Low-Cost, Low-Energy, Wireless Hydrological Monitoring ...2020/07/01  · arising the need for...

Research Article Low-Cost, Low-Energy, Wireless Hydrological Monitoring Platform: Design, Deployment, and Evaluation Qasem Abdelal 1 and Ahmad Al-Hmoud 2 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, German Jordanian University, Amman 11180, Jordan 2 Department of Energy Engineering, German Jordanian University, Amman 11180, Jordan Correspondence should be addressed to Ahmad Al-Hmoud; [email protected] Received 1 July 2020; Revised 12 January 2021; Accepted 20 January 2021; Published 10 February 2021 Academic Editor: Xavier Vilanova Copyright © 2021 Qasem Abdelal and Ahmad Al-Hmoud. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Climate change has increasingly been considered responsible for irregular weather patterns leading to many environmental hazards and catastrophes. Coping with these conditions and providing eective solutions require monitoring and collecting data of various hydrological parameters and events in high spatial and temporal resolutions, which is generally limited by the cost and energy requirements of the monitoring devices. In this work, we push the limit of the current low-cost data acquisition capabilities by developing the HydroMon3: a hydrological monitoring platform that collects, stores, and transmits high temporal resolution data reliably and accurately, and capable of interfacing dierent types of sensors. The modular design is driven by utilizing the recent burst in commercially available IoT-related electronics modules to minimize the cost and maximize exibility, while applying various hardware and software techniques to ensure reliability and energy performance. Stream stage and tipping bucket monitoring units based on the HydroMon3 platform were deployed to more than 20 locations in two dierent watersheds, and their performance over a 6-month season was evaluated. Collected data for a number of storms provided important insights for linking hydrological events and showed substantial variability in the monitored parameters both spatially and temporally, which were compared with local data records and conrmed that conventional hydrological data acquisition methods are under representative of the actual events. Field-proven results demonstrate the unitsability to maintain autonomous operation from several months for the stream stage monitors to years for the rainfall gauges using of-the-shelf AA batteries. 1. Introduction One of the established impacts of climate change is irregular, more intense precipitation patterns and ambient temperature uctuations. This has a signicant impact on the occurrence of ash oods and droughts [1]. Apart from the catastrophic loss in lives, oods account for extreme economic losses, and it has been reported that in Europe alone, the cost of damage was more than $500 billion between 1980 and 2015 [2]. In semiarid regions, Jordan as an example, ash oods pose a very serious threat to lives and property [3, 4], several unfor- tunate events in which lives were lost were witnessed in Petra and near the Dead Sea. Optimal water monitoring and management are neces- sary. Hydrological monitoring is critical for water resources management and ood risk mitigation studies, it can be achieved through a series of sensors and data loggers, and these can be used for several applications, examples of which are precipitation monitoring systems, solar radiation [5], soil moisture monitoring [6], ood monitoring [1, 7, 8], and monitoring of aquatic environments [9]. Input from all these sensor systems will help better analyze existing conditions and make better decisions. Classical data loggers and SCADA systems can be very expensive and provide limited options for customization and integration with other systems. Data is either stored locally or transmitted through cables, which adds high installation costs and limits the possible commissioning area [1]. Some wireless solutions exist, and they are very expensive and provides even less system exibility. Complete, widespread sensor networks can be cost prohibitive, thus Hindawi Journal of Sensors Volume 2021, Article ID 8848955, 14 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8848955

Transcript of Low-Cost, Low-Energy, Wireless Hydrological Monitoring ...2020/07/01  · arising the need for...

Page 1: Low-Cost, Low-Energy, Wireless Hydrological Monitoring ...2020/07/01  · arising the need for developing low-cost, low-energy, autono-mous wireless systems. In the past decade, major

Research ArticleLow-Cost, Low-Energy, Wireless Hydrological MonitoringPlatform: Design, Deployment, and Evaluation

Qasem Abdelal 1 and Ahmad Al-Hmoud 2

1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, German Jordanian University, Amman 11180, Jordan2Department of Energy Engineering, German Jordanian University, Amman 11180, Jordan

Correspondence should be addressed to Ahmad Al-Hmoud; [email protected]

Received 1 July 2020; Revised 12 January 2021; Accepted 20 January 2021; Published 10 February 2021

Academic Editor: Xavier Vilanova

Copyright © 2021 Qasem Abdelal and Ahmad Al-Hmoud. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

Climate change has increasingly been considered responsible for irregular weather patterns leading to many environmental hazardsand catastrophes. Coping with these conditions and providing effective solutions require monitoring and collecting data of varioushydrological parameters and events in high spatial and temporal resolutions, which is generally limited by the cost and energyrequirements of the monitoring devices. In this work, we push the limit of the current low-cost data acquisition capabilities bydeveloping the HydroMon3: a hydrological monitoring platform that collects, stores, and transmits high temporal resolution datareliably and accurately, and capable of interfacing different types of sensors. The modular design is driven by utilizing the recentburst in commercially available IoT-related electronics modules to minimize the cost and maximize flexibility, while applyingvarious hardware and software techniques to ensure reliability and energy performance. Stream stage and tipping bucketmonitoring units based on the HydroMon3 platform were deployed to more than 20 locations in two different watersheds, andtheir performance over a 6-month season was evaluated. Collected data for a number of storms provided important insights forlinking hydrological events and showed substantial variability in the monitored parameters both spatially and temporally, whichwere compared with local data records and confirmed that conventional hydrological data acquisition methods are underrepresentative of the actual events. Field-proven results demonstrate the units’ ability to maintain autonomous operation fromseveral months for the stream stage monitors to years for the rainfall gauges using of-the-shelf AA batteries.

1. Introduction

One of the established impacts of climate change is irregular,more intense precipitation patterns and ambient temperaturefluctuations. This has a significant impact on the occurrenceof flash floods and droughts [1]. Apart from the catastrophicloss in lives, floods account for extreme economic losses, andit has been reported that in Europe alone, the cost of damagewas more than $500 billion between 1980 and 2015 [2]. Insemiarid regions, Jordan as an example, flash floods pose avery serious threat to lives and property [3, 4], several unfor-tunate events in which lives were lost were witnessed in Petraand near the Dead Sea.

Optimal water monitoring and management are neces-sary. Hydrological monitoring is critical for water resources

management and flood risk mitigation studies, it can beachieved through a series of sensors and data loggers, andthese can be used for several applications, examples of whichare precipitation monitoring systems, solar radiation [5], soilmoisture monitoring [6], flood monitoring [1, 7, 8], andmonitoring of aquatic environments [9]. Input from all thesesensor systems will help better analyze existing conditionsand make better decisions. Classical data loggers and SCADAsystems can be very expensive and provide limited options forcustomization and integration with other systems. Data iseither stored locally or transmitted through cables, which addshigh installation costs and limits the possible commissioningarea [1]. Some wireless solutions exist, and they are veryexpensive and provides even less system flexibility. Complete,widespread sensor networks can be cost prohibitive, thus

HindawiJournal of SensorsVolume 2021, Article ID 8848955, 14 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8848955

Page 2: Low-Cost, Low-Energy, Wireless Hydrological Monitoring ...2020/07/01  · arising the need for developing low-cost, low-energy, autono-mous wireless systems. In the past decade, major

arising the need for developing low-cost, low-energy, autono-mous wireless systems.

In the past decade, major interest was put in the develop-ment of wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things(IoT) [10]; in the water resources field, they are envisioned totransform water resources management by allowing for real-time monitoring and control [11]. Wireless sensor networks(WSN) provide a very promising solution for environmentalmonitoring applications, where many spatially scattered mea-surement points of interest exist, and long-term data acquisi-tion is needed.

Several studies addressed hydrological monitoring andflood warning systems. Abdullahi et al. [8] designed a floodmonitoring system that integrates both flow and water levelsensors and uses two class neural networks to predict floodstatus. The system was laboratory based and used anESP8266-based NodeMCU board to transmit data over WiFito a cloud server. Nuhu et al. [12] designed a laboratory-based water level measurement system and focused onenhancing the energy efficiency of data transmission usingthe XM1000 module—which is a radio frequency modulebased on the Texas Instruments CC2420 chip—by utilizingthe Internet Protocol Version 6 over Low Power Wireless Per-sonal Area Network (6loWPAN) technology. The applicationcompares current water level with a predetermined threat leveland alerts relevant entities via email when a flood is eminent.The work of Nuhu et al. [12] is based on an emulation inwhich the results look promising.

Kruger et al. [13] developed a system for river stage moni-toring designed to be bridge mounted, each unit is equippedwith an ultrasonic sensor, a GPS receiver, and a solar panelfor power supply. Data is transmitted through cellularnetworks. Stage data is frequently measured and transmittedto be available over the internet. Bartos et al. [11] developedan end-to-end system demonstrating an autonomous watersystem, with a focus on urban storm water management. Theauthors comment that technology is no longer a limitation forachieving autonomous water systems; rather, it is the proprie-tary nature of the equipment, thus their high cost, which islimiting their widespread usability; in addition, there is a lackof proven case studies where these smart water managementsystems can be used and, lastly, the lack of the end-to-end solu-tion capable of supporting water resource management applica-tions. To that end, they developed their system of open sourcesoftware, hardware, and cloud computing services; the devel-oped systems were tested in two locations: one addressing flashflood problems, whereby a set of sensors were deployed to mea-sure stream stages, in addition to a wide array of other meteoro-logical and soil moisture measurements. The other location wasfor monitoring and management of a small watershed stormwater system, in which valves and gates were automaticallycontrolled by the system, thereby optimizing water usage,enhancing residence time within detention basins, and improv-ing overall water quality.

Perez et al. [1] summarized some of the criteria that needto be achieved these sensor systems; for example, powerusage needs to be optimized for deployment in remote loca-tions, they also need to be reliable and be able to withstandharsh weather conditions, and in addition, the systems must

be able to accommodate several sensor types and allow forlong-range communication. Flood monitoring has been doneusing various techniques, ranging from image processingutilizing the widely used surveillance cameras [14, 15], tothe use of ultrasonic sensors [13], to the deployment ofmobile sensors that submit GPS location signal to measureflow velocity [16].

Previous work has demonstrated promising results anddeveloped a number of successful prototypes. However, thenumber of field-operational units is still limited, with only afew cases demonstrated in literature. Moreover, cost andenergy efficiency have room to be improved and optimized,which is essential to maximize the benefits of such devices.

In this work, a complete hydrological monitoring platform,named HydroMon3, was designed, built, deployed, and evalu-ated. Following a modular design concept, the cost and partcount of the platform were significantly reduced and greatlyincreased the flexibility of the design. Several hardware andsoftware techniques were utilized to push the envelope on theenergy efficiency, achieving an autonomous operation ofseveral months to years using of-the-shelf AA batteries.Software-based probabilistic filtering algorithms were opti-mized to achieve accurate results with minimal energy con-sumption. More than 20 devices were deployed in twohydrological catchments in Jordan, one is the Zarqa Maincatchment discharging to the Dead Sea with an approximatearea of 270km2, and the other is in Petra with an approximatearea of 80km2. Both locations are prone to occasional thunder-storms and consequently flash floods. All streams in the twowatersheds are ephemeral, and thus, water will flow only in caseof rain. The deployed units mainly monitor precipitation rateand stream stages, while providing other data like ambient tem-perature and humidity. The data is logged locally and transmit-ted over the GSM network to the MathWorks® Thingspeak™cloud service where it can be stored, viewed, and analyzed.

In the following sections, the design and challenges inachieving good accuracy, reliability, and energy efficiency willbe discussed, followed by evaluation of the field performanceand demonstration of the end results.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Main Platform Hardware Description. The concept of theplatform presented in this work relies on taking advantage ofthe wide range of readily available electronics and modules tobuild a low-cost, flexible, and easy-to-reproduce platform,enabling us to acquire high-resolution hydrological data bothtemporally and spatially.

The HydroMon3 is a low-cost, low-energy, wireless plat-form, designed using a modular design concept to accommo-date different hydrological sensors for maximum flexibility.The device serves as a platform to receive data from thesensors, process it, store it, and transmit it. The main plat-form consists of a microcontroller, a real-time clock (RTC),a local storage unit, and a GSM module. Depending on theobjective of the system, multiple sensor combinations couldbe connected to the main platform. A block diagram of themain platform components is shown in Figure 1.

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The main platform was designed following a modulardesign concept to maximize flexibility and prioritized theuse of commercially available modules to lower cost, increaseavailability, and speed up production. Naturally, in order toachieve very high energy efficiency, some hardware modifica-tions were applied to the modules, and the power manage-ment circuit was custom designed.

The microcontroller unit (MCU) is the functional brain ofthe platform, managing and processing data, controlling othermodules, and making decisions. An Atmega328P mounted onan “Arduino Pro Mini” board is used because of its suitableperformance and memory, several communication typesavailable (Serial, SPI, I2C), wide voltage operating range,low-energy capabilities, and low cost. While the Atmega328Pfeatures a number of timers, the use of a dedicated RTC ismore accurate and provides better code efficiency within theMCU. Furthermore, the Atmega328P timers turn off duringsome levels of deep sleep to save energy, and keeping themon all the time uses substantially more energy than the dedi-cated RTC. Therefore, the performance of the MCU and theoverall energy efficiency are better using the dedicated RTC.A ZS-042 module based on the DS3231 RTC provided goodaccuracy, internal temperature compensation, and low cost.The RTC module is connected to the MCU through the I2Cconnection port.

A SIM800l GSM module was used to transmit data usingGPRS over a 2G network. Compared to higher bandwidthoptions like WiFi, 3G, and 4G networks, 2G GSM networkshave the widest coverage area, which is particularly importantin the remote areas where the device is deployed; in addition,considering the small size of data packs transmitted, therelatively low bandwidth of the 2G network will not be aconcern. The GSM module is controlled by the MCU usingAT commands through a serial connection port. Machine toMachine (M2M) SIM cards provide low-cost access to the net-work and are suitable for mass deployment of the devices.

In addition to transmitting the data, a local storage isused as a backup in case of any issues in the transmission

process. A microSD card storage module was used as thestorage media allows for easy data extraction and replace-ment. The module used is based on the SN74LVC125Aquadruple bus buffer gate IC, which is connected the MCUvia the SPI connection port.

The HymdroMon3 platform was fitted with a customdesigned power management circuit to achieve three targets,provide suitable voltage level, stable current, and low energylosses. A block diagram of the power management circuit isshown in Figure 2.

A low quiescent current DC/DC converter provides 5 voltsto run the MCU, which in turn controls a series of powerswitches to turn on and off different modules and sensors asneeded to minimize energy consumption. The GSM moduleis powered by a separate secondary power circuit because ofthe big difference of its power requirements in comparisonto the other parts of the circuits. The GSM module requires4.1 V and draws short current pulses of up to 3 amperes. Aseparate DC/DC converter is used to provide the requiredvoltage, and a combination of buffering circuits before andafter the converter provides the high-energy pulses requiredwith minimal disturbance to the input voltage, to achieve highstability in the transmission process.

The buffering and noise cancellation circuits are a combi-nation of different types of capacitors and passive componentscustom designed for each part of the circuit to stabilize theinput voltage at different current drawing conditions. Thebuffering circuits are important under three situations: withshort bursts of high current, for sensitive or higher frequencycomponents, and for components relatively far away fromthe power source. The common source of the possible issuesis the parasitic inductance and capacitance in the PrintedCircuit Board (PCB) traces. These parasitic components arealways present, but their effects are greatly increased underone—or more—of the three situations mentioned above. Theuse of the buffering circuits was empirically proven to greatlyincrease the stability and reliability of the overall system. Thepower switches are a combination of high-side and low-side


Real-time clock unit

Storage unit

GSM module

Voltage regulator

Voltage regulator


Power switches

Power switch

Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Voltage sensor I2C SPI



Figure 1: Block diagram of the major HydroMon3 components.

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MOSFET- or BJT-based switching circuits, depending on theoperating nature and switching requirement of the component.

Shown in Figure 3, the PCB layout plays a major role inreducing parasitic components in the traces and reducing elec-trical interference for the more sensitive parts. Routing parallelpower paths utilizing both sides of the PCB minimizes thepower loop area, which in turn minimizes the parasitic com-ponents in the traces. Using separate ground planes for highpower components and more sensitive components reduceselectrical interference, and the large ground plane under theMCU provides noise shielding [17]. The populated boardsare mounted inside weather-proof boxes equipped with aGSM antenna and a battery pack. A populated board and anassembled unit are shown in Figure 4.

2.2. Energy Considerations. Extended data acquisitionperiods in remote locations dictates very tight energy usageallowance and imposes various restrictions on the type ofpower sources. The first step is to ensure minimal energy lossby removing unnecessary hardware. These modificationsinclude removing all LEDs (except for a heartbeat signalingLED) and partial removal of any unutilized parts of the mod-ules or sensors used. The next step is to use physical switchesto completely disconnect any part of the circuit when it is notbeing used. This is very critical, since when dealing with verylow current consumption requirements, most sleep modeson chips and modules still allow drawing relatively substan-tial current. By using a combination of high-side and low-side switching circuits, the leakage current is reduced to thatof the transistors making these switching circuits, and thosewere chosen to have leakage current in the range of tens ofnanoamperes or less. The duration the platform componentsstaying on is equally important; therefore, the minimal timeeach component needs to stay up without compromisingreliable performance was empirically determined to optimizeenergy consumption.

The MCU, which is never disconnected from the powersupply, is supplied by a low quiescent current LDO DC/DCconverter, which is specifically chosen to limit the standbycurrent consumption of the regulator during the deep sleepmode of the MCU, which is the case most of the time. Theseoverall measures allow for an extremely low average standbycurrent consumption of 30 μA. This standby current wasmeasured by a Keysight B2901A source/meter unit.

The energy requirements of each component in the systemwere thoroughly studied to operate it as efficiently as possible,and in order to accomplish that, theoretical average valuesfrom datasheets are not sufficient, as most components havemany variables that effects the energy consumption behavior.So, an extensive set of tests were undergone to take high-resolution current measurement samples from each compo-nent, while running it at the extremes of its operating condi-tions and at the expected conditions of practical operation.This allowed for an accurate representation of the expectedreal-life energy consumption. The results of our tests areshown in Table 1.

All measurements were done using Keysight B2901Ahigh-precision source/meter unit and were performed undera supply voltage of 7.9V. The figures of the RTC were notshown here as it is supplied by its own battery, which practi-cally lasts more than 5 years.

As noted by previous research, using common renewableenergy sources like solar panels was avoided due to the riskof vandalism and theft [1], in addition to increasing the com-plexity of field mounting and narrowing the range of locationsthe devices can be deployed at. In principle, a battery packwith a working voltage range of 5–16V can be adequately usedto run the device. Yet, the range of 6–10V was found to be themost efficient and reliable. Since the device is intended to bedeployed in bulk numbers, six common AA alkaline batteriesare used in series configuration to achieve the desired operat-ing voltage over the lifetime of the battery and provide


DC/DCconverter 4.1 V

Buffering and noisefiltering circuit

GSM module

Buffering andnoise filtering



Low quiescentcurrent DC/DC

converter 5V


Power switches

Buffering and noise filtering circuit

Modules and sensors

Figure 2: Power management circuit block diagram.

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adequate energy capacity, while minimizing the overall systemsize. To increase the lifetime, NiMH, C-cells, D-cells, orlithium batteries can be directly used instead.

2.3. Stream Stage Monitoring. One of the biggest motivationsfor the development of the HydroMon3 platform is tomonitor floods through stream stage measurements and toacquire high-resolution data for characterization and model-ing purposes. To achieve that, the device should be able tomeasure water level with adequate accuracy and temporalresolution.

Due to the mechanical nature of sound waves, ultrasonicsensors are a popular choice to measure water surfacedistance. In addition to that, several factors make themappealing for our application. This type of sensor providescontactless readings with no moving parts, and no specialmounting requirements, which is crucial for applicationsinvolving potentially devastating water flow and allows forsimpler and more versatile installation. A JSN-SR04T-2.0waterproof ultrasonic sensor is used for its availability, lowcost, and rigidity. The sensor consists of a waterproof trans-ducer connected through a 1.5-m shielded cable to the mainboard, and it can be easily mounted using commerciallyavailable plastic tubing in field deployment. The sensor inter-faces to the microcontroller through two digital pins totrigger pulses and receive echo duration.

The flood monitoring system is built upon achievingmonitoring goals under very low energy consumption. Thisdictates an intermittent operation of the MCU, alternatingbetween different sleep and wake-up levels to guaranteeadequate level of performance at the least amount of requiredenergy. The general workflow of the platform is shown inFigure 5.

Immediately after the first power-up, the system entersself-testing routine, where it starts applying a number ofalgorithms to start and diagnose each part of the platform,initiate logging session in the memory, and transmit all diag-nostic data to the cloud server to start a transmission sessionthere. This last step doubles as a way to confirm the healthstatus of the transmission subsystem and gives the operatora way to assess the functionality of the device before anyextended deployment.

During the main loop, the MCU is in the deepest sleeplevel most of the time, waking periodically using the internalWatch Dog Timer (WDT) to trigger periodic wake-up cycles,where the code proceeds to acquire main hydrological andmeteorological data every prespecified time duration. Thisinterval can be changed depending on the desired data reso-lution, where the higher data acquisition frequencies impactthe overall lifetime of the battery. In Figure 5, two-minuteintervals were used, as it was the chosen frequency for thedeployed devices. As the transmission process requires asubstantially high amount of energy, the data is stored onthe MCU’s memory temporarily before sending it as a databulk at the end of a certain time interval. This exact timeinterval is determined according to the MCU’s memorycapabilities, data resolution, number of sensors, and how“real-time” the data is desired to be. Due to the use of anRTC, it could be also set to transmit at the end of each hour,as shown Figure 5. This makes data much easier to post pro-cess, and simpler to compare with data from other sources.

The RTC could have been used to initiate the trigger towake the system up, but this would lead the RTC to requiremuch higher energy (around 92 times more as per the data-sheet) to operate in this mode, and in case of any failure inthe RTC, the entire system would malfunction. On the otherhand, our approach requires less energy, and in case of afailure in the RTC, it would send a signal reporting thatand use an internal timer instead, which will shorten thebattery life substantially but will keep the system runninguntil it a maintenance team can deploy another device.

Due to the very low energy consumption of the device,low-resolution voltage data is more than enough. The voltagereadings are taken only once per hour and are taken beforethe start of the transmission routine, since the transmission’srelatively high power demand may cause the battery voltageto slightly dip, making the reading less accurate.

The transmission routine starts by switching on thetransmission subsystem power circuit, followed by a seriesof AT commands through the serial communication portsto guide the GSM module thought the GPRS routine andtransmit the bulk data to the cloud. The MathWorks® Thing-speak™ IoT service is used because of the powerful visualiza-tion and postprocessing abilities directly on the website.

To guarantee best accuracy for the water level fieldmeasurements, three stages of comprehensive tests wereconducted on the system and are as follows.

(i) First Stage. A series of tests were conducted underlaboratory-controlled conditions. Measurementswere taken at different distances, and over the courseof several days, to tweak all power-up, standby, and

Figure 3: Main platform PCB layout.


Main plaform

SensorsBattery pack

Figure 4: A populated board and a deployed HydroMon3 unit.

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pulse timings, in order to minimize energy con-sumption while guaranteeing readings reliability,repeatability, and voltage stability.

(ii) Second Stage. To simulate uncontrolled conditionsexpected in the field, the system was tested in an out-door testing facility, where temperature and humid-

ity were changing through the day, and some windand vibrations were present. The water level was sta-ble, and the measuring angle and surroundings wereclose to ideal.

The measurements were substantially affected by theambient temperature and humidity cycles through

Wake-up on WDT overflow

Did 2 minutes pass since last reading?

Power on

Auto test allsubsystems

Start a new logging session, and transmit current subsystems status

and first set of data to the cloud

Enter deep sleep mode


Turn sensors on

Acquire distance, temperature, and

humidity data

Turn sensors off

Process and store data in SD card and

MCU memory

Did we reach the end of the current hour?


Yes No

Start GSM Module

Connect to network, and start GPRS


Send data to cloud

Clear MCU memory

Turn-on voltage sensing circuit

Read voltage

Turn-off voltage sensing circuit

Figure 5: The general workflow of the stream stage monitoring system.

Table 1: Current and energy consumption figures for major components.

Component Average current (mA) Duration of an operation cycle (seconds)Energy consumption/cycle

of operation (mWh)

GSM 35.16 38 2.923

Ultrasonic sensor 20 3.3 0.145

SD card module 17.4 2.44 0.093

MCU + passive components 0.03 3600 0.237

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the day. Taking the measurements without account-ing for those variations resulted in substantial varia-tions through the day. To enhance the readingaccuracy, an equation developed by Panda et al.[18] was used to compensate for the temperatureand humidity effects on the speed of sound in air,as can be seen in equation (1):

Cs = 331:296 + 0:606 × θ½ �ð Þ × 1 + RH × 9:604½ð× 10−6 × 100:032× θ− 0:004×θ2ð Þð ÞiÞ,


where Cs is the speed of sound in air after compensa-tion, θ is the air temperature, and RH is the relativehumidity of air.

While using the equation as is resulted in betteraccuracy, the results were overcompensated, andthe equation parameters need to be calibrated toour own hardware setup. To do that, a series oftests were conducted to acquire several thousands

of reading for distances from 0.5 to 4 meters, underdifferent temperature and humidity conditions,using multiple hardware setups to account forsmall variations between individual components.The results of these experiments were analyzed,and the equation parameters were optimizedaccordingly using the GRG nonlinear optimizingmethod. The results of the parameter optimizationprocess is shown in equation (2):

Cs = 331:296 + 0:43657 × θ½ �ð Þ × 1 + RH × 24:5456½ð× 10−6 × 100:06137× θ− 0:01632×θ2ð Þð ÞiÞ:


The optimized equation resulted in substantiallygreater accuracy and much smaller measurement var-iations with temperature and humidity change. Theresults of this optimization process is demonstratedin Figure 6, where the three cases were plotted againsteach other, noting that the actual distance to be mea-sured was 2078mm (±2mm, due to the irregularshape of the sensor’s tip). It is clear that that the opti-mized equation produced much more consistentresults and have substantially mitigated the effects ofthe temperature and humidity variations. The micro-fluctuations are due to the sensor’s measurementsaccuracy, and those cannot be overcome.

(iv) Third Stage. To identify other environmental condi-tions that may be present in the field and may affectthe accuracy and reliability of the measurements, adifferent approach was taken. Multiple units wereinstalled in remote uncontrolled areas very similarto where they would be installed during actualdeployment, while more units were set up in outdoortesting facilities under unfavorable testing conditions.Several different data acquisition systems wereinstalled in these locations to verify some of the mea-surements and to collect additional data such asatmospheric pressure and wind speed. The results ofthese tests confirmed that the uncontrolled environ-mental conditions could cause unexpected issues inthe measurements. These particular measurementswere characterized by either abnormally very low orvery high readings. This is very problematic, as typicalaveraging techniques of the readings will only getthings worse, since it will not be possible to identifythese outliers afterwards. By analyzing the datacollected by the different test setups, it was found thatwind, vibrations, and uneven measurement surfaceswere the main contributors to these outliers.

To solve this problem, a statistical filtering approachwas followed. After taking several distance readings,the code will first filter any reading that is out of theoperational range of the device. After that, it willneglect a range of the highest and lowest readingsdepending on the number of the original valid





0 4 8 12 16





Time (hours)

In-field distance readings under unfavorable conditions

Before filteringAfter filtering

Figure 7: Demonstration of the effectiveness of the developedfiltering method.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35





Time (hours)

Distance measured by the ultrasonic sensor

After optimizing the compensation parametersBefore optimizing the compensation parametersWithout compensation

Figure 6: Comparison of the distance measurements through thedifferent stages of compensation and optimization.

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readings. The remaining values will be averaged toproduce the final measurement value. However,these values cannot be arbitrarily chosen. The num-ber of readings to be taken will substantially affectthe lifetime of the battery, and the number of read-ings to be neglected will affect the accuracy of theresults. To accurately determine these parameters, aprobabilistic model of the outliers was developed.The system was tested under different wind andvibrations levels, taking measurements for a rangeof distances and doing that on different types of sur-faces. Using the results of those tests in addition tothe previous field collected data, the filter parameterswere optimized.

The final produced filter was undemanding enoughto be implemented in the system’s microcontrollerwithout requiring overly high processing power orextended on-time periods, while providing verygood results, as can be seen in Figure 7. The figure

demonstrates the effectiveness of this filteringmethod by comparing the results taken by a simpleaveraging technique, compared to the developed fil-ter. The measurements demonstrated were taken inan in-field water channel susceptible to heavy windgusts, and having a very uneven surface. The averagedistance measured using the unfiltered readings is1562.3mm, compared to an average of 2981.5mmfor the filtered readings. Considering that the actualdistance to be measured was 2978mm (±5mm dueto the uneven measured surface), the filtered resultsare substantially better.

(v) Additional Tests. To further analyze the effects oftemperature on the system, the system was putthrough multiple cycles of both slow and rapid tem-perature change, from zero to 60 Celsius, but nonoticeable effects on data or system stability werefound. In addition, another set of tests involvingthe sensor alone was made; this involved putting

Wake-up on WDT overflow

Did 2 minutes pass since last reading?

Power on

Auto test allsubsystems

Start a new logging session, and transmit current subsystems status

and first set of data to the cloud

Enter deep sleep mode


Turn sensors on

Acquire distance, temperature, and

humidity data

Turn sensors off

Process and store data in SD card and

MCU memory

Did we reach the end of the current hour?


Yes No

Start GSM module

Connect to network, and start GPRS


Send data to cloud

Clear MCU memory

Turn-on voltage sensing circuit

Read voltage

Turn-off voltage sensing circuit

Figure 8: Block diagram of the tipping bucket monitoring device workflow.

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the transducer under different thermal conditions,from minus 10 degrees to 70 degrees Celsius, butno considerable effect was noticed.

2.4. Tipping Bucket Precipitation Measurement. Precipitationrate is one of the most essential meteorological data types fora successful hydrological flood monitoring and modelingeffort. However, most currently available meteorological datain the region are averaged across a relatively long period ofseveral hours or more. As several flood events are caused bythunderstorms, and very rapid weather changes, theseimportant details are ultimately lost in the averaging process.Moreover, these metrological events are usually localized andshow very high spatial variations, making it essential to havea lot of acquisition points scattered spatially. Bearing that inmind, having a precipitation rate monitoring device that is

Petra watershedLocation of the deployed stream gauges and tippingbuckets











Location of the deployed stream gauges and tippingbuckets

Zarqa main watershed 40






US_2_2 US_2_1





10 kmN



Tipping bucket


(c) (d)

Figure 9: Deployment locations for stream stage and tipping bucket monitoring devices in (a) Petra watershed and (b) Zarqa Mainwatershed. Sample pictures of deployed (c) stream stage and (d) tipping bucket monitoring units.


11:00 PM 12:00 AM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM


er le

vel (




Water level at a location in the Petra region

Figure 10: Capturing of a fast water increase event.


17/Mar 19/Mar 21/Mar 23/Mar


er le

vel (




Water level at a two sites in the Zarqa main watershed

Site 1Site 2

Figure 11: Data acquired from the same hydrological regionshowing substantial differences in the captured profile.

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capable of registering these fast changes, while being practicalto mass deploy, is the key. Due to the modular design of theHydroMon3 platform, it can perform as a precipitationmeter and transmitter by simply connecting a rainfall sensorand performing some software modifications.

A tipping bucket sensor is the most common type ofdevices used to register precipitation rate. It allows for accuratemeasurements, while having a very simple mechanism, mak-ing it a very reliable sensor for long time remote measure-ments. The sensor used in this work is the Rika RK400-04tipping bucket rainfall sensor. The working principle of this

sensor depends on the small “buckets” filling up with a cali-brated volume of water before “tipping” to spill over, causinga signal to be sent. Since the volume of the bucket is known,and the area of the sensor’s funnel is also known, then eachsignal sent will represent a certain amount of rainfall. Addi-tionally, if the signals were timed, then it could also give infor-mation about the rainfall rate, which is the target of this work.

While this system is based on the same platform softwareas the flood level monitoring device, it differs from it in thatthe MCU does not need to initiate the measurement process,rather the sensor itself will produce the signal. This will



Total daily precipitation (mm)Official daily record (mm)





104.5 7


8 km 8 km N

Figure 12: Spatial variability in recorded total daily precipitation after two arbitrary storms.





















m S





al fa







Al G





l dai

ly p






Rain gage name

Data from five rain gauges lacatedat thesame hydrological area, over a winter season











Figure 13: Spatial variability in recorded rainfall data over a winter season.

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generally allow for a more passive working principle and thuswill generally have a substantially longer operating times, andsubsequently battery lifetime. The general working principleof the rainfall sensor is shown in Figure 8.

The system starts up with the same diagnostic routine,before it starts the main loop. The tipping bucket sensor isconnected to a physical interrupt pin on the MCU, whereevery time the sensor “tips,” the MCU registers one tipthrough the interrupt routine, regardless of the current stateof the MCU. This allows the MCU to keep track of thesensor’s operation with minimal wake-up time. The systemwill save all the data collected to the SD card, but will onlytransmit data if it registers a rainfall event, or as a heartbeatsignal at the end of the day.

At normal rainfall rates, the device will transmit dataonce per hour, but at higher rates, that could indicate a stormor a thunderstorm event; the device will transmit data every10 minutes, allowing for a more real-time data acquisition.Due to the passive nature of the workflow and the lowertransmission rate most of the time, the energy requirementsof the more intense transmission pattern during a stormcan be justified. The data acquisitions resolution and trans-mission frequency can be modified in the software to adaptfor different data and energy requirements.

Since the output of the tipping bucket is a low-speeddigital signal, no filtering or calibration is needed. The devicewill store and return data as “number of tips” without calcu-lating the amount of rainfall, where this postprocessing isdone at the receiving end. This is done so the device can beflexibly connected to different-capacity tipping bucketsensors without the need to adjust the software parameters.

3. Results and Discussion

The results presented in this section are a showcase of theactual deployment of 20 devices in two flood-active hydro-logical regions in Jordan, Dead Sea, and Petra.

3.1. Data Acquisition Performance. Figure 9(a) shows the loca-tion of the installation sites in Petra, while Figure 9(b) showsthose in the Zarqa Main Watershed. It should be noted thatthe locations were chosen strategically to cover the majorityof the area’s spatial extents while taking topography in consid-eration. Each subbasin was equipped with a rain gauge and astream gauge to monitor the rainfall-runoff processes. Massdeployment of the multiple HydroMon3 (sample deployeddevices can be seen in Figures 9(c) and 9(d)) and sensor arraysallowed for real-time monitoring of precipitation rate andmagnitude as well as the corresponding runoff hydrograph;both data types are accompanied with a time signature allow-ing for a cause-effect evaluation.

Measurements acquired from the deployed devices pre-sented here demonstrate the capabilities and the effectivenessof the HydroMon3 platform. Figure 10 shows the streamstage device capturing a high-resolution flow event due tothe high data acquisition rate. Although the entire eventlasted about two hours, the reported data shows a detailedprofile of the event, with a relatively high accuracy.

In hydrology, spatial variations can be very high. There-fore, and in order to properly capture the variation, it is advan-tageous to deploy numerous low-cost devices. To illustrate the


6:40 PM 6:55 PM 7:10 PM 7:25 PM 7:40 PM








Measured rainfall intensityin comparison to the average hourly value

10 minutes

Measured rainfall intensityAverage rainfall intensity

Figure 14: Demonstrating the high data resolution acquired by thetipping bucket monitoring device.


0:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30








Rainfall event time and intensitydifferences between two nearby locations

Site 1Site 2

Figure 15: Difference in the time and intensity of a storm in twosites located at the same hydrological region.



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140





Time (days)

Flood monitoring unitsvoltage over the lifetime of one battery pack

Sample unit 1Sample unit 2Sample unit 3

Figure 16: Voltage profile and lifetime of the flood monitoringdevice’s battery pack.

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concept, Figure 11 shows two subsequent events occurring attwo different locations (6 kilometers apart) at the same hydro-logical region. These events were accurately captured with theexact time relative to each other, showing the substantialdifference in the profile of each location; this can be attributedto the shape of the subbasin, topography, and retention char-acteristics among other possible factors. Moreover, the subse-quent event confirms the accuracy and the repeatability of thedevice’s results.

Data acquired by the several deployed rain gauge devicesover more than a year of stable operations and consistentmeasurements confirm reliable and accurate data acquisitionand demonstrate the benefits of the high temporal data reso-lution, and the wide spatial coverage of the hydrologicalregion. Similar to what was illustrated in Figure 11, deploy-ment of several devices was instrumental in highlighting thespatial variability of precipitation quantities. Figure 12 showsrecorded total daily precipitation amounts (mm) at theHydroMon3 device locations as well as the reported datafrom the official meteorological department (shown inorange color) for two sample dates. The figure clearly high-lights the necessity of intense deployment of these devicesto properly capture the rainfall-runoff patterns in suchsmall-scale settings.

Figure 13 further demonstrates the variation in readings,both spatially and temporally. The figure summarizes thetotal daily precipitation recorded at 5 stations distributedthroughout the watershed of interest for 17 storm eventsthroughout the 2019-2020 rainy season. Significant varia-tions are noted in some of these events (e.g., the 10-10-2019storm) which clearly demonstrates the need for several mon-itoring stations in order to properly capture the precipitationpattern and accurately study and model the system’s perfor-mance. It is worth reemphasizing that the intents of thispaper are to demonstrate the monitoring system and not dis-cuss the resulting data; that will be done in a separate effort.

Rainfall intensity is equally important for hydrologicalstudies involving flash flood analysis. Figure 14 shows thedetailed profile of a thunderstorm event occurring over aperiod of about 10 minutes; rainfall intensity is presented inmm/hr. Such events are the main drivers to flash floods. Itcan be clearly seen that a reported record of hourly or dailyfrequency will miss these short bursts of precipitation. Thus,if modeling runoff due to thunderstorm events is required,then these low-resolution records will not be sufficient, hencethe need for our customizable, highly deployable systems.

Figure 15 demonstrates rainfall intensity at two differentsites in the same hydrological region, showing the difference





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400





Time (days)

Estimated voltage andbattery lifetime of the rain gage battery pack

Sample unit 1Sample unit 2

Sample unit 3Estimated voltage

Figure 18: Forecasting the discharge curve of the rainfall meterbattery pack.







0 50 100 150 200





Time (days)

Rain gauge units voltage profile

Sample unit 1Sample unit 2Sample unit 3

Figure 17: Voltage profile of three sample units of the rain gauges,showing only slight drop in a period of 6 months.

Table 2: Verification of the initial measurements with field lifetime.


Duration of anoperations cycle


Energyconsumption/cycle ofoperation (mWh)

Number ofcycles/hour

Energyconsumption/110days (mWh)

GSM 35.16 38 2.923 1 7,718

Ultrasonic sensor 20 3.3 0.145 30 11470.8

SD card module 17.4 2.44 0.093 1 245.9

MCU + passive components 0.03 3,600 0.237 1 625.7

Total energy consumption/110 days(mWh)

20,060.4 mWh

Estimated usable capacity of sixEnergizer Max® alkaline AA batteries

19,750–21,725 mWh

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in the time the storm reached each site, and the difference inthe profile and intensity.

3.2. Energy Performance. This factor of the system perfor-mance is extremely important. These devices are typicallyinstalled in remote locations with limited accessibility. Theneed for a very small footprint is high in order to minimizevandalism. Thus, one of the success criteria that we set forthe developed devices is the extremely low-energy consump-tion and relatively cheap energy source.

Most deployed devices of the flood monitoring systemwere supplied with six Energizer Max® alkaline AA batteriesin series to standardize conditions for evaluation purposes.Of-the-shelf batteries were preferred to continue the generaltheme of a low-cost and easy-to-reproduce device. However,different battery technologies and types within the safe oper-ating voltage can be directly plugged into the platform.Different workflows, sensors, acquisition frequencies, andtransmission frequencies are what determines the overallenergy consumption. This is clearly shown in the differencein energy consumption between the two devices.

In the flood level monitoring devices, the diagnostic dataacquired by the deployed units show that the device held reli-able operation until a pack voltage of 6.5 to 7V was reached.Accordingly, this resulted in a lifetime of 100 to 120 days ofoperation. The voltage profiles of three sample devices areshown in Figure 16. By interpolating the voltage readingsand the battery’s datasheet figures, the average currentconsumption of the stream stage monitoring device is 950μA, while the average power consumption is 7.39mW.

To verify the soundness of our initial measurements andestimations of the system’s energy consumption, a breakdownof the components energy consumption and estimated opera-tion time are shown in Table 2 for a 110-day interval. The esti-mated consumption is compared to the expected usablecapacity of six EnergizerMax® alkaline AA batteries accordingto their datasheet. The table shows how the expected energyconsumption of the system falls within the expected capacityof the batteries, proving the validity of our initial work.Depending on the GSM signal strength, distance to be mea-sured, temperature, and small variation in the electronicscomponents, the lifetime of the batteries will vary, as was seenin the three cases demonstrated in Figure 16.

The tipping bucket rain gauge, on the other hand, due toits passive operating nature and the digital nature of theacquired data, only transmits—for the most part—when an

actual event of interest occurs. Bearing in mind that thetransmission routine is the most energy-demanding opera-tion, this substantially reduces the active energy consump-tion, which translates into a relatively very long batterylifetime. Figure 17 shows the voltage profile of three sampledevices over a period of six months.

As clearly seen in Figure 17, the voltage level is far fromreaching the end-of-life voltage level. To approximate theexpected lifetime, the data from the flood monitoring deviceperformance and the datasheet performance curves wereused to forecast the curve shape as can be seen in Figure 18.The figure shows that one battery pack should theoreticallylast more than 3.5 years. Building upon lab measurementsand deployed unit data, the average current consumption ofthe rain gauge meter device is 82 μA, and its average poweris 638 μW. Due to the variable frequency of acquisition andtransmission in this device, energy consumption will increasewith the increase of rainfall frequency, making the batterylifetime climate-dependent.

As in the case of the flood level monitoring devices, theinitial energy consumption measurements of the compo-nents validate those findings, as the GSM module only oper-ated around 700 times during that year, and the tippingbucket sensor is passively operated and thus requires nopower. Table 3 shows how low the energy consumption isin this device, noting that the batteries are more likely toself-discharge before they are used up by the device. Theresults demonstrated in the table are for 110-day intervalfor easier comparison with the flood level monitoring device.

For testing purposes, a few units were equipped withNiMH and lithium AA batteries. NiMH was found to pro-vide little added value for the much higher cost, plus beingless favorable for very low power applications due to theirgenerally higher self-discharge rate. Lithium AA batteries,on the other hand, showed better performance and more sta-ble voltage, but the higher price and lower availability makethem less desirable to standardize.

4. Conclusion

The significance of this work manifests in the ability of utiliz-ing themass production of IoT-relatedmodules and electronicparts to minimize costs and maximize flexibility, while achiev-ing reliable performance and data acquisition capabilities thatrivals other much more expensive commercial solutions. Theaverage cost of the main platform was about 50 USD, while

Table 3: Verification of the compatibility of the initial energy measurements for the rain gauge device field test results.


current (A)

Duration of anoperations cycle


Energy consumption/cycleof operation (mWh)

Number ofcycles/hour

Energyconsumption/110 days


GSM 35.16 38 2.923 0.0799 616.7

SD card module 17.4 2.44 0.093 1 245.9

MCU + passivecomponents

0.03 3,600 0.237 1 625.7

Total energyconsumption/110 days(mWh)

1488.24 mWh

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the ready to deploy unit had an average cost of 90 to 150 USDdepending on the type and number of sensors used; this is farbelow 10% of commercially available solutions, and it providesmuch higher flexibility. The quality of gathered data and thedevice’s low energy requirements were empirically evaluatedand verified by the data gathered in lab a prototype testing,as well as from over 20 field-deployed units.

Comparison of local data showed the significance ofspatial distribution and temporal resolution on the variabilityof acquired data and stresses the need to cover these aspects,where the success of this project opens the door to wide-scalecoverage of key hydrological locations to achieve the neededspatial and temporal data resolution.

For future work, a soil moisture monitoring device basedon the HydroMon3 platform is currently being developed tofurther enhance the capability of full hydrological monitoring.The energy performance of the stream stage monitoringdevice was adequate for one season at current settings, but itcan be further enhanced by optimizing the transmission rou-tine to only transmit when an event of interest occurs. Currentdata from the field units would aid in developing thesealgorithms.

Data Availability

Data available on request. Contact AhmadAl-Hmoud from theGerman Jordanian University ([email protected]).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


This research was partly funded through the U.S. Ambassa-dors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP 2017) and waspartly funded through a grant from the Deanship of ScientificResearch at the German Jordanian University (grant number:SNRE 01/2018). The authors would like to thank Dr. Zakar-iya Dalala and Dr. Osama Saadeh for supporting thisresearch by providing access to their laboratory. We wouldalso like to acknowledge the staff at the Petra DevelopmentBoard and the different facilities and entities that hosted thedevices and all the engineers who worked tirelessly on devel-oping, debugging, and commissioning the devices.


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