Lowbackpain Chiro Ed Revised




Transcript of Lowbackpain Chiro Ed Revised

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Even minor accidents can cause permanent injury if not taken care of properly

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As a childAt workIn winterDown stepsSportsAt Play

Falls can cause pain…

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Same activitiesSame activities

day after dayday after dayNot properlyNot properly

stretchingstretchingImproper LiftingImproper Lifting

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Subluxation – the misalignment of

one or more spinal bones, this puts pressure on your nerves and decreases their ability to function.

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Your body can be injured many times over a period of days, months or years.

Once the body has accumulated enough injury your pain system kicks in

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Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain—and that’s just for the more easily identified costs.

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Experts estimate that as many as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some point in their lives.

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Watching your lifting procedures

Bend from the knees

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ForwardBackwardSide to sideRotate side to


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It puts extra

pressure on…

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If you are feeling pain, you have a significant subluxation

Listen to your body’s warning signs

Make sure your family gets checked before they have pain or problems

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Shock absorbersKeep bones off nervesSick discs lead to…





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Your misaligned spinal bones

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