Los Angeles Superior Court FREEDMAN & TAITELMAN, LLP Bryan … · 2015. 3. 1. · ORIGINAL FILED...

ORIGINAL FILED Los Angeles Superior Court 1 FREEDMAN & TAITELMAN, LLP Bryan J. Freedman, Esq. (SBN 151990) 2 Jesse A. Kaplan, Esq. (SBN 255059) MAY 0 5 2009 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 500 3 Los Angeles, California 90067 John A. Clarke utive Officer/Clerk Tel: (310) 201-0005 By- _, Deputy 4 Fax:(310)201-0045 SHA SLEY 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff Dawn Simoraxigkir aka Dawn Younger-Smith aka Boudoir Queen 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 ¦•w 11 DAWN SIMORANGKIR, aka DAWN CASE NO.: BC41059 YOUNGER-SMITH, aka BOUDOIR QUEEN, 12 an individual, FIRST AMENDED CO AINT FOR: 13 Plainiff, 1. Libel; 2. Invasion of Privacy - False Light; 14 v. 3. Intentional Interference With a Prospective Economic Advantage; and 15 COURTNEY MICHELLE LOVE, an 4. Breach of Contract individual; and DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, 16 Defendants. 17 18 19 20 Plaintiff Dawn Simorangkir, aka Dawn Younger-Smith, aka Boudoir Queen ("Simorangkir"), 21 an individual, hereby alleges as foliows: 22 23 INTRODUCTION 24 1. Simorangki made the grave mistake of doing business with defendant Courtney 25 Michelle Love ("Love"). Simorangkii is an up and coming fashion designer, who through hard ^ 26 work, sweat and tears, has been able to fulill her dream of owning her own small business. In 2008, r-' 27 Love approached- Simorangkir about having Simorangkir design clothing and apparel for Love. 2& 1 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT Document hosted at http://www.jdsupra.com/post/documentViewer.aspx?fid=37246c46-679c-452f-b474-61f4d864aef2

Transcript of Los Angeles Superior Court FREEDMAN & TAITELMAN, LLP Bryan … · 2015. 3. 1. · ORIGINAL FILED...

Page 1: Los Angeles Superior Court FREEDMAN & TAITELMAN, LLP Bryan … · 2015. 3. 1. · ORIGINAL FILED Los Angeles Superior Court 1 FREEDMAN & TAITELMAN, LLP Bryan J. Freedman, Esq. (SBN


FILEDLos Angeles Superior Court

1 FREEDMAN & TAITELMAN, LLPBryan J. Freedman, Esq. (SBN 151990)

2 Jesse A. Kaplan, Esq. (SBN 255059) MAY 0 520091901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 500

3 Los Angeles, California 90067 John A. Clarke utive Officer/ClerkTel: (310) 201-0005 By- _, Deputy

4 Fax:(310)201-0045 SHA SLEY

5 Attorneys for Plaintiff Dawn Simoraxigkir aka Dawn Younger-Smithaka Boudoir Queen







12 an individual, FIRST AMENDED CO AINT FOR:

13 Plainiff, 1. Libel;2. Invasion of Privacy - False Light;

14 v. 3. Intentional Interference With aProspective Economic Advantage; and

15 COURTNEY MICHELLE LOVE, an 4. Breach of Contractindividual; and DOES 1 through 25, inclusive,





20 Plaintiff Dawn Simorangkir, aka Dawn Younger-Smith, aka Boudoir Queen ("Simorangkir"),

21 an individual, hereby alleges as foliows:



24 1. Simorangki made the grave mistake of doing business with defendant Courtney

25 Michelle Love ("Love"). Simorangkii is an up and coming fashion designer, who through hard

^26 work, sweat and tears, has been able to fulill her dream of owning her own small business. In 2008,r-'

27 Love approached- Simorangkir about having Simorangkir design clothing and apparel for Love.



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1 Little did Simorangkir know that by entering into Love's line of vision, Simorangkir would become

2 the latest victim of Love's volatile personality, hair tigger temper, and malicious and tortious

3 behavior. Whether caused by a drug induced psychosis, a warped understanding of reality, or the

4 belief that her money and fame allow her to disregard the law, Love has embarked in what is nothing

5 short of an obsessive and delusional crusade to terroize and destroy Simorangkix, Simorangkir's

6 reputation and her livelihood. Simply put, Love's conduct is an egregious violation of the law. In

7 addition to spreading vile and vicious lies about Simorangkir through marathon rants in multiple

8 public forums, online marketplaces where Simorangkir conducts business, and to Simorangkir's

9 clients and others in the fashion industry, Love has gone as far to threaten Simorangkir's life. Love's

10 approach is not subtle. In particular, Love publicly made the menacing and disturbing statement that

11 Simorangkir will be "hunted til your dead.J3

12 2. In furtherance of Love's plot to destroy Simorangkir, Love has publicized malicious

13 and false statements that Simorangkir sold drugs, is a drug addict, has a history of dealing cocaine,

14 has a history of assault and burglary, has a record of prostitution, has committed grand thet, that

15 she stole cash and goods rom Love, has engaged in felonious behavior, lied, embezzled money,

16 has committed blackmail, was deemed an unit parent, lost custody of her child, is a racist and

17 homophobe. has outstanding warrants for her arrest, that the Austin police coniscated Love's

18 propety rom her home, and that she is a danger to society.

19 3. The sheer volume of animosity directed towards Simorangkir coupled with Love's

20 open, cavalier and outspoken motivations, demonstrate that Love is determined to deal out her brand

21 of retribution to Simorangkir, someone who is guilty of nothing more than doing business with Love

22 By using her fame and influence to reach millions of people, Love has achieved her goal of

23 destroying Simorangkir's small business and causing irreparable damage to Simorangkir's name and

24 reputation. Love's celebrity, however, does not cloak Love with impunity to ruin others for sport.t

25 Unfotunately, Love must learn this the hard way. Accordingly, Simorangkir seeks not only* -

26T compensatory damages, but also punitive damages in order to deter Love rom repeating these*_

27; horrendousacts.



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4. Simorangkir is, and at all times herein mentioned was, an individual residing in

3 Austin, Texas.

4 5. Simorangkir is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Love is, and at all

5 times herein mentioned was, an individual residing in Los Angeles County, California.

6 6, The true names and capacities, whether individual, corporate, associate or

7 otherwise of the defendants named herein as DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, are unknown to

8 Simorangkir who therefore sues said defendants by such fictitious names. Simorangkir alleges on

9 informaion and belief that each of the defendants, including those designated as a DOE, are

10 responsible for the events alleged herein and the damages caused thereby as a principal, agent, co-

11 conspirator or aider and abettor. Simorangkir will seek leave of this Cout to amend this Complaint

12 to allege the true Dames and capacities of such defendants when the same have beenascertained.

13 7. Simorangkir alleges on information and belief that defendants, at all times relative to

14 this action, were the agents, servants, partners, joint venturers and employees of each of the other

15 defendants and, in doing the acts alleged herein, were acting with the knowledge and consent of each

16 of the other defendants in this action.

17 8. Love and DOES 1 through 25 are hereinafter collectively referred to as

u18 Defendants."

19 9. This Court is the proper court for tial of this matter because defendant Love resides

20 in Los Angeles County, California, and the acts and occurrences alleged herein occurred in Los

21 Angeles County, California. In particular, Simorangkir is informed and believes, and thereon

22 alleges, that the defamatory statements alleged herein, were made by Defendants, and each of them,

23 in Los Angeles, California and published on Internet websites, accessible and read by people in

*24= California and around the world, or re-published to residents of California.






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2 10. Simorangkir is an up and coming clothing and accessories designer. Since 2002,

3 Simorangkir has marketed and sold her collection under the "Boudoir Queen" trade name pimarily

4 over the internet. In particular, Simorangkir utilizes www.etsv.com ("Etsy")3 an online marketplace

5 that caters to independent designers.

6 11. In. 2008, Love learned of Simorangkir, and through Etsy, contacted Simorangkir about

7 her Boudoir Queen line. In tun, Love began to purchase Boudoir Queen clothing and apparel.

8 12. Subsequently, Love became infatuated with Simorangkir. In or around November

9 2008, Love insisted that Mrs. Younger-Smith fly to Los Angeles to meet with Love regarding the

10 purchase of several custom pieces.

11 13. On or around January 28,2009, Simorangkir returned to Los Angeles for a second

12 meeting. Simorangkir and her husband met Love at the Chateau Marmount Love ordered her diver

13 and Simorangkir's husband to ill garment bags with vaious clothing remnants and tims for

14 Simorangkir to use to make custom pieces for Love.

15 14. On or about February 2,2009, the day after Simorangkir let Los Angeles,*

16 Simorangkir photographed all of the clothing trims that Love had given to Simorangkir for the

17 purpose of creating an inventory. That same day, Simorangkir emailed these photographs to Love's

18 manager, Marie Walsh.

19 15. After completing the first custom dress for Love in or around February, 2009,

20 Simorangkir sent an invoice to Love for this work. Love became angered that she had to pay for

21 Simorangkir's work. On or about March 10,2009, Simorangkir invoiced Love for other garments

22 that she had either completed and had yet to complete. Again, Love was angered that she would

23 have to pay Simorangkir.


16. Since Love had not paid Simorangkir for the work completed under these invoices,

Simorangkir temporaily suspended work for Love. Again, this angered Love,

26; 17. On numerous occasions, Simorangkir has offered to return Love's clothing tims.T-.

27 Love failed to coherently respond.



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1 18. Around the same time, Love inexplicably began exliibiting an intense level of

animosity towards Simorangkir that has gone well beyond what any reasonable person would

3 consider acceptable behavior. That is, Love has mounted a malicious campaign to not only terroize

4 Simorangkir, but.to ruin and destroy her reputation and livelihood.

5 19. Love's continued attempts to contact Simorangkir have been nothing short of

6 obsessive. Love has sent Simorangkir multiple emails and left rambling messages on Simorangkir's

7 voicemail.

8 20. These communications, include not only delusional accusations and lies, but threats

9 of harm. Recently, Love has publicly warned Simorangkir not to "[fjuck with my wradrobe or you

10 willcnd up in a circle of corched eaeth hunted til your dead." (Emphasis added).

11 21. Love made her intentions clear. In one of rambling and combative voicemail, Love

12 threatened to "blacklist" Simorangkir and indicated that she would be removed from Etsy. Love

13 further made a highly unreasonable demand that Simorangkir send Love two dresses per day for the

14 next ten days.

15 22. Upon information and belief, that Simorangkir did not comply with Love's ultimatum

16 that Simorangkir fabicate and send Love two dresses per day, tiggered Love to follow through with

17 her threat of "blacklisting" Simorangkir.

18 23. Determined to harass and ruin Simorangkir, Love escalated her assault through the

19 constant barrage of malicious, false, and defamatory statements in vaious public forums and directly

20 to Etsy, Simorangkir's clients and others in the fashion industry. In addition to posting enties on her*

21 My Space blog, Love has posted comments on Simorangkir's Etsy feedback page and on

22 www.twitter.com ("Twitter"), a popular online community.

23 24. Upon information and belief, My Space subsequently decided to feature Love's blog

24 on its main MySpace music page. As a result, Love's false, and defamatory statements gained even

25 more exposure. Upon information and belief, Love was unwilling to remove these statements

26!¦" despite the fact that her blog would be featured on MySpace's main music page.L*

27 25. Simorangkir is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Love contacted Etsy



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1 directly in an efort to have Simorangkir removed and banned from that website. Simorangkir is

2 informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Love has gone as far as to send emails to several of

3 Simorangkir best customers and to others in the fashion industry containing false and defamatory

4 statements.

5 26. Despite multiple requests, Love failed to remove any of the false and defamatory

6 statements rom either Love's MySpace blog, Twitter, or Etsy. Furthermore, Love ignored

7 Simorangkir's request that Love publicly acknowledge that her statements were false.

8 27. Rather, Love sent Simorangkir multiple messages through Etsy asking Simorangkir's

9 permission to purchase items rom Simorangkir's Boudoir Queen line. In fact, Love and her agent

10 Ava Stander attempted to purchase several thousand dollars worth of Boudoir Queen garments rom

11 Simorangkir through Etsy


13 (For Libel, against all defendants)

14 28. Simorangkir re-alleges herein by this reference each and every allegation contained in

15 paragraphs 1 through 27, inclusive, of this Complaint as if set forth fully herein.

16 29. On or about March 17,2009, Love went on an extensive rant on Twitter whereby*

17 Love made a number of false and defamatory statements about Simorangkir which were published in

18 writing on the Internet, true and correct copies which are attached hereto as Exhibit "1". Love

19 claimed that Simorangkir is a felon, stole cash and goods from Love, has a history of dealing

20 cocaine, lost custody of her children, has a history of assault and burglary, and has a record of

21 prostitution. Among others, Love posted the following false statements on Twitter about or

22 concerning Simorangkir (the "Twitter Postings"):

23 a. "wwd. someone who will NEVER grace your pages the felonious

24 Dawn/Boudoir Queen witnessed stealing 2 MASSIVE army bags out of the chat at 4am»

25 (Published by Love on twiter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17,2009 at 7:22 PM) (emphasis^-

26 added).x-





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1 b. "austin police are morethan ecstatic to pick her up she has a history of

dealing cocaine, lost all custody of her child, assualt and burglary" (Published by Love on

3 twitter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17, 2009 at 7:27 PM) (emphasis added).

4 c. G£stay away well well away, and etsy cant wait tos e the backof her, so goodbye

5 asswipe nasty lying hosebag thief, now for pleasant things" (Published by Love on

6 twitter.com/courtneyIover79 on March 17, 2009 at 7:28 PM) (emphasis added).

7 d. "gets to haul her 52 year old desperate cokes out ass to jail where they dont


8 have three bottles of vodka a night, to all shes bullied onetsy" (Published by Love on

9 twitter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17, 2009 at 7:29 PM) (emphasis added).

10 e. "you have my empathy, a perfect community withone extremly rotten apple

11 trust me to pick it, she owes me over 40k and a million in damages" (Published by Love on

12 twitter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17,2009 at 7:30 PM) (emphasis added).

13 f. <tscorched earth ignore and blacklist, few people ever deserve our toal ignoring

14 butthis thief and burglar does, austin police loathherlorange" (Published by Love on

15 twitter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17,2009 at 7:35 PM) (emphasis added).

16 g- ££is my clothes my WARDROBE! oi vey dont fuck with my wradrobe or

17 you willcnd up in a circle of corched eaeth hunted til your dead,new job>" (Published by Love

18 on twitter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17, 2009 at 7:38 PM) (emphasis added).

19 h. ttas one of her many bullied victims smashes her face soon as shes an assault

20 addict herself (theres apprently prostitution in her record too" (Published by Love on

21 twitter.com/courtneyIover79 on March 17,2009 at 7:39 PM) (emphasis added).

22 I. "iler, I told imogen heap if she dosnt mind being whored out by a felon well

23 thats fine, but my girls in citizens band DO mind, so she best" (Published by Love on

24 twitter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17,2009 at 7:42 PM) (emphasis added).

25 "little bassists, goodbye 'boudoir queen' to be replacedby 100s of great indie--.*'

26 designers on etsy that are trained that do know whattheyredoin" (Published by Love on

27 twitter.com/courtneylover79 on March 17,2009 at 7:43 PM) (emphasis added).; **» ii



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1 30. Apparently, Love was not finished. On or about March 18 and 20, 2009, Love posted

2 more false and defamatory statements about Simorangkir on Simorangkir's Etsy feedback page, true

3 and correct copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "2". Again, Love claimed that

4 Simorangkir is a thief, stole cash and goods rom Love, and is a drug addict and a drug dealer. More

5 speciically, Love posted the following false statements, among others, on Etsy about or concerning

6 Simorangkir (the "Etsy Postings"):

7 a. "the nastiest lying worst person I have ever known, a thief a liar and needs

8 to be remved rom this site immediatly and my lawyers are working on this, today, evil incarnate.

9 vile horrible lying bitch^CPublished by Love on www.etsy.com on March 18, 2009) (emphasis

10 added).

11 b. "total scumbag, a lying ripoff who if she isnt taken off of etsy I wilhnake sure

12 none I knows comesON etsy she took 40,TJOUSAND dollars from me and blogged she gave me

13 "50" dresses out of the 2001 allowed her to use she gave me 6 and stole one back evil. drug

14 addict anddealer. get her OFF cherryforever666" (Published by Love onwww.etsv.com on March

15 18, 2009) (emphasisadded).

16 c. "eyond words is how disgusted and furious I am its all on this person wether

17 they will I've up ti thier pbligations or destory thier"career" because right now they have leprosyin

18 the "fashion" industry,, the ONE area one cannotget away with stealing rommw is in the clothing

19 area, what a cow, when she makes nice and does her JOB and stops trying to use me for an atm I may

20 say "im so sorry I was wrong" all I know now is that etsy is goign to throw her ass to the pavement if

21 she doesnt do what she obligated to do, and whee the FUCK is my hakf a MILLION dollars in

22 textiles? stealingand then what stealing some more? let it go your dead, you need to got o the

23 learning annex and learn how to teach taxes at h and r block., vile and evil cretin" (Published

24 by Love on www.etsv.com on March 20, 2009) (emphasis added).

25s 31. As if her vile and defamatory Twiter Postings and Etsy Posting were not enough,


Love went on yet another rant on her Myspace blog. On or about March 17, 2009, Love posted more

27r false and defamatory statements about Simorangkir on www.mvspace.com/courtneylove, true and



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1 correct copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "3". Again, Love claimed that Simorangkir is

2 a thief, stole cash and goods rom Love, has assaulted people, sold drugs, committed grand thet, has

3 engaged in felonious behavior, lied, embezzled money, has committed blackmail, was deemed an

4 unfit parent, is a racist and homophobe, has outstanding warrants for her arrest, that the Austin police

5 coniscated Love's property rom her home, that she was removed rom Etsy, that she has

6 manipulated local girls and that she is a danger to society. Among others, Love posted the following

7 false statements on www.mvspace.com/courtnevlove about Simorangkir (the "MySpace Postings"):

8 a. "imnot going to deal with this issue until ater my lawyer and the Austin

9 Police deal with it, but my etsy adventures are about to end period, if it turns out as i suspect i have

10 been stolen from on a level( inacially yes but noone callingthemselves a "designer" has ever

11 (emphasis added), like this" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17,

12 2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

13 b. &£she has received a VAST amount of money from me over 40,000 dollars

14 and i do not make people famous and get raped TOO! besides Etsy is great but they need to get

15 thier admin together,i hve been asured they will they will remove her store completely so she cant

16 icitmise anyone else" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17,2009 at

17 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

18 c. "shes a geniunly nasty person so i dont kow what makinh her "fakous "



21 DRUGS OR WERE MOLESTED OR its that gTey and biyts of black in the aura" (Published by

22 Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17,2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

23 d.- Uive beeen assured from etsy she'll be removed and banished but its not

24 enough, we had a dal i gave her a VAST amount of money clothes id been collecting for 8 years

25, and 40,000$, is that not a vast amont of momey? the clothes are insured for 340,00 but are mo4T'

26" wortgh 500,000 some were as i said a formr ziegfeld girls and some were a silent film stars"


28 9


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1 (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis


3 e. "this insanely nasty Etsy person has commited a straight up felony, Grand

4 Theft, not to mention Blackmail, i dont live in Austin but the Police there, my lawyer said were

5 more than happy to coniscate everything there and take her in for Grand Thet, hopefully tho

6 this is a big misunderstanding and she stops after recieving the cash and the notions" (Published by

7 Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17,2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

8 f. My lawyer is dealing withthis is 20 minutes and id rather spend his hourly all

9 day long because perhaps her blackmail demands" (Published by Love on

10 www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added)


"and oh convicted for Grand Thet too" (Published by Love on

12 www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 12:55 AM).

13 h. «i think shes a dime a dozen at the same time i flew her up the irst time she

14 came to la, and it was alot of havoc that day but i did giveher over 300,000 of my insured and

15 photographed pieces we sogned a cotract istingthe pieces and the date they were to be upcycled and

16 returned to me for a certain sum, and then she wanted 5000 more so i gave it to her like an idiot

17 andanother 5000 and now shes holding my shit hostage and imnoteven includingthe overpaying

18 netsy" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM)

19 (emphasisadded).

20 l. ualso the fashion industry doesnt tolerate blackmailers andbullies??

21 (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 12:55 AM) (emphasis

22 added).

23 J- tcshe must not be original to be bullying .screamingthretending shes goignto

24 sue, thats insane cming rom someone with three warrants for her arrest" (Published by Love on

25 www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 173 2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

26 k. she remains a nasty piece of work until she stops this madness and realises

27; that beinginpossesion of half a MILLION dollars worth of investments that took 7/8 years to^-



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1 collect is precious and to have a major magazine doing a piece onnothing but her stuff, and 40

2 fucking GRAND is far too much, she should be on her knees praying to hatver god she has( shes a

3 nihilistic black cludof negativty whoeverher higher poweris i dont want it!)" (Published by Love on

4 www.myspace.com/cotirmeylove on March 17,2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

5 1. "1 CANT afford this shit 2 LIFES TOO SHORT FOR MEAN


7 CHFFON TO AN D DRESS AND CALL IT WoRTH thousand of dollars! (Published by Love on

8 www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM).

9 m. wi promis eyou, within a few weeks, Madeof wills eeem warm and

10 FUZZY"(Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 12:55 AM).

11 n. tCi can really help her and shes promised to stop bullying other people, and has

12 adresscs her warrants and her 16 year odl son who she was deemed to ally unit and my

13 nderstanding is shes spoken to him three times in his life" (Published by Love on

14 www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

15 o. "This is pretty dramatic as the self destruction with this girl its like she is so

16 scared of success that she has to blow it with me with all my riends and with etsy all in one fell

17 swoop so lets all hope she wakes the fuck up NOW cos theres about 5 hours let for her to do so,

18 or she will be sleeping in a jail cell tonight" (Published by Love on

19 www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis added).

20 P "thetrick is just do the right thing always your repitaion is the coin of the

21 realm for a vendor a seller of goods, and bullying, lyong, embzzlement and theft are not things we

22 associate with a "designer" so she needs to jst suck it up and realise i do know what is best for her

23 and allow me to help her help herself, ivenever called a designer thats failed, so girl get your shitI.

24: together" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM)

2? (emphasisadded)


q-- "so i certainly hope the logical only chpice to make gets made,in fact im sure

27 she is perhaps self preserving enough that she wont destroy it all by greed, blackmail. embezzlemnt



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1 and the rest, that leaves her to get up off her ass and start makingthe "FIFTY DRESSES" startiong

NOW 2.5 dresses a DAY. go girl go! and ell ook atthis as a litle glitch, to choose the ight youll lose

3 beyond fast, just make the decision to do the right thing and do it. i say this rom expeiance with

4 beong self destructive and stubborn myself, but no you dont get as i stared allthat cash and all those

5 clothes and then changethe rules of pur deal, its not done, NOONE WILL EVER TOUCH YOUR

6 ITEMS FOR THE REST PF YOUR CAREER i do mean even Imogen and Patti. NOONE

7 (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneyIove on March 17, 2009 at 12:55 AM) (emphasis

8 added)

9 r. "Lm boycotting etsy altogeher, due to this vendor there but apparently they

10 will remove her store as im her irst BIG victim but shes been ripping people off for a long

11 time" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17,2009 at 11:01 AM)

12 (emphasis added)

13 s. "if you got any of that last post a "designer" on etsy whose been paid a

14 massive amount of money and is in ossesion of prcless noyions dresses and fabrics changedthe

15 "rules'* she now wants 1750 per item! she bogged she made me ifty dresses, uh they must be

16 INVISIBLE dresses but ithe "ifty dresses" she has enought o make about 100 and every scrap of

17 mine isnt sent to me within 9 days or she can express her thoughts to my lawye today, the Police will

18 coniscate everything in that studio and i will sortthru and get out what is mine ( almost all of

19 it) retun the trest to her while she serves her year plus for Grand Thet, as she was ilmed

20 stealing things from my room on top if everything else ( god loves a girl who puts cameras up !_)?3

21 (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneyIove on March 17, 2009 at 11:01 AM) (emphasis

22 added).

23 t. "i hope she makes the right decision, really its an asspain jail and stuff, sheed

245 be a leper and noone will touch her or her "designs:" eventhese pretty austin local girls she

25 manipulates to "model" for her, implying she dresses cerain "celebities" who havent even heard ofmi

2& her,, etc etc" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 11:01

27 AM) (emphasis added).



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1 u. "idont wnatt o scorch the earth just gently and irmly let her know the

2 consequcences of her actions and that greed is not good, greed in this case is illegal and all

3 transactions have ebenn witnessed, by credible peope with impeccable reputations, who were

4 underwhelmed byher to sya the least and waned me she woudl pullthis, i kep tthe faith that her>

5 clothes modelled by alot of london it girls me and some ny it girls in a mega mag would saveher

6 rom her negativity, but she apparently allowed her greed to get the best of her" (Published by Love

7 on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 11:01 AM) (emphasis added).

8 v. however she has a few hours to get back on track and to get her ass to work on

9 my "fity dresses" otherwie my advise re etsy is to be very very careful, in fact forget about etsy for a

10 but here, 99% of thier vendors are great and sincere butt hsi one bad apple if she sticks with this

11 felonious behaviour needs to be jailed and removed off etsy as she represented that she

12 represented etsy (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at

13 11:01 AM) (emphasis added).

14 w. ashe needs to learn not to steal, not to be greedy and not tobully"

15 (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17,2009 at 11:01 AM) (emphasis

16 added).

17 x. umy lawyer i s speakingd irectly with the owners and thier lawyer,andthe

18 Austin police, hehas beeen speaking to them theyuve caled him several times, but im hoping

19 despite all of this there will be a happy ending i thought she was my riend and riends do not fuck

20 over riends," (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17., 2009 11:01

21 AM) (emphasis added).

22 y "so shelhethink this absurd insane greedy illegal'concept: and throw it

23 out, im sure of it, and well have a lovely making up and shell be able to be ready for some success

24 and not this desperate ringe dwelling liar, she can be tellingthetruth for once (Published by Love


on www.myspace.com/coutneylove on March 17, 2009 11:01 AM) (emphasis added).—

26 z. «i refer Geminola who is more skilled than he austin seller who i have yet to

27 NAME because in naming her the police will then have been called , she can choose to complete her



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1 professional obligations to me or she can choose to be charged with Grand Theft, wichis what

2 happens whenyou sneak out of the chateau in full view of my maekup arist with two massive army

3 bags full of thingsthat do not belong to you and take them to another state and present them to

4 someone "hotter" for your"career plans" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on

5 March 17, 2009 at 4:32 PM) (emphasis added).

6 aa. "than me so you can pass of my clithes as yours, its called GRAND THEFT

7 and worse, and i will spend more money onb my lawyers thna i ever spent on any clpthes just

8 getting this danger to society in jail, where she needs to be, unless she completes her contracted

9 /witnessd obligations, you dont charge someone 40,000$ and then give hem a deadline DEc 10th and*

10 here we are in march and deliver them a few items, and shopw the rest as though they didnt belong to

11 you made of your textiles, i knew she was a hustler, but a fe;on? yeah that kind of energy knows

12 no boundaries, well its called A BLACKLISTING, and given the proof of what shes done i sincerely

13 dont think a few shitty rocks are going to bust apart years and years of positive and honest people

14 andvendors and designers to come, or karmic and riendship and professipnal conncections, so its

15 inmy lawyers hands and the Austin laywers and police s hands and oh my god! the calls and emails

16 ive had" (Published by Love on www.myspace.com/courtneylove on March 17, 2009 at 4:32 PM)

17 (emphasisadded)

18 bb Thank God that crazy bitch did this assault, stole, sold drugs, beat up,

19 ripped off, underpaid, drank three bottles of vodka (hey i saw that too!) bullied. .. .me thank you

20 so much, she is seriously a danger to society and orange will look good on her" (Published by

21 Love on www.myspace.com/coiutneylove on March 17,2009 at 4:32 PM) (emphasis added).

22 32. Simorangkir is informed and believes, and thereon alleges., that Love, and/or Love's

23 agents have contacted Etsy in writing and requested that Etsy remove Simorangkir's online store

24: rom that website. In doing so, Simorangkir is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Love

25? and or/Love's agents made similar false and defamatory written statements about Simorangkir.

M: 33. Simorangkir is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Love, and/or Love's





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1 agents have contacted Simorangkir's clients, various stylists, competitors, distributors, fashion

2 publications and websites, and/or other influential people in the fashion industry. In doing so,

3 Simorangkir is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Love and or/Love's agents made

4 similar false and defamatory written statements about Simorangkir.

5 34. All of the statements alleged in paragraphs 29 through 33 above are false, in their

6 entirety, as they pertain to Simorangkir.

7 35. All of the false statements alleged in paragraphs 29 through 33 are defamatory and

8 libelous on their face as they adversely affect Simorangkir's reputation, expose Simorangkir to

9 hatred, contempt, idicule, and obloquy, and have a tendency to injure her in her occupation,

10 36. The above-alleged statements were seen and read by potentially millions of people

11 who reside in California, and elsewhere, by logging on to the various websites listed above.

12 37. Defendants, and each of them, published the statements either with knowledge that

13 they were false or with reckless disregard as to their truth and falsity.

14 38, As a proximate result of the above-described publication, Simorangkir has suffered

15 loss of her reputation, shame and mortiication, all to her general damage in an amount to be

16 determined at the time of trial, but well in excess of this Court's general juisdiction.

17 39. The above-described statements were published by Defendants, and each of them,

18 with malice, oppression and raud, and because of their feelings of hatred and ill-will toward

19 Simorangkir, and with willful and conscious disregard for Simorangkir's rights, thereby justiying an

20 award of punitive damages against Defendants, and each of them



23 (For Invasion of Privacy - False Light, against all defendants)

24 40. Simorangkir re-alleges herein by this reference each and every allegaion contained in

25 paragraphs 1 through 39, inclusive, of this Complaint as if set forth fully herein.

26 41. Love, without Simorangkir's consent, invaded Simorangkir's ight of




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1 privacy by posting and publishing the false statements depicted above placing Simorangkir in a false

2 light to the public.

3 42. Tlie false light is highly offensive and objectionable to Simorangkir and to a

4 reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities.

5 43. Love published these statements either with knowledge that they were false or

6 with reckless disregard for the falsity of the publicized mater and the false light in which

7 Simorangkir would be placed.

8 44. Love's publication of these statements has created publicity concerning the false light.

9 45. As a proximate result of the above-described invasion of Simorangkir's pivacy,

10 Simorangkir has suffered general damages in an amount to be determined at the time of trial, but

11 well in excess of this Court's general juisdiction.

12 46. The above-described invasion of Simorangkir's pivacy by Defendants was committed

13 with malice, oppression and raud, presumably because of their feelings of ill-will toward

14 Simorangkir, and with willful and conscious disregard for Simorangkir's rights, thereby justifying an

15 award of punitive damages against Defendants.



18 (For Intentional Interference With A Prospective Economic Advantage, against all defendants)

19 47. Simorangkir re-alleges herein by this reference each and every allegation contained in

20 paragraphs 1 through 46, inclusive, of this Complaint as if set forth fully herein.

21 48. Simorangkir had economic relationships with vaious clients. Simorangkir's clients

22 had previously purchased goods and services rom Simorangkir, in particular Boudoir Queen

23 clothing and apparel.

24:; 49. There was a strong probability that Simorangkir's clients would continue to purchase

25' Boudoir Queen clothing and apparel rom Simorangkir.

26i 50. Love was aware of some of Simorangkir clients, as well as their relationship with

2i Simorangkir.

28 16


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1 51. Love's above-referenced intentional acts, in particular Love's defamatory conduct,

2 were designed to disrupt Simorangkir's relationship with her clients. Love intended to intimidatea

3 Simorangkir's clients and discourage them rom doing business with Simorangkir.

4 52. Love's intentional acts have caused actual disruption of the relationship between

5 Simorangkir and her clients. Love has intimidated Simorangkir's clients and discouraged them rom

6 doing business with Simorangkir.

7 53. As a proximate result of the above-descibed intentional acts, Simorangkir has

8 suffered economic harm and damages in an amount to be determined at the time of tial, but well in

9 excess of this Court's general jurisdiction.

10 54. In addition, Love's conduct was intentional and done for the purpose of causing

11 injury, and was despicable conduct that subjected Simorangkir to a cruel and unjust hardship in

12 conscious disregard of her ights, so as to justiy an award of exemplary and punitive damages.


14 (For Breach of Contract, against all defendants)

15 55. Simorangkir re-alleges herein by this reference each and every allegation contained in

16 paragraphs 1 through 54, inclusive, of this Complaint as if set forth iolly herein.

17 56. Simorangkir and Love entered into an enforceable contract for goods and services

18 whereby Simorangkir agreed to make vaious custom garments and apparel for Love out of vintage

19 textiles, and in tun, Love agreed to pay Simorangkir for doing so.

20 57. Simorangkir has duly performed all of the conditions, promises and covenants which

21 Simorangkir was required to perform, except those obligations Simorangkir was prevented or

22 excused rom performing. More speciically, Simorangkir has made and delivered to Love, and

23 Love has accepted, garments and accessoies valued at over $4,000. Additionally, Simorangkir has

24.; incurred significant expenses delivering these custom garments as well as unused vintage textiles.u

2$. 58. Love has breached this contract by failing and refusing to pay the amount due owing

26: undersame.

27 59. As a proximate result of Love's breach of this contract, Simorangkir has



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1 been damaged in the amount presently unknown but will be proven at tial.


3 WHEREFORE, Simorangkir prays for judgment in her favor against Defendants, and each of

4 them, as follows:



7 1. For general damages according to proof at the time of tial, but in an amount in excess

8 of the jurisdictional limits of tins Court;

9 2. For special damages according to proof at the time of trial, but in an amount in excess

10 of the juisdictional limits of this Court;

11 3. For interest on any monetary award to Simorangkir at the legal rate;

12 4. For punitive damages;

13 5. For costs of suit incurred herein;

14 6. For attorneys' fees to the extent permitted by contract or statute; and

15 7. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper



18 i. For general damages according to proof at the time of trial, but in an amount in excess

19 of the jurisdictional limits of this Court;

20 2. For special damages according to proof at the time of tial, but in an amount in excess

21 of the jurisdictional limits of this Court;

22 3. For interest on any monetary award to Simorangkir at the legal rate;

23 4. For punitive damages;

24 5. For costs of suit incurred herein;¦!"¦


6. For attorneys' fees to the extent permitted by contract or statute; anduV

26 7. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper»lh




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2 1. For general damages according to proof at the time of trial, but in an amount in excess

3 of the juisdictional limits of this Court;

4 2. For special damages according to proof at the time of trial, but in an amount in excess

5 of the juisdictional limits of this Court;

6 3. For interest on any monetary award to Simorangkir at the legal rate;

7 4. For punitive damages;

8 5. For costs of suit incurred herein;

9 6. For attorneys' fees to the extent permitted by contract or statute; and

10 7. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.


12 1. For general damages according to proof at the time of tial, but in an amount in excess

13 of the juisdictional limits of this Cout;

14 2. For special damages according to proof at the time of trial, but in an amount in excess

15 of the jurisdictional limits of this Court;

16 3. For interest on any monetary award to Simorangkir at the legal rate;

17 4. For costs of suit incurred herein;

18 5. For attorneys' fees to the extent permitted by contract or statute; and

19 6. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.


21 Dated: May 5,2009 FREEDMAN & TATTELMAN, LLP


23 By:Bryan X Freeaman,Jtisq.24 Attorneys for Plaintiff Dawn Simorangkir, akaDawn Younger-Smith aka Boudoir Queen






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lc 55

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you want upcytd clothes with talenthead to loarrlnes geminoia withII ll. Lorraihei Sarah (font buy MY clothes please, thanks I knew you F

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»¦- - - - » _.-.:.*¦ "* * F '1 ' -i ^stay away well well away, and etsy cant wait tos e the backof her.

so goodbye asswlpe nasty lying hosebag thief, now for pleasantthings,

3-tzS PM Mar 17th fromWzb V -'J

austin police are morethan ecstatic to pick her up she has a


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:: ^: *¦-*=>•.etsy oh etsy i had such a crush on etsy and tills horrific pelce of m* » l>*« . —

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7:23 PMMgt 17th fromweb -"i'- r ** 1. ^T

f'.l.tr.wwd. someone who vM NEVER grace your pages the feloniousDawn/Boudoir Queen witnessed stealing 2 MASSIVE army bagsout of the chat at 4am

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vfallon: say hi to nancy, big lovehas totally gone viral In mysubconscious like I think apolygamlst compound could you knowWORK>

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So? PMMar 17th from,web

^iiftorsober" by pink, like seiously scari;y Jeaous Its bloody good and.mjealcus E feel ridiculous but Its agreat song and video.whoa.kudos

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_succesfuf and she JUcked me and shes gfng to look at scorchedbloody earth making someone famous does not go with getting ra ":**r»

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3:50 PMMar 1 oih/romu&b,:. -;*¦

- *-*- .* -# .\.-.T-: ,-, ^';but i love vendors who 1 do business with for years and dont go -»


-fr Insane or get greedy and one In particular I started to make her ^^_

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5now onto rolling I. old my people] was Jns cprched earth mode

\i<j!: * 1¦^

noone steals romme, not when Invstlcklngthem In a 14 page! >:„".-.YT*

)i ,. : .¦' "'¦¦¦^Jr speadlnamgea mag :/=!-¦= ,!l"V IF PPI '¦,

-;45?M Mar 17th from it^b ,:,:;::7:;.";pi - » L.i." ¦*


fexcited 1 hate and loathe thieves, and they deserve eachothers U--.4

company, 1 hoep she has fun In jail, Vin-,,] r--= ^JMC * p""•f-f PMMsr x 7th from uxb


- — ¦ •»

hopeln thenext month etsy goes to iqons.co and grabs the best of11.

the designers there me I liavethe best poslble tehgenlus plpa, Im »mof etha +-*


".44 PM Mar 17th f&m web 1 j

rlittle bassists, goodbye "boudoir queen" to be replacedby 100s of T

>.-¦:.. n¦ great Indie designers on etsy that are trained that do knowwhattheyredoin


: ¦: r ¦7it3?MMrtrx7lhfrQii\£&h *»

feas 1*


forget all of us in fashlonand In bands exist noone will ever be her avictim again we will all take care of lhat from the top stylists to th U

ir^;';!-. ^r_a-'!.. -';

._ , r -:j2 PMMxsriTih from w*b ' F ' F - -*»

* Li.«p u-'l ¦


:utier. Hold Imogen heap If she dosnt mind being whored out by a7*

felon welf thats fine, but my gits in citizens band DO mind, so she t\3

best :;-.v'* iji


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7:jz?MMn?i7tkfrom web "l ¦>. «#.'*': .\ .vif

;:'r?V:-.-; X4Zsee the back of the thlngmonster thats pulled them down to a•Txiscamcentral site, onel wouldnt refer anyone to until shes looong£tgone to her tr * it *


b b ¦ 1 ^ 4 A r


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as one other many bullied victims smashes her face soon as1:'?*-* *" ¦ '¦" *-* •- - jshes an assault addict herself (theres apprentiy prostitution In

-l^A:-*- ,Vf_i:r:^ her record too'f

1 JiF^ikj-


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-.~i-J.- '1- underneath that bridge In boson and what an ugly mug toolok Im

doneallswellaslon.r7:3s PM Mar j 7&iotn web

.¦ ;

Is my clothes my WARDROBE1 0! vey dont fuck with my wradrobeor you wlflend up In a circle of corched eaeth hunted til yourdead.new|ob>r^&PMMar i?(hfrom web

lus oooh i cannot recall beingthls actfally angry for YEARS ryanUveah that shit pisses me off but ihave a criminal litigator for that

this7:37 PM Mar 17& rom,web

'f^1 W' ** F W * . I*.jumpsuits a sexy look, citeensband.net, topsyturvydeslgnsxon

;j :.*


and links paris apatmenlcom and look up ziegfeld on etsy for ^ I ¦ » « L ¦ _ l !ll^;r-»*iJohnstons gen


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web- "¦-*' -*¦ l*


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¦* *\ ¦ -.*^^ b..i —•scoched earth ignore and blacklist, few people ever deserve our

*¦ F


*¦* r---'**' j-j -* _oal Ignoring buthis thief and burglar does, austin police Epathheri

V,orange7:55 PM Mar xythfromweb

"! -"I r ¦. *'^ f4 v ¦ ¦

::t|. r -:you want upcyld clothes with talenthead to loartnes gemlnola with -t . F -,

Lorraine! Sarah dont buy MY clothes please, thanks I knew you -. .*. F.. -t¦'Ki.:.

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Etsy :: "BoudoirQueen'sFeedba

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I i I F'fF ¦ F PPIM ¦¦ d "i ¦_¦¦¦¦

Home > BoudalrQueen.elsy.com > Feedback

^ .. L* ¦v^'vvjvir^^^^r.^.a.itvrN^^ ¦- ^* »»'*. ii.vIP

1 P ¦ -.llL»< '^.'.^"il'vi'J^i *",!,'.*,i*;-<*--":::'-* 4.

Q* Shop home (alt Hems)

BoudoirQueen's Feedback6

1 . ¦ < V —^ J 1 Lf —P, ¦ H^P>- V-mr >»*- » 1-F p *-»**¦*>* ,J B-IU^^B H B_ ^-* I ' »*»'•,1. |-V_ 'l • -". I . . __ . . Z. ¦ 'C. 1 J 7" I ' !¦»»»# W • —1A- .i' l.U a4 « - 1 * _, -1 --»,-_ Vip-1 ¦ ¦

1«. --^ . ¦„, IIP' p* p'l. I BoudoirQueen

Positive: 292 Neutral: 1 Negative: 2 W Proile

<£? Shop Policies

View: From everyone"7 From buyers / From sellers / Left for others%Cl Favoites

Comment From Date Image Item£> Feedback 294, 99% pos.

beyond wordsis.l^ow cherryforeven366 3/20/2009 ERTE-ESQUEdisgusted and furious HALF DOLL

£/ Request Custom Itemjam its align this NECKLACE OLD

person wether they. STOCK CHANEL

will Ive up-tj Ihier CRYSTAL CHAINuser info- ...

pbl Igattons~-Ordestary

¦ F

thle ^career" becauseight now they have rating: 294,99% pos.leprosylnTHe ."fashion" joined: '"Jui 20, 2007industry,, the.ONE ¦location: Los Angeles-Austinarea one-cannotgetaway wJUreeailng contact BoiidolrQueen

rommwisln-tieclothing area, what acow, when-she makesnice and does-herJOB and stops tryingo use me for an atm Imay say Im so sorry 1was wrong'* all 1 knownow is that etsy Isgoign to throw her assto the pavement if shedoesnl do what sheobligated to do, andwheeehFUCKls myhakf a MILLIONdollars in textiles?stealingand than whatstealing some more?let it go your dead,you need to got o theleaning annex andlean how to leachtaxes-;at h and rblack^vile and evilcetin./


perfect buyer, thank BabooshkaBoutique 3/18/2009 BABOOSHKAyou! "i Faux Leatherxoxoxo Textued Harem

JodphurLeggingsBlack XSS ML

/-total scumbag, a lying cherry forever 666 3/18/2009 SILVER HAREM

ripoffwhoifshelsnt TURBAN BYtaken off of etsy S BOUDOIR QUEEN

http://www.etsy.com/feedback_public.php?user_id=5226630 3/20/2009

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Etsy:: boudoirQueen's Feedba Page 2 of4

w) If make sure none Iknows comes ON etsyshe took40.TJOUSANDdollars rom me andblogged she gave me"50" dresses out ofthe 200 I allowed herlo use she gave me 6and sole one backevil. drug addictand dealer, get herOFF

the nastiest lying che rryforever666 3/18/2009 BOUDOIRworst person i have FLOWER CAPE

ever known, a thief aliar and needs to beremved from this siteimmediatiy and mylawyers are workingon ihis. today, evilincanate, vile horriblelying bitch

another beauty! vmaxanne 3/02/2009 ON HOLD ANKLECUFF CAKESTHE ORIGINALSBYBQ

Dawn's clothing are vmaxanne 3/02/2009 ELEGANTLY

as lovely as she is;) WASTED VicorianCORSET TOPWITH ZIPPER

GREAT SELLER browniecOl 9 2/25/2009 Silent LOvee<345!i Silhouette

Makes beautiful, Compact

quality items. HOYDENS

Extremely easy to CRYSTAL


empathetic andfeeling towardscustomers!

I can't WAIT lo buyfrom you again, myfriend A.-vll

neati curvy greeneyes 2/14/2009Km THE ROYAL BAD* GIRL


Excellent as always! carnivore 2/13/2009, si-"

DRESDEN SilverThe headband didn't Frosted Laca

Ht23dwork out Tor me, but Ache Band A

Dawn exchanged very Decadent Head

quickly and Adornment By

pleasantly. I loooooveBoudoir Queen

the cape! My beautifulfingy outit is to dierori ;¦¦

OOOOOHhhi vmaxanne 2/06/2009 r* MOULIN ROUGEStunjiing. This Is QUEEN FLORAbeautiful. So glad AND FEATHER


1 haven't tried this on vmaxanne 2/0672009 LILTING LOLITAyet...bul lt*s absolutely LUXURY WEARgorgeous! You've DRESS BY

http://www.etsy.com/feedback_public.php?user id=5226630 3/20/2009

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Etsy :: koudoir Queen's Feedba Page 3 of 4

been so busy lately. I BOUDOIR QUEEN


Delicate, delicate, this iynxmouth 2/06/2009 Hold for Jewel

spider-web of woven ROCK AND

beads. It'll look just ROYALTY BLACK

ight with a HEART JET

sweetheart collar, I do STEAMPUNKNECKLACE

believe. Merctbeaucoup, beautyDawn for morebeauty. I'll haveanother order in a fewdays, I'm surel

As scrumptious as a Iynxmouth 2/O6/2D09 RESERVE for

Htlie cupcake, and Jewel HIGH


All of your pieces feet Iynxmouth 2/06/2009 mRESERVEFORso ancient and yet JEWEL BLACK

modemr-This-one did FROUF a

not disappoInL decadent lace Culia re-11st ofoldstyles by BoudoirQueen

Delidously perfecL Iynxmouth 2/06/2009 p^ '* RESERVE FORjusl watched Gla with V>



Angelina Jolle, and CHOW STUDIO

this cuff reminds me 54CUFF

of the too-brief Studio BOUDOIR QUEEN

54 scenes. The biueCOLLECTION

buttons are like Iceafire,

In a word: splendidlygurly 2/05/2009 Sladel Adore JetFABULOUS! i»i\iX Head Band By

Stupendous, as Boudoir Queen

always 1 Love thisshopl

Love this cloche splendidlygurly 2/05/2009 Toils De Jueyoodles! Yayl English Country

BoudolrQueen totally Sping Cloche Hat

kicks fashionable BY BOUDOIR

tushlei QUEEN

the most beautiful moonpinceS53B 2/04/2009 Most Disheveled

skit everlii Thanksl ."=?• BQUbertina.nDisaray Skit

STUNNING Spielberg 1 2/0.2/2009 3reserved forSpielberg1DRESDEN SilverFrosted Lace HeadAche Band ADecadent HeadAdonment ByBoudoir Queen

I lov&ltm The blue vmaxanne 2/01/2009 CRUSHED INvelvet-is VELVET CROWN

gorgeaus...and the COLLECTION

zippe^rnakes It so DRESS BY

easy3o wear. I miss BOUDOIR QUEEN

you...rfope you'rehaving fun in LA andnot working too hard.Take lots of photos :)

http://www.etsyxom/feedback_public.php?user_id=5226630 3/20/2009

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Home > cherryforever656.etsy.com >Profile

t. ^ti^^*i*:r»-jr^ \i *\ £ i'^'^^^^^-.T^'r.z^^zi^-:,^^.^^'^'^ >' :' •*

¦Q* Shop home (allitems)

cherryforever666,s Profiler%

*¦ _* .¦!;_« ¦». .p. • i.,*i;T:i*.,*':*M!!r*"'^j.*i?r' ,"i **t- ***-»i-: — -^..-'i-^hlf..TT»<»*~vttwI^*Pw.n.iiP..^^*^U-:p.[i'^..;;;.:t.- x ~ r ¦ 1 * " I "* —. *i ^ ¦ ^ —# r - ^ -*—-^* - .._._,,,... .-_.„ ..-,.««., _^,^,,i.iF™'; i rjTlT . n cherryforever666


BioCourtney love cobain here, ive tried this now 5 times i guess i wlrte too much have a & Proilenew album coming to my website jan 1 it will cost 2 dollars to come onto the site wich Isbeing made absculoutly magical by jordane and then i pick 8 songs a day you can -£f Shop Policies

have for free but you really ought to pay me as i have spent most of my money on Ihisrecord whatever you think i deserve, then there will be 10 -14 other songs with content \4" Favoitesand video and lachapelle video at that that you can buy for 99 cents just like I tunes iam doing loads of pr so I love gothic tolita pieces (if you live in japan and want to do £j- Feedback 1663. 100%

possome shopping for me for a small fee let me know) with antique pieces with the stuff iam makin, very slouchy boyriend I shirt with an 1890s waistcoat with a bustle and a <£f Request Custom Itempair of black on black pinstriped bloomer pant, oh yeah, bloomer pants, i swear theylook cool as heck, and a lannel wrapped around a teens titanic dress, anne boleyn,maie anloinette (thats whose crest that is) and witches Cinderella and Chinese foot user infobinding and bridal stuff all obsess me cake toppers and brides left at the altar, etc. thisrecord postively oozes the widowhood i never have ackowledged in a record and its rating: 1663, 100% posvery hard and so these symbols and at help me a lot. if you have old antique dry rotted joined: Aug26,20C)8shawls or dresses hanging around with useful appliques im your girl and if you have acool patten but not the greatest fabic i will send you the fabric. location: Los Angeles

contact cherryfoever666***SiDE NOTE*** Please do not ship to me using packaging peanuts or popcorn. It isterrible for the environment and not to mention really messy. Thank Youl

Favorite Materialsvictoiana, jet, altered paper ephemera, clothes with a goth but cool design, appliques,altered shattered antique victoiana, sacred hearts, rubies, steampunk, altered books,origami, mucha, bustles

cherryforeverees's other stuffshop. favorites. feedback. contact

fggTRUSTe About I Press j Contact | Teams | Jobs ]Merch

© 2009 EtsyInc.:f Terms of Use j Pivacy Policy f Copyight


http://wv^v.etsy.com/profile.php?user_id^6178842 3/19/2009

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