 1908 and served four yearsas an electrician on the L". S. S. Georgia. In 1912 and 1913 hetook a course in agriculture in the L'niversity of W'isconsin andis now (1914) employed by the University to test nn'lk cows forregistrv. Unmarried (1914).

    236. PALTL CODDINGTON (son of (187) A'antvle WilLiam, b. 1852— (87) Isaiah, b. 1825— (23) Isaac \'antyle. b. 1803—(4) Archibald, b. about 1757— (1) Isaac, b. about 1720—Benja-min, b. 1680—John, b. about 1654) : b. 19 April, 1892, at WW-mette. 111. Engineering student in class of 1915, L^niversity of

    Wisconsin. Living (1914) at North ^Milwaukee, Wis. ChristianScientist. Married 7 Xov., 1913, at Waukegan. 111., FlorenceHazel Prown, b. 10 Jan., 1892. at Waterloo, \\'is.. dauglner of A.sa

    Taylor Brown and Florence X\"wton Brown, botli living (1914)al Xorlh Milwaukee. Wis. Child (1''14):

    (a) 244—(jencvicvo Bnnvn.


  • Coddmgton RecordsNumber Two


    By Rev. Herberts G. Coddington, D. D.

  • Coddin^ton RecordsiNumber Tw^o



    With Kotes on the English and American Lines

    of the Coddington Family.

    By Rev, Herbert G. Coddington, I) D.. author of" The Coddington

    Family ; Records of one line of the Descendants of John Coddington of

    Woodbridge, N. J.," Published. Syracuse, N. Y., 1907 ; and of "Coddington

    Records ; Descendants of Isaac, Reuben and Uzziah Coddington of

    Woodbridge, N. J." Published. vSyracuse, N. Y.. 1920.

    Svracu.se, N. Y.


  • 19M


    1. WILLIAM CODDINGTOX (perhaps son of William).( probably brother of l>enjamin. Uobert, JJetsey and Samnel ) ;1). 5 I^\'b., 1751. i)robably in New Jersey; cl. Oct.. 182(S. A farmerand li\n(l in Cnmbcrland Co.. Maryland, where lie owned i)lania-tion of .^00 acres and some slaves. He was a revolntionarysi'ldier. M. (1st) Hannah (perhaps Robison or Robinson),1). 26 Sept.. 1754; d. about 1819. M. (2nd) a widow, by whomhe had no children. Children :

    ((/) 2— l.saac, b. 10 Dec. 1774; d. 23 .\pr.. 1797.(/O 3—John. b. 4 Apr.. 1777; d. June. 1S4().(f ) 4—Elizabeth, b. 14 Jan., 1780; m. .Maxwell Potter (or Samuel

    Maxlield Potter) and had six children: Hannah. William,P.enjamin. Polly, Sarah and anotlier. ".Maxwell Potter.son of Russel I'ottcr (who was the fifth child of .\mos.son of Daniel Potter, 1st), married. (1st) l{lizabeth Cod-dington. daughter of William, of Maryland, a native ofXew Jer.sey. and had a son. Benjamin Potter, who mar-ried Pliebe S(|uicr, daughter of David, son of Kilis

    Squier. Maxwell Potter married (2d) Sally, the widowof David, son of F.Uis Squier. and had a daughter SarahAnne Potter who married John Martin and had a son,Hdwin Martin. Daniel Potter, ist, lived at ConnecticutFarms. Mis oldest child was born in 1723. Daniel'sfather was Samuel Potter, who came from Wales, inI{n;-dand. and was the ancestor of the Xew JerseyPotters."

    (d) 5—Robert, b. 10 Dec. 1781 ; d. 10 Mar.. 1782.(r) 6—P.enjamin. b. 19 lune. 1783; d. 3 Mar.. 1855.(/) 7— Martha, b. 5 Dec. 17S5; d. Feb.. 1786.

    8. RRNj.\MlX C()l)131X(rr()X (i)robably brother of Wil-liam. Robert. Betsev and Sanniel) ; b. 10 Nov.. 1759; d. 10 Nov..

    18.U; m. \^ Xov.. 1782. Annar Crane, b. 10 June, 1763, d. at a.sjeof 80. "of measles"; dan. of Jose]))! Crane and Ruth Miller.

    "Joseph Crane (brother of Isaac) came tip from W estiield and])urchased of Nathaniel Smith, in May. 1764. the farm of 154acres lying north of Isaac Crane's and west of P.enjamin Pettit's

    farm and extending to the river, lie married Ruth Miller, sister

    of his brother Isaac's wife and had seven sons and four daugh-ters." P>?njamin was native of Kssex Co.. N. J.; was a soldierin Rev. W ar in Capt. Ogden's Co.. Inrst New Jersev Regiment,and wounded at the Battle of Trenton, .\bout \7S7 he moved to

    Monongahela Co.. Mar viand. Lived on the Braddock road in

  • the Alleghany Alountains. Children all born in Maryland, exceptWilliam (b. 1784) who was born in New Jersey. Children:

    (a) 9—William, b. 26 Apr., 1784; d. 10 or 11 Nov., 1861.t^l,) 10_Rvith, 1). .3 Nov., 17S5; d. in 81st year; in. 2 Mar., 180.1,

    Thomas Jenifer, h. 12 .^pr., 1775. Lived and died inHamilton, Ohio. Children of Thomas Jenifer and RnthCoddington :

    l_],;iix;dx'th. h. 1 Oec., 180.1

    2—.Adaline, h. 1.1 lime, 180.S.3—Mary Ann, b. 21 Nov.. h^Of).4—Annar, b. 12 Aug., 1808.5_Charlotte, b. 1 Apr., 1810.6—Kli, b. 3 Oct., 1811.7—Benjamin, b. l.S Dec., 1812.8—tluldah, b. 12 Jnlv, 1814.9—Samuel, b. 2.S March, 1817.10—Joseph, b. 18 March, 1819.11—^laria, b. 27 June, 1821 ; d. .30 Tune, 1«21.12—Sarah, b. 24 julv. 1823; d. 19 Sept.. 1823.

    (c) 11—Stephen, b. 1 Aug., 1787; d. 18 July, 1836.id) 12—David, b. 6 Oct., 1788; d. in 88th vear (27 jnlv, 1876 or


    ((,) 13—Ann, b. 13 July, 1790; m. Little. Lived and diedin Maryland.

    (/) i4_Robert. b. 21 Dec, 1791; d. about 1852.

    (,/) 15—Elizabeth, b. 22 Mar., 1793; d. 1 Nov., 1849 (or 1842);m. Heffner. Lived near Glendale, Ohio.

    (/() 16—Josenh, b. 6 Dec, 1794; d. .(/) 17—Mary, b. 16 Mar., 1796; d. 13 :\[ay (or Alarch) 1878; m.


    (/) IS—James, b. 25 Ian., 1798; d. 22 Mav, 1876.(•/,) 19— lonathan, b. 3 Nov., 1799; d. 11 Apr., 1880 (or 1879).(/) 20—Samuel, b. 24 Sept., 1801; d. 24 Mav, 1802.(;;/) 21—Eleanor, b. 3 Feb., 1803; d. 1 Aug., 1874.(u) 22—Tluldah, b. 27 Oct., 1804; d. 30 Aug. (or 20), 1844;

    m. Fear.(n) 23—Benjamin, b. 14 Aug.. 1806.; d. 12 Feb.. 1879.(-/,) 24—Annar. b. 1 Oct., 1810; d. 1 Mar.. 1878; m. Dr. Kemp.

    Lived and died near Polo, 111.

    25. SAMUEL CODDTNGTON (probably brother of Benja-min, William, Robert and Betsey).

    26. ROBERT CODDINOTON (probably brother of Wil-liam. Benjamin, Samuel and Betsey).

    2. ISAAC CODDTNGTON (son of ( 1) William) b. 10Dec., 1774, d. 23 April, 1797.

    .i JOHN CODDTNGTON (son of (1) \\'illiam, b. 1751)b. 4 A])ril, 1777, in Maryland, d. June, or May 6, 1840. Cameto Illinois and look land from o-overnment near ITomer in Cham-

    pai.s^n County; m. (1st) about 1800, Marv .Dean, b. 10 March,1781, (1. Aug., 1818; M. (2d) . Tliey moved, with four

    children, to Gallia Co., Ohio. Children :

  • (

  • 1861, near Morrow. Ohio. M. (1st) Naoma Rrwin. in 1806.She d. in 1829 or 1830. AI. (2(1) Ann Smith, ahout 1831. Shed. in 18.^2. M. (3d) Nancy Price, in iMay, 1833, h. 8 Feh., 17')6,d. Jan.. 1875; dan. of Jonathan and Susan Price. William, withhis sister Ruth and his hrothers vStephen and David, came toCincinnati, ( )hi(). in May, 1815. "William lived and died nearMorrow, (Jhio" ; was a farmer. Children: h'irst nine (9) hyfirst wife, tenth (10th) hy second wife, and last three (3) hythird wife. Children:

    (a) 47—Annar, b. 1 June, 1808; d. 1 Juiu', 1S82 (or l^y^); m.Garret Creamer.

    (h) 4f^-AIary, b. 12 Oct.. 1809; d. 1859; m. Icsse LigRett.(r) 49—Sarah, b. Mar., ISl.-^; d. 18 May, i8S4: m. Sept., 1829.

    Truman Holmes, b. 1809 in N. Y. State.(d) 50—Benjamin, b. 5 Aug., 1815; d. 16 Mar., 1884 (or 5).((') 51—Samuel, b. 14 Ian., 1817 or 1818; d. 29 Dec. 1884 (or 5).(/) 52—Angeline. b. 18 Apr.. 1820; d. 1 Jan., 187.3 (or 2); m.

    Horace Drivnel (or Dwinel).( (/ ) 53— liliza Ann, b. 15 Jan., 1823; d. 15 Jan., 184(>; m. George


    (/;) 54—James, b. 12 Apr., 1826; d. 25 Julv, 1846.( / ) 55—John, b. 9 Aug., 1828.(j) 56—Ann. b. 2 Nov., 1832; d. 6 Apr., 1870 (or 1) ; m. Thos. J.


    (/>•) 57— lonathan Price, b. 7 Feb., 1834; d. 1 Jan.. 1892.( / ) 58—Ruth. b. 10 Feb., 1836; d. ; ni. Francis Ireland. Lived

    at Boynton, 111. Children:1—Jonathan Ireland. Living (1914) at Frcemont, Iowa.2—Monroe Ireland. Living (1914) at Wright. Iowa.

    (in) 59—William, b. 1 Xov.. 1838; d. 13 Ian.. 1911.

    11. STEPHEN CODDINGTON (son of (8) Benjamin, h.1759): h. 1 Aug., 1787; d. 18 July. 1836. in Cincinnati, Ohio.A hrick and stone mason, "and in the winter hoated hetweenCincinnati and New Orleans." The house which he huilt and inwhich he died is still standing in the heart of Cincinnati ( 1892).M. 24 Jan., 1812, at Hagarto\vn, Md.. Sarah Barker, h. 31 |nlv,1791, at Hagartown, Md.; d. 3 April, 1883. Children:

    ia) 60—Nelson, b. May, 1814; d. 30 Aug., 1892.ib) 61—Hamilton, b. 2 Mar.. 1817; d. 3 July, 1818.(r) 62—Louisa, b. 20 Mar., 1819, at Cincinnati, m. 28 Mar.. 1841,

    lohn Henrv. After his death she lived at Fmmets-burgh. III.

    (d) 63—Fmeline, b. 8 Mar., 1822. at Cincinnati; m. 8 Sept.. 1844.Geo. Troutman Hunsaker. Lived at Carthage, 111.

    (c) 64—Cynthia, b. 23 Feb., 1826. at Cincinnati; d. 20 May. 1885,at Opelousas, La. ; m. 24 Aug., , Lawrence Pasquier.

    (/) 65—Mary Ann, b. 15 Aug., 1828, at Cincinnati; d. 24 .^pr.,1866, at Indianapolis, Ind.; m. () July, 1854, Alphonse RoyDagret.

    (//) 66—George Warren, b. 20 May, 1831.( // ) 67—Sally, b. 4 Xov.. 1833, at Cincinnati. Lived at Cincinnati.


    ( / ) 68— Stephen, b. 30 Xov., 18.36.


  • DWin CODDIXtVroX (son (.f (8) P.cnjainiti. 1).; 1). () ( )cl.. 178S:

  • (d) 94—Sarah Tane, b. 6 Mar., 1842. IJved 10 davs.(.') 95—Caroline, b. 10 June, 1843; d. 2?, Xov., 1872; m. 6 May,

    1862, Calvin Shusart. Lived in Bureau Co., 111.

    (/) 9(^ lames llarvev, b. 25 fan., 1847.(c;) 97—Annor, b. 7 Sept.. 1848; m. 27 Dec, 1870, Milford I'razee.

    IJvc in Bureau Co., 111.(//) 98— Henry Clay, b. 14 Aug., 1850.(i) 99_l.;ima; b. 29 May, 1852; d. 9 Mar., 1854.(;) 100— Martha Bell, b. 31 Jan.. 1854; d. 9 .Nov., 1890; m. 28 July,

    1872, Peter Ostran. They lived in Lancaster Co., Xeb.

    19. JONATHAN CODDTNGTON (.son of (8) Benjamin,b. 1759) ; b. 3 Nov., 1799. Farmer, d. 11 Apr., 1880, at Prince-

    ton, in. M. 15 Nov., 18,>7, Rebecca Frantz, dan. of Jonathanand Elizabeth Frantz; b. 19 Oct., 1811; d. 16 Apr., 'l8')7, atPrinceton, 111. Children:

    (a) 101—William Jasper, b. 23 Dec, 1838.(b) 102—John Wesley, b. 21 Apr., 1846; d. 22 Mar., 1904.(r) 103—Huldah, b. 7 Oct., 1F47 ; m. Joseph Riley. Lives (1904) in

    Princeton, Bureau Co., 111. C'hildren :1—William J.2—Bertha.3—Jarnes.4—John.5—Mav.

    ((/) 104—Asa Fry, h. 7 May, 1849.ic) 105—Sarah, b. 30 Aug., 1851; m. Moses T. Lathrop. Lives

    ( 1904) in Princeton, Bureau Co., 111. Xo children.

    23. BENJAMIN CODDINGTON (son of (8) Benjamin,b. 1759) ; b. 14 Ang., 1806; d. 12 Feb., 1879.

    28. DAVID CODDINGTON (son of (3) |uhn, 1777— (1)William, 1751); b. 17 July, 1803; d. 24 Dec.. 1829. Nevermarried.

    29. WILLIAM CODDINGTON (.son of (3) lohn, 1777—(1) William, 1751) ; b. 3 Apr., 1805, in Maryland"; d. 24 Dec,1846. A farmer. Republican. Methodist. Lived and died inHillsboro, Iowa. M. in Ohio, Lucinda \\>ay. Children :

    ((,) 106-^Caroline, b. Mar., 1832; m. Sept.. 1852. (^.reenbury Trekell.

    Living (1904). Children:1— Benjamin.2—William.3—John.4—Charles.


  • (fl) 112—Cyrene. b. June. 1S41. Liviiitr (1004); ni. M.ir., 1867.David Tavlor. C'liihirfii :

    1— Lillian.

    2— Grace.3—John.

    ;vv |()I1.\ C'OnDIXC.TON (son of ( .V) John. 1777— (MWilliaiii. 1751 ) : 1). If) Jnlv. ISll : d. .Mav. ISSl"; in. abonl 1850.ri widow. Ko(l\iska Ki'acli. Tlicy had no cliildren.

    ;>5. I'.I-.XIA.MIX CODDIXirroX (son of (.^) lohn, 1777— (1) William. 1751); h. 8 May. 1823; d. 13 .Vpr." 1861; m.Childri'ii :

    (,;i ll.^-|,,hn, 1.. 5 Dec, IS.^O: ) 114

    (. 23 Sept.. 1837; d. April. 1X74. Xevermarried.

    (c) 125—John Harrison, b. 20 June. 1839; d. Ajiril. 1S7().(d) 126—Nelson .Mason, b. 11 Mar., 1842.(r) 127—Samuel \Vashin-it..n, b. 18 Any., 1845; d. 30 Oct., 1896.(/) 128—Davis Perrv. I). 18 Sept.. 1.^7.(cj) 129—Justina, b. 23 .Mar.. 1852; m. John R. White. Clnid:

    1—A boy. Tiiey live (1901) with Davis Perry Cod-dinyton near I'niim Citv, Ind.

    3'). ASA C( )1)1)1X('.T()X (son of (6) Benjannn. 178.>—( 1 ) William. 1751 ) : b. 2H Julv. 1811 ; d. 7 Oct., 18^)2. in Ran-

    dolph Co., hid. .Xever married.


  • 40. JOHN CODDINOTON (son of (6) Benjamin. 1783—(1) Wniiam. 1751) ; b. 30 May, 1815; d. 31 May, 1836. Nevermarried.

    42. SAMUEL CODDINOTON (son of (6) Benjamin, 1783— (1) William. 1751); h. 21 Se])t.. 1820; d. 16 July. 1862, inIllinois. Farmer living- at different times in Ohio. Indiana andIllinois. M. Children;

    ((/) 130—Hiram.(/') 131—Lizzie, Decatur. 111.(c) 132—Nancy, Hartford City, Ind.

    50. BENJAMIN CODDINOTON (son of (9) William, h.1784— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 5 Aug., 1815, in Warren Co.,Ohio; d. 16 Mar., 1884. in Lafayette, Indiana. Plane maker,afterwards saw sharpener. Re])ublican. Member of Church ofChrist. M. 24 Oct., 1839. in Vermillion Co., 111., vSarah AnnMead, b. 5 Feb., 1820; dan. Nathaniel and Hannah Mead.

    They moved to Lafayette, Indiana, in 1842, and died there. Theyhad seven children. Children ;

    (a) 133—Xathaniel Mead, b. 14 Aug.. 1S41.(/') 134—William, b. 3 Oct., 1843.((-) 135—Samuel, b. 3 Oct., 1846, d. 2 Aug., 1877.((/) 136—Emma, b. 5 Uily, 1850; d. 27 Aug., 1851.(c) 137—Charles Lawson, b. 1 Jan., 1852; d. 9 Mar., 1852.(/) 138—Ida Louisa, b. 9 Oct.. 1854; d. 2 Aug., 1878; m. 20 Nov..

    1872, John A. Moule, and had one son.((/) 139—Rosa "May. b. 29 Nov., 1857; d. 1878; m. 7 June, 1874,

    David Henderson, and had one son.

    51. SAMUEL CODDINOTON (son of (9) William, b.1784; (8) Benjamin, b. 1759); b. near Hoi)kinsville, WarrenCo., Ohio, 14 Jan., 1818. Was a farmer living near Morrow,Ohio. A Baptist, d. 19 Dec, 1884, near Morro\v, Ohio ; m. 14Apr., 1842, Lucinda Phillips, b. 15 Dec, 1823, near Loveland,Ohio ; dau. of Isaac and Rnanza Philli])s. She died 10 Mar.,1887, near Morrow, Ohio. She joined the Presbyterian Church,Morrow, 21 Feb.. 1886. Children ;

    (a) 140—Benjamin Franklin, b. 24 May, 1843.(/») 141—William Ellerv. b. 5 Aug., 1845.(f ) 142—Sarah A., b. 23 Jan., 1849; d. 12 Mar., 1849.((/) 143—Oliver H., b. 13 lune, 1850; d. 16 Sept., 1865.(r) 144—Ruanza. b. 21 Nov., 1852; d. 13 Sept., 1867.(./) 145— Ida, b. 1 Mar., 1856; m. 25 Oct., 1876, Frank H. Greeley.

    They have one child, Kdith, and live in Lebanon, (3hio.((/) 146—George Emerson, b. 7 Jan., 18()().

    54. JAMES CODDINOTON (son of (Q) William, 1784—(8) Benjamin, 1751 ) ; b. 12 Apr., 1826; d. 1845. Never married.

    55. JOHN CODDINOTON (son of (9) William, b. 1784—(8) Benjamin. 1). 1759); b. 9 Aug., 1828. at Morrow, Ohio.Farmer. Living (1906) at Abingdon, Knox Co., 111. M. (1st)


  • Cytitliia lunily Whitman. 1). 23 Dec, 18.^1, at Caniernn. 111.: 'i.27 Mar.. 1S81. lu-ar Xhin^dnn, 111.; dan. of William Whitman;iml v^arah liarlow. M. ( 2il ) .Xpr.. ISS.^, Mrs. |ulia ( Crcosottc- ;W iIliam^, 1). '' jail.. 184^ Children:

    ((/) 147— Kinur. li. (I |;m.. 18^)2. at .AbinRdon, III.(/.) H.-^— i\tta. b. i .Mar.. lSf.0. at .Xbin.ndon, 111.; m. 13 .May. 1S77.

    at .\biiit;(l()ii, 111., John llonry liassoii, b. 21 l-'i-b.. \X5t). atP.rxaiit. 111. hive (19(X>)"at llavensvilU-. Kaii. (..rSoldier ). Children :


    I'.mily Grace Odessa, b. 23 Feb., 1S7S, at Creeii-Ik'ld, Iowa.

    2— Kslella Hlanclie Otbella, b. 2() lulv, 1S79. at Hrvant.111.

    3—Zelica I'"loss Dritm, b. II Xov., 1X.S3, at P.rvant. 111.4—l-.selda Fern Odella. b. 22 Sept., 1885, at' Oxford.

    Xeb.. d. 2 Mar., IS.%.5—James John Coddin^ton, b. 12 Feb.. 18

  • Shelby Co., TncHana; d. 28 Jan., 1Q03. at Delavan, 111.; dan. of

    James H. and Nancy Keelin,^;. Children:

    („) 159—Clara May, b. 10 IX>c., kS6(j, at Boynton, III. .Mctliudist.Member of tbe Daugbters of the American Revolution.M. (1st) 23 Sept., 18S6, at Boynton, 111.. William JeffersonMoorehead, son of Hiram and Marv Jutlv .Mof)re]iead,b. 20 Alav, 18f)5, at Bovnton, 111., d. 5 Feb., 190'i, at Dela-

    van, 111. "Child:

    Lee Coddington Moorehead. Living (1915) at 414Knoxville Ave., Peoria. 111.: b. 13 lulv, 1X91). at

    llopedale. 111.: m. 1 Jan.. 1912. at Decatur. 111..Winifred Davis. They have a daughter:

    Rosemarv Moorehead. b. 18 Mav, 1913.M. (2d) 14 May. 1914, at LaFavette, Ind., Dr. James Wil-liam Sanders. Living (1914) at 215 Park Place, Deca-

    tur, 111.

    (h) UiO— Lillie Belle, b. 17 June, l.%9, at Boynton, III.; m. 1 Mar.,1892, at Pekin, 111., John William Criesemer, nurservman,living (1914) at Hopedale, ill., b. 1() July, 1864, at Klilton-

    burg. Morrow Co.. Ohio, son of Adam Oriesemer, b. atBobentahl (?) Bavaria, (Vermany, an.d I'arbara Luby (orLulv), b. at Messe, Germany: m. in Ohio. Children:

    l'_Xellie Ruth, b. 11 Sept., 1893: m. 23 Dec, 1914. leeRobert Henderson. Living (1914) at llojiedrde,III

    2_Minerva May, b. 21 May, 1899. Living (1914) atHopedale, Til.

    (c) 161—William Walter, b. 13 Apr., 1871.((/) 162—Charles Everett, b. 21 May, 1877. Living (1929) at 6419

    Bishop St., Chicago, III.

    60. NFXvSON CODDINGTON (son of (11) Stephen. 1787— (8) Benjamin. 1751); b. 6 May, 1814, in Maryland; d. ."^0Attg., 1892, in Cincinnati, Ohio. A hottse i)ainter. Lived nearNewton, Ohio. Never married ( ?).

    66. GEORGE WARREN CODDINC^tTON (son of (11)Stephen, b. 1787— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 20 May. 18,S1, atCincinnati, Ohio ; m. 18 Mar., 1858, Ruth Jane Doty, b. at Mid-dletown, Ohio, 14 Jan., 1840; dan. of Joseph Doty and MaryVail. After the death of her husband she lived at 5501 "S'ork

    Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. "He was in the wax-string ])nsi-ness at Middletown, Ohio." Reside (1904) at Heno,' Ohio.C^hildren :

    ((/) 163—Marietta, b. 2 Apr., 1859: d. 9 Mar., 1866.(/i) 164—iMuma Cvnthia, b. 18 Apr., ]8fi4: d. 7 Se])t., 1865.{,) 165—George David Cullom, b. 13 Feb., I8()9.((/) l(j6—Eber Angelo, b. 31 Mar., 1873: d. S Mar., 18^2.

    ic) 167— Pearl, b. 4 Nov., 1878; m. 19 Oct., 1898, Wm. EdwardRoss Kopf. Children :1—Alice Catherine, b. 15 Aug., 1899.2—Edna. b. 23 Dec. 1900.3—Ruth Louise, b. 25 May, 1902.4—Robert Edward, b. 16 Nov.. 1903. Lives at .Middle-

    town. Ohio, R. F. D. No. 3.


  • 68. STKPHKX CODDINOTON (son .,f dl) Stei.lu-n, 1).1787— (8) Henjainin. h. 175"') ; h. .W Nov.. \XMk at riiicinnati,()lii(). Memlirr (if I'.oard nf Ivhicatiftii nf AikUtsoii 'rowiiship.jlamiltoii Co.. (Miin, for ilin-i' U-nns. l""ariiicr, lives near Xew-lowii. ( )liio. Ivepublican. Was in the C"i\ll War as Cajit. of5tli ( ), \ . I. .\l. 26 jnlv. lSf)5. Sclina l-.dwards. b. 24 l-eh.. 18.U);«i. T' Jan.. l'K)8; dau. of S.inuK'l and Mary Ivlwards. Children:

    ((/) UwS—Liiia .Ma\. h. 12 May, ISof); ni. 6 Nov.. 1N9., 1879. I'liinarricd. Lives with

    hiT parents.

    69. JAM1

  • 76. WILLIAM CODDTNGTON (son of (U) Robert, b.1791_(8) Benjamin, b. 1750) ; b. 23 Dec, 1842. Living ( DOI)at Kxccllo, Ohio. I'lacksniith and farmer; m. 22 Dec, 1(S68,

    Sarah h:ii/al)cth WvkolT, h. 22 Fel)., 1848, dan. of Josc|>h\\'vkoff. Cliildren:


    (a) 1.S3— llenrv W.. h. 7 .Mav, 1S7U: d. l.S .Mav, l.^'/O.

    (/,) 184—Klenor Mav, b. 25 .\pr., 1S71 ; d. 3 .\lar.. ISW.(r) 185—Clarence, b. 26 Oct., 187.3.(,/) ISf^William I., b. 2 Aug., 1879: d. 12 Aug.. 18SI).

    77. I'.KNJAMIN CODDINOTON (son of (14) Robert, b.17C)1_(8) Benjamin, b. 1759); b. 13 Mar.. 1838. at Excello.

    Ohio. A ])aper maker. Bajjtist. Democrat. Lived in Rxcello,Ohio. d. 6 Ang., 1904. at I^xcello. Ohio. M. 4 June. 1863 at

    Hamilton, Ohio. Martha Jane Morris, b. 12 May. 1812, dan.

    of lames ^Tadison Morris and Snsan jane Flovd. Children:(„) 187~Klmer Morris, b. 10 Mav, 1864.(/,) 188-Milton Clifford, b. 18 lune, 1867.(,.) 189—Henrv Burt, b. 22 Feb., 1870: d. 27 .Mar., 1875.(,/) 190—Nellie Elizabeth, b. 7 Oct., 1878. Unmarried (1904).

    78. ROBKRT CODDINOTON ( .'^on of ( 14) Robert, b. 1791— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759); b. 1840. Nothing known but this;Married and had one daughter. He was a blacksmith. He diedseveral years ago. ( 1905).

    79. IC3HN CODDINOTON (son of (14) Roi)ert, b. 1791—(8) Benjamin, b. 1759).

    80. JAMES CODDINOTON (son of (14) Robert, b. 1791—(8) Benjamin, b. 1759); b. 14 Apr.. 1833. at Excello. Ohio.

    Lived at Ivxcello. Ohio. Farmer. Alethodist. Democrat, d. 3

    May, 1889, at Excello, Ohio ; m. 9 Mar., 1865, Nancv Edwards

    (sister of Selina Edwards, wife of Stephen Coddington ) b. 24

    Aug., 1845, at Newtown, Ohio ; dan. of Samuel Edwards and

    Marv Sutton. Children :'

    (a) 191—Samuel Edwards, b. 14 Jan. 1866.(h) 192—Robert Kvle, b. 12 Sept., 1869.(() 19.3—Clinton Gerard, b. 10 Dec, 1871.((/) 194—William Edward, b. 21 Apr., 1870: d. 6 Nov., 1878.(c) 195—Charles, b. 2.3 Mar.. 18^'6.

    (/) 196—Rowena Sutton, b. 10 May, 1882.

    81. DANIEL CODDINOTON (son of ( 14) Robert, b. 1791— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759); b. 13 June. 1840. at Excello, Ohio.Broker. Democrat. Methodist. Living (19(J4) at 2575 North

    Spring Aventie, St. Louis. Mo. M. 3 Sept.. 1873. Hattie Fowler,b. 12 June. 1842. at Cincinnati. Ohio. She was a widow with

    three daughters when she married Daniel Coddington. Children :(a) 197—Florence May. b. 10 Feb., 1875: m. Children:




  • (/.) 198—I.eo 1.. b. 15 Apr.. 1S77.(

  • of the United Brethren in Christ. Has been school director androad commissioner in Princeton, 111., where he lives. AI. 25

    Jan.. 1872. in Bnrean Co., 111.. Lizzie Keel. b. 27 Aw^., 1850. inPutnam Co.. Ohio; dan. of John W. Keel and Barbara Briden-banoh. Children :'to'

    (a) 210— Tames K. (initial onlv). h. 14 Sept.. 1872.(b) 211— .Minnie, b. 26 FeK, 1874; d. 10 Alav, 1877.(() 212—John W. (initial (.nlv), b. 24 lune, 1875.(d) 213—Harrv, b. 22 .\])r., 1877.(c) 214—Frank, b. 21 .-Vpr., 1879.(/) 215—Xclbe, b. 19 .Apr., 1881.{(/) 216—William, b. 31 May, 18X3.(/;) 217— Mattie, b. 5 Jnne, 18S5.( / ) 218— Lottie, b. 21 Sept., 1890.(./) 219—Uoyd, b. 21 Sei)t., 1890.

    98. HENRY CLAY CODDTNOTON (son of (18) James,b. 1798— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759); b. 14 Aug., 1850. Farmer.Republican. Lives in Bureau Co., 111.. Dover township. P. ().Princeton. 111. AI. 1 Dec, 1875, Mary Ann Pierce, dan. ..fCharles Pierce and Katherine Stein, b. 11 Nov.. 1850. Children:

    In) 220—Charles James, b. 21 Mar.. 1877.(/O 221—Emma Orelia. b. 13 Nov., 1878; d. 13 Ian., 1902.(() 222—Mabel Pearl, b. 29 Aul,^, 1881.((/) 223—Marv Lavena, b. 29 Inlv, 1884.(r) 224—Martha Lavanchie, b. 29 July. 1884.(/) 225—Warren Henrv, b. 15 Mar., 1887; d. 15 June, 1888.(//) 226—Philip Raymond, b. 10 Nov., 1889.

    101. WILLL\M JASPER CODDINGTON (son of (19)Jonathan, b. 1799; (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 23 Dec. 1838; d. 18

    May, 1863. in Andersonville Prison. Private in Co. I 93d IllinoisInfantry. Never married.

    102. JOHN WESLEY CODDINGTON (son of (19) J,,na-than, b. 1799— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 21 Apr., 1846. atSelbysport. Ind. ; d. 22 Mar.. 1904. Was a farmer and lived inPrinceton, 111. M. Rebecca Hinsdale. Children :


  • 107. RK\'. and CAPTAIN I'.M IlI'tLMICK CODniXC.-'I'OX (son of (2^») William, h. 18U5— ( 3 ) John. 1). 1777— (1)William, h. 1751 ) ; 1). 1 Jnly. l

  • 125. JOHN HARRISON CODDINOTON (son of (38)Ezra R.. b. 1809— (6) Benjamin, b. 1783— (1) Wilbam. 1).1751) ; b. 20 June, 1839; d. Apr., 1876. A carpenter and mason.M. Margaret Linton. Children:

    {a) 241—Ezra.(/)) 242—Tlieodore, d. in infancy.(f) 243—IVIarv Jane. I.ivinu


    ( 1904 ) in WincIicsttT. Kan7)Ezra R, b. 1809; (9) Benjamin, b. 1783 ; ( 1 ) William, b. 1751 ) ;b. 11 Mar.. 1842; m. July. 1863, wSally Ann Hickman. No chil-

    dren (1904). Living (1904) in White River townshi]). Kan-

    doli)h Co., Ind. Farmer and cari)enter.

    127. SAMUEL W^ASHINGTON CODDINOTON (son of(38) Ezra R., b. 1809— (6) Benjamin, b. 1783— (1) William, b.1751) : b. 18 Aug.. 1845. Lived in White River Township, Ran-

    dolph Co., Ind. Carpenter and contractor. Member of Co. O.7th Cavalry, 119th Regl, in the Civil War. d. 30 Oct., 1896; m.in 1868, Mary Jane Davenport. Children :


  • (c) 255—George, b. 23 Feb., is;3: d. 7 Mar.. 1S73.((/) 25(v—(-.race P.. b. 4 Fd).. 1.S75.( Aii^., 1S79.

    l.U. WII.IJAM C"( )ni)l xerox (son of (50) r.cnj-imin.1). 1S15: (•') William, h. 17S4; (S) I'.cn jainin. h. 175'M : 1). .^( )ct., 1S4.V Lives at I.afayc'ttf. Iiul. l'',ni,MiU'cr on R. K. Kc-

    l)ul)lican. Member of C'lnurli of C'lirist. M. C'liildnn :{(i) 25i

  • 151. FRANKLIN CODDTNOTON (son of (55) Tohn, 1).1828— (9) William, b. 1784— (8) Renjamin, h. 1759); b. 2.SAug.. 18rA al Abingdon, ill.; m. 18 Feb., 18''1, Maltic v^niiib

    154. HARRISON CODDINGTON (son of (55) |..lin. b1828; (9) William, b. 1784; (8) r.rnjamin, b. 17.S*)) ; b.V) Nov.,1888. at Abin.^doii, 111. rnmarricd ( VK)()).

    158. EDWIN CLYDE CODDINGTON (son of (57) b.na-than Price, b. 183-^— (9) William, b. 1784— (8) Benjamin, b.1759): b. 28 May, 1875. Livino- (1906) at Morrow, W arrniCo., Obio. Farmer. Presbyterian. Democrat. M. 11 Apr.,1899, Hermione Ludlum, b.


    10 Dec, 1876, at Morrow, Obio.Children :

    (a) 268—Osoar Liidltim, b. 22 Tune, 1900.(/') 269—Martlia lili/alK'th, b. 27 Nov., 19Ub

    161. WILLIAM W^ALTER CODDINGTON (son of(59) William. 1). 1838— (9) William, b. 1784— (8) Benjamin, b.1759); 1). 13 Apr., 1871. Lives (1904) in Delavan. 111. Lives( 1914) at Tonlon, 111. A carpenter and builder. M. 4 Feb.,1897, Daisy Edds, b. 24 Feb., 1873; dan. of Louis Edds andMartha . They have (1914) one child:

    (fl) 270—Ruth Avanel, b. 7 Jan., 1898.

    162. CHARLES EVERETT CODDINGTON (.sou of (.=^9)^^'illiam, b. 1838— (9) William, b. 1784— (8) Benjamin, b.1759) ; b. 21 May, 1877, at Boyutou, 111. Salesiuan. E])iscoi)a-lian. Democrat. Superintendent of Mail Order Department inChicago Store. Lives ( 1914) at 2714 W^allace St., Chicaoo. 111.M. 29 (or 19) Sept.. 1900. Catharine (or Katherine) Rabbitt, b.4 Mav, 1880 (or 1881) at Baltimore, Md. ; dau. of Thomas andMary Rabbitt. They have (1914) one child:

    ((/) 271—William flayden, b. 7 Feb., 1903, at Chicago, 111.

    165. GEORGE DAVID CULLOM CODDINGTON (sonof (66) George Warren, b. 1831— (11) Stephen, b. 17S7^{^)Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 13 Feb., 1869, at Aliddletown, Ohio.Inventor and General Mechanic. Baptist. Republican. ( SeeRecords of U. S. Patent Office). Living (1904) at Heuo. OhioM. 13 Oct., 1889. at Middletown, Ohio, Mary Fredericka Bar-bara Link, 1). 5 Feb.. 186

  • 1). 7 .\].r.. 1870: ni. IS Mar.. l')()(), I.*.].;,. l\.;,,l I'liillips. dan. of

    John 1). ami h'li/.ahclli I'liillips. Xo children (l''()4). l-'anii.r.hives lu-ar Xcw tow ii, I lamilton C'o., ( )hi().

    171. ('.I'.oKci-: w AsiiixcTox connixfvrox (son ..f(68) Stc'plu-n, 1). lS.-;(): ( 11 ) Stci)li(n. 1.. 1787; (8) licnjaniin. 1..

    175*^) ; 1). 22 Feb.. 187.\ at C\irtha.

  • 185. CT.ARF.XCK CODDINGTON (son of (76) William, b1842: ( 14) Robert, b. 1791 ; (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 26 Oct.,1873. Unmarried (1905). Lives witb bis fatber (1905) at Ex-cello, Obio.

    187. KLiMJvR MORRIS CODDINGTON (son of {77)Benjamin, b. 1838— (14) Robert, b. 1791^(8) Benjamin, b1759) ; 1). 10 Mav, 1864, Ivxcello. Obio; m. 10 Oct., 1886, ju'iaFord. Child:

    ((/) 2S2— Harry Kdward.

    188. MILTON CLIFFORD CODDINCrPOX (son of {77)P.enjamin, 1). 1838— (14) Robert, b. 1791— (8) Benjamin. I).1759): b. 18 June, 1867. Living (1905) at Excello. Obio; m.20 April. 1888. Lillian Wrcnn. No children (1904).

    191. SAMUia EDWARDS CODDINGTON (son of (80)James, b. 1833; (14) Robert, b. 1791 ; (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b.14 Jan.. 1866.

    192. ROBERT KYLE CODDINGTON (son of (80)James, b. 1833— ( 14) Robert, b. 1791— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ;b. 12 Sept.. 1868. at Excello. Obio. A bookkeeper. Methodist.Living (1904) at 444 East 3d Street. Middletown. Obio; m. 20Dec. 1894. Jennie T. Gillespie, b. 22 CJct., 1869; dan. of |ohnW. A. (Mllespie and Henrietta Wilkinson of Middletown. ( )hio.Children :

    {a) 283—Thelma, b. lU lune, 1S96.(/>) 284—Marian Leota, b. 9 Oct., 1897.(r) 285—Paul Edwards, b. 9 Mar., 1900.((/) 286—Kyle Gillespie, b. 2 Nov., 1903.

    193. CLINTON GERARD CODDINGTON (.son of (80)James, b. 1833; (14) Robert, b. 1791 ; (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) • b10 Dec, 1871.

    195. CHARLES CODDINGTON (son of (80) James, b.1833— (14) Robert, b. 1791— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) • b UMar., 1886.

    198. LEO I. CODDINGTON (son of (81) Daniel, b 1840—(14) Robert, b. 1791— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 15 Apr., 1877.

    199. ARTHUR EUGENE CODDINGTON (son of (81)Daniel, b. 18-10; ( 14) Robert, 1). 1791 ; (8) Benjamin b 17S9) h11 Oct., 1880;m. Jmie, 1904.


  • 200. niI-:STl':K KOIUvKT CODDIXCTDX (sen ..f (SI)Daniel. 1). 1840; (H) Kohcrl. 1.. 17'M : iSi r.-iijaiiiin. 1.. 175'' i;!.,10 Jan.. 188.V

    201. F.lvXI \.MI.\ I'K.WKLIX C"( >l )I)| XC.TOX (son cf(Sn Wu). AKxaiKln. 1). 1821— (16) Joseph. 1). 17'.>4— (8) Kui-janiin. 1). 175'') ; h. 17 ( )rt.. 1850; .1. f') |;m.. l')02- in. Sarah .\.

    Tcets. Children :

    ((J) 2S7— Milt.-ii r.rucc.(/>) 2f-8— I.aura I'.lanch.

    ((•) 21-9—Jdlin Calvin.

    202. WM.UA.M ij'.]': CODDIXCTOX (son of (81) Wni.Alexan'.. wlu-re he is a dealer in

    building stone. Xo children (190+).

    206. Alb'.LXlLLh: CODDIXCTOX (son of (89) Jonathan,b. 1830— (10) b)-e])h. b. 1794— (8) Benjamin, b. 175*'); b. 10Oct., 1859; m. 6 Oct., 1879.

    209. W.M/ri'.k CODDLXCTOX (son of (89) Jonathan. 1).18.^0— (16) Jo.seph. b. 1794— (8) Benjamin, b. 17.S9); h. UOct.. 1868.

    210. L\Alb:S K. CODDLXC/roX (son of (96) James liar-vev, I). 1847— (18) lame.-, b. 1708— (8) llenjamin. b. 175

  • 213. HARRY CODDTNGTON (son of (96) James Harvev,1). 1847— (18) James, b. 1798— (8) Benjamin, b" 1759); b. 22Apr.. 1877. Livins: (1904) in Dover 'fownsbip, Bureau Co., 111.V. ( ). Princeton, ill.

    214. FI^VNK CODDINOTON (son of (96) James Harvev.b. 1847— (18) James, b. 1798— (8) P.enjamin. b' 175')); b. 21Apr.. 1879. Living (1904) in Dover Townslii]). Bureau Co.,111. P. ('). Princeton, 111.

    216. WILLI.\M CODDlNCrrON (.son of (96) James Har-vey, b. 1847— (18) James, b. 1798— (8) Benjamin", b. 175«));b. 31 Alav, 1883. Living (1904) in Dover Townsbip. LUnvauCo.. 111. P. O. Princeton. 111.

    219. LLOYD CODDINCTON ("son of (96) James Harvey,1). 18-17— (18) James, b. 17Q8— (8) Benjamin. Ix 17.50); 1,. 21vSei)t.. 1890. Livinq- (1904) in Dover Townsbip, Bureau Co., 111.P. O. Princeton, 111.

    220. CHARLES lAMES . CODDINCxTON (son of (08)Henrv Clav. b. 1850— (18) lames, b. 1798— (8) Benjamin, b.1759); b. "21 Mar., 1877. Living (1904) in Dover Townsbip.P)iu-eau Co.. 111. P. O. Princeton, 111.

    226. PHILIP RAYMOND CODDINCxTON (son of (98)Henrv Clav, b. 1850— ( 18) James, b. 1798— (8) Benjamin, b.1759); b. 10 Nov., 1889.

    227. WILLIAM NATHAN CODDlNCVfON (.son of (102)Jobn W^esley, b. 184^(19) Jonathan, b. 1799— (8) Benjamin.h. 1759). Living (1904) at Princeton, 111.

    229. FRANK CODDINGTON (.son of (102) John Weslev,b. 1846)— (19) Jonathan, b. 1799— (8) Benjamin, h. 1759).

    230. FRANK J. CODDTNGTON (son of (101) Asa Frv,b. 1849— (19) Jonathan, b. 1799— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759); b.1 Dec, 1874, at Princeton, 111. Living (1904) at Svracnse. Neb.A farmer. M. 25 Oct., 1899, at Walnut, Iowa, Marv Menefec,b. 18 Nov., 1872, at Millcrsburg, 111.; dan. of John and Jane G.Menefec. No cliildren in 1904.

    231. HERMAN ARTHUR CODDINCrPON (son of (lOhAsa Frv. b. 1849— (19) lonathan. b. 1799— (8) Benjamin, b.1759);]). 16 Mar., 1876. "A farmer, living (1

  • Andevson, 1). 1^' \iir.. 1SS2; (l.iu. of [esse and Anna Andcrscjn.X.) children in T'OI. .

    2.VV C'U\T()i\ C.kAllAAl C'()I)|)|.\(;'r()N (son (.f (l(ir»]

  • 250. CTTART.KS CODDTNOTON (son of (134) Williamb. 1843— (50) Benjamin, b. 1815— (9) William, b. 178-k-(8)Benjamin, b. 1759).

    264. R.W F. CODDTNOTON (son of (141) WilliamKllerv. b. 1845— (51) Samnel. b. 1818— (9) William, b. 1784—(8) I'.cnjann'n. b. 1759).

    267. SAMUKL SOMKRBY CODDTNOTON (son of ( 146)George Emerson, b. 186r^-(51) Sanmel. b. 1818— (9) William,b. 1784— (8) B>enjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 13 jnly. 1895.

    268. OSCAR LUDLUAT CODDTNOTON (son of (158)Edwin Clyde, b. 1875— (57) Jonathan Price, b. 1834— (9) Wil-liam, b. 178-1— (8) Benjannn, b. 1759) ; b. 22 June, 19()(J.

    271. WILLIAM HAVDEN CODDTNOTON (son of (162)Charles Everett, b. 1877— (59) William, b. 1838— (9) William,b. 1784— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 7 Feb., 1903, at Chicago, 111.

    273. EARL LINK CODDTNOTON (son of (165) OeorgeDavid Cnllom. b. 1869— (66) Oeorge Warren, b. 1831— (11)Stephen, b. 1787— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 16 Mar., 1894, atHeno, Ohio.

    276. FRANTv CODDTNOTON (son of (177) ErastusLeroy, b. \85C^-{70) Nelson— (12) David, b. 1788— (8) Benja-min, b. 1759) ; b. 1 Oct., 1883.

    280. CHARLES BROWN CODDTNOTON (son of (181)Charles C^xraham, 1). 1859— (72) Robert Wilson, b. 1821— (12)T)avid. b. 1788— (8) P.enjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 29 jnne, 1893. atCincinnati, Ohio.

    281. ASA BUSHNELL CODDTNOTON (son of (181)Charles Oraham. b. 1859— (72) Robert Wilson, b. 182-1— (12)David. 1). 1788— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 1 Jnne. 1895. atCincinnati. Ohio.

    282. HARRY EDWARD CODDTNOTON (son of (187)Elmer Morris, b. 1861— (77) Benjamin, b. 1838— ( 14) Robert,b. 1791— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759).

    285. PAUL EDWARDS CODDINO.TON (son of (102)Robert Kvle. b. 1868— (80) |ames. b. 1833— (14) Robert, b.1791— (8) Benjamin, b. 1759) ; b. 9 Mar., 1900.


  • 286. KVI.l- ('.ll.l,i:sril': CODDIXr/l'OX (son of (14

    — (8) r.cnjainin, 1.. 175*>).280. jolIX CAIA IX CODDIXOTOX (son of (201) I'.cn-

    janiin l-ranklin. I). 1850— (84) William Alexander, h. 1824—(16) josei)h. 1). 1704

    — (8) r.cnjamin, 1). 1759).2*'0. Kl-.l'.L WlvXHlU. C()l)l)IX(VroX (son of (210)

    James K., h. 1872— (06) lames Harvev, 1). 1847— ( 18) James, b.1798_(8) Benjamin, h. 1750) ; h. 8 Inlv. 1004.


  • AlATTl'K ( )l-* Kl'X'oUl) — JL'L\' 24'i"Ii. I'MO

    !Mv grandfather. Rciijaniin Coddington, was born in the Stateof New Jersey, Nov. lUth. 1759. He enlisted in Capt. ( )gden'sConipanx tirst Xew jersey Regiment during the KevohiiionaryWar. was wounded in liie ankle at the battle of Trc-nton. wbichwound never permanently bealed. wbich caused him to be a

    ':ripi)le as long as be lived. He married my grandmother(Annar Crane) in ( )ctober. 1782. Three or four years later he

    emigrated to Alleghany County. Maryland, where a family ofsixteen cbildri'U were Ijorn. (with the excei)tion of the oldest,William, who was born before leaxing Xew Jersey). Aly grand-father died November lUtb, 1834. 1 think my grandmotherabout two years later.

    My father. William Coddington, was born in the State of XewJersey, April 26th. 1784, and about two years later, with his

    parents, emigrated to Alleghany County, Maryland, where he

    grew to manhood. Some time in later ])art of 1807 he marriedXaomi Irvin. who lived just over the State line in Penna. Inthe early Spring of 1808, they emigrated by flatboat down theMonongahela and ( )hio Rivers, landing at Cincinnati (then a

    village of a few log houses). The later part of April, 1808,

    being of an agricultural mind, he went up the Big Miami Riverto where the thriving City of Middletown (then an unbroken

    wilderness) now stands and entered 160 acres of governmentland. He, in the next fom- years cleared and got in cultivatirmabout 60 acres. 1 failed to mention the first thing done ;ifier

    entering the land was to build a round log cabin 16 x 24 ft., withthe help of a few neighbors (the nearest living tue miles away),'["he house was coni])leted in three da\s. He got about fouracres in corn that year and that, with the wild game ( which was

    plentiful) constituted the living for the next \ear. Din-ing the

    next five \ears three children were born, namely, sisters Annar,

    Mary and .Sarah. In September of 1815. mv father was com-pelled to go in the army. He served under Cen. W. H. 11. Harri-son. Colonel b'inelv's Regt., the regiment w;is nni>^tered in to

    service at l'"oit Jefferson (now Dayton, nbio). and made a cam-

    jiaign in the north j)art of the State to hold the Indians in check.

    Thev had ;i slight skirnn'sh with them on the M.aurnee river nearold Fort Defiance. When we consider the difficulties the men


  • underwent in serving their country at that tiiue, we should feel])roud of the memories of such men. My father (and he wasonly one of many) left his family of wife and three small chil-dren, their nearest neighhor heing live miles distant. It tookstout hearts to undergo these trials. And when we behold thesplendid civilization that has followed, we shoidd feel gratefulto a divine providence for giving us such fathers and mothers.In al)out the year 1820, my father sold his claim in I'.urlerCounty, and bought a similar claim and moved over into W arrrnC'ouiUy. llis land consisted of 160 acres where the town of1 lopkinsville now stands. He cleared off 80 acres of this farm,and in a few years he sold again and bought in the same coitntynear a siuall village called Rossburg. In 1828 his wife died,

    leaving him with a family of ten children. In about two yearshe married again, his second wife being Ann Smith of Clear-mont County, Ohio. In a little over a year she died, leaving ababe but a few days old, who afterwards became the wife ofJeff'erson Ireland, wdio at that time lived in Shell)y Countv,

    Indiana, but afterwards moved to Roynton Townshii), Taxe-well County, Illinois, in 1831, my father married a third time,his wife being Nancy Price, and the mother of the writer ofthis sketch. Three children were horn to this union, namelyJonathan, Ruth and myself, making in all thirteen children.

    My father died, Nov. 11, 1861, while my mother died January25th, 1877. And now, before closing this ketch, I wish to sayof my father, he was a man of mild disposition and in all myrecollection, he never had a controversy with any one, alwaysadvocated peace. My mother was a grand, good wotuan. not(piite as mild disposition as my father, l)iU a loving and loveal)lemother. My father and luother both died in the faith of theBaptist Chiuxh and now as I aiu api)roaching the shades of theevening of life, I fondly cherish the memory of mv father andmother and expect to lueet them in better land.

    July 26th, 1910. (Signed) William Coddington.


    William Coddington, Jr., born Nov. 1. 1838, and his first wife.Minerva E. Keeling, was born h'eb. 10, 1845, and died Jan. 28,1^^03. They were married Sept. 10, 1865. The said William

    Coddington, Jr., was the son of William Coddington, Sr.. whowas born April 26, 1784, and died Nov. 11, 1861, and his thirdwife, Nancv I'rice, who was born vSept. 10. 17%, and died Jan.21, 1877, and was married Feb. 7. 1833.The said William Coddington. Sr., was the son of lienjamin

    Coddington. who was born Nov. 10. 1759, and died Nov. 10.1834. and his Jirst wife Annar Crane was born June 10. 1763,and died ahout 1836, and was married about 1783. And he, the


  • said l^x'ii jainin (."(Hldiiii^non. is iln- ancestor who assisted in estab-lishinsj^ American independence while actintj in the capacity ofI'rivate—Captain ( ),

  • IN TESTIMOXY WI lERI-OF, 1 have hereunto sotmy hand, and affixed the seal of the Court of Common Pleas, at Lebanon,the 27th day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun-dred & thirtv-three.

    (Signed) L K. Wild,

    (SEAL) Clerk.



    O soul, with thy yearning, thine iniinite longing.That crieth for peace and no peace enters in ;

    Surrender thyself to the Saviour who loves thee,have faith, only faith, and forget all thy sin.

    "Fear not, 1 am with thee, my grace is sufficient,My peace passeth knowledge ; child, give me thy hand.'

    No thought for the morrow shall trouble thy bosom,ThdUgh famine and pestilence stalk through the land.

    Make thyself as a child, and a great revelationShall till thee and thrill thee with gleams from above.

    And fear shall depart from thy uttermost borders.And thy life shall be tilled with the sunshine of love.

    Cease troubling thyself; let thy Master control thee;He knoweth thy frame and he sees it is weak;

    He'll strengthen thy spirit, he'll carry thy burdens,And load thee with blessings because thou art meek.

    No more shalt thou weep, with thy harp on the willow,An exile from heaven, a captive to sin ;

    But joyful, exulting in (^lod's blessed freedom.And yearning to bring all the world unto him.

    Hoboken, N. J.


  • N () T K SON

    a:\if.ric.\x lixf.s hi- tiik coDDixirrox i-amily

    Calaloi;uc of nanus of llic I'lrst Turilan sclllcrs of ihc Colonv cjfConnecticut, by l\. II. 1 Unman, ])ul). Hartford, 1846:

    .Mc'iUiun is niadi.' of Joliii L'aniii.tiion, date of arrival ](A4.

    Tlu- Mayflower Descendant:Voi. 1, .\o. 4, Oct. l.syy, v. 217-8, riymouth Colony Deeds; i)ul). byMas.s. Society of Mayllower Descendants.

    .Mr. Cuddinyton ( Coddinjiton ) mentioned under date of 1M9.

    See American Ancestr\-:\'oi. vn. p. U3.\Vol. I.\. p. 1.^1.

    See Xew Ivngland llislorical and ( icnealogical Kei^ister:Vol. 28, p. 13.

    John Coddington married Camilla Skinner, Aug. 31. 1819:Records of the Reformed Cliurcli in Uergen, .\. J., ])uhlislied inLanfl Titles in llndson Co., .\'. }., hy \\ inlield.

    In vSavage's Cienealogical Dictionary of Xew Kngland mentionis made of:

    Josepii Coddintiton, living in i'.ltjck Island, R. I., in U>S4. -Xothingfurther is known of liim.

    Inscriptions on Tombstones in W'oodbridge.These are found in—.MSS Found in X. J. Historical .\ssn Rooms.Xewark, X. J. "Inscriptions of dates prior to 1X()() transcribed forthe X. I. Mist. Soc. from tlie Cemeteries of Woodbrid.a;e and Piscat-

    a\vay,""by W. A. Whitehead, 1849.John Coddington, died Dec. 16, 1801, aged 36.

    "In the llower and prime of my dayliad m\ life suddenly taken away."

    Lula, died .Xug. 3, 1797, aged 17.

    ]\Iary, dau. of Robert and Peggy, died 1796, aged 16 days.Robert, died January 20, 1782, a.ged 21.

    Woodbridge Town Record (Original) 1668-1708. p. 4

  • Newark (AISS) Records, vol. 2:Merely mention of Sarah Cordrington, witness of deed. Slie makesher mark.

    John Coddington. Master of sloo]) vSpeedwell, 1756:Mention is made in MS. in X. J. Hist. Assn. Rooms.

    MSS., vol. \il, No. 19.

    MS—Extracts from W^oodhridge Register. Births, Deaths andMarriages as far as they c'd be deciphered :


    Codrington, John, John and llannah (or Annali), Xov. S, 1677.

    Codrington, Benj.. "Sept. 8, KxSO.

    Codrington, Sarah, Mar. 25, 1687.

    Codrington, Joseph, Ma. 22, 1689.Codington, Anna, Benj. and Mary, May 6, 1705.Codington, .Margt. l^enj. and Mary, May 4, 170^i.Codington, John, Benj. and Marv, Mar. 25, 1707( ").Codington, Richd, Jolin and Elizth, May 27, 170S.


    Coddington, folin, to Mary White, Mav 1, 1691.DEATH

    Coddington, Anna, wife to John, Sept. 20, 1690.

    History of Union and Middlesex Co.'s, N. J.P. 594 :

    Jnstices of peace (list) Piscatawav.Archibald I. Coddington, 1880.


    P. 605 :Robert Gilchrist mentioned in list of settlers of Perth Amboy.Came with others in ship, "Henry and Francis", of Xcwcastle, whichleft Leith, 5 Sept., 1685.

    P. 637 :Lieut. W. R. Coddington, 1861-74, mentioned as having been con-nected with the customs as Deputy Collector at Perth Amboy.And also from March, 1874, to March, 1875, he was Collector at thePort of Perth xAmboy.

    Codington County in South Dakota, U. S. A., was named inhonor of the Rev. George Spencer Codington, who was a mem-ber of the territorial legislature at the time of the organizationof the county.

    See tlie Journal of the proceedings of the legislature of 1877.

    Cut from N. Y. World, Jan. 10. 1887: