Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016,...

Low x Physics at Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with the LHeC: DIS with E E e e =70GeV and =70GeV and E E p =7TeV =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton, M Diehl, M Klein, L Favart, J Forshaw, L Lonnblad, A Mehta, E Perez, G Shaw, F Willeke Klein Perez This talk

Transcript of Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016,...

Page 1: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Low x Physics at the Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS withLHeC: DIS withEEee=70GeV and =70GeV and

EEpp=7TeV =7TeV

P.Newman, Birmingham

[hep-ex/0603016,JINST 1 (2006) P10001]

Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton, M Diehl, M Klein, L Favart, J Forshaw, L Lonnblad,A Mehta, E Perez, G Shaw, F Willeke




Page 2: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,


• What and Where is Low x Physics?

• The LHeC in overview

• Low x Detector Considerations

• Some first case studies:- Establishing new low x dynamics (F2, F2c, F2b, dipoles)- Diffractive DIS- DVCS- Forward Jets- eA- A long list of things I missed!

Page 3: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

The Birth of Experiental Low x PhysicsThe Birth of Experiental Low x Physics

• Biggest HERA discovery: strong increase of quark density(F2) and gluon density (d F2 / d ln Q2) with decreasing x innewly explored regime.

Low x, `large’ Q2 is high density, low coupling limit of QCD …

Page 4: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Low x Physics ctdLow x Physics ctd

We have learned a lot about its properties…… from RHIC and Tevatron data as well as HERA …… but many questions are not fully answered…• Are non-DGLAP parton evolution dynamics Visible in the initial state parton cascade?• How and where is the parton growth with Decreasing x tamed as required by unitarity (parton saturation)?… barely(if at all) separated from confinement region• How is the large (~ constant?) fraction of diffraction related to the inclusive rate?

They are unanswered since low x is Kinematically correlated to low Q2, which brings problems (partonic pQCD language breaks down just where x values get interesting)

Page 5: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Offer a description in the most interesting low x region,Where Q2 is small and partons are not appropriate Degrees of freedom and the language of PDFs breaks down.

Added bonus: simple unified picture of many inclusive andDiffractive processes … all strong interaction physics liesIn the (universal) dipole cross section dipole. Just change the way in which the wavefunctions appear!

Reminder : Dipole modelsReminder : Dipole models

(qqbar-g dipolesAlso needed toExtend descriptionTo inclusive diffraction)

2, 2 2 , 2* *( , ) d d ( , , ) ( , , )T L T Lp dipolex Q z r z r Q x r z

Page 6: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

An Example Dipole Approach to HERA DataAn Example Dipole Approach to HERA Data

Forshaw, Sandapen, Shawhep-ph/0411337,0608161… used for illustrationshere

Fit inclusive HERA dataWith dipole models Containing variousAssumptions.

FS04 Regge (~FKS): 2 pomeron model, no saturationFS04 Satn: Simple implementation of saturationCGC: Colour Glass Condensate version of saturation

All three models can describe data with Q2 > 1GeV2, x < 0.01Only versions with saturation work for 0.045 < Q2 < 1 GeV2

Similar conclusions from final state studies

Page 7: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

LHeC Inclusive LHeC Inclusive KinematicsKinematics

s 1.4 V Te

710 at x 1.4 eV TW

70 GeV eE 7 TeVpE

2 2 1 GeVQ

(5 x HERA)

Unprecedented lumi = 1033 cm-2 s-1 !!!

• Extension to higherQ2 in x range coveredBy HERA

• Extension of low x(high W) frontier

Page 8: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

LHeC Low x Kinematics and Electron LHeC Low x Kinematics and Electron DetectorsDetectors

• Without focusing,Acceptance to179o gives access to Q2=1 For all x… below 10-6!

2 modes considered:

• Focusing Magnet To optimise lumi … detector acceptance to 170o … not much Acceptance Below Q2=100



Page 9: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Hadronic Final State Detector Hadronic Final State Detector ConsiderationsConsiderations

• Considerably more asymmetric than HERA!-Hadronic final state at the newly accessed lowest xValues goes central or backward in the detector - At x values typical of HERA (but large Q2), hadronic final state is boosted more in the forward direction.

• Full Study of low x / Q2 and of range overlapping withHERA, also of energy flow in outgoingproton direction require more (1o) … but luminosity less important, so dedicated alternative set-up possible?

Page 10: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Example FExample F22 with LHeC Data with LHeC Data

(Jeff Forshaw)(10 fb-1)

(1o acceptance)

Precise data in THERA region- Cleanly establishSaturation at Q2 values where partonic languageunquestionably applicable-DistinguishBetween models of saturation

Statistical precision <0.1%, systematics 1-3%


Page 11: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Example 2: Interpreting Geometric Scaling Example 2: Interpreting Geometric Scaling

Stasto, Golec-Biernat,Kwiecinski, hep-ph/0007192

*p( only), = Q2 R02(x) and

R02(x) is “saturation radius”

Change of behaviour near=1 often cited as evidenceFor saturating

But data below =1 are very low Q2 – various other effects and theoretical Difficultiesassociated with Confinement / change to hadronic dof’s

To reach a consensus, need to see transition in a Q2Region where we can unambiguously interpret partonically

Page 12: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Geometric Scaling at the LHeC Geometric Scaling at the LHeC

LHeC reaches =0.15 for Q2=1 GeV2

and =0.4 forQ2=2 GeV2

Some (thoughlimited)Acceptance forQ2<Q2

s with Q2


HERALimit for

Q2>2 GeV2

Page 13: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

In framework of Linked Dipole Chain Model … Change in behaviour due To finite quark masses as well as saturation via multiple interactions and `swing’ mechanism’ (recouplings in dipole chain)Predict breaking of scaling for <1 if data withQ2>1 become available (e.g. from LHeC)

Alternative View (Avsar, Gustafson, Alternative View (Avsar, Gustafson, Lonnblad)Lonnblad)


Page 14: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

LHeC Comparison with PredictionsLHeC Comparison with Predictions


‘1 pom only’ already ruled out at HERADistinguishing need for swing mechanism requires highest W and lowest Q2 at HERA. – Clean separation at LHeC


Page 15: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

DVCS Kinematic DVCS Kinematic RangeRange

… can be tackled asAt HERA Through anInclusive Selection of Ep epand statistical Subtraction Of Bethe Heitler background

(Laurent Favart)



Page 16: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Example of DVCS at LHeCExample of DVCS at LHeC

(Jeff Forshaw)

(10 fb-1, stat errors only)


(1o acceptance)

StatisticalPrecision 1-4%

ClearlyDistinguishesDifferent modelsWhich containSaturation.

Interpretation inTerms of GPDsMuch cleaner atLarger Q2 valuesAccessed

VMs similar story

Page 17: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Diffractive DIS at HERADiffractive DIS at HERA

• Parton-level mechanism and relation to diffractive pp scattering, inclusive DIS, confinement still not settled

• Diffractive parton densities (DPDFs)Should be universal to diffractive DIS (i.e. apply to both HERA and LHeC) and can be used toPredict pp with additional `gapSurvival factors’

`discovery’ atHERA (~10% of low x events are ep -> eXp)

Page 18: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Example HERA DPDF Results (linear z Example HERA DPDF Results (linear z scale)scale)• Quark densities well

Understood over a wideRange to z~10-2. (known to ~5%)

• But most tests of Factorisation and requiredPredictions require theGluon density.

• Known to ~15% at low zFrom ln Q2 dependence,(small lever-arm in Q2)

• Known very poorly at highZ (qqg dominates Q2


Page 19: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

LHeC Diffractive LHeC Diffractive KinematicsKinematics

• Factorisation tests: DPDFs extracted at HERA predict LHeC cross section at moderate /large , higher Q2.

• New dynamics: LHeC opens new low region – partonsaturation, BFKL etc showing up first in diffraction?

•Large Diff. Masses: Z production, studies of new 1-- states


Page 20: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

LHeC LHeC SimulationSimulationStatistical precision

Not an issue

Big extensions toLower xIP … cleanerSeparation ofThe diffractiveexchange

Higher Q2 at fixed, xIP CC (andz in NC) allows flavourDecompositions of DPDFs

Lower at fixed Q2,xIP

Page 21: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Example FExample F22DD with LHeC with LHeC

Large Rapidity Gap method assumed.Statistical precision ~0.1%, systematics ~5%

(Jeff Forshaw)

(10 fb-1)


(1o acceptance)

DiffractiveStructure functionUnknown for<~ 0.01 … largeExtrapolationUncertainties.

Plenty to learn from LHeC, Including theProper way toSaturate a qqbarg dipole

Page 22: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

• Factorisation tests done at HERA with gluon initiated jet / charm processes… BUT …• kinematically restricted to high region where F2

D is least sensitive to the gluon!• kinematically restricted to low pT, where Scale uncertainties are large.• Surprises and confusion in gp what happens to gap survival at lower z … cf Totem etc?

Final States in DiffractionFinal States in Diffraction

Jets in p

Jets in DIS

Charm in DIS

Page 23: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Final States in Diffraction at the LHeCFinal States in Diffraction at the LHeC• At LHeC, diffractive massesMx up to hundreds of GeVcan be produced with low xIP

• Low , low xIP region for jets and charm accessible

• Final state jets etc at higher pt … much more precise factorisationTests and DPDF studies (scale uncty)

• New diffractive channels …beauty, W / Z bosons

• Unfold quantum numbers /precisely measure exclusively produced new / exotic 1– states


(RAPGAP simulation)

(ep eXp)

Page 24: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Diffractive Detector ConsiderationsDiffractive Detector Considerations

• Accessing xIP = 0.01 with rapidity gap method requires max cut around 5 …forward instrumentation essential!

• Roman pots, FNC should clearly be an integral part

• The work going on in this community (Totem, FP420 …) already tells us a lot about what is (not) achievable and mayprovide recyclable technology. Dedicated studies needed!

Page 25: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Forward JetsForward JetsLong HERA program to understand parton cascade emissions by direct observation of jet patternin the forward direction. … DGLAP v BFKL v CCFM vresolved *…

Conclusions limited byKinematic restriction to High x (>~ 2.10-3) and detector acceptance.

LHeC can tackle both … see more emissions due to longer ladder, more instrumentation lower x where predictionsReally diverge.

Page 26: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Beauty as a Low x Observable!!!Beauty as a Low x Observable!!!

(Jeff Forshaw)

(10 fb-1)


(10o acceptance)

Statistical errors20-80%Systematics~5%

F2c and F2sAlso measured(to betterStatistical Precision) seeMax Klein’s talk.

Page 27: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

With AA at LHC, LHeC is also an eA With AA at LHC, LHeC is also an eA ColliderCollider

• LHeC extends by orders of magnitude towards lower x.

• With wide range of x, Q2, A, opportunity to extract andunderstand nuclear parton densities in detail

• Symbiosis with ALICE, RHIC, EIC … disentangling Quark Gluon Plasma from shadowing or parton saturation effects

• Rich physics ofnuclear parton densities.

• Limited x and Q2

range so far (unknownFor x<~10-2 and Q2 > 1 GeV2)

Page 28: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Simple Model of Gluon SaturationSimple Model of Gluon Saturation• Saturation point when xg(x) ~ Q2 / s(Q2)• Nuclear enhancement of gluon density a A1/3 ccc• Compare extrapolated (NLO) gluon density from HERA

• Saturation point reached in ep at LHeC for Q2 <~ 5 GeV2

• Reached in eA for much higher Q2

Page 29: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Unmentioned TopicsUnmentioned TopicsThis talk contained an (embarrassingly) limited number ofStudies, which only scratches the surface of the low x Physics potential of the LHeC.

Some obvious omissions:- Lots of eA physics!- All sorts of low x jet measurements- All sorts of low x charm measurements- Prompt photons- Photoproduction and photon structure- Leading neutrons and other semi-inclusives- Exclusive vector meson production

… studies of these and many other topics are very welcome,In order fully to evaluate the physics case for such afacility!

Page 30: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

SummarySummaryTo further pursue low x physics with unpolarised targets, the natural next step is an extension to lower x (i.e. higher energy)

For its relative theoretical cleanliness, ep should be a largeFeature of this.

For its enhanced sensitivity to high parton densities, eAShould also be a large part of the programme.

All of this is possible in the framework of the LHC - a totally new world of energy and luminosity! Why not exploit It for lepton-hadron scattering

First conceptual design exists … no show-stopper so farSome encouraging first physics studies shown here.

Much more to be done to fully evaluate physics potentialand determine optimum running scenarios!

Page 31: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Back ups and Rejects follow

Page 32: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

LHeC Basic Principle LHeC Basic Principle • On timescale of LHC upgrades

• ep in parallel with standard pp operation

• Proton beam parameters fixed by LHC

• 70 GeV electron beam, compromisingbetween energy and synchrotron (0.7 GeV loss per turn)

Superconducting RF cavities then consume 50MW for Ie=70mA

New detector possibly replaces LHCb at end of their programme?

Electron beam by-passes other experiments via existing survey tunnels



Page 33: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

DPDFs and the LHCDPDFs and the LHC

b, W

b, WH



p p’



• It’s the gluon and S2 we need!

• At LHeC, DPDFs and theoreticalmodels can be tested in detail and possibly contribute to discoverypotential

e.g. Searches for `exclusive’Higgs production at the LHCrely on understanding backgroundfrom inclusive diffraction and of`gap survival probability’ inhadronic diffraction

Tested in inclusive diffractionand diffractive jet production at HERA! – LHeC goes way beyond!

Page 34: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Overview of LHeC ParametersOverview of LHeC Parameters

e accelerator similar to LEP … FODO structure with 376 cells @ 60m (LEP 290 cells)

Page 35: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Interaction RegionInteraction Region

Top view

2 mrad

Non-colliding p beamVertically displaced

• Matching electron and protonbeam shapes and sizes determines* x emittance for electron beam

• High luminosity requires low quadrupoles close to interactionpoint (1.2 m)

• Fast separation of beams withtolerable synchrotron power requires finite crossing angle

• 2 mrad angle gives 8 separation atfirst parasitic crossing

• Resulting loss of luminosity (factor 3.5)partially compensated by “crab cavities” … -> 1033 cm-2 s-1

Page 36: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

LHeC ContextLHeC Context

• Combining the LHC protonswith an electron beam isnatural next step in pushingthe frontiers of ep physics:small resolved dimensions, high Q2 and low x • Can be done without affecting pp running

Latest of several proposals totake ep physics into the TeV energy range …… but with unprecedented lumi!

Page 37: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Overview of Physics MotivationsOverview of Physics Motivations-New Physics in the eq Sector leptoquarks, RP violating SUSY, quark compositeness

-The Low x Limit of Quantum Chromodynamics high parton densities with low coupling parton saturation, new evolution dynamics

-Quark-Gluon Dynamics and the Origin of Mass confinement and diffraction

-Precision Proton Structure for the LHC essential to know the initial state precisely! including heavy flavour (b), gluon

-Nuclear Parton Densities eA with AA -> partons in nuclei, Quark Gluon Plasma

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Page 39: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Heavy Flavour Constraints for LHCHeavy Flavour Constraints for LHC

• At Q2 values of LHC and LHeC, charm and beauty important

• Crucial for understanding initial state of many new processes (e.g. bbbar->H) and background rates.

• Precise knowledge available from ep …


fromH1 Si

Page 40: Low x Physics at the LHeC: DIS with E e =70GeV and E p =7TeV P.Newman, Birmingham [hep-ex/0603016, JINST 1 (2006) P10001] Thanks to E Avsar, J Dainton,

Dipole Approach to HERA Data ctdDipole Approach to HERA Data ctd

Dipole formalism allows predictions of many other Observables …

DVCSF2c, vector meson production,F2D (with qqg dipole included),DVCS

Same story emerges throughout: no clear evidence forSaturation … so the story hinges on Q2<1 in the inclusiveData!