Lowland Customer Forum Minutes Oct 2010

The Lowland Canals Customer Forum 2010 Saturday 23 rd October 2010 The Falkirk Wheel Chair: Professor John Hume OBE, Chair of the Lowland User Group British Waterways: Jon Hargreaves, British Waterways Board Margaret Horn, Head of Freight Policy and Inland Waterways Branch, Scottish Government Steve Dunlop, Director, British Waterways Scotland David Lamont, Head of Operations, British Waterways Scotland Richard Millar, Waterway Development Manager, British Waterways Scotland Phil Martin, Waterway Manager, Lowlands, British Waterways Scotland Nicola Christie; Joanna Harrison; Lisa MacKinnon; Brenda Honnan; Frances Mimnagh; Katy McPherson, British Waterways Scotland Attendees: Please see Appendix Forum Welcome Professor John Hume OBE, Chair of the Lowland User Group, welcomed everyone to the Forum and outlined the format. John handed over to Richard Millar to give a presentation about The Volunteer Council. Volunteer Council Richard Millar Richard Millar began by noting that development of the Volunteer Council had moved rapidly since the last Forum and that the first meeting of the Lowlands Volunteer Group had been held on 19 July 2010. Richard then presented the following context to the Council and its purpose and activity: Policy Delivery - Increase Awareness, promoting voluntary sector & community involvement, promote other public policy decisions to take account of above aims Social - Scotland’s canals result in cost savings to health services of almost £10 million due to increased levels of physical activity, 20% of Scotlands most deprived communities are on the banks of the Lowland Canals, 80% of people in Maryhill say the canal encourages them to visit the outdoor more often and enhances their local environment, Canal towpaths are 500% busier than 8 years ago


Minutes from the customer forum held on 23 October 2010 at The Falkirk Wheel

Transcript of Lowland Customer Forum Minutes Oct 2010

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The Lowland Canals Customer Forum 2010 Saturday 23rd October 2010 The Falkirk Wheel

Chair: Professor John Hume OBE, Chair of the Lowland User Group British Waterways: Jon Hargreaves, British Waterways Board Margaret Horn, Head of Freight Policy and Inland Waterways Branch, Scottish Government Steve Dunlop, Director, British Waterways Scotland David Lamont, Head of Operations, British Waterways Scotland Richard Millar, Waterway Development Manager, British Waterways Scotland Phil Martin, Waterway Manager, Lowlands, British Waterways Scotland Nicola Christie; Joanna Harrison; Lisa MacKinnon; Brenda Honnan; Frances Mimnagh; Katy McPherson, British Waterways Scotland Attendees: Please see Appendix Forum Welcome Professor John Hume OBE, Chair of the Lowland User Group, welcomed everyone to the Forum and outlined the format. John handed over to Richard Millar to give a presentation about The Volunteer Council. Volunteer Council Richard Millar Richard Millar began by noting that development of the Volunteer Council had moved rapidly since the last Forum and that the first meeting of the Lowlands Volunteer Group had been held on 19 July 2010. Richard then presented the following context to the Council and its purpose and activity:

Policy Delivery - Increase Awareness, promoting voluntary sector & community involvement, promote other public policy decisions to take account of above aims

Social - Scotland’s canals result in cost savings to health services of almost £10 million due to increased levels of physical activity, 20% of Scotlands most deprived communities are on the banks of the Lowland Canals, 80% of people in Maryhill say the canal encourages them to visit the outdoor more often and enhances their local environment, Canal towpaths are 500% busier than 8 years ago

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Economic - In the last 8 years there has been over £370m of investment along Scotland's canals, the investment has helped to create almost 4,000 Full Time Equivalent jobs over the same 8-year period. There have been 2,000 new houses built alongside Scotland's canals in recent years. Yachting and boating is a high value and growing sector worth over 100million to the Scottish Economy, the canal infrastructure is an important part of this offer. There are 118 fte, 9 part-time and 56 seasonal posts created by 109 commercial craft on the Scottish canals.

Continuing to deliver for Government - Significant and unique biodiversity network pivotal to the biodiversity in Scotland. 22 SSSI’s within canal corridor. The canals play a major part in flood defence, water drainage and water movement across Scotland. BWS continue to drive down energy use and drive forward renewable energy. One of the top 5 holders of historic structures in Scotland. Freight on Scottish canals has removed 2 million lorry miles from Scotland’s roads over the last 3 years. Number 1 sustainable water user in Scotland. Falkirk Wheel awarded Gold Green Tourism

What Next? - For Volunteering - Scotland is a very competitive market, Worth £1.8billion, 3 million Scots engage in volunteering

Where will they come from? - Passionate enthusiasts (boat owners, anglers); Activity and facility seekers (family day trippers, holiday boaters); Functional users (dog walkers, cyclists)

Concept of Volunteer Council - Existing Third Sector, 11 Canal or boater Societies, 3 Social Enterprises, 1 TWTS, Membership 1500, Active 500, Total annual income £1.8m, People engaged annually 40,000. The first full meeting of the group was held on 19th July 2010. Agreed to work on developing The Big ‘Canal’ Society, defining a shared vision. Agreed to explore ways of facilitating local ownership. Enabling the organisations as conjugates for volunteering. Collaborate on fund raising. Develop measurement of outcomes and impacts. Compiling an action plan

Union 10 – The Union 10 was held on the weekend of 24 September. This was a huge success and couldn’t have happened without the Societies and boaters

The Lowland Waterways Volunteer Group - Work Collaboratively to the benefit of the canals, Improve water channel, towpaths and destinations, Encourage greater involvement through community engagement and volunteering opportunities, Increase opportunities for learning and skills development and contribute to community regeneration of canal side communities. Start Planning Forth & Clyde 10 (meeting 3rd Nov). Social evening post Union 10 will be held on 16th November 2010 7pm at The Falkirk Wheel. Work on developing Volunteer opportunity Vegetation Management. Exploring together the opportunity of utilising Community Service orders to the benefit of the canal. Re-engagement of communities such as Wester Hailes (event planned 2011). Appoint Independent Chair.

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Key Operational Developments Phil Martin Phil Martin began by noting that it had been a good summer on the lowland canals before outlining some of the events which had taken place on the waterway, or BWS had been involved with off-site, along with visitor numbers:


Royal Highland Show 24th – 27th June 2010 Attendance – 188,000

Edinburgh Canal Festival 26th June 2010 Attendance - 5,000

Monkland Canal Festival 15th August 2010 Attendance – 2,500

Kirkintilloch Canal Festival 29th August 2010 Attendance – 22,000

Bigman 3 18th September 2010 Attendance – 2,500

Union 10 24th–26th September 2010 Attendance – 12,500

Visitors From April to the end of September 2010:

11.2m visits to the lowland towpaths 366,000 visitors to The Falkirk Wheel 101 short-term licences

£100K Budget Update Phil then gave an update on the user budget launched at the previous Forum noting that there had been 77 different user requests within the following categories:










Phil then identified work to date and planned:

Towpath Repairs - Ratho & Linlithgow £55k (Mar 2010)

Signage for Pontoons £7k (Mar 2010)

Security Improvements at Ratho £7k (June 2010)

Disabled Access at the Stables £20k (Oct 2010)

New 24m Pontoon at Kirkintilloch £11k (Dec 2010)

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Phil then gave an update on the following areas:

Weed control

Managing water plants in the Lowland Canals

Cutting and removal


User Operation Phil then outlined the rationale behind and, work to date, on User Operation:

Goal to provide customer flexibility for access to navigation Progress so far:

Installation of by-pass weirs locks 17–19 Lock training completed Spring 2010

Economic pressures Range of options to provide greater flexibility to customers

User operation User assisted operation Continue lock training Autumn 2010

Fixed bridge & lock opening times Set up a working group to explore options by Jan 2011

Next Season Phil then concluded the operational update with a look at activity for next season:

Continue cutting to remove weed Upgrade weed cutter hydraulic system Use of herbicide where appropriate Monitor & record Review

Scotland’s canals new website now in development On behalf of BWS, Phil extended thanks to everyone who contributed to the usability testing for the new website – www.scottishcanals.co.uk advising that the launch would run as follows:

Soft launch January 11 Full public launch February 11

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The Third Sector – Update Jon Hargreaves, BW Board

Jon Hargreaves began by reminding the Forum of the context behind British Waterways’ desire to move into the third sector - that of severely reducing governmental grant. He noted that last time the Forum convened, it was prior to the Westminster election but that now the Government had confirmed its intention to move British Waterways into a new waterways charity. He went on to note that the context is different in Scotland before handing over to Margaret Horn. Margaret Horn Scottish Government Margaret Horn noted that, following the UK Government’s decision, British Waterways will transfer the English and Welsh canals out of British Waterways leaving the legal entity in place inhabited by the Scottish canals only. For the longer term, the Scottish Government would consider what organisational option would be in the best interests of the Scottish canals and Scotland. She concluded by saying that the Scottish Government would work closely with DEFRA to ensure a smooth transition over coming months. John Hume thanked Jon and Margaret for their respective updates and opened the floor to questions. Questions and Answers Q. Andy Carnduff, Forth Yacht Club

Mr Carnduff thanked Richard for his presentation but noted that, when outlining plans for Forth & Clyde 10, there was no mention of sea to sea transit through the canal and involving the Bowling to Carron vessels.

A. Richard Millar noted that some interest had been expressed in the Caledonian Canal being the starting point for the Forth & Clyde 10 event and that he would work with Forth Yacht Club on this. Looking forward, he noted that the opening of the Helix would also be a major bonus to transit customers.

Q. Mr Coroon

Mr Coroon noted that there are many historic points along the canal but no signs for tourists indicating these historical structures.

A. Richard Millar agreed that the heritage of the Scottish canals is very important and that there are interpretation projects happening at various locations along the canal. He also noted that interpretation and orientation materials are now in place on the Caledonian Canal (through the Great Glen Ways initiative) and on the Crinan Canal (through the Dalriada Project).

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Q. Billy Mason, Nimbus

Mr Mason suggested that the canals are not just about canal societies but also boaters generally who would like to get use out of it. He expressed a desire to see the Falkirk part of the canal being developed.

A. Richard Millar noted that BWS does indeed see the boating community as a whole as very important adding that Union 10 could not have happened without the boaters. He added that BWS is working to create activity along the canal from Bowling to Grangemouth and moving forward it will be vital that everyone gets involved.

Q. David Brown, Mytho

Mr Brown asked Richard if he had used the photographs of the vegetation growth between Auchinstarry and Twechar which he had sent in.

A. Richard Millar confirmed that good use had been made of the photographs. He also noted that Twechar Environmental Action has various ways of tackling vegetation growth and this would be a great opportunity to work in partnership.

Q. Gordon Daly, Royal Yachts

Mr Daly extended thanks to Phil Martin and his team for their work throughout the year.

Q. Pierre Potel, Loch Ness, Ratho Mr Potel asked about the gates at Ratho and dredging.

A. Phil Martin explained that the gates were put in place to prevent unauthorised people accessing the area. He also noted that it was hoped to carry out a small dredging programme at Ratho and this would be based on a session with boaters.

Q. Mr Coroon

Mr Coroon proposed a ‘showboat’ be built and moored somewhere like The Stables and then marketed to tourists or parties to hire. He also proposed honesty boxes be placed at certain locations along the canal.

Q. Pat Bowie, Re-Union Ms Bowie asked for an update on the Edinburgh Quay facility block.

A Phil Martin replied that the six month project was due to start in November. Q. Tommy Lawton, Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Mr Lawton asked Phil Martin if the figure of 263 full time moorings on the lowland canals as noted in his presentation, was too low.

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A Phil Martin asked that the Forum take into account the size of the boats. Q. Guthrie Hutton

Mr Hutton asked if England and Wales move towards mutualisation but Scotland stays as it is, what position The Waterways Trust will play?

A. John Hume responded as a Trustee of The Waterways Trust saying that the Waterways Trust in England and Wales may well be a subsidiary charity. He added that here we may see a Scottish Waterways Trust moving alongside BWS in Scotland. He concluded noting that The Waterways Trust has a special and important role to play.

Jon Hargreaves agreed that The Waterways Trust has a fundamental role to play in the future. As a Trustee, Steve Dunlop also added that the imperative will be to create a sustainable waterway and this will mean involving and engaging people through organisations such as The Waterways Trust Scotland. John Hume concluded by describing this as an extraordinary time in Scotland and that it will be vital to engage with representatives; MSPs and local authorities to ensure that the canals do not sit at the bottom of the political agenda.

Q. Gordon Daly Mr Daly thanked Margaret Horn for her contribution and said he would be pleased to help in any way with engaging more volunteers with the canals.

Q. Chrisy Southgate, Seaskills Ms Southgate agreed that it was important to get younger people involved in the canals, through crewing for example.

Q Guthrie Hutton

Mr Hutton suggested that the question which arises from Scotland going alone is would it be too small? He asked if it could be part of a bigger government structure created for all the water resources?

A Margaret Horn responded that, due to the varying ownerships of different water resources, it would be unlikely to see a nationwide waterways body which brought them all together.

Q. Colin McMurray, Clyde Marine Training

Mr McMurray asked if the canals could be included in the larger marine sector. A Margaret Horn noted that, even without merger into the marine sector, there is nothing to

preclude BWS from forming relationships with other bodies and that the Scottish

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Government canals policy encouraged partnership working to help deliver governmental objectives. Steve Dunlop added that it has been a BWS ambition for a while to see the marine economy and waterway economy interlinked. He noted that there are many different collaborations possible. For example, he said BWS is currently looking at how the canals can help manage run off surface water in Glasgow and support flood risk management.

Q Gordon Daly

Mr Daly noted that British Waterways sits on the Scottish Boating Alliance, on the RYA Scotland Sail Committee and on most of the committees ‘that do things’. He added on a separate note that any new regime be called ‘Scottish Waterways’.

Q Stuart Henderson, Swallow

Mr Henderson asked why British Waterways invested in a Flail which hasn’t been used. He also asked about an ongoing request to replace a ramp..

A David Lamont noted that a plant and vehicle review is currently underway and that this will help ensure that BWS uses equipment more effectively around the network. As regards the ramp, David noted that BWS sees health and safety as of paramount importance. He committed to getting the ramp replaced.

Q Gail Jones, Capercaillie

Ms Jones noted that some customers are being charged for facilities at Southbank Marina i.e. the toilet facilities and the marina.

A BWS subsequently secured clarification from East Dunbartonshire Corporation which

confirmed that: ‘’Should a BW customer – not a Southbank moorer – want to access the facilities they can register for a door fob which requires a £10 deposit. This enables a boat in transit to use the facilities whenever they require. There are a number of boat owners who have taken up the door fob offer and it seems to work well. If we have a BW customer who wishes to moor up overnight then the £8 per night charge includes the use of a visitor fob which they hand back to us on departure. While we don’t have staff permanently on site to deal with specific moorers, we cover the facility through our own staff Mon – Fri 09.00 to 17.00 and then outwith these hours and at weekends our security guards are briefed up to take fees and issue fobs and receipts. Should any BW customers wish to give us advance notice of their intention to use the Southbank facilities, we will of course make the necessary arrangements to ensure space is reserved.’

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Q. Pierre Potel, Loch Ness

Mr Potel asked if there will be new moorings at Ratho. A. Richard Millar confirmed that the new development by CALA Homes will include a new

facility block and potentially new residential moorings. The facility block will be owned by BWS.

Richard added that BWS’s on-going aim is to see more boats on the canal and, to this end, BWS is currently looking at mooring strategies in Edinburgh.

Q. Jim McLaughlin, Forth & Clyde Canal Society Mr McLaughlin noted that the Forth & Clyde Canal Society will hold their 30th Anniversary event next Saturday night (30th October) at Smiths Hotel in Kirkintilloch and guests speakers will be Jim Stirling, George Ballinger and Derek Cochrane.

Q. Tommy Lawton

Mr Lawton proposed that the venue for the Forum remains The Falkirk Wheel but that the presentation screen and acoustics are improved.

A. Richard Millar confirmed that BWS would address these issues.

Q. Gordon Daly Mr Daly asked if the dates of the next two meetings could be agreed before the Forum closed.

A. It was agreed that the meetings next year will be held on Saturday 26 March 2011 and 29 October 2011.

John Hume then asked guests to raise their hands if they believed the Scottish Government stance to be a good one. The majority of guests did so and John thanked Margaret Horn, Jon Hargreaves, Steve Dunlop and David Lamont for their input.

Margaret Horn invited everyone to pick up a copy of the Scottish Government information sheet about public statements made on the future of BWS which she had brought to the Forum. John Hume closed the meeting, thanking guests for coming along and the top table for their presentations and input.

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Appendix : Attendees

Name Organisation

Ralph Allardyce

Frankie Angus Sir Ralph

Mary Armstrong Clan Warrior – Bowling

Tom Armstrong Clan Warrior – Bowling

Pat Bowie ReUnion

Barbara Braithwaite Linlithgow Union Canal Society

David Brown Auchinstarry Committee

Iain Campbell Edinburgh Canal Society

Andy Carnduff RYA, FYCA

Nicola Christie British Waterways Scotland

Mr Corroon Canadian Canoe Club

Peter Currie Hedwig the Third

Alison Currie Hedwig the Third

Gordon Daly Royal Yachting Association

Andy Devenport Edinburgh Canal Society

Tony Devlin Unite

Steve Dunlop British Waterways Scotland

Cicely Frew Tamarisk

Colin Galloway Linlithgow Union Canal Society

Alistair Gordon British Waterways Scotland

Gillian Hanley Crew Architects

Jake Hansen Sir Ralph

Jon Hargreaves British Waterways Board

Joanna Harrison British Waterways Scotland

McAdam Henderson Banking Over

Stuart Henderson Swallow

Brenda Honnan British Waterways Scotland

Margaret Horn Scottish Government

Greg Hughes

John Hume Lowland User Group Chair

Guthrie Hutton British Waterways Scotland Group

David Innes

Jim Jack Misty Waters

Barbara Jack Misty Waters

Simon Jackson Wake Robin

Gail Jones Capercaillie

Liz Jones

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Billy Jones

Mr Kelly Jemima

David Lamont British Waterways Scotland

Nancy Lawton Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Tommy Lawton Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Sandy Le Pla Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Stewart Liddle Linlithgow Union Canal Society

Fiona Anne Linton Linda – Bowling

Robert Linton Linda – Bowling

Jim Lonie Linlithgow Union Canal Society

Linton McBurnie British Waterways Scotland

Lisa MacKinnon British Waterways Scotland

Jim McLachlan Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Margaret McLachlan Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Robert McLeod British Waterways Scotland

Trisha McLuckie Edinburgh Canal Society

Colin McMurray Clyde Marine Training

Katy McPherson British Waterways Scotland

David McRoberts British Waterways Scotland

Phil Martin British Waterways Scotland

Billy Mason Nimbus

Nola Meikle Nolas Ark

Richard Millar British Waterways Scotland

Frances Mimnagh British Waterways Scotland

Karen Moore The Waterways Trust

Alan Muir Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Mrs Neilson

Alison Payne Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Barry Pendlebury Corixa

Pierre Potel Loch Ness

Bill Robertson British Waterways Scotland

Ronnie Rusack Ratho Princess

Nicholas Scott Cassandra

Audrey Simon Edinburgh Canal Society

Gary Somerville Crew Architects

Chrisy Southgate Indi

Ron Spedding The Seagull Trust

Stuart Stirling British Waterways Scotland

Lena Sutherland Linlithgow Ramblers

Bill Tait Daddy-D-Cool – Grangemouth

Hamish Taylor Aramis

Philip Taylor Fir Ark

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Graeme Thomas

Graham Wallace Mr GV

Mrs Wallace Mr GV

Mr Wallace Mr GV

Maurice Watson Linlithgow Ramblers

Robert Young