LRM Kel. 3. BSI 5B, Uswatun Hs, Susi Kasmawati, Mutiara, Arnetania Febryna, Rahmat Hidayat OK.doc

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Arranged by:

Arnetania Febryna


Rahmat Hidayat

Susi Kasmawati

Uswatun Hasanah

Submitted to:

DR. Diana Rozelin., SS., MA





INTODUCTIONA. Background of The ResearchIn the modern era, the regional languages seem began to disappear from us. Children, teenagers, students are expected to cultivate the languages of their respective regions, was more interested in civilizing languages or dialects today. Such as: loe, gue, nyokap, bokap and ect. Language is something that is important for the progress of a country. However, we should not forget the culture. Language is a culture, a nation will not be known without culture. Culture is the identity of a nation.Language is also the identity of a people or society.State of Indonesia is a country that consists of various islands, race, ethnicity, and culture. Wealth, making Indonesia the different countries and recognized by other countries. Cultural differences between Indonesian society must be maintained and cultivated.In the globalization era, technology has developed very good. Technological developments are also followed by the development and progress of a country. If we want to master the technology, then mastering the language. Why? With language we can access all the information, learn where and receipts any language with ease. Technology is important. With technology we can learn all sorts of language through the Internet or other media. Technological developments are expected to cultivate languages, the culture that we have.Inside there is a language whose name dialogue / dialect. Dialects vary between regions. Definition of dialect by Oxford: dialect is form of a language usd in part of country. The dialect of the definition, it can be concluded that the dialect is part of the language used by the world community, in every country or region has their dialect and it may be a characteristic and distinguishing between one region to other regions.According to Andiopenta : Dialek adalah variasi bahasa dari sekelompok penutur yang jumlahnya relatif, yang berada pada suatu tempat wilayah atau area tertentu. In this variety of language that used with group of society in a region and member it is relative.From the above explanation explains that the dialect is also part of the language that is used in each region across the country, cities and villages. That explains why the dialect and language that is very important.Indonesian has the language differences between regions. Such as Jambi, Jambi is a province that is rich in culture and language or dialect differences between regions. A variety of dances typical of the region Jambi be an interesting thing. Example: Traditional dance: Sekapur Sirih. The dance, very popular and characteristic culture of Jambi. In addition to dance, dialects among the areas that have the diversity, it is very interesting to learn.Differences in dialects between regions is characteristic of the area.Across the city of Jambi, which consists of several villages, have different dialects or languages. As in the village Kedemangan, Rangas Bandung and Sekernan. Three villages, has a different dialect. In this proposal, the author will explain about the dialects of what is often used by the villages and what are the differences between the dialects of the village.B. Formulation of The ReseacrhBased on the above, the author makes the following formulation of the research. :1. What is the status isolects used in the area Across the city of Jambi, especially in the village of Kedemangan, Rengas Bandung and Sekernan?2. What percentage of lexical differences of the that villages?C. Limition of The ResearchBased on the formulation of the research above, the purpose to undertake this work are as follows:1. To determine the status isolects used in the area Muaro Jambi, especially in the village of Kedemangan, Rengas Bandung, and Sekernan.2. To determine the percentage p lexical difference between the three areas of the other regions.D. Limitation of The ResearchIn this study, the authors make the boundary problem and the focus of the problem only with respect to the dialect in the village Kedemangan, Rengas Bandung and Sekernan.CHAPTER 2LITERATURE AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKA. Review of Literature Research on the Malay dialect Jambi has been done by the another people, our brother and sister of seventh semester sits now. Research about isolects Jambi wilt is done on the basis of fulfilling the task of the end of the course Linguistic Research Method. Based with isolects studies, languages, and dialects of Malay Jambi also done by many researchers to date.In accordance with the results of previous literature review as described above, this study conducted a study done on the basis of the end of the course to fulfill the task Reseacrh Linguistic Method.B. Teoretical Frameworka. DialectAccording to Diana in her research, bahasa dan dialek adalah dua bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Bahasa adalah alat atau perwujudan budaya yang digunakan oleh manusia untuk saling berkomunikasi atau berhubungan, baik melalui lisan, tulisan, maupun isyarat. According to Michel (in Marmanto, 2010:33) in Dianas research, there are some functions of language that can be seen from several aspects, that is:1. Dilihat dari sudut penutur, bahasa itu berfungsi personal, si penutur menyatakan sikap terhadap apa yang dituturkannya, si penutur bukan hanya mengungkapkan emosi lewat bahasa, tetapi juga memperlihatkan emosi itu sewaktu menyampaikan tuturannya, dalam hal ini pihak si pendengar juga dapat menduga sipenutur sedih, marah atau gembira;2. Dilihat dari segi pendengar atau lawan bicara, bahasa itu berfungsi direktif yaitu mengatur tingkah laku pendengar, maksudnya si pendengar melakukan sesuatu sesuai apa yang diinginkan oleh si pembicara;

3. Dilihat dari segi kontak antara penutur dan pendengar,bahasa bersifat interpersonal atau interaction, yaitu berfungsi menjalin hubungan, memelihara, memperlihatkan perasaan, bersahabat atau solidaritas sosial (bisa berupa senyuman, geleng kepala, dan sebagainya);

4. Dilihat dari segi topik tujuan, bahasa itu berfungsi referensial ada juga yang menyebutkannya fungsi denotatif atau fungsi informatif,di sini bahasa itu berfungsi sebagai alat untuk membicarakan peristwa yang ada disekeliling penutur atau yang ada dalam budaya pada umumnya;5. Dilihat dari segi kode yang digunakan, bahasa itu berfungsi sebagai metalingual atau metalinguistik (Jakobson 1960, Finnochiaro 1974), bahasa tersebut digunakan untuk membicarakan bahasa itu sendiri;

6. dilihat dari segiamanat (message) yang akan disampaikan maka bahasa itu berfungsi imajinatif (Halliday, 1973), sedangkan Jacobson (1960) menyebutnya sebagai Poetic Speech, karena sesungguhnya bahasa itu dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan pikiran, gagasan, dan perasaan baik sebenarnya maupun yang imajinatif.

Chambers and Trudgill (1998: 3) said that language is a collection of mutually intelligible dialects. Language is a collection of dialects are mutually comprehensible, so that this definition has the advantage of dialect as a subsection of the languages that have the criteria to differentiate between one language to another language. Thus, it refers to the variations of dialect that is grammatically, lexical, and phonological variation is different from the others.Chambers andTrudgill (1998: 3) in their book Dialectology in Dianas Research said that pada saat awal kemunculan bidang kajian ini, dialek sering dikaitkan dengan bahasa yang berstatus rendah, bentuk-bentuk bahasayang kasar, kelas pekerja dan kelompok-kelompok masyarakat yang berstatus ekonomi rendah. Dialek juga merupakan istilah yang sering digunakan untuk merujuk bahasa yang digunakan pada daerah-daerah yang terisolir dan tidak memiliki bentuk bahasa tulis. Penelitian yang berhubungan dengan dialek untuk pertama kali dilakukan oleh Georg Wenker pada tahun 1876, yang meneliti dialek-dialek di daerah Jerman. Dialectrefers to varieties which are grammatically (and perhaps lexically) as well as phonologically different from other varieties. If two speakers say, respectively, I done it last night and I did it last night, we can say that they are speaking different dialects. (Chambers dan Trudgill, 1998:5). Dialect differences within a language can be seen in the difference grammatically or phonology.Dialek merupakan variasi bahasa yang memiliki sistem lingual tersendiri, dipakai oleh sekelompok penutur di tempat tertentu, tetapi di antara kelompok penutur itu dengan kelompok lainnya masih terdapat pemahaman timbal balik satu dengan yang lainnya, (Kisyani, 2009: 6). Adanya saling memahami antarkelompok saat mereka melakukan komunikasi tentunya karena dialek-dialek yang digunakan oleh penutur berada di bawah satu payung bahasa yang sama. Dengan kata lain, ciri penting suatu dialek adalah adanya mutual intelligible (saling dapat memahami) antara pembicara dan mitra wicara, apabila kedua belah pihak tidak saling mengerti (mutual unintelligible) terhadap topik yang sedang dibicarakan, ini merupakan bahasa yang berdiri sendiri (Sumarsono dan Partana, 2002: 21-22).Dialect and language are two different sides. Dialects are part of the language but the language is not part of the dialect. The language itself may consist of several dialects. Language always the superordinate and dialect the subordinate term. X is a dialect of language Y, or Y has the dialects X and Z(Haugen, 2003: 116). So there is a possibility of Malay dialects in the village Kademangan, Sekernan, and Rengas Bandung, a subordinate of dialect Malay Jambi.

The study compared three groups of people who came from three different villages in the area opposite the city of Jambi using techniques dialektometri.According to Diana in her research dialektometri introduced by Jean Seguy (1973) in the essay entitled La Dialectometrie dans latlas Linguistique de la Gascogne. Revier in (Ayatrohaedi, 1983: 32) said that dialektometri adalah ukuran secara statistik dipergunakan untuk melihat berapa jauh perbedaan dan persamaan kosakata yang terdapat di tempat-tempat yang diteliti dengan membandingkan sejumlah bahan yang terkumpul dari tempat yang diteliti tersebut. The formula used for calculating dialektometri are:

(S x 100)_______ = d %


Notes:S= the amount of vocabulary or lexicon are differentn = number of maps were comparedd = distance in percentage vocabulary.Percentage results in the observation area correlated with percentage calculations isolects status to determine its position in the structure of language. Guiter (in Ayatrohaedi, 1983: 32), calculation in the field of lexicon, namely:

81% and above: considered differences in (BL)51- 80%: considered different dialects (BD)31-50%: considered the difference subdialek (BS)20 -30%: considered differences in speech(BW)under 20%: considered no difference.

Differences in the field of phonology:17% and above: considered differences in language (BL)12- 16%: considered different dialects (BD)8-11%: considered the difference subdialek (BS)4-7%: considered differences in speech (BW)

0-3%: considered no difference.

The explanation shows that there are two (2) formula, the formula dialektometri lexical and phonological dialektometri formula. Dialektometri lexical a distance calculations based on different lexical vocabulary. Dialektometri phonological a distance calculations based on differences in phonological vocabulary. However, in this study, the authors focused research to distinguish lexical dialektometri the three villages (Kedemangan, Rengas Bandung, and Sekernan).According to Daianas Research, prinsip umum dalam perhitungan dialektometri ini adalah pertama, apabila pada sebuah daerah pengamatan dikenal lebih dari satu bentuk untuk satu makna dan salah satu di antaranya dikenal di daerah pengamatan lain yang diperbandingkan, perbedaan itu dianggap tidak ada (-) atau (0); kedua, apabila di daerah pengamatan yang dibandingkan itu, salah satu di antaranya tidak memiliki bentuk sebagai realisasi suatu makna tertentu, dianggap ada perbedaan (+) atau (1); This principle was stated by Mahsun (1995: 119) and Nadra (2009: 96). The principle is used as the main reference in the study.b. PhonologyOne study of science which deals with the sound system in the human language are Phonology. The goal is to formulate the universality of language, ie find the basic characteristics of human speech sounds. Jeffers dan Lehiste (1979:35) expalined that salah satu kajian yang membahas tentang perubahan bunyi disebut dengan fonologi. According to Robins (1975:17) in Dianas Research is concerned with te patterns and organization of languages in terms of the phonetic features and categories involved, whereas phonology according to Mc Manis (1987:81) is concerned with how these sounds are systematically organized in a language, how they are combined to form words, how they are categorized by and interpreted in, the minds of speakers. Sounds are arranged systematically in a language. According to Lass (1991: 3) fonologi itu mempunyai tugas ganda: (a) mengkaji sifat keberadaan bunyi atau pemberian lambang inti formal bahasa dan (b) menghubungkan lambang bunyi dengan bentuknya, yaitu menentukan tempatnya dalam hubungan dengan aspek-aspek lain dari keseluruhan deskripsi. Thus, in the structure of the language, sounds either stand-alone or joined with other sounds basically has meaning.In Dianas Research, Nadra dan Reniwati (2009: 23-28) dividing the elements of language that shows the variation, thats: (1) unsur fonologis, (2) unsur morfologis, (3) unsur leksikal, (4) unsur sintaksis, dan (5) unsur semantik. This research focus is on the elements of phonological, lexical and morphological elements, it is confirmed by Nadra and Reniwati (2009: 51) that in writing dialectology, elements of phonology, lexicon and is considered adequate to describe the variety of languages. However, calculated and distinguished merely lexical differences.Lexical variation is a variation or difference of language contained in the field of the lexicon, the sounds come from different proto. Lexical associated with the word, lexeme, and lexicon. Makna leksikal adalah makna yang terkandung dalam sebuah kata yang bersifat tetap dan kata tersebut memiliki referen (Subroto, 2011: 31).

Examples of lexical or different lexical variation is the word USUS. The word that came up was [isi pert] used by village groups Rengas Bandung and Sekernan. While the word [uss] used by the groups: Kedemangan village..

C. FrameworkJambi Malay community studied were group or village is district of Muaro Jambi, the Village Kedemangan, Rengas Bandung and Sekernan.Jambi Malay community is seen heir trelatives through 176 glossed said.This verification is done by using the technique dialektometri. Through this technique known whether isolects currently used by the Malay community groups across the region including Jambi in different languages, dialects, subdialek, speech, or no difference. In addition, verification and analysis of the data also viewed mapping lexicon of each DP, BL, BS, SD, and BW. Three villages have a close distance. The third position is adjacent villages.

CHAPTER 3METHOD OF RESEARCHA. Place and Time of The Research1. PlaceThis research was conducted in the province of Jambi, especially in the district of Muara Jambi: Kedemangan Village, Bandung and village Rengas Sekernan), all located in the district of Muaro Jambi (Jambi City Seberang).2. TimeThe research was conducted for 2 weeks starting from 1 October to October 14, 2015. B. Kind of ResearchThis type of research there are two (2) ie quantitative research and qualitative research. This study used interchangeably. In the early stages using quantitative research to determine the status of each DP isolects compared. The second stage uses qualitative research to describe the data associated with the lexical data. According to Researchs Diana explained thats:

First, penelitian kuantitatif adalah penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat positivisme.Penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk meneliti populasi atau sampel tertentu, pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen penulisan, analisis data bersifat statistik dengan tujuan untuk menguji asumsi yang telah ditetapkan(Sugiyono, 2011:8). This philosophy of positivism in the field looking at the phenomenon as something that can be measured and can be used as a starting point of writing.

Penelitian kuantitatif sering juga disebut dengan positivistik atau metode tradisional, karena kemunculannya lebih dahulu dibandingkan dengan penelitian kualitatif yang biasa disebut dengan metode baru. Penelitian kuantitatif berupaya menguraikan suatu fenomena terbatas secara objektif dan menentukan kontrol terhadap fenomena (yang dilakukan) melalui intervensi (Muhammad, 2011:19). Thus, this study tested the initial assumptions found in the field.Quantitative research using comparative method, namely the calculation results of data found in the field were compared between one village to another located in Seberang city of Jambi, Muaro Jambi, Jambi. Dalam kajian tipologi bahasa, metode komparatif digunakan untuk mengamati persamaan dan perbedaan tipe bahasa-bahasa di dunia berdasarkan kajian struktur berbagai tataran kebahasaan secara sinkronis (Fernandez, 1993: 2-3).

Techniques used in quantitative research is dialektometri technique that aims to determine the status of the Malay isolects in Seberang city of Jambi. The determination of these controls associated with the numbers corresponding to the data in the field. These figures serve to reinforce the relations of kinship three villages.Second, Qualitative research using comparative methods with the aim to describe and compare the facts of language that occurs in isolects Malay Jambi in Jambi City Seberang.Penelitian kualitatif mendeskripsikan data real di lapangan (secara alamiah) dengan memperlihatkan kondisi bahasa dan kosakata yang diucapkan oleh informan secara langsung saat wawancara ataupun dalam kegiatan keseharian mereka. Data yang dikumpulkan tersebut merupakan kumpulan kata dan bukan rangkaian angka (Miles dan Huberman, 1992: 15). Penelitian kualitatif juga bermaksud untuk mengkaji permasalahan yang dialami oleh informan baik itu berupa perilaku, budaya, bahasa, motivasi, dan sebagainya. Fenomena tersebut dideskripsikan ke dalam bentuk kata-kata dalam konteks yang alamiah (Moleong, 2007:6).C. Source of Data AnalysisData were obtained from selected informants. This linguistic data in the form of phonemes, lexicon, and morpheme. Data can also be referred to as bahan penelitian atau lebih tepatnya bahan jadi penelitian (Sudaryanto, 1990: 9). The collected data included in the tabulation, so that data is stored properly.According diana in research, data sources This study consists of four parts: "Sources (informants), event or activity, place or location, documents and archives" (Sutopo, 1996: 48-51). This study uses only sources (informants), place or location, documents and archives as a data source.First, sources (informants). Informants are people who provide information. The position of the informants in this study is very important, because the informant is a person who provides important information, research needs. Informants were chosen the Kedemangan (Mr. Amin, Chairman of RT. 7), Village Rengas Bandung (H. Rozali, Chaiman Indigenous) and Sekernan (Sukamto, Kin Village Head) of each village that studied.Second, place. DP third residence location is across from the city of Jambi. Moreover, style or shape of the house into a home of their overall shape of the stage. The geographical position of the location is also used as supplementary information in the study.Third, documents and archives. The document is written material which may include books, monographs or previous research related to language. Note recordings that are formal and deliberate about the language or also called the archive will be used in this study. Note recordings in the form vocabularies collected from three informants.Informants related to population and sample. Population and sample is the object of research when researchers went into the field. Population is a comprehensive collection of objects to the attention of researchers. To determine the informant used the concept. Spradley (1980:12) in Dianas Research saidthat informan is King. The informant was the one who helped me to get an informant data.Pada principle it must understand the problems that are needed. Prior to conducting interviews, researchers gave an overview to the informant about his research and what to look for, so the informant knows what is desired by the researcher.Informants who have chosen must meet the specified criteria. Chambers and Trudgill (1998: 33) said the majority of informants has in all cases consisted of nonmobile, older, and rural males. Itis balace with Mahsun (2005:134), there are:

1. Manifold male or female; in the writing of this information is male.2. Aged between 25-65 years (not dementia);3. Parents, wives, from informants born and raised in the village and rarely or never left his village; informant and his family are the original residents of the village.4. Have pride isoleknya.5. Can the Indonesian language; at this point are preferred is that they understand the Malay dialect Jambi, although not perfectly.6. Physically and mentally healthy.

The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique. According to Sugiono Dianas Research, Teknic purposive sampling is making techniques, who did not give an opportunity or equal opportunity for each element or member of the population to be elected as informants ". In this technique, the selection of the informants to carry out certain considerations. Consideration in question is the one who has the highest office in the village.D. Technique Of Data Collection

Various sources of data in this study requires data collection techniques are needed, so as to answer the questions in the study. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, records and questionnaires.Techniques associated with the method. According to Goetz and Lecompte in (Sutopo, 1996: 55-65) data collection methods can be grouped into two (2) ways: method of interactive and non-interactive methods. Interactive methods of interviewing and observation techniques include passive role, while the non-interactive methods include questionnaires and recording techniques. This study uses interview techniques, records and questionnaires.a. Interview.Interviews were conducted in this research is interview arrangement made open-ended questions, no pressure and not to chase the target, goes the familiar atmosphere and full of friendship. This interview is more humanistic and flexible, the more important is openness between researcher and researched, in order to explore the views of informants studied about vocabulary isolects Jambi Malay Opposite to be used as a foothold in this study. Interviews are underway not only alone with informants but also accompanied by some relatives or village head so that when the informant forgot or wrong, they were reminded.b. Questionnaire.The questionnaire is a list of questions for pengumpulkan data in the field. Questionnaire in this study is done directly where the researcher read the questions and answers are recorded informants directly by researchers in the questionnaire that has been provided.c. RecordingRecord, cameras can be tools, photographs and recording tool that serves to record the interview in progress. If there are problems in gathering data through questionnaires, the researchers can check the validity of the data back through a recording device that has been done before.This recording technique aims to facilitate researchers in analyzing data or verify data or to check the validity of the data when researchers feel hesitant or unsure with vocabulary that is being analyzed. Recording must be made carefully and inserted into the data tabulation. Accuracy in recording the vocabulary spoken by the informant is very important. Careful examination of the data by allowing researchers to obtain valid data and realiable.E. Technique of Data Analysis Diana based research, data analysis technique is an advanced stage after the data were tabulated and classified. Data analysis is the process of organize and sort the data into patterns, categories and unit basic outline that can be found themes and working hypothesis can be formulated as suggested by the data (Moleong, 2007: 248).In the data analysis, this study uses comparative method. Then, the technique used is the technique of appeal to equate circuit (HBS), a technique to distinguish appeal circuit (HBB) and circuit techniques appeal to equate the subject matter (HBSP) (Mahsun, 2005: 114) was used to analyze .Teknik phonemes, lexicon, and morpheme , Implementation of the above methods and techniques by means of identification forms become the realization of a particular meaning for each DP.

F. Presentation of Results of Data Analysis TechniquesThe next phase of the study is the presentation of the results of data analysis is expected to generate rules. In the study diana, Mahsun view (2005: 200) concerning the presentation of the results of the analysis of the data, in line with the view Sudaryanto (2001: 144) that divides methods of presenting these rules in two types, namely: formal and informal. The method is a formulation with a formal presentation of signs and symbols. Signs (symbols) and abbreviations associated in this study for example: the square brackets [], and so on. Then, an informal presentation of the method is the formulation with ordinary words. This method uses the words in describing the results of the data analysis. Thus, this study used two methods.

G. Overview Of ResearchKedemangan village, Bandung Rengas and Sekernan village is the village that goes to the District of Muaro Jambi. The three villages are not too far from the bridge Auduri 1 which is one of the go access to cross the other side of the stricken city of Jambi. These three villages are also located on the edge of the highway. So access to the village is also not difficult. Although the distance from the city of Jambi to the village takes approximately 30 minutes.Below are some photos of informants when conducting interviews:

Image 1.1 The Chairman of RT 7 Kedemangan when interview

Image 1.2. The Chairman of RT 7 Kademangan After Interview

CHAPTER 4FINDING AND ANALYSISA. FindingThis chapter discusses the identification of a dialect of Malay Jambi Jambi province across the region that includes three villages namely Kedemangan, Rengas Bandung and Sekernan.Dialektrometri calculation is done based on 176 glossed used as supporting data in the lexicon description of the differences between regions observation. Overall data on three in Jambi is 528. The area (DP) includes the village Kedemangan, Rengas Bandung and Sekernan. Data analysis found no difference phonological glossed number 18, number 73 glosses lexical differences, and zero (no difference) 83 glos number.Based on the analysis of data different lexical and phonological differences wither jambi have different results.Results dialektometri to wither jambi lexical difference across the province of Jambi between DP 1 and DP 3 is no difference.

Results dialektometri to wither jambi lexical difference across the province of Jambi between DP 2 and DP 3 is different from speech.B. Analysis1. Identification isolects Opposite Malay Jambi By LexicalBased on data collected by different lexical namely 73 glosses. Lexical data has granting of a diverse, there is one gift from two granting of, and the three granting of. In the table below zero the data displayed and lexical differences. Zero data were not analyzed because the data is the same for all DP, there is no difference. The details of the amount for each type of difference are: Table 2.1 details Number Type Lexical Differences Across Malay Jambi.No.Type DifferencesNumber

1Lexical (73)2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 42, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76, 81, 84, 86, 93, 95, 98, 102, 104, 105, 108, 109, 112, 118, 121, 127, 130, 134, 137, 140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 154, 155, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 172, 175.

2Zero (85)1, 9, 12,13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 51, 57, 65, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75, 77, 80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, 92, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106, 107, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 131, 132, 133,135, 136, 138, 139, 144, 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 161, 164, 166, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177.

Lexical differences in this study using triangular calculations dialektometri. Regions close and allow the group to perform communication that is connected to the triangular map dialektometri. This mapping is used to calculate the isolects status at each DP. DP mapping is 1: 2, DP 1: 3, and DP 2: 3.Observation area in Jambi there are three (3) Kedemangan village, Rengas Bandung and Sekernan. Each village is represented by a single informant.Lexical data collected are compared with each other according to the map. If one is similar to the giving of the gift from the other, that part is considered not to have differences due to different lexical phonological considered no difference (ignored). If one DP has two granting of which one of them is the same as the DP are compared it is considered that there is no difference. table: Table 2.2 Data Across Different Lexical Malay JambiNOGLOSKedemanganRengas BandungSekernan


43 thH. Rozali

67 thSukamto

34 th


12Dua[duo][duo][duo k]

23Tiga[tigo][tigo][tigo k]

34Empat[empt][empt][empt k]

45Lima[limo][limo][limo k]

56Enam[enam][enam][enam k]

67Tujuh[tuh][tuh][tuh k]



916Enam puluh[duo pulh limo][duo polh limo][duo puluh limo]

1017Dua puluh lima[limo pulh][limo polh][limo pulh]

1118Enam puluh[enam pulh][enam polh][enam pulh]

1224Banyak[baak][belambn, baak][belambn]


1426bagian (sebagian)[bagIan][separh][separh/sebagIan]

1528satu setengah [sat seteah][teah duo][teah duo]


1629sehasta (seperempat depa)[seempat depo][sehasto][seasto]


1832bahu, satu bahu (700 m)[bau][sedepo][sebau]

1933satu patok (200 m)[satu pat][sebid][sek pat]


2038Sejuk[se][se][se siap]

2139pagi buta[mash sobh][sen][pagI kelam/pagI buto]

2240Sore[sor][sor kemalaman] [gelap/malam]

2342malam; ke-an[malam][deat]deat]

2447tiga hari yang lalu[tigo arI lal][tigo arI lal][la tigo arI/tigo arI lal]

2548Besok [bs][es][es]

2650minggu depan[mig depan][mig depan][mig diadap]

2752tujuh hari [tuh arI][semIgu] [

2853tiga puluh hari[tigo pulh arI][sbulan][sbulan]

2954tiga puluh enam hari [tigo pulh enam arI][tIgo polh enam] arI][sebulan nam arI]


3066gigi seri[gigi seri][tare][tare]

3167gigi seri yang maju (gingsul)[gigi manc][or][or]

3271gigi rusak (hitam)[gigi rusa][gigi bol][gigi bol]

3372geraham [raha][geema][geema]

3474Lesung pipi[lesu pipi][les ppt][les ppt]

3576pusat arah di kepala[asar][kisaran][kisaran]


3784Belikat[urat belIkat][belIkat][belIkat]


3993Lengan[taan] [lan][lan]

4095pergelangan tangan[gela taan] [pegelaan][pegelaan]

4198ibu jari[mpol][Indu taan][indu taan]


43104telapak tangan[telapa taan] [tapa taan][tapa taan]

44105garis-garis telapak tangan[garIs-garIs telapa taan ][gars taan][gars taan]




48112tulang betis[tula bets][tula ker][tula ker]

49118Usus[uss][isi pert][isi pert]

50121Tulang[tula][tula ker][tula ker]

51127Dubur [dubr][burt][burt]

52130Bulu mata[bulu mato][bulu mato][bulu mato]

53134Bulu diatas tahi lalat[bulu di atas tahi lalat][bulu di atas tai lalat][bulu di atas tai lalat]

54137bulu kuduk[bulu kud][bulu kod][bulu kod]

55140Rambut/bulu kemaluan[embt][embt][embt]

56141bulu pada ibu jari kaki[bulu empl][bulu ari][bulu ari]

57142rambut ikal[kerIt][ikal]ikal]

58143rambut lurus[lurs][ker][ker]

59146kulit; kulit kering[kult kre][sis mekar][sis mekar]

60147warna hitam pada kulit sejak lahir[tompl][tando][tando]

61148mayat (manusia); bangkai[melIat tula][manyIt/bunta][manyIt/bunta]


62154Kamu sekalian[kamu gegaloe][kamu galoe/galo-[galoe][kamu galoe/galo-galoe]

63155Mereka[kawan kawan][ora tu][ora tu]

64159panggilan untuk gadis kecil, 5thn[ade][buda kecI][buda kecI]

65160panggilan untuk gadis remaja[[gads][gads]

66162panggilan untuk laki-laki kecil; 5thn[ad][buda lana][buda lana]

67163panggilan untuk laki-laki remaja[cow][buaan][buaan]






72172Anak termuda[ana busu][ana busu][ana palI kecI]

73175Kakak laki-laki orang tua[paman][uwak antan][uwak antan]

Table 2.2 shows the existence of a group that has one (1) and the granting of two (2) granting of. Data altogether 73 different lexical glosses. The data are then compared to one another based on a map of the triangle dialektometri. DP being compared are considered to have proximity DP or groups that allow for communication.Lexical table above shows the difference between the lexicon-DP, for example, the data number 165. (1) panggilan untuk laki-laki remaja, the explanation is DP 1 [cow], DP 2 [buaan], DP 3 [buaan]. If the entire lexicon in all HP together, then put in groups of no difference (zero) and were not analyzed because they are the same. Example chart:

Panggilan untuk laki-laki remaja

DP 1

DP 2

DP 3

[cow] [buaan] [buaan]

Lexicon DP1 and DP2 difference (+) DP1 and DP 3 different (+),, while the DP 2 and DP3 the same (-) no difference. This is slightly different from the data chart 3.2 (54) TIGA PULUH ENAM HARI, the explanation is DP 1 [tigo pulh enam arI], DP 2 [tIgo polh enam arI] and DP 3 [sebulan nam arI]. Example chart:


DP 1

DP 2

DP 3

[tigo pulh enam arI] [tIgo polh enam arI] [sebulan nam arI]

Lexicon DP1 and DP3 difference (+), while the lexicon DP 1 to DP 2 is deemed to be no different (-) for both the lexicon into the different phonological, phonological different in different groups of lexical ignored or considered equal. The difference is only 1 in the phoneme / u /, if more than 3 difference fonemnya then considered different lexical. Eg data chart 3.3 (71) GIGI RUSAK, the explanation is DP 1 [gigi rusa], DP 2 [gigi bol and DP 3 [gigi bol]. Example chart:


DP 1

DP 2

DP 3

[gigi rusa] [gigi bol] [gigi bol]

Lexicon DP1 and DP2 are included in different lexicon (+), nor on the data DP 1 and DP 3 are considered different lexicon. This difference occurs because there are four phonemes are not found in DP 3 namely: /r/,/u/,/s,/a///. Furthermore, when a DP has two diamonds and one beriannya found on other DP, then both DP is considered no different from (-), for example, the chart data is 3.4 (24) BANYAK, the explanation is DP 1 [baak], DP 2 [belambn], [baak] and DP 3 [belambn]. Example chart:


DP 1

DP 2 DP 3


[belambn], [baak] [belambn]

Lexicon DP 1 and DP 3 difference (+), while DP 2 which has two (2) granting of the [belambn], [baak]. When compared with DP 2 DP 3 then both DP was considered no different because one of the granting of the DP 2 found in DP 3. Thus, according to this explanation is different lexical analysis Malay Across the city of Jambi in three (3) villages in the district of Muaro Jambi as following:Table 2.3 Calculation Results Lexical Differences Across Malay Jambi SeberangNOGLOSDP

1:2 1:32:3










916Enam Puluh---

1017Dua Puluh Lima---

1118Enam Puluh---



1426Bagian (Sebagian)+--

1528Satu Setengah ++-


1629Sehasta (Seperempat Depa)--+


1832Bahu, Satu Bahu (700 M)+-+

1933Satu Patok (200 M)+-+

CMusim Dan Waktu


2139Pagi Buta+++


2342Malam; Ke-An++-

2447Tiga Hari Yang Lalu---

2548Besok ---

2650Minggu Depan---

2752Tujuh Hari---

2853Tiga Puluh Hari++-

2954Tiga Puluh Enam Hari---

DBagian Tubuh Manusia

3066Gigi Seri++-

3167Gigi Seri Yang Maju (Gingsul)++-

3271Gigi Rusak (Hitam)++-

3372Geraham ---

3474Lesung Pipi---

3576Pusat Arah Di Kepala++-





4095Pergelangan Tangan---

4198Ibu Jari++-


43104Telapak Tangan---

44105Garis-Garis Telapak Tangan++-




48112Tulang Betis++-




52130Bulu Mata---

53134Bulu Diatas Tahi Lalat---

54137Bulu Kuduk---

55140Rambut/Bulu Kemaluan---

56141Bulu Pada Ibu Jari Kaki++-

57142Rambut Ikal++-

58143Rambut Lurus++-

59146Kulit; Kulit Kering++-

60147Warna Hitam Pada Kulit Sejak Lahir++-

61148Mayat (Manusia); Bangkai++-

ETutur Sapaan Dan Acuan

62154Kamu Sekalian---


64159Panggilan Untuk Gadis Kecil, 5thn++-

65160Panggilan Untuk Gadis Remaja++-

66162Panggilan Untuk Laki-Laki Kecil; 5thn++-

67163Panggilan Untuk Laki-Laki Remaja++-

FIstilah Kekerabatan





72172Anak Termuda--+

73175Kakak Laki-Laki Orang Tua++-


Persentase 44,59%50,00%18,91%

Results from each DPT whole different lexical applied using the formula dialektometri, the result is the DP 1: 2 the result is 44.59%, DP 1: 3 the result is 50.00%, and DP 2: 3 the result is 18.91%. As for the exposure by using the following table: Table 2.4 Calculation OR Lexical Differences in Jambi.




32:31418,91Not Different

Based on Table 2.4 looks idiolect diverse identity of each DP in three (3) Village Muaro Jambi. DP 1 as compared with DP 2 and DP 3; and DP 2 are compared with DP 3 is included not different. This shows the relation between groups is still close kinship. Neither the identity isolects results for DP 1 as compared to DP 2 and DP 1 to DP 3; including into different subdialek. This shows the relation between groups is still close kinship.

CONCLUSION1. From the analytical results obtained, said that of the 176 existing glosses obtained 73 isolects stated lexical differences, 18 different phonology and 85 is zero. 2. The results of the overall difference lexical every DP dialektometri applied using the formula, the result is the DP 1: 2 the result is 44.59%, DP 1: 3 the result is 50.00%, and DP 2: 3 the result is 18.91%. Visible isolects diverse identity of each DP in three (3) Village Muaro Jambi. DP 1 as compared with DP 2 and DP 3; and DP 2 are compared with DP 3 is included not different. This shows the relation between groups is still close kinship. Neither the identity isolects results for DP 1 as compared to DP 2 and DP 1 to DP 3; including into different subdialek. This shows the relation between groups is still close kinship.

Image 1.3 The Chairman of Indigenous Village Rengas Bandung After Interview

imagr 1.4 Neighbors Village Head along the Village Head Sekernan in the residence of Mr. Head Village at Interview

Image 1.5 after Interview

Bagan (3.1) panggilan untuk laki-laki remaja


Bagan (3.3) GIGI RUSAK

Bagan (5.8) BANYAK


S: different subdialek

D: different dialect

W: beda wicara