Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of...


Transcript of Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of...

Page 1: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things


Page 2: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

LotsofRomansmadededications tothegods.Romanswouldmakepromisestothegodsorgivethemgiftsandexpecthelpinreturn.Bitsofwritingcouldbeleftinthetempletoremindthegodtokeeptheirendofthebargainandshowofftootherpeoplewhovisited.



Page 3: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

Thisisan objectfromtheAshmolean.Itisapieceofwritingmadewithlittledots.Canyoupickoutanyletters?


Page 4: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

Thisis clearer.ItiswritteninLatin:thelanguagetheRomansspoke.Itmeans:TothegodHercules,Marus Tribuneofthe20th Legionmadethis.

CanyouseewhereitsaysHercules? Marus hasspelledHercules’namewrong(HERCULLinsteadofHERCULI)



Page 5: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

Thisis JupiterwhowasthekingoftheRomangods.Canyouspothiseagle?

Romanshadmanygods.Thegodsall hadthingstheywereinchargeof.Romanscouldpickthegodwhocouldhelpthemwiththeirproblem.



Page 6: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

Thisglassbowlhasahunter onit.Canyouseehisdogs?Canyouseewhattheyarehunting?(arabbit)Whataretheychasingtherabbitinto?(anet– bottomright)



Page 7: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

Womenwithaflairforthedramaticcouldbe professionalmourners.Theywerepaidtogotorichpeople’sfuneralsandactverysad.Theywouldwailandtearattheirhairandclothes.



Page 8: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

Thisaltarwas madeforamerchantwhotradedinDelos.HespokebothLatinandGreek.Heneededtotravelforhiswork.



Page 9: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

LotsofRomans hadjobsmakingthings.Thisisapieceofbrickforbuildinghouses.Thestamptellsuswhomadeit.

Thisbrickisabitunusualbecauseboththepersonwhoownedthefactoryandthepersoncontractedtorunthefactorywerebothwomen.TheownerwasPlotinaAugusta– thewidowoftheemperorTrajan. ThemanagerwascalledValeriaNice.Neither madethebrickthemselves.Theyweresuccessfulbusinesswomen.



Page 10: Lots of Romans made dedicationsto the gods. Romans would ... · This isJupiter who was the king of the Roman gods. Can you spot his eagle? Romans had many gods. The gods all had things

ThissetofpanpipeswerefoundinOxfordshire.Wouldhavebeenplayedby aRomanmusician.
