Luke and mitchell (1)




Transcript of Luke and mitchell (1)

Page 1: Luke and mitchell (1)
Page 2: Luke and mitchell (1)


• How does a earthquake form?• Why do they happen?• What do you do in an earthquake?

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• The tectonic plates pass over each other

• In an earthquake get under a table and hold on to the legs and stay away from glass.

• If your outside stay away from buildings and stay in your car if your in one

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Earthquake survival kit • You will need these things• Flash light• 3 days SUPPLY OF WATER• 3 cans of food for each person• Backpack• Radio• Drink bottle each• 2 packets of water proof matches• Dust mask• Blanket• Whistle• Extra batteries

Page 5: Luke and mitchell (1)

Cool facts

• Mountains are formed by earthquake

• There are 3 million earthquakes a year

• There are about 9000 earthquakes a day

• Most earthquakes are located in the ring of fire

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• This has been a power point by• Luke august• Mitchell crystal