Luck + Curiosity = Nobel Prizes

Barcamp 11 3 rd December 2016 Luck + Curiosity Nobel Prizes (And Singapore?)

Transcript of Luck + Curiosity = Nobel Prizes

Page 1: Luck + Curiosity = Nobel Prizes

Barcamp 113rd December 2016

Luck + Curiosity Nobel Prizes (And Singapore?)

Page 2: Luck + Curiosity = Nobel Prizes

The Nobel Prizes

Sometimes NatureSurprises Us

Launches a New Field


Physiology or Medicine


The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in

Memory of Alfred

Very Smart PeopleHard Work

Page 3: Luck + Curiosity = Nobel Prizes

One sometimes finds what one is not looking for. When I woke up just after dawn on Sept. 28, 1928,

I certainly didn’t plan to revolutionize all medicine by

discovering the world’s first antibiotic, or bacteria killer.

Nobel Speech: "Nature makes penicillin. I just discovered it."

His Messy Lab Penicillin : Fleming, Physiology or Medicine 1945

a brilliant researcher,

but his laboratory was often untidy

Page 4: Luck + Curiosity = Nobel Prizes

When Chain heard that he was coming, he remarked,

"Good God! I thought he was dead."

Ernst Chain Howard Florey

Oxford University1st –ever

Honorary Doctorate in Medicine Awarded to a Non-Medical Person

Norman Heatley

Ernst Chain & Howard Florey: Co-Winners with Fleming

Purify &

Mass ProducePenicillin

Page 5: Luck + Curiosity = Nobel Prizes

Lucky Stroke 1: Once - by mistake - a thousand-fold too much catalyst was added. To Shirakawa's surprise, this time a beautiful silvery film appeared.

Lucky Stroke 2:the story could have come to a sudden end, had not Shirakawa and MacDiarmid happened to meet, accidentally, during a coffee-break.

A 1000X Mistake Led to Conductive Polymers MacDiarmid + Heeger + Shirakawa: Chemistry 2000

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If You Want to Screw Up, let’s Really Screw Up

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How MacDiarmid, a Kiwi, celebrated the Nobel Prize

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Heeger: A Risk-Taker

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“One must cherish creativity,” Heeger said. “One should be bold, audacious. Seek to discover. Go into a new area, into the unknown and look for something new. The excitement of that risk is part of the thrill of a life in science.”

Any creative endeavor involves taking risks. You must not lose your nerve or you won’t hit the high C. You must not lose your nerve or you won’t be able to write the next book. Whether it’s science or music or literature or anything, creative endeavors involve risk.

Heeger: A Risk-Taker Who Never Lost His Nerve

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Supplemental Information

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Double Laureates – 2 Nobel Prizes for the Same Person

Pauling Had the Opportunity

to Win a3rd Nobel Prize

Watson & CrickPhysiology or Medicine 1962

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Watson’s Rules: 1. Avoid Dumb People.

2. Look for the Most Interesting Person3. If you are the smartest person in the room,

you are in the wrong room

Maurice Wilkins

Watson & Crick: Physiology or Medicine 1962 Who was the 3rd person?

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Frederick Sanger – Chemistry ‘58 & ‘80

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MIT 24 Consecutive Years (1993 - 2016) of Nobel Prizes

Length Breadth



Economic Sciences
