LTE Post Launch Overview

LTE Post launch overview

Transcript of LTE Post Launch Overview

Page 1: LTE Post Launch Overview

LTE Post launch overview

Page 2: LTE Post Launch Overview


• The main goal of this presentation is to show LTE Post Launch overall regarding processes and activities.

Page 3: LTE Post Launch Overview




Pre launch Tuning:•Site Shakedowns

• Throughput (TCP/UDP)• PCI Verification• Handover Verification (Intra, Inter,

IFHO)• IRAT Verification• Swapped Feeder Test• CSRF validation.• Verification Site configuration

(Azimuth, Electrical Tilt, BW, coordinates)

• Site audit. •Single site Verification

• RSRP, SINR, PCI• Throughput DL/UL• L3 Signaling• Time on LTE (IRAT verification)• Drop call analysis over layer 3

signaling• Acces failures analysis over layer 3

signaling. Hand over Verification (Intra, Inter, IFHO)

Pre launch Tuning:•GNG Support

• Monitor GNG KPIs (Accessibility, Retainability, Time on LTE) for PS and CS services

• Analyze data (GTL, UETR) when SC KPI are Red

• Supplemental DT if necessary• Recommend / Implement

changes physical and parameter changes

Post Launch Timeline•Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly KPI’s.•Analysis by Cluster or SSV/NSB•To monitor KPI’s over a launched network:

• Accessibility (%) vs ERABS (#)

• Retainability (%) vs Drops

• Irat (%)• HOSR (%)• Throughput DL/UL

(Mbps)• Throughput DL/UL

(Gbps)• CSFB (%)

•Clouse Out Package (COP)

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Post-Launch Overview

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LTE POST Launch • KPI Analysis.

– Daily monitoring.– Evaluating performance and worst offenders.– Recommend and implement changes (If any).– Correlating and reporting quality concerns.– Alarms, RSSI and VSWR reporting.

• KPI Delivery Schedule– Daily quick reports up to 30 days after cluster is launched.– Daily quick reports up to 10 days after SSV/NSB is launched.– For any changes in the network, customer approval is mandatory needed.

• Close Out Package report. (COP)– Performance Improvement Summary.– Lessons learned/Best practices Review.– Close out package.

• General info for the Cluster/SSV/NSB.• KPI’s summary graphs.• Follow up for all the actions previously done.• Final results.• Recommendations (Way forward).

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LTE POST Launch – tools • Tools.

– Business Objects (BO)– OSS– MapInfo– Excel

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LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Daily monitoring

These are the main KPI’S you need to analyze, once you receive your cluster or SSV assignation. You can get this KPI’s from BO and from the proper BO template.

Date ERBS%Accessib



#Drop %HOSucc %IRAT @ThrptDL @ThrptUL@TrafficD



6/11/2013 SXL00086 99.95 6310 99.24 48 99.02 0.32 9.8229427 3.7412177 1.614077 0.6332939 2.466/12/2013 SXL00086 99.88 96839 99.78 215 98.50 0.31 9.9733963 1.3820806 13.05819 2.2559501 2.526/13/2013 SXL00086 99.87 88554 99.72 251 98.71 0.31 9.9291111 0.813203 14.855987 1.6392129 2.506/14/2013 SXL00086 99.87 85279 99.71 251 98.72 0.23 9.3012615 1.2181346 13.4371 1.8906411 2.656/15/2013 SXL00086 99.87 37458 99.63 137 99.06 0.24 10.887749 2.0467941 5.7186026 0.7786018 1.736/16/2013 SXL00086 99.89 33846 99.67 111 98.82 0.28 9.9798629 2.0167745 4.72608 0.6163126 1.496/17/2013 SXL00086 99.89 93957 99.73 253 98.60 0.33 10.387789 1.2251556 15.258181 2.177365 2.386/18/2013 SXL00086 99.89 102271 99.71 300 98.88 0.11 10.720162 0.6860521 18.644558 2.2563411 2.416/19/2013 SXL00086 99.89 92226 99.71 265 98.69 0.12 10.27475 1.2464912 14.687885 2.1019436 2.396/20/2013 SXL00086 99.83 92745 99.67 307 98.55 0.10 10.351163 1.4023224 15.023338 2.7007329 2.42

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LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Daily monitoring.

Only Yellow and Red KPI’s needs to be analyzed. BO has the thresholds already predefined.

Date ERBS%Accessib



#Drop %HOSucc %IRAT @ThrptDL @ThrptUL@TrafficD



6/11/2013 SXL00086 99.95 6310 99.24 48 99.02 0.32 9.8229427 3.7412177 1.614077 0.6332939 2.466/12/2013 SXL00086 99.88 96839 99.78 215 98.50 0.31 9.9733963 1.3820806 13.05819 2.2559501 2.526/13/2013 SXL00086 99.87 88554 99.72 251 98.71 0.31 9.9291111 0.813203 14.855987 1.6392129 2.506/14/2013 SXL00086 99.87 85279 99.71 251 98.72 0.23 9.3012615 1.2181346 13.4371 1.8906411 2.656/15/2013 SXL00086 99.87 37458 99.63 137 99.06 0.24 10.887749 2.0467941 5.7186026 0.7786018 1.736/16/2013 SXL00086 99.89 33846 99.67 111 98.82 0.28 9.9798629 2.0167745 4.72608 0.6163126 1.496/17/2013 SXL00086 99.89 93957 99.73 253 98.60 0.33 10.387789 1.2251556 15.258181 2.177365 2.386/18/2013 SXL00086 99.89 102271 99.71 300 98.88 0.11 10.720162 0.6860521 18.644558 2.2563411 2.416/19/2013 SXL00086 99.89 92226 99.71 265 98.69 0.12 10.27475 1.2464912 14.687885 2.1019436 2.396/20/2013 SXL00086 99.83 92745 99.67 307 98.55 0.10 10.351163 1.4023224 15.023338 2.7007329 2.42

Thresholds Accessibility (%) Retainability (%) Ho Success % IRAT Rate Thput_DL Thput_UL>99 >99 >98.5 <= 1% >=6 >=2.5

>=98 and <=99 >=98 and <=99 >=95 and <=98.5 >1 and <=2 >=2.5 and <6 >=1 and <2.5<98 <98 <95 >2 <2.5 <1

Throughput (Mbps) - 5 MHz BW

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LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Accessibility

Next you can find the Accessibility formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.


ilitySXL00086 99.95SXL00086 99.88SXL00086 99.87SXL00086 99.87SXL00086 99.87SXL00086 99.89SXL00086 99.89SXL00086 99.89SXL00086 99.89SXL00086 99.83

Accessibility Formula100* (pmRrcConnEstabSucc/pmRrcConnEstabAtt-pmZtemporary9) * (pmS1SigConnEstabSucc/pmS1SigConnEstabAtt) * ((pmErabEstabSuccInit+pmErabEstabSuccAdded)/(pmErabEstabAttInit+pmErabEstabAttAdded))

›In providing wireless end-user services, the first step is to get access to the wireless service. After access to the service is performed, the service can be used. The service provided by LTE RAN for accessibility is the Evolved Radio Access Bearer (E-RAB).The success rate E-RAB establishment is calculated separately depending on if the E-RAB is established with the E-RAB setup or initial context setup procedure, the latter depends on the successful establishment of the RRC connection and S1 signaling between the RBS and the Mobile Management Entity (MME).

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ilitySXL00086 99.24SXL00086 99.78SXL00086 99.72SXL00086 99.71SXL00086 99.63SXL00086 99.67SXL00086 99.73SXL00086 99.71SXL00086 99.71SXL00086 99.67

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Retainability

Next you can find the Retainability formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.

Retainability Formula100 - (100 * (pmErabRelAbnormalEnbAct + pmErabRelMmeAct)/(pmErabEstabSuccInit+pmErabEstabSuccAdded))

In providing wireless end-user services, it is important that the services are not interrupted or ended prematurely.

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SXL00086 99.02SXL00086 98.50SXL00086 98.71SXL00086 98.72SXL00086 99.06SXL00086 98.82SXL00086 98.60SXL00086 98.88SXL00086 98.69SXL00086 98.55

Hand Over Success %100 * ( pmHoPrepSuccLteIntraF / pmHoPrepAttLteIntraF) * (pmHoExeSuccLteIntraF / pmHoExeAttLteIntraF)

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Hand Over Success

Next you can find the Han Over Success formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.

Is defined as the relation between the HO preparation phase between HO execution phase.

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SXL00086 0.32SXL00086 0.31SXL00086 0.31SXL00086 0.23SXL00086 0.24SXL00086 0.28SXL00086 0.33SXL00086 0.11SXL00086 0.12SXL00086 0.10

IRAT % Formula100 * (pmUeCtxtRelSCCdma + pmUeCtxtRelSCGsm + pmUeCtxtRelSCWcdma) / pmUeCtxtEstabSucc

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•IRAT

Next you can find the IRAT formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.

The Coverage-Triggered WCDMA IRAT (WCDMA Inter Radio Access Technology) Handover feature is, first, to extend this with the option of initiating a handover to a WCDMA cell, instead of initiating a release. Second, to handle an incoming handover (to an LTE cell) from a WCDMA cell.Using Handover to transfer UE between the nodes of different technologies enables the target node (RBS to RNC) to use different admission criteria than would be used at a plain connection setup. This males it possible to improve the probability that a service.

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SXL00086 9.8229427SXL00086 9.9733963SXL00086 9.9291111SXL00086 9.3012615SXL00086 10.887749SXL00086 9.9798629SXL00086 10.387789SXL00086 10.720162SXL00086 10.27475SXL00086 10.351163

Thput_DL (Mbps) Formula(pmPdcpVolDlDrb - pmPdcpVolDlDrbLastTTI) / (pmUeThpTimeDl)

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Thrpt DL (Mbps)

Next you can find the Thrpt DL (Mbps) formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.

This KPI measures the impact on the end user. pmPDcpVoID and pmPdcpVoIDIDrblastTti include both AM (acknowledge mode) and UM (Unacknowledged mode) traffic.

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SXL00086 3.7412177SXL00086 1.3820806SXL00086 0.813203SXL00086 1.2181346SXL00086 2.0467941SXL00086 2.0167745SXL00086 1.2251556SXL00086 0.6860521SXL00086 1.2464912SXL00086 1.4023224

Thput_UL (Mbps) FormulapmZtemporary4 / (pmUeThpTimeUl)

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Thrpt UL (Mbps)

Next you can find the Thrpt UL (Mbps) formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.

This KPI measures the impact on the end user. Is the data transfer over time from the UE to the RBS.

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Thput_DL (Gbps) Formula(pmPdcpVolDlDrb + pmPdcpVolDlSrb)/1000000


L(Gbit)SXL00086 1.614077SXL00086 13.05819SXL00086 14.855987SXL00086 13.4371SXL00086 5.7186026SXL00086 4.72608SXL00086 15.258181SXL00086 18.644558SXL00086 14.687885SXL00086 15.023338

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s •Thrpt DL (Gbps)

Next you can find the Thrpt DL (Gbps) formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI. The value shown is multiplied by 8.

This KPI measures the impact on the end user. pmPDcpVoID and pmPdcpVoIDIDrblastTti include both AM (acknowledge mode) and UM (Unacknowledged mode) traffic.

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Thput_UL (Gbps) Formula(pmPdcpVolUlDrb + pmPdcpVolUlSrb)/1000000


L(Gbit)SXL00086 1.614077SXL00086 13.05819SXL00086 14.855987SXL00086 13.4371SXL00086 5.7186026SXL00086 4.72608SXL00086 15.258181SXL00086 18.644558SXL00086 14.687885SXL00086 15.023338

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s•Thrpt UL (Gbps)

Next you can find the Thrpt UL (Gbps) formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.

This KPI measures the impact on the end user. pmPDcpVoIU and pmPdcpVoIUIDrblastTti include both AM (acknowledge mode) and UM (Unacknowledged mode) traffic.

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CS Fall Back %100 * (pmUeCtxtRelCsfbWcdma + pmUeCtxtRelCsfbWcdmaEm) / pmUeCtxtEstabSucc


L(Gbit)SXL00086 0.6332939SXL00086 2.2559501SXL00086 1.6392129SXL00086 1.8906411SXL00086 0.7786018SXL00086 0.6163126SXL00086 2.177365SXL00086 2.2563411SXL00086 2.1019436SXL00086 2.7007329

LTE POST Launch – kpi’s •CS Fall Back %

Next you can find the CS Fall Back formula that BO uses to get this specific KPI.

CSFB feature enables voice services using existing 3G-CS voice domain functions when VoIP is not supported in LTE and UE does not support IMS. The CSFB feature enables LTE terminals to request CS services. When the terminal requests a CS service it will be directed to a WCDMA or GSM access technology the feature operates.

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LTE POST Launch – worst offender analysis

•Worst Analysis Offender – Daily – Verification and reporting.

Date %Accessibility #ERABatt %Retainability #Drop %HOSucc %IRAT @ThrptDL @ThrptUL @TrafficDL(Gbit) @TrafficUL(Gbit) %CSFB

6/10/2013 99.80 3107303 99.82 5444 97.81 1.38 3.85 0.52 4814.69 496.67 2.05

6/11/2013 99.78 3160597 99.82 5743 97.84 1.45 3.45 0.50 5134.42 511.92 2.01

6/12/2013 99.79 3188838 99.81 6167 97.97 1.47 3.51 0.41 5181.28 487.12 1.97

6/13/2013 99.72 3219770 99.79 6643 97.60 1.03 3.32 0.39 5312.63 501.89 2.04

6/14/2013 99.73 3172420 99.82 5832 97.59 1.18 3.94 0.43 4911.23 457.97 2.17

6/15/2013 99.75 3168622 99.81 5869 96.66 1.18 4.39 0.42 4900.96 444.55 1.77

6/16/2013 99.74 3256238 99.79 6808 96.90 1.08 3.45 0.48 5131.56 566.22 1.43

6/17/2013 99.73 3211178 99.78 6965 96.09 0.83 3.58 0.46 4992.52 520.04 2.05

6/18/2013 99.75 3267601 99.79 6722 97.56 0.84 3.49 0.45 4927.58 516.51 2.04

6/19/2013 99.77 3196289 99.78 7013 97.06 0.85 3.69 0.40 5184.95 476.92 2.04

6/20/2013 99.78 3296986 99.82 6055 97.85 1.70 3.66 0.47 5160.66 513.01 2.05

6/21/2013 99.78 3205358 99.80 6460 97.70 1.73 4.19 0.48 5144.48 506.56 2.14

6/22/2013 99.79 3144005 99.78 6848 97.09 1.81 4.13 0.44 5014.30 487.91 1.71

6/23/2013 99.78 3169192 99.79 6668 97.67 1.61 3.63 0.47 5295.03 543.28 1.44

Looking at the Daily KPI’s you can take specific actions from each KPI. In this example you need to analyze the performance from the KPI’s colored in yellow or red.

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LTE POST Launch – worst offender analysis

•Worst Analysis Offender - Hourly – Data Collection

From the hourly KPIs, you can find out the moment you are having Issues for an especific day. In order to build your criteria.

Date Hour %Accessibility #ERABatt %Retainability #Drop %HOSucc %IRAT @ThrptDL @ThrptUL @TrafficDL(Gbit) @TrafficUL(Gbit) %CSFB

6/23/2013 0 99.86 120215 99.75 303 95.96 1.09 3.67 0.68 255.39 34.64 0.76

6/23/2013 1 99.84 106244 99.87 142 97.96 0.87 5.09 0.36 165.27 13.70 0.64

6/23/2013 2 99.79 100227 99.90 104 97.01 0.81 5.68 0.32 135.22 11.80 0.45

6/23/2013 3 99.74 92510 99.87 124 95.70 0.59 6.44 0.24 91.04 8.33 0.37

6/23/2013 4 99.81 89436 99.93 64 94.33 0.63 8.01 0.28 60.20 6.39 0.24

6/23/2013 5 99.74 89445 99.89 96 94.43 0.64 7.63 0.35 59.25 6.72 0.21

6/23/2013 6 99.83 93012 99.85 138 95.45 0.95 8.49 0.33 55.53 6.46 0.35

6/23/2013 7 99.81 102399 99.88 124 95.73 1.04 7.39 0.89 101.17 19.33 0.56

6/23/2013 8 99.81 115224 99.82 205 97.42 1.20 6.50 0.76 159.17 25.16 1.03

6/23/2013 9 99.84 130322 99.83 221 97.02 1.45 5.35 0.72 183.76 23.83 1.51

6/23/2013 10 99.85 139134 99.82 245 97.79 1.77 4.92 0.58 252.02 25.79 1.82

6/23/2013 11 99.87 142551 99.82 251 98.08 1.83 4.56 0.49 240.65 23.72 1.98

6/23/2013 12 99.83 149066 99.82 273 97.86 2.09 4.00 0.42 250.59 22.11 2.15

6/23/2013 13 99.77 150360 99.75 369 98.03 2.20 3.37 0.40 272.26 24.17 2.07

6/23/2013 14 99.75 150891 99.76 366 97.76 2.28 3.25 0.35 297.28 24.41 2.05

6/23/2013 15 99.76 151504 99.75 376 98.23 2.21 3.81 0.40 269.71 23.73 2.04

6/23/2013 16 99.73 151922 99.69 472 98.07 2.12 3.77 0.32 275.85 22.86 1.98

6/23/2013 17 99.73 153592 99.69 478 97.87 2.38 3.37 0.34 283.96 24.47 2.12

6/23/2013 18 99.70 156860 99.72 435 97.79 2.17 3.21 0.45 293.62 27.99 2.08

6/23/2013 19 99.69 160477 99.74 411 98.08 2.01 3.40 0.42 293.27 29.49 1.91

6/23/2013 20 99.74 164416 99.79 344 98.09 1.69 3.19 0.52 316.65 35.05 1.82

6/23/2013 21 99.81 168007 99.72 465 98.10 1.57 2.41 0.56 350.65 45.01 1.66

6/23/2013 22 99.82 156000 99.75 392 97.96 1.43 2.45 0.38 347.84 34.57 1.05

6/23/2013 23 99.76 135378 99.80 270 97.91 1.14 3.09 0.32 284.67 23.56 0.68

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LTE POST Launch – worst offender analysis

•Worst Analysis Offender – Cell Id – Data Collection

›Next step is to identify the worst offender but filtered by Cell ID. This allows you to do an individual analysis for each worst offender, In this example HO and IRAT analysis needs to be analyzed, so individual recommendations will be sent to customer in order to have the approval.

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LTE POST Launch – worst offender analysis

•Worst Analysis Offender – Cell Id – HO Analysis – Recommendations - Implementation

›In this example, HO analysis was done and recommendations approved and applied for the SXL01019_7B. So, HO% trend needs to be shown for their respective follow up.

EUtranCellFDD Date %Accessibility #ERABatt %Retainability #Drop %HOSucc %IRAT @ThrptDL @ThrptUL @TrafficDL(Gbit) @TrafficUL(Gbit) %CSFB

SXL01019_7B_1 6/17/2013 99.88 53231 99.77 122 78.04 1.13 7.38 0.37 79.625274 7.744939 1.76

SXL01019_7B_1 6/18/2013 99.87 53628 99.78 119 79.96 1.27 6.26 0.23 95.677598 6.784503 1.69

SXL01019_7B_1 6/19/2013 99.83 49370 99.74 128 82.44 1.32 7.46 0.26 93.605957 6.714742 1.87

SXL01019_7B_1 6/20/2013 99.87 50170 99.82 90 85.93 1.42 7.09 0.44 99.926567 7.873977 1.76

SXL01019_7B_1 6/21/2013 99.79 49531 99.87 64 97.10 1.29 8.47 0.29 95.545434 5.862114 1.93

SXL01019_7B_1 6/22/2013 99.61 52376 99.81 101 98.26 1.17 7.18 0.31 97.689139 6.492847 1.31

SXL01019_7B_1 6/23/2013 99.61 51243 99.80 105 96.24 1.30 7.44 0.32 73.766458 6.221609 1.06

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LTE POST Launch – worst offender analysis

•Worst Analysis Offender

›Improving by individual worst offender will impact the Cluster statistics, so all the changes needs to be recorded in order to detect and avoid a bad impact.›During any analysis you need to look at alarms, VSWR and UL RSSI in all the cell ID’s involved in order to find out any issue that can impact the performance.

EUtranCellFDD Date %Accessibility #ERABatt %Retainability #Drop %HOSucc %IRAT @ThrptDL @ThrptUL @TrafficDL(Gbit) @TrafficUL(Gbit) %CSFB

SXL01019_7B_1 6/17/2013 99.88 53231 99.77 122 78.04 1.13 7.38 0.37 79.625274 7.744939 1.76

SXL01019_7B_1 6/18/2013 99.87 53628 99.78 119 79.96 1.27 6.26 0.23 95.677598 6.784503 1.69

SXL01019_7B_1 6/19/2013 99.83 49370 99.74 128 82.44 1.32 7.46 0.26 93.605957 6.714742 1.87

SXL01019_7B_1 6/20/2013 99.87 50170 99.82 90 85.93 1.42 7.09 0.44 99.926567 7.873977 1.76

SXL01019_7B_1 6/21/2013 99.79 49531 99.87 64 97.10 1.29 8.47 0.29 95.545434 5.862114 1.93

SXL01019_7B_1 6/22/2013 99.61 52376 99.81 101 98.26 1.17 7.18 0.31 97.689139 6.492847 1.31

SXL01019_7B_1 6/23/2013 99.61 51243 99.80 105 96.24 1.30 7.44 0.32 73.766458 6.221609 1.06

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LTE POST Launch – worst offender analysis

•Worst Analysis Offender - Recommendations

›In some way the KPI’s are related between each other, for instance:›IRAT analysis. Some parameters changes can impact the Retainability KPIs because you try to delay the inter radio technology, so you will force the UE to remain in LTE with the lowest RF conditions possible, so drop call can come up.›HO Success. You can impact Retainability if you block some cell relations needed to support the HO.›Alarms, VSWR and UL RSSI can impact directly to the KPI’s so this is the first step in your optimization, to check the health of your network.›When you analyze KPI’s keep the eye on the impact in each of them, you need to consider and correlate the mobility regarding radio conditions.

EUtranCellFDD Date %Accessibility #ERABatt %Retainability #Drop %HOSucc %IRAT @ThrptDL @ThrptUL @TrafficDL(Gbit) @TrafficUL(Gbit) %CSFB

SXL01019_7B_1 6/17/2013 99.88 53231 99.77 122 78.04 1.13 7.38 0.37 79.625274 7.744939 1.76

SXL01019_7B_1 6/18/2013 99.87 53628 99.78 119 79.96 1.27 6.26 0.23 95.677598 6.784503 1.69

SXL01019_7B_1 6/19/2013 99.83 49370 99.74 128 82.44 1.32 7.46 0.26 93.605957 6.714742 1.87

SXL01019_7B_1 6/20/2013 99.87 50170 99.82 90 85.93 1.42 7.09 0.44 99.926567 7.873977 1.76

SXL01019_7B_1 6/21/2013 99.79 49531 99.87 64 97.10 1.29 8.47 0.29 95.545434 5.862114 1.93

SXL01019_7B_1 6/22/2013 99.61 52376 99.81 101 98.26 1.17 7.18 0.31 97.689139 6.492847 1.31

SXL01019_7B_1 6/23/2013 99.61 51243 99.80 105 96.24 1.30 7.44 0.32 73.766458 6.221609 1.06

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LTE POST Launch – kpi Delivery schedule

•KPI’s Delivery Schedule

– After delivering quick daily reports up to 30 days after cluster is launched you need to prepare a Close Out Package report with the resume for all those 30 days of analysis.

– In case you are analyzing SSV/NSB sites you have to perform a Close Out Package report for only 10 days, so you have only 10 days to improve the performance for each site.

– For both cases, every KPI must be justified in case you didnt reach the green KPI.

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LTE POST Launch – COP •Close Out Package (COP)

›Close Out Package (COP) is a report that summarizes the final statistics after deadline is reached. You need to mention via graphs the actions and the final improvement. Parameter changes summary needs to be shown as well as a description of the Cluster/SSV/NSB.

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LTE POST Launch – optimization cylce

•Post launch Optimization Cycle:

›Always keep in mind the LTE Post Launch Optimization Cycle in order to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

Implementation Verification & Reporting

Recommendations Data Collection


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›After final results you need to send recommendations (Way Forward), recommendation for the good performance after delivering.›In Post Launch the customer management has a big weigh because you have full face to face interaction with the customer.›Every recommendation must be full supported and well explained.›Is mandatory to have the approval for any change before to be implemented.›Full parameter understanding is required before take any activity.›Every change will impact directly to the final customer, also the billing of the company.