Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words

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Transcript of Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words

  • 7/30/2019 Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words


    Hurt is a four letter word.


    She screamed frantically as the babe dangle out of the window on the third floor of a

    four-storey building.

    Give me my child you bastard!She yelled as she tugged and pulled on his clothes.

    Woman you know this child isnt mind, he scoffed. Your choice drop the child support

    or I drop your baby.

    He gave her an ultimatum she could not decide on. A mother of two, fired from her job

    and living on welfare, trying her best to raise a baby and a teenager, but yet she have to

    choose between her babes life or money to support her babes life.

    You bastard, how dare you. She trembled with fear. You impregnated me. Now you

    are saying the baby is not yours. You sick bastard.

    He turned round swiftly and her stomach lurched. The one year old crying was

    deafening. He held the child by his arm and flaunts the babe at her.

    After all the men youve been sleeping with I am not sure.

    A fury pulsated throw her body. She charged for him. His body turned towards the

    window and his fingers slipped and the baby was flung out the window.

    Tabatha let out and ear splitting screeched and ran swiftly to the window. The blood

    had splatter all over the sidewalk. People began to engulf the lifeless corpse. She flew

    downstairs pushing everyone out her way without an apology. When she reached to

    where the body laid, she felt the vomit rising in her throat. The tears sting her eyes and

    liquid overflow. The cold tears burnt acidy on her face. She cried to the heavens in


    She raised her son in her arms and rocked on her knees whimpering loudly. Paramedics

    came and pulled the breathless blood drenched body out of her arms. She cried and

    hollered and looked to the heavens one last time asking God to bring her little boy back.

    Then she fell silent and look by her apartment window and saw him there. He looked

    grim, like he didnt feel sorry. Like he didnt feel an ounce of sorry for what he had done.

    Tabathas body quiver and her mind replayed what had happen. It was all just a blur.

  • 7/30/2019 Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words




    Angela sat impatiently in the waiting room of her gynecologists office. She jerked every

    time she heard a sudden sound. Her impatience was getting the best of her. She

    drummed her stilettos on the porcelain tiles nervously awaiting the results.

    The secretary gave Angela a murderous glare and sucked her teeth. Can you please stop

    tapping those cheap shoes on the floor, the secretary complained I already have to

    listen to that annoying humming of yours.

    The expression on Angelas face was shock and bewilderment. How dare that woman

    talk to her in such manner? She was prepared to retort but Dr. Elisabeth Stein

    approached her with the results of her test.

    The doctor stand firm and tall before Angela with her clipboard tightly in her hand, herface was stern. Her eyes read No Nonsense and her body were built like a man; big and


    Your results are ready madam. She spoke with urgency as if she wants this ordeal to be

    dealt with quickly. Angela followed her into her office and Dr. Stein motioned for her to

    be seated.

    How old are you? Dr. Stein asked.

    Angela answered with reverence and respects Im only sixteen. I am still a mere child,

    just fresh into my sophomore year of school to be exact.

    Anger rose on Dr. Steins face What is wrong with you girls today? Just because the

    boys whisper something in your ear you think its magic. Well its not. I hope your family

    knows that youre pregnant, and with twins too.

    The horror struck on Angelas face cause Dr. Stein to smirk superiorly. She walked out of

    the office white as a ghost and as silent as the dumb. She sat in her car just staring. Her

    body felt like lead. Her bottom lip began to tremble and she wailed Lord, what am I

    suppose to do! How did this happen? I was being safe!

    Angela cried until there were no more liquid in her body. She felt like paper, dry and

    useless. It took the little bit of strength remain in her after crying to start up her car.

    She made her way into the traffic of everyday city life. Her little fingers clutched to the

    steering wheel. Her vision was blurred by the few tears that were squeezed out her

    tired tissues. How am I going to explain this to my parents? She thought as she rest one

    hand on her stomach.


  • 7/30/2019 Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words



    Girl we are on tonight! Theresa exclaimed with excitement. She wrapped her thin arms

    around her best friend Candace waist as they walked down Fifth Avenue.

    Candace rolled her honey colored eyes which was covered with MAC makeup. Then she

    flipped her cinnamon hair over her shoulders.

    Theresa eyes danced all over the place. She looked at the beautiful buildings and the

    bright lights. She tugged Candace arm and point at a huge billboard with an

    advertisement for DKNY. That is gorgeous! They both squealed in delight.

    They were about to cross a Pedestrian Cross Walk when Theresa decided to look in the

    window of a store to check herself out.

    Come on Resa, Candace wined You look fine.

    Wait just a sec Candy. Theresa replied while tucking a strand of her brown hair behind

    her ears. Perfect! she murmured to herself and smiled pleased of her appearance.

    The minute she turned around she saw a sixteen wheeler speeding towards them.

    Everything just went slow. Candace smiled slowly and waved her over to cross. The

    trucks horn honked loudly, slowly and long. Theresa heart began to thump slower. She

    couldnt hear her screams anymore. Candace mouth then turned into a tight line and

    she looked at the truck just inches away from her.

    The blood splattered all over Theresa. Her little heart couldnt take it no more and she

    just passed out.

    It so astonishes how she and Candace were so happy at the beginning of their night.

    Happy to be on Fifth Avenue, happy to be in New York, Happy to just get away from

    their hectic lives in Georgia; but now it was gruesome. Because youre drenched in your

    best friends blood and lying on cold concrete on Fifth Avenue still as if you were lifeless.

    Thats how Theresa felt lifeless.



    It was her last night baby-sitting for the Rodgers Family. They were a petite little family

    with three kids whom Rebecca watches while Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers work. Rebecca was

    thinking about the cute little triplet girls with their long blond hair and they tiny blue

    pleading eyes.

  • 7/30/2019 Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words


    Rebecca walked the lonely quiet streets of a suburb in Georgia. She was on her way to

    her apartment. The night was wintery and quiet, few people walk pass. She turned the

    corner and had the slightest feeling that someone was following her. She peered over

    her shoulders numerous times to see a tall dark man walking behind her. She quickened

    her pace and almost began to run home.

    Rebecca arrives to her apartment building and she hastily punched in her code to open

    the door. The door buzzed and she ran upstairs without making sure that it was close.

    She got to her door opened it and dodged inside. She tried to close the door but it

    wouldnt budge. Someones hand was there blocking it. She was struck with terror as

    the tall black man who was following her burst through her doorway.

    She ran for her room pulling down lamps and tables to make obstacles in his path. He

    dodged them and grabbed her from behind. She fought him with all her might. His hold

    on her was deadly there was no way she could have wiggled free.

    He pushed her on the wall and started to unbuckle his pants. Rebecca cried in agony as

    he thrust harder and harder.

    He left her there whimpering in the dark hallway of her ruined apartment. Blood

    drained down her ankle and she laid there with loss of faith, happiness and dignity.

    She pulled her weakened body to a phone and dialed a few numbers.

    9-1-1 whats your emergency? A cherubic voice said on the other line of the receiver.

    Rebecca sobbed loudly and the woman replied Calm down help is on the way.

    Her body quaked and a little beam of hope just shined through her heart. But it was

    quickly darken by the memories.

  • 7/30/2019 Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words


    Chapter One

    Fool is a four letter word.


    He was looking at Tabatha admiring her curves, smacking his lips every time she moved.

    He liked what he saw and he wanted it. His name was Andrew.

    Andrew played like he was looking at some items on display, but the only display he was

    checking out was Tabatha. He liked her sweet brown lips against her pearly teeth. He

    liked her intense brown eyes and wish he could stare at them all day. He loved how her

    hair swayed down to her hips, and oh how he love her hips.

    Tabatha saw him watching and she knew he was watching from the beginning. She

    loved the attention this man was giving her. Tabatha even played like she was

    restocking aisles. She would sway her hips to tease him, to make him drool. She wouldlick her lips occasionally and bend down to place items on the shelf. She admired him.

    His chiseled strong jaw, his almond shaped eyes, his full pink lips, his bronze skin, his

    muscles and his tall physique is why she admires him. And oh, how he gives her his

    undivided attention.

    Andrew wanted to go and talk to her. But he thought he wasnt good enough. Little did

    he know Tabatha thought he was the right one?

    To be continued!!


    It was a week before her sixteen birthday and Angela was ecstatic. She sat anxiously in

    her mother car on their way the party planner. She wanted it to be big and grand.

    Angela wanted everybody to know and for everybody to talk about it for years to come.

    She wanted the attention.

    Angela is the last child out of four. Her father is a Catholic Bishop and her mother is an

    Audiologist. Her father is really strict and dont allow his children to go to parties,

    listening popular modern day music (R&B, Hip Hop, Pop, Reggae etc.) and most of all

    having parties. He believes that doing those things can stray you away from God.

  • 7/30/2019 Love and Hurt Are Four Letter Words
