Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Q"ABt^t-t*a-t Luther L.Wright Closs of 1984 25 Year Reunion 2009


Class reunion guide

Transcript of Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Page 1: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book


Luther L.WrightCloss of 1984

25 Year Reunion2009

Page 2: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Iharc trul l cnjolcei olglnizinu our 15"' reunion l l, , \ l l ol Lrs lho mcct ha\ c r \urd,ir i l l t inle feniniscingl

l fanr classnrale shorrld conte lo lronrvood kr l isi t . . . . .l) leasc look nre up so lcalr g. l lhel os nlan\ l lassnales as

I cirn fo nleet soDre\\lrcre & catch up oD 'l)ld & ne\\ times .

It rou shoult lnrore...or i l \ ' ()u Ino\ anr of the classmateslisted \1i lh NO addfcsses. f laitsa l lut \our ne\\ infb.mation or

thcir infbonalion t.r nre ti]f oirr --i()ih reunion planninr.

r\ lso. I canre across the i ir l lo* ing cl lssu.rtr 's throullhdrt oullear's Irorn rr ld "Hemntites . Plcirse pror ir lc inf i)nnation if lou

kn' 'rr thur' \ \ lrrtcirn,.Lttr

\ ' \1xuc,\ndelson - ( i lat lc 's l l t t I I

I--\ lrn Anr)oDson - (;raJc 8

(;ll ness Brulrn - (;ndc [3

.limm\ Charles - Critd('8

Lori Johnson - ( irade.3

( hcrecc Kobesko - (;nde lJ (gradulted 1985 - [ron\\ooLi)

.lod1 Krone - (ilacle li

J. Balhcr - Crade l0

I hope er'e4one enjr)]s our get togetherll

Holl ic Abr.m!ionr l: \\ . .\rchIronuood. ll l -+9918(906J16- l - l l l0Signit lcanl Olh! 'r: l i ' rrr {. \K\ - l}ahc)Oacupation: lronsood,\rcit Schools I ' larground r*rnihrr

Kilcl l ! ' rr del i \eD('hi ldres.-\ges: Zacha4 ( l i ) . SrzanD!'( 1l)Pcrs: I cirs - l ler 'rnnn.t lvl i ld' - l)o!1- "Ncmo'-

l lobbies interests: AnJ thingConldrenls: QLrit picking on nre!lC lass book: \ 'ES( {ass photr): } ES - l t \ l{ l

-\ttcllding; \'ES r I

Prul Aho5Sl0 \\ . BIul i ie\ Rordlronsood- N'l1 - l t)918(906) 9l l-J615

Derric AllenPO Bo\ 856Badin. NC 1800917{).1) +67-5.15..1E-niail: ditrl leu ri clrcrl inii.rr.conrSpouser .lcunl VaLrghp - l- i learsOccupatio[: N.C, r\ ir Nationll ( juardChiidren: Deborah (21)..lrck (9). Bfookc (6)Grandchildrenr NonePets: I CatHobbiesilnterests: \\ 'ood$ ot kin"Class Book: \ 'ES( lass Phono: YES 5 r 7.,\ttending: \'ES x {

Brian Aode on7i5 Nlidnal Roldlron\ood. lv{l .199i3(q06) 9.]]-l0t- ' l

Inforn.tlio.t lo:

Sheri Sulanto (Aho)618 l .ake A\enueIronqood. MI 199-18(906) 932-4076 (horrr.)(906) 36.1-599j (ccll)

I \ t

Rcunion Connitlee:Sheri Su\:rnto (Aho) Jct'f HolnrKath) Johnston (Kaft^rrski) Neil Conomn.lirn l lalverson rSrverlor icht (irc! Ri!rrniI)onnu Rasmussen tReinerio) Nlike Benncrrslloll ie Abramson Dan DunnArlita l larvel (Kurz) Tern ThiedeWcnd) i lagslrofi (Srolt) Rar NicnriC arol) n Luonla (Ratko\\ski)

Page 3: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

l ,rAnn \'cref tc ( l{utlrcrl irrd )l l00l f n( l 51. N$ nl-r\1ioot. ND 513 7l)-l(701)8i7-60eE

,lirrrlh 1'uorrnmnill l l r : s i l \c iSi l t r tl luf le)" \ \ l 5 '1- i l+(.)t)06 ) 16.1-01 i7

( i d\ \b] tas5 Angell l.rn.'Norlh ScilLl i l le. RI ()] l l r7

1-10 I ) 6-17-901{ ILnl . i l l

l\tarci \\ eisl i (X)o Iestcr Rd.N{onroc. \\ ' : \ 9l l l7l( -160) t l6 l - l l l l

l l t th \!erf{renli- l I I ( inl ion \\e. S.C oltr lge ( iro\e. j \ lN 55{}lar(651 ) l6e'7 r68

l, inn \! rstccn (Z noni)lJ{}lJ E. (irange A\ enueC \ \ ' l 5 l I10("11.1) - l8l-0616

l\'Irrtin $'iberg5 0(r5 Grccnvic* Dr'( on' lmcfcc. N{T -l8i8l(1..18) 16u"9971

llill \l'illiamsI I Kcdzie l \ trl lnlt lc ( fcck. l \ I i(){) l l

\ l ichnel Bsnnctt\l)( ) f lo\ 81lnrr\{)r,J. \ l l l9()- l i lt t) l)6)l(,1-(.t6i lfrnri t i lSignil icrut Othef: I iz \ lucf,enzicOccupit ion: Iron$ooel I ' lasticst- hi ldreruAge s: Ai l ison {l l fur)nlhs)I Iobhies,/ lntcfests: lhrnti g'f ishing( lass Book: ' l 'ES

C lxss Pic l i r re: IES 8\ l { l\uendiug: . | 'ES r I

\ l r rk Blossarl l i l ( r lhlnrperjal t lench. CA t l lr l l :

1619) 778-- l i l l (cci l )Emiri l :( )crLlpntiorl : CinlstrLrctiol l1lobbiesl lniefesisr Cii) l l ( iuit l i l '( la-ss Botrk: YESClass Photo: 1ES 8 \ I ( lAltenri ing: \ 'ES r 1

Itennr Bouman (Tregcnrbo)I- l(r l- l . imc StrectI ronrrood. \ i l . l99l3(q06 ) 9i l-19-19

Lintla Bor le

Page 4: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

SLott StephonsE5?l. l Nlargalctllon\ood- l\ll -19()lli(906) 9-l l-6{}77 - {t)06) -16-l-5015l1-N{niI: scotl.slcphcns 4 irrrrxotrd.coDtSpoLtse': \ :oniuOccupnlion: ()\\ ner of Iron\\ood PlaJl icl i . lnc

& Ba1'eln Tl ips. LLCC hildfen: Spcnscr ( l()). Snr ( l7)HobhiesrLrtercslst An)1hing Bl\arian ( icrnran. ( iooJ Bccr.

. log!i lg. Sen Kd)rking(i)mnle]]ts: Sonl. I ' l l Iniss the feunion! l f |ou're intercsted in

Nloking it to lr lLrnich's ( )cl( ) ir ! ' rL;sr. scc m\\\ 'ebsit. 'al

( ' lass l look: \ 'ES

Sheri Suvrnto (Aho)618 l- i tke A\ e ni leIrrnqood- NII {99i8(906)931-1076Spouse: Keith (11 lears)Occufation: DoD]c'stic Gcrddessi l.ocal rolirDteer( hi ldren: Joshua (15) ir N0\\. Jerenr\ (: | ) in Na\ \. .Lrson ( I t) l

on his \\u\ in Nir\ J or CollegeSlepchildren: l lrad (15) l \ ' leciranical Engincer. Kl le { l l) Senior

In col leue Histol TeachelCoa0h(irrndchildren: NonePetsr Yorkies - "Sir Girnpl [-ee-& 'Finrnra i \ Iae'( omnrents: I'nr Par.rl Aho s AuntCluss Btxrk: YESClnss Photo: \ 'ES 8 r l0Attcnding: YES

Lori Suzik (Smith)N86.ll Easl Lnd Roadlrol)\\ood- N,ll .19938(906) 9i2,1165

Darrtte Bulll lTl0llocti RocdBellet i l le. Nfl .181 i I( 7l-lt 6qqll l6

Prtrick Burchclll Ji, l ( irecn$ood Strcctl]\ ans!or). IL 60]01(8.1?) l l6.l-t3970 (honrc) t, ' l l l)907-ll- i8-l tc,j l l)[:-mail: peburcir i i l alrrxr.comSpouse: Kare'nOccupalio0: Inrcracti\ c Nlarketing( hi ldrenr l - ih {7}l l lrbbi.s,lntereslsi (i1)l l: Icnnis. l l tcrnet( lass Book: YES( lass Photo: \ ES 8 \ 10Att.ndingi YES \ 2

(;rcgorl Cad]ll l l I 'hrlps SrructRcd\\ing. NIN j5066

Robeff Cecron6l I i Black Lake RoadEau C hirq. Nll '19 L I I(169)9l l -57r9

\\ i l l irnr Chinpuzio611i Black Rirer Rordlron\ood. MI +99i8{ 906) 9l l - l3 l :

Tina Choronzr' (Shirket )| 80.1 ( astile Rd.\\'aketlcld. NII -lgq(r8(906) l l+- t t i - l l

Page 5: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Dehbie Rosen (Ruppe).17{),1 ( rrdirlal \'a\Firgen. l\, lN 55123{65 I ) 687-t)9,+q (hon1e ) (65 I ) 591-.lj9.l ( ccll )E-rnail: ruppctl,t i hotrn r i l .conrSpr.ruse: FredOccupation: V.P.Childrcn: Blakc (l I ). l l(n)ke (13)(irnndchildren: N( X X)l!!I'cts: ltliniaturc Sehnauzef & Ilcnnil Cribs( hss Book: \ 'Es( lLrss Phob: \ 'ES I \ l{}

Vl:rrt Salo (LaLonde)ll6l Janres\\alIlollnnd. ltll .19-ll.l(616) 99.1-5766

(lhristine Schmalz (Kalbcr)2illlO Grant Rd.S, Bcnd. lN .16619(57.1)r33-9e71

Scoft Sch\rrrfz

Debbie Serbooth

Sosrn SeNrle (Biros)5c)i0 l. ' l5rh St. N.flugo. N{N i50i8

Stelhen ScllI l6l Centen i l le-Rosebud Rd.Snellvil le. CiA i0039(770) 572-053'! ')Occupirtiojr: Proflssionai SoLrnds Inragcs

Scott lXNc\e7?7 E. Hcdge\\ood sl..\ndo\er. KS 67()01

victoria Deno (Cihler)lJ{) I Oregon StrcetRacine- \\ ' l 5i.+05

Sheil:r I)one) (Lau)\ \ lSlc) Cou l ) l l \ \ \ AToniahalk. \\'l i.l-lll7(71 5 ) 15l-q]19

D(rn Dor e

Frederick Dulll. l l8 Oak A\ euueO\alonna. NtN 55060I i07t . l-s l-5.180

Daniel Dundh5l l7 \ lac Dtuald Laneircn$ood. N,ll 199-13(906) i6 l -7168Hobbies.lnterests: FishinS, fluntingi trlories( lass Book: ] 'ES( lass Photo: \ 'ES 8 r l0r\t lending: \ 'ES r I

Chris Epleft606 \\ ' . tr ' lakic'St.Bsr\<r l )Lrnr. U I 5 iq l r '

l larie Fabbri (Peterson)l0l I St. Paul l)r.l\1errill. \\'l 5.li5l(715) 7: t -1100Email: dpetcrson3-'i00ii i chart0r.nctSpouse: Dar iciOccupaliol]: l)orDestic (iodd

':ss,/ N'l issionarr l Soon to bc Nlinister

Page 6: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Stcphen Pontgor6l)l ( ounlt] ttoad 1(] Sll\\'rteno\ n. l\tN i5-.i8ll{ r )51)99' l_t .164I.i-nrail: penegor'rt I rhoo.conrSpouse:.lodenc( )rcupilt ion: Senior Dircclor R & D( hi ldreu: Lcxl( I i ) . l .og.n(7). l . inds, : ) ' ( l )Pcts: DoS. cal & gorlsllIbbbies hrtuests: f i nrhliDg. I:r)(nhall( l lss Book: \ 'ES( l i lss Pholo: \ 'ES tl \ l0Att .nding: l l isr I

Tira lt(t(r\oo (Ne cc)I 1965 Ccdar Lake lt. l .lrcn$ i.k- lvll .1881-l

(l indl l ' i i lol:r (Ericksonl551 lst Strect No.lhI'O Bo\ -196l).1ssel. N{N 55i15(. l lo)175-:716

LoriPohjolail.l l I Grnlhrn A\c. S.(i)t lngc (;fo\e. NI-N i5016

.leffrel PrcbishlTi l Fordcn A\e.l\'l. isou- \\/l 5i70-l

CuIt Puisto34 Windridge Roadlisser Junction. \iT 05452{802) 878-8918 (hon1e) (8011 3l.l-0958 {cr' l l}[]-urail: ., .t,,, r r. L. ' , and,/or ltt inns (i msn.conlSpousei Derisc l Rolrndo)()ceupdti(nr: i\ lanul'actLtring I 'nrcess Iechnician a lt l \I ( oIp.('hildlen: I-lunnah 1l(r1Ilobbiesrlnlcrcsts: \\," ' igbt l i l i ing'coaching lrstpitch solibnll

[)cts: l.)og l)lrkc'.\t lenJiDg: \ 'Es \ 2

\\ cnd\ Hngstrou (Stolt)lJ5 E. ( ool idgeIron$ood. \l l -11)9.181906)9- i l - l7 jq (hol11e) (9061 - i6- l - -11 l7 lccl l )E-1\ hil: g\\ en66skier ri l ahoo.comSpousat KenOccupation: Seerctarr to I 'r ' incipal I l.. l ,.\\ r ightl( h i ldrcn: Laur i r ( : ( ) ) . Elni l \ (16)Petsr "(ius ' r cl lorr lah. "ScoLn" bllck labHobhies lntcrcsts: Skiing'girrdcning cirnrping & lir lklring

l\11 girls throLrgh thcir lt iglr schottl sponsf l.rss l look: \ ESCliiss Photo: \ 'ES 5 r 7

-\rrdrdingr YES r I

Jnn Htrherson (S\\etkolich)l{19 \hpicPence. \\ ' l 5-155{)(71 5) j6 l -1561 (horre) (7151 l6(X)491 {cel l )E-N4ail: . ianssetkor ich (r hotmril.conrSpouse: l)anOccupation: Kindergarden lcacher - l lrulelahi ldrcn: Jef ] r .k.a. JJ ( l l )Siepclri ldren: P('te (16). Stac!') & lracel (32). Eurily (16)(irandchildren: Kendahl ( 7 ). Gabc (.1). .{Dtonio ( I )Petsr Dog - "Abb1 ' Fish - Frank & Emie"Ilobbiesil11tcrests: Tm\eLConrnlents: (an t $ait to see er e^oncr( lass Book: \ 'ESClass Photo: \ 'ES 5 r 7

-{ t tending: YEs\2??

Bruce Hamberg601I Airyort Roadlrou\\ood. \1l -199-18{906)9l l -1996

Page 7: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

. lohn l,orenson Pcts: Shcil ie . 'Nli.Lc\-'

75-1 Florcnce ( lass Book: \ 'EShor\\ood. Nll - l l)qil3 Cliss Pho(): \ 'ES 5 r 7i906) 9ll--i i6.l Altendiiq: .| 'ES \ 2

\l hitnel Lugr ieli l i Grand ArenucLitt le Chute, \\ ' l 5.1 l. l0(91{J} 687-0587

( rroll n Luoma (Ratkonski)9j0l \U I tppl:r RordSaxon- WI 5455()( 7 I 5 ) 89ii,2l(r(r ( homc) ( 7 I 5 ) 160-018q (ccll )f irrail: carolvntatl lJ ri l i thort.conrSpouse: I)or,rgOccupation: Full l inrc sludcnl (cosnrell) log!)( hildren: Samantha (15). l lcbccca ( l l)Pels: I dog. lcats. Ihunnl&l- l t ishllobbicslrrtercsts: l luntin-t. crdti ing. J-\\heeling & trit\cl

Spending tinrc lrith t'anrill & iiiendsClass Book: YfSClass Phoro: YES 8 r lllAttending: YES r {

(lhenl Lvnnl l l W. Lle\ehnd St. Al ] t . #7Marshtleld" Wl i87-6i16

Arthur L! onsi{7 Ashle} RoadI\4rine- NY ll80l{607) 86:-9190

[- l lnctte Hudson (BudN)I185-1 Lake [{oadlron\ood. l\ll J9()-13(906) q3:- I 8-.10Spouse: StcvcOccopation: L)a\ ( l f ! ' l ) tr] \ ider( hi ldrcnr Sle\ . l ]rclrrnc

\ l onne .tenko (Steng{rd)tt7 E. .\shlron*ood. \ l l J99i8Children: Rachcl


( rrld Johnson (Berry)616 Sec{ion Line St.\\ 'etnore- KS 66550Phoner {785) l l66-lJ.l,1E-lt lail: manningbcrrl ir ) 'ahoo.conlSpoLrse: RarOccupation: Pask)r's \\ ife - suh tclchcrChi ldren:, \nm(I I ) . Ntx{hcN ( I I ) . Timodr\ ' (9)Hohbics,lnterests: Reading. Music- Staling in touch lith

t'arnill & liiendsClass Booli: l'ES

Stele Mazurek .lentrifer Johnson3i9 E. Adams St. -15-18 Gull Prail ie Place;].,\lron Rirer. Ml .l9t)15 Kalamazoo. \ll .190+8(906) 165-59.15 (169)-:7i-9067

Page 8: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

K{thl Johnston (Knf(zt nski)717 Sutherlandlron$u)d. lvll .199-ilJ(90(,)93:- : l9 ll i-N4ail: kkutL ri lahoo.courSpousc'i I)eteOccttpitt iorri Lcgil l Secrctrn('hildrcni (17). Janclle (l- l)(jranclchilclren: Miklrail ie (9). Hope (3). Xandcr (.1)I lobbit 's/lnterests: Walking(' l irss tlookr I ES('ltss PhotLr: YES 8 r l0Altendingr YES n I

Evclln .lunttil7i5 S. l 'ortcr'llcssencr. Ml -1991 i( hildren: Anrber

Tom KNrnu

.ferq Klsirta-3699 W. ( olrrt) Roxd COurr. \ l l 5.l5i. lI'lmAil : bilbJ'nlar69,rirhotirail-cotn

lhle Koehmstodti?ll0 l lo\\ard Ave.Stevens Point. WI 5i481

Michellc Kolodziejtzl ' ,k17669 69'11Pl$ce NorthN,lsplc (;ro1c. N,lN irl l l(763) mdut715 ir hss Book: InS

Luanna Kooker lHissen)7030 Rogue Forest LaneCaines\i l le- V-\ l0li5(571)116-7187 (cel l )

Rinn KrenzrlekqoPatti Hannu100 tlarrisIron\ood. lvl l .19918

Dianc Krone (Jctrsen)

( hris Kurta (Shafer)- l l lSut lb lk*8lronuood. \11 .lggi8(517) 899-094:Occupation: Dental RcccptionistChildreli: Scoft (16). E ca (l i )Hobbies lntercsts: Canrping,f ishirgHikingr'Reading( lass Book: IES( lass Photo: YES 5:i 7.- \ t tcnding: )ES\t

Ll nn Lampart (Broehmer)616 Sutherlarld Sr.Iron\\ood. MI J9938

Pamcla Lazorski (Spadl )l l8 $:. NicdetNlarquette. ir,l l -19i355(906) t t6-353l

Herbert Lerinl08i EisenhorreI DIircNokornis. lL l-1175

Page 9: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

. lr! 'nc HItnnu

Anitn Han'cl (Kutz)140(rl l)c' ler Roadllurlel. \\ ' l 5,153.1(715) 5(r l -1510 (hon1e) (906) - l6.1-7( i0 l (cel l )

Ellcn Hcdbcrg (Frank)312 E. Sel larBcsscmcr. Ml .{9t) I I(r)06) 667-0147

IloDnie Helr itt (Krenzalek)

' l 'u lhtti lhnrlul0() l lnn islron\ood. l\1I .199-18

(lheryl Hodges (Jacisin)I l.l Shanrrockhonuood. lvll -l99.lll1906) 932-.t88ti

Joel Hoffschneider6605 C enterton l)ri!efotl \\ ' i) De. IN -16815c60) 7.l l l-4316

.tonatlron Hoffschneiderl{ l l IIa} Nnrd A!e.' l ' . tkor)ra Park. MD l09ll( i0 l )891-1609 - (705) 5n9-5.1.18

Jefflel HolnrN 108i7 Scotion l l Ro.rd!ron\\ '(Nd. MI .lc)t)l8(906)9il-. l5l. lE-N,lnil: . i .holm rr gogcbic.orgSpouse: l.ori (Po\ lo\ ich)()cculrltiorl: I\lairrterr{irrcc \\ orker (G()gehic f oult\ )( hildreni Nlika] lx ( l. l )- Johnlrhr'rl l {6)

Shrr(,n \loore (Richter)I:j-'179 Airport Roadlronq ood. \11 -19918(906)9il-3r0jI:-l\ lail: i lor'2go ri hotmail.conrSpouse: BrettOccupation: Preschool l-eachers AideChildren: lake (10). Janet ( l7)lkrbbies: Trarel

J($rl N€ff ((,;ru\rell)l.+l{) W. ,hh StrectDuluth- ]\ 'N -i-;806t) l8 l 727-7111L--rrail : labrromrnl a hotrni. i i l .comSpouse: PaulOccupation: Sales Associdlc .lC Pcnnc)Children: \onePets: \-ellon lab - - ' ledd1 '

Hobbies' lnterests: Reidiog DVI) & CD collecting. StitcherlC lass Book: \'ESClass Pholo: \-ES 8 r l0

Robrrt Nelm:rrk

Rar mond NiemiE.{8i6 Slade Roadlronqood. MI -19938(906) 9lt-2186 (home) (906)28j-00e3 (cc )E-N4ai1: niernir?gogebic.erJuSpouse: PouletteOccupation: Instnlctor- (iogebic ( onrnrunil! ColicgcChildren: r.Nick 18). Anthon) 16)Pets: I\.laggie. lvll I stlii & Pai\1)l lobbiesllnterests: Skii l lg. lruntiDg. l ishiug & bo tingC lass Book: YES( lass Photo: \ 'ES 8 r l0-\tteidinu: \ 'ES rJ

Page 10: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Slrrdcnt( h i l tcn: l ] rxndon ( l : ) . ( i tnreron l : { ) ) . Santuel ( l0 j( ; r rndchi ldR'r : f j |n ih ( t ) . l la i l l (bnkjng 1009)I lobli ies,/lnterestst Socializlng(i)mnlents: l_{roli ing l i)r\\ i trd r() \\ondcrtit l \cekcnJll( lass tlook: YES( lass Photoi l.ES 8 r I0r\ cudinS: yES \ 2

Jacquehn Flegal

( hristoDher Forslurdl6i8 He-nis-rr Lanc(irccn lla). U'l -i.ljo.l(920) 350-0136tr-lt l t l i l : citbr.slund ri hotlnnil.conlSporise: Brenda( )ccupttion: [)ircctor of I]usiness l)er elopment

tbr Sclnler (irnuaul( hildren: Zanc 1 I5)I k)hbies,,lnterests: Ar1\. ouldoor acll\ !t\( lass Book; . l 'ES

Rrndr (i ingeryl9l5 Carol)r Lakc Rd.'I lrorrsor. (iA -j0lt]+(706) 595-7tlc)

Rickl (iuskil l l 53'r Arenue ISuperior. \\ I 51811(){715) 398-070.1

I)rrr.rl Hagsfromli.l850 Sunser Roadlfonwood. MI +9q:181906 ) 93]_.',t65 7Spousc: Patti.bhnst(nr( )ccul1!tion: i\ lukl\ itz Heitt i l lg( hildrcn: Ale\is ((.) )

l . ishin! 'hunt ing( ()ntnlentsr So[] that I cannot ntnkc the c\ent. I \r i l l r ir isc

{la\s lo \ ou all on thc I 7rr1 alcl i ikcl.r. thc l l ir,- r,rt,.

I)onn.t Rasmu$sen (Reinerio)6 ()ntarioNloDrtu'rl- \\ ' l i . l5i{)(715) 56i- . ' l le lI:- l\ lailt r ir ino I 4 chtrrenli. l lclSpouset i lrrrkO!cupltrion: Prcsidtrrt , I l ighlinc, r orp.P(' l:. ( ,,,1d(n r.trie\ cr .. l ucksr'lk)hbicsrlntcrestsi bcading,,ntotoll lsl lt lg,slouurobil iug

ti lcnding l inle \rl i tnti l l & ti ienrls( lass Bool: I ES( lass Phoar: l 'ES S r 7Anrnding: IES !2

Trac) Rheam (Strfford)531 \\ 16-300 N$tioDal ,\\cnuc\lukrronago- \\ | 53l-19(t6:) 9el-0t50

sarah Rhenlund165 E. \, l ichigan Avr.lrru\\ood- \l l +()g ts{ t)06 } 9-l l-.1(}18

.I('ni IlickardN I l86i . luner Roadlron$ood. I\l l -199-1ll{e06)9j t - -1159

Greg l{igoni5 i5 Copper Rordlron\\nod. i\ II - l99llJ(q06) f. i l--t9 t0Occupation: (louebic Count] (irul 'thouscChildrcn: l)dnielle ( l0). I,N)ron {7)Class Boot: N0( hss Phoro: t 'ES ll r tt)Atrendinll: \ 'ES r I

Page 11: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Ncil (irrcorantt5 \\" Ashlron\ood. Nll -{99-18(906) 931- l l j iSpouscr KirrOcclrpation: ( it1 o1'lnrnrr oo,J-.'quipment operaltrrlc l { Y( ' l l , ' \ lLrhr " l . , r r ,d l r i r "Atlending: \ 'ES r 2

,los(.Dh CorulloN9S6u Johnsor) RoadBesse[lef. \.ll -1991 I(906 ) 361-,1710Enrai l :

Spousc:. lu l ieOccuprtion: l\. l i II \\1)rkef/ Ta\crn O\ncrStclchilddrcn: -l-f ina (l lt). Adarrr (16)llets: Dog - 'llella-'H"hhies lntcrcit.: I i ihinr &. l lLlr)t tJ

Richard Cressl1ll NlonL|!l]eul St.(irol(D. Cl 061-10( 86tt I '11t1- 1 5 '1


Eugcne DeFclice501 ll. SellarBessenler. N'11 .lt)g1 It,)06) 66i-t'l]l - (906 ) l6.t-.l8lrlSporrse: Trnli( lh i ldfenr ( odt ( l l ) . D) lan {5)Oceupation: Sales \lunlger .i Glohe InduslriesPct( : ( r rs - ' .1\n\"& P. l l (hcs'C oDID)ents: L)o|'t t inset t l '1. -Old Iintes. '

Classtnok: \ 'ESClass Photo: \ 'ES 5 \ 7Attcnding: \ 'ES \ -1

Rosir Seraski

lric Sharpe-16l(r Lost ( rcck L t.North I as Vegas. N\' l l903l(70: ) 658-71l6

Rebeccr Skovera (Pontes)lg (ieorgixnnl Rd.Uil lerica. MA 0llt l I{97ti)66i-lt i- l ')

Sdmuel Shde\\ cst 701{) Daila I{o dI'hil l ips. \\ I 5-1555{ 7l 5 ) l-19--i6t{ I

( 'hristinr Smith (Grover)l-10-i Pinehc'arst Rcl.Nlrrshall. lvlN i61585071 531-9115 (honre) (507) 819- l l l l5 (cel l )Ernai l : . - . . . r ,Spcrirse: ( aqOccupalion: N{our( hildren: . losh (lc)).. lulie { l6). Jessc ( I| )Pets: "Rosc - Bichrur liisc'l lobbics'lntercsts: \ 'olunteeling. hiking. pilatcs. readilg. trr\clCbnrNenls: Can'1\rait to see c\cnonc!( lass l look: NO( lass Photo: No,\ttrndins: \ 'ES

I'atrick Somen il lcI I l5 Slcrl ing - t lppcrJoliet. i l- 60+31(.c l l i : (815) l7. t_ l - tB8

Il:!nd! St{rkc}

Page 12: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

l l r . t I l .{r ial ll ) ' l r : r r i . r r l : ' ,

I l r r l r ' :

A|ilA. Bd.llVAXEFIELD. Mic!, - &d A Er!td!. ,13.or l2l S, Mtlf*ld 9.. ton@4 di.dun e.crldly ot!.99rmr lan dt..* oiw.drddly, tuG !. 2009, i! Wdr.6.ld.

H. E loo ,o. 14, 1966 Ir l!s*!od, soair. |.6 /|lh &d M..y Givld) Es.lLdddd C6tl 6tdc sch6l rd rrdrd.dn6 Lnr. L nli3h l|isl s.!ol b l9g.H.ItE...ii'l$r.d&t!rt U,S,AnnvIt

FollNils hn honoobb di:clq., BEiretu@d ro ldmod lnd w*.d in ih.w@d6 sit[ lir did, m.mplo'td s & .uioe..hdi. i Sa Tic & Atr, ud sd.d6 ..ndt TBdElOr Dmdoid t . !&ty.n Alth.ti.. oahi! da6, n Er.|.f

Hi id6b iNludld solao& N ICARtui.a, folbdl. ddi!3 bd vdchil'

sldril d.t ria,D.dy (Crrrr)OAc*.. ltlklt e* dda P.!ici.(cdt)Lolvi.,. Qtin y,Fh, adr (Ssdo vthB6d!6, rrl.ltr.d, Wn, dd Bllrl. (M|rt)Fode, Wis.i md te !i.s ed d. n.Dhtr, clsdF Bordnd,Monrql, a.l Mdls ed Mitch.ll borh otApprdot

Bei&r tirFdit. &da FF.',.d i!.t rh hrai!F, Aliitu Bdll.

FUEI| eh€ idl hc hdd Tu.dry, ,tc 9, d | | ..o., a t[. Ma(nitr-Pni*FlEd llom, ,05 l{. lGrl sr. i! toarB4 rin |h. rd. & a!tuiq.r,

A lunch.d F nion will touow ir T.eor.lli s in dordo$n trmro.d.

lrird.cMtu 1ed i.lmor {ill h. i.9|d Accdd6y. tlered

R.lri€ dd fiio& ory dI n |!. l\|ml hdrc 6!0 9:30 !.n. i.d sia riE.

1o via BG/r obitusy onliE rl9 th. ttArboot ei dprd sndol.Gs, virirrNN.nrl!\irJ)drlkri d:rlr r uDr.

Atuladrr ft dfr+d b llcKdin+.ri.t Fulad Ho. id cMrid

\ l i r I r l l t : r . i inbr lu t \ \ e i t t i * i. I \ \ . i i i . . i r l . l l ) rSr l .1 i ! , r . \ / l j l , i - r ' ) l f '

r f l ( l ia. l l ' ) - i l l ' ) ll - \ I r i i : rnrrrrr lo j r , r !nr . r i i , : , r rn\ l \ rur i : .Ti l l i l t \ r l r t . r( ) raLint i i i , ,n: ( ( ) f r ! . . r i r i | . ,1 1 ) j l : ! fL( h i iL i rerr : \ ' l r l . r l i t . . i r r r l r rs I I r(

' r 'endehi lJrer: I rr at t t '1 j

l 'c i : : I ru l r l r i : & l l - , r ' r r"i i ' i ' l ' rc : ! r r rc ic. l ' : i i i i r l . , l r l : ! r i r i r : r !J i r ,

' ,1, , , , \ r r r , l

| , ' l r : i r r i r l : : I i l . . - i r r l l l ' r . \ l r i i , . i "

i Lr.r I l i , , l . : \ t -S

l)r , iurr lh ic( le (( rn lo.): l \ . i i i r , \ , l l f r ! \1-

l , , r r , ,L '1. l l l 1, . r t !i !1rnrr)- : l - l ts l

Tt l lanr:c Thiedel , ' i i : . \ l i r i i : l i r , r , i \ , . r .

r , , r . l t ,L i r l . \11 l ! r r r r i) r l rnc rr) i tn i 's i - l : r i

Inr l i l : i lnrn ler cr ' , r l loLn iJ. i i ,nr\ j ! : t r !1! . i tn i I ) t r f r i , , l ! ( ! r 'h ir \ f i !hl ) ! : , - r r . i t i l i . \ : l r . ! r ' , . [ ] i f i r r , r t r

L r L. i i : l : r l ' . . i l l) .1. ( ! ,Jr \ ! i t \

I l f l i l , i ! . l r t r ( (1s: \ \ i r f l i i r ! , )L i l - 1 lUSLc.( l i t : . i l . , , ,k: \o( - 'LL, l t \ : \

\ l t . r . j i i : : ) lS\3, l lc i l l i rx l

l l15 \Lr . r : t l r \1fc! ' t{ r . r l i r rJ i ' r r l . |1 1l : l l - r r1,, r<+I- f \ , i ) l l r

R,:r t t I unr;r ( l loro\ \ \L i )i -11) ( i i - t l iL(\1tJ I uIe B-l\ \ l l r r l i r r i l l r , r t ' tLrr i. i+- r i - ' .1,r

Page 13: Luther L. Wright 25th Reunion Book

Rod Andcrson607 State StrectPetosk). N,l l .19770(13l)3.18-1601

Darlr Aspinlrall (Acklev)919 \\ r\erl ll ,ake Gene\,0. Wl 5l147(261) l"l8-7t 5i

, l{mes Barlo5ll6 l. i j \ergreen Slrccl n1070Nlesa. Al 85105(.180) 9t,l- lt2l

Chcnl l leckmnn (Larson)ll0l P.enlice A\eAshland. WI 5-180(r{715) 682-10i7

Wendv Beckman-l0l aI' Slfeet N\\rNe\\' Praque. N{N 56071(951) 75lJ-.13,12 (home). (951 ) 686-6i.13 (cell )Emai l : - . . . r i i t . t , ' ,5; , , , , i , , , , , , . : .OccLDalion: Accounls pn\ ab le,/reception istChildreni Zach (16)" -Auslir1 ( l i )IJobbies/lDtcrestsi ( antpitrg/( ;ardeoing/Cooking

Cher] ' l Bennetts (Strand)108 7th A|e. N.Llurler ' . \ \ ' l 54i1,1(715 ) 56lr- i568C'el1 #: {9i}6) 16.1-0159

Stephen WillsKeen Agers Adult Fostcr ( are l lome.l0l Brothcdon\\'aketreld. MI -199611

Jonathon \\ i lson1.16 E. CoolidgeIron!\ 'ood. I l l l .19913

i906) 9i l - l l7 l

Scott \A'i lson516 Bundylron\ood. \{l ' . i9918(906) c l t - : I lq

Joel \ \ ood1654 E. i\{anin A!e.( udah1. \\ i l 5i I J 0

Dlrle YurchrkS. Range RoatlIron\\ood. ivi i -19918(906)qi l '5711

Richard Zup:rnl95l E. Rirer Dl i re(hccn Bn). \\ ' l 5-.l i0l(ql0) 117-9q17


Presidenr - Par BurchellVice President - Rlck ZupanJreasurer - Pat SomeNilleSecretan - Chcn I Bcckman