LTSS Annual Report 2010



The Annual Report of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary for calendar year 2010.

Transcript of LTSS Annual Report 2010

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Lutheran theoLogicaL Southern Seminary 2010 annuaL report to DonorS

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Dear Friend of the Seminary,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus, the light of the world.

Just after we turned the calendar from 2010 to 2011, I heard the Epiphany Gospel at worship. It reminded me once again of how the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were an act of worship. “And they bowed down and worshipped him and offered their gifts” is what we hear in Matthew’s Gospel. It was once again instructive for me to hear that every time we open our wallets, write a check, give of our time, or offer our talents to Christ, we are engaged in an act of worship. More often than not, when I make a contribution, I think about how it is needed to keep the lights on, pay salaries, provide relief, buy supplies, purchase food, or provide financial aid to a student, but rarely do I think about it as worship.

Worship it is, though, when we offer gifts to support and strengthen the work of Christ’s body, the church. Every time we gather an offering, we are worshipping. Money is the usual way in which we worship in this country, but that is not always the case. In some places, people offer from their livestock, from their harvest, from their artistic abilities, or from their accumulations.

And so, what you find on these pages is a worship book. You won’t find hymns or a liturgy, but you will find the gifts that you and others have offered to Christ and this ministry as an act of worship. I don’t know all the motives that cause generous people to open their wallets as widely as you did this year, but my guess is that most, if not all, of these gifts are because the donor knows that God has given us a great gift in Jesus Christ.

I write to thank you for this act of worship and for your generous gifts. I hope that you will take some time to look for your name. When you find it, know that we offer a prayer of thanks for you and for your generosity.

Look at the other pages of donors also. You will probably see names of people you know. These are a part of this congregation of worshippers, offering what we have to support this work of the church.

On behalf of all who work and study here, I thank you for your kindness and generosity and we join you in worshipping Christ who comes to make us God’s redeemed people.

Sincerely, in Christ,

Marcus Miller, President

Office of the President

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tabLe of contentS

Ways to Give 3

A Review of 2010 4

Letter from the Board of Trustees Chair 6

Board of Trustees 7

Individuals Giving Societies 8

Religious Organizations & Congregations Giving Societies 14

Seminarian Partnership Congregations 15

Businesses, Organizations, & Other Groups Giving Societies 16

Foundations & Trusts Giving Societies 16

Estate Gifts 16

WayS to give

Undesignated giftsUndesignated gifts support the general operating expenditures of the seminary. These gifts help the seminary today as funds are applied to current financial priorities.

PledgesMonetary gifts may be pledged over a period of time that the donor arranges with the seminary.

Designated giftsDonors may designate their gifts for a particular purpose or program, and the seminary applies those funds in accordance with the giver’s stipulations. Common designations include scholarships, faculty chairs, and perpetual funds that provide annual operating funds.

Stocks and SecuritiesLong-term appreciated securities or stocks are a convenient method of contribution and may be advantageous to the donor pursuant to IRS regulations. Gifts of stocks and securities can be designated or undesignated as the donor chooses.

Real PropertyMarketable real estate, personal property, long-term capital assets, or gifts in kind of established value may be contributed with tax benefits accruing to the donor. As with any other gift, the purpose can be designated or undesignated.

Planned giftsMany of our donors choose to make legacy gifts through beneficiary arrangements on new or existing life insurance, annuities, IRAs, and other retirement programs. Other donors include the seminary in their last will and testament. Donors who desire to receive income from an asset during their lifetimes and leave a remainder at the end of their lives often choose to use a Charitable Gift Annuity or a Charitable Remainder UniTrust. Both vehicles provide tax deductibility for eligible donors and an income stream for the donors for as long as they live. The seminary is the beneficiary of several of these planned charitable giving vehicles through the ELCA Foundation and the Lutheran Community Foundation.

Gifts of Directed Student Aid 17

Gifts Made in Honor 18

Gifts Made in Memory 21

Greever Society for Lifetime Giving 24

Southern Legacy Society 26

Alumni Giving 27

Alumni Association Officers 29

2010 Seminary Awards and Honors 30

Faculty 30

Fall 2010 Enrollment 30

Letter from the Dean & Vice President for Academic Affairs 30

All Information is based on the calendar year January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 unless otherwise noted.An asterisk (*) denotes a giver to the New Life Fund.

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a revieW of 2010 at Lutheran theoLogicaL Southern Seminary

January 5, 2010 The seminary offered the first Military

Chaplaincy Discernment J-Term course, part of the Military Chaplaincy Program supported by the Thrivent Financial for Lutheran Foundation. In addition to classroom instruction on the semianry

campus, the enrolled students and some spouses from the seminary community

were able to visit the nearby newly constructed Armed Forces Chaplaincy

Center at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

March 17, 2010 The Charles A. Cannon Charitable Trusts of Concord, North Carolina, announced

the awarding of a $100,000 grant to the seminary’s New Life Fund. Since

1987 the Cannon Trusts and the Cannon Foundation, legacies of the late Charles A. Cannon who served President and

Chairman of Cannon Mills Company for more than 50 years, have funded over $1 million in grants and awards to Southern Seminary to support ongoing operations

as well as campus improvements.

May 1�, 2010 Thirty-three women and men received

degrees at commencement. The graduating class represented 12 synods

of the ELCA and 7 denominations. Since May, these graduates have began their new ministries throughout the world,

from Tanzania to New York.

January February March April May June

June �0, 2010The 2010 fiscal year ended on June 30,

2010 with the second best year on record for the seminary’s New Life Fund. During

the year $665,417 was given to the fund that uses 100% of every gift in the

seminary classrooms.

by the numberS

$588,209Total Gifts to the New Life Fund

$772,6�8Gifts for Endowed Scholarships

and Student Assistance

2�%Alumni Giving Percentage

2�0�Gifts made to the Seminary

128�Total Donors to the Seminary

(916 to the new Life Fund)

$6�2.15Average Gift to the New Life Fund

Fiscal Year 2010-11 Operating Budget

Student Education & Support Programs $1,907,073

Student Services & Administration $1,449,286

Student Grants & Scholarships $473,508

Physical Plant & Maintenance $1,287,230

Total $5,117,097

Figures reflect Calendar Year 2010 unless otherwise noted

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reSource SteWarDShip & SourceS of Support

July August September October November December

September 8, 2010When classes began at the seminary for the 180th time in history, 152 students were enrolled. Though fewer students were enrolled than the previous year (168), the faculty and student body

enthusiastically began the task of teaching and learning (for more information on

enrollment, see page __).

October 2�, 2010During the Autumn meeting of the

seminary’s Board of Trustees, the Trustees authorized a feasibility study to identify strategic partnership opportunities with

Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, North Carolina. The study will report

findings to the Trustees of each institution at subsequent meetings.

December �1, 2010When 2010 concluded, a total of

1,283 donors made a gift to Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary and its

students. Included in the total were 916 donors that contributed $588,209.43

to the seminary’s New Life Fund. Additionally, with the support of donors, the remaining debt on the student housing

complex fell to under $4.5 million.

July 12, 2010A new class of Master of Divinity

students begin Summer-term Greek course. Meanwhile, many seminarians

who completed their second year of study were participating in Clinical Pastoral

Education in hospitals and nursing homes and third-year MDiv students are moving

throughout the country for year-long parish internships. Seniors were leaving

their internship sites and returning to Columbia for one more year of classes.

Resource StewardshipBudgeted for Fiscal Year 2010-2011

Sources of SupportActual from Fiscal Year 2009-2010

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Dear Friend of Southern Seminary,

Thanks to your support, Southern Seminary has completed another year of faithful attention to our mission to teach, form, and nurture women and men for public ministry for the church of Jesus the Christ!

This year your seminary’s Board of Trustees has devoted many hours in creative planning that promises to vitally enhance our future life together. Following careful study the Board looks ahead to the successful implementation of five initiatives: • Sell Underused Property • Seek Advocacy from the Pastors of Region 9 • Initiate a Capital Campaign • Re-imagine the Curriculum for Full-time and Part-time students • Explore Alliances and Collaborations

These five initiatives will contribute to an even more promising future for Southern Seminary. They also call for your continuing support in every way. Include our seminary in your prayers. Invite potential friends to join you in including Southern Seminary in their current gifts as well as their estate planning. Ron Walrath in our Development Office will be more than happy to provide assistance to you personally or to those whose gifts you encourage.

As I look ahead, I see many needs that will enhance your seminary’s ability to fulfill its mission. Our Columbia campus is in need of building repairs, energy infrastructure replacement, technology upgrades, alterations to meet American Disability Act standards, and classroom renovations. We continually pray for the resources to financially reward our outstanding faculty, staff, and administration. Additionally, to accelerate the debt retirement on new student housing, a majority of the Hillcrest housing units remain available for naming opportunities as memorial or honor gifts.

I am deeply grateful for your partnership exhibited through your ongoing prayers, helpful critique, and financial support that encourage us as we move ahead. Financial challenges have affected many of our individual and corporate donors, including our congregations, synods, and churchwide partners. Nevertheless many of you have continued to offer your gifts. I assure you that each gift—whatever its size—makes a difference.

Faithfully, in Christ,

The Rev. Dr. William B. Trexler, Chair of the Board of Trustees

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Trustee OfficersThe Rev. Dr. William B. Trexler, Chair (‘70 & ‘91) Retired Pastor, Former Bishop of the Florida-Bahamas SynodDr. Miriam L. David-Brown, Vice-Chair Director of Health Services, Berea College The Rev. Robert F. Humphrey, Secretary (‘81) Pastor, Muhlenberg Lutheran, Harrisonburg, VAMr. Steve Nivens, Treasurer Executive Officer, Congaree State Bank

TrusteesBishop James F. Mauney, (‘78) Bishop of the Virginia SynodBishop edward R. Benoway, (‘7�) Bishop of the Florida-Bahamas SynodDr. Linda Daniel Retired Medical Doctor, Culpeper, VADr. Cinde Rinn, Educator, Davie County, NCThe Rev. Robert Shoffner, (‘7�) Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Hickory, NCThe Rev. Virginia aebischer, (‘89) Assistant to the Bishop, South Carolina SynodThe Rev. Robert T. Byrne, (‘95) Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran, Aiken, SCMr. Robert e. Long, Resource Planning Manager, SCANA Corp.The Rev. Robert H. Loshuertos, (‘6�) Retired PastorMr. Roy T. Wise (‘70) Secretary, The Kessler Reformation CollectionThe Rev. Bobbie Blackburn Pastor, Trinity Lutheran, Bradenton, FLMr. arthur J. Kuh Retired Business OwnerSister Carmen ana Ramirez Marrero Deaconness, Bayamon, PRThe Rev. Themba Mkhabela Pastor, Reformation Lutheran, St. Thomas, VIThe Rev. Dr. Lowell g. almen Former Secretary of the ELCAMr. Kenneth L. Childs, esq. Attorney, Childs & Halligan, P.A.Dr. Richard Conn Retired SurgeonMs Cathy D. Jordan Realtor and Property ManagerMs eileen Corley Leaphart Clinical Associate Professor, Univ. of SCMr. gene Lewis Project Management Consultant, Water Transit Solutions, Inc.

advisory MembersBishop Leonard H. Bolick, (‘72) Bishop of the North Carolina SynodBishop Herman R. Yoos, III, (‘79) Bishop of the South Carolina SynodBishop H. Julian gordy, (‘85) Bishop of the Southeastern SynodBishop Felipe Lozada Montanez, Bishop of the Caribbean Synod

boarD of truSteeS

*Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wright*Mr. Meredith YeagoMrs. Shelby and Mr. Hubert Yonce*Mr. Howard E. Young

383 Members Gave a Total of $14,673 *323 gave $12,185 to the New Life Fund

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giving SocietieS - inDiviDuaLS

The Rev. John Bachman Club ($10,000+)Mrs. Barbara K. Cobb*The Rev. Alan Kinsey and Mrs. Nicole Kinsey*Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Helen KuhMr. Floyd and Mrs. Betty Lentz*The Rev. Dr. Luther and Adele Lindberg*The Rev. Dr. Charles P. Sigel*Mr. William E. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Robert E. TownsendDr. Hulda J. Wohltmann

9 Members Gave a Total of $166,984 *5 gave $12,956 to the New Life Fund

Founder’s Club ($5,000)*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ridenhour*Mr. James Tagtmeyer*Mr. Ron and Mrs. Jenny Walrath

3 Members Gave a Total of $18,855 *3 gave $12,118 to the New Life Fund

Trustees’ Club ($1,000+)*Anonymous*The Revs. Paul and Virginia Aebischer*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Lowell G. Almen*The Revs. Wade E. and Heather K. Apel*Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ballentine*Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Barfield*The Rev. Dr. Virginia BarfieldMr. John H. Bedenbaugh and Mrs. Angela O.

Bedenbaugh*The Rev. Dr. Daniel Bell, Jr. and Dr. Sara Bell*Mrs. Kathryn Bellamy*The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Bennett*Ms Jenny Berk and The Rev. Alex Hoffner*The Rev. and Mrs. Harvey L. Blume*Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight*The Rev. and Mrs. Jared A. Carson*Mr. James and Mrs. Sandra Caughman*The Rev. and Mrs. Delmer L. Chilton*Ms Sandra R. Cline*Dr. Linda and Mr. Joseph Daniel*Dr. Miriam David-Brown and Mr. Ned

Brown*The Rev. and Mrs. Claude V. Deal, Jr.*The Rev. Clarence K. Derrick, Jr.*Mr. Craig DowMr. and Mrs. James I. Eubanks*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Daryl S. Everett*Dr. Lynn A. FeiderMiss Anna Barbara FisherMr. and Mrs. Carroll L. Fulmer*Ms Nola M. GarrettMr. and Mrs. Thomas Dale Genutis*The Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Hanberry*The Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan*Dr. Robert and The Rev. Karen Hawkins*The Rev. and Mrs. W. Osborne Herlong, Jr.Mrs. Ruth Jenkins*Mr. James and Mrs. Kathy Johnson*The Rev. Sandra K. JohnsonThe Rev. Dr. Wayne Kannaday and Dr. Helen


*The Rev. and Mrs. Lonnie W. Karriker*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David R. Keck, Sr.*Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Knilans*The Rev. and Mrs. Michael S. Knudson*Mr. Max W. Krell*The Rev. Dr. John Largen and The Rev. Dr.

Kristin Largen*Mrs. Sara R. Lineberger*Dr. and Mrs. Hubert C Linn*Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Lionberger, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry C. Livingston*Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Long*Mrs. Shirley R. Luker*Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. MartinThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. Luther Mauney, Jr.The Rev. and Mrs. Rusty May*President Marcus J. and Mrs. Kathy Miller*The Rev. and Mrs. David L. MisenheimerMr. Laxmanarao Ravindra Nath*The Rev. Gary Naylor*Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nivens*Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nizzi*The Rev. Nancy S. Oliver*Mr. Robert T. and Mrs. Sue Brown Pickett*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Reisz, Jr.*The Rev. Richard L. and Mrs. Lindsay Reiten*The Rev. Dr. Ronald and Dr. Cinde Rinn*Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rittenhouse*The Rev. Dr. Mark A. and Mrs. Karen G.

ScottMr. and Mrs. Paul Scott*The Rev. and Mrs. D. Murray Shull, Jr.*Sister Marilyn H. Stauffer*The Revs. John and Charlotte Strecker-

BaselerThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. M. Thomas Sublett*The Rev. and Mrs. Karl F. Suhr*The Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Summer*Mr. and Mrs. Hans J Teich*Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Teusink*Mr. and Mrs. Rob Tomalka*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Trexler, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Trexler*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William B. TrexlerMr. and Mrs. Marion W. Trotti*Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn*Mrs. Frances Weant*The Rev. and Mrs. John F. Weaver*The Rev. Dr. Lee H. Wesley*Mr. Roy T. Wise*Bishop and Mrs. Herman R. Yoos, III

86 Members Gave a Total of $141,531 *72 gave $102,738 to the New Life Fund

President’s Club ($500+)*Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Addy*Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Aebischer*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. W. Richard Albert*The Rev. Dr. H. George Anderson and The

Rev. Christine Anderson*The Rev. Dr. James S. and Mrs. Ginny Aull*The Honorable Dorothy Toth BeasleyThe Rev. and Mrs. Mark S. Beatty*The Rev. Dr. Bobbie Blackburn and Mr.

Garry Weston*Dr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Blanchard, Jr.

*Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boozer*Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Bradshaw*Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown*Mrs. Martha S. L. Bruce*Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bugay*The Rev. Kathy and Mr. Bernard Campbell*Mrs. Caroline A. Cordray*The Rev. and Mrs. G. Baylis Corley*Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeBusk*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Derald H. Edwards*The Rev. and Mrs. W. Richard Fritz, Jr.*Dr. Richard Getty*Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. GuyDr. and Mrs. Peter J. HauserThe Rev. David T. Hinkley*Mrs. Carolyn E. Hoffner*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert F. HumphreyThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William M. Johnson, Sr.*Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Kaeser*Mr. and Mrs. John D. Keels, Jr.*Ms Joyce Kipps*Mr. and Mrs. A. Hart Kohn, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Kudelko*Ms Jean C. Liggett*Mr. Ronald LindsayThe Rev. and Mrs. Donald B. Loadholdt*Dr. Dorothy Marple*Mr. William H. McCullough*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Miller*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lee Minnick,

Jr.The Rev. Dr. L. William Mitcham, Jr. and The

Rev. Jane Mitcham*Dr. and Mrs. William M Moses*The Revs. George and Amaretta OnstadThe Rev. and Mrs. Steven M. Peeler*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Phifer*The Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Poole, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Reynolds*The Rev. and Mrs. E. Roy Riley, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Mark ScheffelMs Elise Scott*Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smyre*Mr. Barry and Mrs. Gail Spurlock*Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Stelling*Chaplain James C. Taylor*The Rev. and Mrs. Andreas TeichMrs. Dorothy C. Trexler*The Rev. and Mrs. Gary A. WeantMr. and Mrs. Clarence E. WenzelMrs. Judith R. Woolly*Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yeago, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Zimmerman*Mr. Eldon R. Zimmerman, Sr.

61 Members Gave a Total of $33,276 *49 gave $25,451 to the New Life Fund

Dean’s Club ($250+)*Ms Karen A. Albrecht*The Rev. and Mrs. Melvin E. AmundsonMs Donna Arbaugh*The Rev. Dr. Kathryn and Mr. Barry BainesThe Rev. and Mrs. B. Robert Beaver*The Rev. and Mrs. Clyde E. Bedenbaugh*Bishop and Mrs. Edward R. Benoway*Mrs. Jane G. Boggs

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*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paulwyn L. Boliek*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Bolton*Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Brandt*Mr. Robert Brewer*The Rev. and Mrs. V. George Brookover*Mrs. Thelma Bryson*Mr. Joby Castine*The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer D. Clemmer*The Rev. Pamela Cook and Mr. Larry Cook*The Rev. and Mrs. Guy C. Cruse*Mr. Duncan J. Daugherty*Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davis*The Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. Dawkins*Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. DealThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Deal*Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Dickert*Mrs. Nell Dickert*The Rev. Delores and Mr. James Donnelly*The Rev. and Mrs. Thord K. Einarsen*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. W. Ficken, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Fink*The Rev. Mary Finklea and Mr. R. Wade

Finklea*The Revs. Timothy and Susan Gamelin*Bishop H. Julian and The Rev. Morgan

Gordy*Mr. and Mrs. Edgar P. Greever*Mr. and Mrs. George W. Haigler*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson*The Rev. Kathy and Mr. Richard Harris*Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. High*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Jacob*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Jersild*Mr. Hugh Jones*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Jones*Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kempke*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Kempski*Mr. Joseph M. Kern*Dr. and Mrs. Keith R. Kooken*Mr. Kristopher and Mrs. Virginia L. Litman-

Koon*The Rev. Robert H. Loshuertos*The Rev. Jennifer LutzBishop and Mrs. James F. Mauney*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas K. Mays*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Earl McCombs, Jr.*Mr. Jacob W. McGee, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Tony A. Metze*Chaplain and Mrs. Don Malcolm Michael*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Bill B. Mims, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Moyer*Mrs. Marilyn Mrogik*The Rev. and Mrs. Matthew D. Musteric*Mr. and Mrs. Van Newman, Jr.*Mr. Earl M. Olson*Mr. and Mrs. Gene Palmer*The Rev. Kathleen Panning and The Rev.

Gary Brandenburg*Dr. William and The Rev. Katherine Pasch*Mrs. Evelyn Pfaffenroth*The Rev. Angela and Mr. Brian Powell*Mr. D. Murray Price*The Rev. and Mrs. Aldon E. Purdham*Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Russell Rhue*Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Richardson*Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rosental*Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Schwanebeck*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John L. Setzler*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. ShoffnerMrs. Isolde Smith*Dr. and Mrs. Marcus C. Smith*The Rev. Nancy C. Vogel

*Ms Darlene C. Weight*Mr. J. David Wertz*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Boyce D. Whitener, Sr.*Mr. Allan and Mrs. Phyllis Williams*The Rev. and Mrs. D. Rhodes Woolly*Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wuertz

82 Members Gave a Total of $24,406 *77 gave $21,316 to the New Life Fund

Faculty Club ($100+)Mrs Irene Adair*Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Adair*The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Addy*Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Albert, Jr.*Mr. Troy E. Alexander*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Allen*Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Almer*Mr. and Mrs. Clifton W. Anderson*Mr. and Mrs. James AndersonMr. Peter F. Anderson*Ms June Baker*Ms Martha Baker*Mr. Alva R. Ballentine*Mr. Sherman Basinger*The Rev. and Mrs. Hugh E. Baumgartner, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Roger Lee Beaver*Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beazley*The Rev. Lynn A. Bechdolt*Mr. Ulysses Bell*Ms Hildegard Bengtson*The Rev. and Mrs. Carl BerkobinMr. and Mrs. Walter Bevan*The Rev. and Mrs. Jerome Henri Bishop*Mr. Jim and Mrs. Shirley Blackorby*MSG and Mrs. Harry W. Blume*Ms Nancy Booth*The Rev. and Mrs. Floyd W. Bost*The Rev. Dr. Larry W. Bost*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Mack C. Branham, Jr.*Dr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Brown*Ms Grace E. BrubakerMr. Bob Busbee and Mrs. Rita Busbee*Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busch*Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Butenhoff

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Dr. Addie J. Butler*The Rev. Brenda R. Bynum*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert T. Byrne*Mr. Richard M. Cameron Sr. and Mrs.

Roxiana T. Cameron*Mrs. Dorothy R. Carpenter*Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carriker*Mr. Clyde Cauthen*The Rev. and Mrs. Gary C. Chenoweth*Mr. Kenneth L. Childs, Esq.*The Rev. Gary Christensen and The Rev.

Nancy Christensen*Mrs. Nancy D. Clem*Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Cobb*Ms Norma Colman*Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Conn*The Rev. David E. Connell*The Rev. Jonathan P. Conrad*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Coon*The Rev. Dr. Keith T. Copeland*The Rev. and Mrs. William Eugene

Copenhaver*Mr. Charles R. Corriher, Sr.*Ms E. Ruth Counts*Ms Rose L. Coyne*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Crumley, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Sherrill D. Curtis*The Rev. Amy DanchikMr. and Mrs. Michael E. Davidson*Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis*Dr. Emilie P. de Luca*The Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Deal*Mrs. Barbara R. DeOrsey*The Rev. and Mrs. John D. Derrick*Mr. Paul Derrick*Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Derrick*Dr. and Mrs. James L. Dicke*The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Lyell DiegelMs Katherine DombroskyThe Rev. and Mrs. H. Wyman Dowd*Mrs. Lucille T. Schmidt Doxey*The Rev. and Mrs. Dwight L. DuBois*Mrs. Sadie R. Dunn*The Rev. Cynthia and Mr. Eddie Dyer*The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Ebener*Mr. Frank O. Eirten and Mrs. Dorothy

E.Eirten*Mr. Michael M. Eisenburger*The Rev. Glenn A. Englehardt*Mr. W. Cline Epting*Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M. Erickson*Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fallon*Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Feezor*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hartmut FegeMr. and Mrs. Adam Feil*The Rev. Alan Field*Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Fink*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. Fisher*Mr. Herman Fisher, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Fisher*The Rev. and Mrs. Mark E. Fitzsimmons*The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel FlessasMs Cristy Fossum*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fritz, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Monroe E. Fulmer*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Gantt*Mr. Earl GatlinDr. and Mrs. James A. Gerding*Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gillespie*The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Gillikin*The Rev. and Mrs. James K. Glander*Mr. and Mrs. William M. Glasgow

*The Rev. Michael J. and Mrs. Dianne Glymph*The Rev. and Mrs. Ted Wales Goins*Mr. Ron and Mrs. Elisa Gordon*Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. GraulMr. Stanley N. Graven and Mrs. Mavis N.

Graven*Mrs. Lexanne and Mr. Scott Graves*Mrs. Alida E. GreeneThe Rev. and Mrs. Lewis A. Groce*Dr. and Mrs. W. Burnham Gross*Mr. Gordon HackerThe Rev. and Mrs. Alvin H. Haigler*Mr. Gordon Haigler*Mr. and Mrs. James H. Harman*Mr. Verne K. Heckel*The Rev. Lois J. Helms*The Rev. Lance and Mrs. Robin Henderson*Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L Hendrix, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Hendrix*Mrs. Jean S. Henning*Mr. and Mrs. T. Furman Hewitt*The Rev. Louise and Mr. Larry Hilbert*Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hilbinger, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Hinds*Mr. D Michael Hix*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hock, Jr.*Mr. Virgil A. Holshouser*The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Holt*The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin G. Honeycutt*Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Honeycutt, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. James A Hood*The Rev. and Mrs. Nathan D. Hooks*The Rev. Ina and Mr. Ronald Hoover*Deaconess Judy Hoshek and Mr. Nick

Dobrinich*Mr. and Mrs. Shuler H. Houck*Ms Judith D. Hoy*Mr. and Mrs. James R. Huddle*The Rev. L. Crockett HuddleThe Rev. Keith A. HunsingerMr. Benjamin Istvan*Dr. and Mrs. Albert E. Jabs*Ms Deborah A. Johnson*Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Johnson*Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Johnson*Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson*Ms Cathy D. Jordan and Mr. Pedro Robles*Ms Solveig T. Jorgenson*Ms Elizabeth Kaylor*The Revs. W. Douglas and Elizabeth Kearney*Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kegley*The Rev. and Mrs. F. Lavaughn Keisler*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Kepley*Mr. and Mrs. Virgil C. Kester*The Rev. and Mrs. James F KinslerMr. James KirbyMr. James Kiser, Jr.*Mrs. Marie W. Kleckley*Ms Sue Kline*Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Kluttz Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Marion A. Knox, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Klaus R. Koch*Mr. and Mrs. Hal Kohn*Mr. and Mrs. Michael KramerMr. and Mrs. Glenn Kuh*The Rev. and Mrs. William B. Kyzer, Sr.*Mr. Norman Lamberg*Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Leach*Mrs. Eileen and Mr. Ron Leaphart*Mrs. Jane M. Lepisto*Mr. David LewisMr. C. Harold Lindberg

*Mrs. Kathryn Link*Mr. and Mrs. Rupert H. Little*Ms Georgia E. Livingston*Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Long*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larry S. Long*The Rev. and Mrs. Terrell G. Long, Jr.*Dr. Cecil B. Lowman*Mrs. Doris V. Ludder*The Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Lyerly*Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert H. LyerlyMrs. Phyllis MacmurphyBishop A. Donald and Mrs. Carol MainMrs. Martha L. Mann*The Rev. and Mrs. C. Jackson Martin*Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin*Mr. Fred J. Martschink, III*Mr. Jacob L. Mayer, Jr.*Ms Carol Mayfield*Mr. Alex and Dr. Susan McArver*The Rev. and Mrs. Stephen J. McGinnis*Ms Paulette McHugh*Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. McKee*Ms Carolyn McKiernan*The Rev. and Mrs. Charles R. McManus*Mrs. Mary McSwain*Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Meinecke*The Rev. Kathleen A. MikoThe Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Miles, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William F. Milholland,

Sr.*Mr. Howard L. Miller*The Rev. and Mrs. J. Stephen Misenheimer*The Rev. and Mrs. John Charles Misenheimer*Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Mixon, Jr.*The Rev. Themba Mkhabela*Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Monts Sr.*Mr. and Mrs. George A. Moretz*Mr. Tim and Mrs. Jeanne Morgan*Mrs. Broy S. Moyer*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Virgil A. Moyer, Jr.*The Rev. Hugh L. Mozingo, III*Mr. Alfred Mullen*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Nagle*Dr. Lynda Neese and Dr. Gary Miller*Mr. L. Harvey Neff*Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Negles*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Brien*Mr. William Oelkers*Mrs. Joan Olcott*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. Park*Mrs. Miriam Park*The Rev. and Mrs. Russell D. Peek*The Rev. Dr. Brian Peterson and The Rev. Dr.

Linda AndersonMrs. Joan M. Peterson*The Rev. and Mrs. Raymond A. Petrea*Mr. Norman and Mrs. Ranell Pilch*Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Pillot*The Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Pingel*Mr. Carl D. Pless Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Thurmond C. Plexico*Mr. David PooleMr. and Mrs. Charles L. Powell*The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Price*Mrs. Virginia Prince*Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. PughMr. and Mrs. Walter Ralston*Sister Carmen Ramirez Marrero*Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. RandMrs. Debra Rapert*The Rev. and Mrs. David H. Rasmussen*Mr. Jerry Redman

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*Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Edith Reese*The Rev. and Mrs. C. Henry Rendleman*Ms Elona RhameMr. and Mrs. James C. Rholl*The Rev. George L. Rhyne*The Rev. Clarence L. Richardson*Ms Martha A. Richardson*The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest W. Ridenhour*The Rev. William C. Ridenhour*Mr. and Mrs. Shelton J. Rimer*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. Ross Ritchie, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Hoke H. RitchieThe Rev. and Mrs. Elford B. Roof*The Rev. and Mrs. J. Hilton Roof*The Rev. and Mrs. Lester O. Roof, Jr.*Mrs. Barbara Y. Rudisill*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Martin F. Saarinen*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Safrit*Mrs. Doris D. Sandberg*The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Satterwhite, IIIThe Rev. Erich M. Schaefer*The Rev. and Mrs. David B. Schaeffer*Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert W. Seabock*The Rev. Dr. David Seymour and Dr. Marilyn

Seymour*The Rev. William E. Shaner, Jr.*Mr. Bobby and Mrs. Dallas Shealy*Mrs. Jean Shealy and Mr. James Hallman*Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Shealy*Mr. and Mrs. Otho L. Shealy*Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Shealy*Mr. Nelson L. Shearouse*Mr. Wayne Shoaf*Mr. Wyman L. Shull*The Rev. and Mrs. Floyd E. Sides, Sr.The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Sifford, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Sims*The Revs. K. Raymond and Ruth Ann Sipe*The Rev. Mary Louise Sitton*The Rev. Paul O. Slice*Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Slice*The Rev. and Mrs. David J. Smith*COL and Mrs. Lee T. Smith*Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Coke Smith*The Rev. Gail Sowell*Ms Rosemary L. SpellMrs. Lynn Springs*Mrs. Virginia G. Stackel*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. Marion Starr*The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Stehr, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. James R. Stephenson D.D.*The Rev. Terrie L. Sternberg*Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Sterrett, Jr.The Rev. Jared A. Stillions*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Stilwell*Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stirewalt*The Rev. Christine and Mr. Craig Stoxen*The Rev. Kevin L. StricklandThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Swanson*The Rev. Dermont F. Swicegood

*The Rev. and Mrs. G. David Swygert*Mrs. Jeanne S. Taylor*The Rev. and Mrs. Charles J. Thomas*The Rev. Kim and Mr. Mike Trabold*Ms Katherine Trexler*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald S. TroutmanMr. and Mrs. James H. Tucker*Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Turner*Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Tuttle*The Rev. and Mrs. Richard N. Umberger*The Rev. K. Michael and Dr. Lynn Varn*Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Venzke*The Rev. and Mrs. Craig W. Versprille*The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Vincent*The Rev. and Mrs. Haco W. von Hacke*Mr. and Mrs. Henry Von Oesen*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William M. Waddell*Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wagoner*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. WalkerMrs. Ann K. Watson*The Rev. and Mrs. David H. Webb*The Rev. and Mrs. Richard E. WebberThe Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Weeks*Miss Joann Wells*The Rev. and Mrs. Dwight C. Wessinger*Mr. Samuel Y. Wessinger*Mr. Norman Wetzel*Dr. and Mrs. Richard Weymouth*Mr. L. Stanley Whippo*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hoyle L. Whiteside*Mr. and Mrs. Kevin WickerMs Tommie E. Wicker*The Rev. and Mrs. Gregory B. Williams*Miss Mary E. Williams*Mr. Richard L. Williams*Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wilson*Mr. Richard Wingard, Jr.*Mrs. Alice R. Wise*Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Wise*Mr. and Mrs. Wilford W. Wolfgang*The Rev. Paul and Mrs. Katherine Wollner*Mrs. Judith M. WoostMr. and Mrs. D. Terry Wright*Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. YandleMr. James Yonce

*The Rev. Dr. John L. Yost, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Yost, III*Mr. and Mrs. David E. Yount*Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Yount*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Royall A. Yount, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yurso*Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Zeigler*The Rev. and Mrs. Edward Carl


354 Members Gave a Total of $46,126 *310 gave $38,706 to the New Life Fund

Steward Club ($1+)*Anonymous*Mr. Ralph Agavino*Dr. and Mrs. Randy L. Akers*The Revs. David Jon and Diane Amidon*Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Andersen*The Rev. David Anderson and Mrs. Joanna

Pretz-Anderson*The Rev. and Mrs. Scott M. Anderson*Mr. and Mrs. William Aussiker*The Rev. Richard L. Baker*Mrs. Irene S. Ball*The Rev. Susan Bame and Mr. Terry BameThe Rev. and Mrs. James H. Bangle*Mr. and Mrs. John L Barger*Mr. Frank H. Bark*Ms Loretta L. Barnard*Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Barndt*Ms Loretta Barnhard*The Rev. John M. Beam, III*Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Beaver, III*The Rev. and Mrs. Tommy K. Beaver*Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beery*The Rev. and Mrs. Brian O. Bennett*Mr. and Mrs. Stewart J. Bennett*Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bergstresser*The Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Berry*Mrs. Almeda L. Bickley*Mr. and Mrs. James B. Black*Mr. and Mrs. Gaither G. Blackwelder*CDR (Ret) and Mrs. Dale O. Blade

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*The Rev. and Mrs. Michael D. Blaker*Ms Margaret Blank*Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh Boedeker*Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bohde*Bishop and Mrs. Leonard H. Bolick*Mr. and Mrs. Gaines O Boone*Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Boozer*Mr. Kenton C. BossermanThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Bost*Mr. Ward Bourn*Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bower*Mrs. Rosalind B. Bowling*Mr. and Mrs. George Brandel*Mrs. Iris Branen*Ms Inez Brockmann*Mr. Richard Brode*Mr. and Mrs. Bachman S. BrownMr. and Mrs. W. Clyde Brown*Mrs. Jane H. BruceMr. Ted Buchanan and Mrs. Gail Buchanan*The Rev. JoAnn and Mr. Gary Bunn*Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burris*The Rev. Raymond Carolina*The Rev. Betty H. Carr*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Julius CarrollThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carswell*Ms Jane Casarotti*Mr. and Mrs. Paul Castle*Mr. and Mrs. William E. Caughman*Mrs. Eloise Cerniglia*Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chalgren, Jr.*The Rev. Melissa A. Chappell*Ms Amanda L. Chew*Mrs. Elizabeth L. Chiles*Mrs. Anna Mae Chinault*Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Clay*Mrs. Ellen Cobb*The Rev. and Mrs. Wayman Coleman, IIIThe Rev. and Mrs. Michael E. Collins*Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Comeskey*The Rev. Rachel Connelly and Mr. Michael

Goyne*The Rev. and Mrs. David F. ConradThe Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. CopeckMs June Cothran*Mr. and Mrs. George W. Counts*Ms Martha E. CountsMr. Parker Cowherd and Mrs. Allison

Cowherd*Ms Anne B. Crockett-Stark*Mr. and Mrs. John Crute*The Rev. and Mrs. Luria E. Cumbee, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Cuthbertson*The Rev. Todd and The Rev. Sara Cutter*Ms Ruthie Dasher*Capt. and Mrs. John W. Davis, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis*Robin DavisMr. Glenn P. Deal, Jr.*Mr. Marv Degerness and Mrs. Clare

Degerness*Mr. Richard H. Demarest*Mr. Jim Demier*The Revs. David and Kelly Derrick*The Rev. and Mrs. Randall S. Derrick*Ms Patricia DillingMr. and Mrs. Donald E. Dowd*Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dukes*The Rev. J. Edward Dukes, Jr.Mr. Robert and Mrs. Dana Durkee*Mrs. Frieda G. DzielinskiMr. and Mrs. James R. East

*Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Eleazer, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Ellsworth*The Rev. Eugene L. Epting, Jr.*Mrs. Melba S. Ercolanese*The Rev. Robert L. Eubanks*Mr. Hedrick M. Faggart, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fain*Ms Heather R. Fauber*Mr. Robert H. Fennell*Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ferqueron*Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne B. Fink*The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink*Mr. George M. Fischer*Mr. Richard Frank*Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Franson*Miss Mary Ann Fravel*The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Frazier, Jr.*Mr. Ned FredricksonDr. John W. Freeman*Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Friedrich*Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Friedrichs*Mrs. Joan Gaetke*The Rev. Constance J. GarrettMr. and Mrs. William T. Garrison*Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Gathright*Dr. Constance Gawne*Ms Elizabeth J. Gerber*The Rev. and Mrs. Calder A. Gibson, II*The Rev. and Mrs. Richard GiesslerMr. and Mrs. John W. Girard, Jr.*The Rev. Ernst Glaser*The Rev. and Mrs. Timothy H. Glenham*Mr. Joseph E. GonsalvesThe Rev. and Mrs. Nathan T. Gragg*Ms Carol E. Graham*Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grimm*Ms Tonjia S. GroblewskiMrs. Emilie Gudger and Mr. Frank Gudger, III*Mr. and Mrs. Frank GumMr. C V and Mrs. Virginia E. Gustafson*Mrs. Martha F. Haigler*Mr. Herman Hair*Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hall*The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Hall, II*Ms Frances H. Hallman*Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hallman*Mr. Leroy Hamlett*Ms Shanda Hannan*Mr. and Mrs. Harold A HarkenMs Edith HarmonThe Rev. and Mrs. W. Edward Harper, Jr.*The Rev. Shirley R. Harrison*Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Harton*Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hayes*Mr. and Mrs. Denzil C. Heishman*Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Helton, Jr.*Mrs. Ann Henley*Mrs. Joy Hickel*Ms Phyllis Hockman*The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick A. Hodges*Mr. John D. Hoffman*Mr. Sam HollowayTollie M. Holsenback*The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur H. HoltMr. and Mrs. Paul H. Howells*Mr. David HoyleMr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hubbs*Mr. Ned Y. Hudson*Mrs. Ann H. Hutteman*Mr. Ken Hyde*Mr. Joseph W. Ingram, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Janke

Mr. and Mrs. B Janowiak*Mr. Olin B. Jenkins*Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson, Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. Mark C. JohnsonMr. Christian and Mrs. Erika Karasiewicz*The Rev. and Mrs. Ray B. Kaylor*The Rev. Albert H. Keck, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keefer*Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. KeinathThe Rev. and Mrs. John S. Kerr*Ms Ellen Kessler*Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kilpatrick*Judge and Mrs. J. Ernest Kinard Jr.*The Rev. and Mrs. William H. King*Dr. and Mrs. William J. King*Mr. George F. Kirkpatrick, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Emil H. Klatt, III*Mr. Edward J. Klein*Mr. and Mrs. James L. Klemm*Mr. and Mrs. John Kleven*Miss Julia I. KnoxMs Miriam Knuth*The Rev. and Mrs. Junius S. Koiner, Jr.*The Rev. O. Ralph Kraft*Mr. and Mrs. Orion R. Kraft*Mr. William L. Krieg*Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kron*Dr. and Mrs. George M. Kroncke*The Rev. Michelle J. Kuhlman*The Rev. Chad W. LangdonMr. David Larson and Mrs. Elsa Larson*Mr. and Mrs. John Laumann*Ms Josefina N. LebronMr. Arnold G. Levin and Mrs. Gloria E .Levin*Mr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Lifsey, Jr.Mr. Mark and Mrs. Maria Lindberg*The Rev. Alice D. Linder*Mrs. Ada E. Lindquist*Ms Monta G. Lineberger*Mr. Charles and Mrs. Joe Anne Lintz*The Rev. Dr. Michael Lippard and The Rev.

Susan SpringerDr. Charles H. Lippy*Mr. David Loadholt*The Rev. John P. Locke*Mrs. Cornelia Long*Mr. and Mrs. O. Fred Lovelace*The Rev. and Mrs. W. Vernon Luckey, Jr.*Ms Alison H. LutzMr. Rufus Lybrand*The Rev. Tara and Mr. Jeremy Magoon*Ms Carole Mann*Ms Pauline S. Manuel*Mr. and Mrs. Julius H. Mappus*Mrs. Janet Mathews*Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Matkins*The Rev. and Mrs. Barney A. Matocha, Jr.*Dr. Angel Mattos*The Rev. and Mrs. John W. McCandlish*Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. McCarty*Mrs. Ellanora McClanahanMr. Marvin L. McCrory*Jodie K. McDanielMr. and Mrs. William M. McDonald*Ms Brenda McGowan*Mr. Francis A McLeod*The Rev. and Mrs. Judson F. Merrell*Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Milburn*Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G Miller*Mr. William K. Miller and Mr. Clement R.

Burton*Ms Shirley Mitchell

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*Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Mole*Mrs. Renate Moore*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Moose*Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morrison*Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mozingo*Ms Elizabeth Mueller*Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Mussett*The Rev. and Mrs. G. William Nabers*The Rev. Patricia S. Nabers*Ms Peggy Ann Neumann*Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Nicholson*Ms Josefina Nieves-Lebron*Mrs. Susan Nolan*Mr. and Mrs. David L. Odom*Dr. Louise OdorMr. and Mrs. Ken Olander*Ms Harriett L. Olden*Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Oldland*Ms Charlotte Olson and Mr. Timothy Tolar*Mr. Stanley N. and Mrs. Nancy L. Olson*Mr. Arthur T. Olsson*Drs. Walton H. and Rameth Owens*Mr. Merle A. Parker*Ms Marilyn M. PattersonThe Rev. Glenn and Mrs. Esther R. PearsonMr. and Mrs. David M. Peek*The Rev. Rosemary PeekMr. and Mrs. Wade B. Perry, Jr.*The Rev. Ronnie C. Peterson*Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Petri*Dr. Harry H. Phillips*The Rev. Dr. Clarence O. Pittman*Francis Pogue*Ms Debra L. Poirier*Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. PreslarThe Rev. and Mrs. Don Preslen*Mr. and Mrs. Tim Puvogel*Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Racey*Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rasmusson*Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Rathbun*Dale W. Raubekstine*Mrs. Jean Ray*Mrs. Leila ReasbeckThe Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Reed, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Reese, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reid, IIIMrs. Susan D. Rhyne*The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Ribe*Ms Martha Rice*The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick W. Riddle*The Rev. and Mrs. Steven P. RidenhourMr. and Mrs. Banks Ritchie*Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Ritchie*Mr. M K Roberts*Mrs. Billie Rose Robertson*Ms Adele L. Rodgers*Dr. Lannie C. Rogerson*The Rev. Charles E. Romanowski*Mrs. Janet C. Ropp*Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Rutland

COL and Mrs. Ned M. Sanders, USAF (Ret.)*Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Schatz, Jr.*Mrs. Betty Kaye Schomburg*The Rev. Martha C. Sexton*Mrs. Ernestine S. SharpeThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Austin F. Shell*The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. T. Joseph Shumate*Ms Charlotte M. Sieber*Ms Barbara H. Siegling*The Rev. and Mrs. Craig E. Sigmon*Mrs. Juanita H. Sigmon*The Rev. and Mrs. James F. Simpson*Ms Becky A. Sittason*Mr. R M Sizemore*Ms Marie J. Skandera*Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Deborah Slice*The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald G. SmithMr. and Mrs. Selden K. Smith*Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Spehar*Mr. and Mrs. Manfred L. Spengler*Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stafford*The Rev. and Mrs. Maurice E. Staley*Dr. and Mrs. H. Phillip Stall*Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Stanecker*Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Staton*Mrs. June Steadman*Mr. Gerald Steele*Mrs. Marjorie R. Steele*Mr. Roy StephensonMs Emily B. StirewaltMr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Stone*Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H Stricker*The Rev. Elise T. Stringer and Mr. Jeffrey

Stringer*Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Sturm*Mr. Robert Summer, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Randall SumnerDr. John O. and Mrs. Joanna C. Swanson*Mrs. and Mr. Julie SwansonMs Edna SwartzbeckMr. John W. and Mrs. Genevieve G. Swenson*Sister Kimberly F. Szogi*Ms Beth Talbert*Mrs. Ruby S. Taylor*Dr. Wilhelm and Mrs. Imme Tietke*Dr. Robert J. Tilidetzke

Mr. Eldon L. and Mrs. Mary F. Tillberg*The Rev. Elizabeth J. Toler*The Rev. Dr. Edwin Troutman*The Rev. Pamela Turfa and The Rev. Dr.

Arthur Turfa*Mr. and Mrs. C. Dwayne Umberger*Mr. Ron and Mrs. Linda Unruh*The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Utt*The Rev. and Mrs. Hobart C. Utter, Jr.*Dr. and Mrs. C. Harold Varn, Jr.*Mrs. Jennifer Vasquez and Mr. Israel Vasquez*Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. VogelMs Dorothy A. Wagner*Ms Maude G. Walker*The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald P. WallaceMr. Daniel T. Wallick and Mrs. Susan H.

Wallick*Ms Paige Walrath*Ms Allison and Mr. James WardMs Margaret Y. Ward*Ms Doris C. Weant*The Rev. Michael Weaver and Ms J. Nelson-

Weaver*Mr. William WeaverMrs. and Mr. Elizabeth and Mike Weems*Mrs. Norma J. WelchThe Rev. Carl A. WenzelDr. Paul D. and Mrs. Michele L. Wenzel*The Rev. and Mrs. John E. Wertz Jr.*Mrs. Phyllis WertzMrs. Linnea L. Westlake*Mr. and Mrs. John W. Weyand*Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Wiggins*Mrs. Victoria J. Wilson*Rev. James Wilson-Garrison*The Rev. Deborah and Mr. Lawrence Wood*Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wright*Mr. Meredith YeagoMrs. Shelby and Mr. Hubert Yonce*Mr. Howard E. Young

383 Members Gave a Total of $14,673 *323 gave $12,185 to the New Life Fund

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giving SocietieS - reLigiouS organizationS & congregationS

The Rev. John Bachman Club ($10,000+)

*Augsburg Lutheran Church, Winston Salem, NC

Eastern Cluster of Lutheran SeminariesEvangelical Lutheran Church in America*Florida-Bahamas Synod, ELCA*Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Hickory, NCLTSS Auxiliary*North Carolina Synod, ELCA*South Carolina Synod, ELCA*Southeastern Synod, ELCA*Virginia Synod, ELCA*Zion Lutheran Church, Hickory, NC

11 Members Gave a Total of $1,056,739 *8 gave $126,673 to the New Life Fund

Founders’ Club ($5,000+)Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church,

Carol Stream, IL*First Lutheran Church, Norfolk, VA*Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Venice, FL*Morning Star Lutheran Church, Matthews,

NC*Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church, West

Columbia, SC*St. Peters Lutheran Church, Lexington, SC

6 Members gave a total of $39,755 *5 gave $31,755 to the New Life Fund

Trustees’ Club ($1,000+)Christ the King Lutheran Church, Miami, FL*Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC*Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy

Trinity, Lebanon, PAFirst Baptist Church, Greenwood, SC*Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Columbia, SCGood Shepherd Lutheran Church, Raleigh, NC*Holy Spirit Evangelical Lutheran Church,

Charleston, SC*Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Port

Charlotte, FLLutheran Church by the Lake - Lutheran Men,

Wellford, SC*Lutheran Church of the Resurrection,

Marietta, GA*Macedonia Lutheran Church, Prosperity, SC*Mayer Memorial Lutheran Church,

Newberry, SC*Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Hickory, NCSouth Carolina Women of the ELCA*Springs

of Grace Lutheran Church, Boiling Springs, SC

*St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC*St. David Lutheran Church, West Columbia,

SC*St. James Lutheran Church, Rockwell, NCSt. John Lutheran Church, Nazareth, PASt. John Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, PA*St. John’s Lutheran Church, Concord, NC*St. John’s Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NCSt. Michael Lutheran Church, Blacksburg, VA*St. Paul Lutheran Church, Pomaria, SCSummer Memorial Lutheran Church,

Newberry, SC

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans-Southeastern SC Chapter,

*Transfiguration Lutheran Church, West Columbia, SC

*Trinity Lutheran Church, Bradenton, FL

28 Members gave a total of $44,517 *18 gave $27,826 to the New Life Fund

President’s Club ($500+)*All Saints Lutheran Church, Orlando, FLChrist Lutheran Church, Crossville, TN*Community in Christ Lutheran Church,

Cornelius, NCEmmanuel Baptist Fellowship, Lexington, SC*Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Virginia

Beach, VAGrace Lutheran Church, Oak Ridge, TNHoly Cross Lutheran Church, Lincolnton, NCHoly Trinity Lutheran Church, Newport, TNKathwood Baptist Church, Columbia, SCLakeview Baptist Church, Camden, SC*Lutheran Chapel Church, Gastonia, NCLutheran Church of the Good Shepherd,

Mount Holly, NC*Lutheran Church of the Nativity, Austell, GAMessiah Lutheran Church, Knoxville, TN*Orangeburg Lutheran Church, Orangeburg,

SC*Our Saviour Lutheran Church,

Christiansburg, VAOur Saviour Lutheran Church, West

Columbia, SCRedeemer Lutheran Church, Gastonia, NC*Salem Lutheran Church, Mount Sidney, VASardis Lutheran Church, Hickory, NCShepherd of the Sea Lutheran Men, Murrells

Inlet, SCSt. Andrews Lutheran Church Men, Columbia,

SCSt. John Lutheran Church, Angleton, TXSt. Luke Lutheran Church, Culpeper, VA*St. Luke Lutheran Church, Summerville, SCSt. Mark Lutheran Church, Huntsville, AL*St. Paul Lutheran Church, Dallas, NC*St. Paul Lutheran Church, Maryville, TNSt. Stephens Lutheran Church, Hickory, NC

29 Members gave a total of $16,703 *11 gave $4,944 to the New Life Fund

Dean’s Club ($250+)*Calvary Lutheran Church, Morganton, NC*Christ the King Lutheran Church, Columbia,

SC*Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Lincolnton, NCEvangelical Lutheran Church of the

Resurrection, Augusta, GA*First Baptist Church, Aiken, SC*First Lutheran Church, Albemarle, NC*Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Garden

City, GAGrace Lutheran Church, Hendersonville, NC*Messiah Lutheran Church, Madison, AL*Messiah of the Mountains Lutheran Church,

Burnsville, NC

*Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Mt Pleasant, NC

*Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church, Ehrhardt, SC

*North Carolina Lutheran MenRedeemer Lutheran Church, Savannah, GA*Reformation Lutheran Church, Greeneville,

TNResurrection Lutheran Church, Cocoa Beach,

FL*Resurrection Lutheran Church, Kings

Mountain, NCSt. John Lutheran Church, Grove City, OH

18 Members gave a total of $6,383 *12 gave $3,888 to the New Life Fund

Faculty Club ($100+)Abiding Presence Lutheran Church, Fuquay

Varina, NC*All Saints Lutheran Church, Lutz, FLAscension Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC*Calvary Lutheran Church - Shepherdess

Circle, Concord, NC*Family of Faith Lutheran Church, Concord,

NC*First Nazareth Baptist Church, Columbia, SC*Holy Communion Lutheran Church, Dallas,

NC*Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Martinsville,

VA*L.A.M.P. of Rowan County, Salisbury, NCLord of Life Lutheran Church, Bluffton, SC*Lutheran Church of the Redeemer,

Charleston, SCMessiah Lutheran Church, Cocoa, FLMt. Calvary Lutheran Church - Friendship

Sunday School Class, Johnston, SCMt. Tabor Lutheran Church, Little Mountain,

SC*Nazareth Lutheran Church, Rural Hall, NC*New Hope Lutheran Church, Jamaica, NY*Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Lexington, SC*Red Oak Lutheran Church, Bland, VA*Redeemer Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC*Salem Lutheran Church, Orlando, FL*Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church,

Atlantic Bch, NC*St. James Lutheran Church, Graniteville, SC*St. John’s Lutheran Church, Beaufort, SCSt. Paul Lutheran Church, De Witt, NESt. Paul’s Lutheran Men, Salisbury, NC*St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Whitmire, SC*Trinity Lutheran Church, Vale, NC*Trinity-St. Andrew Lutheran Church,

Maspeth, NY*Wingard Memorial Lutheran Church, Clyo,


29 Members gave a total of $4,298 *21 gave $3,124 to the New Life Fund

Steward’s Club ($1+)Ascension Lutheran Church - Leisure Time

Group, Columbia, SC*Augsburg Lutheran Church, Union, SC

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*Cross and Crown Women of the ELCA, Florence, SC

*Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Catawba, NC*Ebenezer Lutheran Church, China Grove, NC*Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Hampton, VA*Good Samaritan Lutheran Church, Las

Vegas, NV*Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Columbia,

SC*Grace Lutheran Church, Rural Retreat, VA*Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Raleigh, NCJoy Lutheran Mission Church, Moore, SC*Kimball Memorial Lutheran Church,

Kannapolis, NC*Mt. Zion-St. Luke Lutheran Church,

Oglethorpe, GA

New Jerusalem Lutheran Men in Mission, Newton, NC

Our Saviour Lutheran Church - WELCA, West Columbia, SC

St. Mark Lutheran Men In Mission, Cherryville, NC

*St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Wilmington, NC

*St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Tallahassee, FLSt. Timothy Lutheran Church Women, Vinton,


19 Members gave a total of $778 *13 gave $513 to the New Life Fund

Seminarian partnerShip congregationSGifts Contributed through the Seminarian Partnership Program

Christ Lutheran Church, Crossville, TNChrist the King Lutheran Church, Miami, FLGrace Lutheran Church, Oak Ridge, TNGood Shepherd Lutheran Church, Hastings,

NEHoly Cross Lutheran Church, Lincolnton, NCLakeview Baptist Church, Camden, SCLutheran Church of the Good Shepherd,

Mount Holly, NCMessiah Lutheran Church, Knoxville, TNMessiah Lutheran Church, Cocoa, FL

Redeemer Lutheran Church, Gastonia, NCResurrection Lutheran Church, Cocoa Beach,

FLSalem Lutheran Church, Mount Sidney, VASardis Lutheran Church, Hickory, NCSt. Luke Lutheran Church, Summerville, SCSt. Luke Lutheran Church, Culpeper, VASt. Mark Lutheran Church, Huntsville, ALSt. Michael Lutheran Church, Blacksburg, VASt. Paul Lutheran Church, Maryville, TN

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giving SocietieS - buSineSSeS, organizationS, & other groupS

The Rev. John Bachman Club ($10,000+)

*Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

1 Members Gave a Total of $46,068.94 *1 gave $12,505 to the New Life Fund

Trustees’ Club ($1,000+)*SCANA Corp & Subsidiaries*Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky*UnumProvident Corporation

Walter P. Rawl & Sons, Inc.

4 Members Gave a Total of $5,500 *3 gave $4,500 to the New Life Fund

Dean’s Club ($250+)*Raytheon Corporation

1 Members Gave a Total of $250 *1 gave $250 to the New Life Fund

Faculty Club ($100+)*BellSouth Matching Gift Center*IBM Corporation

2 Members Gave a Total of $325 *2 gave $325 to the New Life Fund

Steward’s Club ($1+)*AT&T Higher Education /Cultural Matching

Gift ProgramCarolina Lettering Arts SocietyEvendale Elementary - Sunshine Committee*GoodSearch

4 Members Gave a Total of $220.13 *2 gave $110.13 to the New Life Fund

giving SocietieS - founDationS & truStS

The Rev. John Bachman Club ($10,000+)

*Cecil H. Bowers Charitable Remainder Trust*Charles A. Cannon Charitable TrustsELCA FoundationLown Family Charitable Trust

4 Members Gave a Total of $273,701.10*2 Gave $117,194.77 to the New Life Fund

Founders’ Club ($5,000+)*ExxonMobil Foundation Inc.*Lutheran Community FoundationSprint Foundation*St. Armands Key Lutheran Church


4 Members Gave a Total of $29,686.21*3 Gave $18,551.35 to the New Life Fund

Trustees’ Club ($1,000+)D. L. Scurry FoundationDufford Family Foundation*Foundation for the Carolinas*Rourke Memorial Fund*State Farm Companies Foundation

5 Members Gave a Total of $9,057*3 Gave $4,557 to the New Life Fund

President’s Club ($500+)Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund*Nationwide Foundation*Norfolk Southern Foundation

3 Members Gave a Total of $1,600*2 Gave $1,100 to the New Life Fund

Dean’s Club ($250+)*Central Carolina Community Foundation*Community Foundation of Sarasota Inc*Duke Energy Foundation*The H.H. Overcash Fun of the Lutheran

Community Foundation.

4 Members Gave a Total of $1,265.78*4 Gave $1,265.78 to the New Life Fund

Faculty Club ($100+)*Pfizer Foundation*Dominion Foundation Matching Gift


2 Members Gave a Total of $300*2 Gave $300 to the New Life Fund

giftS from eStateSEstate of Mr. W.B. BachmanEstate of Miss Martha E. BarreEstate of Mrs. Elizabeth L. CaughmanEstate of Ms Harriet DryeEstate of Mr. Walter C. HigginsEstate of Mrs. Wanda W. HackbarthEstate of Mr. Andrew R. Jackson, Sr.Estate of the Rev. Dr. Luther E. LindbergEstates of Mr. James and Mrs. Marjorie LownEstate of Mrs. Grace ShanerEstate of Mrs. Virginia SliceEstate of Mr. Marion SmithEstate of Mrs Johnnie H. WernerEstate of Ms Dorothy G. Wiss

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giftS of DirecteD StuDent aiD Gifts Contributed through individual student assistance

Mr. David D. AbelMrs. Bettye H. AderholdtMs Martha B. AllisonMr. and Mrs. William S. ArmstrongThe Rev. Dr. Virginia BarfieldMs Marie BaughmanDr. Dorothy BrandtMr. and Mrs. Fred C. BrooksMr. Virgil V. Carlsen and Mrs. Bette J. CarlsenMr. G A Champion, Jr. and Mrs. C W.

ChampionMs Kathryn A. CobbMr. and Mrs. Clayton CollinsMr. H. Lane Cross and Mrs. Hettie W. CrossMr. Alan S. Davis and Mrs. Marty A. DavisMs Emma M. DavisMr. Frank O. Eirten and Mrs. Dorothy

E.EirtenMr. Larry Gleaton and Mrs. Karma GleatonMs Maenell GloverMr. and Mrs. James H. HarmanMs Kathleen HarrellCaptain and Mrs. R. R. HarrisMs Marjorie A. HowarthMs Diane HowellMs Diane L. HuntThe Rev. and Mrs. Gary A. LoadholdtMs Virginia P. LobaughMr. and Mrs. Robert E. LongMr. and Mrs. George T. MacDonaldMr. Leo Metzler, Jr. and Mrs. Lyndel A.

MetzlerMs JoAnn D. MinickMs Sandra J. OlsonThe Revs. George and Amaretta OnstadMs D P. PattenMr. Robert S. Pell and Mrs. Julie M. PellMr. and Mrs. William SchneiderMr. T. Harold Shealey and Mrs. Martha L.

ShealeyMr. Preston E. SmithMr. Stephen E. Summer and Mrs. Martha T.

SummerMr. James TagtmeyerMr. and Mrs. Jerry W. VaughnThe Rev. Beverly R. WallaceMr. Melvin L. WickerAbiding Presence Lutheran Church, Beltsville,

MDAdvent Lutheran Church, Melbourne, FLAdvent Lutheran Church, Orange Park, FLApostles Lutheran Church, Brandon, FLArlington Hills Lutheran Church, Saint Paul,

MNAtonement Lutheran Church, Laurens, SCBay View Lutheran Church, Sturgeon Bay, WIBethany Lutheran Church (Foundation),

Cherry Hills Village, COBethel Lutheran Church, Auburn, MABethel Lutheran Church, Springfield, GABethel Lutheran Church, White Rock, SCBethel United Methodist Church, Greenville,


Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN

Cedar Grove Lutheran Church, Leesville, SCCenter for Scholarship Administration, Inc.,

Taylors, SCCentral States Synod, ELCA, Kansas City, KSChick-fil-A Inc, Atlanta, GAChrist Lutheran Church, Crossville, TNChrist Lutheran Church, Charlotte, NCChrist the King Lutheran Church, Cary, NCChrist the King Lutheran Church, Norcross,

GAChristus Victor Lutheran Church, Columbia,

SCCommunity in Christ Lutheran Church,

Cornelius, NCCommunity Lutheran Church, Summerfield,

NCCooperative Baptist Fellowship of SC,

Columbia, SCCooperative Baptist Fellowship, Inc., Atlanta,

GACross and Crown Lutheran Church,

Chamblee, GACross Road Lutheran Church, Orange Park,

FLEast Central Synod of WisconsinEastern Cluster of Lutheran SeminariesELCA Foundation, Chicago, ILEpiscopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina,

Columbia, SCEvangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaFaith Lutheran Church, Lexington, KYFirst Baptist Church, Orangeburg, SCFirst Lutheran Church, Albemarle, NCFirst Lutheran Church, Norfolk, VAFirst Trinity Lutheran Church, Washington,

DCFlorida Conference UMC, Lakeland, FLGood Shepherd Lutheran Church, Columbia,

SCGrace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Boone,

NCGrace Lutheran Church, Tallahassee, FLGrace Lutheran Church & School, River

Forest, ILGrand Chapter of Ohio, O.E.S., Dayton, OHHickory Kiwanis Foundation Inc, Hickory, NCHoly Trinity Lutheran Church, Gastonia, NCHope Lutheran Church, The Villages, FLImmanuel Lutheran Church, Palm City, FLIndiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCALadies Sewing Society of St. John’s Lutheran

Church, Charleston, SCLamb of God Lutheran Episcopal Adventure

Inc, Fort Myers, FLLord of Life Lutheran Church, St Simons

Island, GAMessiah Lutheran Church, Hanahan, SCMessiah Lutheran Church, Urbana, OHMetropolitan Washington, DC Synod, ELCAMount Olivet Foundation, Arlington, VA

Mt. Olive Ministry Foundation Inc, Hickory, NC

Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church, Hickory, NCNelsonville Lutheran Congregation,

Nelsonville, WINew England Synod, ELCA,North Carolina Synod, ELCANorth Carolina Women of the ELCANortheastern Ohio Synod, ELCAOur Saviour Lutheran Church, Warrenton, VAPage Memorial UMC (Hulda Brown Seymour

Memorial Trust), Aberdeen, NCPeace Lutheran Church, Amherst, WIPilgrim Lutheran Church, Lexington, SCPine Hill United Methodist Church, Neeses, SCRedeemer Lutheran Church, Columbia, SCRedeemer Lutheran Church - Ruth Circle,

Columbia, SCReformation Lutheran Church, Newport

News, VAReformation Lutheran Church, Greeneville,

TNResurrection Lutheran Church, Hilliard, OHRocky Mountain Synod, ELCASardis Lutheran Church, Hickory, NCShandon United Methodist Church, Columbia,

SCShepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church,

Jacksonville, FLSouth Carolina Synod, ELCASoutheastern Synod, ELCASouthwestern Texas Synod, Seguin, TXSpringfield Foundation, Springfield, OHSt. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Chapin,

SCSt. John Lutheran Church, Spartanburg, SCSt. John Lutheran Church, Walhalla, SCSt. John Lutheran Church, Knoxville, TNSt. John’s Lutheran Church, Phoenix, MDSt. John’s Lutheran Church, Martinsburg, WVSt. John’s Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NCSt. Luke Lutheran Church, Florence, SCSt. Luke United Methodist Church, Lancaster,

SCSt. Matthews Lutheran Church, White Plains,

NYSt. Paul Lutheran Church, Columbia, SCSt. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Lexington, SCTrinity Lutheran Church, Steelton, PATrinity United Methodist Church, Conway, SCTrinity-St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Maspeth,

NYWest Virginia-Western Maryland Synod,

Fairmont, WVWightman United Methodist Church,

Prosperity, SCWomens Missionary Council CME Church,

Bastorp, LAZion Lutheran Church, Lexington, SC

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giftS maDe in honor ofMr. and Mrs. Robert S. adden

Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Derrick

Mrs. Judith a. aebischer Mr. Edward D. Aebischer

The Revs. Paul and Virginia aebischer Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Addy Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Aebischer

aRaMaRK Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

The Rev. Dr. James S. and Mrs. ginny aull The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. W. Ficken, Jr.

The Rev. Dr. Virginia Barfield Kathwood Baptist Church, Columbia, SC The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ridenhour Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

Mr. Michael and Mrs. Lisa B. Beery Mr. Jim and Mrs. Shirley Blackorby

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Murray Bland The Rev. and Mrs. Thord K. Einarsen

The Rev. Joseph L. Bolick-Lang and the Rev.Sarah Bolick-Lang Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Staton

Mr. andrew C. and Mrs. Lindsay J. Boozer The Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Summer

Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight Mr. Christian and Mrs. Erika Karasiewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

The Rev. and Mrs. Timothy D. Bryson Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church, Ehrhardt, SC

The Rev. Joann and Mr. gary Bunn Mr. Roy Stephenson

The Rev. Dr. Julius and Mrs. geneva Carroll Dr. Addie J. Butler Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Carol Stream, IL

Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Caughman Mrs. Eileen and Mr. Ron Leaphart

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Caughman Mrs. Eileen and Mr. Ron Leaphart

Mrs. Brenda Chappell The Rev. Melissa A. Chappell

Mr. Robert and The Rev. Kathleen Chartier Mr. Earl M. Olson

Class of 1958 The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William F. Milholland, Sr.

Class of 2008 The Rev. Lance and Mrs. Robin Henderson

Class of 2010 The Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan

Ms Sandra R. Cline

The Rev. Rachel Connelly and Mr. Michael Goyne The Rev. Lance and Mrs. Robin Henderson Ms Beth Talbert The Rev. K. Michael and Dr. Lynn Varn

Mrs. Mary Jo Cloninger The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. and Mrs. Wayman Coleman, III Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight

The Rev. Jonathan P. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. David E. Yount

Dr. Katherine O. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. David E. Yount

The Rev. Dr. Paul Conrad The Rev. Jonathan P. Conrad

The Rev. Michael and Mrs. Rebekah Costello The Rev. and Mrs. Gary A. Weant

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Crumley, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Kempski

The Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. Dawkins Ms Darlene C. Weight

The Rev. aaron P. DeBenedetto Mr. David and The Rev. Lauren D. Wegner

The Rev. and Mrs. H. Wyman Dowd Mr. and Mrs. John L Barger

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Dowd The Rev. and Mrs. John W. Duncan, Jr. Holy Spirit Evangelical Lutheran Church, Charleston, SC Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, Little Mountain, SC Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Richardson

Ms ashleigh D. ellsworth-Keller Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Ellsworth

Dr. agneta enermalm-Tsiparis and Dr. Christos Tsiparis The Rev. Kathy and Mr. Richard Harris

Mr. David Fox Dr. Dorothy Brandt

The Rev. and Mrs. William eric Friedrichs Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Friedrichs

Mrs. Sharon ganis Our Saviour Lutheran Church - WELCA, West Columbia, SC

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dale genutis Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

The Rev. W. Seth and Mrs. Jessica M. gibson Mrs. Evelyn S. Brittingham

Ms Eileen A. Cram Dr. Eward J.P. and Mrs. Vickie L. Hauser St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Lexington, SC

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. graf, Jr. Mr. William E. Taylor

Mrs. alida e. greene Ms Elise Scott

Ms Joyce gulliford St. John’s Lutheran Church, Beaufot, SC

Mrs. Ruth Haeussermann The Rev. Robert H. Loshuertos

The Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan Ms Bridget A. Baker The Rev. Dr. Virginia Barfield Ms Maureen S. Bates and Ms Harriet L. Boozer Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Lindsay Boozer The Rev. Dr. Julius and Mrs. Geneva Carroll Ms Susan Childs Ms Sandra R. Cline Mr. Marv and Mrs. Clare Degerness Marsh L. Drege Ms Carol J. Grinaker Ms Shanda Hannan Dr. Robert and The Rev. Karen Hawkins The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Hendrix Ms Nancy O. Higgins The Rev. Dr. John Largen and The Rev. Dr. Kristin Largen Mr. Fred D. Milligan Ms Dianne Odom Mr. and Mrs. Gene Palmer Sister Marilyn H. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn Mr. Ron and Mrs. Jenny Walrath

The Rev. Dr. Mary B. Havens The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Reed, Jr.

The Rev. and Mrs. Jon D. Heiliger Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bugay Nationwide Foundation Thrivent Financial For Lutherans-Southeastern SC Chapter

The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L Helton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Martin

The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Hilbinger Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hilbinger, Jr.

The Rev. and Mrs. emory a. Hingst Mr. William E. Taylor

The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick a. Hodges Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Christiansburg, VA

Ms Judy Hoffman Mr. John D. Hoffman

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The Rev. alex Hoffner and Ms Jennifer Berk Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Pugh

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hollinger Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bugay

Nationwide Foundation

The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin g. Honeycutt Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Honeycutt, Jr. Mrs. Renate Moore

Mr. Terry Hundley Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davis

The Rev. Dr. Harvey L. Huntley, Jr. and The Rev. Jan Huntley Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer D. Clemmer Ms Sandra R. Cline Mr. and Mrs. William T. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. John W. Girard, Jr. Grace Lutheran Church, Hendersonville, NC Mr. and Mrs. B Janowiak The Revs. W. Douglas and Elizabeth Kearney Mr. Alex and Dr. Susan McArver Mr. Stanley N. and Mrs. Nancy L. Olson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rholl Ms Emily B. Stirewalt St. John’s Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NC The Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Summer Ms Maude G. Walker The Rev. and Mrs. Gregory B. Williams The Rev. and Mrs. D. Rhodes Woolly

Mr. ed and Mrs. Suzanne Ingold Ms Elise Scott

Mr. andrew Isenhour and Mrs. Michelle Isenhour Messiah of the Mountains Lutheran Church, Burnsville, NC

Ms Jennifer Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. earl a. Key Mrs. Debra Rapert

Mrs. Betty S. Kluttz Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Kluttz Jr.

The Rev. and Mrs. Junius S. Koiner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Stanecker

Mr. arthur and Mrs. Helen Kuh Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kuh

The Rev. Ken Lane Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Edith Reese

The Rev. Dr. John Largen and The Rev. Dr. Kristin Largen Ms Karen A. Albrecht

The Rev. Rachel M. Laughlin and The Rev. Christopher D. Laughlin Anonymous The Rev. Dr. James S. and Mrs. Ginny Aull

The Rev. Dr. Luther Lindberg The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. W. Ficken, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ridenhour

The Rev. John P. Locke Mr. Bob Busbee and Mrs. Rita Busbee Trinity Lutheran Church - WELCA, Vale, NC

Mr. and Mrs. gregg S. London The Rev. Dr. John Largen and The Rev. Dr. Kristin Largen

The Rev. and Mrs. Carsten J. Ludder All Saints Lutheran Church, Orlando, FL

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer - Members and Families Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Charleston, SC

Rev. Ryan Lyles and Mrs. Christy Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Addy

The Rev. Phillip W. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Martin

Dr. Martin Marty St. John’s Lutheran Church, Concord, NC

Mr. alex and Dr. Susan Mcarver Mr. Richard M. Cameron Sr. and Mrs. Roxiana T. Cameron South Carolina Synod, ELCA

The Revs. John and Linda McHenry Mr. David Lewis

The Rev. Kathleen a. Miko Ms Peggy Ann Neumann

The Rev. Dr. Marcus and Mrs. Kathy Miller L.A.M.P. of Rowan County Mrs. Adele Lindberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

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The Revs. William and Mary Miller-Zurell Mr. Howard L. Miller

Mr. Tim and Mrs. Jeanne Morgan Mr. Frank O. Eirten and Mrs. Dorothy E.Eirten

New Hope Lutheran Church, Kannapolis, NC The Rev. Kim and Mr. Mike Trabold

The Rev. gary Nistler, Jr. Kathwood Baptist Church, Columbia, SC

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nivens Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Derrick

The Rev. and Mrs. Marcus D. Ollis The Rev. and Mrs. Matthew D. Musteric

Mr. and Mrs. gene Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. Park The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Reed, Jr.

Mrs. Lois Query Mr. Parker and Mrs. Allison Cowherd

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rapert Mrs. Debra Rapert

The Rev. and Mrs. David H. Rasmussen Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Garden City, GA

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Rauton Ms Mary A. Gruppe

Mrs. Jean Ray Mr. Virgil A. Holshouser Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert H. Lyerly

Ms Ruth B. Redmond The Rev. Shirley R. Harrison

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Reisz, Jr. Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Bluffton, SC

The Rev. Richard L. Reiten and Mrs. Lindsay Reiten Ms Ruth E. Lackstrom Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Reiten St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC Mr. Ron and Mrs. Jenny Walrath

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight

The Rev. Phil Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Reynolds

The Rev. and Mrs. Jack Rhyne The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Boyce D. Whitener, Sr.

The Rev. Michael L. Rhyne Mrs. Karen Rhyne

Master Jonah S. Richardson The Rev. and Mrs. Richard E. Webber

Ms Martha a. Richardson The Rev. Clarence L. Richardson

The Rev. Dr. Ronald and Dr. Cinde Rinn Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Martin

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. Ross Ritchie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Martin

The Rev. and Mrs. Michael H. Robinson St. John Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, PA

The Rev. and Mrs. William N. Rose, III Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bugay Nationwide Foundation

Mrs. Barbara H. Rowell Ms Judith D. Hoy

The Rev. and Mrs. Robert a. Sain The Rev. and Mrs. Michael S. Knudson

Ms June Louise Samson Miss Anna Barbara Fisher

Mrs. grace Satcher Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church - Friendship Sunday School Class, Johnston, SC

The Rev. and Mrs. David B. Schaeffer St. John Lutheran Church, Nazareth, PA

The Rev. Jonathan a. Schnibben St. Luke Lutheran Church, Florence, SC

The Rev. Dr. Mark a. and Mrs. Karen g. Scott Ms Elise Scott Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott Ms Elise Scott

The Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Sherman Miss Joann Wells

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. T. Joseph Shumate The Revs. John and Charlotte Strecker-Baseler

The Rev. Dr. Charles P. Sigel The Rev. and Mrs. Mark S. Beatty Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chalgren, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. W. Ficken, Jr.

The Rev. Susan and Mr. Donald Socha Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Zeigler

The Rev. and Mrs. Dermon a. Sox, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight Mrs. Marjorie R. Steele

The Rev. Terri Stagner-Collier Mr. William E. Taylor

The Rev. Kevin L. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bugay Nationwide Foundation

The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence H. Stucke Mrs. Lynn Springs

The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph e. Summerville, III Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Friedrichs

The Rev. Harry e. Tedrow Mt. Zion-St. Luke Lutheran Church, Oglethorpe, GA

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. gerald S. Troutman Advent Lutheran Church, Lagrange, GA The Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Hanberry

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ridenhour

Mrs. Mary C. Waddell The Rev. Dr. William M. Waddell

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert g. Walker Mr. William E. Taylor

Mr. Ron and Mrs. Jenny Walrath First Lutheran Church, Norfolk, VA Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

Mr. Walt Waters Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Weant The Rev. and Mrs. Gary A. Weant

The Rev. and Mrs. John F. Weaver St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Whitmire, SC The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Boyce D. Whitener, Sr.

The Rev. Robert e. Weber Trinity-St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Maspeth, NY Ms grace Weed Mr. Sherwood and Dr. Susan Stark

The Rev. Lauren D. Wegner and Mr. David W. Wegner Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, West Lake Hills, TX

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wingard Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight The Rev. Paul and Mrs. Katherine Wollner Mr. Earl M. Olson

Dr. David S. Yeago South Carolina Synod, ELCA

The Rev. Nathan H. Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Kaeser

The Rev. Dr. John L. Yost, Jr. Mr. Parker and Mrs. Allison Cowherd The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Yost, III

Mr. Patrick Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davis

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Mrs. ethel abee Mrs. Yvonne Barnhardt Mr. and Mrs. James Bergin Mrs. Naomi Bolick Ms Barbara F. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Darryl K. Corriher Mrs. Margaret C. Edwards The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Haeg Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Jarrett Mr. Brent Lyerly Mrs. Elise E. Manning Mrs. Marjorie S. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gale W. Millholen North Carolina Synod, ELCA Mr. Norman A. Punch Ms Helen Marie Weiger The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Yost, III

The Rev. Carl a. almer Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Almer

Mr. Larry C. areheart Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight Dr. Robert and The Rev. Karen Hawkins Mr. Alex and Dr. Susan McArver Mrs. Renate Moore Mrs. Marjorie R. Steele Ms Darlene C. Weight

The Rev. Patti arthur Mr. Jacob L. Mayer, Jr.

Mr. Louis Baker Nazareth Lutheran Church, Rural Hall, NC

The Rev. Dr. J. Benjamin Bedenbaugh Mrs. Ruth Jenkins

The Rev. S. Wallace Berry Mr. Benjamin Istvan

The Rev. Dr. Harry L. Biemiller, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. Jacob Marion Boggs Mrs. Jane G. Boggs

The Rev. Dr. James Boggs Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Helton, Jr.

Mrs. elizabeth P. Cauble The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer D. Clemmer The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ridenhour

The Rev. Dr. Herman and Mrs. elizabeth Cauble Mrs Irene Adair Ascension Lutheran Church, Columbia, SC Ascension Lutheran Leisure Time Group, Columbia, SC The Rev. Dr. James S. and Mrs. Ginny Aull The Rev. and Mrs. Jerome Henri Bishop The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paulwyn L. Boliek The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Bost Mr. and Mrs. W. Clyde Brown The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carswell The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer D. Clemmer The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Coon The Rev. and Mrs. William Eugene Copenhaver The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Crumley, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Ebener Evendale Elementary - Sunshine Committee

Dr. John W. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hubbs Ms Cathy D. Jordan and Mr. Pedro Robles Mr. James Kirby Mr. James Kiser, Jr. Ms Georgia E. Livingston The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Earl McCombs, Jr. Mr. Marvin L. McCrory Mr. and Mrs. William M. McDonald Mrs. Renate Moore The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. Park Mr. and Mrs. David M. Peek Mr. and Mrs. Wade B. Perry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Banks Ritchie The Rev. and Mrs. Elford B. Roof The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Satterwhite, III The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John L. Setzler Mrs. Jean Shealy and Mr. James Hallman The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Stilwell The Rev. Dermont F. Swicegood The Rev. and Mrs. Richard E. Webber The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Yost, III

Class of 1958 The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William F. Milholland, Sr.

Mr. Polie Q. Cloninger, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. James K. Cobb Mrs. Ellen Cobb

The Rev. Dr. John W. Cobb The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer D. Clemmer

The Rev. and Mrs. Paul B. Cobb Mrs. Alida E. Greene The Rev. Dr. Mark A. and Mrs. Karen G. Scott

Mrs. Randi Comer

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Raleigh, NC

The Rev. Dr. Paul Conrad The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer D. Clemmer The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Boyce Whitener, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Yount

Mrs. Margaret Corley Mrs. Eileen and Mr. Ron Leaphart

The Rev. ernest Counts AT&T Higher Education /Cultural Matching Gift Program BellSouth Matching Gift Center Ms E. Ruth Counts

The Rev. Dr. Harold Creager The Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Lyerly

Carolyn DeLong Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Raleigh, NC

Mrs. Mary ethel Derrick Ms Darlene C. Weight

Mrs. Rebecca W. Derrick Dr. Lannie C. Rogerson

giftS maDe in memory of

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The Rev. Karl U. Dunn Mrs. Sadie R. Dunn

The Rev. Dr. J. elam The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. Raymond R. ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Ellsworth

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. esser Mr. William E. Taylor

Mrs. Nadine gieseke The Rev. and Mrs. Jared A. Carson

Dr. and Mrs. Walton H. greever The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paulwyn L. Boliek

Dr. and Mrs. Walter Haeussermann The Rev. Robert H. Loshuertos

Mr. Chris Harbinson The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. Cline Harbinson The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

Mr. and Mrs. g. Lee Harbinson The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. a.Kenneth Hewitt, Jr. Mr. L. Harvey Neff

The Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Himmelman Mr. William E. Taylor

Mrs. Nadine Hodell The Rev. Cynthia and Mr. Eddie Dyer

The Rev. Billy R. Hoffner Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Pugh

Dr. H. Harrison Jenkins, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Jenkins

The Rev. Clayborne S. King Dr. and Mrs. William J. King

Mr. Hugh Kluttz Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Kluttz Jr.

The Rev. M. Joe Kluttz Mrs. Jean Ray

Mrs. Caroline Kuh Mr. and Mrs. Adam Feil

Mr. Julius Kuh Mr. and Mrs. Adam Feil

The Rev. Dr. Luther Lindberg Ms Donna Arbaugh The Rev. Dr. James S. and Mrs. Ginny Aull Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Mack C. Branham, Jr. Mr. Ted Buchanan and Mrs. Gail Buchanan Carolina Lettering Arts Society The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Crumley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Davidson Ms Katherine Dombrosky

Mr. Robert and Mrs. Dana Durkee Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Ms Cristy Fossum Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dale Genutis Mr. Stanley N. and Mrs. Mavis N. Graven Mr. C V and Mrs. Virginia E. Gustafson Dr. Robert and The Rev. Karen Hawkins The Rev. and Mrs. W. Osborne Herlong, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Howells The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Jersild The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Kerr Ms Miriam Knuth Mr. David and Mrs. Elsa Larson Mr. Arnold G. and Mrs. Gloria E. Levin Mr. C. Harold Lindberg Mr. Mark and Mrs. Maria Lindberg The Rev. Alice D. Linder Bishop A Donald and Mrs. Carol Main Mrs. Martha L. Mann Mrs. Renate Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Brien The Rev. Glenn and Mrs. Esther R. Pearson The Rev. Ronnie C. Peterson The Rev. and Mrs. Don Preslen Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ralston The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Reisz, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ridenhour Mr. Donald, Jr. and Mrs. Virginia Sanders The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John L. Setzler Mr. Bobby and Mrs. Dallas Shealy The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Austin F. Shell The Rev. Dr. Charles P. Sigel Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Coke Smith Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Stone Dr. John O. and Mrs. Joanna C. Swanson The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Swanson Mr. John W. and Mrs. Genevieve G. Swenson Mr. Eldon L. and Mrs. Mary F. Tillberg Ms Dorothy A. Wagner Mr. Daniel T. and Mrs. Susan H. Wallick Mrs. Linnea L. Westlake

Ms Sarah Lock The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William B. Trexler

Mrs. Lucy R. F. Lybrand Mrs. Shelby and Mr. Hubert Yonce

Ms Nanette Mann Mr. Rufus Lybrand

The Rev. Dr. William H. Martin Mrs. Emilie and Mr. Frank Gudger, III Mr. Mike and Mrs. Elizabeth Weems

The Rev. Dr. J. Luther Mauney The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. Luther Mauney, Jr.

The Rev. Harold L. McSwain Mrs. Mary McSwain

Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Moretz, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

Mr. Walter Moretz, Sr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ridenhour

Mrs. Jane Morgan Mr. David D. Abel Ms Martha B. Allison Ms Marie Baughman Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Brooks Mr. Virgil V. and Mrs. Bette J. Carlsen Mr. G A, Jr. and Mrs. C W. Champion Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Collins Mr. H. Lane and Mrs. Hettie W. Cross Mr. Alan S. and Mrs. Marty A. Davis Mr. Frank O. and Mrs. Dorothy E. Eirten Mr. Larry and Mrs. Karma Gleaton Ms Maenell Glover Ms Kathleen Harrell Ms Marjorie A. Howarth Ms Diane Howell Ms Diane L. Hunt The Rev. and Mrs. Gary A. Loadholdt Ms Virginia P. Lobaugh Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Long Mrs. Lyndel A. and Mr. Leo Metzler, Jr. Ms JoAnn D. Minick Ms Sandra J. Olson Mr. Robert S. and Mrs. Julie M. Pell Redeemer Lutheran Church - Ruth Circle, Columbia, SC Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider Mr. T. Harold and Mrs. Martha L. Shealey Mr. Preston E. Smith Mr. Stephen E. and Mrs. Martha T. Summer Mr. Melvin L. Wicker

The Rev. Susan a. Owens The Rev. and Mrs. David J. Smith

The Rev. Karl M. Park Mrs. Miriam Park

Mrs. Carlotta Petersen Patton Dr. Emilie P. de Luca

The Rev. David C. Peters The Rev. and Mrs. Eric E. Fink

The Rev. Otto Carl Petersen Dr. Emilie P. de Luca

Mr. earl Peterson Class of 2011 Dr. Robert and The Rev. Karen Hawkins The Rev. Dr. John Largen and The Rev. Dr. Kristin Largen

The Rev. and Mrs. Fred M. Ramseur, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ramseur, Sr.

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

Mr. Ryan Rapert Mrs. Debra Rapert

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Otto F. Reenstjerna Ms Edith Harmon

The Rev. William R. Rhyne The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald G. Smith

The Rev. Clarence L. Richardson Mr. Bobby R. and Mrs Barbara M. Bedenbaugh

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The Rev. and Mrs. Jerome Henri Bishop Mrs. Barbara R. DeOrsey Mr. William K. Miller and Mr. Clement R. Burton Ms Martha A. Richardson The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. Ross Ritchie, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie R. Steele

Mr. John Rutland Mr. Rufus Lybrand

Dolora Sabelka The Rev. and Mrs. Michael S. Knudson

Mr. William Sanders Mrs. Shelby and Mr. Hubert Yonce

Mr. and Mrs. H. andrew Scott Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott

Mr. David Setzer The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

Mr. John W Shealy Ms Margaret Y. Ward Mr. James Yonce Mrs. Shelby and Mr. Hubert Yonce

The Rev. alfred R. Shumate Mr. and Mrs. James H. Tucker

Mr. William Sigmon Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Haeg Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Miller

The Rev. erich Spieker Bishop H. Julian and The Rev. Morgan Gordy The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin G. Honeycutt

Mrs. Lois Summer The Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Summer

Dr. Virgil C. Summer The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. Dickson W. Taylor Mrs. Jeanne S. Taylor

The Honorable Stephen and Mrs. Beatrice Toth The Honorable Dorothy Toth Beasley

Mr. Paul Wahlburg Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bouknight

Ms Victoria elizabeth Walker Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Raleigh, NC

The Rev. W. Baxter Weant Mrs. Frances Weant

Mr. Don Weinhold, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Beaver, III

Mr. Frederick Welch Mrs. Norma J. Welch

The Rev. and Mrs. ewald Wenzel The Rev. Carl A. Wenzel Dr. Paul D. and Mrs. Michele L. Wenzel

Mrs. Johnnie H. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Shuler H. Houck

The Rev. Roy W. Werner Mrs. Johnnie H. Werner

Mrs. June adell Wetzel Mr. Norman Wetzel

The Rev. Dr. and R. Whittecar The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Nagle

Mrs. Mabel Petersen Wichmann Dr. Emilie P. de Luca

Ms Virginia T. Wilcox The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson

The Rev. W. David Wise Mrs. Alice R. Wise

The Rev. Dr. Donald e. Woolly The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Mack C. Branham, Jr. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harbinson The Rev. and Mrs. W. Osborne Herlong, Jr.

Ms eunice Yonce Mr. Rufus Lybrand

Mrs. glennie Yonce Mr. Rufus Lybrand

The Rev. Dr. Walter N. Yount Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Yount

The Rev. george Ziegenfuss Bishop H. Julian and The Rev. Morgan Gordy The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin G. Honeycutt

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greever Society for Lifetime givingThose who have entered the Church Triumphant are denoted in italics. Bold text indicates new members.

Visionary Members ($500,000+ )AnonymousAnonymousMr. Berley and Mrs. Eleanor BedenbaughMrs. Virginia W. CaseyCharles A. Cannon Charitable TrustsMr. James O. and Mrs. Mildred S. ColemanThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. FisherThe Rev. Gray L. and Florence Y. FreezeMs Julia HendrixThe Rev. Dr. Richard C. HoeflerHome Mission Foundation of NCMr. Harlan O. and Mrs. Jean H. JesterLilly Endowment, Inc.Mr. Albert A. MellinThe Rev. Dr. Harold F. and Mrs. Betty ParkMr. Victor and Mrs. Marjorie E. RouvellatMr. Charles M. and Dorothy SchultzeMr. Wilson L. and Mrs. Evelyeen SmithStavros Family FoundationThrivent Financial for LutheransVirginia W. Casey TrustMr. W. Baxter and Mrs. Frances W. WeantMs Mary Ona Wolf

23 Greever Society Visionary Members

Sustainer Members ($100,000+)AnonymousMrs. Elise E. AltmanArthur Vining Davis FoundationsMr. W.B. BachmanMr. Andrew W. and Mrs. Jean BallentineMiss Martha BarreBellSouth Matching Gift CenterMiss Barbara BolandMs Mary E. BoozerMrs. Edith C. BowersCannon Foundation, Inc.Mr. William R. and Mrs. Barbara K. CobbDr. and Mrs. Richard L. ConnDr. Linda and Mr. Joseph DanielDr. Noah E. DerrickEau Claire Development Corp.Mr. David and Mrs. Julie EptingThe Etheredge FundEvangelical Outreach and Congregational

MissionExxonMobil Foundation Inc.Miss Anna Barbara FisherMs Birgit Maria ForsDr. Edwin T. and Mrs. Joan GreningerMr. Deems and Mrs. Onie F. HaltiwangerMr. W.B. and Mrs. Mary M. HarkinsJessie T. HeafnerMr. Robert C. HeinMr. Grover R. HermanMr. Ronald and The Rev. Ina HooverMr. Robert R. Isenhour, Jr.Mr.Frank A. and Mrs. Frances JenkinsL. W. Johnson TrustMrs. Lillie P. JustusMr. Richard and Mrs. Martha KesslerMr. George and Mrs. Patricia KoppMr. art and Mrs. Helen Kuh (New Level)Mr. Arthur L. Larson

The Rev. Dr. Luther E. and Mrs. Adele Lindberg

LTC James L. LinebargerLineberger Foundation, Inc.Mr. Cephus W. and Mrs. Carolyn LongLTSS AuxiliaryLutheran Church North America FoundationMr. Alan W. and Mrs. Janet E. MadsenMs Dorothy Trexler MeltonMichael Peeler FundMrs. Wilma MilamMr. Howard L. and Mrs. Gladys MillerMrs. Ermine S. MitchellMr. George A. and Mrs. Carolyn MoretzO. L. Moretz FoundationNorfolk Southern FoundationMs Eileen D. NicholsMr. Larry RaudebaughThe Rev. Dr. C. Ross Ritchie, Jr. and Mrs. Jo

Anne RitchieMrs. Mary C. RoofMrs. Olga R. RoseMrs. Ruth B. RudacilMs Evelyn SegelkenMrs. Ruth F. SorrellSprint FoundationSt. Paul Lutheran Church, Columbia, SCMr. and Mrs. Gus A. StavrosThe Rev. Dr. Marty E. StevensDr. Robert StoudemireMr. Hal W. SummerDr. Virgil C. and Mrs. Vera SummerThe Rev. Dermont F. SwicegoodMr. William E. TaylorMs Virginia TiseMr. Roy H. and Mrs. ThompsonMr. Robert E. and Mrs. Patsy F. TownsendMr. Duke and Mrs. Jessie TrexlerMs Katharine Van MeierMr. Everett F. and Mrs. Mary N. WaltmanMs Zelma WeeksDr. Hulda J. WohltmannDr. Oliver G. and Mrs. Jean WoodMr. Glenn F. and Mrs. Mary U. Workman

79 Greever Society Sustainer Members

Founder Members ($25,000+ )Mrs. Dorothea ArmstrongMrs. Elma ArndtAugsburg Lutheran Church, Winston Salem, NCThe Rev. Dr. James S. and Mrs. Ginny AullMs Mildred L. BaumannThe Rev. Hugh E. and Mrs. Frances W. Baumgartner, Jr.The Rev. Dr. J. Benjamin BedenbaughMr. Russell BerryDr. Harvey F. and Mrs. Lucile H. Blanchard, Jr.Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Eleanor BodaDr. William S. and Mrs. Elizabeth BoydMr. Lewis BrantleyMr. Keith and Mrs. Genie Brown

Ms. Ruth C. BuffingtonMr. and Mrs. Julius E. BurgesDr. Robert and Mrs. Mary CadeMs Phoebe S. CallahanThe Rev. Dr. Herman and Mrs. Elizabeth CaubleMr. Ernest CaughmanMr. James and Mrs. Sandra CaughmanCecil H. Bowers Charitable Remainder TrustCelanese CorporationCentral Carolina Community FoundationDr. Dorothy Anne CheesmanMs Olga ChernekChrist the King Lutheran Church, Miami, FloridaClarence & Helen Kenneke Rev. TrustMr. Ray A. and Mrs. Adelaide ClineColumbia Beauty Supply, Inc.Mr. Sidney E. and Mrs. Edna M. CorleyCSX CorporationD. L. Scurry FoundationDr. Miriam David-Brown and Mr. Ned BrownDean Family FundLiving Trust of John H. DodgeMr. Keith L. and Mrs. Harriet DryeMs Carolyn A. DuckerMr. Kenneth C.and Mrs. Emogene DuffordDuke Energy FoundationMrs. Ethel E. EdwardsEmmanuel Lutheran Church, Venice, FLMr. John P. and Mrs. Kristin EvansFaith Lutheran Church, Savannah, GAMiss Fannie FarrisMrs. A. W. FisherFirst Lutheran Church, Norfolk, VAMs Arlene C. FlotowMr. Jack and Mrs. Judy Ann FrayMr. George and Katherine K.GeigerGeneral Electric FoundationMr. William S. and Mrs. Prema GnannMr. Cecil C. and Mrs. Beulah L.GrahamMr. Alvin GratzelMr. Carl and Mrs. Wanda HackbarthMr. John P. and Mrs. Jeanette HarmonMr. Chester and Mrs. Clara S. HawkinsMr. D.J. and Mrs. Harriet R. HigginbothamThe Rev. Dr. Ralph W. and Mrs. Eloise M. HoffmeyerThe Rev. Billy R. and Mrs. Carolyn E. HoffnerHoly Trinity Lutheran Church, Hickory, NCMr. Walter P. and Mrs. Carolyn HookerMr. and Mrs. Robert N. HubbsMr. Stewart A. HughesIBM CorporationMr. H. Harrisonand Mrs. Ruth JenkinsMr. Ellison and Mrs. Elaine KaiserMiss Alice KimmerlingMr. Voigt K. and Mrs. Marie W. KleckleyMr. Max W. and Mrs. Phyllis Krell

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The Rev. Dr. John Largen and The Rev. Dr. Kristin LargenMr. Floyd T. and Mrs. Betty LentzLexington County Health Education FoundationThe Rev. James L. Lingle, Jr., and Mrs. Ruth LingleLown Family Charitable TrustMr. James Harold and Mrs. Marjorie M. LownMr. Norman E. and Mrs. Shirley LukerLutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Bevard, NCMr. Coit B. and Mrs. Maude P. LyttonMary Jo’s Cloth Store, Inc.Mr. Theodore and Mrs. Electa MaurerThe Rev. J. Legrande and Mrs. Ruth MayerThe Rev. Dr. Marcus J. and Kathy MillerMr. John L. and Mrs. Betty MorganMr. and Mrs. E. W. MoserMr. Hugh L. Mozingo, Jr. and Mrs. Faye MozingoThe Rev. Scott and Mrs. Deanna NessNorth Carolina Lutheran Men in MissionThe Rev. Randal Palm and The Rev. Dena PalmMr. Clarence L. and Mrs. Lois R. PasourPastor Walter G. Marz MemorialMr. A. Gregory and Mrs. Christine H. PeelerPeninsula Community FoundationMr. Robert T. and Mrs. Sue Brown PickettRedeemer Lutheran Church, Sun City Center, FLThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Reisz, Jr.Mrs. Theresa RenglerThe Rev. Dr. Thomas E. and Mrs. Ann P. RidenhourRobinson-Humphrey CompanyMiss Ruth RoedigerRourke Memorial FundSalisbury Community FoundationSCANA Corp & SubsidiariesMr. Wilbert W. and Mrs. Ruth SeabockMrs. Virginia SeegersMs Roma SellhornMrs. Virginia G. SeneseMr. James and Dr. Mary Ann ShealyThe Rev. Dr. Charles P. and Mrs. Lois SigelMr. Albert L. and Mrs. Ardell N. SmithMs Cleo B. SmithSouth Carolina Lutheran Men in MissionSouth Carolina Women of the ELCASt. Armands Key Lutheran Church, Sarasota, FLSt. John’s Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NCSt. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Lumberton, NCSt. Stephen Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, PADr. William H. Stender, Jr.Stewardship of Life InstituteDr. Charles N. and Dorothy V. StillThe Rev. John and Mrs. Deborah StirewaltMr. Dempsey Stogner and Mrs. Virginia StognerThe Rev. Luther L. and Louise SwygertThe Rev. and Mrs. Charles J. ThomasDr. Mary Fleming Finlay Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Tiencken, Jr.Mr. Wilfred P. TienckenMs Mary F. TiltonThe Rev. Dr. William and Mrs. Karla TrexlerTrinity Lutheran Church, Columbia, SCTrinity Lutheran Church Foundation, Greenville, SCMr. Marion W. and Mrs. Martha TrottiUniversity Lutheran Church, Gainesville, FLThe Rev. Dayton G. and Mrs. Margaret Van Deusen Mr. Jerry W. and Mrs. Donna VaughnMs Bertha WallerMr. Ron and Mrs. Jenny WalrathThe Rev. John F. and Mrs. Barbara A. WeaverMs Maud A. WeberMr. Ronald WellsMr. Herman O. WessingerMs Dorothy L. WietersThe Rev. W. David and Mrs. Alice R. WiseMs Dorothy WissLTC James C. W. and Mrs. Sandra WrightMr Karl R. and Mrs. Lillian A. Youse145 Greever Society Founder

a Total of 2�8 Constituent(s) Listed

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Southern Legacy SocietyIndividuals who have arranged a planned gift to the seminary.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. AddyMr. and Mrs. Frank C. AldridgeMrs. Audrey AlexanderMrs. Wanda AlwinMs Maxine AmosMrs. Dorothea ArmstrongMr. and Mrs. Harold S. ArneThe Rev. Dr. James S. and Mrs. Ginny AullMr. James A. BalestreieriMs Cathryn BalestreieriThe Rev. William R. Ballance, Jr.The Revs. Richard and Ruth BallardMrs. Jean BallentineThe Rev. and Mrs. Hugh E. Baumgartner, Jr.The Rev. Lynn A. BechdoltThe Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. BerryThe Rev. and Mrs. James P. BlalockThe Rev. Dr. Larry W. BostMr. and Mrs. Perry M. BouknightThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Mack C. Branham, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. BrownMs Grace E. BrubakerThe Rev. Richard M. CarbaughMr. and Mrs. Harold R. CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Richard C. Carter, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. CaughmanMr. James and Mrs. Carolyn ChandlerThe Rev. and Mrs. Palmer D. ClemmerMs Sandra R. ClineThe Rev. Dr. Michael L. CollinsThe Rev. and Mrs. Edwin A. CookThe Rev. and Mrs. William S. CorkishThe Rev. and Mrs. G. Baylis CorleyDr. Linda and Mr. Joseph DanielMrs. Ann DasherMr. David A. DawsonMr. and Mrs. Ralph DeBuskMr. Albert J. DooleyMr. and Mrs. Robert J. DowneyMr. and Mrs. Philip M. EckertThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Derald H. EdwardsMr. Robert S. EhleThe Rev. and Mrs. Thord K. EinarsenMr. and Mrs. David EptingMr. W. Cline EptingMr. and Mrs. James I. EubanksMrs. Miriam FisherMiss Anna Barbara FisherMr. Herman Fisher, Jr.The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. FisherMs Arlene C. FlotowMr. and Mrs. Jack FrayMrs. Jean S. FrazierThe Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow F. FrickMrs. Marie FriedsamDr. Lois R. FriesThe Rev. Deborah Frye and The Rev. James

ForeMrs. Elizabeth R. FryeMr. William S. GnannMr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. GravelleThe Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. HanberryMr. Cordell HarrisThe Rev. Shirley R. HarrisonDr. Robert and The Rev. Karen HawkinsMs Cynthia HedgeMr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Heinecke

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hock, Jr.Mrs. Catherine C. HodgesMr. and Mrs. Edgar M. HolstenMrs. Carolyn HookerMs Kathleen M. HughesThe Rev. Keith A. HunsingerMr. and Mrs. Don HyattMr. Alan HyattMr. Andrew Jackson, Jr.The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. JavorskyMrs. Ruth JenkinsMrs. Jean H. JesterMr. Ned JohnsonThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William M. Johnson, Sr.The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. JonesThe Rev. Roger Jordan, Jr.The Rev. Dr. Wayne Kannaday and Dr. Helen

DoerpinghausThe Rev. and Mrs. Ray B. KaylorThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David R. Keck, Sr.Drs. James E. and Patience KeislerMrs. Josephine KinneyMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. KleckleyMrs. Irma KoegelMr. Gary KovarThe Rev. and Mrs. Gary R. La CroixMr. Ray LeflerMrs. Jane M. LepistoMr. Carl F. LettowMr. and Mrs. Edward C. LeverThe Rev. and Mrs. James L. Lingle, Jr.The Rev. and Mrs. John P. LingleMr. and Mrs. Cephus W. LongThe Rev. Robert H. LoshuertosThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Lamontte M. LukerMr. and Mrs. Alan W. MadsenThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. Luther Mauney, Jr.Mr. Alex and Dr. Susan McArverMs Suzanne T. McClintonMr. Howard L. MillerMr. and Mrs. David C. MinardiThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lee Minnick,

Jr.Mr. Calvin G. MitchamMr. and Mrs. Walter N. MorrowDr. and Mrs. Robert K. MoxonThe Rev. and Mrs. G. William NabersThe Rev. Carl O. NelsonMrs. Grace NielsenMr. Joseph M. O’DonnellMr. and Mrs. Walter H. OvercashThe Rev. Randal and The Rev. Dena PalmThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. ParkMr. Merle A. ParkerMrs. Evelyn PfaffenrothMr. Norman and Mrs. Ranell PilchThe Rev. and Mrs. G. Steven PlonkThe Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Poole, Jr.Mrs. Zelma PotterThe Rev. Al Potter and The Rev. Timothea

SharpeMr. and Mrs. Heber E. RastMr. and Mrs. Clarence T. ReynoldsThe Rev. and Mrs. Ernest W. RidenhourThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. Ross Ritchie, Jr.Mrs. Mary C. RoofDr. Michael J. and Mrs. Beth Root

The Rev. Jason and Mrs. Mitzie SchaferMr. and Mrs. Chris SchwanebeckThe Rev. Dr. Peter Setzer and Dr. Sue SetzerThe Rev. William E. Shaner, Jr.The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. ShoffnerMr. Charles H. Mrs. Mildred C. ShufordThe Rev. Dr. Charles P. SigelThe Rev. and Mrs. John S. SimsThe Revs. George and Martha SimsMr. and Mrs. Wilson L. SmithThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. SmithThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. Marion StarrMr. and Mrs. Gus A. StavrosThe Rev. Clyde G. SteeleThe Rev. and Mrs. James R. Stephenson D.D.The Rev. Dr. Marty E. StevensThe Rev. John and Mrs. Deborah StirewaltThe Revs. John and Charlotte Strecker-BaselerMr. and Mrs. Allen Strickland, Jr.The Rev. Kevin L. StricklandThe Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. SummerMrs. Vera SummerThe Rev. Dermont F. SwicegoodMr. William E. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Henry E. Tiencken, Jr.Ms Mary F. TiltonMr. and Mrs. Robert E. TownsendThe Rev. and Mrs. Roy L. TrexlerThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Trexler, Jr.Mrs. Dorothy C. TrexlerMrs. John TrexlerThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William B. TrexlerMrs. Linda M. Van DeusenThe Rev. and Mrs. Thomas J. WagnerMrs. Margaret WalkerMr. Ron and Mrs. Jenny WalrathMrs. Frances WeantThe Rev. and Mrs. John F. WeaverMs Myrtle WertzMrs. Elizabeth WessingerMrs. Frances WesterstromMr. Norman WetzelMr. L. Stanley WhippoMr. and Mrs. K. Lee WhiteMrs. Rachel E. WhittleThe Rev. and Mrs. Gregory B. WilliamsMs Jeanette WilliamsMr. and Mrs. James F. WilsonDr. Hulda J. WohltmannMr. and Mrs. Glenn F. WorkmanMr. Jack WrayThe Rev. and Mrs. Edward Carl Zimmermann

182 Members of the Southern Legacy Society

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aLumni giving

Class of 19�5*The Rev. Dermont F. Swicegood

100% (1 out of 1)

Class of 19�8*The Rev. Clarence L. Richardson

100% (1 out of 1)

Class of 19��*The Rev. Dr. Rufus Cuthbertson*The Rev. Hoke H. Ritchie

66.67% (2 out of 3) gave $125

Class of 19�5*The Rev. Hugh E. Baumgartner,

Jr.*The Rev. James K. Cobb*The Rev. David Conrad*The Rev. Dr. Virgil A. Moyer, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. John L. Yost, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. Royall A. Yount, Sr.

62.50% (5 out of 7) gave $4,893

Class of 19�7The Rev. Dr. Harold G. Deal

100% (1 out of 1)

Class of 19�8*The Rev. Dr. C. Marion Starr

50.00% (1 out of 2) gave $100

Class of 19�9*The Rev. G. B. Corley*Chaplain Don Malcolm Michael*The Rev. Dr. Harold F. Park

60.00% (3 out of 5) gave $1,025

Class of 1950*The Rev. Dr. Robert Fritz, Sr.*The Rev. Dr. Hoyle L. Whiteside

50.00% (2 out of 4) gave $300

Class of 1951*The Rev. Dr. James Crumley, Jr.*The Rev. Guy C. Cruse*Dr. Hubert C. Linn*The Rev. Thurmond C. Plexico*The Rev. Ernest W. Ridenhour

62.50% (5 out of 8) gave $1,850

Class of 1952The Rev. Dr. Raymond M. Bost*The Rev. Ernst Glaser

25.00% (2 out of 8) gave $46.28

Class of 195�*The Rev. C. Jackson Martin*The Rev. John L. Satterwhite, III

22.22% (2 out of 9) gave $245

Class of 195�*The Rev. Clyde E. Bedenbaugh*The Rev. Charles B. Dawkins*The Rev. Eugene L. Epting, Jr.*The Rev. L. Crockett Huddle*The Rev. F. Lavaughn Keisler*The Rev. Dr. T. Joseph Shumate*The Rev. Dr. Edwin N. Troutman

50.00% (7 out of 14) gave $9,025.84

Class of 1955*The Rev. Floyd W. Bost*The Rev. Frank E. Lyerly*The Rev. Robert Earl McCombs,

Jr.*The Rev. Dr. Frank C. Perry*The Rev. Raymond A. Petrea*The Rev. James R. Stephenson

D.D.*The Rev. Karl F. Suhr50.00% (7 out of 14) gave $4,252

Class of 1956*The Rev. Cyrus F. Frazier, Jr.*The Rev. Ted W. Goins*The Rev. Kenneth A. Price*The Rev. Aldon Purdham*The Rev. Lester O. Roof, Jr.*The Rev. D. Murray Shull, Jr.*Mr. James C. Stirewalt38.89% (7 out of 18) gave $3,711

Class of 1957*The Rev. Luria E. Cumbee, Jr.*The Rev. Clarence K. Derrick, Jr.*Mr. Herman Fisher, Jr.The Rev. Donald Loadholdt*The Rev. Dr. C. Ross Ritchie, Jr.*The Rev. J. Hilton Roof*The Rev. Paul O. Slice43.75% (7 out of 16) gave $2,050

Class of 1958*The Rev. Jerome Henri Bishop*The Rev. Dr. Mack C. Branham,

Jr.The Rev. Dr. Robert W. Carswell*Mrs. Barbara R. DeOrsey*The Rev. Dr. Carl M. Fisher*Mr. Gordon Haigler

*The Rev. Donald E. Hanberry*The Rev. Dr. Robert L. Hock, Jr.*The Rev. Jerry C. Livingston*The Rev. Dr. William F.

Milholland, Sr.*The Rev. Dr. Malcolm Lee

Minnick, Jr.*Mrs. Jane C. S. Wolfgang

54.55% (12 out of 22) gave $6,027

Class of 1959*The Rev. Richard A. Berry*Dr. J. Daniel Brown*The Rev. Donald R. Deal*The Rev. Dr. James GanttThe Rev. Alvin H. Haigler*The Rev. Dr. James A. Harbinson*Dr. William Jennings*The Rev. Charles R. McManus*The Rev. C. Henry Rendleman50.00% (9 out of 18) gave $2,741

Class of 1960*Mr. Robert A. Addy*The Rev. Dr. James S. Aull*The Rev. Dr. Paulwyn L. Boliek*The Rev. H. W. DowdThe Rev. David T. HinkleyThe Rev. Dr. William M. Johnson,

Sr.The Rev. Clarence E. Sifford, Jr.The Rev. Dr. M. Thomas Sublett*The Rev. Dr. Gerald S. TroutmanThe Rev. Robert M. Weeks*The Rev. Dr. Boyce D. Whitener,

Sr.73.33% (11 out of 15) gave


Class of 1961*The Rev. Harvey L. Blume*The Rev. Lonnie W. Karriker*The Rev. John F. Weaver

21.43% (3 out of 14) gave $11,798

Class of 1962*Mr. Gaither G. Blackwelder*The Rev. Robert J. Kepley*Mrs. Kathryn Link*The Rev. Dr. Edgar R. Trexler, Jr.*The Rev. Richard N. Umberger33.33% (5 out of 15) gave $2,325

Class of 196�*The Rev. Claude V. Deal, Jr.*The Rev. Robert H. Loshuertos*The Rev. Donald R. Poole, Jr.*The Rev. Kenneth Ribe*The Rev. Dr. William M. Waddell38.46% (5 out of 13) gave $2,260

Class of 196�*The Rev. William E. CopenhaverThe Rev. W. Edward Harper, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. David R. Keck, Sr.*The Rev. William B. Kyzer, Sr.*The Rev. Dr. J. Luther Mauney,

Jr.The Rev. Dr. L. William Mitcham,

Jr.The Rev. Elford B. Roof*The Rev. Dr. Gary L. Safrit40.00% (8 out of 20) gave $5,712

Class of 1965*The Rev. Ronald L. Diegel*The Rev. W. O. Herlong, Jr.*The Rev. Junius S. Koiner, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. Larry S. Long*The Rev. Dr. Thomas E.

Ridenhour38.46% (5 out of 13) gave $8,852

Class of 1966*The Rev. Robert E. Allen*The Rev. Dr. Richard F.

Bansemer*The Rev. V. George Brookover*The Rev. Floyd E. Sides, Sr.*The Rev. Maurice E. Staley25.00% (5 out of 20) gave $4,673

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*The Rev. John L. Yost, III*The Rev. Charles Zimmerman40.00% (6 out of 15) gave $1,930

Class of 1975*The Rev. J. Edward Dukes, Jr.*The Rev. Timothy H. Glenham*The Rev. Robert H. Jones*The Rev. George L. Sims*The Rev. K. Michael Varn

17.24% (5 out of 29) gave $8,536.84

Class of 1976*The Rev. Kenneth W. Fink*The Rev. Dr. Mark A. Scott*The Rev. James H. Utt*The Rev. Gary A. Weant19.05% (4 out of 21) gave $7,919

Class of 1977*The Rev. W. Fritz, Jr.*The Rev. Joseph W. Holt*The Rev. Terrell G. Long, Jr.*The Rev. Hugh L. Mozingo, III*The Rev. David H. Rasmussen*The Rev. George L. Rhyne*The Rev. David B. Schaeffer*The Rev. Edward Carl

Zimmermann30.77% (8 out of 26) gave $1,325

Class of 1978*The Rev. Palmer D. Clemmer*The Rev. Randall S. Derrick*The Rev. Dr. Michael LippardBishop James F. Mauney*The Rev. Dwight C. Wessinger

16.67% (5 out of 30) gave $960

Class of 1979*The Rev. Christine L. Anderson*Dr. Harvey F. Blanchard, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. Dennis R. Bolton*The Rev. Gary Christensen*The Rev. Arthur H. HoltThe Rev. Dr. Wayne C. Kannaday*The Rev. John W. McCandlish*Bishop Herman R. Yoos, III

25.81% (8 out of 31) gave $9,910.84

Class of 1980*The Rev. William H. King*The Rev. Dr. John G. Largen*The Rev. Barney A. Matocha, Jr.*Dr. Susan W. McArverThe Rev. Robert I. Miles, Jr.*The Rev. G. William Nabers*The Rev. Charles E.

RomanowskiThe Rev. Erich M. Schaefer*The Rev. William F. Stehr, Jr.33.33% (9 out of 27) gave $5,381

Class of 1981*The Rev. JoAnn K. Bunn*The Rev. Dwight L. DuBois*The Rev. Robert F. Humphrey*The Rev. Elizabeth K. Kearney*The Rev. W. Douglas Kearney

*The Rev. James Kinsler*The Rev. Michael S. Knudson*The Rev. Dr. Clarence O.

Pittman*The Rev. Hobart C. Utter, Jr.

31.03% (9 out of 29) gave $8,605.84

Class of 1982*The Rev. J. Stephen MisenheimerMr. Ken Olander*The Rev. Amaretta J. Onstad*The Rev. Steven P. Ridenhour

16.67% (4 out of 24) gave $7,285.84

Class of 198�*The Rev. Delmer Chilton*The Rev. Dr. Derald H. Edwards*The Rev. George L. OnstadThe Rev. Carl A. Wenzel11.43% (4 out of 35) gave $2,275

Class of 198�The Rev. Keith Hunsinger*The Rev. Paul Summer

6.90% (2 out of 29) gave $2,250

Class of 1985*The Rev. David J. Amidon*The Rev. Delores L. Donnelly*The Rev. Alan Field*Bishop H. Julian Gordy*The Rev. Franklin G. Honeycutt*The Rev. Tony A. Metze*Mr. Howard Pillot*The Rev. Patrick W. Riddle*The Rev. Susan Springer*The Rev. Elizabeth J. Toler*The Rev. Craig W. Versprille

39.29% (11 out of 28) gave $1,600

Class of 1986*The Rev. Mark E. Fitzsimmons*The Rev. Dr. Melvin R. Jacob*The Rev. Wayne R. Shelor*The Rev. Gregory B. Williams

14.81% (4 out of 27) gave $6,855.84

Class of 1987*The Rev. Deborah Wood

2.94% (1 out of 34)

Class of 1988*The Rev. Raymond Carolina*The Rev. John DerrickThe Rev. Lewis Groce*The Rev. Murray Ann Ziegenfuss15.38% (4 out of 26) gave $2,071

Class of 1989*The Rev. Paul E. Aebischer*The Rev. Virginia S. Aebischer*The Rev. Louise Hilbert*The Rev. Dr. Kenneth P. Lane, Jr.

14.29% (4 out of 28) gave $8,785.84

Class of 1990*The Rev. Richard Baker*The Rev. Rachel L. Connelly*The Rev. Katherine P. Pasch

10.71% (3 out of 28) gave $460

Class of 1991*The Rev. Dr. Kathryn Baines*The Rev. Lynn A. Bechdolt*The Rev. Betty H. Carr*The Rev. Alice D. Linder

14.81% (4 out of 27) gave $6,985.84

Class of 1992*The Rev. Dr. Keith T. Copeland*The Rev. Charlotte Strecker-

Baseler*The Rev. John Strecker-Baseler13.04% (3 out of 23) gave $4,846

Class of 199�*The Rev. Diane R. Amidon*The Rev. Paul H. Pingel*The Rev. Dr. David M. Seymour

13.04% (3 out of 23) gave $295

Class of 199�*The Rev. Eric E. Fink*The Rev. Kenneth C. Gillikin*The Rev. Michael J. Glymph*The Rev. Karen S. Hawkins*Mr. Joseph W. Ingram, Jr.

16.13% (5 out of 31) gave$1,737.39

Class of 1995*The Rev. Robert T. ByrneThe Rev. Thomas M. Henderson*The Rev. R. Alan Kinsey*The Rev. O. Ralph Kraft*The Rev. Terrie L. Sternberg

13.51% (5 out of 37) gave $11,721.58

Class of 1996*The Rev. Melissa A. Chappell*The Rev. Nancy K. Christensen*The Rev. Cynthia H. Dyer*The Rev. Frederick A. Hodges*The Rev. Ina Hoover*The Rev. Donald Lorfing*The Rev. Stephen J. McGinnis*The Rev. Nancy S. Oliver*The Rev. Craig E. SigmonThe Rev. Beverly R. Wallace*The Rev. D. Rhodes Woolly

22.92% (11 out of 48) gave $2,560

Class of 1997*The Rev. Gary L. Brandenburg*The Rev. Gary Chenoweth*The Rev. David C. Derrick*The Rev. Kelly D. B. Derrick*The Rev. James Fore*The Rev. Deborah Frye*The Rev. James K. Glander*The Rev. John E. Wertz Jr.

18.18% (8 out of 44) gave $11,554.74

Class of 1967*The Rev. Dr. Scott H. Hendrix*The Rev. William E. Shaner, Jr.*The Rev. G. David Swygert*The Rev. Charles J. Thomas26.67% (4 out of 15) gave $3,252

Class of 1968*The Rev. Dr. Larry W. Bost*The Rev. Dr. Carl F. W. Ficken*The Rev. Ray B. Kaylor*The Rev. W. Vernon Luckey, Jr.*Mr. Jacob L. Mayer, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. Daniel W. Phifer*The Rev. Ronald G. Smith35.00% (7 out of 20) gave $1,300

Class of 1969*The Rev. Melvin E. Amundson*The Rev. Tommy K. Beaver*The Rev. Dr. Hartmut Fege*Mr. Patrick Fisher*The Rev. Mark C. Johnson*The Rev. Dr. Stephen L. Moose*The Rev. Dr. John L. Setzler*The Rev. James F. Simpson*Chaplain James C. Taylor29.03% (9 out of 31) gave $1,500

Class of 1970*The Rev. James W. AddyThe Rev. James H. Bangle*The Rev. William C. Ebener*The Rev. William H. Hall, II*The Rev. Dr. William B. Trexler*The Rev. Haco von Hacke*The Rev. David H. Webb*Mr. Roy T. Wise34.78% (8 out of 23) gave $5,985

Class of 1971*The Rev. Dr. W. Richard AlbertThe Rev. B. Robert Beaver*The Rev. Roger L. Beaver

23.08% (3 out of 13) gave $900

Class of 1972*Bishop Leonard H. Bolick*The Rev. Robert G. Coon*Mr. Lewis B. Doggett, Jr.*The Rev. Dr. Bill B. Mims, Jr.*The Rev. David L. Misenheimer*The Rev. Dr. Ronald A. Rinn*The Rev. John S. Sims*The Rev. Gerald P. Wallace

50.00% (8 out of 16) gave $13,988.84

Class of 197�*Bishop Edward R. Benoway*The Rev. Thord K. Einarsen*The Rev. Glenn A. Englehardt*The Rev. Dr. Ralph D. Stilwell*The Rev. Richard E. Webber17.24% (5 out of 29) gave $3,482

Class of 197�*The Rev. John C. Misenheimer*Dr. Harry H. Phillips*The Rev. E. Roy Riley*The Rev. Robert H. Shoffner

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Class of 1998*The Rev. Robert L. Eubanks*The Rev. Thomas Lineberger, Jr.

5.13% (2 out of 39) gave $125

Class of 1999The Rev. Mark S. Beatty*Ms Jennifer L. Berk*The Rev. Pamela R. Cook*The Rev. Gail Sowell*The Rev. Karen S. Van Stee*The Rev. Michael G. Weaver16.67% (6 out of 36) gave $5,721

Class of 2000*The Rev. Michael D. Blaker*Mr. Clyde Cauthen*Mrs. Lexanne Graves*The Rev. Shirley R. Harrison*The Rev. Tara Magoon*Mrs. Dallas J. Shealy*The Rev. David J. Smith*The Rev. Christine Stoxen*Mr. Craig C. Stoxen

20.00% (9 out of 45) gave $815

Class of 2001*The Rev. Kathy Campbell*The Rev. Alex Hoffner*The Rev. Sandra K. Johnson*The Rev. Dr. Emil H. Klatt, III*The Rev. Jennifer Lutz*Mr. Jeremy Magoon21.43% (6 out of 28) gave $6,645

Class of 2002*The Rev. Brenda R. Bynum*The Rev. David E. ConnellThe Rev. Joseph S. CopeckThe Rev. Nathan T. Gragg*Mrs. Cindy M. Musteric*The Rev. Matthew D. Musteric

17.14% (6 out of 35) gave $896

Class of 200�*The Rev. Brian O. Bennett*The Rev. Timothy D. BrysonMrs. Beth E. Chassie-Copeck*The Rev. Jonathan P. Conrad*The Rev. Sherrill D. Curtis*The Rev. Kathy E. Harris*The Rev. Patricia S. Nabers*The Rev. Thomas H. OuttenThe Rev. Kenneth W. Reed, Jr.*The Rev. Kim E. Trabold*Mrs. Jennifer M. Vasquez

31.43% (11 out of 35) gave $7,180.84

Class of 200�*The Rev. Todd A. Cutter*Ms Deborah A. Johnson*The Rev. Chad W. Langdon*The Rev. Russell D. PeekThe Rev. Steven M. Peeler

17.24% (5 out of 29) gave $844.14

The Rev. Jon Heiliger (‘00), President

Pastor, Lord of Life Lutheran Church Bluffton, SC

Mrs. Lexanne K. graves, aIM (‘00), Secretary Director of Faith Formation, Living Springs Lutheran Church Columbia, SC

The Rev. Joseph Bolick-Lang, (‘07) Pastor, Our Saviour Lutheran Church

Johnson City, TN

The Rev. Ricky R. ezell Pastor, Central Baptist Chuch Columbia, SC

aLumni aSSociation officerS

Dr. Susan W. Mcarver Professor of Church History & Educational Ministry Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Columbia, SC

The Rev. Mary Louise Sitton (‘05) Pastor, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Mount Ulla, NC

Mrs. Dallas Shealy, aIM (‘00) Executive Director, South Carolina Lutheran Retreat Centers, Batesburg-Leesville, SC

The Rev. Paul Summer (‘8�) Regional Gift Planner, ELCA Foundation Port Orange, FL

The Rev. Bob Vincent (‘06) Pastor, Shady Grove United Methodist Church Irmo, SC

The Rev. John Wertz, Jr. (‘97) Pastor, St. Michael Lutheran Church, Blacksburg, VA

Class of 2005*The Rev. Mary M. Finklea*The Rev. Nathan D. Hooks*The Rev. Michelle J. Kuhlman*The Rev. John P. Locke*The Rev. Mary Louise Sitton*Sister Marilyn H. Stauffer*The Rev. Paul A. Wollner18.42% (7 out of 38) gave $2,370

Class of 2006*The Rev. Heather K. Apel*The Rev. Wade E. Apel*The Rev. Lois J. Helms*The Rev. Robert M. Vincent13.79% (4 out of 29) gave $3,625

Class of 2007*The Rev. Scott Anderson*The Rev. Susan M. Bame*The Rev. Daniel Flessas*The Rev. Judson F. Merrell*The Rev. Kathleen A. Miko*The Rev. Elise T Stringer

17.65% (6 out of 34) gave $420

Class of 2008*Mrs. Emily M. Bugay*The Rev. Sara A. Cutter*The Rev. Amy Danchik*The Rev. Lance M. Henderson*The Rev. Rosemary Peek*The Rev. Angela K. PowellThe Rev. K. Raymond Sipe

The Rev. Ruth Ann Sipe*Dr. H. Phillip StallThe Rev. Jared A. Stillions*The Rev. Kevin L. Strickland*The Rev. Pamela C. Turfa*The Rev. Nancy C. Vogel

30.95% (13 out of 42) gave $2,245

Class of 2009*Mrs. Judith Aebischer*The Rev. Jared A. CarsonBishop James F. Mauney*Ms Allison Ward10.53% (4 out of 38) gave $3,430

Class of 2010Ms Susan A. Jackson*The Rev. Richard L. Reiten*Sister Kimberly F. SzogiMr. David W. WegnerThe Rev. Lauren Wegner

6.45% (2 out of 31) gave $650

Total alumni giving: 2�%


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The Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Miller President

The Rev. Dr. Virginia C. Barfield Dean and Vice President

of Academic Affairs

The Rev. Dr. Daniel M. Bell Jr. Professor of Theological Ethics

The Rev. Dr. Julius Carroll Associate Professor of Contextual Education

Dr. Brent Driggers Associate Professor of New Testament

The Rev. Dr. Daryl S. everett Dewey F. Beam Professor of Pastoral Care


Dr. Lynn a.Feider Director of the Library & Professor of Bibliography

The Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan Assistant Professor of Homiletics

The Rev. Dr. Mary B. Havens H. George Anderson Professor of

Church History

Dr. Robert D. Hawkins Leonora G. McClurg Distinguished Professor of Worship and Music,

Dean of Christ Chapel

The Rev. Dr. Lamontte M. Luker Professor of Hebrew Scriptures

Dr. Susan W. Mcarver Professor of Church History & Educational Ministry

The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Peterson Professor of New Testament

Dr. Michael J. Root Professor of Systematic Theology

The Rev. Dr. James Thomas Associate Professor of Church

& Ministry, Director of African American Ministries, North Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission Professor of Bible & Mission

Dr. David S. Yeago Michael Peeler Professor of

Systematic Theology

faLL 2010 enroLLment

enrollment: 152 107 Full-time 45 Part-time

Programs of Study123 Masters of Divinity18 Master of Arts in Religion4 Master of Sacred Theology7 Non-degree or other

ecumenical Student Body:99 ELCA27 United Methodist11 Baptist4 Episcopal10 Other

Diverse enrollment:85 Men68 Women134 Caucasian17 African-American1 Puerto Rican American

2010 Seminary aWarDS & honorS

The John Bachman award for Distinguished Leadership The Rev. Dr. Raymond M. Bost, Class of 1952

Retired Pastor & Educator; Professor, Development Associate, and Trustee at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary

The Rev. Dr. John Benjamin Bedenbaugh award For Distinguished Pastoral Leadership The Rev. Dr. Bill B. Mims, Jr., Class of 1972

Retired Pastor, Adjunct Professor of Religion at Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, NC

greninger Scholar award Ms. Sue Mullen Setzer, LHD

Diaconal Minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Associate Director of Supervised Ministry and Vocational Planning, Union Presbyterian Seminary-Charlotte, NC Campus

F. eppling Reinartz Scholar in Residence The Rev. Dr. James H. Utt, Class of 1976

Pastor, Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winchester, VA

The Herman W. and elizabeth P. Cauble Faculty Distinguished Service award Dr. Brent Driggers

Associate Professor of New Testament, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary

Widespread Ministry:18 ELCA Synods are represented

Region 9 Synods:10 South Carolina14 North Carolina11 Southeastern9 Florida-Bahamas 6 Virginia

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Dear Friend of the Seminary,

Every year, students come to the seminary’s doorsteps eager to learn. They want to dig more deeply into the scriptures. They want to understand the concepts of the great theo-logians and historians from the church of today and yesterday. They want to develop a caring and compassionate pastoral presence. They want to cultivate skills in teaching and preaching. Because of your gifts, prayers and encouragement, these students are able to prepare to serve Christ’s church.

With the gifts you and others have so faithfully given in the past year, the students at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary have access to a campus with equipped class-rooms, an expansive library collection, worship and prayer spaces, and an experienced and scholarly faculty. You help keep tuition as low as possible, and you provide student aid and scholarships to qualified seminarians in need of financial assistance. On behalf of the faculty, I thank you for your faithful support.

During the past year, we have been able to celebrate that over half of the seminary stu-dents received scholarships from the seminary and its donors. Only about a third of the student body turned to student loan programs to finance their seminary education. This seminary constantly seeks to keep tuition and student debt as low as possible and, while there is still work to be done, you can be proud of the progress that is being made.

Also, this year, please join me in congratulating the Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan, Assistant Professor of Homiletics, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, “Lutheran Preachers and the Third Use of the Law: A Homilectical Approach to Overcome the Im-passe,” in December at Princeton Theological Seminary. She and the other professors continue to stay abreast of their disciplines and to improve their skills and resources as teachers for your seminarians.

We continually strive to improve the classroom experience for our students. We stand on the verge of a major curriculum revision and are increasing energies on recruitment and enrollment management. These advancements will position the seminary to develop an ever-growing student population that is preparing to meet the needs of today’s church and the church of tomorrow.

With God’s guidance, and with your continued prayers and words of encouragement, this seminary will continue to teach, form, and nurture the students that come to the doorsteps eager to learn.

Sharing in Christ’s Service,

The Rev. Dr. Ginger Barfield Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs

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Contact Us: (803) 461-3219 or (803) 786-5150 Fax: (803) 461-3272

Mr. Ron Walrath • e-mail: [email protected] Vice President for Development

Mr. Andrew Boozer • e-mail: [email protected] Director of Communications

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