Lost on me – music video analysis

Lost on Me – Music Video Analysis The first shot in the music video shows the name of the band ‘PEACE’ in white capital letters and we can also see silhouettes of the band in the background. From this shot, we immediately know that the band are going to feature in the video. The first shot after the intro to the songs shows the band all dressed in white dancing to their music. At first this shot seems very typical but from watching the video further we soon learn that this isn’t just a typical music video. This shot is the first shot including vocals and it is very clear to see who the lead vocalist in the band is. He is at the front of the shot lip-syncing with the music. He also stands out a lot more than the others because he has bright ginger hair, which is prominent over the white background.

Transcript of Lost on me – music video analysis

Lost on Me – Music Video Analysis

The first shot in the music video shows the name of the band ‘PEACE’ in white capital letters and we can also see silhouettes of the band in the background. From this shot, we immediately know that the band are going to feature in the video.

The first shot after the intro to the songs shows the band all dressed in white dancing to their music. At first this shot seems very typical but from watching the video further we soon learn that this isn’t just a typical music video.

This shot is the first shot including vocals and it is very clear to see who the lead vocalist in the band is. He is at the front of the shot lip-syncing with the music. He also stands out a lot more than the others because he has bright ginger hair, which is prominent over the white background.

This shot is when the music video gets interesting. We cut to a shot of what appears to be a director, telling the band what dance moves to do in the video. It is clear that the band are taking instructions from him, however when something happens behind the director, he gets distracted and the band continue to

follow the last order they see on his sheets, which at this point is ‘forward walk clicking fingers’.

The band follow this last instruction and dance their way all the way out of the building until they come to a back alley, eventually leading them onto a road. This humour is used to mock the popular music industry and they way that the music videos are all so generic.

The band dangerously cross the road walking inches away from on coming cars forcing the drivers to swerve out of the way onto the path before they finally reach the opposite side of the road.

The next shot cuts to a family enjoying themselves having a picnic, the bright colours in this shot portray the happiness in the family, but in the next upcoming shot the picnic is ruined by the band. Also in this shot, the mother is holding a blue drink in a cocktail glass, this just so happens to be the single artwork for this song ‘Lost on me’.

The family dive out of the path of the band as they continue to walk forward, standing on everything in their path, including the picnic. From the side the family watch in horror, giving an over emphasised but humorous element to the video.

The next shot shows the director of the video just behind the band as he realises the destruction they are causing. He quickly runs after them because he doesn’t want them to do anything else bad.

The next shot shows the band walking through what looks like a construction site. Notice that the band still stand out as they are all wearing clean white clothes against a muddy, brown back ground. This shot quickly cuts to another shot showing the director chasing them from not too far behind holding a sign.

In the final shots of the video we watch the bamd as they fall into a hole in the construction site. This happens just as the director is catching up with them and finally the sign is revealed to say ‘Stop and Smile’. The director falls to his knees realising that his video had been ruined and the video ends.

I think this video is well thought out as there is an obvious dig at modern day chart music, sarcastically mocking the way most music videos are set out, whilst also creating humour from the fact that the band are taking orders from exactly what every sign says.