Lyric analysis big quan always on my mind

Introduction Yo (laugh) this your boy Big Quan You already know man This to that special one I know, you feel me That special one I used to be with This for you girl I got you, you know how I mean Liverpool artiest family entertainment ent baababyy Verse 1 Maybe I’m trippin, maybe I’m just slippin, or maybe I’m jonzing ina funny sense Shorty... We took a six day seven night ocean cruise trip Come on baby see inside its up the palm trees , see insiders of the sun, seeing signs of you smiling girl, You really had me yo going girl I thought I was your man I thought I was your main boogie Man you switched up on me, How you gonna leave me for the next nigger man And have me jonzing in a funny sense But nar man this is my song to let you know I didn’t lose my mojo I’m doing everything that we did, but better ina funny sense With the next brard, and this is my song To let you know that I really really think about you yo Chorus Always on my mind And still in my heart You’re always on my mind In the introduction to the song the artist dedicates it to the girl whereby he says “That special one I used to be with, this for you girl”. This shows that she really meant a lot to him. Translating this part of the lyrics into a visual, I can imagine him (person playing Big Quan) having a flashback of him and his ex-girlfriend in a plac e that they used to go together, for e.g. him and his ex-girlfriend chilling together at his house, playing xbox, laughing and him being in the room rapping to the audience. “Maybe I’m trippin, maybe I’m just slippin” at this point he is thinking to himself and trying to get his head around them not being together any more. The visual to this lyrical content could be him walking through a shopping centre rapping and using hand jesters to illustrate the lyrics. This could then be followed by a green screen of pictures in the background of them together. “Smiling girl” could be shown in a high key lighting shot of her smiling then giving him a kiss. The use of the lighting could display that they are happy together. “I thought I was you man” could be shown through a flashback of them having a good time which then turns into another shot of her walking with her bags and getting into the new guys car - while the new guy is sitting on the car bonnet waiting for her. These two shots could be shown through a transition such as a fade or crumble of the screen. “To let you know that I really really think about

Transcript of Lyric analysis big quan always on my mind

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IntroductionYo (laugh) this your boy Big Quan You already know

man This to that special one I know, you feel me

That special one I used to be withThis for you girl

I got you, you know how I mean Liverpool artiest family entertainment ent baababyy

Verse 1Maybe I’m trippin, maybe I’m just slippin, or maybe

I’m jonzing ina funny sense Shorty... We took a six day seven night ocean cruise

trip Come on baby see inside its up the palm trees ,

see insiders of the sun, seeing signs of you smiling girl,You really had me yo going girl

I thought I was your manI thought I was your main boogie

Man you switched up on me, How you gonna leave me for the next nigger man

And have me jonzing in a funny sense But nar man this is my song to let you know I didn’t

lose my mojo I’m doing everything that we did, but better ina

funny sense With the next brard, and this is my song

To let you know that I really really think about you yo

Chorus Always on my mind And still in my heart

You’re always on my mind Although we are apart

Your always, your always Always onnnn my mind

Baby (always on my mind)

In the introduction to the song the artist dedicates it to the girl whereby he says “That special one I used to be with, this for you girl”. This shows that she really meant a lot to him. Translating this part of the lyrics into a visual, I can imagine him (person playing Big Quan) having a flashback of him and his ex-girlfriend in a plac e that they used to go together, for e.g. him and his ex-girlfriend chilling together at his house, playing xbox, laughing and him being in the room rapping to the audience.

“Maybe I’m trippin, maybe I’m just slippin” at this point he is thinking to himself and trying to get his head around them not being together any more. The visual to this lyrical content could be him walking through a shopping centre rapping and using hand jesters to illustrate the lyrics. This could then be followed by a green screen of pictures in the background of them together. “Smiling girl” could be shown in a high key lighting shot of her smiling then giving him a kiss. The use of the lighting could display that they are happy together.

“I thought I was you man” could be shown through a flashback of them having a good time which then turns into another shot of her walking with her bags and getting into the new guys car - while the new guy is sitting on the car bonnet waiting for her. These two shots could be shown through a transition such as a fade or crumble of the screen.

“To let you know that I really really think about you yo” could be demonstrated by him looking at pictures of them together in a bed room to show that he is dwelling on the past.

“Always on my mind And still in my heart You’re always on my mind” is the first half of the chorus which connotes that he can’t stop thinking about her. The visual to this part can be of what they used to do together shown through a flash back in fast pace, portraying all the good times.

“Always onnnn my mind” can be shown once again by him

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Verse 2Pain is pleasure and pleasure is pain

So when you ask yourself do you all think it’s the same

Nar man it aint the same That word comfort got me all messed up in the

game Yo, I was there for this chick more than her own

bloodI sware to god man someone to hold

Someone to talk to, someone to encourage Someone to be there when you need that extra


But you must didn’t appreciate it So I guess I was just waisting intensity

Or just wasting my life line To even be ina relationship with you girl

But look man, its besides that point I aint worried bout you

This aint a dis song this aint a love song This is a song to let you understand that I’m re

birthed and I don’t need you no more girl

Chorus Always on my mind And still in my heart

You’re always on my mind Although we are apart

Your always, your always Always onnnn my mind

Baby the reason why I know I can’t forget your face Coz everywhere I go I see you every place

Your always your

To summarise the lyrics to this song always on my mind by Big Quan, it is a narrative structure telling

“Although we are apart” although they are apart he still thinks about her this visual to this is flash backs of when she left him

“Always onnnn my mind” can be shown once again by him looking through pictures of them together in his room.

Second verse “Pain is pleasure and pleasure is pain” up to “Nar man it aint the same” will be him walking alone in the shopping centre rapping.

The next part of the lyrics will be him looking back on the time he took her out to a restaurant.

That flash back then smashes (transition) as he goes into the next part of the second verse “But you must didn’t appreciate it”. “It’s besides that point” and to the end of that verse, he is shown in his room putting all the things she bought him in the bin.

Back to the chorus is shown through pictures of them all over the screen and with her driving off in the car with the new guy.

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the listeners a story about him and his ex-girlfriend. He dedicates the song to her form the very beginning “This to that special one I know, you feel me That special one I used to be with, this for you girl”. Throughout the song he is reminiscing on the good times that they had together “We took a six day seven night ocean cruise trip”. He then moves on to how she became his ex-girlfriend by rapping about he can’t believe she left him for another guy, “How you gonna leave me for the next nigger”. The chorus then goes saying “Always on my mind” etc. basically letting her know that despite her leaving him for someone else she’s always on his mind. The next verse he is thinking back to what he done for her, how he was always there, “I was there for this chick more than her own blood” and thinks that this relationship was a waist of his time. He then moves onto the point of this song, and that is that “This is a song to let you understand that I’m re birthed and I don’t need you no more girl”.

Throughout the song the lyrics are represented through the meis- en- scene and the codes and conventions of this genre. The codes and conventions that conform to the R&B and Hip Hop genre in this music video are the use of props such as, expensive car, money and designer clothes. Not only are there elements that conform, there are also some codes and conventions that subvert to the expectations of this genre. One of them is the female costume. The main female in our music video subverts to what the audience would expect her to ware in this genre. Her costume is classy and appeals to male and female a target audience ages 18-21. Whereas the codes and conventions the audience would expect her to wear would be something revealing and appealing to the male audience. We decided to portray this image because it wouldn’t show much relevance to the narrative of the song. Her costumes fit the location she will be in, as we will be filming in London at the moment we are in winter that is why as part of her costume she is wearing a jacket and scarf. All the characters that are mentioned in the song eg “This to that special one I know” and “next nigger” are included in the video to help tell portray the narrative. At the beginning of the track the artist introduces himself by saying “this your boy Big Quan” at this point the character Big Quan will be on the screen rapping on a green screen with pictures of that special girl to show the audience who he is talking about. The new boyfriend will be introduced to the audience when Big Quan raps “Man you switched up on me, How you gonna leave me for the next nigger man” another part of the song that indicates the lyrics is when he says “I was there for this chick more than her own blood” at this point he will see a flash back of the two of them in a restaurant. A particular prop that will be used to indicate the lyrics will be pictures of the two of them and Big Quan will be ripping them up on the last verse to show that he doesn’t need her anymore and he is re born.

The choice of language shows that the target audience is young. This is shown through colloquial language. “yo” is the first word that is said this straight away lets the audience know that it is aimed at a young audience

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and that is the way to say hello in certain areas and age groups. On the track Big Quan sounds America to me; he uses colloquial words that I am not familiar with as I am not from his country/area. Eg jonzing, boogie, mojo.

The artist is young so that would straight away indicate that his target audience is around the same age group. There are a few genre specific terminologies used in the song such as referring to the girl as shorty and calling her girl rather than her name. This is commonly used in this genre of music.