LP4 Urban Land Use

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  • 8/17/2019 LP4 Urban Land Use


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    These icons indicate that teacher’s notes or useful web addresses are available in the Notes

    Page.This icon indicates that the slide contains activities created in Flash. These activities are not

    editable. For more detailed instructions, see the Getting Started  

    presentation.© Boardworks Ltd 2005

    KS4rban !and use

  • 8/17/2019 LP4 Urban Land Use


    © Boardworks Ltd 2005

    • "hat is a land use model#

    • Why does land use vary within an urban area?

    • What are the characteristics of the Central

    Business istrict !CB"?

    • What are the characteristics of the inner city?

    • What are the characteristics of the suburbs?   !  e  a

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       b   $  e  c   t   i  v  e


  • 8/17/2019 LP4 Urban Land Use


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    !and use models

    #eo$ra%hers use &odels to hel% the& understand

    reality' Land use &odels tell us where we &i$ht

    e(%ect to find different land uses like hi$h )uality

    housin$ or industry' *hey also hel% to e(%lain the

    %attern of $rowth of a city'

    Why do $eo$ra%hers study &odels?

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    !and use models % &oncentric 'odel


    (urgess based his

    studies on Chica$o'+e clai&ed that

    &ost towns and

    cities $row outwards

    fro& an old centre

    and e)ually in all


    ,n Britain- &any towns $rew ra%idly in the nineteenth.

    and twentieth.centuries'

    Why do you think that was the case?

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    &oncentric 'odel

    *his inner city area is also known as

    the )*one of Transition’ or the

    )Twilight *one’'


    inner cit+

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    rban growth

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    &oncentric 'odel

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    !and use models % Sector 'odel

    o+t develo%ed his &odel after the introduction of

    %ublic trans%ort' +e clai&ed that land uses develo%ed insectors alon$ &ain trans%ort routes'

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    rban models

    /" Which of these &odels

    is the Concentric1odel?

    2" What labels are

    &issin$ fro& the key?

    3" List the si&ilarities and

    differences between

    the &odels'

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    • What is a land use &odel?

    • "h+ does land use var+ within an urban area#

    • What are the characteristics of the Central

    Business istrict !CB"?

    • What are the characteristics of the inner city?

    • What are the characteristics of the suburbs?   !  e  a

      r  n   i  n  g   o

       b   $  e  c   t   i  v  e


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    "h+ does land use var+#

    Land values are a &aor influence on land use %atterns'

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    • Land values

    • 4%ace

    •  $e

    •  ccessibility

    • Wealth of the inhabitants

    • 6lannin$ %olicies

    "h+ does land use var+#

    Land values are a &aor influence on land use %atterns-

    but they are not the only factor7

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    Simple transect across a cit+








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    • What is a land use &odel?

    • Why does land use vary within an urban area?

    • "hat are the characteristics of the &entral

    (usiness -istrict &(-/#

    • What are the characteristics of the inner city?

    • What are the characteristics of the suburbs?   !  e  a

      r  n   i  n  g   o

       b   $  e  c   t   i  v  e


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    The &entral (usiness -istrict &(-/

    4tudy the followin$ slide'

    Write down the characteristics of a CB'

    What do you e(%ect to find in a CB?

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    The &entral (usiness -istrict &(-/

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    &(- &haracteristics

    /" Concentration of sho%s and


    2" +i$h %rice of land

    3" Buildin$s are tall with &ulti%le


    8" 9ften the :one with the oldestbuildin$s

    5" Concentration of traffic and


    ;" Little residential land use

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    &haracteristics of the &(-

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    • What is a land use &odel?

    • Why does land use vary within an urban area?

    • What are the characteristics of the Central

    Business istrict !CB"?

    • "hat are the characteristics of the inner cit+#

    • What are the characteristics of the suburbs?   !  e  a

      r  n   i  n  g   o

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    0nner cit+

    *he inner city includes a variety

    of land uses' 9ri$inally it used to

    be an area of nineteenth.centuryterraced housin$ for factory

    workers' 4o&e of this housin$

    has been now re%laced with

    hi$h rise flats'

    escribe these ty%ical inner city scenes'

    Why is the inner city also called the one of *ransition?

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    0nner cit+

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    0nner cit+ housing

    Why do you think the housin$

    was built in this way?

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    • What is a land use &odel?

    • Why does land use vary within an urban area?

    • What are the characteristics of the Central

    Business istrict !CB"?

    • What are the characteristics of the inner city?

    • "hat are the characteristics of the suburbs#   !  e  a

      r  n   i  n  g   o

       b   $  e  c   t   i  v  e


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    The suburbs

    *he suburbs $rew &ost ra%idly in the

    @A with the $rowth of the rail network'

    *his allowed %eo%le easier access to

    the city centre for work and recreation'

    *he suburbs contain a &i(ture of housin$ which

    tends to be &ore s%acious and &odern than the

    housin$ found in the inner city' We can dividethe suburbs into inner and outer suburbs'

    inner suburbs inter.war

    housin$ !/20./85"

    outer suburbs %ost.war housin$

    and council housin$ estates

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    The suburbs

    Why do you think %eo%le &oved to the suburbs fro& the inner city?

    4uch &ove&ent is called suburbanisation'

    i i th b b

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    ousing in the suburbs

    escribe the %attern of housin$ in the


    +ow does it differ to traditional inner city

    housin$ areas?

    0 it th b b #

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    0nner cit+ or the suburbs#

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    rban 1ones


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    rban 1ones

    0 hi h b 2 li3 l t fi d

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    0n which urban 1one2s are +ou li3el+ to find

    a sho% o%en at 2a&?

    a s&all corner sho%?

    the cathedral?

    a &useu&?

    a de%art&ent store?

    the hi$hest buildin$s?

    an old warehouse?

    houses with lar$e $ardens?

    $olf courses?


    a castle?

    b l d h t d 3 #

  • 8/17/2019 LP4 Urban Land Use


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    rban land use % what do +ou 3now#

    K id 5

  • 8/17/2019 LP4 Urban Land Use


    !and use models tell us where we &i$ht e(%ect to find

    different land uses and hel% to e(%lain the %attern of $rowth of

    a city'(urgess noted that urban areas $row outwards fro& an old

    centre in the concentric &odel' o+t said that $rowth

    occurred alon$ trans%ort routes in his sector  &odel'

    4everal factors influence land use patterns, es%ecially landvalues'

    ,n the &(- there are sho%s- offices and entertain&ents'

    ,n the inner cit+ there is nineteenth.century terraced housin$

    and industry- warehousin$ and hi$h.rise flats'

    ,n the suburbs there is &odernDhi$h class housin$- new

    industrial estatesDscience and business %arks- and sho%%in$'

    Ke+ ideas5