Love and Romeo 400 years of Shakespeare 2016

17/07/1453 Dear Juliet, Why have you done this to me? I can’t believe you married Romeo, who didn’t bribe me and even killed your cousin; you still love him! I can’t believe that you dishonored the pride of our family. For what you have done, I exclude you from the family and I promise to kill the nurse that raised you as well as Friar Laurence, who married the two of you. If you want to save them and become a member of our family again, you must kill Romeo and hang his body on a tree in the Central Square of Verona. Yours, lord Montague Mitsos Alexandros / Tsavaris Iraklis English Through Literature 2015-2016 Class b, Teacher A. Paraskevoulakou, MA The merchant's letter to his son

Transcript of Love and Romeo 400 years of Shakespeare 2016

Page 1: Love and Romeo 400 years of Shakespeare 2016


Dear Juliet,

Why have you done this to me? I can’t believe you married Romeo, who didn’t bribe me and even killed your cousin; you still love him! I can’t believe that you dishonored the pride of our family. For what you have done, I exclude you from the family and I promise to kill the nurse that raised you as well as Friar Laurence, who married the two of you. If you want to save them and become a member of our family again, you must kill Romeo and hang his body on a tree in the Central Square of Verona.

Yours,lord Montague

Mitsos Alexandros / Tsavaris Iraklis

English Through Literature 2015-2016Class b, Teacher A. Paraskevoulakou, MA

The merchant's letter to his son

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Dear Juliet,

Why have you done this to me? I can’t believe you married Romeo, who didn’t bribe me and even killed your cousin; you still love him! I can’t believe that you dishonored the pride of our family. For what you have done, I exclude you from the family and I promise to kill the nurse that raised you as well as Friar Laurence, who married the two of you. If you want to save them and become a member of our family again, you must kill Romeo and hang his body on a tree in the Central Square of Verona.

Yours,lord Montague

Mitsos Alexandros / Tsavaris Iraklis

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Dear Juliet,

Why have you done this to me? I can’t believe you married Romeo, who didn’t bribe me and even killed your cousin; you still love him! I can’t believe that you dishonored the pride of our family. For what you have done, I exclude you from the family and I promise to kill the nurse that raised you as well as Friar Laurence, who married the two of you. If you want to save them and become a member of our family again, you must kill Romeo and hang his body on a tree in the Central Square of Verona.

Yours,lord Montague

Mitsos Alexandros / Tsavaris Iraklis

Imagine that you are a 16th century silk merchant from London. You were travelling through Verona on your way to Venice when you saw a lot of people fighting in the street.

TaskWrite a letter to your son in England and describe

what happened. Explain about the Montagues and the Capulets. Describe the fight and tell them about the

Prince’s decision.

*Use medieval male names or even use names from Shakespearean characters!Have fun!

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Dear Bennet, while I was walking down the street, just looking at a shop window, I heard screams. When I turned around, I saw four people fighting with swords! That was a real du-elling! Immediately, I asked a woman next to me what was going on and what was all that racket about. She whispered to me that it was the Montagues and the Capulets fighting again! Lots of people gathered around them, watching such a fearful sight, such a despicable dispute which ruined the peace in this wonderful city. I couldn’t tell who was who. Finally, the Prince came and stopped the two families from killing each other! Pew! What a day! But how about you? Write back! regards, your father, Dennis Diomidus

Savina Muzaki

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Dearest Socrates, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far away from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not peaceful. Yesterday, I came across a street fight between two famous families, who have been hating each other so much; they are known as the Montagues and the Capulets. This day, two members of each family, came across as they were walking on the same street. These two groups began fighting and very soon everybody got involved. The end wasn’t good because the Prince arrived. He immediately started ac-cusing the two members that they disturbed the peace in the city of Verona. I think it is time to return back home. I need some peace of mind. Take care of yourself. Give a kiss to your beloved mother.

your father, York Rivers

Apostolis Stratou

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Dear William, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but people here are not very peaceful. Also, I would like to mention an unusual street scene, just as I was walking around the streets of the city this morning. I got sight of a street fight between two families in the middle of the main street. Both of them were very angry and nobody wanted to get in the middle. Luckily, the principles stopped them in the right time. The reason of their fight is unknown to me but I hope they won’t carry it on since I’ve travelled all the way up here for selling my merchandise.

Keep well, your father, William Ford

George Papadopoulos

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Dear Shylock, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday, I was surprised in experiencing a street fight. The Montagues and the Capulets were the main oppo-nents. There was always so much hatred between the two fam-ilies, more like a vendetta. I heard that only Romeo wanted peace but after what happened I don’t think there is a chance. To put it in a nutshell, well, it is that Romeo, as he was roaming in the streets, he came across Tybalt, who had already been arguing with Mercurio, Romeo’s friend. In the end, Tybalt killed Mercurio but then Romeo killed him to take revenge. Everyone thinks that Romeo had to escape from the city, but there are rumors going on that he is in love with a mystery girl so he’ll have to return.

Take care of yourself, your father,

Edward Eglamour

Elina Kosmadopoulou

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I came across a street fight. Somebody told me that the people involved represented two families that had hated each other for hundreds of years. I was scared! Suddenly, one sturdy man hurt another young man with his sword. I could not keep the local authorities in dark any more. I started screaming for help. Some people who were calmer than me realized what was going on, and came closer. When they approached them, they finally witnessed the terrible scene. In a few moments, the prince Escalus arrived on his white horse. They stopped fighting and apologized for their actions, leaving the place. It was an amazing experience. How about you dear son? Let me know how are things.Greetings, your father,

Francis Flute

George Tsiroukis

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Dear Walter, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday I came across a street fight. There were two men fighting. Someone, whose name I’m not aware of, made them stop. Besides, he promised to kill them if he ever saw them fighting. Later on, I found out that one of the fighting men was a Montague and the other one was a Capulet. The Montagues and the Capulets are two big families who live in Verona. They’ve been fighting for many years. It’s a long, long story. Now, I have to take care of my merchandize and make sure it is sold in the open market. How about you? How do you spend your time? Any news from your sweetheart? Write soon!

Your father,Escalus

Nickolas Sioutas

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Dear Richard, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday, I came across a street fight. As I was walking along the street, I saw two men fighting. Finally, I found out that they were the Montagues against the Capulets. It is known that the Montagues and the Capulets have had a conflict for many years. I hope things are running smoothly over there. I miss you all!

your father, Flavius

Themistoklis Sarikopoulos

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Dear Henry, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent, but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday, I came across a street fight between the Montagues and the Capulets. They are two wealthy families with a lot of power, who don’t get along well. Two servants, one from the Montagues and one from the Capulets, were fighting just in the middle of the main street. A lot of people were watching the fight, looking forward to knowing who’s going to win the fight. I tried to stop them, but the people around the merchants didn’t let me pass. Write back as soon as possible with more news from Verona.

See you soon, your father,


Anna Bentzia

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Dear Adam, I am writing to you all the way from Verona, a beau-tiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday I saw a street fight. Many people were there and they were involved in a row. When I got closer, I saw two young men fighting. Firstly, they stared at each other, then they exchanged bitter words; no sooner than that they got into a fight. When the sword fighting started, the situation became tough. I had to leave though since I had to meet with a few local merchants to discuss the price of leather purses. Don’t worry about me. I’m safe!Looking forward to meet you!

your father,Brabantio

Dimitris Samoulikos

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Geoffrey, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday I saw a street fight. I was trying to stop them but they pushed me back, saying “you stranger, stay out of our business otherswise, you’ll be in trouble”. So, I left and I asked for the way to the place I would spend a whole week.

Sincerely yours, your father, Holofernes

Spiros Strategos

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Dear John, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday, I saw street fight. The Montagues and the Capulets were fighting again. I was really scared as I couldn’t really take a shortcut to our house. There was a high chance to get hurt. Luckily, the Prince of Verona arrived and stopped the fight. Soon, the crowd dispersed. How are you doing? I’ll be home in a month. Take care of your mother and sisters.

Love, your father,


Athina Stratigou

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Hello Arthur! You cannot imagine what happened today, here in the famous city of Verona. A fight for no real reason. Some-one told me that they were the Montagues and the Capulets, the two families who have shared hatred over five generations. Fortunately, the prince of the town stopped such foolish act and, then, threatened them that if they ever fought again, they would be banished from Verona. But let’s forget about it. How are you? And your girlfriend? I will be back in two weeks. Take care of yourself!

Love, your father, Hugh Oatcake

Petros Leonte

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Dear Robert, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but people here are not very peaceful. Yesterday, I saw a street fight . A group of servants, representing different families, met by chance and stated challenging each other. I’m talking about the Montagues and the Capulets. The fight was dramatic but, guess what, no one was winner. The prince of Verona arrived on time and put an end to such a terrible scene. Fortunately, all is ok now. Why don’t you visit me since I’m going to be away for a long time? Think about it and let me know the soonest. Regards,

Your father, John Bates

George Zarifis

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Dear Roger, I’m writing to you from Verona, a beautiful city not far from Venice. The local wine is excellent but the people are not very peaceful. Yesterday I saw a street fight, between two big fam-ilies the Montagues and the Capulets. It is known that people argue because half support the Pope while the other half sup-ports the emperor and as I heard that was the reason for the hate between these two families. The street fight started as an argument fired among four slaves who argued about who was the best lord. Then, two other men arrived. One of them, Benvolio, tried to make peace but the other, Tybalt, wanted strongly to fight. In short time, both lords arrived, swinging their swords as their wives were trying to stop them. Soon, more peo-ple gathered and they were all fighting in the street. Soon, the prince of Verona showed very angry. He commanded them to stop and drop their weapons aw well. He said it was the third time the two families had a street fight. Turning to both lords, the prince stated that they were old but not wise and, then, he asked them to stop fighting. Finally, he threatened them that if their families were caught on a street fight again, they would all die. After such a mess, I got terrified and I left immedi-ately for Venice; it was too dangerous in Verona. I’ll give you more details when we meet. your father,John Rugby

Chris Moraitis

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Dear Hamlet, You won’t believe what I witnessed during my stay at Verona! I was walking delighted on the street as I had just sold two necklaces for a very good price. Suddenly, I heard men shouting and I soon realized that a sword fight was taking place right next to me. There were only seven people and a lady watching them. Four of them were definitely servants – I could tell from their uniforms - but the rest were of higher class. Only one of them was trying to make peace though his efforts weren’t enough. The whole situation seemed very strange to me. There was absolutely no reason for them to fight but their thirst for war was helpless! Fortunately, the prince of Verona arrived and stopped the fight a few minutes later. Otherwise, it could even have led to someone being killed! I was later told by some locals that these people were members of two families: the Montagues and the Capulets. There has always been hatred between them but nobody knows the reason behind their rivalry! Anyway, it won’t take long until I return home! I really miss you and can’t wait to see you son! How’s life back in the village? With love, your father, Jupiter

Stelios Papelis

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Dear Robert, I arrived at Verona the other day to trade as I had informed you. But a couple of days afterwards, something terrible happened. Some aristocrats, I think they were named the Montagues and the Capulets… umm… yeah, those were their names. They started fighting on the street, in front of my counter! First their servants, then some other guys, one of whom looked really angry by the way, and then their seniors. They fought physically against each other; didn’t give a damn about me; they threw my counter over, all my groceries were ruined. They were crazy! I’m seriously considering coming back before schedule. So, get thing ready!

Your father, Iago

Alexandros Sakellaridis

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Dear Antony, I’m writing to let you know about a very dis-turbing experience I;ve had a couple of days on my arrival to Verona. As I was strolling around the the city, I heard some shouts coming right from the piazza. I couldn’t control myself and, out of curiosity, I followed them to find out what was happening. And you won’t believe that 3 or 4 men were actually fighting. The crowd was also making a fuss. As fighting became violent and out of control, I wanted to leave but my curiosity kept me there. I was watching a frivolous sight and couldn’t do anything to prevent them until the Prince of Ve-rona arrived and took care of it. He really knows how to run politics and maintain peace in his city. When I get more details about it, I’ll let you know. Business is fine. In a couple of days, I’ll be in Venice. See you in a few weeks. All the best, your father,


[Ioli Steker]

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Dear Cornelius,

It has been a great trip so far. Today, I woke up at six o’ clock and went to the in a fight. Then, a member of the Montague family arrived and tried to make peace among them. I think it was Benvolio. Unfortunately, a few minutes later arrived Tybalt, the cousin of Juliet, who was the most dangerous member of the Capulet family and challenged Ben-volio in a duel. However, Benvolio didn’t want to fight and he refused to. Moments later Lord Capulet and Lord Montague arrived and wanted to fight as well. But, thanks to the arrival of the Prince of Verona, the fight came to an end and no one died that day.That was a reaaly interesting day in the mar-ket!!!

with love, your father, Antonio Sextus

Alexandros Mitsou

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Dear John, I’m apologizing for not writing for a while, but I work long hours and these months have been really tough for me. Yesterday, I came across a street fight. Some servants of the Montagues and the Capulets again. Those servants started the fight and soon members from both families arrived. Luckily, the prince of Verona arrived and separated them. These two families have been fighting for almost a century! I’m afraid that someday one of their fights will get out of control and many citizens will be killed, including myself. Well, I think I’ll just carry on with my life here, with all these concerns and, maybe one day, I will get the chance to meet you again!

faithfully, your father, John Scot

Chris Katsoulis

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VeronaWoodcut of fair Verona, where we lay our scene from the 1847

edition of The Illustrated Shakespeare

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