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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 1

    9. Lp-spaces, p [1,+]In the following, (, F, ) is a measure space.

    Exercise 1. Let f, g : (, F) [0, +] be non-negative and measurable maps.Let p, q R+, such that 1/p + 1/q= 1.

    1. Show that 1 < p < + and 1 < q < +.2. For all ]0, +[, we define : [0, +] [0, +] by:


    x if x R+

    + if x = +

    Show that is a continuous map.

    3. Define A = (

    fpd)1/p, B = (

    gqd)1/q and C =

    fgd. Explain whyA, B and C are well defined elements of [0, +].

    4. Show that ifA = 0 or B = 0 then C AB.

    5. Show that ifA = + or B = + then C AB.

    6. We assume from now on that 0 < A < + and 0 < B < +. DefineF = f /A and G = g/B. Show that:

    Fpd =

    Gpd = 1

    7. Let a, b ]0, +[. Show that:

    ln(a) + ln(b) ln


    pap +




    ab 1

    pap +



    Prove this last inequality for all a, b [0, +].

    8. Show that for all , we have:

    F()G() 1

    p(F())p +



    9. Show that C AB.

    Theorem 41 (Holder inequality) Let(, F, ) be a measure space and f, g :(, F) [0, +] be two non-negative and measurable maps. Let p, q R+ besuch that 1/p + 1/q= 1. Then:





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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 2

    Theorem 42 (Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:first)Let(, F, ) be a measure space and f, g : (, F) [0, +] be two non-negativeand measurable maps. Then:






    Exercise 2. Let f, g : (, F) [0, +] be two non-negative and measurablemaps. Let p ]1, +[. Define A = (

    fpd)1/p and B = (

    gpd)1/p and

    C = (

    (f + g)pd)1/p.

    1. Explain why A, B and C are well defined elements of [0, +].

    2. Show that for all a, b ]0, +[, we have:

    (a + b)p 2p1(ap + bp)

    Prove this inequality for all a, b [0, +].

    3. Show that ifA = + or B = + or C = 0 then C A + B.

    4. Show that ifA < + and B < + then C < +.

    5. We assume from now that A, B [0, +[ and C ]0, +[. Show theexistence of some q R+ such that 1/p + 1/q = 1.

    6. Show that for all a, b [0, +], we have:

    (a + b)p = (a + b).(a + b)p1

    7. Show that:

    f.(f + g)p1d ACpq

    g.(f + g)p1d BC


    8. Show that:

    (f + g)pd Cpq (A + B)

    9. Show that C A + B.

    10. Show that the inequality still holds if we assume that p = 1.

    Theorem 43 (Minkowski inequality) Let(, F, ) be a measure space andf, g : (, F) [0, +] be two non-negative and measurable maps. Let p [1, +[. Then:

    (f + g)p

    d 1p


    d 1p



    d 1p


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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 3

    Definition 73 The Lp-spaces, p [1, +[, on (, F, ), are:


    (, F, )=

    f: (, F)(R, B(R)) measurable,

    |f|pd < +


    (, F, )=

    f: (, F)(C, B(C)) measurable,

    |f|pd < +

    For all f LpC

    (, F, ), we put:




    Exercise 3. Let p [1, +[. Let f, g LpC

    (, F, ).

    1. Show that LpR

    (, F, ) = {f LpC

    (, F, ) , f() R}.

    2. Show that LpR

    (, F, ) is closed under R-linear combinations.

    3. Show that LpC

    (, F, ) is closed under C-linear combinations.

    4. Show that f + gp


    + gp


    5. Show that fp = 0 f = 0 -a.s.

    6. Show that for all C, fp = ||.fp.

    7. Explain why (f, g) f gp is not a metric on LpC

    (, F, )

    Definition 74 For all f : (, F) (C, B(C)) measurable, Let:

    f= inf{M R+ , |f| M -a.s.}

    The L-spaces on a measure space (, F, ) are:

    LR (, F, )

    ={f: (, F) (R, B(R)) measurable, f < +}

    LC (, F, )={f: (, F) (C, B(C)) measurable, f < +}

    Exercise 4. Let f, g LC

    (, F, ).

    1. Show that LR

    (, F, ) = {f LC

    (, F, ) , f() R}.

    2. Show that |f| f -a.s.

    3. Show that f + g f + g.

    4. Show that LR

    (, F, ) is closed under R-linear combinations.

    5. Show that LC

    (, F, ) is closed under C-linear combinations.

    6. Show that f = 0 f = 0 -a.s..


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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 4

    7. Show that for all C, f = ||.f.

    8. Explain why (f, g) f g is not a metric on LC (, F, )

    Definition 75 Let p [1, +]. Let K = R or C. For all > 0 and f LpK

    (, F, ), we define the so-called open ball in LpK

    (, F, ):

    B(f, )= {g : g Lp

    K(, F, ), f gp < }

    We call usual topology in LpK

    (, F, ), the set T defined by:

    T= {U : U Lp

    K(, F, ), f U, > 0, B(f, ) U}

    Note that if (f, g) f gp was a metric, the usual topology in LpK

    (, F, ),would be nothing but the metric topology.

    Exercise 5. Let p [1, +]. Suppose there exists N F with (N) = 0 andN = . Put f = 1N and g = 0

    1. Show that f, g LpC

    (, F, ) and f = g.

    2. Show that any open set containing f also contains g.

    3. Show that LpC

    (, F, ) and LpR

    (, F, ) are not Hausdorff.

    Exercise 6. Show that the usual topology on LpR

    (, F, ) is induced by theusual topology on Lp

    C(, F, ), where p [1, +].

    Definition 76 Let (E, T) be a topological space. A sequence (xn)n1 in E is

    said to converge to x E, and we write xnT x, if and only if, for all U T

    such that x U, there exists n0 1 such that:

    n n0 xn U

    When E = LpC

    (, F, ) or E = LpR

    (, F, ), we write xnLp x.

    Exercise 7. Let (E, T) be a topological space and E E. Let T = T|Ebe the induced topology on E. Show that if (xn)n1 is a sequence in E and

    x E, then xnT x is equivalent to xn

    T x.

    Exercise 8. Let f,g, (fn)n1 be in LpC

    (, F, ) and p [1, +].

    1. Recall what the notation fn f means.

    2. Show that fnLp f is equivalent to fn fp 0.

    3. Show that iffnLp f and fn

    Lp g then f = g -a.s.

    Exercise 9. Let p [1, +]. Suppose there exists some N F such that(N) = 0 and N = . Find a sequence (fn)n1 in L


    (, F, ) and f, g in


    (, F, ), f = g such that fnLp f and fn

    Lp g.


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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 5

    Definition 77 Let(fn)n1 be a sequence in LpC

    (, F, ), where (, F, ) is ameasure space and p [1, +]. We say that (fn)n1 is a Cauchy sequence,if and only if, for all > 0, there exists n0 1 such that:

    n, m n0 fn fmp

    Exercise 10. Let f, (fn)n1 be in LpC(, F, ) and p [1, +]. Show that if

    fnLp f, then (fn)n1 is a Cauchy sequence.

    Exercise 11. Let (fn)n1 be Cauchy in LpC

    (, F, ), p [1, +].

    1. Show the existence ofn1 1 such that:

    n n1 fn fn1p 1


    2. Suppose we have found n1 < n2 < .. . < nk, k 1, such that:

    j {1, . . . , k} , n nj fn fnjp 1


    Show the existence ofnk+1, nk < nk+1 such that:

    n nk+1 fn fnk+1p 1


    3. Show that there exists a subsequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1 with:


    fnk+1 fnkp < +

    Exercise 12. Let p [1, +], and (fn)n1 be in LpC

    (, F, ), with:


    fn+1 fnp < +

    We define:



    |fn+1 fn|

    1. Show that g : (, F) [0, +] is non-negative and measurable.

    2. Ifp = +, show that g +

    n=1 fn+1 fn -a.s.

    3. Ifp [1, +[, show that for all N 1, we have:


    |fn+1 fn|



    fn+1 fnp


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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 6

    4. Ifp [1, +[, show that:




    fn+1 fnp

    5. Show that for p [1, +], we have g < + -a.s.

    6. Define A = {g < +}. Show that for all A, (fn())n1 is a Cauchysequence in C. We denote z() its limit.

    7. Define f : (, F) (C, B(C)), by:


    z() if A

    0 if A

    Show that f is measurable and fn f -a.s.

    8. if p = +, show that for all n 1, |fn| |f1| + g and conclude thatf L

    C(, F, ).

    9. Ifp [1, +[, show the existence of n0 1, such that:

    n n0

    |fn fn0 |pd 1

    Deduce from Fatou lemma that f fn0 LpC

    (, F, ).

    10. Show that for p [1, +], f LpC

    (, F, ).

    11. Suppose that fn LpR

    (, F, ), for all n 1. Show the existence off Lp

    R(, F, ), such that fn f -a.s.

    Exercise 13. Let p [1, +], and (fn)n1 be in LpC

    (, F, ), with:



    fn+1 fnp < +

    1. Does there exist f LpC

    (, F, ) such that fn f -a.s.

    2. Suppose p = +. Show that for all n < m, we have:

    |fm+1 fn| mk=n

    fk+1 fk -a.s.

    3. Suppose p = +. Show that for all n 1, we have:

    f fn +k=n

    fk+1 fk


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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 7

    4. Suppose p [1, +[. Show that for all n < m, we have:

    |fm+1 fn|pd



    fk+1 fkp

    5. Suppose p [1, +[. Show that for all n 1, we have:

    f fnp +k=n

    fk+1 fkp

    6. Show that for p [1, +], we also have fnLp f.

    7. Suppose conversely that g LpC

    (, F, ) is such that fnLp g. Show that

    f = g -a.s.. Conclude that fn g -a.s..

    Theorem 44 Let (, F, ) be a measure space. Let p [1, +], and (fn)n1be a sequence in Lp

    C(, F, ) such that:


    fn+1 fnp < +

    Then, there exists f LpC

    (, F, ) such that fn f -a.s. Moreover, for all

    g LpC

    (, F, ), the convergence fn g -a.s. and fnLp g are equivalent.

    Exercise 14. Let f, (fn)n1 be in LpC

    (, F, ) such that fnLp f, where p

    [1, +].

    1. Show that there exists a sub-sequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1, with:



    fnk+1 fnkp < +

    2. Show that there exists g LpC

    (, F, ) such that fnk g -a.s.

    3. Show that fnkLp g and g = f -a.s.

    4. Conclude with the following:

    Theorem 45 Let (fn)n1 be in LpC

    (, F, ) and f LpC

    (, F, ) such that

    fnLp f, where p [1, +]. Then, we can extract a sub-sequence (fnk)k1 of

    (fn)n1 such that fnk f -a.s.

    Exercise 15. Prove the last theorem for LpR

    (, F, ).

    Exercise 16. Let (fn)n1 be Cauchy in LpC

    (, F, ), p [1, +].


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    Tutorial 9: Lp-spaces, p [1,+] 8

    1. Show that there exists a subsequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1 and f belonging

    to LpC

    (, F, ), such that fnkLp f.

    2. Using the fact that (fn)n1 is Cauchy, show that fnLp f.

    Theorem 46 Letp [1, +]. Let(fn)n1 be a Cauchy sequence inLpC(, F, ).

    Then, there exists f LpC

    (, F, ) such that fnLp f.

    Exercise 17. Prove the last theorem for LpR

    (, F, ).


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    Solutions to Exercises 9

    Solutions to Exercises

    Exercise 1.

    1. Since p, q R+, we have p < + and q < +. From the inequality1/p 1/p+1/q= 1, we obtainp 1. Ifp = 1, then 1/q= 0, contradictingq < +. So p > 1, and similarly q > 1. We have proved that 1 < p < +

    and 1 < q < +.

    2. Let ]0, +[ and = . We want to prove that is continuous. Forall a R+, it is clear that limxa (x) = (a). So is continuous atx = a. Furthermore, limx+ (x) = (+). So is also continuousat +. For many of us, this is sufficient proof of the fact that is acontinuous map. However, for those who want to apply definition (27),the following can be said: let V be open in [0, +]. We want to showthat 1(V) is open in [0, +]. Let a 1(V). Then (a) V. Since is continuous at x = a, there exists Ua open in [0, +], containing a,such that (Ua) V. So a Ua

    1(V). It follows that 1(V) canbe written as 1(V) = a1(V)Ua, and

    1(V) is therefore open in[0, +]. From definition (27), we conclude that : [0, +] [0, +] is

    a continuous map.

    3. fp can be viewed as fp = pf, where p is defined as in 2. We proved thatp is a continuous map. It is therefore measurable with respect to the Borel-algebra B([0, +]) on [0, +]. It follows that fp : (, F) [0, +] is ameasurable map, which is also non-negative. Hence, the integral

    fpd is

    a well-defined element of [0, +], and A = (

    fpd)1/p is also well-defined,being understood that (+)1/p = +. Similarly, B = (

    fqd)1/q is a

    well-defined element of [0, +]. Finally, the map f g : (, F) [0, +]is non-negative and measurable, and C =

    fgd is a well-defined element

    of [0 + ].

    4. Suppose A = 0. Then fpd = 0, and since fp is non-negative, we see

    that fp

    = 0 -a.s., and consequently f = 0 -a.s. So f g = 0 -a.s., andfinally C =

    fgd = 0. So C AB. Similarly, B = 0 implies C = 0, andtherefore C AB.

    5. Suppose A = +. Then, either B = 0 or B > 0. IfB = 0, then C ABis true from 4. If B > 0, then AB = +, and consequently C AB. Inany case, we see that C AB. Similarly, B = + implies C AB.

    6. Suppose A, B ]0, +[. Let F = f /A and G = g/B . We have:Fpd =

    (f /A)pd =



    fpd = 1

    and similarly,

    Gpd = 1.


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    Solutions to Exercises 10

    7. Let a, b ]0, +[. The map x ln(x) being convex on ]0, +[, since1/p + 1/q= 1, we have:


    pap +






    qln(bq) = ln(ab)

    and consequently ln(ab) ln(ap/p + bq/q). The map x ex being non-

    decreasing, we conclude that:

    ab 1

    pap +


    qbq (1)

    It is easy to check that inequality (1) is in fact true for all a, b [0, +].

    8. For all , F() and G() are elements of [0, +]. From 7.:

    F()G() 1

    pF()p +



    9. Integrating on both side of 8., we obtain:

    FGd 1

    p Fpd +


    qGqd = 1

    where we have used the fact that

    Fpd =

    Gqd = 1. Since

    FGd =(

    fgd)/AB = C/AB, we conclude that C AB.

    Exercise 1

    Exercise 2.

    1. fp, gp and (f+g)p are all non-negative and measurable. All three integralsfpd,

    gpd and

    (f+ g)pd are therefore well-defined. It follows that

    A, B and C are well-defined elements of [0, +].

    2. Since p > 1, the map x xp is convex on ]0, +[. In particular, for alla, b ]0, +[, we have ((a + b)/2)p (ap + bp)/2. We conclude that:

    (a + b)p



    + bp

    ) (2)In fact, it is easy to check that (2) holds for all a, b [0, +].

    3. If A = + or B = +, then A + B = +, and C A + B. If C = 0,then clearly C A + B.

    4. Using 2., for all , we have:

    (f() + g())p 2p1(f()p + g()p)

    Integrating on both side of the inequality, we obtain:(f + g)pd 2p1

    fpd +



    If A < + and B < +, then both integrals


    d and


    d arefinite, and we see from (3) that

    (f + g)pd is itself finite. So C < +.


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    Solutions to Exercises 11

    5. Take q = p/(p 1). Since p ]1, +[, q is a well-defined element of R+,and 1/p + 1/q= 1.

    6. Let a, b [0, +]. Ifa, b R+, then:

    (a + b)p = (a + b).(a + b)p1 (4)

    If a = + or b = +, then a + b = + and both sides of (4) are equalto +. So (4) is true for all a, b [0, +].

    7. Using holder inequality (41), since q(p 1) = p, we have:f.(f + g)p1d



    (f + g)q(p1)d


    = ACpq

    and:g.(f + g)p1d



    (f + g)q(p1)d


    = BCpq

    8. From 6., we have:

    (f + g)


    d =

    f.(f + g)p1

    d +

    g.(f + g)p1


    and using 7., we obtain:(f + g)pd C

    pq (A + B)

    9. From 8., we have Cp Cpq (A+B). Having assumed in 5. that C ]0, +[,

    we can divide both side of this inequality by Cpq , to obtain Cp

    pq A+B.

    Since p p/q = 1, we conclude that C A + B.

    10. Ifp = 1, then C = A + B is equivalent to:

    (f + g)d = f d + gdwhich is true by linearity. In particular, C A + B. The purpose of thisexercise is to prove minkowski inequality (43).

    Exercise 2

    Exercise 3.

    1. Let f : (, F) (C, B(C)) be a map. Then, if f has values in R,i.e. f() R, then the measurability of f with respect to (C, B(C)) isequivalent to its measurability with respect to (R, B(R)). Hence:


    (, F, ) = {f LpC

    (, F, ) , f() R}

    The equivalence of measurability with respect to B(C) and B(R) may

    be taken for granted by many. It is easily proved from the fact thatB(R) = B(C)|R, i.e. the Borel -algebra on R is the trace on R, of the


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    Solutions to Exercises 12

    Borel -algebra on C. This fact can be seen from the trace theorem (10),and the fact that the usual topology on R is induced on R, by the usualtopology on C.

    2. Let f, g LpR

    (, F, ) and R. The map f + g is R-valued andmeasurable. Moreover, we have |f+g| |f|+||.|g|. Since p 1, (and in

    particular p 0), the map x xp

    is non-decreasing on R+

    , so |f+g|p

    (|f| + ||.|g|)p. Hence, we see that

    |f + g|pd

    (|f| + ||.|g|)pd.However, using minkowski inequality (43), we have:

    (|f| + ||.|g|)pd




    + ||.



    We conclude that

    |f+ g|pd < +. So f+ g LpR

    (, F, ), and wehave proved that Lp

    R(, F, ) is closed under R-linear combinations.

    3. The fact that LpC

    (, F, ) is closed under C-linear combinations, is provedidentically to 2., replacing R by C.

    4. Using |f + g|p (|f| + |g|)p and minkowski inequality (43):(|f| + |g|)pd







    we see that f + gp fp + gp.

    5. Suppose fp = 0. Then

    |f|pd = 0. Since |f|p is non-negative, |f|p = 0-a.s., and consequently f = 0 -a.s. Conversely, if f = 0 -a.s., then|f|p = 0 -a.s., so

    |f|pd = 0 and finally fp = 0.

    6. Let C. We have:

    fp =



    = ||.



    = ||.fp

    7. f gp = 0 only implies f = g -.a.s, and not necessarily f = g. So(f, g) f gp , may not be a metric on L


    (, F, ).

    Exercise 3

    Exercise 4.

    1. For all f : (, F) (C, B(C)) with values in R, the measurability off with respect to B(C) is equivalent to its measurability with respect toB(R). Hence:

    LR (, F, ) = {f LC (, F, ) , f() R}

    2. Since f < +, for all n 1, we have f < f + 1/n. fbeing the greatest lower bound of all -almost sure upper bounds of |f|,

    f+ 1/n cannot be such lower bound. There exists M R+, such that


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    Solutions to Exercises 13

    |f| M -a.s., and M < f+ 1/n. In particular, |f| < f + 1/n -a.s. Let An be the set defined by An = {f+1/n |f|}. Then An Fand (An) = 0. Moreover, An An+1 and

    +n=1An = {f < |f|}. It

    follows that An {f < |f|}, and from theorem (7), we see that:

    ({f < |f|}) = limn+

    (An) = 0

    We conclude that |f| f -a.s.

    3. Since |f + g| |f| + |g|, using 2., we have:

    |f + g| f + g -a.s.

    Hence, f + g is a -almost sure upper bound of |f+ g|. f+ gbeing a lower bound of all such upper bounds, we have f + g f + g.

    4. Let f, g LR

    (, F, ) and R. Then f+ g is R-valued and measur-able. Furthermore, using 2., we have:

    |f + g| |f| + ||.|g| f + ||.g -a.s.

    It follows that f + g f + ||.g < +. We conclude thatf + g LR

    (, F, ), and we have proved that LR

    (, F, ) is closedunder R-linear combinations.

    5. The fact that LC

    (, F, ) is closed under C-linear combinations can beproved identically, replacing R by C.

    6. Suppose f = 0. Then |f| 0 -a.s., and consequently f = 0 -a.s.Conversely, if f = 0 -a.s., then |f| 0 -a.s., and 0 is therefore a -almost sure upper bound of |f|. So f 0. Since f is an infimumof a subset ofR+, it is either + (when such subset is empty), or lies inR+. So f 0 and finally f = 0.

    7. We have |f| ||.f -a.s., and hence f ||.f. if = 0,

    we have: f = 1

    .(f) 1


    It follows that f = ||.f, (also true if = 0).

    8. f g = 0 implies f = g -a.s., but not f = g. It follows that(f, g) f g may not be a metric on LC (, F, ).

    Exercise 4

    Exercise 5.

    1. Since N = , 1N = 0, so f = g. Since N F, the map f = 1N ismeasurable, and being R-valued, it is also C-valued. Moreover, since(N) = 0, fp = 0 < + (whether p = + or lies in [1, +[), and

    we see that f Lp

    C(, F, ). Since g = 0, it is C-valued, measurable andgp = 0 < +, so g LpC

    (, F, ).


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    Solutions to Exercises 14

    2. Let U be open in LpC

    (, F, ), such that f U. By definition (75), thereexists > 0, such that B(f, ) U. However, f gp = fp = 0(p = + or p [1, +[). So in particular f gp < . So g B(f, )and finally g U.

    3. If LpC

    (, F, ) was Hausdorff, since f = g, there would exist U, V open

    sets in Lp

    C(, F, ) such that f U, g V and U V = . However from2., this is impossible, as g would always be an element of U as well as V.We conclude similarly that Lp

    R(, F, ) is not Hausdorff.

    Exercise 5

    Exercise 6. Let LpR

    and LpC

    denote LpR

    (, F, ) and LpC

    (, F, ) respectively.Let T be the usual topology on Lp

    Cand T be the usual topology on Lp

    R. We

    want to prove that T = T|LpR

    , i.e. that T is the topology on LpR

    induced by

    T. Given f LpR

    and > 0, let B(f, ) denote the open ball in LpC

    and B(f, )denote the open ball the Lp

    R. Then B(f, ) = B(f, ) Lp

    R. It is a simple

    exercise to show that any open ball in LpR

    or LpC

    , is in fact open with respectto their usual topology. Let U T. For all f U, there exists f > 0 suchthat f B(f, f) U. It follows that:

    U = fUB(f, f) = (fUB(f, f)) L


    and we see that U T|LpR

    . So T T|LpR

    . Conversely, let U T|LpR

    . There

    exists U T such that U = U LpR

    . Let f U. Then f U. There exists > 0 such that B(f, ) U. It follows that B(f, ) = B(f, ) Lp

    R U. So U

    is open with respect to the usual topology in LpR

    , i.e. U T. We have provedthat T|Lp

    R T, and finally T = T|Lp


    Exercise 6

    Exercise 7. let (E, T) be a topological space and E E. Let T = T|E be theinduced topology on E. We assume that (xn)n1 is a sequence in E, and that

    x E. Suppose that xnT x. Let U T be such that x U. There exists

    U T such that U = U E. Since x U and xn

    T x, there exists n

    0 1

    such that xn U for all n n0. But xn E for all n 1. So xn UE = U

    for all n n0, and we see that xnT x. Conversely, suppose that xn

    T x. Let

    U T be such that x U. Then U E T and x U E. There existsn0 1, such that xn U E for all n n0. In particular, xn U for all

    n n0, and we see that xnT x. We have proved that xn

    T x and xn

    T x are

    equivalent.Exercise 7

    Exercise 8.

    1. The notation fn f has been used throughout these tutorials, to referto a simple convergence, i.e. fn() f() as n +, for all .


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    Solutions to Exercises 15

    2. Suppose fnLp f. Let > 0. The open ball B(f, ) being open with

    respect to the usual topology in LpC

    (, F, ), there exists n0 1, suchthat fn B(f, ) for all n n0, i.e.:

    n n0 fn fp <

    So fn fp 0. Conversely, suppose fn fp 0. Let U be open

    in LpC(, F, ), such that f U. From definition (75), there exists > 0such that B(f, ) U. By assumption, there exists n0 0, such thatfn fp < for all n n0. So fn B(f, ) for all n n0. Hence, we

    see that fn U for all n n0, and we have proved that fnLp f. We

    conclude that fnLp f and fn fp 0 are equivalent.

    3. Suppose fnLp f and fn

    Lp g. From 2., we have fn fp 0 and

    fn gp 0. Using the triangle inequality (ex. (3) for p [1, +[ andex. (4) for p = +):

    f gp fn fp + fn gp

    for all n 1. It follows that we have f gp < for all > 0, and

    consequently f gp = 0. From ex. (3) and ex. (4) we conclude thatf = g -a.s.

    Exercise 8

    Exercise 9. Take fn = 1N = f for all n 1. Take g = 0. Then fn, f and gare all elements of Lp

    C(, F, ), and f = g. Moreover, for all n 1, we have

    fn fp = fn gp = 0. So fnLp f and fn

    Lp g. The purpose of this exercise

    is to show that a limit in Lp may not be unique (f = g). However, it is unique,up to -almost sure equality (See exercise (8)).

    Exercise 9

    Exercise 10. Suppose fnLp f. Let > 0. There exists n0 1, with:

    n n0 fn fp /2From the triangle inequality, for all n, m 1:

    fn fmp fn fp + fm fp

    It follows that we have:

    n, m n0 fn fmp

    We conclude that (fn)n1 is a Cauchy sequence in LpC

    (, F, ).Exercise 10

    Exercise 11.

    1. Take = 1/2. There exists n1 1, such that:

    n, m n1 fn fmp 12


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    Solutions to Exercises 16

    In particular, we have:

    n n1 fn fn1p 1


    2. Let k 1. We have n1 < .. . < nk, such that for all j = 1, . . . , k:

    n nj fn fnjp



    Take = 1/2k+1. There exists nk+1 1, such that:

    n, m nk+1 fn fmp 1


    Take nk+1 = max(nk + 1, nk+1). Then nk < nk+1, and:

    n nk+1 fn fnk+1p 1


    3. By induction from 2., we can construct a strictly increasing sequence ofintegers (nk)k1, such that for all k 1:

    n nk fn fnkp



    In particular, fnk+1 fnkp 1/2k for all k 1. It follows that we have

    found a subsequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1, such that:


    fnk+1 fnkp < +

    Exercise 11

    Exercise 12.

    1. Each finite sum gN =N

    n=1 |fn+1 fn| is well-defined and measurable.It follows that g = supN1 gN is itself measurable. It is obviously non-


    2. Suppose p = +. From exercise (4), for all n 1, we have:

    |fn+1 fn| fn+1 fn , -a.s.

    The set Nn = {|fn+1 fn| > fn+1 fn} which lies in F, is such that(Nn) = 0. It follows that ifN = n1Nn, then (N) = 0. However, forall Nc, we have:

    g() =


    |fn+1() fn()| +n=1

    fn+1 fn

    We conclude that g

    n=1 fn+1 fn -a.s.


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    Solutions to Exercises 17

    3. Let p [1, +[ and N 1. By the triangle inequality (ex. (3)):Nn=1

    |fn+1 fn|



    fn+1 fnp +n=1

    fn+1 fnp

    4. Let p [1, +[. Given N 1, let gN = Nn=1 |fn+1 fn|. Then gN gas N +. The map x xp being continuous on [0, +], we havegpN g

    p, and in particular gp = liminfgpN as N +. Using Fatoulemma (20), we see that:

    gpd liminfN1

    gpNd (5)

    However, from 3., we have gNp +

    n=1 fn+1 fnp, for all N 1.Since p 0, the map x xp is non-decreasing on [0, +], and therefore:



    fn+1 fnp


    From inequalities (5) and (6), we conclude that:gpd


    fn+1 fnp


    and finally: gpd



    fn+1 fnp

    5. Let p [1, +]. Ifp = +, from 2. we have:

    g +n=1

    fn+1 fnp , -a.s. (7)

    By assumption, the series in (7) is finite. So g < + -a.s.If p [1, +[, from 4. we have:gpd



    fn+1 fnp


    gpd < +. Since (+)({gp = +})

    gpd, we see that({gp = +}) = 0 and finally g < + -a.s.

    6. Let A = {g < +}. Let A. Then g() < +. The series+n=1 |fn+1() fn()| is therefore finite. Let > 0. There exists n0 1,

    such that:

    n n0 +


    |fk+1() fk()|


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    Solutions to Exercises 18

    Given m > n n0, we have:

    |fm() fn()| m1k=n

    |fk+1() fk()|

    We conclude that the sequence (fn())n1 is Cauchy in C. It therefore

    has a limit


    , denoted z().7. From 6., fn() z() = f() for all A. Since by definition, f() = 0

    for all Ac, we see that fn()1A() f() for all . Hence, wehave fn1A f, and since fn1A is measurable for all n 1, we see fromtheorem (17) that f = lim fn1A is itself measurable. Since (A

    c) = 0 andfn() f() on A, we have fn f -a.s.

    8. Suppose p = +. For all n 1, we have:

    |fn f1| n1k=1

    |fk+1 fk| g

    So |fn| |f1| + g. Taking the limit as n +, we obtain |f| |f1| + g

    -a.s. Let M =+

    n=1 fn+1 fn. Then by assumption, M < + andfrom 2. we have g M -a.s. Moreover, since f1 LC (, F, ), usingexercise (4), we have |f1| f1 -a.s. with f1 < +. Hence, wesee that |f| f1 + M -a.s., and consequently:

    f f1 ++n=1

    fn+1 fn < +

    f is therefore C-valued, measurable and with f < +. We haveproved that f L

    C(, F, ).

    9. Let p [1, +[. The series+

    n=1 fn+1 fnp being finite, there existsn0 1, such that:

    n n0 +k=n

    fk+1 fkp 1

    Let n n0. By the triangle inequality:

    fn fn0p n1k=n0

    fk+1 fkp 1

    Hence, we see that:

    n n0

    |fn fn0 |

    pd 1p = 1 (8)

    1The completeness ofC is proved in the next Tutorial.


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    Solutions to Exercises 19

    From 6., fn() f() as n +, for all A, where (Ac) = 0. Inparticular:

    1A|f fn0 |p = lim inf

    n11A|fn fn0|


    Using inequality (8) and Fatou lemma (20), we obtain:2

    |f fn0

    |pd liminfn1



    |pd 1

    In particular,

    |f fn0 |pd < +. Since f fn0 is C-valued and mea-

    surable, we conclude that f fn0 LpC

    (, F, ).

    10. Let p [1, +]. If p = +, then f LC

    (, F, ) was proved in 8. Ifp [1, +[, we saw in 9. that f fn0 L


    (, F, ) for some n0 1.Since fn0 is itself an element ofL


    (, F, ), we conclude from exercise (3)that f = (f fn0) + fn0 is also an element of L


    (, F, ).

    11. The purpose of this exercise is to prove that given a sequence (fn)n1in Lp

    C(, F, ) such that

    +n=1 fn+1 fnp < +, there exists f


    (, F, ), such that fn f -a.s. We now assume that all fns arein fact R-valued, i.e. fn L


    (, F, ). There exists f LpC

    (, F, )

    such that fn f

    -a.s. However, f

    () may not be R-valued for all . Yet, if N F is such that (N) = 0 and fn() f()

    for all Nc, then f is R-valued on Nc (as a limit of an R-valuedsequence). If we define f = f1Nc, then f is R-valued and measurable,with fp = fp < +. So f L


    (, F, ) and furthermore sincef = f -a.s., fn f -a.s.

    Exercise 12

    Exercise 13.

    1. Yes, there does exist f LpC

    (, F, ) such that fn f -a.s. This wasprecisely the object of the previous exercise.

    2. Suppose p = +, and let n < m. From exercise (4), we have |fm+1

    fn| fm+1 fn -a.s. Furthermore, from the triangle inequality,fm+1 fn m

    k=n fk+1 fk. It follows that:

    |fm+1 fn| mk=n

    fk+1 fk , -a.s. (9)

    3. Suppose p = + and let n 1. For all m > n, let Nm F be such that(Nm) = 0, and inequality (9) holds for all Ncm. Furthermore, sincefm+1 f -a.s., let M F be such that (M) = 0, and fm+1() f()for all Mc. Then, ifN = M (m>nNm), we have N F, (N) = 0and for all Nc, fm+1() f(), together with, for all m > n:

    |fm+1() fn()| m

    k=nfk+1 fk

    2Note that n n0 un 1 is enough to ensure liminfn1 un 1.


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    Solutions to Exercises 20

    Taking the limit as m +, we obtain:

    |f() fn()| +k=n

    fk+1 fk

    This being true for all Nc, we have proved that:

    |f fn| +k=n

    fk+1 fk , -a.s.

    From definition (74), we conclude that:

    f fn +k=n

    fk+1 fk

    4. Let p [1, +[ and n < m. From exercise (3), we have:|fm+1 fn|



    = fm+1 fnp mk=n

    fk+1 fkp

    5. Let p [1, +[ and n 1. Let N F be such that (N) = 0, andfm+1() f() for all Nc. Then, we have:

    |f fn|p1Nc = lim inf

    m>n|fm+1 fn|


    Using Fatou lemma (20), we obtain:|f fn|

    pd lim infm>n

    |fm+1 fn|


    Hence, from 4. we see that:|f fn|



    fk+1 fkp


    and consequently:

    f fnp +k=n

    fk+1 fkp

    6. Let p [1, +]. whether p = + or p [1, +[, from 3. and 5., for alln 1, we have f fnp

    +k=n fk+1 fkp. Since by assumption,

    the series+

    k=1 fk+1 fkp is finite, we conclude that f fnp 0,

    as n +. It follows that not only fn f -a.s., but also fnLp f.

    7. Suppose g LpC

    (, F, ) is such that fnLp g. Then fn

    Lp f together with

    fnLp g. From ex. (8), f = g -a.s. Furthermore, since fn f -a.s., we

    see that fn g -a.s. The purpose of this exercise (and the previous) isto prove theorem (44).


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    Solutions to Exercises 21

    Exercise 13

    Exercise 14.

    1. Since fnLp f, from exercise (10), (fn)n1 is a Cauchy sequence in L


    (, F, ).Using exercise (11), there exists a sub-sequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1, such

    that +k=1 fnk+1 fnkp < +.2. Applying theorem (44) to the sequence (fnk)k1, there exists g L


    (, F, ),such that fnk g -a.s.

    3. Also from theorem (44), the convergence fnk g -a.s. and fnkLp g are

    equivalent. Hence, we also have fnkLp g. However, since by assumption

    fnLp f, we see that fnk

    Lp f, and consequently from exercise (8), f = g


    4. From 2., fnk g -a.s., and from 3., f = g -a.s. It follows that fnk f

    -a.s. Given a sequence (fn)n1 and f in LpC

    (, F, ), such that fnLp f,

    we have been able to extract a sub-sequence (fnk )k1 such that fnk f-a.s. This proves theorem (45).

    Exercise 14

    Exercise 15. Suppose (fn)n1 is a sequence in LpR

    (, F, ), and f LpR

    (, F, )

    such that fnLp f. Then in particular, all fns and f are elements ofL


    (, F, )with f fnp 0 as n +. From theorem (45), we can extract a sub-sequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1, such that fnk f -a.s. This proves theo-rem (45), where Lp

    C(, F, ) is replaced by Lp

    R(, F, ). Anyone who feels

    there was very little to prove in this exercise, could make a very good point.Exercise 15

    Exercise 16.

    1. Since (fn)n1 is Cauchy in LpC

    (, F, ), from exercise (11), we can extract

    a sub-sequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1, such that:


    fnk+1 fnkp < +

    From theorem (44), there exists f LpC

    (, F, ), such that fnk f

    -a.s., as well as fnkLp f.

    2. Let > 0. (fn)n1 being Cauchy, there exists n0 1, such that:

    n, m n0 fm fnp


    Furthermore, since fnkLp f, there exists k0 1, such that:

    k k0 f fnkp 2


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    Solutions to Exercises 22

    However, nk + as k +. There exists k0 1, such that k k0

    nk n0. Choose an arbitrary k max(k0, k0). Then f fnkp /2together with nk n0. Hence, for all n n0, we have:

    f fnp f fnkp + fnk fnp

    We have found n0 1 such that:

    n n0 f fnp

    This shows that fnLp f. The purpose of this exercise, is to prove theo-

    rem (46). It is customary to say in light of this theorem, that LpC

    (, F, )is complete, even though as defined in these tutorials, Lp

    C(, F, ) is not

    strictly speaking a metric space.

    Exercise 16

    Exercise 17. Let (fn)n1 be a Cauchy sequence in LpR

    (, F, ). Then inparticular, it is a Cauchy sequence in Lp

    C(, F, ). From theorem (46), there

    exists f LpC

    (, F, ) such that fnLp f. Furthermore, from theorem (45),

    there exists a sub-sequence (fnk)k1 of (fn)n1, such that fnk f -a.s.

    It follows that f is in fact R-valued -almost surely. There exists N F,(N) = 0, such that f() R for all Nc. Take f = f1Nc . Thenf is R-valued, measurable and fp = f

    p < +. So f LpR

    (, F, ).

    Furthermore, f fnp = f fnp 0, which shows that fn

    Lp f. This

    proves theorem (46), where LpC

    (, F, ) is replaced by LpR

    (, F, ).Exercise 17

