Luke 16:19-31 ST. JOHN'S WEEKLY BULLETIN A - … · ST. JOHN'S WEEKLY BULLETIN 405 No. Dale St.,...

ST. JOHN'S WEEKLY BULLETIN 405 No. Dale St., Anaheim, CA 92801 Telephone (714) 827-0181 Fr. John Kariotakis -email [email protected] Fr. Nicholas Andrews, Economos -e-mail: [email protected] November 4, 2012 5th Sunday of Luke Ionnikos the Great Nikandros, Bishop of Myra ÁÐÏÓÔÏËÏÓ -EPISTLE READING - Galatians 6:11-18 i ;dete phli,koij u`mi/n gra,mmasin e;graya th/| evmh/| ceiri,Å {Osoi qe,lousin 12 euvproswph/sai evn sarki,( ou-toi avnagka,zousin u`ma/j perite,mnesqai( mo,non i[na tw/| staurw/| tou/ Cristou/ mh. diw,kwntaiÅ ouvde. ga.r oi` peritemno,menoi auvtoi. no,mon 13 fula,ssousin avlla. qe,lousin u`ma/j perite,mnesqai( i[na evn th/| u`mete,ra| sarki. kauch,swntaiÅ VEmoi. de. mh. ge,noito kauca/sqai eiv mh. evn tw/| staurw/| tou/ kuri,ou 14 h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/( diV ou- evmoi. ko,smoj evstau,rwtai kavgw. ko,smw|Å ou;te ga.r 15 peritomh, ti, evstin ou;te avkrobusti,a avlla. kainh. kti,sijÅ kai. o[soi tw/| kano,ni tou,tw| 16 stoich,sousin( eivrh,nh evpV auvtou.j kai. e;leoj kai. evpi. to.n VIsrah.l tou/ qeou/Å Tou/ 17 loipou/ ko,pouj moi mhdei.j parece,tw\ evgw. ga.r ta. sti,gmata tou/ VIhsou/ evn tw/| sw,mati, mou basta,zwÅ ~H ca,rij tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ meta. tou/ pneu,matoj u`mw/n( 18 avdelfoi,\ avmh,nÅ S ee with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. It is those 12 who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. For even those who receive circumcision do not themselves keep the law, but 13 they desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh. But far be it 14 from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither circumcision counts for anything, 15 nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this 16 rule, upon the Israel of God. Henceforth let no man trouble me; for I bear on my body 17 the marks of Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. 18 Amen. The Epistle Reader for today is: Eleni Kapogianis WELCOME VISITORS We welcome all visitors to St. John’s. If you are non-Orthodox and are interested in learning who we are and what our beliefs and practices are, we invite you to any of our Bible Study classes and of course the Class on the Orthodox Faith. On the other hand if you are an Orthodox Christian and are not member in another Orthodox Church we invite you (and your family) to join our parish. (Note: While all may receive the Andidoron, the bread which is given at the conclusion of services which of course is not consecrated, only Orthodox Christians in good standing can receive Holy Communion and other Sacraments.) ÅÕÁÃÃÅËÉÏÍ - GOSPEL READING - Luke 16:19-31 A nqrwpoj de, tij h=n plou,sioj( kai. evnedidu,sketo porfu,ran kai. bu,sson euvfraino,menoj kaqV h`me,ran lamprw/jÅ ptwco.j de, tij ovno,mati La,zaroj evbe,blhto pro.j to.n pulw/na auvtou/ ei`lkwme,noj kai. 20 21 evpiqumw/n cortasqh/nai avpo. tw/n pipto,ntwn avpo. th/j trape,zhj tou/ plousi,ou\ avlla. kai. oi` ku,nej evrco,menoi evpe,leicon ta. e[lkh auvtou/Å evge,neto de. avpoqanei/n to.n ptwco.n kai. avpenecqh/nai auvto.n u`po. tw/n 22 avgge,lwn eivj to.n ko,lpon VAbraa,m\ avpe,qanen de. kai. o` plou,sioj kai. evta,fhÅ kai. evn tw/| a[|dh| evpa,raj tou.j 23 ovfqalmou.j auvtou/( u`pa,rcwn evn basa,noij( o`ra/| VAbraa.m avpo. makro,qen kai. La,zaron evn toi/j ko,lpoij auvtou/Å kai. auvto.j fwnh,saj ei=pen\ pa,ter VAbraa,m( evle,hso,n me kai. pe,myon La,zaron i[na ba,yh| to. a;kron tou/ 24 daktu,lou auvtou/ u[datoj kai. katayu,xh| th.n glw/ssa,n mou( o[ti ovdunw/mai evn th/| flogi. tau,th|Å ei=pen de. 25 VAbraa,m\ te,knon( mnh,sqhti o[ti avpe,labej ta. avgaqa, sou evn th/| zwh/| sou( kai. La,zaroj o`moi,wj ta. kaka,\ nu/n de. w-de parakalei/tai( su. de. ovduna/saiÅ kai. evn pa/si tou,toij metaxu. h`mw/n kai. u`mw/n ca,sma me,ga 26 evsth,riktai( o[pwj oi` qe,lontej diabh/nai e;nqen pro.j u`ma/j mh. du,nwntai( mhde. evkei/qen pro.j h`ma/j diaperw/sinÅ ei=pen de,\ evrwtw/ se ou=n( pa,ter( i[na pe,myh|j auvto.n eivj to.n oi=kon tou/ patro,j mou( e;cw ga.r pe,nte 27 28 avdelfou,j( o[pwj diamartu,rhtai auvtoi/j( i[na mh. kai. auvtoi. e;lqwsin eivj to.n to,pon tou/ton th/j basa,nouÅ 29 le,gei de. VAbraa,m\ e;cousi Mwu?se,a kai. tou.j profh,taj\ avkousa,twsan auvtw/nÅ o` de. ei=pen\ ouvci,( pa,ter 30 VAbraa,m( avllV eva,n tij avpo. nekrw/n poreuqh/| pro.j auvtou.j metanoh,sousinÅ ei=pen de. auvtw/|\ eiv Mwu?se,wj 31 kai. tw/n profhtw/n ouvk avkou,ousin( ouvdV eva,n tij evk nekrw/n avnasth/| peisqh,sontaiÅ T here was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores, who desired to be fed 20 21 with what fell from the rich man's table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor 22 man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried; 23 and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom. And he called out, `Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his 24 finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame.' But Abraham said, `Son, 25 remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great 26 chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.' And he said, `Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house, 27 28 for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.' But 29 Abraham said, `They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.' And he said, `No, father 30 Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.' He said to him, `If they do not 31 hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.'"

Transcript of Luke 16:19-31 ST. JOHN'S WEEKLY BULLETIN A - … · ST. JOHN'S WEEKLY BULLETIN 405 No. Dale St.,...

ST. JOHN'S WEEKLY BULLETIN405 No. Dale St., Anaheim, CA 92801 Telephone (714) 827-0181

Fr. John Kariotakis -email [email protected]

Fr. Nicholas Andrews, Economos -e-mail: [email protected] November 4, 2012

5th Sunday of LukeIonnikos the Great

Nikandros, Bishop of Myra


i ;dete phli,koij u`mi/n gra,mmasin e;graya th/| evmh/| ceiri,Å {Osoi qe,lousin12

euvproswph/sai evn sarki,( ou-toi avnagka,zousin u`ma/j perite,mnesqai( mo,non i[na tw/|staurw/| tou/ Cristou/ mh. diw,kwntaiÅ ouvde. ga.r oi` peritemno,menoi auvtoi. no,mon13

fula,ssousin avlla. qe,lousin u`ma/j perite,mnesqai( i[na evn th/| u`mete,ra| sarki.kauch,swntaiÅ VEmoi. de. mh. ge,noito kauca/sqai eiv mh. evn tw/| staurw/| tou/ kuri,ou14

h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/( diV ou- evmoi. ko,smoj evstau,rwtai kavgw. ko,smw|Å ou;te ga.r15

peritomh, ti, evstin ou;te avkrobusti,a avlla. kainh. kti,sijÅ kai. o[soi tw/| kano,ni tou,tw|16

stoich,sousin( eivrh,nh evpV auvtou.j kai. e;leoj kai. evpi. to.n VIsrah.l tou/ qeou/Å Tou/17

loipou/ ko,pouj moi mhdei.j parece,tw\ evgw. ga.r ta. sti,gmata tou/ VIhsou/ evn tw/| sw,mati,mou basta,zwÅ ~H ca,rij tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ meta. tou/ pneu,matoj u`mw/n(18

avdelfoi,\ avmh,nÅ

See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. It is those12

who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to becircumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of

Christ. For even those who receive circumcision do not themselves keep the law, but13

they desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh. But far be it14

from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world hasbeen crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither circumcision counts for anything,15

nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this16

rule, upon the Israel of God. Henceforth let no man trouble me; for I bear on my body17

the marks of Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren.18


The Epistle Reader for today is: Eleni Kapogianis

WELCOME VISITORSWe welcome all visitors to St. John’s. If you are non-Orthodox and are interested in learning whowe are and what our beliefs and practices are, we invite you to any of our Bible Study classes and ofcourse the Class on the Orthodox Faith. On the other hand if you are an Orthodox Christian and arenot member in another Orthodox Church we invite you (and your family) to join our parish. (Note:While all may receive the Andidoron, the bread which is given at the conclusion ofservices which of course is not consecrated, only Orthodox Christians in goodstanding can receive Holy Communion and other Sacraments.)


Anqrwpoj de, tij h=n plou,sioj( kai. evnedidu,sketo porfu,ran kai. bu,sson euvfraino,menoj kaqV h`me,ranlamprw/jÅ ptwco.j de, tij ovno,mati La,zaroj evbe,blhto pro.j to.n pulw/na auvtou/ ei`lkwme,noj kai.20 21

evpiqumw/n cortasqh/nai a vpo. tw /n pipto,ntwn avpo. th/j trape,zhj tou/ plousi,ou\ avlla. kai. oi` ku,nejevrco,menoi evpe,leicon ta. e[lkh auvtou/Å evge,neto de. avpoqanei/n to.n ptwco.n kai. avpenecqh/nai auvto.n u`po. tw/n22

avgge,lwn eivj to.n ko,lpon VAbraa,m\ avpe,qanen de. kai. o` plou,sioj kai. evta,fhÅ kai. evn tw/| a[|dh| evpa,raj tou.j23

ovfqalmou.j auvtou/( u`pa,rcwn evn basa,noij( o`ra/| VAbraa.m avpo. makro,qen kai. La,zaron evn toi/j ko,lpoij auvtou/Å kai. auvto.j fwnh,saj ei=pen\ pa,ter VAbraa,m( evle,hso,n me kai. pe,myon La,zaron i[na ba,yh| to. a;kron tou/24

daktu,lou auvtou/ u[datoj kai. katayu,xh| th.n glw/ssa,n mou( o[ti ovdunw/mai evn th/| flogi. tau,th|Å ei=pen de.25

VAbraa,m\ te,knon( mnh,sqhti o[ti avpe,labej ta. avgaqa, sou evn th/| zwh/| sou( kai. La,zaroj o`moi,wj ta. kaka,\ nu/nde. w -de parakalei/tai( su. de. ovduna/saiÅ kai. evn pa/si tou,toij metaxu. h`mw/n kai. u`mw/n ca,sma me,ga26

evsth,riktai( o[pwj oi` qe,lontej diabh/nai e;nqen pro.j u`ma/j mh. du,nwntai( mhde. evkei/qen pro.j h`ma/j diaperw/sinÅ ei=pen de,\ evrwtw/ se ou=n( pa,ter( i[na pe,myh|j auvto.n eivj to.n oi=kon tou/ patro,j mou( e;cw ga.r pe,nte27 28

avdelfou,j( o[pwj diamartu,rhtai auvtoi/j( i[na mh. kai. auvtoi. e;lqwsin eivj to.n to,pon tou/ton th/j basa ,nouÅ 29

le,gei de. VAbraa,m\ e;cousi Mwu?se,a kai. tou.j profh,taj\ avkousa,twsan auvtw /nÅ o` de. ei=pen\ ouvci,( pa,ter30

VAbraa,m( avllV eva ,n tij avpo. nekrw/n poreuqh/| pro.j auvtou.j metanoh,sousinÅ ei=pen de. auvtw /|\ eiv Mwu?se,wj31

kai. tw/n profhtw/n ouvk avkou,ousin( ouvdV eva ,n tij evk nekrw/n avnasth/| peisqh,sontaiÅ

There was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously

every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores, who desired to be fed20 21

with what fell from the rich man's table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor22

man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried; 23

and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom.

And he called out, `Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his24

finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame.' But Abraham said, `Son,25

remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things;

but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great26

chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none

may cross from there to us.' And he said, `Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house, 27 28

for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.' But29

Abraham said, `They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.' And he said, `No, father30

Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.' He said to him, `If they do not31

hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.'"

Anyone interested in running for Parish

Council can pick up an “Application for


in the church office.

Applications will be accepted until

November 16, 2012.

Parish members in good-standing must

endorse the application.


Mon., Nov. 5, 2012 Parish Council Meeting, 7pm

Tues., Nov. 6, 2012- Studies in the Faith, 11am- Greek Language School, 4pm

Thurs. Nov. 8, 2012 SYNAXIS OF THE ARCHANGELS Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am GREAT VESPERS, 7pm at COVINA


Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am


Niko Begakis, Argirios Alexopoulos, Speros

Mantas, Dimitri Dimopoulos, Dimitri

Kouloumbis, Paul Stephens, Phillip

Fascenelli, Fred Fascenelli, Yianni

Kouloumbis, Dimitri McLain

+ MEMORIAL - 9;/9?EK;! +



*Coffee hour will be sponsored by the

Cantonis & Skordi Families



NOVEMBER 18, 2012


The Wednesday night Inquiries Class in

the Orthodox Faith at 6:30pm is

cancelled due to lack of participation.

November 1st is the Feast Day for Sts.

Cosmas and Damianos - the patron saints of

Philoptochos. They were apostles of Christ

and physicians of both the body and soul,

who pledged never to accept payment of

any kind for their services.

On the anniversary of their Feast Day, each

Philoptochos chapter is asked to pass a

collection tray to raise funds for the

Ecumenical Patriachate's philanthropic

programs and charities. Thank you for your


YOUTH CORNERSunday, November 11, 2012

GOYA meeting after Holy Communion


St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church

3655 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA

If interested please see Fr. Nicholas

What is Christian Stewardship?

Christian Stewardship is…

…learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church; it islearning how to enjoy Church life and be happy in Church work., for in Her dwells thefullness of the Spirit of God.

…our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit ofhumankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.

…caring for the needs of others.

…offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us.

…what a person does after saying “I believe…”, as proof of that belief.

…devotion and service to God and His Church as persons, as families, asdiocese/metropolis, as national Church and as Church universal.

W illiam s & M cKibben in Oriented Leadership


75TH A N N I V E R S A R Y

You are cordially invited, along with our spiritual

Father Metropolitan Gerasimos of

San Francisco, to an evening celebrating the

75th Anniversary of the

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Greek Orthodox Church of Long Beach

Saturday, November 10, 2012

For more information call

Patricia Mendas at 562-472-7485

or Voula Michail at 562-494-8929


November 13th, 2012 from 7pm - 9pm

Saint Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church

4949 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92604

To RSVP or for more information contact:

Joanne or Marina at (949) 733-2366


NOVEMBER 17, 2012 From 10am - 12pm

Fr. John will lead a seminar for those who will be serving asmembers of Parish Council. This seminar is mandatory forthose who will be on the ballot of the December 2nd election,and highly recommended for those who are already membersof Parish Council.

St. John the Baptist Sunday Church School

will be selling beautiful Poinsettias

in the Parish Hall in the month of

November $5.00 each

St. John’s CommunityChristmas DinnerSaturday, December 1, 2012

6:00 P.M.Cocktails & Appetizers7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.Dinner & DessertsFestivities ‘til Midnight

St. John the BaptistGreek Orthodox Church405 N. Dale Ave.Anaheim, California

December 29, 2012 Reunion Benefit for Yal • Goya • Sons & Maid

@ St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Anaheim, CA

For more info visit