Louise Findlay-Wilson, PR Pro, BIG Jelly 25th March 2011




This is the presentation by Louise Findlay-Wilson of PR Pro on how to make your business famous, delivered to the BIG Jelly on 25th March 2011

Transcript of Louise Findlay-Wilson, PR Pro, BIG Jelly 25th March 2011

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Some names we have worked with

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• Advertising vs PR• How to spot the news in your business• How to create news• ‘Selling in’ your story• Looking like a market leader/expert• Social media – where does it fit?

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What is PR ?

“The planned and sustained communications between an organisation and the audiences that matter to it - driving that audience to behave in a certain way”

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Have the end in mind

Who do I need to reach….?

What do I want them to do….?

So, what must they think about us….?

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Today…the media…

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Advertising vs PR

What’s the difference?

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Advertising vs PR

Advertising = control

•Can dictate what, when and where

•With PR you can’t

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Advertising vs PR

PR = believable

• You will believe editorial, you won’t believe an ad

• Editorial is 3.5 times more powerful than advertising

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Advertising vs PR

PR=Value for money

• Advertising costs loads of money – PR is FREE

• You can’t advertise everywhere…

• But you can publicise everywhere!

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Advertising vs PR

Your Natural Talent

Smaller companies are FAR better suited to PR than big businesses !!

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Classic news

Award winsBusiness winsExpansionProduct/service launchAppointmentCharity eventAnniversaryHuman interest

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Creating news?

Piggyback on wider newsHost an eventSponsor something relevantGive a talk/lectureRun a competitionMake a predictionExpress an opinion

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Tools for creating news

FENSGoogle alertsWeb polls – Linkedin

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What are

the rules?

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Always think ‘so what’

News that’s important to you doesn’t necessarily matter to the reader, viewer or listener!

If it doesn’t pass the ‘so what’ rule, don’t bother

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Building in the ‘so what’…

New office

New product

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Power words!

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Selling in your story...

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Have I got news for you!

Timely 60 seconds pitchIntroduce yourselfGet to the punchline of your storyIf you were in a pub and it was an anecdote, how would you tell it?

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Looking like a leader

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Looking like a leader

Expert GuidesResearch

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Expert Guides

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Expert Guides

Launch it in mediaExpert feature materialSite download – but data captureBlog/Tweet about itLink back to itAt exhibitionsCustomer giveawaysBasis for events

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•Tactical poll •On your website•Drive people you know to take part•Interesting and topical•Supplement your news with relevant stats•Plug news gaps or support a story

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What do we mean?

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What do we mean?

“Although 65% of women know how to change a wheel, only 10% would feel confident enough to put the knowledge into practice according to a survey by ABC Garage...which today announced that it is running special workshops for female motorists.”

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Social Media...where does it fit?

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• Find your contacts and customers• Don’t just broadcast! Engage• Twitter Search• Customer care• Be real, be human, be useful - don’t just sell• Measure, measure, measure

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• Read weekly updates and act on them• Polls – use to feed PR campaign• Answer questions – to show expertise• Join groups to find new contacts/shared

interests• Create your own group?• Identify 50 companies you’d like to work


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Louise Findlay-Wilson – Linkedin

PrPro Group - Linkedin

@Louisefw - twitter

T:01993 825916

Special – today only - PrPro Masterclass deal!!