Los Pen GATE Parent Meeting

Los Penasquitos Los Penasquitos Elementary Elementary G.A.T.E. G.A.T.E.



Transcript of Los Pen GATE Parent Meeting

  • Los Penasquitos ElementaryG.A.T.E.

  • IntroductionsCoordinator - Anthony BayroSchool counselor - Fran Hjalmarson

  • Welcome new familiesUpdate of G.A.T.E. ClubsSocial emotional needs of the giftedAgenda

  • Welcome

  • Differentiation-integrated learning experience within the regular school daySome assignments for gifted students are modified to meet their needs.Focus is encouragement of deeper and more complex thought processes, problem solving, critical thinking, research and independent studyLos Pen G.A.T.E.

  • ArtMathEnvironmental StudiesYearbookG.A.T.E. Clubs

  • Emotional Needs of the Gifted Child

  • ChallengesPerfectionismFeelings of isolation and lonelinessUnrealistic expectations and pressures on oneselfAdult expectation of emotional maturityInability to cope with perceived failures

  • Lack of Understanding & Support creates significant problems.

    Many people have unfair expectations of us. They even say, If youre gifted you should know this, or you should have gotten an A.(11 year old girl)

    How can parents help gifted students? By lowering their expectations. That way they are always surprised. (12 year old boy)

    Problems from Outside Sources

  • Stress ManagementWhen students can learn to manage their stress, they actually perform at a higher level academically

  • Stress Unique to Gifted ChildrenFeeling out of place with family and friendsLearning to tolerate frustrationSocial consciousnessEmotional verses intellectual maturityNegative Self talkOthers not identifying the childs need for help

  • Calming TechniquesCount to 10ExerciseHumorActive Ignoring

  • Stress and the gifted childUnique ways of relieving stress

  • Teach your child decision making skillsDefine the problemList all possible solutionsEvaluate the solutionsIs it safe?How will people feel?Is it fair?Will it work?Make a decision

  • Perfectionism

  • Negative Affects of PerfectionismFailing gradesDepressionAnxiety

  • How to Help Your Child Cope With PerfectionismAppreciate their desire for excellenceMake sure their desire for excellence doesnt invade all aspects of their lifeHelp them understand that failure can be used to achieve success in the future

  • ExamplesJohn Grishams first novel, A Time To Kill was rejected by 28 publishers.Jack Canfieldss, Chicken Soup for the Soul was rejected by 36 publishers.

  • The ability to control perfectionist tendencies is what separates the person who enjoys and cherishes their gifts from the one who feels burdened or cursed by them

    Mark Vellucci author of The Emotional Needs of the Gifted ChildPerfectionism

  • Peer Acceptance Is Important in Developing a Healthy Self Image. Children Want to Feel Included, Respected, and Cared About by FriendsFriendship

  • FriendshipThe gifted childs interests, intellectual maturity and play activities are in some ways more sophisticated than those of other children

  • Peer DifficultiesLack of common interestsHighly focus in one areaJump around from interest to interest

  • Gifted kids need several peer groups.Often thought of as loners.The conflict between fitting in and being an individual may be quite stressful.

    Peer Relations

  • Allow Your Child to Have a Variety of Friends

  • Anticipation Through Fantasy Teaching by asking questions

    What do you think would happen if you?And then what might happen?What do you suppose he/she would do (think, feel)etc.) then?How could you respond to that?What else might you try?

  • Using PraiseversusEncouragement

  • GATE Club

  • Hoagies Gifted Education Page: great site which even includes contests and resources: http://www.hoagiesgifted.orgGifted and Talented World Page: Links to hundreds of helpful resources: http://www.gtworld.org/links.htmlCalifornia Association for the Gifted: http://cagifted.org Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted (SENG): http://www.sengifted.org/ SENG is dedicated to fostering environments in which gifted adults and children, in all their diversity, understand and accept themselves and are understood, valued, nurtured, and supported by their families, schools, workplaces and communities.

    Great Internet Resources for Parents

  • Adderholt-Elliot, M. (1989). Perfectionism: Whats So Bad About Being Good? Minneapolis: Free SpiritCohen, L.M. (1996). Coping for Capable Kids. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.Galbraith, J. (1984). The Gifted Kids Survival Guide: For Ages 10 & Under. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Galbraith, J. (1996). The Gifted Kids Survival Guide: A Teen Handbook. Minneapolis: Free SpiritHalsted, J.W. (1994). Some of My Best Friends are Books: Guiding gifted readers. Dayton, OH: Gifted Psychology Press

    Great Book/Periodical Resources for Children and Parents

  • Smutny, J.F. (2001). Stand Up for Your Gifted Child. Minneapolis: Free SpiritStreznewski, M. (1999) Gifted GrownUps. New York: John Wiley & SonsWebb, J.T. (1994). Guiding the Gifted Child. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology PressWalker, S.Y. (1991). The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids. Minneapolis: Free SpiritParenting for High Potential (a publication of the National Association for Gifted Children. For information, contact them at http://www.nagc.org)

    More Great Book/Periodical Resources for Children and Parents

  • Thank you!


    G.A.T.E. Coordinator- Anthony Bayro [email protected]

    ***Many times gifted children will relieve stress by doing something intellectually challenging. They may chose a subject that is in there area of strength. Math, literature etc. By succeeding in this area they boast there self esteem and their stress level diminishes.*