· PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe....

^ ^ e m g i g i ; WV.A-CT10 t.u tf l.n >: U .A a iiW M *M l ■ •* ml— ,ui'i,t.'v«l Ljr.’& ^fV - :*•!’i •!'.'' '.V*?'.* /;u?/.y r .>%¥*.'!•'■?: •1 i':‘•V^V.r^‘; v l ■niMi'.'i ............. / V o R ic «^ ffij^ w > *?i^B^Kd1 ,'« «Sr«! Main ,Bt., ^TOBT^ABa, H.^w Jtry7' '- » •:^nj«iEii6 Hfl': Aini); teM 'AT-i.AW." ' 'gft :■& .nJahttrE. Lanalo* ■t / tr.Ohsrtes.p. Dorrsnoe.- rrtf.w M T .w tvtfn;i ' Sfo4vr**MOWfmai.:: :-i '•-. |£|j| *W.t4 .w;J I^^^^MTOABBOOTmBBtO^iSSilr, ,~ P Wall Gtaaet |r;V *,jW «>|»)B’ W «“*-* V' " '• “■ - “ W ^m apSTaiciA ^ Alnrin^ttRON.! G / pmtErr ,v -1 - '■ .iS iS ffis s e s s s ffiM -. j linrmyi.I ;,i bVii; Ip; Al! ftt& tif carpenter 'wSriJitolS!'with ’<eitn&sl and Sdlip»tehV'^BUIIlDIN,G8.KAlSED'* HOVED. Job- blngprpjnptty att«ndedto. - ' ^A'tlieMVr^'SV'Oor/Bo'areix'ATrA Emory St..' ‘1 •; ;;-i •“:• • » j S * * i r B i ' p a b k . n . j r . : :•;■;•<• ';.’ ,-ir.iT1'' r V '’ " '"■<-•■ '■•'--' r; ...1 .*h? '.•a-.ir.VitQLAKBNOB OONOTEB, .,, Aouciro^^rSABT^iN^tocEKr. O * ce,2d atory ‘Po«V O pc6B oildi ng.FjutKaoto;N 4 J j . » j w m ' ' *'■>. HAM ^ouorroit'ANB. i tSuirr>PobUfl'iiBa;‘ •.*l,Nf*,To*k-' SC 53T £ 4 ®, “EKXN , iorierioi»DeedavfoT-toe, .• 0 BaT.iaT, ARCHITECTAND ’BUILDER, OCEAS 6HOVE 1»D 19BCBT PABK “ 1 ‘ Cootncta tiilcm.- Plana arid Bp«aflc*tIonii FumkhpdAnd Bi*■ ’^ timateamad* Be*«ldp<*>«**•♦a fijacitlty. ;'.r - ' - * !* :^i v' vA, jfi BROWN. t i i -2 it Si&i Plan* and specif! |^Ion*dr«wnst-theshorteit notlce.- .Alio eottagea to-rent: ' I'/'’ . '"'•.'' •’ ’ -1 Residence, 420 A»bu»y Av»„ A S B U K Y E A R K . K .J rfl«_.partIcnlar.JtWntlnnao..aU:oMbe.Tariona -■\ OwncM, t o * - of ltiTn»o» At. abo £ho*tiSi.,-' " ,' ., ; , Arturr-.PlurK-N. I. .; - • . -- ■ 1 '?;*|;b:jhs^tbkm 3 ?;; ; i ■ jSlfflQTiltl’^P■ ' AVbi fcntod withon '■~ " ' «Mn'ai.VK wyftfti* . < ’ . 1 ATOURY.PABg, W/.J. •BUSI^P^qAS/QS, 5r.rrHEODOBK B. WOOUJBT, 1 Pil ’f .; 'vf r.v-f • ; > / libD^Btairani,>;'.:v.; >.- HDf> 8 HEBT^IBOK^^WABB,j M - ■ .. !^' 1 X8Bt»r1PABK£-W- ZiMntDV*&& "A.)1jn iu .in!a:nT>rn?^r - AtJ (>*•A U M O G ^1 Proptletor-. - *Ti - - !!??*■ V*> '''^WiVvik'unrraH ii't b a if d o o m' . ' ~1V .• mm£ _______________ ocaiAa^gjtoyZr ^*xjildteia' { • ! ' Aibrrrr r ^ t k ;dtid c Occan Grove,; p that'We' riatf bull d'feottagei'bfevery.. ir-s?y. i :-,:.y<i^.y-t :»jif . j p i:. ^ N N E T T f; - i %\ Practical 'House . Pamterj ti'W H IIF IE I3 AV.i COBJ KEOK AT., * 1 , , ^ \ ‘ ’ cl IOOBAN OKOVB, N. j . 1 ThoiBtoim to" Wnstllngton '"W Vdiy eeVorO, ttyer- flowliigiUioowtkaiuia'OwelUng^the-riVor. i fflli' patolirion^ucfibyiMjra^.Xhe oogfnes off thiiflre department ira engined-t»d»y -^n pumping roiit dkinaRebythB'ntoimW^prinoIp^jcbiinnea.'to loMhtieB^airdi^gttiBHyerfiroiiVljotli’mtbWofty: iwdQo<^getoW .;)The;l()aa'ofipr<>perty,to;Vci 7 '«£v vJdmeB ‘OooUbtorn,'1 an «mployd ofthe D«Ia\nue, Laclsaviranna and ..Western Kallrbadt waa killed by filling ^throMh .ihe treatlo work of tho ootyl dooka at JetaV City, oa Banday lilxht. . .tween RamBgate and Deal, and inanyiiYCs tire te- amcf.. |! ^ttheiireportd«"onrtwit'at;Conktantlnople''that MnkbUr bas abmdonod Ertemm. r.Tbo Inaocarity 'of bii pealtiojklends probability to, the etatement i AVtufaor U UkiiwUa onrrint, that lOsm'an'-; bad int M i'w iy bufrojf PleVnai'' 8itw.Ia;W ^M g>eiiUke' ■jmenaareBpbeing eyidonlly;«ager:to ' aid. In the fix-; necUd.-captnrptf ths tl«7o«. anny. ..Tfhe ^Rtia- Jiuiaadmittbat. tho.Csucaalan rovdlt-lsapreadiiig. ..■v v ^ V.r,-<FWVIH;|I IV '| i « a :. 'u '' ' » '. .RBIJGlOUS'SimMABT.. i *V K ^ M O I^ T H & CO., 'DeaJenilB.11 , a Jito Eto. ■ •; •- _t :; ASVi, " VJIext?acor,i»TortOfflc^v- ..... < A8BOBT PARK N. J. WARKEN-BROWN, - 6Uli.DEBi ^^(Mf.jUwnnMA*eini«;:MirMahiOBntnii«e, ■ W S tl$ V ■'' BaUdiSg* mliwd iftd ^ owd.wltb-cAra «ild; pjronjptnt» . ' ^ io I Aitittry BonaUip,’B ^ > :Wina Spader,. E»q., B^eegle, A , H.-WyokoU, E>q;,Ocean Oroyei 'fleome Ejjuu.Eaq^-Bhllail’Bi- .V1T H( ■■ .f’lM 'f > rT^'T" ■~^nrrryifyj<>-uiu* £ AND 0OSA» GBOTB ■ janriBKrjST^iMi •.HtniM/Aoariedi.by, tha A y , .week, on'oonth. Oar '"rlig w and harntMk^t,to perfect erten; "• V jt MyirBn»maiO»e»,all iralni.,; iJVelghtaadkaggage - fifcifpdai.thatwe Iwwiwrflteolt-.el »*! . . __ ^ . . —r ' 11 ' '-• /' —-rrO VrM ( « ^ " \ m m §, Plows, CtkUura,, SiiJT«l>,.; Spid(i,i Borki.^Booepjf •T»iG ^ tnB ato«i:-'Wiinelbarir.OTrii,Etc., Kto. •'The' New Tertiey 'Anndil 6oSferenoe will bold ita an oU w eii ba'itB'^TjStniie#j a id fu j flow* ia anffldent to( p » y a ll Uie chn^0b’B « f l p e i ) B 0 B . i j , ' !v'/.-T; -;,.v'V /fbe oldo«t Christian chtiroh in' the world la said io be one in Aigerlai la the pavement- of whioh ia a atone with the ,inBqripftoj^, atating. t o t jt^w a* baiit in the yeaT'SSS*' w^y'y"-■>^ v - . 'j. ed a reaolntion tlia t^ t^ ^ ^ o t intoxicating drinks' aa a bereragi’ia;tinffio[ent cau8e,fbr preforringa fprmal^harg^Mainat a clergyman; •-. iP>Vl-: v:| annbunoed. t<> be b<Ul.iQ S t1Mathiw’a. Ohuroh, Pbiiadeiphia,, December 27. -Ail./LntlioisiiB, of W bater« ay4ddi(»l oonneotion,' ari), iQTited to- taker irn ja sau s'B^moa oi some ox cne auiesc pxeaoQ- era . of tho Episoopai . ohtlroh. The oongregatibn haaiteadily.grown, . - •?. fEeported ejrereMlrtor.theiAabnrtP a rt JomrHAr.1 BCAI«. BSTATB CONVEYANCES. MONMOUTH COttSTY; _;/ j L ilt of 'Ccnrrreyanc<!>, Monmonth Connty Clerk’s Office, for wtok ^ d ljjg Norcmbox 24th, 18r - A I i iMmMn^iatK: — _ -... Jamea k,. Bradley and<wife to laaao O. :K«i lot l7o. 1,18V at Aaotu ___ Nanoy Mount to Fxariklin A Mormt^Jot or tract of land near Aabhry'Park;} oonaideration, $1,600. . V\-'^ ; iy'y :, ' Tbo Ooean Bdiob Aiuootaiioti to Anna E Wyokoff—' ot rro.ljWOfttiOoeaaB«aoh J:oonaideratloii;f2tt5. Eara A* Oibo^n wid^ wifo to jowpii T„ Osborn- ' farm mtoWaihipi ofMIdcUetoim aideratloni |8,0Wi( rHoImdel; con-‘ ... ’«7—» v* •■ Henry Qreen^nd/wtfe to _ fitXioDg Branoh; oonaiderationt.f3,*«w. ,...., . ..... ^Qeorg« 3 Hi Green *»( a^ a^bi»t«tcr8. etc., to Benjainin B-. Hwo^rrlolS in townahip of,: Ooean ; obn- lidwatibnVtw.. ; ' . >. ‘ '.y-./-': *• George 0.' Mnrray«nd wife to Ma^y. HeartneddyT- jpne^aore lniternuhip df Middletown { oonaideration, -^Heniy-W rJbtotea^ '<j- to ‘Simon- Win' Wiokl»fe| lota at Matawan; oonaideration, #400, . ' Jamea Matth ewa and iwifoi-o Alll»on Bt Preston^-.: 10 apreaof land m townahipa of Freehold and Howell; oonaideratibnf^:$887iCO ■“ % ■•■ » Oeonge,W£uBro*n,viheriif, to Mary ^'W Ud—lot in .towcAivpotShroirabnry. eold ai property of John L.. *•• i& Ijeojanslri' Brown vand- »iio to, Hyaointhe Joaeph I^mAT.chew-Jpt. jof Und'in. towpihip of Middletown r iSSESKte ■■ ' t Lanra Fi'MfctaDn and hnaband.to Hyaointhe Joi - Phbbe! atad^ototratonLyto Jnlii >£'i Wocdward^S lottat TJ «?W 'baftj: orBnrllDgton will be obserted oil Deocmher 6th. There.'wul be a parade of th; ■talent and alylo.sobieties, and a mflitaryI.ate;departmeat and oivio.sooietiea, and a pnblib meqtiirg g t ,Birbh’a Opera Hoaae, with' on add™®”'5j ‘J. HoWord Pngh, arid 4n oratibn: by »» l-1 ,i» .-.;-' • -IT.:«aA -’r» I_■ ____ 1# ttC H - ' if-^fPmladelphiiL _ jhtyhaa iiafonned Gongrees- manf'Hardenberg tbat ' there are 'eevon vessels baded.wittt gon'pgwdOc, belt)Dgiiig to prlTato por- Bops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe. being'taken to seenre ,thalr.''renioyal' fo''’ ^labea where their explosion woUddolemdamago.; • . ; ^.'iiaitryearaego Mattbbw l^ynoh, of ’Jlesfianio, 7»toe'Bf*^fW5oii'thd,EaBton‘'and' Amboy Bold,' drank'iBome water .from-a pool iu the f‘ Dutch Hwamp," Holiaa stnoe aaflcrcd’jHuiiiliar sensations in th4j(tomabh'.vVA few, days . ago' he wa«l,:(!ei*ed .with"'great thirst) drank ,two quarts oi buttermilk, and theu Tomit^d a live liztirtl three-ihches long. Ih e Hontelair and Qreenwbod Lake train ran off tha.’ tirabk' 'west o f tho' Haokensiok - bridge, on Saturday nighty.: and Hiram Lanoe, .tfie engineer,' \jwas Boaliedj BOV severely that > he cued on'Sunday night.; 'Before hla 'death;'Lahoe said that when a ahort dlstauoe frooi tho awitoh he. saw a boy turn it, bnt it was too late for him to prevont the en- gtoe fromTuniilngolt ' i,Bojth»Tq..fputiiftJinmbat of .valuable artiales l i the;,garbage domping-placo ot Parnrapo, oa the ehor^;;of itho .New Tork bay, inoluding. ail+er spoons, gold cellar find sleeve buttons, eto. last WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1diamond,sleeve- button, au(i on Safariay WlUiom Maatoraon found a small tin.boi oontamibg a lady's watoh set with diamond^ Worth ^300. ;■ '■ ‘ 1 / . ; _ ' . '.The bark johauliang, from Bordeaux; in ballast, bame,ashbie onithe north'side of Her^iord Inlet, ten inij^i north o f Cape' May, 8aturday afternoon. A orew Xt seventSbri, inblbdiDg thB Captaln’a wifo an8 ehUdj-ltuided^und^i by oonstrooUng a-raft ol- boats uid spat's;'two bt £he sailors werebadly hurt. The bark is ifsjst waahing.:to pieoea,-and.little will GENERAL NEWS. ; ^obther-Molly Maguire was oonvibted of mur- der in the first degree at Pottarille, Pa., ptt-laat eKtniday.'; ..— —— •'" Al?«tional-Baby Show-opened (n-New Tbrk on. iMondny, and will continue one week. Abont Buo babies are on exlnbltiop. _ . ■ .'The Prat of S t Augustine, Fla., says that travel x) that <dty pro.misea to exoebd that of any former |,jea£ Large numbers of, strangers'are daily, fijt riving there. J^Mosea H. Grinneil died in New Tork last Sat- urday evening. He had been engaged in buBlneaa in Out oity since 1828, and was one of tho largest ship owners iu tho oountry. p?Tho Fishery commisaion, whioh was appointed to decldo ou the claim of Qreat Britain against. the:Uoited States for the privdege of ;fiehing on the:Newfoundiand banks, awoiiided Great Britain the.'eum of <5,500,000 on Friday laat. big' it^osbipV.Hooper, sailed from New1 York on Mopday; with a cargo of 97,910. bushel* o f .corn, 88,919 qf. wheat, 18,856 o f peas, 1,900 .barrela of flour,’ l.TOOi bales.of ootten,. and other ■merchandise, being thi largest cargo ever taken from that port by ouo vessel. —— ----------- 1 ...... || Heavy rataB in Maryland an'd Virginia, Friday1 and Saturday, caused the zivera'to rise suddeulj to 'a Rnater height than at'any time sinoo:i870. At Riohmond tho lonsed of privdto property amount mefrat tho CJourt House in Freehold on. Friday, ,.,;T3ie;following named msmbera .were ipfesent;' vjftBTdiL' Jolin W. Berbert, Saul P. Van Boren and Obadlah O.'Horbert, of'MariboroHon.iWm. P*;VP'^-U:^U.'JLJ « * _ ^ : GoV, Joel Parket, of Freeholi The Adsociatibrir wasuallcd to ordor by’Presidont Parkor at ten o'clock. . • :,.' ■', . . The minute? of the previous m&etlnga were reacl1 by, BeteetaijrHVaja, alter-Jwhioh^(|oj[,' PaAer an/ notincod that tho objoct of IHe meotlug waa to adopt some uniform piati for obllectiug funds fur the ereotlon of theMbnindulh motiumont.' I'he President then banded to the Secretary a- letter, pf Mr,.E, Mr H«tahome, of Middletow;o,' regretting his Inability to be present at that meet ing, but informing the. Ataoeiatiim of; tho plans .adopted in their township, by which they expected to suooeed. .. 1 Judge Herbert thought the iBjjtemlof. w<jrk adapted by Middletown a' good one. H is aasooi- ates from Marlboro ti.ad tiot tia yet had a Confer-' euce, but he was surd they, would adopt theplan;o f I going around andbeegg^eve^y indlndtul ln the Mr. ^mbS’Broadmeadovf tfficrred-tkat in drder to clearly impress the,minds of the people, as 'to the oharaotarof the work proposed^ draughts^jitd plans, with oa timatoa o f oost,' should be obtained. There would be a-; • • • - plans' " ed that 16 townahipa oould aud would inbseriba liberally to ao noblo au'eSterprfie. Mrr Wm. H. Sioklea presented to thei Aaaooiation a subscription liat from"Shrewsbury, whioh footed up $348, and Informed the members that he bad obtained the, greater. part of- them in about throe 3ays. .. Jut. mitteo — Bev, ---- ---------- .question that would ariao. and be asked would be what will a monument oost P When plans are 'obtained', with cost of tho. Bame,. the ,w6rk can go on'bravely and earnestly. ”* • Mr. T. 8. B. Brown" thought that the main ob- ject atproaout should be the raising of funds. Tbe Association may sayi that they .wUiereot a granite monument, the largest And best that can be pro- cured, with the funds that can he raised: It imbt adrisable to say to the jwoplej wo must have bo muoh money, i.ilthink tnero would be muoh fdrce in a,short form ol^ddresa, todlstributo amang-the people. 'ito. BrQTO'^o favored, theiplan'oInaT-, j^!.B nb^ri^tfon”b w ^ ^ j^ t ,'Oie^nainpa,;of£;^Ut| ^ 'g S S H ^ '^ ^ M b e r t i& 'u r o d fei. Association I that Marlboro would do her part, and said that he ''favored tho plans'suggested. .. ___ Bov. Mr.-Wilson tnooght that as the plans were to be obtainecl some time,‘that they'should bo got- ten at once. Tho question, “ How muci) do you want? ” could thou bo an$wered;satjefaotori!y. Hon. Wm. H. Bennett was-Batlified ,that jh e jon.8.^u^yyinco^iii' ^ ' .i i » 9,ut< 'Oates end family are spendiDg.the;* York,‘ hia hoilie at' BkmiSn'Midg Isl. — v— , Ti man who.deeps' in .the' barn. ®S .febted an eotranoe tJWQURhAkifckOT',wind0w, >u4 ;fy;; were rflnB&cMng the'home' fhr'pluader,' w htm tteyy'; ,wefe frmtitflnAH nfrhv Mr.’.Dminiann’fl dotf, '^nieV .; .' left is them. to nearly ®5; 0,000. The PptomAo at lVoaWngton is'fiill ot floatingpropetty. * ’ % The brig Ossipeo, owned ty^Mr.‘K "Wilson and others, of NewSdrk, was stranded at~ 'Va., on Saturday last. The second mate, T. Ba- iter, and one Beaman were drowned. The vessel waa from Benia, Spain, and bound to Now Tork. Both vesseLand.cargo are a,total loss. '^n en ry Hinsemtuin, who shot bis d m cfiitdren New Tork, on the 12 th iilet, died on. Sunday in ■the Chambers Street Hospital. After tils daughter ■Marthb, who wad six years of age, and bis little son :jAdamiiw^b.-Waa;:fotir, were burled; he hoped tbat, holmigbt dlo, «lnd Baid thatho wiahed that he had iiUod ma nlnb-year-old son John, wjbo is recovering ';froin.lu»injuries. » .; -, At Colunibi%vS.:0., ou Monday, the following Bentencbs;\Yere pronounced: Francis Ii. Cardoza, . ox-Treaaurcr bf bouth Carolina, for conspiracy,' to defratid the. State, to two years’. ' Jail 1 and ? .four5.^thousand ■ Spllara' .flne, and ohe year’/j'lmptisonmem added if tho1 flue is not paid at the'exiiration o f two years; Smalls, -meihber df UongWea, .for i.aoceptmg in bribo-df-. flvtetbbuaand. doUara’.-'whUe, member .of . tbe ,State. Senate, to threevye'aWla(prtBO.nmbnt7ttrbatdTlaborJiu th e Btatc.’ lSinitentiat)' Ti.'Caft.'t riarporlteh.'furmorly propnetbrlof; the'Obluihbus iJaf/y' Vrmn\ for far- gery iilhnising;the .amounta for-publishing.tho h^s.JaljU JP^P°?i,0. two. years in Jail add 4l,000 On^i|^ited Sfafei (steam ■ sh)op.1pfwar Hurou 'W d^U ^tte-'M W jlgrar.'; Pregon, Inlet, North .Carbpi*!^atl^^tard^V-n^orniii'gv Th'e boats van -tti^bed from the davita; asd thosB'whowero GaTed'.jwllfldthQBhoro by8whnmlDg.,'ThonoTal -vessels fyw.hatah, , S^tara ^ere sent, to hen.on Btinday,; butCweM unable to'render aaaiatanQo,;on; aosonnt- Of V theheavy, sear 'Th'd bttrf-boat of the .WXefkipg?ste»meriB'. and J. Blake w'ent to her as-' StstanA) and'.wsa .upf^t^WtliJ .liinu-'rnen, five of trtlom '^o>o: drbwncfc?- The Hurpn had elcveiCof- ■Hcbraandrl3t m e n ; of these'only loiir oRlQf.ra find .iMitijt'^nei^ieu «re,ta6wn W haye been sayedi.ihe onpB^.w^.ta.Bopdworkjng ord()rnntil.tho,ye8- the waV&' !Bdoii, broke her' up and fonderbdit drffio'tilt for lanylion ,boerd'ito escape. -/Tho llfeisaving crow WBte;*b«snt/ftom; thorBtatipn.^.by.j.iuift ^o ' jnf;.the elioro,:whp had,»» -* matter bould be more fairly and successfully pre- sented to thopeopln, nilor pluns aro obttrlned aud adopted- Mr. Brnadmeadow thought that stereotype>plates helping raise funds. ' Monmouth oounty oontains 48,000 inhabitants, and snrely if these people bear their share, we will have a noble-monument, inch as will ade- quately commemorate the great event. i W e want the monument before us; that is, the plans of the same and then the money will oome. , Mr. Burrows suggested that the. amount might be approximated in getting np the plans. Let it bo fixed at a certain figure Band then say we will raise that muob. W e will then get a monument that will be a oredlt to us. ., Major James 8. Tard advocated the raialngbf as large a fund as possible 'airthe. first great essential, and then going into the market and makii " best possible bargain with the money obtaini Mr. BroadmeadOw thought-that i^was not so tnuoh Ihpir ohjoc t to soo how mubh rQoney ban be gard'if aa classed among oommon-placo brt ______ matters, as where a man Is about bnildlnglni6ti8e first looks into hia pocket-book to count hew muoh money he bad. Mr. Broadmeadow insisted that tbisimatter waa of higher import He thought it the .true plan to define the charactec aud qualify of the monument and than say “ we want that’’ Bev. Mr. Wilson thought that there was aanald~4' erablo force tn.plaoing aa incentive before the people. An engraving of tho monument wonld certainly aot a strong incentive. Judge Herbert did not think that tho obtaining ^ ^ «5“ ”8 'Vam,Vni>tr . An thif 1 !)(h' . r)in^ nn Wrmrlflu <n I ^ . .. ... . . Major Tard insisted that.lt waa best to Bee wbat could be undertaken first,-and then prooeed to do it. ....... Qov. Parker did not see any reason why both oould not be^ operating at the Same time. He spoke of seeing a gentleman from Middletown recently, who said that townahip would raise $1,000, be believed. . . . * Mr. Jamea T. Bnrtls assured tha Association that tha people are ready to contribute Ubarally. . After some remarks Jby Mr. MeiTs, who favored the raising of monoy as the first plan, itwss moved and carried tbat a ooihmitteebo appointed tb secdro plans to be Submitted to the Aasooiatioh.' Tho raising o f fanda rqtanwhile to be prpm^tly attended to. ' '— -------- - The President appointed, as aaid oomujittee, •Judge rJohnWi'HerbertfTr-flrBrBrown^JamesT; Burtis and Hal Allaire. _ iB gB iS rC rtt' Applogafcr TOggestcattm sppalni ment ofia opmmittee to take,that matter intooonBld oration. If it ahonld.'tie.deoidod to plabe tho mouumdnt on th e. battle ground), the predse spof must be seleoted. .Moreover* there are some wht want it .in tho Gourt HoaBo Square, where It will beseen.. . ' . - . < • '••. ' Onmotion of, Hon.' Wm.H.Bonnott,itwaa de- .dded.that the monument,',bo erected oh theMon- mouthi hattlb rground,ithe preoiao Bpot ito rbO determined b y * oohinrittee.:iU;. l..;:u..Jjftr?r;;l A . The Promdent.appoiintadilaiBaid bqmnrlttee, fir,. BobbrtTluaird^iGilbert ;Van;Mater.''*nd^(>Ini .X A l^ d . , , r,v.',■-■■ j .. , .... ., ..... .'K'W'SSWS 'Thero were;mor<i„bill*.'p«e»ed';;and_p«U.rtJ^^'^ w. 'tonrpny, r^q., imarwiie arnrau. their weeiem ; tour cfn.- Friday: *st^^; '. ■./iff-, ',»<) vjsi 1 Tho Home Drama tio Assooialion, It is said, .will < 1 shortly briutout a'pUy.4tiSUinn’a H ill, lh ird o f;.{V the Battle Oround Mbnnmehfcfnnd. A O.IUrtshtone^'Bsq.Vleft town' ysjterdjjifor •>' Alabama. He ,willbe,abaent Uuee;Of,fottr.(wielpi.;i;':} Rumor saytf thero will be'bde mbre of tlm wl tie returns, > 1 1 7 <i ^ ^ j i ^ TT-* m.ocf.Mf Mnrmmlth will ;hOld: & '•sriscial ■ K TheClaasia'df meeting..in*ttie.B<)fornjed. Ohurcb,.Fr»t^' VOn the 14Ux..'lnst.;!Prot :I«okw ood; le c t a ^ '•t..” r:“ Allentown for the, bonefit of tho villago hbrary. -;- An appreciative and at the close o f ,the.lecture aVvaty- OW a W *,.;',) basket of conservatory floweni waa p « « n t » 4 by the A class ef Mi. WillU'Mhool . \ j'M’i N • ( Promtne LoruCiB ranch A colored man, named * arm badly traotured bn Saturday night i t EWpn-^v.;' town, in a atreet scnfHe. .' ;.rr:■; .■■;. ■ / .... ■.>.;t',;‘- Mr, Samuil Bloouwi 'tin fold ‘resident oti fiong..■;rr but .six weeks vices will four weeks, old... 1 be fohod elafewKofo. c oratttm; 1 i Commiaaibriws to nej wonld for tho parohase o f tne1 Wor^A'- O fc c ^ :w W “ v-/e’ be pedewarV; to^ife ao' w ti pasaed by t^o ture anthorlriBgauoh .purohaaei;and 'ke^faratog <» -,■; bonds in pavment for the W toa -The tnxUty(Pfcwi W e trustithat tne Tho Keyport firo company now’nrn membara. ' (A;;, •‘>«v.-»vvn .'1 ®^steaBffSesbIrdvHiriBi!''i^lIitoilrti;ftSSMier^^ route ou tho sd ofDeocmber. ■— ——; ■■■ .; ■ ' We sre glad to learn that the 'mtUer of< ereo&og ' wator worln forRbd Baokhai been taken,Iftt ____ by some of our most entarprising oilizehaj'ind Ul euooesa is no<r,;we might say, Insured. On" M o n a i y 'e v 4 t i l i ^ < ^ t T ^ V b l o ^ ^ :^ Abe' Obleman, of Tihtm 'Ptlll£'aio^ ^ d ^ 'tb e , snedsin the sfablo yard of Mr.'Ketoham|'ia'.'lhe ' . rear of the Central Hotel; ‘ this; tiwn: and Joonfc»4 Vfe 11 ) 0 -animal with.a valnablo bhfTklorobo.' 'Aftet'be-. ;; ing absent about iBltbeh or -iweiitirmlhdtesr' hb'.re* •'.■ turned, only tofind that dpiribfe'.hii.klia'dAci'ifioii one had relieved him of ’hls ^ohe. -;^ 6 ' obtained of the thief. From ttie Mstawan Journal., o ' The duelling house of Mr. Alfred E T i t i i t4as^ burned early ou Friday morning. ' Osffh^f l a l ' f t e - ! footive hose the fire ongtnu did but 1(We good^^iifi;^ Mr. John' L. Milidr,'who. rbsidod id'^itaw au ; , r about six months agoj has'removed .from:A W »iT w- Park to Bansaa, hoping tnere to,regain his bealis - • '••••' •— . \ ‘\i,( I,- '• ' Work waa begun last week on^ the'large bnok ; >, hotel to be erbctod on tho aite'bf thb Maiiilouf '-; Houae, Keyport.;' the contractoiS'beingi.^artiK -r from Elizabeth.. ' ' The semi-oentennialof Methojism in B&tUMBrgVS will be oelebrated with appropriate aOrviboa in the. ;. ' M E. Church, Di'oember 27 to 80,1877. i Thajpo- ''.. gramme of exercises will be innouncod' ln. dru ':,':'-1 time. . ,' ' ' , . •;' " i ;> ^ :'j:'''r From the Keyport WceJcly. . . ...;, The new Hook and Ladder Co., of Matawan, ; 'i have dropped the name PtiMa, ail'd will Matawan. _ •-; - v 1, ’ ' Hull, alternating between tiie M U l^ M li^ !$ ^ V ;.i: tiat churohes.— - ' - '" ? ■■■ .::— A remarkablo progreEa'-haa'-been-' miid«''onlltli, new bullding?„foi?the-lesson.leather-Ijas vVr been favorable .thus far and our uiochanioa hav* made thp moat of i t Mr.!^I^kte’li,14bW''ste»“i j , ' enclosed and .undur-zoof. Joaeph ManreiVtaa: - — - - - — . ..—,—• i.„ - an^Brown, bsvathe-TOlls olSBljr.^1 , ... f haa’received ?ts^m4anv(Slroa-'£raer'>^ i wtiilflii8»;itv| .front wall mainly rests, :an4 when .oomp)e|tMi 4 U r-r ." front wlil be the finest in town. - Mr. Ugden's new; ' .1; store and dwelling,' under' obhtrabtor' Pia^ttsJ rts Vut. progron-ing bu We secOodsUiry. ;M r.Foijm U.hli rtaoQOUiUienuCTl operatloaa- on-thonaw - Masaioa^--- House. Holmes' littlo', stores arouiid, tho^iofe . V,;, ner’’ are apont •dnna<ind-<»etdyliror <iocdjMU#ifc.'':;r ; Mr. Tilton has th^tnQ^plJU^.ffoffm ini%jg3;. Mr.' Tilton has;<ht^T?^ „ ,v ... Jamea Brown’i'h oiu ei WKtea, «ni ... { enclose<£\ -Tbe rocont rafting froshet in .tne 1 l)olawaT» wal .. ., DaiJ^1^M^^e^^um b^wfip%o3!! Monmonth hnuniy, a p t^ tbl latn: Bli.r.fp

Transcript of · PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe....

Page 1: · PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe. being'taken to seenre ... WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1 diamond,sleeve

^ ^ e m g i g i ;WV.A-CT10 t.u tf l.n >: U .A a iiW M *M l ■ •* ml— ,ui'i,t.'v«l

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/ V o R i c « ^ f f i j ^ w >* ? i ^ B ^ K d 1,'« «S r « ! Main , Bt., TO B T^A B a , H.^w Jtry 7 ' ' - »

•:^nj«iEii6Hfl': Aini); teM'AT-i.AW."'


.nJahttrE. Lana lo* ■ t / tr.Ohsrtes.p. Dorrsnoe.- rrtf.w M T.wtv tfn;i 'S fo 4 v r * * M O W fm a i . : : :-i '•-.


I ^ ^ ^ ^ M T O A B B O O T m B B t O ^ iS S i l r , , ~ P W all Gtaaet

|r;V *,jW «>|»)B’W « “ * - * V ' " ‘ • '• “ ■

- “ W^mapSTaiciA^ Alnrin ttRON.!

G / p m t E r r , v ■ -1 - '■ ■. i S i S f f i s s e s s s f f i M - . j

■linrmyi. I ;,i bVi i;

Ip ; A l! f t t & t if carpenter 'wSriJitolS!'with ’<eitn&sl and Sdlip»tehV'^BUIIlDIN,G8.KAlSED'* HOVED. Job- blngprpjnptty att«ndedto. - '

^A 'tlieM V r^ 'SV 'O or/B o 'areix 'A TrA Em ory S t . .'‘1 •; ;;-i •“:• • » jS * * i r B i ' p a b k . n . j r . : :• ;■ ;•<• ';.’,-ir.iT1'' rV '’ " '"■< -•■ '■• '--' ■

r ;

...1 .*h?'.•a-.ir.VitQLAKBNOB OONOTEB,

.,, Aouciro^^rSABT^iN^tocEKr.O * ce,2d atory ‘Po«V O p c6 B oildi ng.FjutKao to ;N 4 Jj . » j w m ' '*'■>. HAM

^ouorroit'ANB. itSuirr>PobUfl'iiBa;‘ •.*l,Nf*,To*k-'


£4®,“EKXN ,iorierio i»DeedavfoT-toe,

.•0 BaT.iaT,


1 ‘ Cootncta tiilcm.- Plana arid Bp«aflc*tIonii FumkhpdAnd Bi*■’ timateamad* Be*«ldp<*>«**•♦a fijacitlty. ;'.r -

' - * !*: i

v' vA, jfi BROWN.t i i -2 i t Si&i

Plan* and specif! |^Ion*dr«wnst-theshorteit notlce.-. A lio eottagea to-rent: ' I'/'’ . ' "'•.' ' •’ ’ -1

Residence, 420 A»bu»y Av»„A S B U K Y E A R K . K . J


-■\ OwncM, to * - o f l t iT n » o » A t . abo £ h o *tiS i.,- '

" ■,' ., ; , Arturr-.PlurK-N. I. .; - •. -- ■1' ? ; * | ; b : j h s ^ t b k m 3?;; ; i ■

jSlfflQTiltl’ P ■ • ' ■ AVbi f cntod withon'■~" ' «M n'ai.VK wyftfti*

. < ’ ‘ . 1 A T O U R Y .P A B g , W/.J.

• B U S I^ P ^ q A S /Q S ,5r.rrH EO D O BK B. W OOUJBT, 1

P i l’f .; 'vf r. v- f • ; > /libD^Btairani,>;'.:v.; >.-HDf>8HEBT IBOK WABB,j

M - ■ .. ! ^ ' 1 X 8B t»r1PA B K £-W -ZiMntDV*&& "A.)1 jn iu .in!a:nT>rn? r

- AtJ (>*• A U M O G ^ 1 Proptletor-. - *Ti - -

!!??*■V*>'''^WiVvik'unrraH ii 'tb a if doom' . ' ~1V .•

m m £ _______________

ocaiAa gjtoyZr

^*xjildteia' { • ! ' Aibrrrr r t k ;dtid c Occan Grove,; p that'We' riatf bull d'feottagei'bf every..

ir-s?y. i : - , : .y<i^.y-t : » j i f. j p i:.^ N N E T T f ; - i %\P r a c t i c a l ' H o u s e . P a m t e r j

ti'W H IIF IE I3 AV.i COBJ KEOK AT., * 1 , , ^ \ ‘ ’ cl IOOBAN OKOVB, N. j . 1

ThoiBtoim to" Wnstllngton '" W Vdiy eeVorO, ttyer- flowliigiUioowtkaiuia'OwelUng^the-riVor. i f f l l i ' patolirion^ucfibyiM jra^.Xhe oogfnes o ff th iiflre department i r a e n g in e d -t »d »y -^n pumping r oiit

dkinaRebythB'ntoimW prinoIp jcbiinnea.'toloMhtieB airdi gttiBHyerfiroiiVljotli’mtbWofty:iwdQo< getoW.;)The;l()aa'ofipr<>perty,to;Vci7'«£v

vJdmeB ‘OooUbtorn,'1 an «mployd o f the D«Ia\nue, Laclsaviranna and ..Western Kallrbadt waa killed by

■ filling throMh .ihe treatlo work o f tho ootyl dooka at JetaV City, oa Banday lilxht. .

.tween RamBgate and Deal, and inanyiiYCs tire te-

am cf..

|! ttheiire p o r td «"o n r tw it 'a t ; Conktantlnople''that M nkbU r bas abmdonod Ertem m . r.Tbo Inaocarity 'o f b ii pealtiojklends probability to, the etatement i AVtufaor U UkiiwUa onrrint, that lOsm'an'-; bad in t M i 'w iy bufrojf PleVnai'' 8 itw .Ia ;W ^ M g > e iiU k e ' ■jmenaareBpbeing eyidonlly;«ager:to ' aid. In the fix-; necUd.-captnrptf ths t l«7 o « . anny. ..Tfhe Rtia- Jiuiaadmittbat. tho.Csucaalan rovdlt-lsapreadiiig.

■ ..■ v v ^ V.r,-<FWVIH;|I IV'| i « a :. 'u ' ' ' ■ »

'. . R B I J G l O U S 'S i m M A B T . .

i *V

K ^ M O I ^ T H & C O . ,

'DeaJenilB.11 ,

aJ i t o E t o . ■ •; •- _t

:; A S V i , "

VJIext?aco r,i»To rtO fflc^v- .....

< A 8 B O B T P A R K N . J .

W A R K E N -B R O W N ,- 6Uli.DEBi

^^ (M f.jU w n n M A *e in i«;:MirMahiOBntnii«e, ■

W S t l $ V ■ ''

BaUdiSg* mliwd iftd ^ o wd.wltb-cAra «ild ; pjronj ptnt» .

' io I Aitittry BonaUip,’B ^ > :Wina Spader,.E»q., B ^ eeg le , A , H.-WyokoU,E>q;,Ocean Oroyei 'fleom e Ejjuu.Eaq^-Bhllail’Bi-

.V1T H( ■■.f’lM 'f > rT 'T" ■~^nrrryifyj<>-uiu*

£ A N D 0 O S A » GBOTB ■

ja n r iB K r jS T ^ iM i

•.HtniM/Aoariedi.by, tha A y , .week, on'oonth. Oar '" r l i g w and harntMk^t,to perfect erten; "• V

jt MyirBn»maiO»e»,all iralni.,; iJVelghtaadkaggage -

fifcifpdai.thatwe Iwwiwrflteolt-.el

» * ! . . __ . .

—r ' 11 ' '-• /' —-rrOVrM ( « ^ " \

m m § ,Plows, CtkUura,, SiiJT«l>,.; Spid (i,i Borki.^Booepjf

• T » i G ^ tnBato«i:-'Wiinelbarir.OTrii,Etc., Kto.

•'The' New Tertiey 'Anndil 6oSferenoe w ill bold ita

an oU w eii ba'itB'^TjStniie#j a id fu j flow* ia anffldent to(p »y all Uie chn^0b’B « f l p e i ) B 0 B . i j , ' !v'/.-T;-;,.v'V

/fbe oldo«t Christian chtiroh in' the world la said io be one in Aigerlai la the pavement- o f whioh ia a atone with the ,inBqripftoj^, atating. t o t jt^ w a * baiit in the yeaT'SSS*' w^y'y"-■> v - . 'j.

ed a reaolntion t l ia t ^ t ^ ^ ^ o t intoxicating drinks' aa a b ererag i’ ia ;tinffio[ent cau8e,fbr preforringa fprmal^harg^Mainat a clergyman; •-. iP>Vl-: v:|

annbunoed. t<> be b<Ul.iQ S t 1 M athiw ’a. Ohuroh, Pbiiadeiphia,, December 27. -Ail./LntlioisiiB, o f W b a te r« ay4ddi(»l oonneotion,' ari), iQTited to- taker

i r n j a sau s'B^m oa o i some ox cne auiesc pxeaoQ- era . o f tho Episoopai . ohtlroh. The oongregatibn haaiteadily.grown, . - •? .

fEeported ejrereMlrtor.theiAabnrtP a r t JomrHAr.1


L i l t o f 'Ccnrrreyanc<!>, Monmonth Connty Clerk’s Office, for wtok d l j jg Norcmbox 24th, 18r

- A I i iMmMn^iatK: — _ -...Jamea k,. Bradley and< w ife to laaao O. :K«i

lot l7o. 1,18V at Aaotu

___Nanoy Mount to Fxariklin A Mormt^Jot or tract of

land near Aabhry'Park;} oonaideration, $1,600.

. V \ - '^ ; iy'y :,' Tbo Ooean Bdiob Aiuootaiioti to Anna E Wyokoff—' ot rro.ljWOfttiOoeaaB«aoh J:oonaideratloii;f2tt5.

Eara A* Oibo^n wid w ifo to jow p ii T „ Osborn- 'farm mtoWaihipi ofMIdcUetoim aideratloni |8,0Wi(

rHoImdel; con-‘. . . ’«7—» v* •■ •

Henry Qreen^nd/wtfe to _ fitXioDg Branoh; oonaiderationt.f3,*«w. ,...., . .....^Q eorg« 3 H i Green * » ( a^ a ^ b i » t « t c r 8 . etc., to Benjainin B-. Hwo^rrlolS in townahip of,: Ooean ; obn- lidw atibnV tw .. ; •' . >. ‘ '.y-./-': *•

George 0.' Mnrray«nd w ife to Ma^y. HeartneddyT- jpne^aore lniternuhip df Middletown { oonaideration,

-^H en iy-W rJ b to te a ^ '<j- to ‘Simon-Win' W iokl»fe| lota at Matawan; oonaideration, #400,. ' Jamea Matth ewa and iwifoi-o Alll»on Bt Preston^-.: 10 apreaof land m townahipa o f Freehold and Howell; oonaideratibnf^:$887iCO ■“ %■ ■•■» Oeonge,W£uBro*n,viheriif, to Mary 'W U d—lot in .towcAivpotShroirabnry. eold a i property o f John L..

*•• i&Ijeojanslri' Brown vand- » i i o to, Hyaointhe Joaeph

I^mAT.chew-Jpt. jof Und 'in. towpihip o f Middletown ri S S E S K t e ■■' t Lanra Fi'MfctaDn and hnaband.to Hyaointhe Joi

- Phbbe! atad^ototratonLyto Jnlii >£'i Wocdward^S lottat

TJ« ? W

'ba ftj:

orBnrllDgton w ill be obserted o il Deocmher 6th. There.'wul be a parade o f th;

■talent and alylo.sobieties, and amflitaryI .ate;departmeat and oivio.sooietiea, and a pnblib meqtiirg g t , Birbh’a Opera Hoaae, with' on add™®” '5 j ‘J. HoWord Pngh, arid 4n oratibn: by»» l-1,i».-.;- ' ’ • -IT.:«a A-’r»I_■____ 1# ttC H - 'if-^fPm ladelphiiL

_ jh tyhaa iiafonned Gongrees-manf'Hardenberg tbat ' there are 'eevon vessels baded.wittt gon'pgwdOc, belt)Dgiiig to prlTato por- Bops lyitig o if the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures ia fe. being'taken to seenre

,thalr.''renioyal' fo ''’ labea where the ir explosion woUddolemdamago.; • . ; . »

^ .'iia itry ea raego Mattbbw l^ynoh, o f ’Jlesfianio, 7 »toe 'B f*^ fW 5 oii'th d ,EaBton‘'and' Amboy Bold,' drank'iBome water .from -a pool iu the f‘ Dutch Hwamp," H oliaa stnoe aaflcrcd’jHuiiiliar sensations in th4j(tomabh'.vVA few, days . ago' he wa«l,:(!ei*ed .with"'great thirst) drank ,two quarts oi buttermilk, and theu Tomit^d a live liztirtl three-ihches long.

■ Ih e Hontelair and Qreenwbod Lake train ran off tha.’ tirabk' 'west o f tho' Haokensiok - bridge, on Saturday nighty.: and Hiram Lanoe, .tfie engineer,'

\jwas Boaliedj BOV severely that > he cued on'Sundaynight.; 'Before hla 'death;'Lahoe said that when a ahort dlstauoe frooi tho awitoh he. saw a boy turn it, bnt it was too late for him to prevont the en- gtoe from Tu n iiln go lt '

i,B o jth »T q ..fp u tiiftJ in m b at o f .valuable artiales l i the;,garbage domping-placo ot Parnrapo, o a the ehor^;;of itho .New Tork bay, inoluding. ail+er spoons, gold cellar find sleeve buttons, eto. la s t WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1 diamond,sleeve- button, au(i on Safariay W lUiom Maatoraon found a small t in .b o i oontamibg a lady's watoh set with diamond^ Worth 300. ;■'■ ‘ 1 / . ; _ ' .

■ '.The bark johauliang, from Bordeaux; in ballast, bame,ashbie onithe north'side o f Her^iord Inlet, ten inij^i north o f Cape' May, 8aturday afternoon. A orew X t seventSbri, inblbdiDg thB Captaln’a wifo an8 ehUdj-ltuided^und^i by oonstrooUng a-raft ol- boats u id spat's;'two bt £he sailors werebadly hurt. The bark is ifsjst waahing.:to pieoea,-and.little will

G E N E R A L N E W S .; ^obther-M olly Maguire was oonvibted o f mur­der in the first degree at Pottarille, Pa., ptt-laat eKtniday.'; ..— —— •'" ■

A l?«tiona l-Baby Show-opened (n-New Tbrk on . iMondny, and will continue one week. Abont Buo babies are on exlnbltiop. _ . ■

.'The Prat o f S t Augustine, Fla., says that travel x) that <dty pro.misea to exoebd that o f any former

|,jea£ Large numbers of, strangers'are daily, fijt riving there.

J^Mosea H. Grinneil died in New Tork last Sat­urday evening. H e had been engaged in buBlneaa in Out oity since 1828, and was one o f tho largest ship owners iu tho oountry.

p?Tho Fishery commisaion, whioh was appointed to decldo ou the claim o f Qreat Britain against. the:Uoited States for the privdege o f ;fiehing on the:Newfoundiand banks, awoiiided Great Britain the.'eum o f <5,500,000 on Friday laat.

b ig ' it^osb ip V .H oop er, sailed from N ew 1 York on Mopday; with a cargo o f 97,910. bushel* o f .corn, 88,919 qf. wheat, 18,856 o f peas, 1,900 .barrela o f flour,’ l.TOOi bales.of ootten,. and other ■merchandise, being th i largest cargo ever taken from that port by ouo vessel. — — ------—-----1......

|| Heavy rataB in Maryland an'd Virginia, Friday1 and Saturday, caused the zivera'to rise suddeulj to 'a Rnater height than a t'any tim e sinoo:i870. A t Riohmond tho lonsed o f privdto property amount

mefrat tho CJourt House in Freehold on . Friday,

,., ;T3ie;following named msmbera .were ipfesent;' vjftBTdiL' Jolin W. Berbert, Saul P. Van Boren and Obadlah O.'Horbert, of'MariboroHon.iWm.P*;VP'^-U:^U.'JLJ « * _ ^ :

GoV, Joel Parket, o f F re eh o li The Adsociatibrir wasuallcd to ordor by ’ Presidont Parkor at ten o'clock. . • :,.' ■ ' , . .

The minute? o f the previous m&etlnga were reacl1 by, BeteetaijrHVaja, alter-Jwhioh^(|oj[,' P a A e r an/ notincod that tho objoct o f IHe meotlug waa to adopt some uniform piati for obllectiug funds fur the ereotlon o f theMbnindulh motiumont.'

I 'h e President then banded to the Secretary a- letter, p f Mr,.E, Mr H «tah om e, o f Middletow;o,' regretting his Inability to be present at that m ee t ing, but informing the. Ataoeiatiim o f; tho plans .adopted in their township, by which they expected to suooeed. . . 1 ■

Judge Herbert thought the iB jjtem lo f. w<jrk adapted by Middletown a' good one. H is aasooi- ates from Marlboro ti.ad tiot tia yet had a Confer-' euce, but he was surd they, would adopt theplan;o f I going around andbeegg^eve^y indlndtu l ln the

Mr. ^m bS ’Broadmeadovf tfficrred-tkat in drder to clearly impress the,minds o f the people, as 'to the oharaotarof the work proposed^ draughts^jitd plans, with oa timatoa o f oost,' should be obtained. There would be a -; • • • -p lans' "ed that16 townahipa oould aud would inbseriba liberally to ao noblo au'eSterprfie.

Mrr Wm. H . Sioklea presented to thei Aaaooiation a subscription liat from"Shrewsbury, whioh footed up $348, and Informed the members that he bad obtained the, greater. part o f- them in about throe 3ays... Ju t. mitteo— Bev, ---- ----------.question that would ariao. and be asked would be what w ill a monument oost P W hen plans are 'obtained', with cost o f tho. Bame,. the ,w6rk can go on'bravely and earnestly. ” *• M r. T . 8. B. Brown" thought that the main ob­je c t atproaout should be the raising o f funds. Tbe Association may sayi that they .wUiereot a granite monument, the largest And best that can be pro­cured, with the funds that can he raised: I t im b t adrisable to say to the jw op le j wo must have b o

muoh money, i.ilth ink tnero would be muoh fdrce in a,short fo rm ol^ddresa, todlstributo amang-the people. 'ito . B rQ T O '^ o favored, the ip lan 'o InaT-, j ^ ! . B n b ^ r i ^ t f o n ” b w ^ ^ j ^ t ,'O ie ^ n a in p a ,;o f£ ;^ U t|

^ 'g S S H ^ '^ ^ M b e r t i& 'u r o d fei. Association I that Marlboro would do her part, and said that he ''favored tho plans'suggested. . .___

Bov. Mr.-Wilson tnooght that as the plans were to be obtainecl some time,‘that they'should bo got- ten at once. Tho question, “ How muci) do you want? ” could thou bo an$wered;satjefaotori!y.

Hon. Wm. H . Bennett was-Batlified ,that jh e

jo n .8 .^ u ^ yy in co ^ iii ' ^ ' .i i » 9,ut<'Oates end family are spendiDg.the;*York,‘ hia hoilie at' Bkm iSn'M idg Is l . — v— , Ti man who.deeps' in .the' barn. ®S.febted an eotranoe tJWQURhAkifckOT',wind0w, >u4 ;fy;; were rflnB&cMng the'home' fhr'pluader,' w h tm ttey y '; ,wefe frmtitflnAH n frhv Mr.’. Dminiann’fl dotf, '^nieV .; .' left is them.

to nearly ®5; 0,000. T h e PptomAo at lVoaWngton is 'fiill ot floatingpropetty. * ’% The brig Ossipeo, owned ty^Mr.‘ K "Wilson and others, o f NewSdrk, was stranded a t~'Va., on Saturday last. Th e second mate, T . Ba­iter, and one Beaman were drowned. The vessel waa from Benia, Spain, and bound to Now Tork. Both vesseLand.cargo are a,total loss.

'^ n e n r y Hinsemtuin, who shot bis d m cfiitdren

New Tork, on the 12 th i i le t , died on. Sunday in ■the Chambers Street Hospital. A fter tils daughter ■Marthb, who wad six years o f age, and bis little son :jAdamiiw^b.-Waa;:fotir, were burled; he hoped tbat, holm igbt dlo, «lnd Baid thatho wiahed that he had iiUod ma nlnb-year-old son John, wjbo is recovering

';froin.lu»injuries. » .; - ,

A t Colunibi%vS.:0., ou Monday, the following Bentencbs;\Yere pronounced: Francis Ii. Cardoza,

. ox-Treaaurcr b f bouth Carolina, fo r conspiracy,' to defratid the. State, to two years’. 'Jail 1 and ?. four5 .^thousand ■ Spllara' .flne, and ohe year’/j'lmptisonmem added i f tho1 flue is not paid at the'exiiration o f two years; Smalls, -meihber df UongWea, .for i.aoceptmg in bribo-df-. flvtetbbuaand. doUara’.-'whUe, member .of . tbe ,State. Senate, to threevye'aWla(prtBO.nmbnt7ttrbatdTlaborJ iu th e Btatc.’ lSinitentiat)' Ti.'Caft.'t riarporlteh.'furmorly propnetbrlof; the'Obluihbus iJaf/y' Vrmn\ for far- gery iilh n is in g ;the .amounta for-publishing.tho h ^s.Ja ljU JP^P°?i,0 . two. years in Jail add 4l,000

O n ^ i|^ ited S fa fe i ( steam ■ sh)op.1p fw a r Hurou 'W d ^ U ^ t t e - 'M W j lg r a r . ' ; P regon , Inlet, North .C arb p i* !^ a tl^ ^ ta rd ^ V -n ^ orn iii'g v Th'e boats van -tti^bed from the davita; asd thosB'whowero GaTed'.jwllfldthQBhoro by8whnmlDg.,'ThonoTal -vessels fyw.hatah, , S ^ ta r a e r e sent, to hen .onBtinday,; butCweM unable to'render aaaiatanQo,;on; aosonnt- Of V theheavy , sear 'Th'd bttrf-boat o f the .WXefkipg?ste»meri B'. and J. Blake w'ent to her as-' Ststan A ) and'.wsa .upf^t^WtliJ .liinu-'rnen, five o f trtlom '^o>o: drbwncfc?- The Hurpn had elcveiCof- ■Hcbraandrl3t m e n ; o f these'only lo iir oRlQf.ra find.iMitijt'^nei^ieu «re,ta6w n W haye been sayedi.ihe o n pB ^ .w ^ .ta .B opdw ork jn g ord()rnntil.tho,ye8-

thewaV&' !Bdoii, broke her' up and fonderbdit drffio'tilt fo r lanylion ,b oerd'ito escape. -/Tho llfeisaving crow WBte; *b «sn t/ftom ; th o rB ta tip n .^ .b y .j.iu ift o

' jnf;.the elioro,:whp had,»» “ ‘ - *

matter bould be more fa irly and successfully pre­sented to thopeopln, nilor pluns aro obttrlned aud adopted- ‘

Mr. Brnadmeadow thought that stereotype>plates

helping raise funds.

' Monmouth oounty oontains 48,000 inhabitants, and snrely i f these people bear their share, we will have a noble-monument, inch as will ade­quately commemorate the great event.

i W e want the monument before u s ; that is, the plans o f the same and then the money will oome. , Mr. Burrows suggested that the. amount might be approximated in getting np the plans. L et it bo fixed at a certain figure Band then say w e will raise that muob. W e will then get a monument that will be a oredlt to us. .,

Major James 8 . Tard advocated the raialngbf as large a fund as possible 'airthe. first great essential, and then going into the market and makii " best possible bargain with the money obtaini

Mr. BroadmeadOw thought-that i^was not so tnuoh Ihpir ohjoc t to soo how mubh rQoney ban be

ga rd 'if aa classed among oommon-placo brt______matters, as where a man Is about bnildlnglni6ti8e first looks into hia pocket-book to count hew muoh money he bad. Mr. Broadmeadow insisted that tbisimatter waa o f higher im port H e thought it the .true plan to define the charactec aud qualify of the monument and than say “ we want that’ ’

Bev. Mr. W ilson thought that there was aanald~4' erablo force tn.plaoing aa incentive before the people. A n engraving o f tho monument wonld certainly aot a strong incentive.

Judge Herbert did not think that tho obtaining

^ ^ «5“ ” 8' Vam,Vni>tr . An thif 1 !)(h' . r)in^ nn Wrmrlflu <n I ^ . .. . . . . .

Major Tard insisted that.lt waa best to Bee wbat could be undertaken first,-and then prooeed to do it. . . . . . . .

Qov. Parker did not see any reason why both oould not be operating at the Same time. H e spoke o f seeing a gentleman from Middletown recently, who said that townahip would raise $1,000, be believed. . . . *

Mr. Jamea T . Bnrtls assured tha Association that tha people are ready to contribute Ubarally.. A fter some remarks Jby Mr. MeiTs, who favored

the raising o f monoy as the first plan, itwss moved and carried tbat a ooihmitteebo appointed tb secdro plans to be Submitted to the Aasooiatioh.' Tho raising o f fanda rqtanwhile to be prpm^tly attendedto. ' '— --------- The President appointed, as aaid oomujittee, •Judge rJohnW i'HerbertfTr-flrBrBrown^Jam esT; Burtis and H al Allaire. _ ■

iB g B iS r C r t t ' Applogafcr TOggestcattm sppalni ment ofia opmmittee to take, that matter intooonBld oration. I f it ahonld.'tie.deoidod to plabe tho mouumdnt on th e . battle ground), the predse spof must be seleoted. .Moreover* there are some wht want it .in tho Gourt HoaBo Square, where I t will beseen .. . ' ■ . - . < • '••. '

Onm otion of, Hon.' W m .H .B on n ott,itw aa de- .dded.that the monument,',bo erected oh theM on- mouthi hattlb rground,ithe preoiao Bpot ito rbO determined b y * oohinrittee.:iU;. l..;:u..Jjftr?r;;l A . The Promdent.appoiintadilaiBaid bqmnrlttee, f ir , .

BobbrtTluaird^iGilbert ;Van;Mater.''*nd^(>Ini . X A l ^ d . , , r,v.',■-■ ■ j

.. , .... ., ..... .'K'W'SSWS'Thero were;mor<i„bill*.'p«e»ed';;and_p«U.rtJ^^'^

w. 'tonrpny, r^q., imarwiie arnrau. their weeiem ; tour cfn.- Friday: *st^ ; '.

■ ./iff-, ',»<) vjs i1Tho Home Drama tio Assooialion, It is said, .will < 1

shortly b riu tou t a'pUy.4tiSUinn’a H il l , lh ird o f ; . {V the Battle Oround Mbnnmehfcfnnd.

A O.IUrtshtone^'Bsq.Vleft town' y s jte rd jjifo r •>' Alabama. H e ,willbe,abaent Uuee;Of,fottr.(wielpi.;i;':} Rumor saytf thero will be'bde mbre o f t l m wl tie returns, > 1 1 7 <i ^ ^ j i^

TT-* m .oc f.M f Mnrmmlth w ill ;hOld: &'• sriscial ■ KTheClaasia 'df meeting..in*ttie.B<)fornjed. Ohurcb,.Fr»t^'

V On the 14Ux..'lnst.;!Prot :I«o k w oo d ; l e c t a ^ '• t..” r:“ Allentown for the, bonefit o f tho villago hbrary. -;- An appreciativeand at the close o f ,the.lecture aVvaty- OW a W *,.;',) basket o f conservatory floweni waa p « « n t » 4 by the A class e f M i. W illU 'M h oo l

■ ’ . \ j'M’i N• ( Promtne LoruCiB ranch

A colored man, named *arm badly traotured bn Saturday night it EWpn-^v.;' town, in a atreet scnfHe. .' ;.rr:■; .■■;. ■ /....■.>.;t',;‘-

Mr, Samuil Bloouwi 'tin fold ‘ resident oti fiong. .■; rr

but .six weeks vices will

fourweeks, old...1 be fohod elafewKofo. c

oratttm; 1 i Commiaaibriws to nejwonld

fo r tho parohase o f tne1 Wor^A'- O f c c ^ : w W “ v-/e’ be pedewarV; to^ife ao ' w t i pasaed by t^o ture anthorlriBgauoh .purohaaei;and 'ke^faratog <» -,■ ; bonds in pavment for the W to a -The tnxUty (P fcw i

W e trustithat tne

Tho Keyport firo company now’nrn membara. ' (A;;, •‘>«v.-»vvn.'1

®^steaB ffS esb IrdvH iriB i!''i^ lIito ilrti;ftS S M ie r^ ^route ou tho sd of Deocmber. ■———; ■ ■■ ■ .; ■'

W e sre glad to learn that the 'm tUer of< ereo&og 'wator worln fo rR b d B aokhai been taken,Iftt ____by some o f our most entarprising o ilizehaj'ind U l euooesa is no<r,;we might say, Insured.

On" M o n a i y ' e v 4 t i l i ^ < ^ t T ^ V b l o ^ ^ : Abe' Obleman, o f T ih tm 'P t l l l£ 'a io ^ d ^ ' t b e , snedsin the sfablo yard o f Mr.'Ketoham|'ia'.'lhe ' .rear o f the Central Hotel; ‘ this; t iw n : and Joon fc»4 Vfe 1 1)0 -animal with.a valnablo bhfTklorobo.' 'A ftet'be-. ;; ing absent about iBltbeh or -iweiitirmlhdtesr' hb'.re* •'.■ turned, only to find that dpiribfe'.hii.klia'dAci'ifioii one had relieved him o f ’hls ^ohe. -; ^ 6 ' obtained o f the thief.

From ttie Mstawan Journal. , o

' The duelling house o f Mr. A lfre d E T i t i i t4as^ burned early ou Friday morning. ' Osffh^f l a l ' f t e - ! footive hose the fire ongtnu did but 1(We good^^iifi;^

Mr. John' L . Milidr,'who. rbsidod id '^ ita w a u ; , r about six months agoj has'removed .from:A W » iT w-Park to Bansaa, hoping tnere to,regain his b ea lis- • '••••' • —. \‘\i, ( I,- '•'

W ork waa begun last week on^ the'large bnok ; >, hotel to be erbctod on tho aite'b f thb M a iiilou f '-; Houae, Keyport.;' the contractoiS 'beingi.^artiK -r from Elizabeth .. • '

' The semi-oentennialof M ethojism in B&tUMBrgVS will be oelebrated with appropriate aOrviboa in the. ;. ' M E. Church, Di'oember 27 to 80,1877. i Th a jpo- ''.. gramme o f exercises w ill be innouncod' ln. dru ':,':'-1 time. . ■ ,' ' ' , . •;' " i ;> ^ :'j:'''r

From the Keyport WceJcly. . . ...;,

The new Hook and Ladder Co., o f Matawan, ; 'i have dropped the name PtiM a, ail'd w ill Matawan. _ •-; - v 1, ’ '

Hull, alternating between tiie M U l ^ M l i ^ ! $ ^ V ; . i : tiat churohes.— - ' - '" ? ■■■.::—

A remarkablo progreEa'-haa'-been-' m iid«''onllt li, new b u l ld in g ? „ fo i? th e - le s s o n . le a th e r - I ja s vVr been favorable .thus far and our uiochanioa hav* made thp moat o f i t Mr.! I^ k te ’li,14bW''ste»“ i j , ' enclosed and .undur-zoof. Joaeph M an re iV taa : “- — - - - — . . . —,—• i . „ -

an^Brown, bsvathe-TOlls olSBljr.^1, ... fhaa’ received ?ts^m4anv(Slroa-'£raer'> i w tiilf lii8 » ;itv| .front wall mainly rests, :an4 when .oomp)e|tMi 4 U r - r . " front wlil be the finest in town. - Mr. Ugden's new; ' .1; store and dwelling,' under' obhtrabtor' Pia^ttsJ rts Vut. progron-ing bu We secOodsUiry. ;M r .F o ijm U .h li rtaoQOUiUienuCTl opera tloaa- on -th on a w - Masaioa^ --- House. Holmes' littlo ', stores arouiid, tho^iofe . V,;, n er ’’ are apont • dnna<ind-<»etdyliror <iocdjMU#ifc.'':;r ; Mr. Tilton has th ^ tn Q ^ p lJ U ^ .f fo f fm in i% jg 3 ; .Mr.' Tilton has;<ht T? „ , v ...Jamea Brown’i 'h o iu e i W Ktea, «ni ... { enclose<£\

- Tbe rocont rafting froshet in .tne1 l)olawaT» wal .. .,

DaiJ ^ 1 M ^ ^ e ^ ^ u m b ^ w f i p % o 3 ! !

Monmonth hnuniy, a p t ^ tb l la tn : Bli.r.f p

Page 2: · PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe. being'taken to seenre ... WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1 diamond,sleeve

ASBU J^Y P A W JQ.URNTAt* S A t t /R P A Y , N O y E 3 ^t.E)R /8* j- \

I t u m s c t t w s L - . M t i m u .Thia colnmrT'is respectfully dedio&ed to those of

our fellow ait^xoiiB who sign the aplications for tavern- keeper's license, la which o<?our thefollowing words: ‘♦W e think such an Inn pr Tavern U necessary and will ootjHuoe, to thfl publio good.’’ We will not “ ex­tenuate nor Wight set down in malice,11 buVgive the naked, fattti as they Come to ub through thk press, to whioh We hdoaBlonslly add an editorial note.]

The Charge o f th© Rum BH^ade.i “ AH in league, all in league,

A ll in league onward, *A ll in the valley o f Death,"W aited, the Bix'Hahdred;

“ Forward tho,Ram Brigade!Cheer* fo r t he W hisky Raid \ ”Into the Valley o f Death

Walked the Six Hundred. <

44Forward the Rum Brigade! ”Were jaUUfchejr friendfl dismayed 1 Ten * 'krill the Soldiers knew

Eaoh oile had blundered.Thoir’n nojt tb make reply,Their’s not to reason why,Their’s but to drink and die.Into the Valley bf Death

Walked tho Six Hundred.

' Drunkards to right’of them, *Drunkards to left o f them,Drunkards in front of them,

One million numbered. "Oaths fell like shot and shell,Rum did.its work so well.Into the-Jawsof Death,Into the mouth of Hell

Walked ths Six Hundred.

Garments torn—cupboards bare-^- Cfaildren with nought*to wear;Sleeping pi gutters their Fathers are lying, while

A ll the world wondered.Plunged into want and woe,

. Onward they.madly go. ‘Weeping in anguish.W ives sit, for well they know, 1

Shattered and sundered, t None will <iome baok who go

O f the S ir Hundred.

Curses to right of them,''Curses to left of them,Curses behind them

Volleyed and thundered.Stormed at by tho?e who sell,They, who had paid so well,

Well had been plundered.Clenched teeth and livid brow,

' Delirium tremeju now.Thus young and old men fell Into the jaws of Death,Into the mouth o f Hell.Not one was left o f them.

L e ft o f Six Hundred.

How did their glory fade !O, tbe wild oharge they made!

A il the world wondered.. Weep for the charge they made! *Weep fbr t^e Hum Brigade!

Fallen Six Hundred.• M ab t S. W heeler .

A S o n ’ s M is ta k e .

M r. Louis Samuels, o f 156 W est Thirty-third street, reported to the Corolier’s office that the old man who died o f destitution in a cellar at 16 Essex street waa not his father. He was certain that he re- cognized'ttie body when ho vipited the Morgue on Friday,but was mnoh'startled when he heard that bis father had been seen in Canal street that evening. Young Mr. Samuels told the Btory yesterday: ** I road in a morning newspaper o f the discovery o f the body, and from the description, I thought it might be.fiither’s. ' He went one one night, three months ago, and Ihe family have not seen him since. Years ago he kept a tailor’s store at 664 Seventh avenue. I told mother I would go to the Morgne nad see i f it was the body of father. Mother told me to see i t there was d 1 liver mark ’ on tbe back and a scar On the forehead. From time to time we learned from friends that father, who Was a drunkard, bad fallen away a great deal, am f' was looking miserable. He had brought disgrace

f oh the family in calling on charitable persons aud representing to some that his wife, and to others that his daughter, was dead, and that he had no jponey to bury them. He obtained money aud spent it in drink. W e were, therefore, glad to hear that he was dead, and we determined to bury him re­spectably. As soon a# the man at the Morgue raised the coffin lid,” continued Loaia Samuels. *41 exclaimed, * M y God, tbat is father! ' Bnt as I looked longer I could not believe that it was him, I asked to see his back. They turned bis body over, ahd there, sore enough, was the liver mark that my mother spoke of. I returned home, called on. Coroner Woitman, made my affidavit, then visited the. Hebrew Benevolent Society, and made known the facta. The^ consented to assist us. and we were to have buried the body on Sun­day.

On Friday night Mr. Selig Baum,.of 176 Canal street*, wh»~had been told of the death o f Isaac S a m u e l wsb astonished while standing in the Bowery, near Grand street, to see Isaac Samuels begging from door to door. Mr. Baum at once aent word to ’ the family, and that he would try to keep IiBaao until they came for him. Isaao (Samuels, however, refuted to accompany Mr. Baum, and after having received a little money •went away.

Louis Sam a els spent the entire night wandering through the streets, looking for his father. Yes­terday Mr. Hart, o f 564 Seventh avenue, again saw Isaao Samuels begging at Hester street and the Bowery. Although the picture o f human wretch­edness he refused to return to his family. A ll agreejtbat. the dead ipan foaod at 16 Em ex street and Isaac Samuels ore so alike that it is difficult to

” diattngulgfritbHmapart,The dead mao was not identified lato,3ast even-'

ing, although hundreds had viewed the body. The Hebrew Protective Association will bury i t — N . T . S&n, Nov. 13.

*7,..- . ■ ■{' • * ^ ^T a k e D o w n F o u r B ib le ,

And hunt up the following :1. Who waa the first drunkard? Gen. ix, 20,

n .2. W ho took tho fli^t temperance pledge?

Judges n il, 18, 14.3. Who first pledged himself ? Daniel i, 8.4. Was he any wiser thereby? Daniel i, 15,

20.5. Can' a drunkard inhgrit the kingdom o f

heaven ? 1. Cor. vi, 9, 10.6. Where was the first temperance society held ?

Jer. xxxv, 6,8.7.. W hat blessing did God pronounce upon the

fi^st temperance society ? Jer. xxxv, 18, 19.8. In temperance a vice ? Gal. v, 23.9. Whop is it a virtue ? 2 Pet. i, 5-7.

A w f u l G a r d n e r ’ s P ie t y .

Orvilld Gardner, otberwiso known aa Awful Gard* ner, wa^Xcruhd yesterday afternoon by a reporter for the Sun in his comfortably-furnished apartments on the second story o f 7 Bleecker street, Newark. A report had been published that he h^ii forsaken thexause o f temperance, and was about to open a saloon on Mulberry street in that ftftyr— *»

“ I wish,you would contradict the. reportv” w id he. 41 X.JTeel. too.B1&F0. o f Ihe^ acqeptance p f the, consecration of^my life to Jesus eve* to gor back to that business. I t is a bad buainess, and leads to a man's destruction, body and soul I ’ll tell .you

"~Tjow th a f l^ o r t must have atarted. I have just re cover^ fjbjn ft long sickness. I Was palsifed on my le ft feiae. I could hot ti^lk plainly, jm d my intellect was partly taken away. Now I have re­covered, though I can’t tal£ as fast ( as I used tb, and I can’t getybdnd sb lively. I have some good, friends who helped me durihg iny sickness, but now they have lost their money and I must help myself. About*the ojply, good,friend I hate now among the religious/ pedple la Brother Samjn^ Halatead. Y on know him. H e ia a leader of a pfaying band*

: 1xrKew York .” — N . Y . /ton,.,

. - jf io re , o / .t ta ^ «^ Y | e t li ia # . . .

Geowe*- Si-Wlujefer; 8{jS^>ranam avenue, 0 Brooklyn, was arrested fo r intoxication in Grand^ street, near Tenth street,. Brooklyn late on. Mon­

day n i g l ^ 'H t w m ytkerih fy Qi^dhAiVed' by Juk-

X EUiott. W heeler was a, youijg buxines*.man ■ight prospcctKJQniil; T&- fbim ed • iasociations

whioh led him in to d issipation A year ago he w u a yfaakmd. clrog h o w ia N .w

York. His grandmother, on dying, loft him a hQUse and lot ^hich Jie *>old for $7,000, add fumi* ture enough to fit up a house at 858 Graham ave­nue, Brooklyn. l i e waa persuaded to leave New York, that he might break off_ his associations with hia boon oofopftnfcteju "■ f ) ( ' * ' r-

f ie bewail to spwid'tee proceeds o f '^the sale o f his inheritenoe, and speedily became a drnnken and brutal husband. Friends o f the family say that he did not ti«e liquor until thlfr mrfflpy fe ll to him. The trouble that he carried into his fabuly led to the insanity o f hi" wife. The, conduct of Wheeler became known to a ll. his neighbors. He waa drunk evory day, spending-his money madly for liquor, and then gbing hpme to abuse his wife. Aa his wife was in no oondition to complain o f hitn. her neighbors bad him 'arrest- ed, but not until he had spent several thousand dollars in dissipation, and had almost rained t»a health by drunkenness. When he wa* arrested be was sent to a hospital, because his physical .condi­tion was too muah redubed to permit o t oonfi^e- tqent in jail. A fter hie diaoharge' from the hos­pital, Justice Guok directed dourt officer Duffy lo keep Wheeler undpr strict surveilanoe. Last w^ek officer Duffy di^d,‘and Wheeler at onoe went back tb his cups. j.

On Wednesday he drew $750 from the Williams- bnrgh Savings Bank and spent it a lt On Monday he drew •75 from * the same bank, and *hen he was picked up out o f the gutter in Grand street be bad allj> f this money, except ninety-one cents, in his pocket The. wife, who partly recovered her sanity while her husband was kept away from his drinks, was at onoe thrown back into a helpless state by his relapse. It is said that , there is but $425 dollars left o f the $7,000 which he had a^vear ago. His acquaintances look upon him aa * ,hope­less wreok.-r-A^. Y . S u iiy Nov. 21-

A great temperance revival is being carried on at MorrisvjUe, Penn., opposite" Trenton, a village o f 1,600 inhabitants, under direction o f the Mur­phy Club, o f Philadelphia. Every hotel and saloon, except one, has been closed, and almost every one has signed the pledge;


L a k e V i e w H o te l,ASBUBT PABK, N. J.

A . R . T O L A N D , P ro p r ie to r .

O p e n a l l t l x o Y e a r .

Ths present proprietor having porchased the prop- .ejrty, has partially rebuilt tbe bouse and whojly ren­ovated it. The rooms are commodious- and 'extra fur­nished with spring mattresses.

This House is now open for guests; it Is desirably situated at the head o f Wesley Luke, commanding a tine view o f the Lake and Ocean. It is about % mile from tbo Ocean and 300 yards from the C. R- R. depot.


H O W L A N D H O US E .O c e a n O r o v e .

This Honso, the Rrnt established ut Oceau Orove, has been greatly enlarged, improved, and handsomely repainted. Kacn room lias a door and window opening to verandas, which extend all aronnd the building at eaflh story. The rooms are nil newly plastered and neatly furnished. It is conveniently lopated in the Orove, on M». Carmel Way, within a1 few yards o f tlie Uongretfution Grounds. Post Office. Telegraph OUlce, etc. It is well kept, and now opep for visitors. Every eflort will be made to give satisfaction in all respects.

C. L. HOWLAND, Proprietor.

^ O R S A L E A N D T O L E T .


~ F o r W a l e .

Those lots arp near Shark River, oil the highest

ground along the shore. They are 50 feet front

and (225 foot deep, fronting on the wide graded

turnpike leading to Ooean Beach. The owner

offers flioRO lota for the present at the

L o w P r i c e o '


$ 2 0 0 C A S H .

For carpenters, fishermen and teamsters having

work near Shark River, these lots are cheaper

and superior to any now offered in this soction.

• Apply to

I S A A C O . K E N N E D Y ,

\ A s b u r y P a r k , N . J . -


A S B U R Y P A K K , I V . J .

Properties For Sale, Boat or jExohan^a.Buildings aud their contents lnsnredi n the beat anjd

most reliable Fire Insurance Companies at tbe lowest rates. Over $50,000,000.00 Insurance Capital represented-

Otficb : Ma.in Street, next door to the Reading Room,' Asbnry Park, N- X I

P. 0 . address, Asbury Park. N. .1 ^

A S P L E N D ID F A ltM . 153 Acres, Large Brick House, 13 rooms,. Marl,, Water aud Wood

plenty. W ill be sold ohe^p on long eredit^ or ex- chwnifed.'- 500 yards from R. * IRL Depot,- churches, mills, stores, schools, etc. Apply to

J W. MORRIS,Long Branch, N. J.

B U ILD IN G LOTS FOR SALE. The subscriber, executor o f the estate of Wm. Harvey, deceased,

offers at private sale about 80 l9ts, lying on the east side o f the turnpike, between Ocean Grove and Shark River, near Duqk Creek. Also, for rent, a house on the name tract containing two rooms on first floor, and three rooms on second floor. Gallon or address,

ABN E R A L L E N , Kx r,Die at. Brach, N. J.

F O R. Or will sxohartge for property in Asbury Park, a

S M A L L F A R M ,Containing 85 acres, with all necessary buildings. Finely located in Monmouth county? three mile* fronj English town. For further particulars, address,ENOS APPLEG ATE , or C. D. ;

A sbuky Pa rKj, N ew «&.RNEH- * 60N ,IltSET,

F OR 8ALE3, a ^ne farm of b5 acres; 25 acres till­able, 25 acres meadow, and the halance woodland.

Good houae and plenty of out-buildinKs, all new. It is located four miles below Tom’s river in Berkley town-' ship, Ocean county, one and one-half miles from tbe railroad station. I t is very convenient to churches and schools, fcloop creek adjoins the property, and affords good fishing, oystering and gunning. A lio for sale,1 tl*e new sloop “ Valiant” an eight ton beat. The abov* property will be sold cheap if applidd .for soon. . <

D AVID R. ALLGOR,Bayville,

| ■ Oeean Co., Jf. J r

This Day Choose 'Ye STafe or Shinglefl

D A V I D C A R T W R I G H T ,

Plain a i Ornamental Sl^te Roofer,a b b it k s ’ ^ J-


X. •

Hnvinjtrhnd 25 yeara experience in the Slate Roofing business I am prepared to give tbe pnblic satisfaction with tHe best^maierial in the market, at reasonable rates.

A ll work warranted snow and water tight. Mate­rial always on ban a. Jobbing promptly attended to.

A ll ord'ers received by mail, andieft at Park Hall, w ill receive prdmpt attention ,

S M O C K & B U C H A N O N

Cor. of Main and Asbury Atn.,

A S B U R Y P A R K . N . J -

Dealers In all kinds of



B r lc l , L in t , Latti, p iaster, Cement. B a ir k .


A Speoialtv

A ll kin^ls o f L um ber constantly in tlie yard.

Hemlock, Spruce &. VVHiie Fine Timlier

R O O r i N G S L A T E

O f the best quality, or contracts takejJ for rools” compfete.

Every article in our line liwllvored with dispatch, at tfie lowest possible prices.

Parties‘desirinu to erect Cottiufes w ill not do t.hem* neivos justice unless they g ive n« h call.



f l


GI If l



'Asbury Park is located directly op­posite the celebrated Ocean Grove camp-meeting grounds (Wesley Labe djylttyM]t[ha two blaces),.four miles

*• beloW Heneral Grant’s cottage a t , Long Branch, I^few Jersey. OVer oight hundred' cottages ‘have been built at Asbury Park ai\d Ocejm GroVe within six years, costing over one million dollar*. Asbury Park fronts directly on the ocean. It does not front qn a bay, or sound, or riv­er, but on^he' broad Atlantic, stretch* ing jtway for thousands o f mites. As­bury Park was assessed in 1869 at

. S15.000; the assessment for 1875 was $250,000. 8 1roots,1 running at right angles to the sea are frbm one. ta two jhi^dred. wifte-^m .^van tage ;*•'poefcsaed by no otBeitaea-Blde jfesorf '"o r a ^ w ^ c r s ^ f e o y :

Asbnry Parki opposite , OCean Grove, can btf reached direct by the Ckntiui. R a ilroa d o f N ew J e r ­sey, from the foot o f Liberty street. New Jfork, via. Jersey .City, and also by nlearfibOat frbm foot o f Rec­tor street, N. Y., torSandIr. Hook, affording a jRhe view of4he Narrows, harbor fortifications, etc., thence by tbe New Jersey .Southern R. R. to Branchport (i| miles from Long Brandi), and connecting there with Centra^ Railroad b f New J ersey. So theri> are two' lines'of ddinmunica- tion. From' Phlliidblphia, the 'cars run to Asbury Park direct. Rail­road time from New York to Asbury - Park, 2 hcJurB; expre « in tuipmer, aB6aHi Phlladfll-pbia to Asbury P^rk, 2 Hours and 35 minutes.’ ' ‘

The terms o f sale o f lots in AsbUry Park are a « : follows! First. 1 Wben’ parties buy and do not build, one-third & V purchase money w ill be required down, balance ia five years. Second. Where purchaser builds, no money . wiU bo reouired down, but a mort­gage tan-W given, payable in ten years, with the privilege of ten like renewals, making the principid sum due One hundred years hence, tbe purchaser, however, reserving tbe right to pay off the mortgage at any time. Tfytrd. T4n per oent. o ff for cash at tithe o f purchase. For price o f lots, s tress ,JAMES A: BRAD LEY, or ISAAC BEALE , 251 Pearl Sl * New York, or

ALLE N R. COOK, Asbury Park, New Jersey.



f f









^ s b u r n g a t k ,HTTW. JERSEY.


P A I N T E R S ,Plain and Decorative Kalsomining. Graining, eto.



Or address Box 507, Ocean Grove, N; J.


C a r p e n t e r s a n d B u i l d e r s .Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc. Buildings of any kind erected at uhort.notice. Hand Railing and ^tair-oasing made to order. A ll work promptly attended to.








FTTENITUEE, CAEPET8,OIL CLOTHS, W IND O W SHADES, Etc Mechanics’ Tool*. Window Glass & Fatty.

M I X E D P A I N T S .

Farming Implements Field and Garden


P R A T T ’S A S T R A L OIL,.^ . A-NI>

Mme, Demorest’s Eeliable Patterns,». A. MORFORB. A. T. VAN HKfcVEm.



Jewelry ;&nd Fancy GoodsA M l V l l Y r A l l K ti T.ONH TlJtANCIT.

Repairing; Done at Short Noticp - o i v k u s a o a l l . l

Parties wishing to pnrehase Fine Jewelry or Watches in New York will'do well to leave their orders witn us, al Wo have a.lkrge experience in thia business.

Cookman Av., near Park HaU A8BURY PARK , N J.

G L E N W O O D .

CHAEIiES JACOBUS, A. tL, Principal.M A T A W A X , jV . J .■ *» . —♦ -

Superior advantages afforded to both sexes, in the attainment of sound and practical ‘ scholarship. Onr motto, not uoW much, bnt bo v w e ll .

Extensive Philosophical aod-GbetaicftJp apparatus Personal attention to every department. Competent teachers. Music a specialty. '

T o on r hoarders, w e f r y to . m ake. the-Jtnstifnte a hjQnje. ‘ T h e grOufids a ifrb e a n t iftr flt fv a r ie d .v

For ck<>Qiars,.f tc.,. address the Principal; or,- Chas. W . Foont*in, EUq., Secretary o f o f Trustees.

B R A D L E Y < f c S M I T H

ilanufactqrerfi and Importers of

B R U S H E S ,

S iM

4H i0w


B b a d le t & S stm i aro the iargest Brush Man*

afapturers in tho O ity o f N ew York .

B ra d le y & S m ith were the first In the Brush

Trade to issue an p^jaejfated Ca^lsiguo, which

they furnish on application.

Machine & Factory Wort im at sborl Notice. A T T E N T I O N , '

M A N U F A C T U R E R S .Asbury Park is a villnge on the

A tlan tic coast,- . forty-fi to miles from New York city. I t has already obtained notoriety as a summer re­sort.

The plaoe has doubled in size since 1874, and as the original proprietor { o f the Park, owns a large tract lying west o f the old' turnpike, three- quarters o f a mile from the sea, he desires t*> call the attention ot Man- ufao&hrers.'eithor iii a small way or on

■ a large scale, to the fact that we ,have unemployed WBor' Here in thve fall,

.-I.... winter1 and spring, which would be benefited by;the establishment of some pennanent^work, wbile at the san e tinte Manufacturers would be benefited themselves, as lands-lying immediately along the Central ‘Rail-

... road track would be spld at a nomin­al priofe to Manufaptnrers. 1 Prioe of

j - ,. land to^be grided according to the najnbdrlof. hands employed.

Anbury .Park is opposite Ooean Grove, apd can be reached direct by the C entral R ailroad op N ew Jer SET. frpm the foot o f Liberty street, N tw York, via. Jersey City, and also by steamboat trorn. foot of Rector street, N. Y ., to Sandy Hook, affordingjl fine vjejv of the Narrows,

1 harbor fortifications, etc;, thence by tha New. Jersey Southern R. R,/to Branchport (1> miles from Long'Bancn), and connecting there with . ,Central Railroad of Nlfw Jersey. So there are two lines of communica­tion From Philadelphia, the oars run to ABburv Park direct. Rail­road tiipe from New York to Aabury Park, 2 hours; express in anmmer,

• about I U hours; ahd from Philadel­phia to Asbury Park, 2 hourn and. 35 minutes.

W il havc-three Churches; a Day -*■ School, costing • 10,(KK), with a daily attendance o f two hundred and fifty scholars j a weekly newspaper—

v A ijddmY P ahk J oukhai, ; * two Publio Halls,, one seating 1,5<>0; 'Reading Room, M&sonic doeiety,.Lodge o f Good Templars, Lodcte of Knights o f Pythias, Debating Club, Blacksmiths’ and Wheelwrights* shopSr Luthbei^ Yards, Steam Saw­mill, Temperance Hotels (sale of liquors prohibited). Drug Store, Physicians, . Dry.. Goods, .^tojgk. ' - w. Bakeries, besides- stores o f various other kifads.

I f the above should interest any ?i__o f the readers o f , thia paper, please

, addfeKs , *A L L E N R, GOpK, Sugeapifp^-

ent. 1 ; ■ '

- ASBURY PARK,. . I ' . . i _


W ' 1,O F ' ] t e W ¥ 0 R K ------

$3,000,000 Cash Capital. Most reliable in this Country.

W I L L I S F O R D D E Y A g e n t ,' • *•' ' ' 1 ‘ •-


O c c a n G r o v e , A s b u r y P a r k a n d V i c i n i t y .

We do not claim .to be the only reliable folks in this ooinmunity, nor do we dp all the business, fof^thsre are other gentlemen whose business qualities and abilitdes' wei aito bouhd‘to respect.’'B at we<*wiU•laser*^ you in first-class Companies, rent yoti any ldad' o f a houAfcV’artd feell *5Wjhan|ife ^ pfopertiefl* ftrotti’ Hafaeio Texas. * ' ■ « . ‘

H O U S E S F O R R E N T .

; o o a c r e s , E S T A B L I S H E D I 8 Q 4 . .

A.HANCE & SON,R Y M e n a n d F L O

BED B A N K N.aJ. N U R B E R I E S A N D a R E E N HQ U Q E a A T R U M 8 Q M

7 G R E E N H O U S C S

e Y t r f r r ’C L A S s o r> .’INClUDI.NaiHEtAITSTNOVEtnES >

t/ m / iL a s s o r t m e n t

R U S T I C W O R K I R O N V A ^ E S W I R E W O R KC A T A L O G U E S T p ' X P P L I C A B T a

OKouNDir c a /o o u r . AtJD l a i jH M r r ^ m y g V ,rM r r s n s o p l a n t s o c l iv e r c b BfP lH M T to

O H O I O E T L O W E R S S U P P L I E D ^ ^~ r " ' r

t t F L O W E R SF L O R A L D e s i g w s ' I t Ts h o r t e S



Standard .ond Fncqi|alcJ <^unllty.

S . R . V A N - D U Z E R & . C O . ’ Si Celebrated Pure

C o n c e n t r a t e d E s s e n c e T r u e J a m a i c a G i n g e r .

S . R . V A N D U 2 E R & C O . ’ SSelected --'-•r'f

V ... P e r f e c t l y P u r e g r o u n d S p i c e s , ........... » - '

Packed lo V W 'f fn a 'J tB o r t lv o Stylo) T lji t'nni.

S . R . V A N D U Z E R & G O ’ S!Perfeclli»n '

B A K I N G , O R Y E ^ S T J J Q . W D E R .

S . R . V A N D U Z E R & C O . ’ SSpecial Safety .Friction iv|atches,

The Bert Friction JlalchM In |li« World- Kvery Watch to - ■ P K B F E t'l ', and lure Fire ; no dnm pn«ii cun aiFeet tliom.

M A P O F T H E C E N T R A ! M I t R O A D O F N E W J E R S E Y .

Showing the new line between Plriladelphtn and New York, and-nlxo tlie Lon#

Branoh Division.' ' ' r -,

Page 3: · PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe. being'taken to seenre ... WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1 diamond,sleeve

r v : > 5 ‘ V :' - , ; ' ' - % ■ ' - ■ f • '■ ' ' V ^ = ~ g ^ o ; .. ••...•

^VeSSSN lB^ ;.sj/SS’i sksssssme - - i,> ; » ® s !


6& ".!'•.

- ' " ■ >-"c -

' M

: !■ «!?=


p r o f e s s i o n a l c a r d s .

H S. KINM ONTH, M. D., PbTricIan and.Sarnmi. .-. Office at Kinmonth dt Co.’s Drag Store, Oook-

■ i tt&n ft v , rinxi door to Poet Oifice, Aibarr Park N. J.

' EEKM AS <k M D ® H Y , _CoD6Mior». and Attor­neys at La w , Freehold, N. j .

T O E li • f j N . J.

PACK ER, OouiMlor at Law , Freehold,

/&*■*** • a ^ A T r i iO B « X .Y N C H , C ou n selo r. a t L a w , 10 .W a l l X S t r ie t ,U o w Y o rk .

jlR A N K P-o M cDERM OTT, Attorscy at I>»1». i Solicitor. Master: and (Eauimliiet! In Ohaneety.,Offloe in Hew Brick Block, Freehold,-N1. J.

M 0. BliOCOM,

D EN TIST,' .dfctadaya._Th ur»d ays and Saturdays at Aabury, Park. O#T10B P a rk Row, near SteinbachVstore, Main

1 8ta, -Pahk, New Jersey.


V COUNSELORS A N D A T T O R N E YS -A T -LA W .- Solicitors and Masters in Chanotiry and Notaries

, . .> ■ . ' ' ^ r ■Publib. ' ,i£nQSJt'rBLdttxt L o so B easch .Viu laq j , N. J. *

.. John a Lanoiog. Charles P . porranod


A T T O R N E Y rA T -iL A W ,^o^dtor, l2^*sr. and Bxemlner to Chanoerv, Frsshold. N.J

T rB N D R lO K S O If & H AG G ERTY,


N E W YO R K ," ^ S S g E S S S ”-"

J .A. W . H ETE ICK , M. D.. '

H O H ffiO PATH IC P H Y S IC IA N AND 8TTRGEOH. Cor. Cookman, and Bangs ar., A sduht P a r k , N. J,

. .JEIqur. t-nntit 10 A - 4 P. M.

G . “M. PALM ER , * . D., .

flO M E O PA TH IO P H Y S IC IA N Offloq tn 8t«lnbaob'aBalldls^, oor. Mata and Lakt An.

*, h ia .JO P.M. A sbuut P a r k , N. J.



Ttmnrfar•.»» F«rkAnd Master In Chancery,k Hslt. Aabarv T&U. SQUAU VILLAGE, N .J .


SOLICITOR AND MASTER IN CHANCERY. Office, 2d stoty Post Office Bail ding. Freehold , N. J

F H. KENNED Y fie SON, Civil Engineers and • Surveyors, Real Estate Agents aud Convey*

enters. I . O. K B N N B D Y ,Master in Chancery,and Notary Publio.

OfficeitiPark Hal*; 1 Aanuar P ^ b k , N. J.

T A K E S BTBEN,t l A T T O R N E Y A T LA W ,

SOLICITOR A N D M ASTER I N CH ANCERY. ■Notary Pnblio and Commissioner o f Deeds for the

o f Naw York. E atoktowh , N: J.


D E N T I S T ,

"W;Ul .* iv « oarticalar attention to all o f the various tranches or his profession daring the coming season.

O rnos, C6b . o r Mattisoh A v . and E mory St .,

Asburv Park, N. J.

D. H. WYCKOFF,P E A C E M A K E R .A ll Difficulties and Differences Arbitrated without

reoQnrae to legal process. Office, comer Asbury av. and Main street.

A 8B U R Y P A R K . N. J.i—— — ......... ... ...........................


G E N E R A L A U C T IO N E E R , Terms reasonable. Offlce In Park Ball, Aebnrj Fark. N. J.

BOHDEN BROS.. Denier. m~

arrovE8/ t i n a n d s h e e t i r o n w a r e , ,b a n b e% h e a t e r s a n d k u b n a c e s ,

i m b o o k in g , o u t t e w s , e tc . A8BORY PARK . N. J.

A 1r i -


O. AtJO. AUMOGK, Proprietor*.

The best of all kinds o f me»t always on hand. Cus- topiers served at tljeir doors.

Market,' P A R E R O ^T ’ASB U R Y PA R K . ..

L0KER§0N BROTHERS, a g e M a k e r s

* A t i f l W h e e lw r ig h ts ,

HCo e n J5B;*» ., A t . AND M a i n S t .

tgP* Jobbing Promptly Attendedvto,

I n l k r l s m r p a l r o u , Cot w h o m I h a v e t a l l t ln f| H J s s i ^ l x yeafm «t Ocean G rove a a d Aabm ry P a rk .


Oor. B»ason M ii'jBdaA ,n .OOEAN 020VE, t’ . J.

S,|S. B. & T; B. NEWMAN,BricHsiers, ? la fo .M W § p e f l !a l Plasterers

Aabury Fsrk 4c Oe^an Beach, N< J»M A N T E L a A N D R A llG E S BET.

’ O-SWfl'SW'W. N i J-I ovCTbpr.ietli, 1874. This lato certify that E. H._Newman 4 Bro. haye

plaiterell a' nbmberof bnildinga atSceanTBeaoh, and ■ fe lr t .W|e%.ll»W/ilt4J>.«>Ui»J«>M«iafaotion. 1 taka

sr■" A . B IT N E B , 8opt.

WHOM IT "MAY CONCEBN.\pBrwai<TOK; N. Jm,November l^th,^874,

:• t VbifciB to ’oertlf^lh&t^E. H.^NBwmari &. BiWhH- nldafilMi) savanil nhnuk tn* ttia nt flratm i

m . m w i ? w ’ a w

rmo. at Qc b, Bjacb

^ ® 3' ~vkho may

■aaniiac«on.\ * t ^ ijeTo ^nem w oa gopa ^ntrqaaarp; -ineriiHre^lnaaetJrfpOs, aria WtU do aathey"agrec. And *

’, ’l.lato»IeigtoW-in'MCott^etulingthem tb any vkho may need their aerrices, . . , .* J.3W i F 1 ELDER. ^

•• • " ’ - J ' ■ . ;



A S B U R Y P A R K , N . 9 .

0 v « r $B 0 ,Q 0 0 ,0 0 0 Gapitsil R ep ro een tod .

T T A G ^ B M A N BROS., CARPENTERS AND X X BUILDER8,“ -Jobbing promptly attended to.—^

A S B U R Y P A R E . 1ST. J . ^.iTAvin^' bad a .long experience m

o f bnllding ;at - Asbnjry Park and Oceaiwe are able to-say that w e can build cpttage_____style to salt narcnasers, a t the lowest prices. Orders

tbe line_ „ , ... _cean Grove,we are able to-say that w e can build cpttoges o f every style to suit narcnasers, a t the 1 * - ♦ ” J- 'executed at tne shortest notice.

Sole A gen tb * n M onm outh County fo r the patent A.tnyriGan Fence.

G E O . M . B E N N E T T ;

Practical House Painter,W H ITF IE LD AV ., COB. HECK ST.,


Special attention given to contracts, eto.


-y^ T IL L IA M K IP P ,


Three Doors E a s O f Bond Street,

A SB U R Y P A R K , N. J.”


Glasgow, Scotland, ia to erect a bronze statue to the African explorer, Dr. Livingstone.

, A YearfnKgale raged around the-British Ialea on * ■iJatnrdaySqight; Thirty vessels are ashore be­

tween Ramsgate and Deal, and many lives axe re* ported loBt. .. .

The Russians continue1 to make progress weBt o f Pftvna, having just cap turfed Etropoli, a town on the Isker, forty miles from Sophia. ;The Turks have evacuated -Orchanio.

The report is current at Constantinople t fia f <Mukhtar~ho8 abandoned Erzerum. The insecurity o f his position lends probability to the statement A rumor is likewise current tbat‘ Osman had cut his way out o f Plevna. 8ervia is adopting warlike measures, ’being evidently eager to aid in the ex* peoted capture o f the Plevna army. The Rus-, aians admit that tho Caucasian revolt is spreading.

T l . O S*- W O R T H T N Q T O I S r ,

O a r p o a t o r & B u i l d e r .

A ll kinds o f carpenter work done with neatness and dispatch. BUILDINGS RAI8ED & MOVED. Job bing promptly attended to.

Besldenoe, B. S. Oor. Sewall Av. A Emory S tA S B U H Y P A R K , N . J .

C. W . F O X ,A R C H IT E C T A N D B U IL D E R ,

O C E A N G R O V B A N D A S B l ' I l V P A R K '

Con tract* taken. Plam nnd Speo llcatlonw FmnUhed and El- Umat«a made. Sea-aid e Cottaaea a Specialty.

R E S ID E N C E , S V U F A V S V V E .

A . 1 B R O W N .A r c h i t e c t a n d B u i l d e r .

• Plans and specifications drawn at the shortest notice. Also cottages to rent.

R e s id e n c e , 4 2 6 A s b u r y A v e . ,

A S B U R V P A R K , N. J.

K I N M O N T H & O O . ,

Dealers irf


C O O K M A N -A.'V".,Uext door to Boat Office,

A S B U R Y P A R p N . J.


Cor. Lawrence Avenue, hear Main Entrance,


Plain and Ornamental Cottages.Buildings raised and moved with oar* ant} promptness.

R e fe rs .t o ; Asbary Fountain, Esq- Wm. Spader, Esq., Matawan; Rev. H . B- Beegle, D H. Wycboff, Esq.,Ocean Grove; George Evans Esq . Philad’a.


" ^ L IV E R Y STABLE. •

Hprses, Backs and Light Carriages always ready atoalL

Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Gar r iages and harness kept in perfect order. _

My ^Busies meet all trains. Freight and baggage delivered at the shortest possible notioe.

A ll freight or baggage Sent tb my care w ill be de­livered or property cared.for .

G. W . RQQE&8, Prop

H A T H A W A Y ’ SWe take pleasure in informing our friends that we

haya opened our new Spring and Summer Stook of Goods, consisting of - .

Parlor, ( W e r , D iiin p o iii & Kitchen' FURNITURE,

A good aasqftment o f ^

Bnilders’ Hardware, Carriage Hardware*-Ison, Stbbl, Hmia, R w a , Bfokbs, Tmt-Boiyrs, 4o.

A G E I C T O T T J E A L j M P I / B M E N T S ,Plows, Caatincs, Shovels, fcpadea, Forks, Sooopa,

Boy^ies^ Garden Bakes, Wjboelbarrows* Etc., Eto. -

Faint!, Oils, Pntty, Blass, M Uefl Paints a id T n rp e it t eCOACH ,AND ‘ f u r n i t u r e y a r n x s h .

S 3E E r > s , ’ ‘Cloyer, Timothy. Central Fark Lawn Grass and a

Garden Beedu- —v-^he ifdvantsges wbioh w e ppsBessi'in atorinR our

gbods in the large new store, combined with ouf facili­ties for porchasing goodB, give ub an ad-nmtsge whioh wft w.UV c^ r^ u liy .Share .with our customers. We. wUfb&plta&d to aye you call and examine our stock. ‘ .orders; by.maU;will be pjromptly attended to;

is delivered fee? o f charge. . \* ’ *•; JO H N 0»* H A T H A W A Y .

W A 8 H 1 N G T O W .

The House repealed the resumption aot o f Jan. 14, 1875 on last Friday, by a vote o f 188 to 1^0.

The sfcorm in Washington was yery severe, over­flowing the creeks and swelling the river. A dis­patch on Tuesday says: p i e enginftj o f , the fire department are engaged to-day m pumping out basements overflowed by tho recent! rains. The damage by the storm was principally confined to localities ol! along the river front,' both'in thia city and Georgetown. ’The Joss o f property is very ex­tensive. . The river ia filled with debris, suoh aa wood, barrels, parts ol bridges aqd shanties from the/upner Potomac. A largo*n umber o f inen>nd boys, to idaffk, are making seizure o f thd floating property.


REUGIOIJS SUMMARY.Nebraska has 187 Baptist churches, but ia n y

o f them have neither pas tors nor h isses^fyorsbip .

The New Jersey Annual Conference will hold its next session on Maroh 18, 1878, in Burlington. Bishop Simpson will preside.

Tbe Lutheran Church in Beaver City, Pa ., has an oil well on its premises, and the flow is sufficient to pay a il the church’s expenses.

The oldest Christian ohuroh in the world is said to ba ono in Algeria, in the pavemont o f which is a stone with tho inscription stating that it was built in tho year 828.

Tho .Universalist ministers o f Boston hay.e adopt­ed a resolution that the use o f intoxicating drinks as a beverage ia sufficient cause for preferring a formal oharge against a clergyman. .... 1

A Diet, or Congress o f the Lutheran ohuroh, to discuss subjects o f importance to that body, is announced to be held in Qt. Mathew's Ohuroh, Pbiladelphia, December 27. A ll Lutherans, of whatever synodical connection, are invited to take part in tho proceedings. —

Iu May. last a mission chapel was opened in Belleville avenue, Newark, under, tha direction of a v — i t y T2r u — r ~i m . . o k / s i i n u u ; r a r x e r ,

oue o f tjie ablest lawyers in New Jersey, bas sup­plied the plaoe o f a- alergynfan there ever since. IS very Sunday afternoon he^reaas the Evening Prayer and a sermon o f some o f tbe ablest preach­ers o f the Episcopal church. The congregation has steadily grown.

[Reported expressly for the Asbnry Pari Journal.]


List of Conveyances, Monmoath County Clork’s Office, for week ending November 24th, 1877.

ASBURT FARK.James A. Bradley and wife to isaao O. Kennedy*-

lot No. 1,189 at Asbury Park^pi^^ideration, $1,500.James A. Bradley and wife to Ellen Canfield—-lot'

No. 846 at Asbury Park ; consideration, $1,000.Nancy Mounvto Fianklin A Mountf—lot or tract of

land near Asbury Park ; consideration, $i,6u0, MISCELLANEOUS.

Tbe Ooean Beach Association to Anna E Wyokoff— ’lot No. 1,040 at'Ooean Beaoh; consideration, f2 (55.

Ezra A- Osborn and wife to Joseph T. Osborn— farm in townships o f Middletown and Holmdel; con­sideration, $8,00c.

Henry Green and wife to Edgar Clayton^-lot o f land at Long Branch ; consideration, $2,250. jpw

George H. Green et al. administrate, etc., to .Benjamin B. Hanoe—lot in township o f Ocean ; con­sideration, $28.

George C. Murray and w ife to Mary Heartneddy—’ one aerp In township o f Middletown ; consideration, $175.’ Henry W . Johnson et al to Simon Van Wiokle—

lota at Matawan; consideration, $400.JameB Matthews and wife tb Allison E. Preston—

10 aores o f land in townships o f Freehold and Howell: consideration, $887.50

George W. Brown, sheriff,' to Mary L- Wild—lot in township of Shrewsbury, sold as property o f John L. Ingling ; consideration, $1,200. • *— ••

Benjamin Brown and wifo to Hyaointhe Jdseph Lamarohe—* lot of land in township o f Middletown; consideration, $4,000.

Laura F. Matson and husband to Hyaointhe Joseph Lamarohe—22 aores in' township of Middletown : con­sideration, $16,OUO.

George W . Brown, sheriff, to John W . Davison- 25100 of ari'aore in township ot .Howell, ao d.as pro­perty of Henrv*L. Otterson « consideration. $650.

Richard K. Hu lick and wife to John, F. Marshall— slafauJO^lOO.aeres in tbwfflhip of-Eatdntown^-oon.-sideration, $1, I ■■ IhomasB Stout and wife to Eugenia 8. T a y lo r - four lota In town of Keyport: consideration, $400.. Tylee C. Vannote and wire to Margaret HaVaes— 1-5 of lot in township o f Ocean, ^near Branca port; consideration, $150. •.

Hugh N. Camp and wife to John McKesson—two lots at Monmouth Beaoh; oonaideration, $5,0^0

Lewis B. Brown and wife to Charles H. Mekd and Thomas Taft—two lota of land at Long Branch; con­sideration. $8,500.

Peter Antonides and wifo to James P . Low rev— 80-100 of an acre o f land in township o f Freehold; consideration, $1.

Nathan Matthews to Pavid Warner—deed o f as­signment for benefit of his c redi to r Bioo nsit^ora t o n, $1;

John KrOwn. abd wife to John R. Brown—one acre in townahip of Wa^, near Ocean Beaoh-;-, consider­ation, $50.

Aaol F. Giflford and wife io James Al Slooum—two acres in township of W»B'^consideration, t65i\ -Isaao-Nowman to Martha L. Wight^Tp-TOOof'an

acre neaT-OoeuLltaaob, in townahip o f Wa^,.consider­ation;'fl'.O. ' ......... ........

Lewis B. Brown, and wife to. Harriet-A.- Durand— lot in township o f Ocean; consideration, $2,250.

Phebe A. Van Derveer, et al administrators, to Julia A. Woodwardrf 3 lota at East Long Branoh: consider­ation, $700.

Sarah C. Bradley and husband to David Thompson— t lots at Sea S ide: consideration, $635, /

Charles A. Bennett,, master, to Maria Satterly— 8 and 40-l|(Ki-abres.at Keyport; consideration, $B0u. i George W . Brown, nberiff, to John Ball—4 tracts

'• * ■ ’ ” — 1 - 1 o fAn-o f land in township pf Howell, .spld as property t thony Bearmore, deceased; ooneideratiou, $800,

George W. Brown, sheriff, to .John Hall—2 twota of land in.townahip of IJowell, »old as property o f Rich­ard Butpbiu ; oonaideratoYi^$31t.OO. -J

Philip Zinzee and wife -te. John rHoU-*-®.aorea inxrHnl!-j, $90.

Leonard—2 acres of

Philip /.lnzee and wife -to- jotin township o f H ow ell; consideration!- John I . Bue and w ife to John Lfc

land ih township o f Millstone; consideration* $00.Daniel' Dodd et al. to Hog^ N,.Comp—riot at Mon­

mouth Beach: consideration, *500.. J aura F . ‘Matson to. Hyacinth* J. Lamarohe—23 aores in township of Middletown; consideration, $10,-qpo. ‘ * * r .

Henry.. H, tX «d W,Hannab Rioo-^lot.No. 510 at Ooeap Beach; consideration, $600, . .} ‘

STATE ITEMS.Diphtho^a ifl on the decrease in Paterson.

Plainfield haa stopped the tramp-nuiaance by arresting and injprisoning all vagabonds.

, tthe Phconlx Iron Works, o f Trenton, are in fall blast, eighty-five men being employed on full time.

Governor-elept MoClellan^has rented the tyeatherby house on Greenwood avenue, Trenton, ip t his residence during h fl official term.

^M ortifl Kalbfleisch & Sonaliave bought twenty- flVe ■ aorea b f ground at Constable Hook, upon which they will build extensive pliemioal works.

James Cookburn, an employe o f the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Kail road, wp& killed by felling through the trestle work o f the ooal docks at Jersey City, oa Sunday night. . >

Henry Eckbardt, charged wilb killing hia w ife in W est Hoboken, pleaded- not guilty on Saturday. Judge Knapp flet down his trial for December 10. The Hon. O. H . Winfield will defend him.

The bi-centennial o f BurUngton wiU be observed on Deoember 6tb. There, w ill be a'parade o f the military, fire department and civic societies, and a publio meeting at Birch’s Opera Honse, with an address by J. Howard Pugh, and an oration by Henry Arm itt Brown, o f Philadelphia.

Harbor Master Geragbty has informed Congress­man Harden berg tbat there are seven veasels 1 jaded with gunpowder-belonging to private per­sons lying o ff the Central Railroad docks at Com- munipaw. Measures are being* taken to secure their removal to places where their explosion would do less damage.

Three years ago Matthew Lynch, o f .Neshanio, while at work on the Easton and Amboy Road, drank some water from , a pool in the “ Dutch Swamp ” H e has since suffered peculiar sensations in the stomach. A few days ago • he was seized with great thirst, drank two quarts of buttermilk, and then vomited a live lizurd three inches long.

The Montclair and Greenwood Lake train ran off the track west o f the Haokensack bridge, on Saturday night, and Hiram Lanoe, the engineer, was soalded so severely that be died'on Sunday night. Before his death, Lanoe said that when a Bhort distance from the switch he saw a boy turu it, bnt it was too late for him to prevent the en­gine from running o ft 4

Boys have found a number o f valuable articles at the garbage damping place at fcamrapo, on the shore of the' ^ e V ’ York bay, inoluding silver spoons, gold cottar -and sleeve buttons, etc. Last week Francis Marshall found a diamond sleeve- button, and on baturday W illiam MaetArson found a sojall tin box containing a lady’s w^tch set with diamonds, worth, $300.

The tapgc Johan Lang, from Bordeaux, in ballaBt, came ashore on the north aide o f Hereford Inlet, ten mileg north o f CapeM^yj Saturday afternoon. A ortw o f seventeen, inoluding tbe Captain’s wifg) and child, landed Sunday, by constructing a raft of boats and spats; two ot the sailors were badly hurt. The bark is fast washing to pieoes, and little willbosavtru tux,— T h e can ta ta rfinrtrto —the most severe he ever experienced.-.

GENERAL NEWS.Another M olly Maguire was convicted o f mur­

der in the first degrei at Pottsville, Pa., on last Saturday. * ‘ -

A National Baby Show opened in New York on Monday, and will continue one week. About 500 babies are on exhibition.

The P reu o f St. Augustine, F la ., says that travel to that city promises to exceed that o f any former year. Large numbers of strangers are daily ar­riving there.

JWoses H. Gyinnell dl&J In.. New York last Sat­urday evening, He b a l e e n , engaged in business in that city since 1828, and was one o f the kygest

. ship owners in the country.

The Fishery commission, whioh wa3 appointed to decide oil the claim o f Qruat Britain against the United States for the privilege o f fishing on the Newfoundland banks, awarded Great Britain the sum of-$5,500,000 on Friday last. &

The b ig steamship Hooper sailed from New York on Monday, with a cargo o f 97,910 bushels o f corn, 88,919 o f wheat, 13,856 o f peas, 1,900 barrels of flour, 1,700 bales o f cotten, and other merchandise, being the largest cargo ever taken from that port by one vessel.

Hegyy rains in Maryland 'and Virginia, Friday nnd Saturday, caused tbe rivers to rise suddenly to a grt ator height than at any time Bince 187Qt» At Bichmond the losses o f private property amount to nearly $5' 0j000. The Potomac at Washington is full o f floating property.

The brig Osaipee, owned by Mr. R. Wihon and others, of-New York, was strandeefht Ragged .Point, Va., on Saturday last. The seoond mate, T. Ba­ker, and one seaman were drowned. The vessel was from5 Denia, Spain, and boun£ to New York. Both vessel and cargo are a total loss.

Henry Hansemann, who shot bis three children and then himself in his house in Chrystie Street, New York, on the 12th inst., died on Sunday in the Chambers Street Hospital. A fte r hi3 daughter Martha, who was six years o f age, aud bis little son Adam, who wad four, r e buried; he-hoped that he might die, ahd aaid that he wished tllat'he had killed his mne-year-pld son John; who is recovering from hia injuries.

A t Columbia, S. 0., on Monday, the following sentences \yere pronounaed : Francis L. Cardoza, ex-Treasurer o f South Carolina, fo r conspiracy, to defraud the State, to two years’ imprisonment in jail and four thousand dollars fine, and one year’s imprisonment added i f theJlne is not paid at ihe expiration o f two years; Smalls, membejj. of Congress, for accepting a..bribe o f five^bousand dollars wbile member of- tho State Senate, to three years’ imprisonment at hard labor in the State penitentiary; L. Casa Carpenter, formerly proprietor of the Columbus D aily Union , for for­gery ln_raising- the amounts -for- publishing tbo laws in his paper, to- two years in ja il and $1,000. f l n e . y * " A

The United States steam sloop' o f w&r Huron went’ Upon tbe rocks near. Oregon Inlet, North Carolina, early , Saturday inorniqg. The boats wero - wtuibed from the davits,' and those who were saved reaohed the shore by swimming. Thenaval vessels Powhatan and Swatara were sent to her on-, Sunday, but were.unable to render assistance, on aooount o f the heavy sea. The surf-boat o f the wrecking st&m'er Bv and J. Blake went to her as- Siaiauce and waa upset with nine men, five of Whom were drowned. -The Huron had eleven o f­ficers and 121 m en ; o f these only tour officers and tbir:y*onemen are known to haye been saved. The engine wqp in good working order until tbe ves­sel struck the beaoh, tyhen'the violenae o f the wtives soon broke her up and rendered it diffioult, for tnriy, on board to escape. The life•savfng crew were absent from the station near by ; and tho people 'on tbe shore, who had seen the signals o f distress, did not venture to break open the honse and take tbe lile car. This was donp by Ensign Young after he reaoUed the shoxp, but it. was then too late. " %

Monmoath Monument Association.Pursuant to notice previously published in tha

Journal, the' Monmouth -Monument ‘Association met at the Court House in Freehold on Friday, November 28.

Tho following named membenHwere present: v iz ., Hon. John W . Herbert, Dan’l P. Van Doren and Obadiah C. Herbert, o f Marlboro; Hon. W m . H. Bennett and Bev. Mr. Wilson, o f Ocean; Dr. Hunt, o f Eatontown; D r. Robor^ Laird and Hal Allaire, o f W all; T . R. BroWli and ‘ Joseph Burrows, o f Raritan ; James Broadmeadow and Wm. H. piokles, o f Shrewsbury; ex-sheriff Chas. Allen, o f M illstone; .county collector John H. Laird and-'Mr. Craig, o f Manalapan; Mr. Van Ma^er, of H o lm del; county auditor CoUen R Meira, o f Upper Freehold; Major James S. Yar<C Col. E. F. Applegate, James I\ Burtia and Ex- Gov. Joel Parker, o f Freehold. • The Association was called to order by President Parker - at ten o'clock.

The minutes o f the previous meetings were read by Secretary Yard, after whioh Gov. Parker an­nounced that tbe object p f the meeting was to adopt Bome uniform plan for collecting funds, fur the erection o f the Monmouth monument.

The President thtSn handed to the Secretary a letter o f Mr. E. M. Hartshorne, o f Middletown, regretting' his inability to bo present at that meet­ing, but informing the Association o f the plans adopted in their township, by which they expected to succeed.

Judge Herbert thought the system o f work adopted by Middletown a good one. Hia associ­ated fr6m Marlboro had not as yet' had a confer­ence, but he was sure they would adopt the plan o f going around and Boeing every individual in tbe township.

Mr. James Broadmeadow beliSved that in order to clearly impress the minds o f the people as to the character o f the wotrk propose^draughts and plans, with estimates o f cost, should be ootamed.There would be a powerful influence • in having plans to present before tbe people. He felt assur­ed. that tne wnole o f Monmouth oounty with her15 townships oould and would subscribe liberally to bo noble an enterprise.

Mr. Wm. H. Sickles presented to the Association a subscription list from Shrewsbury, wbioh footed up $848, and informed tho members that he hnd obtained the greater part o f them in about three days.

Judge Herbert favored the appointment o f a oom- mitteo to procure plans', with estimates o f costa

Kev. Mr. Wilson considered that the first question that would arise and be asked would be what will a monument cost? When plans are obtained, with cost o f the same, the work oan go on bravely and earnestly.

Mr. T. S. R. Brown thought that tbe main ob- jeot at present should be the raising of funds. Tbe A^ooiation may say that they will erect a gianite monument, the largest and best that oan be pro­cured, with the funds that can be raised.f I t is not advisable to say*to -the people, we must have so much money. I think tbere would be muoh force in a short form of address, to distribute among- tho peoplecrrMr, Brown also favored the plan o f hav­ing subscription books, that the names o f all

^m f/ooaM aE^d^Herbert assured the Association that'Marlboro would do her part, and Baid that be favored tho plans suggested.

Rev. Mr. Wilson thought that as the plans were to be obtained some time, that they should be got­ten nt once. The question, “ How muob do you want ? ” could then be answered satisfaotdrily.

Hon. Wm. H. Bennett was satisfied that the matter conld bo more fairly and successfully pre­sented to the people, after plans are obtained and addpted.

Mr. Broadmeadow thought that stereotype.plates showing the character o f the monument, oould be placed in every newspaper in the county. Thts would havo considerable influence m helping to raise fundB.. ’ Monmouth oonnty contains 48,000 inhabitants, and sorely i f these people bear their share, we will have1 a noble monument, snoh as will ade­quately commemorate the great event.

W e want the monument before u s; that is, tbe plans of the same and then the-money will come.

Mr. Burrows suggested that the amount might be approximated in getting up tbe plans. Let it be fixed at a certain figure and then Bay we will raise tbat muoh. W e will then get a monument that will be a credit to us.

Major James S. Yard advocated the raising o f as large a fund as possible as the firat great essential, and then going into the market aud making .the best possible bargain with the money obtained.

Mr. Broadmeadow thought that it was not so muoh their object to see hqw much money oan te raised, as to see a monument befitting the com­memoration o f the great event. He did not re­gard it as classed among qpmmon-place business matters, as where a man is about building a house first looks into his pcoket-book to count hew muoh money he had. Mr. Broadmeadow insisted that this matter was o f higher import. He thought it the true plan to define the oharacter and quality of the monument and then say “ we want that.”

Rev. Mr. Wilson thought that there was consid­erable force in placing an incentive before the people. An engraving o f the monument would oertainly aot a strong incentive.

Judge Herbert did hot think that the obtaining o f plana would in any way class with tli? raising o f funds.

Major Yard Insisted that it was best to see what could be undertaken first, and then proceed to do it.

Gov. Parker did not spe any reason why both oould not be operating aH he samiTttffflB. He spoke of seeing a gentleman from Middletown reoently, who said mat township would raise $1,000, he. believed; '

Mr. James T . Burtis assured ths Association that the people are ready to contribute liberally.

A fter aotne remarks by Mr. Meirs, who favored the raisiug^jf money as tho first plan, itwaa movt*d and carried tbat a committee be appointed to aeoare

-platis to be submitted to the Association. The raising o f funds meanwhile to be promptly attended .to. -. .. ...

The President appointed as said oqmmittee, Judge John W. Herbert, T. S. R. Brown, James T . Buttia and Hal Allaire.. Tha.question o f location o f tho monument hav­ing arisen. Col. Applegate suggested the appoint­ment o f a committee to take that matter into consid­eration. I f it should he deoided to place the. monument on the battle ground, the preoise spot must be selected. Moreover, there are some who want it in the Court House Square, where it will be seen.

On motien o f Hon. Wm. Bennett, it was de­cided that the monument, be erected on. the Mon­mouth ■ battle ground, the preoise spot to be determined by a committee.‘ Tbe President appointed aa said committee, Or.

Rob ortfi Laird, Gilbert Van Mat&r and John H. Laird. ;

I t waa .then resolved that the committees in each o f the townships bo recommended to personally wait upon ^ach person in their townahipa.

.It was further resolved that tHe pe oratory-fur­nish subscription books to each member o f tbe township committees/

Cgfore adjournment it was resolved that the As*- sociation meet again on the 26th day oi. December next, and that the S ice president and committees in each township be requested to canvas* and be ready to report on tbat day.' The Association then adjourned. *7 .

No. 48.

COUNTY NEWS.From the Monmouth Inquirer, - . -

There were more bills passed and paid at tha last meeting o f the Board o f Ohosou Freeholder^' than at any previous meeting. ' - '

I t is stated that'the amount o f the’legacy lo ft by- the lato Gabriel West, J^q-.to S t James’ Memor­ial Chorch,, Eatontown, is about $10j000. - ;

The residence o f J$r. George Oakes,- at Bumaou, on IAtt\e Silver, Creek, was entered W burglani ^ on Saturday morning last about 8 o’clook. :J&Ir, Oates and family are spending Ihe wiuter in New York, his bouse at Rumson M ing le ft ia'ofcatgfe of. _ a man who sleeps iu the barn. T h e . tyvglars e f­fected au entrance through a kitohen window, and were ransacking the bouse for plunder, when they- wore frightened off by Mr. Dennison’s dog. ^h ey left in too mqch haste to carry anything with them. , -

Frnm the J/onnwuiA Democrat, ""r

Holmes W. Murphy, Esq., and w ife attired home from their western tour on Friday even­ing.

The Home Dramatic Association, it* is said, will shortly bri ng out a olay at* Shinn’s Hall, in aluT o f the Battle Ground Monument fund.

A. C. Hartahorne, Esq., left*town yeiterday for Alabama. He will be absent three px four w^eka. Rumor eaya there will be one more o f him whan he returns.

The Classis of Monm outh'w ill hold a i meeting in the Reformed Ohuroh, Freehold, on Monday, December 8d, at 10 A. M ., for a farther-' consideration o f the business which occupled ttieir attention at the last meeting.

On the 14th in st, Prof. Lockwood lecture^ at Allentown for the benefit o f the village library.An appreciative audiencn greeted this gentl&baan, and at the' close o f the lecture0 a very handsome basket o f conservatory flowers waa presented him by the A olass o f Mr. Willis’ school.

m m

■ m'■H-'jilr

" v Mzi ■ ' - '


From the Long Branch Newt.A oolored man named Furman Riley had hfn

arm badly fractured ou Saturday night at Bkton- town, m a street souffle.

Mr. Samuel Slocum, au. old resident ~of-.J^png Branch, died at his residence on Wednesday even­ing lasL, in the 74th year o f his age. He Waves » wife and four ohildren, tbe youngest o f wUdh is but six weeks old. A notioe ot the funeral faer* vices will be fouud elaewhere.

We havo been informed that the Water Company are willing to «ell tbeir entire interest in the Water , Works to the corporation. I f thi« be brae* we would recommend the Commissioners tonegofciat# for tbe purchase o f the Works. Of conwe it ^ould be necessary to get an . act passed by the Legisla­ture authorizing such fmrchasey and the issuing o f bonds in payment for tne same. The utility o f tha Water Works,has been fully demonstrated, and if. owned hv the corporation the - wa£«r ruuoA far.ftre ;. puvpooea ana suorrsjSlntnaizig would cost puool,. less than i f furniahed^hv -W e trust that the Commissioners will aot prompt­ly in this matter, as it ia one o f vital importance.

From the Red Bank Standard. ‘ *

Tho Keyport firo company now numbers 70 members.

The steamer Seabird w ill be withdrawn frott^her route on the 8d of December.

We are glad to learn tbat the .matter o f erecting water works for Red Bank ha* been taken iuhana by some of our most entarprising citizens, and ita Bucceaa is now* we might say, inBured.

On Monday evening,' about eight o’clock. M r. Abe Coleman, o f Tinton Falls, drove nnder the soeds in tbo siable yard o f Mr. Ketoham, in the rear ol tbe Central Hotel, this town, and covwed the animal with a valuable buffalo robe. Aftet*be- ing absent about fifteen or twent? minutes, h *re ­turned, only to find that during his absence sOme ono bad relieved him o f hia robe. No oluir’fraa* obtained o f the thief. '

From tbe Matawan Journal.The dwelling houae o f Mr. A lfred E. Latte tfras

burnt-d early on Friday morning. Owing to de­fective hose the fire engine did bnt little good.

Mr. John L . Miller, who resided in BIfetawan about six months agq, has removed from Aabury Park to Kansas, hoping tnere to regain hia health.

W ork waa begun ,last week on the large briok hotel to be erected on the site o f the Mansion BJpuse, Kevport; the contractors being partieaftam Elizabeth. I


The semi-centennial of Methodism in Matawan will be celebrated with appropriate servioes in the M E. Church, December 27 to 80,1877. The pro­gramme o f exercises will be anno.uaced in duo tune.•> '■ ■ ■ 1 ■:

From the Keyport Weekly,

The new Hook and Ladder Ob., of Matawan, have dropped the name Phanix, and wUl ba oallad Matawan.

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union tutve held their meetings regularly since giv ing UP theirHull, alternating between the Methodist and Bap-______tiat •churche&. ■ . -

A remarkable progress has been made on tho __now buildinga, lor the aeason. Tho weather haa p been favorable thus far and our macbanios hava made the most of it. Mr. Deokdt’s ahooj store^ia enclosed and under roof. Joseph Maurer's fine building is far advanced, is under to o ^ floora laid, and in condition for putting through the inaida work. Tbe same contractors, Messrs.* Johnsonand Brown, haye the wajls oi Mr. C. MiUer’s_bt$4r. .ing, adjoining the last, well iu progreaa. The front has reoeived'its massive iron girder^ ou Whl^htha ~ frout .wall mkinly roats, and whon-coiflpleied, thia front will be the finest in town. Mr. Ogdon’s now store and dwelling, under contractor Foigat*; ia progressing on'the aecoud story. Mr. Foflgata haa uho commenced operations on the new. Manafyn House. H 9lmeaL}1 little * 8torea around the cor­ner ” are aDout done and ready fb r occupation. !Mr. Tilton haa the frames o f Mis; Hoffman's ahdn^ James Brown’s houses erected, and w ill soouba ■* enclosed. ‘

The recent rafting freshet jn the Dela^rara waa one of the best on the nver in aeteral yekrd Tiia number of rafta that passed down^.was320; averaging 60,000 reet o f dumber, Whidh ^ooJd gHe the total o f over'16,000,000 fee t,

The Trenton Gazette says: Senator Hendrick- sou,' o f Monmouth county, appears io haya tho beBt prospect fo r .the Presidency o f the Senate.He is tbe sehior Senator, and one o f thb moat honorable and upright men-in N e w J a ra iy j- i^ '

CoL A. H . Patterson,, o f Mdtimoaib,rWbtf't&l4. _. tho position d f Clerk onie yaaSfJ whe^^tp#MHottai; waa Uemocratio ana reygoiviaA inaflou each year since, i t ^thodkM* likely to redeiTe tnat mer, of the Pertti Amboy forEhgrbdalng Clerk.’

Page 4: · PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe. being'taken to seenre ... WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1 diamond,sleeve

■?.K c t ^ A V K ^ a ' j S ss ^ i S I

ASBURY, BARk JOURI A li _SATUft6AV, BlSCElVIBER 1, 1877, y: f-i¥#

T » Ei t

.. TERMS OF-OTBSCBIPTION.1, jrear, In advance,... . , ;.............% ............• naohtluhjln advanoe................. '....,■ mohths, In advanoe............. •**'*,;.•— ........lmoptb,tn advance................ . . . " ...............dlnsleooptes. . . . . . . . .....^ .......................

... %\ BO

... 80

r » « ASBURY PARK JOOHKAL M a weekly paper ,p'ubluhe<t at Atbury I*ark, Neio Jer tty. It i* printed on good paper, and betide* containing tha current neio* of event*, along tne Jer- t iv coa*t.glv** a uummarv of general neio*. ft* eeltctianhnre mad* with oar#, although it i* composed principally of original Motter. We aim to make It a good family paper, and desire jo intend it* circulation. We therefor ea*x o>n friend* and prp- ent tubterlbera to recommend it to their neighbor*.

T O O O B B E S F tT N D E N T S ,, 1VethQllbe glad to receive item* ojnewtandcommunicatwn*tin tubjicuojinterttito tAU community.

In tortUngarttcU* intendedJor publioatton,our friend* will pleat* bear in mind that a eheet written upon both ttdethati to M coptedbefore going to pre*»—a labor u>* cannot untRrMke..

At (communication* tfiould be accompanied by thefull na™f, and addreuof the writer, not ne<^sarUyforpublloatiosi.bui at a guarantee of gQod faith. Anonymou* litter* will not be^ffj^aunol return rejected communicationt, but will holdt\emfora limited lime\fr^gueMed to, t

AU letter* intended fo r the editorial or .ntfto* department 9kouldbeaddre**edtothe

K d lu rT o fth * Jou rna l.Atburv hark. New Jer*ey.

1 T l i e r e g u la r I f M b l T c ir c u la t io n i* f tt^e A s b n ry P a r k ' J o u rn a l exceed s T W K N T I f - O N B H V N D B E b C op ies . 1 *

S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1, 1877.

B IS H O P P E C K O N H O L IN E S S .W e recommend the fo llow in g extracts

from Bishop P e c k ’s address to the preachers

v o f the Illin o is conference and reported from

the conference minutes, to all our readers o f

the M ethodist denomination. I t has no uncer

tain sound, and in these days o f m u ltiplicity o f

doctrines when people are ao puzzled by di­

verse teaching on the subject, it w ill be tim ely

help. T h e Bishop is not on ly recognized au-

' thority on this subject, hav ing been a teacher

o f it for many years, but his position is the W e i l ja il" one incorporated in the M ethodist

doctrine. I t w ill be noticed that he speaks

o f holiness bs a progressive w ork instead o f

an instantaneous o n e ; also, he ad vises, tho le

. w ho prefer it, to exerc ise care in doing so.

W e fu lly endorse the address o f the B ishop;

for we, in common w ith ythera, have seen

much harm w rought in the Church by the

profession o f men whose career in business

was anyth ing but corroborative o f their Sun­

day profession; and by the home life o f

w om en whose husbands and children wei'e

anyth ing but happy in their presence, w h ile

in church, and prayer m eeting th ey w ere al-

. mpst angelic in their p ie t y :

I therefore say to you, brethren, you must not omit before the^world “ repentance toward God and faith toward onr Lor^ Jesus Christ,” a justifi­cation by faith and regeneration, and the begin­nings o f sanctification at the time of regeneration; and then going on to perfection. You must take Care o f the little ones, and you cannot do that by preaching u ie highest standardrbf’Christian «x- oeUence ohiefly and principally, You must go down where they are and lead them upward and onward, and so preach and teach that the. hum­blest and poorest o f all can understand it. You must remember tbat you are not to be the pastor o f ly'dosen persons dt*vot<ed *o holmes*, but tbe pa*<or o f the wnole flock,] and ninety-nine in a hundred o f thsxn,

auLna ui*? Tt is » great flock, and there aremany weak ones.' Take them all along! breth­ren ; preach tbe whole gospel. I t Is a gospel o f power to wicked men, and tbe majority o f your hearers are wicked men. It is a gospel ol mercy to penitents; take them and lead them to the altar o f mercy and to the saviour>of sinners. There* is no work o f greater importance than teaching those to walk wbo'^cannot walk them- selves. A great many o f the members are away down in the valley o f indecision, and you must not underrate them, but fprm them into line, bring them up, and try them, not by the “ Central Idea of Christianity, but by the Bible.

And now a word about the profession o f holi ness. I am of tHfc opinion that every man who tells his experience ought to tell the truth ju*t aa it ib. And I don't think the Churoh ia suffering for the want o f religious profession. A high pro* feeaion may be quite imprudent w£en it omy pro­vokes resistance. But when you areln tbe family with your brethren and sisters and are clear in the experience, don’t suppress it. I f the heart uFfilled with holy love, let the people know i t But then, I want to tell you that if a person is filled with perfeot love, he w ill have less need to tell it. I f his life is in accordance with it, he does not need to sell i t ; it will teli itself, and i f not, his telling it \pUl do no good. ^

W A G E S I N A S B U R Y P A H K .

T h e w ages o f laborers in A sb u ry P a rk is

. $1 .50 per day for ten hours’ w ork. The

ru ling w ages along the shore are less; but,

under the com petent foreman, Mr. L . C. Bare-

more, it is expected more than an ordinary

day ’s work is donC. T h e workmen are all

sober men— none others are em ployed. T h e

pay-roll for last w eek was between four and

five hundred dollars. N on e are em ployed

but those re siding-in the^neighborhood, and all

.. w ages are paid e v e ry week* Th is is a posi­

tiv e rule, ahd any person engaged in A sbu ry

P a rk m aking contrary statements is a fraud.

A l l checks paid out bear this endorsement on

^he^Vack ; “ I t is understood this check ' is

: fo il o f all demands to date ; j f it is not, please

. return it w ithout endorsement, w ith a state­

ment o f you r account/'

“ G O I N G A F T ^ R W O O L A N D C O M I N G H O M E S H O R N . ”

Last fall w e exposed a drunken pettifogger

nam ed.C lark New m an, w ho had been oounsel

for Mrs. W ed e l against M r.- Hempstead.

She gained the suit in the Justice’ s Court, and

H em pstead appealed, but failing to appear,

Mrs. W e d e l obtained judgm ent by default*

She had paid New m an, we are informed,

tw en ty dollars to carry on the case, went to*

F reeh o ld1 tw ice from Brooklyn, w here she

resided, and after all had t<? experience the

m ortification o f being robbed o f the w hole o f

the judgm ent.

Mr. O. H. Brown, in her behalf, has written ,,i„ Newman several tiin?s~3uil0g the post year '• in regard to the matter^ W e would have,

ijesn recrear . to our duty as a journalist had •we failpd tp expose such rascally conduct, and. thereby Avam other strangers who might be

- thus taken in.- This, Newrqan retaliated by • bringing a suit against us on a fraudulent-

edaim for forty-five dollars. W e put in an off* * 6V rmd this “ Icipg of t f c e C o u r t , ” aa

the M onm outh Democrat calls h ip , allow ed

the case to go by default. H e then sued us for

one hundred ond seventeen dollars, before

Justice A . Or. Lane, o f t o n g Branch, a llow ing

the offset o f fo rty-five dollars. 'I ’ho Justice

^ave judgm ent against us for about sixty-

four dollars. W e appealed, and the h igher

court reversed the judgm ent o fth e Justice’s

Court, ancj ga ve us.judgment for twenty-nine

dollars. Th is judgm ent against N ew m an w e

w ill sell for fifty cenis on ihe do lla r; But i f it

does ixot find a buyer w e w ill ffam e it and

bang it in some conspicuous plaeo as a peri

petu^al warn ing to th iev ing pettifoggers w ho

would rob poor women o f their hnrd earned

money. -

E X T R A V A G A N T E C O N O M Y .

T h e life-saving station at K it ty H aw k , N .

C., w here the TJ. S. sloop-of-war H uron

went ashore, was closed because tbp G overn ­

ment appropriation was ^ot s u ff ic ie n ts keep

men there in Novem ber. A U the survivors

agree that, w ith the mortar, life - lin ^ and car,

nearly all the officers and crew could have

been safely landed, as the vessel struck less

than 200 yards from the, beach. Econom y

in public Administration is much tob e desired,

but not the kind o f econom y that cripples a

valuable service and in d irec tly causes the loss

o f a hundred lives.

W h ile w e have been en joy ing the w onder­

fu lly fair and pleasant fall, the poor mariners

have been bufieting an almost continuous se­

ries o f terrible tem ^rfts in tlie great A tlan tic.

Sh ipw reck is reported frOni almost e v e ry part

o f the Am erican coast and from many parts

o f Europe. T h e laat storm did m ore damage

inland than any. previous one. R ivers have

overflow ed their banks, carrying away

wharves, warehouses and b r id ges ; communi­

cation has been interrupted both b y ra il and-

telegraph. P reced ing the last severe storm

w ere three distinct earthquake i^hocks, extend­

in g o ve r terr itory m any hundred m iles in

•length. Considering the n u m b e ro f lives lost

and the suffering endured b y the many thous­

ands, our en joym ent seems clouded.

L O N G B R A N C H .

Dr.' Hughes has taken a vacation and gone to Oharleaton,.S. C., lor a few weeks. W e irish him a pleasant trip. ' *

The Telephone Concert which haB been-^sdver- ti&ed fnr sum^ time, took place at the M. B. (jJhuioh, Tdesday evening, and was well attended. - .

A t a rpgolar meeting o f the - Commissioners, Thomas M orphy (ex-Collector o f Customs for Kew York) wSTelected a member, to filf the viac&iicy caused by the resignation of Mr. Gawtry,

On Thursday Beveral bojs, \frhose ag(ia ranged from 15 to 18 years, went to a man's residence, at BranChburg, and becanGe he would not-opeu the door and let them in, tbey, out o f epit|e, threw a Stone and broke a window. Tbe next day each party was compelled to pay one dollar or be arrest­ed ; they chose the former alternative.

A very severe article on our townBhip collector, Mr! Truax, waB published in tbe last ibsuo o f the News, concerning the teachers’ Balary, and set forth the duty o f tbe collector in words so plam that, i f nothing ib dono soon, there w ill be itoutiby in tbe camp, as the teaobera’are expressing -great impatience at the dilatory manner in which tiiey

are treated. f . • ' ’ ■

Main street ia wotae now tban ever. Why can­not tLd Turnpike Company be made tp repair it— tii6 greatest disgrabeour beautiful town bas.,] I f we remember correctly, the Commiarfonera passed a resolution to the effect that eilber the ’plke’ctim- pany moot fix and repair the street, or they (the Connni^sio.ners) would do it and oharge the same to the company. I t is to be hoped t^at the Com­missioners have not let it rest in words. ’"“ “ 7*

The severe storm of Saturday and Sunday.Jaat did considerabltfsfliigiage to Iiong Branch property along the beach. The „ributme»ta whioh were built by the W est End Hotel proprietors, were washed away, as was a pdrtion o f the lawn ih front of E. S. Greened eoftagea. The,water teom the street caused the biuff to wash there, and the ex­cavation oxtenda nearly to Ocean avenue. Near­ly all the bath housea were taken .in, otherwise the damage would have been indreased * to a greater extent. The. ooean waa grand, as the waves like mountains rolled dear up to tbe bluff and then broke, casting '-spray entirely over Ocean avenue. I t iB estimated that the damage will exceed one thousand dollars. Aboub-E thd.

An Open Letter to Justice A . G. Lane, o f Loiifir Branch.

Dear $ ir Lost spring C/ark Newman brought snit against me for one hundred and , seventeen dnllars. Yon obose to havtvUie trial held in 8chmul- ling’s Theatre, instead o f5 the usual pla2e, your office, to wbich I had no serious objection. I-had for my counsel Mr. Robert Allen, Jr., of Bed Bank, a respectable lawyer, who has twice held tho office of Prosecutor o f th^ Pleas. A t the close o f the trial, you informed hind you would let him know when you made your decision ; I heard you tell him so. After a few days'you gave judgment

.agaiDBt me for $64, whioh you had a perfeot right to do, and in doing so, I would tbmk you Acted fairly, a!s you understood the caso ; but, instead of lettibg Mr. Ai?en know o f your decision, as you had

- » execution, and,as I hare understood, signed the execution papers tbat had been already .drawn up by Newman, Newman immediately placed the execution in the. hands of Officer Hank Mount, who kindly advised me to pay the judgment and haye no further trouble; upon my declining to dp this he attached one of my carriages. When the carriage was at­tached I wrote to Mr. A llen , who was very much surprised at your extraordinary proceedings* He immediately had the attachment removed, and an appeal waB entered. You afterward called on me and expressed regret for what had occurred, Baying you were in a hurry and that Clark Newman urged th6 immediate issuing o f the execution. I asked you if yoU knew the notoriously bad character of the ex-Methodist preacher and ex- conviot You said yon did. I then asked you ifyon r conduot was calculated to induce people to invest capital in Monmouth county. I told you my pro­perty could be fouhd in many places. I told yon I was a oitisen of the oounty, did not mean to ab­scond—oonld not i f I wished to, beoause my pro­perty was of sdoh a nature that I was anchored in Monmouth county. You will notice that the Court at Freehold has reversed your decision, and given judgment in my ’ favor for twenty-nine dollars. Aa a citiaon o f tho same oounty aa yoursolf, sock­ing its welfare, I advise you to pay more'ieljant to the proprieties of life, and more regard to the courtesy that is due suoh men as Mr. Allen, when they practice in your Court. Our Justices’ Courts were meant to adjust the petty differehoea that arise in communities, and to relieve the higher courts of mnoh time and labor ; but suoh rulings as evidently prevail in youf's have brought wbat should otherwise bp regarded aa an office o f high honor into contempt and^erision.

YounT truly,

Jamxs A. Bb a d l k i.

Lokg B bancii, N ov. 28th,-1877.

To tfti Editor of the Journal:—The mildnesa of the weather is found fa nit with

by the croakers, on the ground that it is unhealthy. Who. if they had the meanB, would go to Florida, in hopes to enjoy just such weather for the benefit o f th^ir health. Our physicians do not find any increase o f rickneas,1 and the coal dealers are not as busy as tbey expeoted to be. Ye t an old time observer would ttnnk that moat of tjie young meti at Long Brauob were invalids. The cane -feter ia very prevalent, and in addition to the *upp<>rt furnished > y their parents, it seems necessary to have an .additional prop iu the shape of a cane, and many are ntit satisfied tbat they are in lull dress without it. Aud a cigar or quid o f tobacco, and too oft^n the extract o f fusil oil taints their breath, clouds their reason, and unsteadies their locomotion. Policeman Smith has had occa­sion to remind some o f them that their conouct will not be tolerated at the ol.i^ioh.

Long Branch Lodge, F. & A. M., have purchased the lodge building known as the Templar Hall, from Dr. T . G. Chattle. The Lodge is working successfully, its finances good, and membership large. -

Dimiel Lawley, o ift o f the C. R. R. employees, that waB injured on bun day last at Morgan station, is less injured thau at first feared; it is now th '^gh t iu -u u - umh will not havft.t^* '■* t^utaied.

The tin roof of the piazza of,t^e Brighton honse and some of the elate o f tbe roof ot the main bbilding were injured by the st6rm. Tne beach at the West End iio te l waa cut away close to the bluff, wbile further north at the East End Hotel it made up, a fact that ia very universal danng a storm from the eastward.

Politicians are busying them^elveB as lo the JudgBbip that will becomc vacant during tbe coming ‘winter. . Mr. John Wheeler, of Bed Bank, is strougly petitioned for in the place o f Judge Bickles now ou the bench. The present judge has been a very efficient judge. l ie can well be proud o f his record on the benon, and-the only tbing said against his reappointment is his politics, wh^on no one woiflu ever know from his public action while judge.

The Commissioners o f Appeal were in session yesterday, aa uaUal. A large number thought tbey were assessed too much. Principal reason was that neighbor A or B ou^bt to pay more than tbe individual seeking a reduction. Then just look at the school tax. “ All the larning I ^ot daddy p«id for. and only two dohars a quarter. And tben see the bobks children haa to have now days. When I went to sohoul reading,Hvriting and rithmetio was good enoogh, and 1 allua made a living.”

“ Oh ^ad some power the giftip gie us, to see ourselves as others would flee us»” ’ -*•

ppEANVJLLE .■ • — OcKANvrtiLK, Nov. 21st, 1877.On Thursday evening, 16 th inst., a posse o f young

men and maidens from Oceanville ahd’ vicin ity surprised the, family o f Mr. Ed. W oolley, o f Pop­lar. A fter engaging in various games, they were invited to partake of a bountiful repast, prepared by the ladies. The “ wee sma’ hours o f m orn ing ’ were ushered in before the party dispersed. “ A

O O E A N G R O V E .

F. T . bewails tbe departure o f ducks from Fletchdr Lako.

Ocean Grove chiokens have heard o f officer Bor­den, andare roosting high.

Building is going on quite briskly. About thirty new cottages are in course o f erection; niost o f them are first-class.

The recent storm has damaged the walk on W es­ley Lake considerably. The wind blew a perfect hurricane, but no buildings were injured.

A three-masted schooner oame very near being wreoked opposite the Grove on Monday morning. The fog lifted just in time for her to escape.

The highest tide o f^fhe season was on Sunday m orning; tho new dam at Fletcher J*ake, and L il- lagore’s bathing houses Were not damaged in the least.

A meeting o f the Executive Committee o f the Association was held last week, and some import­ant business in relation to sewerage .waa tran­sacted.-.*. I

The storm broke up part o f the bottom o f thegood time ” was the vehliofe' o f the surprisers.On the same evening at the residence of Mr." 8. ^Norwegian ship Itjnkan, that came eehore laat

e.A WoolleyrOceanvillo, u nJito-aoolety was organ- j winter near the mouth o f Fletcher Lake. W eized, called “ The Ladies’ Social Union, and Mite Socibty, o f Deal,” to aid the Reformed Cburoh of Long Branoh. . The 9fflcers consist o f a President,Secretary, Treasurer, Managing Oommittee and Collecting Committee. Prest., Mrs. T . N . BlaiB- dell ; 8eo.> Mrs. T. P. Bergen ; Treas., Mrs. S.C. W oo lley ; Managing” Committee, Mrs. G. D.Vanderveer, Mrs. A . Worth, Mrs. Antonidea and Miss A. Kennedy; Collecting Committee, Misses L. Woolley, L . Lorens, L . -Wolcott and P. Worth,Yonng gentlemen mtist beware of this wide awakeoommittee. T h . f lu l m e.tiug W ore cl to be a . oro £onl,d m ooing at

Sleabant affair. With tbe * feast ot reason anq the - ow o f soul," something for tbe “ inner ma n”

was passed around.'' Tbe party separated about midnight. Any one may become a member by paying the initiation fee.

The Lvot um mot as usual. Audienoe large. Mr.Benjamin Eaton delivered a» declamation, “ Hy- .pocbundnac; Mr. T. N. BlaisdieU, select reading.** Nothmgito 'W ear; M comical performance;rV.Otd Unole Pete,” by C. A. Smith and A. Wort, Jr.This exercise was incess&utly applandeJ.

D ebate: subject disousssd. solved, Tbat

leara that Messrs. Alger & Patterson will oom- moncS koqu to her chains and anchors.

( ’layton’a. new English breeoh-loading gun a r ­rived last week, and several citizens, including the Superintendent, assisted him in „ testing it. The continued firing alarmed the proprietor o f a large flock o f fowls, afid he rushed wildly into the Btreet to eave his ohickena W o propose that beieafter sportsmen be a lowed to practice on chickens that

Q* ,

s Horse Railroad.A ll persons desiring to engage in the construo*

tion and management o f a bonte railroad running from Park Hall to the ocean and tbence along tbe ooeun to F iith avenue, alonj? F ifth aVenue to Gfftnd avenuo and d£»wn Grand avenue to Wesley lake,in Asbnry Park, lire reqqeitec^tb meet at tee read-

r-_ ______ ______ ____ ing room,'in Asbary Park, oh Monday evening,school'teachers receive more benefit by teaching December s, at 7£ o’olock. A Statement o f factstban the papilB1 do by being taught. Dsoisiqu in and figures will be given to those interested. ■favor o f the affirmative. H . A sbdbt P abx N ov. 29,1877. n

r a t a l A ££M ejt*t t o a S l im m e r R e s id e n t

' . o f O c e ^ n G r o v e "

Mr.' Henry W . Benedict, ooal merchant, o f ifew Haven, who was building a firstdass .cottage on Wesley Lake, Ooean Qrove, reoeived a telegram on Saturday afternoon, last week, informing him o f the serionfi' ilIn^ST”of llltf^Wiife. The teletzra^i came too late to enable Mr. Benedict to take the laBt train to New York, but learning J h afc °n Sun­day morning a construction train would go up the road aa,far aa Morgan station, near Matawan, to re ­pair the damage oaused by the 'severe storm o fSaturday night, he, in .company-with.-his friend

M** L- B- Watson, the Ocean Grovo builder, re-, solved to venture. They got on board intending to go as far aa the itrain could take them, from thence walk to tbp river front at South Amboy, engage a boat to take them across to Staten Island, and by hiring h vehicle there Mr. Benedict expect­ed to reaoh Quarantine land ing and thke the boat ,to New York in time to enable ,him to tako the three o’clock train on the New Haven road. The construction train -tfent over tbe road care fu lly, and arrived at tbe plape where repairs were to bo done when the TdCbmotive began baoking slowly, with the tpuder ip front, and had almost’ stopped. Mr. Benedict waa about to get off, and naked Mr. Watson for_a fifty cent piece to give, to one o f the. train bar ds for some politeness shown, when juBt. at that moment tb© tender began to settle gradually ; the looomotive immediately fo l­lowed, hut the ocaupanta o f -tbfc engine cab could' not get ou t One side o f the track remained solid while the other side gave way ; tbo result was the pverturn o f the engine with Benedict buried underneath it. /'It ia supposed he was killed in­stantly. A traokman named Hyere waa biIbo kil­led. Mr, Watson was caught under the engine not far from Mr. Benedict, and although much hurt retained consciousness, A workman named Law- ly was also severely injured. £Jter jack screws had been procured, the work o f extricating the unfor­tunate mfen wos carried on as rapidly as possible, but it was over three hours before tbe last sufferer was got ou t Mr. Watson was found to be badly burned about the feet, and received other injuries, but none, itrls hoped by hifflMends,,-that will per­manently cripple him. W hen the news o f the disaster came on the wires to E. E. Brannin, the station agent at Asbnry Park, the churches were just closing their morning servioe. Soon friends ^yere notified, ahd by half-past twelve aome^ialf-a- dozen wagons were on their Way to the soene o f the accident Uriah White, C. T . *BaUey, Lew is Rainear, Assistant ffu^erintendent o f Ocean Grove, James A. Bradle>, E. Brannin, W illiam Beegle, O. H. Bro wo, A. D. McCabe and others formed the company. Owing to the bad roads caused by the heavy rain the wagons did not r*aoh Morgan, twenty-seven miles distant, until five o ’olock. Tbey found Mr. Watson in the little house under the hill lying oji a lounge j on another oot was the man with the broken ribs. The room waa full of- men, many o f whom had gathered from curiosity. The friendB o f Mr. Watson pressed through the company, and a more overjoyed man than Mr. Watson we never saw ; almost hie first words were : “ Take me home to-night; ” but his friends deeming it imprudent, he was tenderly oared for nutil the next morning, Messrs. Uriah W hite and Rainear remaining with him through the night. On Monday morning h* was taken home. At the Btation as tbe train arrived many friends o f Mr. Wataon were gathered and many willing hands were offered to carry the wounded mgii_ to his home. . Mr. Benedicts body we found m the South n i jiu g ucm mm was ihe-poor fellow Hyer<r, .perbapd the very man to whom Mr." Benedict intended g iv ibg the half- dollar. Messrs. Rainear ahd Brannin had pro? vided a-vehicle to convey the bodies home, but the coroner would hot consent, and M r; Watson was not in a conditiohjo be moved. The undertaker was given-orders to prepare the body o f Mr. Benedict for removal, and the next morning his two bU'inefs parthcrs, Messrs. Pardee & Bradley, arriye_d,jand conveyed the remains o f their friend to the home o f the fam ily in N ew Haven. Th is is one o f the saddest accidents that have ever oc­curred iu connection with Ocean Grove, the more sad because Mr. Benedict, by his impulsive gener- ou^nature, had endeared himself to friends and neighbors here. Rev. Mr. Abbott, iu another column, describes more fu lly the marked traits o f character shown by the deceased. Mr. Benedict had spent a number o f months each year, during ihe paBt three years, at his cottage on W esley Lake, and had invested considerable capital in Ocean G rove; he had confidence in its future growth aud prosperity. H is new Cottage, nearly completed, had many o f the improvements o f c ity houseB. It w ill be a'lofcg' time before the name o f Henry "JV. Benedict will be forgotten by the many friends who mourii his loss.


The coroner’s inquest on the-bod ies.o f M r. H W. Benedict, o f Nd^ HSVen, Conn., and Isuao Heyer, o f Long Branch, took place at the Everett Hotel in South Amb6y, on Monday, Novem ber 20, before Coroner Dr. George W. Stout and Dr. C. H. Voprhees, \he oounty physician o f Middlesex county, assisted by John M. Voorheea, clerk. Dr. Morgan was the first witness called ana his evi­dence was aa/ollows: “ Am a practisingpliyaiciaiL W hs at Morgan station when the accident occur­red. The two ihen, H. W. Benedict and Isaac Heyer, were crushed to death when I got to the engine. The fireman, Smith Wataon, waa suffer­ing from nervous flhock and a slight scalp .wound, l i . E, Watson, of Ocean Grove, was suffering from nervous shock and icalded.cn the ankle, knee and thighs, Daniel Laylor, a laborer* broken-juat below the.kneer. John Ryan, ribB broken. M r. Benediot was lymg on hie lacep there was no movement o f him at all. Heyer waa not discovered until „v nearly an hour after tbe disaster. Dr. C. H. Thompson, o f Souih Amboy, and Dr. A. Treganowan were examined aud their testimony was precisely the same as Dr. Morgan. Dr. 0. H . Voorheea, the county ,pby-

>scianp<wkB aworn, and after viewing tho bodieB, agreed exaotly with the opinion o f the other phy­sicians.

George W. Cl;okner, the engineer o f dogine No. 29, testified as follows : I live at Long Branah ; was on my engine yesterday forenoon, running according to orders; bad just stopped the engine and reversed it, when I saw the tender turning oyer and the engine followed i t The traok looked all r ig h t ; there was no deviation in the line, it was perfectly straight W e had a caution signal at the station, and was prooeediyg accordingly. I t Bometifnes is tbe case for people to -go ahead and examine Ih e road. It is customary for the fire­man. when not otherwise engaged, to assist in lookipg out , for washes. Mr. Benedict was riding f ree; ft is not customary for people.to ride oh the engine, v "

l i . H. Nieman, -train .dispatcher of the Long Branch Division, testified: My duty Ib to attend .to the running part o f tce^rOa^. The facts are sub­stantially tl;e same . aS~related by the engineej. Tbe agent nt Ooean Grove stopped us when we were returning from the ‘'lower part o f ' tho road, and wanted me to take Mr. Bened ict and Mr. Wa*son as ' lar ’ tfrjyards New York as we went, whioh I rery reluctantly coosented4oS do. Mr. Benedict a w ife was Very sick and he was v$ r j anxious to get home, Mr. Benedict'made no proposition me to''hriug him on. Am satisfied tbat we took all neoefcsiry praoaution. I t ia cus- tomary for section man to hav^a danger signal;

passed.the cautloi* signal, ahd saw no danger sig­nal. V

Thomas Bow, the. seotion boss who has oharge o f the road from the north side of the drawbridge to tbe small bridge at centre of trieadows, said i was at work on the traok ‘yesterday^ I did some cribbing near the place o f the ^cbident the night before. I had, a suspicion that the traok was not st*oare; I could not get-hear ths .place on aooount. of 'Water; the accident oconrred ab6ut half-pist ten in the forenoon, the tide was then down j nad not been over the road slnpe m orp ing; Wad-a sig­nal man on the north side df where I was at work; it was my place to look out for danger; I bad a caution signal* eighty rails, whiob is 2,400 feet, back o f 1 where we were at w ork ; as saon as I saw tbe engine I waved my baid for them to stop, which they immediately did I don’t'believe my eyes were on the engine two minutes before it went Over. Other witnesses were examined, but their ‘ evidence agreed with the formed testimony. The oonstable waB sworn and the ju ry retired ai htflfpast two. A t balf-paBt6iX the jury rendered the following verdict: '

We, the. iury empaneled, find, that- the qadSe of the death o f H. W . Benediot and hpao Heyer, waa by the upsetting o f engine No. VO on the New York andPLon#Branobrailroad, near Morgan 8tation, on the 20th day of November, A. D..1877, caused by the neglect on- thejtert of Thomaa Bow, whoioduty it waa to bave V 'signal of dangor at the proper plaoe. Wo alBo believe that the necessary precaution waa not taken by H? H. Nieman, who' was in ohargeof said.engine. , “----

Foreman, Stephen Martin ; John Everett, William Maxfield, Maihuu Pease, Charlea H. Thompson, John Morrell. Charlie Wilson, Peter Blood good*-Charles Miller, Hamnel Stratton, Amos uolton, tjilvanns Cum­min gs, Abraham Everett. .

\ BIOaBAPHIOAl. SKXTCn <pp hxnbt w . bkhedict.

Mr. Henry W. Benediot was fifty eight years o f age. He was bom in New Haven, and at the early at<e o f twelve years engaged In business for himself.. He was the pioneer in the coal business at New Haven, in whioh he was extensively en­gaged at tbe time o f his death. H e donnected bimaelf with the Episcopal Church in hia you,nger days and waB a zealous worker in that denomin­ation until the last three or four years, when, from some cause unknown to us, he left thatohurch and attended the Congregationalism Through his un­limited generosity he was the meaub o f building one o f the oburobes in New Haven. A fter beoom- ing acquainted with Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, there seemed to be no place to.which he was bo muoh a'taohtid. He was ereoting and bad nearly completed a bcantifcl cottage on ths Ocean Grove side o f W esley Lake. During his visits here he has been a constant attendant at S t Paul's TSf. E. Church, whioh it has been bis great plea­sure to assist in many ways- Only tbe week before hia death he had a quantity o f coal delivered at this station to distribute anjohg those who were needy and worthy. He wa la partner in different firms o f business, was a director in the Yale Na- tionalJBank.of New Haven, and was concerned iu, ond officially conneoted with, several gas com ­panies, H e leaves a w ife and four children, two daughters and two sons, to mourn his untimely death. A t tbe time o f’biB death,he was on his way home on account o f a despatch received the even­ing before that bis wifqu_was very ilL He was naturally a very nervous man, and only fo r tbe desire to aeehia beloved wife could behave been tempted to trust himself on a looomotive. Hia health ip former yeara had been extremely good. Tbo later years o f bis life he bas been seriously lrotibl£d with nervousness. H is friendB had tried to prevail on him fo r tbe past few years to visit some other olimate for his health, but his natural timidity kept him from crossing the Atlrntio. His generous and kind acts endeared him to those around him. The Esteem in which ho was held by those with whom he had been acquainted so short a time Is Bhd^i by the number who left Ooean Grove and Asbury Park on SObbath afternoon, as booo aa tbey learped o f the accident, to watch over his life­less body. ' * \

T o the E d ito r o f the jo u r n a l :—

Tbat fwasja deep, heavy cloud o f sorrow tbat gathered f i r our community so hastily on 8unday last, when weheard o f the sndden death o f onr fritnd and benefactor, H W . Benediot Esq. Aa* bury Park aod Ocean Grora were neverm ore atartledoraaddened. < .

Mr. Benedict was a gentlemaa and a Christian. He had a w *rd o f cheer for every one he met and was Christ-like in that “ he went about doing good.” Sympathy and benefioenee formed promi­nent traits in Lis character. He was ever ready to show bis lov$ by bis works. The poor ahd suffer­ing always’ found a friend,ih this good man. He waB n6t only ready to speak to snob peo)pIe but to tio for them and, by relieving tbeir distress', as­sure them o f his sympathy. He loved ',the. Lord and took great pleasure in His worship, as hun­dreds can testify wbo have met him at Ocean Grove in the seasons past

He loved the Church and was constantly giving towards its support, as opportunity afforded His behe volt-nce was not confined to hia ohnroh alone (the Episcopalian), but other sects were benefited as well. On Nov. 11th, at the,close o f a sermon on “ Practical goodness,” by your correspondent, a colhction waa taken up for tbe “ Conference Claimants.” I stated the society was'expected to raise forty dollars for that fund. Mrf B f, rising to bis feet, said, i f tbe congregation, would give, twenty, five dollars, he would give that amount and make tbe contribution fifty dollars; bis proposi tion was met, with seventeen dollars over.

He then Batd if the congregation would give tWeaty-five dollara,, he would add eight to the seventeen, and give the pastor fifty dollars. This proposition was also m e t He then said, i f I would write out the sermon for“publication he would give five dollars *for that. By thi3 time he had created such ao inspiration as is seldom seen at the Grove The sermbit being promised him, ne 6gain rose up aod said, “ Now, *f the congregation will raise tbe balance o f ‘ the pastor’s salary in one month, I will give fifty dollars o f the amouht.

TblS'is'only one instance of a great many o f that kind. , . ‘ ;

After this occurrence, and while talking to him about it, and his religious views and feelings, he said, and with great emotion and tears, “ I love to do good,” and added, “ what is a man’s life good for but to do good.” He Baid the church, the poor and the Bick must be re3pected and cared for. “ Ih e Lord Las been good and faithful tp me, and I can’t be less to H im .’t I naw him last on Satur­day afternoon about four o ’clock, and, as the storm .was growing severe, he felt for the poor, was afraid some were nqt comfortable, and arranged fo r some' poor men who were in his employ.

When Mr. Benediot waa removed from/beneath the looomotive, a silver half dollar was found in his hapd, which he intended giving to a man that- stood near him; His last thought was benevo i len.ee. to another; a fitting oomment on this life and character. In company with Rev. E- H . Stokes, D. D., President &ad R «v- B, Begle, Superintendent; o f the Ocean" Grove C-, ,M. A.,I attended hia funeral oirWednesday, aV his late residence in New Haven, Conn.

The oity feels sad over the loss o f so valuable a citizen, and was largely represented at his burial.

The services were-very impressive. Rev.- Dr. Weed, piwtor of the M. E. Churoh, made the open­ing pray&r. Rev. Dr. AndrdWs, Reotor o f the Episcopal Churoh^read the lesson ‘itWith some very practical Thoughts. * R*v. E^ H. Stokes ihen spoke for a few miuutes, with tender­ness ond eloquence. Rev. Dr. Kelsey, pastor o f the Congregational Church, followed with prayer. Some beauttiul muaio was rendered by a quartette.

After the friends had taken leave of tbo doooasod, in a beautiful caaket, piofusely decorated with flowers o f tbe richest fragrance, the remains were interred in a beautiful cemetery.

• So sudden was his death, I tnink the shouts o f angels and o f tho glorified must have aroused all heaven, as his spirit pressed through the “ pearly gates into the golden oity o f the saints.*’

. . - ■ ■ • ( , , W . T . Abbot*.

Being a subscriber«o f yopr vaJuaW " paper and resldltog at Deal, raSk ’ that ap lace ma^ bo glyen in your columns o f the fo llow ing communication t Having occasion, one-dayfTaaf wCek. to d r iv e to .r.' W hltesylllp,. passing by George White’s., place I * V- was very much surprised to find tint,the bridge’ -’ where the accident occurred some four weeks ago, f fortunately without-seribdb damage, la h o i y e t re-/ 7; built. H ow la that ? In whom rests the responsi­bility o f nbt only incommoding the r sldenta o f this vicinity as well as those farUier off. Is this part o f the country o r W -little Importance that'1 ' we must thus drive over a dangerous quagm ire,", tho hprses-floundering with their heavy loads, to the opposite side; or i f in a light carnage, in;dangefr o f damaging It,^especially at flight, I f ono o f the bridges at Long Branch or nt-Asbury Pa rk was . out o f repair how quick it would ,be seen to,; the , people would n o t stand it, and it.w ou ld .be. no . more than right. I hear that they are waiting for the lumber, that the proper-timber £snp t / v . ready; surely it must be getting scarce i f they canfiot find enough ready timber fo r a. single track, twelve foot span b r l t o ; In that caso w iy ndt-bnild pf tem pororjn jriirit hertainly cool# be ; built in a very, short t ime ; let it be done at,pnce{ .’ this Is the sentiment o f the pooplo, tbey liave waited patiently thus Jfar, .but 41 virtue ceasfia to ' becom a virtue, ’ ia the old^eayihg; * Quite an ex=-, ,■ citing Beene occurred in this unusually quiet place. ‘A mdn by the name o f Adams, who had a small; farm In this -pl^ce, has ,.a spite atfaipst one o f t h e , adjoining neighbors, so the; Btorjr

goes, whose nam elt Is hot necessary tdm enttyn ; y somo means thU neighbor’s cattlo got oyer 6a

Adams* w lntef graln, whereupon Adams demands , thp im m e4 )a^_pM ^.en t.o fflye dollars,„9 rh eA v lll drive them to the pound; the neighbor replies that i f he w ill let his man, who is waiting, drive the* cattle, home, he w ill pay pit ju st demands fo r damages doneliiB property; that thev each choose a disinterested man and whatever their decision be that shall be pa id ; but the only answer he receives to this just demand Is, “ D -— you I the mone^ o r to the pound they go,” Not complying-with this ,k unjust demand tbe cattle were started to the pound, • and here commenced that exciting scene; the

-neighbor Old hot see the necessity o t Adama driv­ing tlib cattle to the pound, and so started them the opposite way f here the excitement was at its highest point. Adams becoming very much en­raged: picked up a large sized stone, aud in a threat­ening manner told his neighbor to stand aside OT/ he would hit him, at the same time telling his sdn -to take an ax and knock the cattle down, anything...to prevept them Jallirg Into their rightful owners hands, ne himself using a heav^dub, although forbidden by the owner. H e 'also' threatened to shoot hlB neighbor or his man, ,lf they persisted - in trying to get them aWay. Tfce case w ill come in­to court,’1 and complaint being made before Justice Smith at Eatontown, a warrant was issued. Adams waa arrested by tbat stern but able Officer Mor-> ton, o f tbe same place, on a charge o f assault with threats o f personal injuty. But I fear that I have too long trespassed on you r,valuable space and w ill close*thiB long letter, hoping that I may have the privilege o f writing again, at some future tlmel

J ustiob.

C o m m is s io n e rs p f A p g e f t L . ______

An adjourned meeting o f the Commissioners of Appeal, foHhe township of,Ocean; will be held at tfce hotel o fL . T . Newtng, Long Branoh village, on Saturday, Deoember 8, I87t, at ten o'clock A .M . 1 • . V s

Samxjhl M. Jahxs,1 ; . ^ - JxUiM Habvxt,

■ ' / ^ . JOBDIW WopIAST,Jr , ‘ Oonmiutoniri q f Apjpcti*


To the E d ito r o f the J o u rn a l:D e a l , Novem ber 80th, 1877,

Sea-Side Lodge* I. O. G. T.After pevepd weeks o f absence ’froh l'on r41 d y

by the sea,” during which observation had tended to confirm the -opinion o f the necessity fo r bold, brave work fo r , the cause o f temperance, it was, indeed, gratifying, upon our^return, to find our Lodge in ita present prosperous condltiop.

A fter the season, always so trying for the regu­lar meetings of ibis organization when most o f its members are actively engaged in taking ' care o f the numerous summer visitors, the faithful ones o f the little b&pd have gathered together with re­newed energy for the work, and the effects o f their zeal is already apparent, as the presence o f so goodly a number at the weekly meetings o f late lully attests.

A xmmbor o f uscnos have i>een^Ja^el^:, added' to the list o f membership, and several more who have beon proposed are to be received next Ql#at-' jn g nigbt. A weekly Qaxette has bepn established for the lodge roomr.and for tbe “ good of. the~Or? der.” Muoh bas been read and spoken tbat was calculated to stir up the mind by way o f remem­brance o f the great wrongs tbat ex ist because o f ~ tbe rum trafflo, and &rouse the members to greater aotivity. - I

A movement is in progress to procure an organ for the lodge room, which we hope all who cau. will kindly favor and assist; for we are sa'isfled that the power o f music is very 'gieat for winning the weak and tempted ones, and an elevating and pu­rifying influence for all.

Another publio meeting is appointed fo r Thurs­day evening, December 6, to whioh everybody is oordlaBy invited.

A n I ntsbxstzd M xk bxs .Assuax P a m , Nov. 28, 1877.

:------------ — - J:_____ :

Entertainment of tbe Baptist Society.Park Hall was well filled with the friends o f the

Baptist organization on Friday evening o f last week^ J,l3w pifclld; had been Informed that there woqld be an entertainment this evening, fo r whioh

Athe sum of ten cents would be chsrged for adnSle- sion. Tbe exercises consisted o f Seleot readings by Miss Emma Brown and Mrs. O. F * W yokoff; singing Mr. G. S. Dye, and also some very fine singing by Misa' Dunklee, Miss Taylor and; Miss Holmes; after which an unlimited supply n^jooffse and cakes were distributed. Tbe universal ex­pression, was, “ What a pleasant time we have bad, and I hope this won’t be the last one.” * This little affair gives to the ohurch a neat little sum. "

A Card.Mr, L . E . Wataon, o f Ooean Grove, who was so

severely burned by the upsetting o f engino W , at . Morgan station on Sundi^ last desires £o render his thanks to Joseph"’Smith, engineer o f 300, a man, whose name we did not learn, o f .Booth Am-

jH tf. Qeorge Qlicknci-, engineer o f 29," and H . H . - Nl8man, train master o f Long Branoh division o f Central Railroad Of N. J ., fo r their united and un­tiring exertions to extricate him, with others, from under tbe engine; and also to Edward Hillman * aud ‘ W illiam Dykes, o f 8outh Amoby. for their careful attention and tender nursing; also to Applegate for her very careful attention while aft ber house, and also to his friends in Ooean Grove and Asbury Park who were so muoh interested in hia behalf.

C h n n jre o f T i i t i e , k

A new time table went into .Seat an tb* OsntwJ Bailroad oh Monday. Only two trains are clumged j th i first train from New York in the moWing lsftTM at 8:15 instoad o f 7:45, and tho aooond train for Nsw York from Ajjbary Park la m a at.7i85inaUad o f 7:45 aa bafora. The morning N ew .York- n a il aloae* ten m inaU» earlier. ' .

Joel Potter.A correspondent at Long Branch writes us con*

corning the venerable Joel Potter, who iq In h it SSd • year He saya: “ On last election day Mr. Potter walked one. mile to tho -polls, read his Republican ticket without glasses, -s ilta fi homo and ate dln- t i«y $ o d then harneaae^ his team, drove five miles ^ to 'Pop lar, cut a lo ia o f wood, and I e a w jilm . drive home before ths bub aes. I t Is not une-; * • map for hlm to cut and cart two loatja.of wooti'ia a d iy . H e boughi twenty acr<s o f land o f f G ot." JqIui t'. ’ ;j ta 1814, bulJt his house &nti .b.t3 fivodtbere tiVct sinc«. Then he worked',lft ll factory, ; where tho t o o g office so w i tM d * '’ ■■■ v • ■.-.-j

\; ■ ■ * - -. • Jf, .I* . ~|v ■

Page 5: · PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe. being'taken to seenre ... WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1 diamond,sleeve

r ' ^ - - ^ ‘K ^ ' ■ ■1''’--i^ : .M 'y - ^ ' - X v '.-3 i ••’*■: ;?-''‘- f ^ 7-‘ - ' ~ .:•■•'■ • "-.-y v ‘f 7>* -^ > W ^ ; . ■ ; ■ ■ • ' .; f - - ...>•, -Cl/.,. ; : * - jv ’. r y , - ^p M m * - ' ' - : • ' •• ,. \ ' - A S B U f i y P A R K J O W B N A X . ; S A n R l J B D A ' V , D l S C E M B p f l 1> 1 « ? 7 . ^ - < ~ ..... " ' ’ " v •:•{• • •> S l i l S s p ;

7 , - ' % S | k r | * | a r k . :3 D m i t s l r| | §^ SATU RD AY,. DECEMBER 1, J a n .


QrAon. 1 % 3 1 1 2

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&y*’. v ’ Local KoticifL—i!limited najnber of local notlceBwlItbe ad* ■;•• , ’mltUd'attho rate of twenty-five cent* per lino. They tfill bo•„-, . placed at tho bottom ol the local oolumns onlj.und munthave t-;- ' ; ' " “ ado.” »t tho end.

P m ly o m Aa bu ry F a r k S ta tio n to F o ln t# **;/. ' Oa Ne^v Y o r k a n d L o n g B r a n c li D lv U Io n

c;n.n.ofN.j. .»

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.: Blbdibeth^TTr.^ - 1 »A- KllxabetbpOrt 1 M.HluabethATo.,... 1 itO

T r e m l a y . . . . . . I W-'■ Bast Uab Way...... 1 09WoodbrldRO....... »

■■■- Perth Arabwjr...... 90Booth Amboj., ““Morgan.... ..',.....‘Ulflwood..

kxc.i i110 *00

- tool&l 173 10b 14A 1 85 1 25 1 18 1 07

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Hoi ....Middletown........tied Bank.....i.'... tfhrrwubury .....»•Urantfiport.........Long Branch......Olbernn .Deal Boach.......& £ “ h::::::-.S K ^ f : : : : : : : SBanan 20 85


OSMMSTATSOM ICKSrSB—ASBURr £ AlUt TO NKWYORE-m<mth..,v...............moo i — '...waoom oats....; MOO >■ * , “ ...................... # »I ** .................. MOO l Year ............ „ ir , ou4 1 " ....tt....••>•«• 75 00 |

F a r e f r o m F b lla d e lo h la to A sbn ry Park ,, ▼la Ne.w J T tn e f S ou th ern B . B .

a ingle Tioket j,. i .............................. f 2 00Excunton Ticket, (good for the season)......................... 4 0015Trip Ticket, (good for family)..................... ... - ... . <0 00

. Bisson Tiok*t,{fbroria penoti),*..-...:.... .......♦»«tjf99c

D is ta n c e * .*oira BBAKOU ditibiom a « . iu o r * . <1.

tewYor*......;.............. 0•m y Ulty.................. 1tsjronne,.... .................. 9itrgcn I*oint................ . 9mo bath port................ lOJi

M i f e " - - ' - gphoy;Matawan (iktjport}'.!!!*.’.” |9BolmdfL ;...,........... 81talddletown............... H

HedBank.**.^ .Sbntfsburry.............’.

erancbport ■,.>-.........an* Bradch...........

g a t e s : : : :™ : : : : : : : : : : S SI *f^:::::::::::::;}“Ocwin Braoh .............53Baa Plata...................... ..Iff Irt *:::::::::::::::: It

............ ................. - Bquan................................. 87Tba diitano* by CentrtJ Ballroadlatcn milt*further than bj

tbe New Jerew Boothirn IL R. ; but,«» thatllne a#e boats in qroaatau New York Bay it oonrtunea a Ion gar time to rvuohLonji Branch, where a J unction !■ made with the Central._________

A a b n r jr F o r k P o s t O f f ic e .Nkw York Valla arrive at 9:50 A. M. and 6;M P. M.NEW XOHEMaUeclo«>at7^5ALM.and h:50P.M. PlilLAOKi.puiA UallarriTca at UJO A. M. and oloeee at lftO


Service will be Jj^ld in the EpitCopal Ohuroh one wetk from to-morrow.

There waa sharp and conllnuou* llg^Vniag In lie touth and Boulh-eaflt on Monday evening.

Almost everybody tbat could, went down to the beach on Sunday morhlng, and they were well

_ je p a id w ith a Bight o f the magnificent bca.

Oapt. Brewster, Superintendent o f tha Inman Une of steamers, will please acpegt our thanks lo r the package o f London illtlstrate^ papers reoeived this week. , ‘

A chandelier in the church at Manalapan fe ll on laat Sunday morning soon after service had closed, and, w ith most o f the lamps, was broken to pieces. N o one was injured.

The Good Templars o f Asbury Park w ill hold a public meeting on Thursday evening o f next week. ‘ Tbe extrpis^s w ill consist o f Btogfng and select reading. A ll are cordially invited to attend.

. ^ barkentine, heavily laden, was discoverednear the surf off Tenth avenne, Ocean Beach, at

„ half-past^eightiio’^ock Sunday evening. Her an- ohora hold, however, and Bhe worked off Bhore about nine o’elook Monday morning.

The passengers on the trains from New York; last Saturday, witnessed an no usual scene. As thd train Bp6d along the shore o f the Baritan Bay to­ward Morgan, tbe snrf dashed up agauut tbe oar windows on the east side atartliDg the passengers not a little. Such a high tide ib seldom seen.

The Farmers’ F ire Insuranoe Company o f York, Pa., have favorably considered the dase o f Mrs. Bro w en in the loss o f ber honse on, wbioh there waa an insurance in the aboYe oompany o f $200.- Mr. F. B. Warner, o f the firm o f Oz D. -Warner <fc Son, agents for the company, gave her a check

- thie-week for the full amount o f the polioy.

Superintendent A . R. Cook has presented the Museum o f this place with a white Indian Arrow hpad, which was found in digging out the streets In Asbury Park. The dark flint arrow heads are oommon. but white ones are a curiosity. Mr. Cook w ill please accept thanks fo r the curiosity.

Mr. Warren Brown, contractor and builder at Ooean Grove, is putting up two nioe stores, for his son, & L Brown, o f Matawan, on the lot next to GK O. Onncrod's boat emporium. The front will be entirely o f glass. The upper atones will be usfsd as a dwelling house. We learn that one o f tfai'stores is already rented fo r the ooming season.

A telephone conoert for the benefit o f Sti Paul’s I L E. Ohuroh, o f thia piaoe, wjurheld in tbV church on Wednesday evening ;Ia*t, accompanied by the Waddy Sable Quartette. I t was' not our pleasure to be present, but we are told it was an imniense humbug. The attendance was fair. The reoeipts Were thirty'three.dollars, and the church reoeivea six dollars' and fifty cents.. ■ ~ .......... .x

I t waa our pleasure.fchile at South Amboy ji.o visit the M. I?. Church. I t wiw late when we went in j i t t did not hear tbe sermon, whioh had been delivered by Mr. Ashbrook, formerly a pastor o f Ihe^above plaoe. The prayer meeting^ after the dis­course, was of the old-fashioned Methodist stamp, whioh put us in mind of old times, when we used to

‘ attend servioes in the oountry sohodl-hoose.

# S y

Mr. BarWne Green, a carpenter o f this plaoej met with on. accident last week,, whioh very fortu- nately did-ndt prove aa serious as was at fln>t thongbt to be. -H e WaB struok on tbe top o f the head by a hajpwnerwhioh slipped from tne hand o f a mau usin^ it on the seoond story o f a bmlding,

- H I w ib stunnod b r the blow aud was thought at firs t to,be s t o u t ly injured. He-has reoovered,.

- «b o j i f his work Bgaiu^ afl

'* ii "* ‘ 1

. BeecroftV F «q U y kFlbur i sold iii Asbury Park Wells.— Adv.

Pay your taxes at ^arlrHaU on Tuesday, December 11. ■ ■

Boeing O thering at the Reformed . C h u r c h . ..

A social gathering of the friends of the Grahfl Av. Beformed Church was held at the Grand Av­enue House on Thursday evening o f last w eei. The attendance was qutye large, although the even­ing was rather unpleasant T h e . familiar • and pleasant face o f Bev. Wm. T. Abbott, o f B t Paul’s Church, was thoro, as was also Rev. J. B. Wilson^ o f Jjong Branch. Among'othprs from Long Branoh we noticed Mr* T . Con Morford (qaahier o f the L. B. Bankiog Co.) and lady ; and Mr. Chas. P. Dor^ ranoe (o f tbe firm o f fanning ^ Dorranoe, conn Belors at law) Mid lady. Mrs. J. P . Cooper*, and a lady friend, whose name we did not learn.' Were also present. A bounteous supper had been pre­pared in tbe large and spurious dining room o f the house, antj, about ten o'clock it was announced that tea was ready. Tho tables were loaded with all the substantiate o f the season. A large quantity o f splendid uncut cakes adorn fid tbe tables. Tbe flowers whioh were placed on the tabled were pre­sented by Mrs. Cooper. The company were enler- wined after tfe’a by a number'pf tableaux, which were quite amusing, after which the surplus o f cakes, meat, etc., were sold at auction by Mr. John A. Githens. The net proceeds amounted to about Beventy dollars, whioh is for the benefit o f the church. n a-----

St, Paul’s-M. E* Uhurch.Last Sunday evening an interesting children's

meetfog was held. Tho congregation was la rge } the exeroises were listened (o with , marked aitei tiob. The lesson o f the eveoing consisted o f nine Bible questions on temperanoa published in last .week’s JoUbnaij. Addressts were nmde bvJBev*- Mr. Jaquet and Bev. J. H . Alday, o f Ocean Grove*

— : - • ■ '— - :TOur Public School.

Tbs attendance at the evening school last Mon­day evecing waa not large, probably on account Of the short notice given, and the unpleasant weath­er. "The number o f pnpihi who have given in their names as^ members o f the sohool, is not large enough as yet to warrant the openiDg,. The first setAioi^of the evening sohool will be held next Monday evening, at seven o’dook P rM ., when all piote who expect to attend the ichool, are urged to be present. P v p iU w ill not forget to bring the book* thgy wish to »tudy. I f they have not the necessary books the teacher w ill fu m ith them at about ha lf the regular pri^f

W e add a short report o f the public school in Afl- bury Park. A t first three teachers were thought to be Boffioient„bnt after oonaideration induced the trustees to employ four, vi*. : Mr. GeOrge Allard, Miss L. M, Coffin, Miss Emma Lsfwrenee and Miss Naomi Brown.

The Primary Department, Miss Brown, teacher, is filled to overflowing, registering, at tbe oloee o f November, 104 pupils; acltiaf attendance this week npwarda o f 90. Pupils are seated three at a desk, where only two were intended. ■

The third room, Miss Emma Lawrence, teaoher, numbers 90 ; average daily attendance this week about 80. Three pupils seated at most o f thedeakn.

The seoond room, l^iss L M. Coffin, teaoher, ifl completely filled ; a number of the pupils having no desks but are obliged to exchange seats with other scholars, when they write. Number in this rOoho/ fifi-, that h^jtUended this week. <

Rnrnn xhtKihar on*, Oanrga Allard. hailseats for three more pupils, *jiioh are expected to be filled very soon. This department numbers in aotual attendance upwards of 40 pupils.

W e Snnex a short report o f the scholars stand­ing highest in tbeir respective classes. W e wiah to say in this connection, that many scholars havo lost their standing ^s the first scholars v by their frequent absence from school and tardiness.

Scholars cannot be marked for punctuality, when late to sohool, neither can they be credited with lesson a which they do not recite. Scholars are marked for absence and tardiness, even though presenting written excuses from their parents.

R o om number one. Names of those having the greSteijraVerage number of credits; 8 amuel Pat­terson, Jos, JaokBon, Jacob Ludlow, Sami. Thomp­son, Titian Somers, Laura Jackson, Lillio Stiles, Nellie Wyokoff, Mary Purdy and Clara Farryi Some others stand nearly the same. I t is the regular attendance and perfect recitations tbat have given some o f them their rank.

Room No. 8, Miss L. M. Coffin, ttaoher: Addie Appleby, Lina K ipp, Alida Putterson, Ray Hart, Morelia Stryker, Katie Abbott and Irene Seely.

Room No. 8, Miss Emma Lawrence, teaoher: W illie Dunklee, Geo. Bndge, L illie Shepherd, Jennie Hathaway, Frank Genung, Maggie Brown, Ida Lim ing. Gnonoa AtnABDj-iPWndijwt

the .

Accident at Elizabeth port.. The 4 o ’olook P. M. train from Aabury Park and

the 5:15 train from New York, on the Long Branch Division o f the Central railroad, pass at Elizabeth- p o rt The latter stands on the side track until the other po.<aes. Oh Thursday evening tho train on tbe ride traok started before the other was dear and the engine collided heavily with the tbat oar of the northward bound train. 'Most o f theeeats on one side were torn from their fastenings aod broken-to, pieces, and the floor on the same side waa ground into splinters. The car was nearly fall and several per&Ons were injured, but *none seriously. * Tbo switch-tender received a severe wound on the head. Trains for New York were delayed VnUl the wreok oould be femoVed. ~ ' ■ ~

Beeoroft’s Family Flour is for sale in Ocaan Grove by Martin and Co.— Adv.

The Lyceum Re-organized.Pursuant to the call o f last Week, the Lyceum

met at the appointed time, Tuesday evening.M rrM oFarlia having been chosen* ofaairmah for

■the evening, Mr. W yokt'ff addressed the_meetingi for bomb length on tha advantages o f a debating sooiety, both for you ng^nd old. He*obnaidered it the best method o f drawing out and developing th it latent talent whioh othearwiae would remain

dormant.Tbo question 'for the evening’s discussion was

then read: He.solved, That our courts are jmoro responsible than our hotel kcopora for tho traffic in rum. There being no regular disputants ap­pointed, Mr. W yokoff volunteered to open the debate on the part o f the affirmative ; his ppeeoh whioh was listened to with great interest, was fol­lowed by Mr. Bradley, on the part o f tiie negative, who backed up hia argument by quoting the lioensfc laws of the State. Mr. Coleman followed, taking exception to the reading o t the law, as t o o t h e r speakers had le ft their legal documents at home, wbere^poh /?Ir. Bradley kindly presented him his volume. Mr. Coleman, however, preferred • to quote from "mampry., Mr. Boll os made a, short speeol\in favor o f the affirmative. \

Th^ following qoesUon was submitted for discus­

sion next w eek: jfisolved, That trader no cirtrom-stancea can a man be justified fo r telling a falser hood. Speakers oh the affirmative, W . R . Hager­man and G. W. Patterson; on the negative, Jas. HagermanTShd A . H. Patterson. T h e following gentlemen were eleoted officers for the ensuing month: Geo. W . Truax, ; 1). W .#Sexton, V ice -P res ; H. C. Winsor, Beo. ; E. W . Bolles, Treat. Resolutions to adopt the* constitution, formerly nse<3, and that the meetings be held on Tuesday evening o f each week, wero passed.

The Storm.This last storm was as severe as any we /have had

tbiff fa ll I t commenced On Friday last and extend­ed to Monday afternoon. The first twenty-four: hours there waa scarcely any rain, but the wind blew "riom the northehBt with terrific violenoe. On Saturday night the rain* fe ll in iorrents. but stopped Sunday morning. The sea was very high and broke up among some o f the bathing hotues and around the reatauran^ at the foot of. W esley Lake. The dam Was almost oompletdy covered with sandr-andi tho yellew «ea-foam waa blown far into the I^k.Q. There seemed to be little o r no current in the sea, and the beach wad ndt washed away in any plaoe. W e are not aware o f any damage b«£ng done in this ndghborhood.

Grand Avenu^ Reformed Church.Sabbath-school and other tenrio®fl were fairly

attended last Sabbath. To-morrow mornlpg the pastor will preach a Thanksgiving sermon. In the evening the children's monthly meeting will take place. Mr. Geo. Allard, prinoipal o f tbo publio school, will address the sohQlars. There will also

eolations fiom the scriptures, and singing by the tchooL

Thq Monument of 1846.While the Joubnai. representative was reporting

tl^e meeting of the Monmouth Monument Associa­tion at Freehold, on Friday last, Dr. Robert Laird showed us an old "book'bearing date Ootober 19, 1840, containing quite a number o f subscriptions “ fo r the purpose o f erecting a monument to com­memorate the BalUe.ot^Monmouth.” '

W « counted 45 of the Osborn family on the list, which was headed by the . names o f Col. Abraham Osborn and Fanny, his wife, both o f whom, it. is said, were born July i , 1784. Col. James Osborn, now living, brother o f Abraham, was also among the sign ora.

“ John Chamberlain1, revolutionary pensioner, born March, 1742, aged 104 years and 8 mohtha,'* and “ Th 6m«iB Cook, Sr., revolutionerj born Jtfay, 1756, aged 90,” were among the apeoialiy notioeable features of the aubsoription list. .

Attention, Taxpayers. Non-resident taxpayers of Asbury Park and

Obeah Grove are notified that they oan meet. Mr. Elias Truax, the tax oolleotor, at Park Hall on Tues­day, December 11, from 9 A. M. to 42 M. Mr. Truax is a resident o f Long Branch and, unless taxes are paid as above, a journey must be taken to tbe*l5ranch or money must be sent by mail.

An Odd Fish.Capt. Drum. W hite ploked up a curious-looking

fish on the beaoh on Monday forenoon. I t was about six inches long and bad two bj^ad wings, each about 4 inches long and with one or two rows o f brilliant blue spots along the edge. I t waa still alive and was brought up to Park Hall in a buoketof sea-water. It differed from the ordinary flying-fish in tho shape o f ita wings, whioh were nearly ovaL

I f your grocer does not keep Beecroft’fl FainSy Flour, tell him to get it for you.— ,4dt>.

Division of the Township.Ptfreuaut to cail in the Aabury Park JouBNAj^of

last week, a meeting was held in Park Hall last Wednesday i*vcning, November 28t for the pur­pose o f disouaaing the propriety o f divid ing Ocean townahip. Dr. H. S. Kinmonth was oalled to the chair and C.wT. Bailey elected secre­tary. Tho purpose for which the meeting Waa oalled was made known and the following resolution offered and adopted:

-Resolved, That in our judgment, it Is for the best interests o f thia community, that the town­ship o f Ooean Bhould be divided by a line running east and west at or north o f Great JPocd.

The question waa freely discussed aod a oommit­tee of five wejtt eleoted to prepare a preamble and resolutions to be presenteq at a subsequent meet­ing. The following gentleman were eleoted: David H. WVokoff, George W. Truax, Allen R. Cook, J. 8 . Ripley and John H. Hagerman. O. T. Bailey was afterwards added.

The finances o f the township was talked overand the queBtion came up whether the borough o f As­bnry Parx had received the full amount o f last year’s tax, and a committee o f three were eleoted to wait upon the proper officers o f Ocean townahip to ascertain what amount o f Sohool and other moneys have been raised for expenditure in th i* part,of the townahip, and to make a report at the next meeting. Tbe following oommittee was eleoted : H . S. Kinmbuth, Ohis. W . Borden and Isaao Mo-»

-Farlin. .... i iA motion totadjourpbeing in order, was carried,

to meet agbia on Wednesday evening, December 13, 1877.

O. T. Bailxt, Seoretary

M A R R IE D /DsCAMP— H abvkt.—On Wednesday evening, Nov­

ember 14,1877, at the reiidenoe o f tho bride’a parents, Baton town, by the Rev. Jabea Marahalt, Baptuc min- ieter. Rev. Charles P. DeCa m p . Baptiat miniater, o f Dividing Creek, to Mis* Ha l u b B. H x &v e y .

D IE D .IiTToan —In Ooean Grove, on Saturday, November

24th, of ooniumption, after a long iilneaa, Hdoda, wife o f John Lyfurd a^ed 50 yeara. Mra Lyford waa formerly n£J£efene, N. H. j W e watched hereuflaringa,-and, heard her aigb,-----

With throbbing hearts and aohlng eyea.Now ehe calmly aleepaat last,A ll paina, all grief, ad aaSerings past.

P A P R S ’ SUPPLY STORE.P i t f i e M a J Iflse tJ O i

make (he only reliable paintn.

R a w U n s e e d O il, /.B a i le d l l i u e e d O il,

T u r p e n tin e , F a t ty ,F in e C o lo r* ,

■ O rn n lics , E tc .

G L A S S .A fu ! l l '* to o lc oiVOlaJW* A lw a y s o n H a n d .

D E A L E M S * S T J P P J L i m

-. ^ . s A t New YJork prices. _ •

December, 1876i r-;; JOS. w. RICE.

Office, opposite Ooemn B ro re Q « te « . "

V EVERYTHING /You want in the house-fumiahiag, grocery and hard- wartf lines, at the lowest oity prioes, at Joty£A^Qithona'. Main s t and Railroad av. >l<arge*t stock of goods and oldest'houae in Asbury Park.

N O T IC E O F A T T A O H 9 X E N T .


Joseph B. H odgson, )vt. > In debt attachment.

CHABLES 8. EvELAlrt). ) -

Notice is hereby given that a writ of attachment, at the snit of Joseph U. Hodgson against the rights and oVedita, moneys and 6(Tecta, gooda and ohaltela, Itfftda and tenements of Charles S. Evetand, a^non-resident debtor, for the bum of alx thousand dblfara, issued out of the Circuit Court of the county of Monmouth, on thd 23d day of June, A-^D. 1877. •’Hteturnabte. and refcnrned intd oourt. duly executed by the aheriff o f the county of Monmouth, on the 19lh day :of July, L D. .1877.

THOMAS V. ARRO W SM ITH , G lirh . Dbexvak St Mubpht,

T V Attorneyt f o r Plaintiff.,Dated7Ootober Vd, A, p . 1877.

4 a U A N T I T Y O F H A YIn bales or loose. For sale by

J . Hi R O B E R T S , R e d B a n k , N .J .

ORSON W ILSON.L*t* firm Uaclmtt, WlUoa a Go.


P B S O N , W I L S O N & S O N


B u l l d o r s * a n d Q e n o r a l

H A R D W A R E. r 4™ i

At greatly rednced prices. "T*rred .Papftr, Sheathing Papei;, Nulla, Looks, uatta, Etc., very low.

N o. 841 B road StreetOjjodt, » m A i!f. T. 2, S. I^ot. N E W A R K , N . J.

rp^he best quality of Ice Cream and Confectionery %t X the old stand of the subscriber pn Cookman aven­ue, near the Post-ofiice.

Supplying Weddings and Parties with any quantityat the lowest prices, made a specialty.

A; :Manufacturer.

P A H T I B SAbout to build should use Close’s Brinks, as t h e t abb the best,

D - U . O L O S B

B B I C K M A N U F A C T U R E $ t ,Junction L. B. and Freehold Railroads,


H . D C O L E M A N ,

Carpenter and Builder.PiAiM and Ornam ental Fenoks

■ ' At Prices to salt all.Ladders o f all kinds on hand and made to order.

Also, Wood-turning and Scroll-sawing.

To Carpenter a'aiifd others interested:

T O O L S A N D C U T L E R Y G R O U N D A t Cor, Bangs Av. and Bond S t, Asbury Park.

STEINBACH BROSEast Long Branch and

A ibory Fark , Mi J.


Largest and beat assorted Atock of any houAfi in Mon mouth Qounty. '

P r ic e s a s l o w a s a n y l e a d i n g c i t yHOUSE. < .

Having manufactured an immense stock o f

MIEN’S i t t D BOYS’ CIOTHIDG.We are enabled to self at prioes lower than ever b*«.

fore, and to guarantee them to be well-made and durable garments. Fine suits selling at $7.50,

8.50,19, $12, $13, $14 and upwarda.

A L arge A ssortm ent o f O vercoatsSelling at $7, $8.50, eto. «----

A large & well selected assortment of Clofts.Suita made to order at short notice, at $15, $18, $20.

and upwards. Fine Punts made to order for $3 ana upwards. Overcoats made to order from $15 upwards,



D R Y GOODS.In this department, trvbuyhig aur goods by the Case,

we are enabled to sell Prints, Musliusj Linens, Towel- ings, etc., etc., cheaper than any store in the county.

Fine Dress Goods, Plaids and Mixed at 10o., 12 I-2c., 15c. Brown, Slate, Navy Blue, Bottle Ure^n, and ail the new shades in Cashmeres, at 32o. Full stock o f Alpacaa. Blaok Caahmere, 35o., 62 l-2o., 75o., $1.

C O TT O N F L A N N E L S ,Special attention is oalled to our well seleoted stook

o f Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels, sailingat 10c., 13 l-2o., etc. __

A large assortment of

BLANKETS,From $2-50 upward*. ~ >

A well selected stock o f ^

SHAW LS- AND F E L T S K IR T S ,which we are selling very low.

. W A T E R P R O O FSin Blaok and Navy Blue at 75c., and $1.

Hosiery ana Ladies’ Underwear,Including all ^ades ot .’Pluin and Fancy Hose for Ludies and Children. Corsets at 50 cts. Vests, etc.

FANCY GOODS i M M I M I E l- Ribbonri, Lace, Veilings, Toilet Articles.

A large stock o f ‘Hamburg Edgings and Insertions. Worsteds, Germantown Wool, Perforated Board, etc.

G loves o f a ll K indsLadies’ Gloves ih endless variety. r Gents’ Btiok-

sUn, Doeakin, Sheepskin, Castor, Beaver and Kid-

G en fe Fu^lislli^g• flood s,Including all styles Hats and Cabs. White and Colored

Shirts, Collars .'■■Neckties, Hosiery, and a complete stook o f Men’s underwear.

Boots and Shoes.A fine assortment of Ladiqs’, Misses’ , CJiiidreii’a and

-Gents* we^r, inclttdihg the celebrated Burt make. Ladies’ Bhpes at (1 and upwarda

MEN’S HEAVY BOOTSfrom, 9&50 upwards. Also a .large assortment of Boys1 Boots. ,

S o r - J s l T I O N E B Y .

Letter Paper, Foolscap, Legal Cap. Commercial Note. Paas\Bopks, Pens, Ink, etc.. Tranks, Satohels, 8hawl 6tr»p#KUmbrellas, etc. Agents for Domestic Patterns*

~ J O S . T . i M L A Y ,Dealer in

G f r o c e r i e s r P r o v i s i p n s ,Crockery, etc.f

Oor, Bond St, and Cookman A v6oes not nisan to be undersold In the above article^when quantity and quality o f goods are oonsidored. On and after Monday, November 10th, my gooda will be sold strictly-for cash, and delivered to in j part o f the Park or Grove.

B R A N C H T A R D ,0 » TH*

q > &

Manufacturers and Dealers in

Oak, Pine & Hemlock Timfceff^

Boards,P la n k ,

S i d i r t f f ,L a t h , ' [ ' -

S h in g le s ,Posts,

K a i l n ,E t c ;

C O A L ,{Lehigh Hazelton, Buck Mountain,)

Brick, lime, Lath and ll.iir, Bone Bast, rhonpimte, Pondratte, tias. Lime,

Iron Clad Faiul, Eto.

M i l l a o d F a c to r y P riud S tfen , N . J .

Soar Petronag. R.epsotfalfy Solicited.

E D W A R D M. F IE L D E R , Mane’r.

D . W . S E X T O N .

C a r p e n t e r a n g B u i l d e r ,Corner Bangs A v . and Emory St.,

A S B U R Y P A R K , IV; JReferences. --Rev. G. W . Treat, o f Rahway; W . 8

Pettet, New Brunswick; Rev. J. W. Youm? 1 Elizabeth, N. J.


Sufferers from Weak Lungs, Coughs, Want o f Blood, Waating o f Flesh, Poor Appetite, Aonte and Chronic Bronchitis, Aathma, Sleeplessness, Bt. Vitus Danoe, Night Sweats, NervousI^ebiiity, Loss of Nerve Power. Nervouenes*1 Weakness of every, description, and Pulmonary Consumption, can place confidence in FR A N K FLOWER'S

COUGH AND CONSUMPTION CUREThe greatest Blood generator known, and from

thorough teBt9, may be regarded the Modern Specific and Unjailinx Remedy in above troubles. I t is also the great remedy for those peculiar and too common troubles inoident to females, v i t : Irregularities. Ob­structions. Prolapsus, Hysteria, Pain in side and baok, eto. The low prioe of thia remedy places it within the reach of alrj— .

$1 per. bottle, or 6 bottles for 95. Send postal card for Circular. ^

not .drugged to death.Price per bottle; 2 bottles for $5.Both Remedies sent by express C. O, D.

My references are well known and prominent citi­zens in this State, (not away off in Arizona or Ne­braska):

Hon. W illiam H. Hendrickson,Col. Eliaa ConOver, ■Gen. George A. 8heridan, Louisiana,Ex-Governor Henry Clay, Warmouth Louisiana, Azariah Conover, Ero.Captain William Robbins.William S. Sneden, Esq., Manager of New Jersey

Southern Railroad, and many others who will gladly testify to the efficacy of my treatment.

For circulars or orderfl, addresa or call onF R A N K FLOW ER,

P. O. Box Eatontown, Mon. Co.. N. J.

New Obleans, Maroh 18, 1877.Frank F lower,E sq :

Sir,—I have the most implicit confidence ia yonr C, 6l C- Cure, having realized great advantage therefrom,

a time when, from loss of sleep and exhauotion, produced by coughing, I found my condition was auoh as to most certainly end in quick consumption.' Your C. & C. Cure was placed in my possession and very Boon all symptoms o f lung troubles oea«ed. I have recommended your cure to many, and in every oaae the happiest results followed its use. Hoping the sphere o f usefulness of your Remedies may con­tinue to widen and bless with health those wbo may pi itake, aa 1 surely believe it will,

„ I am very truly yours, r ^ .....- J. E. TE W E LL .

• Eatontown is a pUasant village four ahd a Quarter miles from Long Branoh. Correspondence solicited

1 - r ’

0 K N TlfA I, K. JI..O*; N EW JKH 8E X L

NEW YORK AND LONG BRANCH p iV ifib & fe ? ;™ , Cora wen el n if Kovcnbr r $$. 1877.’ V; i”.’:;Trains leave foot o l Lihtrry street, Nottb RIveKfoih

Long Branch, Ocean Grove or Asbury Park/ Ocean Beach »uid Sea Girt at 8 15,11.45 a. ii; ; 1.(00,5:1ft p. IfcA' Arriving at Ocean Grove, 10.20 A ; i t . ; l50.555«7 20- p. ii. . ’*?T-

Leave Long Braneh for Ocean Grove or Asbnnrl Park. Ocean Beach and £eu Oir(, ,7.05,40.05?X;H.S J ^ i S-40, 7.05 p. u. ' UetufrnipK, letve Sea Girt &15^ 7 17, 11.15 a. n., 3.50, 5.28, p. m., arriving at Ocean1 Grove 6.30,7.35, 11,30 a. i l , 4.04, 5.43 p'.

Trninu leave Ocean Urove, or Asbury Park Station, for Ntjw York and ul) intermediate points at 0,30,7.35, 11,30 a.m., 4.U4, p. m. Arriving in New York &85, 9.35, a. M., 1.35, 6.10 p. ut ' . *r!

Leave \tLpog_l}mucU for NeW York, 6.45. - 11.45 a. M./4.20, p. u. Close connections:for ElisaU" betb and Newark. A ll trains from i\ew York run. hroagh to Ocean Qtove ''or Asbury Park without change ot cars. • ’ \ K

'O cean O ro v e S ta tion l r i n A s b a r r P a r k ;


Time-tab^eco*imencing Thursday, Nov. 15,1877. The Steaftler^J^ase Hoyt” will leave NeWTork

(Pier 8. ftortb river, loot Hector at.1, ftir Lbns Branch 11 a. m. and 4:0U11». ij, •

LEAVE LONG BRANOH.For New York, 7t5l and Hi54 a. if. ^For Philadelphia, 13:51, p. u. and 3:60 P. M.

LEAVE PH ILA D E LPH IA ,(Foot Market stieet,-upper ferry,) »

For Long Branoh, 8s 15 a. M.W, S. SNEDEN,

General Manager.

J p E N N S Y L V A N IA R A ILR O AD . . '

Philadelphia and Trenton to Oceau G love ahd A tW ry Park direct. ,

(Ju and after Nov. 15,1877, and until further notioe trains will run aa follows i *

L eave E astw ard .a . u.

Phila, (Market St.)... 7 30................

fronton....................8 “-'9. ............... I ! . . I I ,reehold .......... 9 5 5 ... . . ;........

Squau :..,10 41................... I...*"*-.t »a U iit .............. i . . i l IU ................ ’ ___bpriiiK Luke............ II 1 3 . . . . . . . ................I . . .OceuU lieitcli...... '. . .t i 15................ .Uceau Grove- 1 1 18.............. ■ f ' *l>eal ....................... 11 4i3 ............. .V .'III .;II ,Lou« JJrauch 11 3rt.v........... .

L eave W kstwakd.A M. P M .

Long Branch........... 7 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30Deal............ 7 I k . . ............. . . I I I . . . I 1 40Occun Uroyts* 7 15........ ‘ 1 45Ucenti licMch............ 7 '/2.... . . . . I . . . . I I . . ' I I 1 51'Spr.ng Labe ....*------ 7 .......... I I I I I IH I I I I I 1 675x;m Ulrl................... 7 34....... 2 01Nj tin l i .■ 7 40................** I I I I I I . . . I li 05Kre«|iuld............ 8 35_________. . . . . . . . . . I . . I I . . . . 2 45'1 reiiton................... 10 14.... . . .V I I I I I I I I I I * 4 20Pluin,(.Market t i l I I 2n................................ 5 5 0

*Oeeatu G rovo btu tiou !■ in A sb n ry P a rk *l e30 (Jlieetnia Mreet.

1 IC K h i OKKICES < S. E Cor. Uruiid Jt Chestnut ( l i b Market Mreet.

Depots Thirty-second und .Market ata.FR ANK THOMSON, L,. K FA.KMER.

Utntruf Munancr. (Jett I i ’attenffer Agent

P. M.. . . 2 00 ... 3 or. . . 4 38 , .r 5 2 0

5 24 5 27 5 32 5 38 544 5 55

O C E A J N B J 2 A C H .

K . C . B U H L E R ,PUa u t Ic a L

H O U S E P A I N T E R ,10t?i Avenue, tat. C asd S Streeti,

UCKAN B E A C H 'lJ .J .Will give pcrsnim! ksu! pruiuiit .tuvuiati to ArchttMU' «t)4

uauUfrH iuitmiuu.*»mnli;wutn«cU.

J. W . S U T P H E N ,


C a r r ia g e W o r k in a l l it s b ran oh e i.

MAIN STREET & ASBURY AV.Hefor. rto^.orkma»slJiP'

William Hath.-way, Esq., James A. Bradloy E«q O. H. Millar( Eaq.

J . X I . S E X T O N ,C A B I N E T M A K E R , O P U 0 L a T E R .B R ,

AND f u r n i s h i n g u n d e r t a k e r ’Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, Crapes, Cloths, etc., on

hand or furnished to order. Funerals personally con­ducted to point oT destination.


a p i o T t r n i i f h a m bon hand and rti8(de to order. .


A a b u r y RiUCk, N , J. Refers to Rev. Wm. Osborn and Lewis Rainear

Ocean Grove.

B E D D E t f Al A W 1 E B A T B ,

C a r p e n t e r B a n d B u l l d o P a ,


1 Cookman avenue, Abbubt Park . ' " ’Y- ■

A ll kinds o f Carpenter Work done yith neatness, all Jobbing promptly attended $0*. Best of referenoe given.

NE W AR K , If. J. ;

Bt . Bu y . tv. H . O0ESHEIM KE, D.D.,Pnaldent, ex-omcio,

Rb t . JOSEPH SU TtB , Ch.pUIo.JOBH I, Y O ^ G , sft » «k r « r . '

C H £ A P 1 C H ^ A F !_____ i


I I . L W A L L H O 'S S T O R E .O C E A N I t K A C l I , N . J .

Where will be JaumLan eztenalve asaottmeat ol all kinds of

f f l E R C H A N D I S i : ,Consisting o f

D R Y G O O D S , ,


Groceries, Etc.Also Dealers in LeHgh k Wilkes'barre OoaL

No better assortment can be fonnd in any other «w tl*T store, and the goods will be sold at. ..

L O W P R I C E S .

An invitation is extended to all, far and near, to* examine tnia stock.

I^Q noda delivered to any part o f Ocean Beaehand vicii.itv. 1"'

J . P . S A N F O B D ,Wholesale and Retail Dealer in


C a n n e d G o o d s , E t o .C or. G O O U lnAN A V . & B O N D S T ft lE K T ,

ASBUliY P A R K , N. J.

ne will continue to do

in the



B u t t e r a n d T e a h a S p e c i a l t y .

Tharikfa for paBt.favore, Hnd«olicitlDga,b.re o f your trade in the future, 1 reuiutn,

Yoare iruly,

„ . J , i . p . S A N F aa o .Goods delivered gratis. ... .... .--------------------------------------------------- .a ______


W , W . M ' C H E S N E Y .Manufacturer of

I C E C R E A MMuin St., Oppoaito Railroad Park .

Holds, Rttlanraiila tml Bwdiuz nomes SnppM

a w . S C A H IL L ’S

N e w s B a z a a r ,, In connection with

E . R . C A I [ U , L % l ) l ^ U U & T 0 B E ,

M ain S t . , E a s t L o n j B » n o h r

The l^ong BranchDaily and Week I


News, A bttuht Pahk Jo u b x a k sekly N«?w T6tk Papels, t h e ^ * ^

i - ; -

Page 6: · PDF fileBops lyitig oif the Central Bailroad docks at Oom- niunipaw.- Measures iafe. being'taken to seenre ... WL'ekFran’oi-'j 'Marshall fonnd a1 diamond,sleeve

A S B U E Y ftASfcltf * JIM I W ^ ^ T U H D A Y ^ ^ D K r ^ iB E ja i 1,^877.

T h is D a y C h oose Y e S l^ te ' o r S h in g le s I

b e w p a a p r .

■ OP NEIW YORK. .-. -■■■•'■« ' ' • ■ ■ - J . . •

$ 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Cash Capital, jjlojst reliaM e^-tHi^Cotm tjnr.3*„ . ” • ■; >• , ' ' ' -.-, * '■ ' ’ . • -1 ' ' - • ■ _ . *


O c e a n .'.G v o v s i

ASBTTRY E&RK, N- J.A . R . T O L A N D , P r o p r ie t o r ,

i p e n a l l t X x o Y e a r .

The present proprietor having purchased the prop­erty, hns partiully rebailt the house and wholly ren­ovated ii. The rooma are commodious and extra fur­nished with spring mattresses. r

'this Honse is now open for guests; it is desirably situated at the head of WeBley Lake, commanding aline vigw o f the Lake and Ocean. It is abont ^ mile froin the Ocean and 300 yards from the C. R. ft. depot.

' " ' A: R.'THLAND'.

D A V ID C A R T W R IG H T ,.

.Plain i f l Ornamental slate Roofer,.ASBUKY PABK & OCEAN “GROVE. N. J.



W e do not claim to be the o n ly reliable fo lks in this community, n o r d o w e d o a l l tb © bu ■ insas,■ fo t t h ire are other gentlemen whose business qualitioa and abilities w e are bound to t ^ ^ o ^ ^ t t t ^ 'W i U Jnsixrii^ you in first-class Companies, rent you any kind o f a honse, and j^ o r 'e x o h a n ^ p r o p e r t i e i ' . ^ n ^ M a in i l to Texas. • - :


Having had u5 years experience in tb6 Slate Roofing bnsiness I am prepared .to give the publioi satisfaction with the beBt;material in tjie markbt, at reasonableratep.

All Work warranted enow and water tight.'HU ate- rial al way a on hana. Jobbing promptly attended to.

All orders received^by mbit, andlet$ afcjPark Hall, will receive prompt attention. ,

Thia House, TGe first established at Ocean Grove, 11us been greatly enlarged, improved, and handsomely repainted. Eaco room lias a door ana window opening to v©raudaa,~whioh extend all uround tbo building at each atory. The rooma are all newly plustered and neatly furnished. It ia conveniently located in the Grove, ou Mr. Carmel Way, within a few yards o f the Congregation Grounds, Hoat Olfice, Telegraph Oliice, etc. It ia well kept, and now open lor viaitors. ISvery ellort will be made to give satiafaction in all respect*.

Q. I„ HOWLAND, Proprietor,

3 o e ABfKKffl. i i b t & b m h k r &' sb ♦ . ■' x q R t f N H o u ts a g ,

• A ,H A N DIE & S O N ; • ^


z V £ - f > Y 'c i A s s a j ‘ - ® 1: V . IHOlUDlM0THEtA(TESTN6\rciHES>**9 r r ~

R U B T W S W O R K I R O N V A S E S W I R E ! W O R KC A T A t a a U E S f R E I T S A P P I IC A N .T 8 =— ..

pApj/tfpa.lfi/a. ou r am p kqtimatk* g iv e n m c ta andPLUfrrsnajvsRXo^PLhkrrsD.

l^ S S S O S S ^ sA

A G R K J U L T U K A L .

Pumpkins may be kept sound al! through the winter by plaoing them on a shelf in a dry, frost­proof OMlttr. Lovers o f pio tDade from this vege­table should not overlook this hint. **

Salt should be given regularly; it is a very eJFeo* 1 tjvo proyentfve o l disease; but- it should be given

moderately. One ounce‘for a horse, ox or cow, and one dram for a sheep or a pig, is a gcfjji.daily allowance. It is only safe to trust to any animal’s instinot to choose its own Supply, when salt is kept constantly before i t ; otherwise, in its greed iness, it will be apt to take too much. Taken in /excessive quantities, aalt is an acrid poison.

Horses Bhonld be provided with blanket* for .Use when exposed to storms. These rimy be pro­cured very cheaply, and their cost will be saved more then onoe o r , twice during the wipter. Wo do not apnrove o f using blankets in the stable, however oold tbe weather ma^ be. This practice makes the hoyse^more sensitive. ...to cold when broaght ou t ' Blankets are for use-only to protect against unusual exposure, and when the horse is Warm.* ' — * —

W inter rations for a work horse ditty-now be given safely. Our practice is to mix half a boshal 0f out hay or fodder, with three pounds o f feed o f Oats, com and bran ground together, for one feed fo r eaoh horse. The out hay is thoroughly, wetted fn a box.; the meal is scattered over it;^ a handful o f salt for. each horse is added, and th^ whole is #eir-m ixed 1 w ith 1 the shovel. I t is then divided equally. A similar custom prevails in large stables, where htm dredstf animals are kept; for economy and good results in every way it oan hardly be surpassed.

There is suoh an abundant crop o f potatoes the present year, and priqes ar# so low,

"fhat a good many of the Smaller oneB will go as feed.to the oows. For thia purpose it is best to cook them. A n exchange recom­mends a feed o f four quarts at a time, mixed with cut hay and a quart of meal. This qqantity aa a feed will greatly increase the flow o f milk and serve to keep the obw3s digestion in a healthy con­dition. It is estimated that potatoes are worth at least thirty cents per bushel aH feed for dairy cat­tle, and the callings are hardly worth this much for mar&etidg.

N E W B R A N C H L U T S Dealers in all kinds of


BUIIDIHQ M ATER IAL,Brltl, M a, lall, Plaster, Ceient. HaU St.’


A Specialty

A ll kinds o f Lumber constantly in they^rd.

H em lock , Spruce & Whi t e Pine Timi i er

ROOFING SLATEO f tlie best quality, or contracts taken for roofa


Every article in our Une delivered with dispatch, nt the lowest poBaible prices.

Parties"delimtiU'to erect C o t t ^ g ^ U .not do them- selves justice hiiless t h 'giV6 t)B ii call. '•


Those lots qre noar Shark River, on the highest

ground along the Bhore. They aro 60 feet front

and 225 fret deep, fronting on the wide graded

turnpike leading to Ocean Beach. The owner

offers theae lots for the present at the


B R A B L E Y & S M I T HMspBfsp^urere sad IwportKig, of


M A N t U - A 'For carpenters, dshermen and teamsters, having

work near Shark River, these lots are cheaper

and superior [to any- now offered in this seotion.

Apply to

I S A A C C . K E N N E D Y ,

Asbury P©rk, N^J. t

C. D. W A R N E B & SON G . P R I D H A M S c . S O N S ,


A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .

Prnpfff ftR For Sale, Eent or ExohangaBuildings and their contents insnredl n the beat and

moBt reliable Fire .Insurance Companies at tho lowest rates. Over $50,000,000.00 Insurance Capital,

fc lg g a tE B E S TPlain and Decorative Kalsomining, Grainipg, eto.

A L L O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y A T X B N D K D T a

RESIDENCE, 335 8E A V IE W AVENUE.Or address Box 507, Ocean Grove, N. J .

7" t 5 t t J s " ; & “" o o n r a d ,

^ TKIJNTON, n . j .

C arpenters and B u ild ers .Doors, Sash, Blinds, eta Buildings o f any kin<- ereoted at short notice. Hand Railing and 3tair-oaain, made-to order. A ll wprk promptly attended to.

Of f ic e : M a in St r e e t , next door to the Reading Room, Aabprv Park, N. J

P- O. adcu^aa, Asbury Park, N. J *

A B l’ L E ^ E U J ) F A R M . 158 Acres, Large Brick House, 18 rooms,, Marl, Water and Wood

plenty. W ill be Bold aheip op long oredlt, or ex­changed. 500 yardB from R. R. Depot, churches, mills, atoreB, schools, eto. Apply to

J W. MORRI8,Long Hranob, N. J

Prepared for Immediate Use, 20? PEABX. STEBBT, NEW YOBS.

From the thowand* q f purchaser* o f onr PRE­P A R ED PA IN TS , we have yet to hear the first com plaint. The reason is apparent Our painta have etood the teat of years, where all other painta have /ailed in durability. Their covering capacity, being greater than that of any other paint, presents a prac­tical item o f economy. Our paints are guaranteed in every particular—the consumer assuming no risk whate ver, as we will repaint any building on which our paints do not prove satisfactory : allowing a choice of English B. B. White Lead, or any other paint in use,

FOR S ALE BY ‘ _ 1

JOHJf C. H A T U A W lv ;Asbury Park, N. J.



Standard and Krieagaicd,Quality.

S . R . V A N D U Z E R & C O . ’SCelebrated Pure — » ’■

Concentrated Essence True Jamaica Ginger.

S . R . V A N " D U Z E R & C O . ’SSelected

^ "P e r fe c tly Pure Ground Spices,Packed In Btew and Attj-agjjjro ,Style; Tin Giuit.

s . r ; v a n 1 d u z e r & g o ; sPerfection


W £ % r& N D U Z E R Q Q . BS p e c i a l S a f e t y . F r i c t i o n M a t c h e s , ’

l'!i '5Ie«t rrletioi'j MatclKs Ih (lie World. Every match b PKBi’E tl', and Rare t'iroj pp dan»pnei»can affectf lw a







FURNITURE. CARPETS,OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ete Mechanics’ Topis, Window Glass & Putty.

r a a r x a K u i y d p ^ L x k t t i s .

Farming Im'piements Field and Gardes Seeds.


B R A T T 'S A S T R A L O I L ,

I i k m

. Mm4r Deniorest'ii Reliable PatternsA. r . VAN DKRVEER.

B r a d lk t & Sm ith are tho largest Brush Man

ufacturerfl In the O ity o f N ew York .

Bb a d lx t & Sm ith w ere the first in the Bruah

Trade to issue an niuatrated Catalogue, which

they furnish on application. ** ' -

BUILD ING LOTS FOR SALE. The subscriber, : exeoutor of the estate of Wm Harvey, deceased, I

offers at private sale about 80 lota, lying on the eaat side of the turnpike, between Ocean Grove and Shark River, near D uok Creek. Also, for rent, a house on the name tract containing two rooms on first floor, and three rooms on second floor. Call on or address,

ABNER ALLEJJ>Ex’r,D eal Bbach, N. J


Or will exchange for property in Asbury Park, a SITI A L L F A Kmc,

Containing 85 acres, with all necessary buildings. Finely located in Monmouth county, three milea from Engliijhtown For further particulars, address,ENOS APPLEGATE , or C D W ARNEK AffiON,

Abbuhi Pa r k , N ew Jersey.

Successor to Cr o w e ll Bros.Aabury Park is a village on the

Atlantic coast.— oriy»five miles from New York oity. It bss already obtained celebrity as a summer re­sort.

The plaoe hasdonbled ineize nnoe 1874, and aa the original proprietor o f tbe Park owna a large tract lying west of the old turnpike, three-

auartfers o f a mile from the sea, he esires call tbe attention of Man­

ufacturers, either in a amall w*y o ' on a large aoale. to tbe fact that we bave unemployed labor, hete in the fall, winter and spring, whioh’ would be benefited by the establishment of some permanent work, while at the same time "Ifjinufaotnrers would be benefited themselves, as lands lying imniediately along the Central Rail­road track would be sold at a nomin­al price to Manufacturers. Price of land to be graded according to the number of nands employed.' *

Aabury Park is oppoBitc Ooean . Qrove, and.can.be Teaoned direct by the C entral Ra iLr o id of N xw Jeksbt, ffom the foot o f Liberty street, NeW York. via. Jeraey City, and also by b team boat from foot of Rector street, N. Y ., to Sandy Book, affording a fine view of the Narrows, harbor fortifications! eto., thenoo by the New Southern R. R., toBranchport iniles from Lobg Ban oh), and connecting there with ■Central Railr.'ad of New Jersey. 8o there are two lines of communica­tion From, Philftge)ph}a» the oars run to Aabnrv Pajrk direot. Rail-J road time from Now York to Asbury Park, SJioura; express in summer, about hours ; and from Philadel­phia to Asbury Park, 3 hours and 85 mihutes. f

We liave three Churdhes; a Day goboo), coating 910,000. with a daily** attendance of two hundred and fifty scholars; il weekly newspaper— A s ijd rt P a rk Journal f two Publio Halls, one seating 1,500; Reading Room, Mason io Society, Lodge of Oood Tenfplars,-Lodge of Knights of Pythias, Debating Club. Blacksmiths'" and . Wheelwrights’ Bhop , Lumber Yards, Steam "Saw­mill, Temperanoo Hotels (baIo of Jliquora prohibited). Dnig Store, TjJhyaioiAns, Dry Qdoda Stores, Bakeries, besides stores df various other kinds.

I f fhe above should interest any o f the readera of this paper, please address

A L L E N R. COOK, Superintend-'

L » p I r a d , Fancy Gate, Fie,AND CRACKER BAKERY, FOR &ALE, a fnc farm of 85 acres; 25 acres till­

able, 25 acres meadow, and theibalance woodland. Good house and plenty_of out-building a, all new. it ia located four milca below Tom’s river in Berkley town­ship, Ocean county, one and one-half miles fiom the railroad atation, It ia very convenient to churche1! and schools. Moop oreek adjoins the property, and affords good fiahing, oyateririg and gunning. Also for Bale, the new sloop Valiant,” an eight ton boat. The above property will be sold obeap ii; applied for soon.


Opean Co., N. J.

Cor. Cookman Avenue and Bond Street,A8BGKY PARK, N. J.

Refreshments for Weddings, Parties, Pic-nics, and £ptettainmeata furnished at the shortieat notice and at the moat reasonable rutea. Icing and Ornamenting.

Cottage reirifleutB in the Grove or Purk sorved at th^irdoora.


J0HK C. JOHNSON & 80^;

N E W C O I L Y A R D T H E B U NM A P O F T H E C E N T R A L R A I L R O A D O F N E W J E R S E Y . , .

Showing the new Une between Philadelphia and New Hoik, and'alao the LongBranch Division. ■


Jewelry and- , Fancy GoodsA S B U B T F A X g & L O N O ^ B n A K C H ,

Repaixipg Done at Short Notice..GI^E US A CALL,

Parties wlahing to purchase Fine Jewelry or Watchea in New York will do well to leave their orders wito na, aa wo huvo a large experience in this business.

Cookman Av., near Park Hall A8BURY PAR K . N J.

N E W Y O R K ,

As tjk ti'ne approaeb’es'for the renewal o f aulwurin- tums, TI1E SUN would remind its friends apd well- wiBhera everywhere, that it ia again a candidate,|pr their conaideration and anpp'ort. Upon its record for the pnat ten yeara it relies for a continuance o f the hearty sympathy and generoua co-opeiation whioh have hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of the Union.

The Da i l y Sun is ft fpur-fmge abeetof 28columns; price by mftijl, post-paid^ 55 centB a month, or $6.50 per year.

The Sunday edition of T he flnrtia an eight-page aheet o f 5tf columns. While giving the news of the day, it alho contains a large amount o f ’ .literary and miscellaneous mattey epeolally preparrd for it. T ub SUNDAY StJN has nlet with great auoceas. Post-paid,

v$1.20 a year. 'r-' , . T h e W e e k l y Sun. ,

Who does not know Tub W b ek lt Sun ? I t oircu- latefl througiiout tho United States, tho Cauadaa and lieyond. Ninety thouaaiid families greet its welcomo pages weekly * and regard it in the, light of guide, oounselor and friend. Its news, editorial, agricul­tural and literary departments make it essentiully a journal for the family and tho firoaide. Terms: One D o lla r a year, poet-paid. ThiB price, quality consid­ered, makes it the cheapest newspaper^pnbliahed. For olubs of ten, with -f 10 cash, we will »fend an extra* cbpy free. Address I



C E A E L E 5 JAC O B U S , A . M „ P r b c ip a L

M A T A W A N , N . J ,

Superior advantages offorded fo both sexea, in the attainment of sound a.n practical sobolarship. Our motto, pot now much,, hut iiow WELI~

Extensive Pbiloaopbical and Chemical apparatus Personal atteniion to every department. Coinpetdrit

[Founded, A. D., 1887.]

T he R t. R ev. JO flN SCARBOROUGH, D.D.> President.

T u bJ Iev. E LV IK JC. 8SIITH, D.D., Prinoipul.

ASBURY PARK. . p ^ j p a E Z , - •;