LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. VOL. XXIX. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES.-PART I: PAGES 1 TO 8. NO. 70 PACIFIC COAST. -Arrest, of Va' derbill, the '?WiM West.^ent." HIS LITTLE 1) »D>.ES EXPOSED. Dastard y Attempt at Train Wrecking in Sail Luis Obispo County. I Associated Press Disnatchestothe HaaAM) I San rosß, Dnember 10.?Htrry L Vandorbill arrived here this afternoon. He represented himself as advance agent for Sullivan's Wil I West show, and is charged w th procuring money under fal-e pretences. His method was to offer to give a. contract for btttoheifl and oth r supplies for the troupe at. an advance on the prices charged him, providing that he was paid a ceitdn amount down ami the balance when the bills for supplies wete collected. He succeeded in vic- timising several parties before be was arrested. He admitted havin*been at Stockton recently, and in reap mse to a message sent there, a reply was received that he hid tried the same game thero ami failed. His photo has been found in the Mamas' gallery. his record. Ii is learned that ht; had been s<mt to Sin Qiieutin from Sin Bernard no county for burglary, an I was dis- charged in lone, 1886. From news- paper clippings in his pos-ession it is believed that he ha- been in Ixn An- geles and other southern towns trans- acting the suite business. He claims to be a duly authorized ag nt for Sul- livan's show, lie is stylish in ap e.ir- anee and dress and carries a gold- hooled urn noil i wPh the moiogrun *'H L. V.,'' which he says was pre- sented to him by W. F. o ly, whom ho formerly ser-ed as manager. WHAT WE KNOW OP UI.K. [Yanderhllt was in Los \ngeles in tho latter part of Oc otter of the present year. He sent notices to all the papers stating that he was the representative of Sullivan's tt il i West Show hut the Herald re \u25a0elvimt private informalioil that ho Wassail- ing Under false odors, declined to publish his communication. After several ineffectual attempts to lice c the merchants of this city, he departed hir the north on Octo- ber SSI, A lIEttACD representative happened to be on the cars at, the time and an incident occurred which may prove interest ing after the pres. entcxpose. When the conductor in tho cours >of his rounds an* preached Vanderbllt, the so-called ad- vance age't pro need a pockatbook, looked in it, sighed, felt in all his pock-Is ami under the seat and filially declared that he had lost bis ticket. ''Can't, help that." said the conduc- tor, ' you must cither get a ticket at the next s ation or leave Ihe train." "The idea is preposterous, my dear fellow," said Vanderbilt, -pringing from his seat. "I've already paid my faro, antl do not intend to pay it again." "We'll see about that when wo get to tho next, dooot," said tbe con- ductor, an I a ter finishing his tour of the train the ticket collector returned arvd s:tt iv the seat next to Venders biit. where he remained until the train stopped. "Now, sir, what are you going to do?" saiil the official, tapping Van- derbilt on the shoulder. "I'm going to stay right here," was the reply, hut the next moment he was gently passed out on to the depot platform, ami a stalwart hrakeman mounted guard-over the steps tosee that he did not return. Vanderliili almost foamed at the mouth with r.ige, and uttered dire threats and anathe- mas against the blue-coated official, but at tho last, moment, when the sig- nal was given to pull out, he "took water" and pro'need to note sary fate, after which Le was allowed to re ; eoter the train. The Herald representative was unfortunate enough to occupy the next scat to tlu- enraged advance agent, and was compelled lo listen to his grievances for two lung, weary hours. Among other things Vander- bilt staled that he was a nephew of the millionaire of the same name, ami that bo had interested himself iv t"e gbow business partly for amusement ami iwrlly for profit. "After doing Califo nia." be said, "I shall go to Australia," but be has apparently not "done California as well as he antic- ipate I.?[Ed. Herald]. TUE'.IU PLANA fill.'STRAT HIT. a l.tieky llisroii'ry by a Section I areas an. San Lots Omseo, December 10 ? The wrecking of the south-bound train on the Pacific Coast Railway was narrowly prevented to-night by a fortunate discovery of section Foreman Q ligley. A mile north of lan Olivos three pieces of iron, each over a fx* t long, two sticks of hird woo I ami a bent rail were arranged on the trick near w--at is known as the big cut. Tho plot, to wreck the train was de- tected just in time to prevent tho BO- cilent. There is no clew to the perpetrators. uf.rel.iot an«.«".*. a Detective Discovers. Una in Fresno County. San Francisco, December 10 ?A. C. Diet?., one of the Creighton bonds- men, who has been missing several weeks, arrived here to-night, having beou found on a ranch in Fresno county by a de'ectivo sent to serve Bubpicuas ou him for ids appearance as witness in the McCord case. Diet it's oil warehouse has been attached peu ling tho result of tho suit against him an I John Hill for tho recovery of $10 000 in the forfeited bond uf D. T. Creighton. BMINBIti C II 'I I lilt ANTS. Attempt lo Import More Womou for Immoral Purposes. San Francisco, December 10 ? Writs of habeas corpus were issued in the United States Circuit Court to-day for twenty-feven Chinese women de- tained on the steamer City of Peking, which arrived here recently. Tito writs were given to deputy marshals lor service but Captain Dearborn of the Peking refused to allow the women to leave tho steamer, and said that he was acting under or- ders from Collector Efager. Judge Sawyer upon being informed of ttie captain's refusal iMueri an or- der directing him to produce the women in court forthwith. This was according!* done. Judgo Sawyer then ordered tbe women to be placed on the steamer San Pablo until th ir cases could be investigated. Col lector linger stated that he had issued his orders to Dearborn, In compliance with the statute, prohib- itingthe importation of women for unmoral purposes, as he bad received a report frnin the Deputy-Collector, to the effect, that it win for these pur- poses the women had been brought here. ABCBNB AT THE DOCKS. When the women were taken to the Pacific mail dock, Customs inspector horsey ref ised to allow them to goon hoard the steamer San Pablo, laying that he was actingAinder instruction* from Collector Hayes. United States Marshal Pranks went to the d ck< and ordered Dorseyto allow the wo- men to go on the ship. Dorsey still re- fused and insisted that Pranks sh mid show his badge nf authority as mar- shal. 'P.is Pranks refused to do. and he finally placed Dorset' under arrest on ii charge of resisting his authority, and tbe women then went on the ship. NATION lli l:U( C ITION. sjoctiiig of (lie i. o< ol Committee Ht Hall I-'runcisco. San Fkancisco, December 10?The local executive committee appointed at the mcc ing of the Dire tors of the National Educational Association at Lawrence, Kas., last month, met thi- evening ami orginized with Ira G Hititt as PreSl lent, fames (j. Kennedy Vice-President; .l imes W. Anderson, Tre i-aner and J. H I'ryor, Secretary. A dispatch was sent to Aaron Give. President of the associa l ion at Denver 0(4., informing him of the organic** tiou ? f the co-liniittee. A letter ol regret.f.n enforced absence was read from Siijierinteudont Frel-ner of 1.0- --tngeles.and let ers and circulars from President Gove, and Secretary Can- field. WHAT WAS DONE. A general discus-ion as to a plan of operation was had. and a committee, consisting of Messrs, Campbell, Wil- son and Kennedy, was appointed to prepaie an address to the teachers oi the State. Saturday of each week was fixed as time ol" holding the meeting. B \LI, TWIHLDHI, The Pioneers Kiidlv Beaten By the (.inula. San Francisco, December 10. ? Pureelt pitched for the Pioneets against the Now Yor s to-day and while he was bated freely, he was given good support, by Carroll. Ew- ingwts in tho hex for tha Giants, Tho New Yorks haik the field nt tbe commend \u25a0ment, hut the Pioneers did a d get a man around ihe circuit until tiie fourth inning. Smith made a three-base hit, then score lon a hot drive by Pierrier. Score at the clo^e: New Yorks, 11; Pioneers. I. CUICAO. 1-IIItCADEI.PHIA. Chicago, 9; Phil idelpbia, 0. \u25a0i iIN. V, B. Exhibit* In lie lorwnrddl for \u25a0lisplay in l.os Angeles. Auburn, December 10.?An enthu- siastic mcc ing «t tho Plo-er county Board of Trade was held this after- noon, and about $700 raised by sub- scriptions for.the p trp i-o of sending an exhibit of Placer oi ills fruits ti Loa Angeles ut once. .More money i- gu irantoed, ami i car cotitaining -0, (100 oranges a>d a lino displ.y of olives, lemons, persimmons and other fruit w ill be sent oil Tuesday. The committee from Placer county will have charge of the exhibits, and will also take charge of any fruit sent. I>) oilier northern committees if they de- sire to make a display. 'Ibe Nblp Niurbuch Sold. POBTLAKD, December 10?Today the Anieiicin shi.i Wm. 11 Sturbti. k wis sold to George L. Caldwell foi $2:1500. Tho vessel is of iion, 1330 tins burthen, and has been lying ii. this p ire for the p ist eight months. The ship was ihe pr >perty of Wm. II Btarbuek, of Sew York, and was bnill some six years aio at a cost of $80- --(10,1 Tne Starbnck will no placed in \u25a0he coast lumlier trade, aud her first trip will probably be made to San Diego I'nl'isioii nt Sen. Portland, December 10?A col- lision is reported In the Straits ol Dmigcuess early Friday morning, between the steamer Premier and an unknown sailing vessel. Th - Steainei struck the veavel a glancing blow on tbe Quarter, The unknown seemed to be going in the same direction a- t'io Premier. Th- latter vessel \u25a0Topped engines and reversed as uu ckly as possible, but too 1 le Mi avert the collision. Immediately after the colli-iou a sailorllis.ippeare i in tho darkness. The extent of the damage ia not known. Illrowiied Wliile Drunk. PORTLAND, December 10 ?News has ju-t been received from PortTownsend of the thowning of four sailors belong- ing to the American ba kentine, T. G. Wilder. The sailors put oil iv a small boat which cap-ued. Four men were in the boat at the time,all intoxicated. Only one man named Peter Denial I was rescued. The names of the drowned men are: Robert Henry, Audio* 01.-en gad f'harlai Bright. I.OIIIS 1i... . ..quitted Modesto. December 10.?The ca c e of Louis Baer, formerly of Oak L.le, a merchant Charged with feloninisly removing poods from the stale with intent to defraud liis creditors, vas given to the jury at 5 o'clock ihi- evening. The jury came in at 9:o0 o'clock with a verdict of acrju.ttal. Nivalin's, flea. San Fkancisco, December 10.? Seneca Augusta Swalm was arraigned in tho Superior Court to-day on a charge of stealing Clara Hello Mc- Donald's diamonds. Ho pleaded not guilty and tho trial was set for De- cember 20th. GENERAL NEWS. A Passenger Train Held Up iv Arkansas. DOGS TRAILING THE THIEVES. Raid On a Counterfeiters' Lair Near Fort Douglas?old Hands at Iho Business. Associated Press Dispatches te the Hkbalo. I IJTTLB Hock, December 10. ? Infor- mation has been received hero that tho north-bound train on iho \u25a0 St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railway was stopped last, night near Texurka- na, by three masked men. They took even thing of value from the express car ami relieved all the passengers of their money ami valuable-. The postal clerk in the mail car fired seve- ral shots at them with a rifle anil a volley was returned. No harm was done. The robbers did not molest the mail. Governor Hughes and the railroad of- ficials have Offered rewards for the ap- prehension of the men. BbooonotmM on the trail. Late to-night the officers ar« pursu- ing the train robbers with blood- hounds, and scouring tlie country in even direction. Later developments show that no attempt was made to rob the passenger coaches, \u25a0TAMP iMJ DIE. I'minterfciters Neatly Trapped at lon Doaglns. San Frincisco, December 10. ? An Examiner special s:ays: "Act- ing ou information received from a sailor named Pussy, stationed at Fort Doudas, tic; United States Marshal last Thursday night arrested Teddy Maynes, keeper of a second - hand goods store, for offering lo sell Hussy a quantity of counterfeit money, which he gaid he could pro- cure. Subsequent investigations led to the arrest of John Eckart, one Of the most expert counterfeiters in the West, and who has just completed a sentence in the penlten- tiarv for counterfeiting. He was living witli Mrs. Brlgtitinore, who keeps a saloon at Ganbyvillo. When the otli- cers surrounded the place Eckart beg- ged that they would not earch tue place, saying that he would rather plead guilty at once. The place was searched, however, and s >me mould-, Castings, and a lot of gild and silver foil was seized. Kckurt and Maynes are in the penitent! iry. Mrs. Bright- more, who has served a term for grand larceny, and a number of soldiers, who it is claimed have been in the habit of purchasing bogus coin, ure ho das witnesses to appear next week. THE TltoKncciillSltCOS. Slow Trucks nt liuitnnberg; and New <>r leans. Guttknhkrg, December 10.?Weath- er rainy, track heavy. Seven-eight lis of a miles, nine starters, Veto won; Oracle second, Pl.iyfair third. Time 1:41. Five-eighths of a mile, seven start- ers, CSstiltah won; Warren Lewis sec md, Fred Davis third, rime 1 :00. Five-eighths of ti mils', seven start- ers. Frolic won; George Angus second, Carlow third. Time 1 :10. Three-fourths of a mile, five starters Marguerite won; liradburn sewnd, Nailer third. Tim- 1 iii: L ist race one mile, eight starters, Pocassett won ; S uulersoti second, Vin- der third. Time 1:54. AT HBWORLEANS. New Oulicans. December 10.? Wp.it her cloudy, track slow . drat race, three-quarters of a mile, Dnion la k w 11; Franco second, r'estlH thir l. Time. lr>4. Seven-eightsof a mile.eight starters, lack Brown w.im; Jan Nave second, Prohns third. Time, 1 'oft'(. One-half of a mile, maidens' own- ers' handicap, three starters, Hob I'll imas won. Sam Wharton second, Mimln v third. Time, 60. Last race, one and one-sixth miles handicap. Son II rperwon; Effle H see.md, Little Minnie third. Time, 2:00. UIVB.> I'D TIIE JI UY. Ail I lie I'.vldence in, lv the Uar< per I ate. Cincinnati, Decembe" 10. ? Th" closing scenes iti the Harper trial came tit sin .ruing. Both sides an- nounced that there would be no argu- ments, and Judge Jack-on charged the jury. Too Judge's charge ocenpied an hour and Miy minutes. It was stro lglv against Harper, and the declared that the prisoner had com nine 1 wrongful acts on bis own adm s-ioll. The jury were taken le their room to begin their consultation, and the Court adj lUrnfl I till i o'clock Tin verdict in the Harper case will not bj received until Monday morn- ing. SKITI.KII IT l.uf, Henry i:t Al, vs. the Travellers Insurance IJimii can y. Denver, Col., December 10.?In the United States Court to-day, Judge. Brewer rendered an opinion in the case of T. C. Henry et. al., against the fiavt-llers Itisiiraiice i ompany, oi Hartford, Conn., in favor of the plain, tiff. Theca«e ha- been pentling for over two years and involves the pos- session <f iho old Denver Tiitmne stock, now held by the Reputilirati V duett at $100 000, besides San Luis Valley lands, canals auT mi-cell.vie- ? >us property throughout t.'\e state. R1.111.11U111 I.OSSIP. Inspection of the Nintc I.lues te l ake I'lacc Minrlly. San Fkancisco, December 10.?The State Hoard of Kailroad Commission- ers to-day decided to inspect the rail- roads throughout, tho State, and will start ou the expedition on January SI. rASTBS TIME. The Union Pad c ccntcmplates a f irther reduction in its pussenger lime and intends to cut oft' another twelve i.ours between this city and Chicago. ANOTHER. NCW LINE I'ROBABLE. Fresno, December 10.?At a ma-w meeting to-night parties made a pro- position to build a road if the |K>ople wanted It. The people offered to give all Ihe aitl possible, and a < pet ing line wltbAhe Southern Pacific, from ItakersHeld to Stockton is within the possibilities. A BOYCOTT OSIiggBRATION. Success of Tratkie's Antl-Chlnese Movement. Tkitkkk, December 10.?Truckee celebrated the s icond anniversary of tiie boycott to-night, it having been Iwo years since the movement was started. James N. liarry, of San Francisco, delivered a stirring address and the largest hull in town was p o ked lo its fullest capacity. The thermometer was 14 Agrees below freezing point, but a large torchlight procession paraded tho streets and countermarched OB tbe Sained site ol old Chinatown. Hugo bonfires, the hi ing of salutes and repeated cheering lestttied to ttie enthusiasm of the citi- zens. A STORMY TRIP. now the »*A. B. field" Weathered the Becellt l.ulc. Pobt Townsxnd, W. T , December 10.?The steamer A. li. Field, belong- ing to the salmon cannery at JSestue- ca, Ogo., arrived ttiis morning after an exceedingly rough voyage. .Most o* the fuel had to be thrown overboard to lighten the vessel, and When it was all gone, the fur..dure au I cabins, the partition between ttie engine room, the gallery und hatches were cut up and used, ftails were tried with a teoiilt of tlie loss of the foresail. The gale dually moderated so as to allow the making of Neah Hay harbor, where bUpplieS were obtained. MEXICAN BI 'TTEKS. Trouble with the I'aquis -Con- tinued Eurthquukrs. Noo\les, A. T., December 10.?A band of disaffected Yaquis have boon committing mmy robberies near La Bocanita, Sonera. Cattle have been run offby them every day of lale, and sugarcane fields devastated iv the night. Earthquakei continued to disturb the entire western part of Mexico and the Southern coast. Several slight chocks have been felt hero. Accideut In a Caal Miue. WiLKB*BABRB,Pa., Ddceiubor 10.? To-day a coal carriage at Wadded's shaft was being lowered into a pit .".00 feet deep, with ten miners on it. When within 100 feet of tho hottom tho carriage became stationary aud the rope begin to slacken. Rcfore the slack could be taken up the car- t iage descendetl with great force, anil four men were thrown to the bottom of the pit and instantly killed. The others were all seriously injured. Beared ut I.ait. .Chicago, Decern*** JO,?Tim first of the Anarchist benefit entertain- ments was held in the Turner Hall this evening, and consisted of gym- nastic exhibitions, dancing and beer drinking. Socialist T. J. Morgan an- nounced that, contrary to the pre* gramme, there would be no speeches He saiil that it was as well, when they looked to New York nnd saw the out- come of the Most trial. "Iletkfcie Darlltia" Hurtieit Out. StiKKi'siiKAi) B*Y, Long Island, De- oember 10.?The resilience of S. M. Berry on Kings' highway, was burned this morning. Loss, $:10,000. Mrs. Perry, better known by her stage name, Bessie Darling, and her daugh ter were alone In the houseand hare'y escaped with their lives. They left behind $1700 in money and |6000 worth ot diamonds. For lorgcry. CoLtncßUß, t».. Deoetnher 10.?The ppecial Grand Jury called to investi- gate the tally sheet forgery of 1885 made i s report this afternoon, return* imr eight Indictments. No names are given out, but three arre<ts have been made, Kobe t Montgomery and Dr. fi. v. Montgomery, of Columbus, and Al ;ernon Granville, nf Chicago. Pardoned l>y the President. Salt Lake, December 10.?Charles Livingston, formerly Street Superin- tendent of tho city, sentenced by Judge Zane on October 14th. to six months imprisonment, ami a line of $100, for unlawful cohabitation, has been pardoned by President Cleve- land, on petitition of Irs friends. Russia's o«ffrr« Fmpty. London, December 10 ?A s . iv- tersburg correspondent of the Unity NtVHi reports that lin-da wants .t loan an 1 wiL be compelled to auCept tho stringent terms of french bankers, whoso demands have hitherto pre- vented arrangements being made. The Berlin market, he says, is closed io Ruaaia. _ a HensJtsli Father. Victoria, B. c, December 10.?\u25a0 Geo. Price, lately from Portland, yes- terday attempted to give his daugh- ter, iv the employ of a merchant as a domestic, a large quantity of cant- liarMea, enclose! in sweetmeats, The doctor asserts thtt the dose Would have killed or rendered her insane. He was arrestetl and remanded. struggling »illithe Verdict. San Francisco, December 10. ? Testimony in tho McCord trial closed Ibis morning and the argument of counsel commenced. The jury re- tired at 3 P. at. and at 11:30 bail not creed, ami were locked up for the nidit. o<Krieii Arraigned. San Fkancisco, December 10. ? Philip O'Brien, who stabbed and Ii led Thomas Kosengravo several months ago, was arraigned In Judge Murphy's Court to-day on the charge of murder. Rolling II * shut Down. Joliet, ill., December 10.?Tho Joliot Steel Company have posted notices that their riling uiills will close on December -3d, indefinitely. A Well Known I'am misting. Bcoominoton, December 10.?A. B. Ives, an old ami prominent resideut of Mclean county, died hero to-night, aged 72. NATIONAL NEWS. Olmiiges in Senate Cominit- tte (liairinaiisliips. A GAIN FOR THE DEMOCRATS. mHller Debates of the Fisheries Commissioners Postponed Until January. I Associated Press Disnatches to tbe Raaaba. Washington, December 10?The follow Ing are the principal changes in the chairmanships of the Senate Com- mittees : Palmer, Agriculture and Fo estry; Hale, Census; Chase, Civil Service and Retrenchment; Frye, Com- merce ; Quay, Expenses of the several branches of the Civil Service; F,. - well, Expenditure of Public Money; Stock bridge, Fisheries; Paddock, Im- provement of the Mississippi River; Hawley, Military Affairs: Stewart, Mines and Mining; Teller, Patents; Mitchell, Transportation Routes to the Seaboard: Wilson of lowa, Re- vision of Laws; Atdrieh, Rules; Piatt, Territories; Stanford, Public Buildings and Grounds; Sibin, Rail- roads; Hiscock, Centennial Constitu- tion and Discovery of America; Chandler, Indian Traders; Davis, Pensions; Sawder, Postotlices and Postage. HKSCLTS OP THE GUANOES. DoJph takes Harrison's place on the Committee on Foreign Relations; How en, Mitchell and Quay take the places of Conger, Wilson and Mahone on Committee on Postotlices and Poet- roads. The Democrats received eight minor chairmanships, an increase ol one over last Congress. The li-t has been handed to B. ck, the cha rmau of the Democratic caucus, who called a caucus for Monday. ON VACATION, Adjournment of (lie fisheries Comniiftsiouem. Wasuinoton, December 10. ?Tho negotiations of the Fisheries Com- mission, after a few hours' ses- sion to-day, were adjourned until Wednesday, January 4th. S.r Charles nipper will loave Washington to- morrow for Winnipeg, where he will meet Lady Tupper, and the two will p . ceed thence to Ottawa. Joseph Uhauiberlaiu will leave Washington on Monday, December 19th, for Ot- tawa, where ho will visit Lord Laus- downe during the holiday recess. PIELD IMi s/ARM. Report of the o, |>.< rioicni of Ag- riculture. W \suikovon, December 10. ?The December re pott of the Department of Agriculture relates maibly to the farm prices of agriculture products. Tiie average value of corn is 43.8 cents per bushel against 3d.6 last year. In 1881 it was 63.8, when the cs'imated pro- duct was 1,194,916,000 bushels. The average for oats is 30.7 against 29.8 last year. Parley averages 52.2.. 33 last yeur. Ruck a neat, 1 1-7 higher than last year. Its Value is much increased. It aye aged $93.90 per ton against $73.tt0 last year. The advance | ia s been in the drouth area of the west. The December report, printed al lite end of tne month wm contain estimates of tho area, product and vulu i by states, of corn, wheat and oats. MUIMOCHATII! CONVENTION. strenuous Dllorm to Hnve it in Null Iso iii isio San Fuancisco, December 10.?The Slate Democratic Club has detailed to appoint a specie] committee to pro- Ceed 10 Washington and use every en- deavor to influence the holding of tlie next National I >emncratie Con ention in tins city. The committee is com- posed of George Hearst, Kvan .(. Cole Him,.!. I). Lynch, of the Hbbald, \V. S. Ho ecr.ns, Frank .). Sullivan, John Mullan, Thos. L. Thompson, Zacli Montgomery, L. L. Bullock and othors. Two members of the club go Kast on the mission at once. aistekifta Advlees. Port Towkbbno, December 10.? The steamer Ancon, loaded with 400 tons of freight arrived last night from Alaskan ports. Sho reports that a rich gold-bearing ledge in tho Tread- «< II mines is pauuing (6000 to the ton. the case of Fuller, charged with murdering Arch Bishop Softer was submitted to the jury 4< hours before ihe Ancon sailed, and it liatl not reported. Need*, I vvi'Migatloii. Hartford, Conn., December 10. ? In the superior COUit to-day the In- surance Commission applied to have receivers take charge of tlie Continen- tal Life Insurance Company which had on January Ist liabilities of if 2- ,-000 000, and assets of *200,000. The commissioners claim that their af- fairs are in worse shape now. The case will lie heard on the L'2d inst. Weather Forecast. San Francisco, December 10.?In- dications for tlie twenty-four hours c >mmencingat 4 p.m. December nth. For California, fair weather, followed in distri ts north from San Francisco by local ruins, norther y winds in bi nt hern portion, wind shift ing to Souths ly in northern portion; nearly stutionaiy temperature. I'liilcrmiitru '*> Fire. Cai.c.mkt, Mich , December 10.?The ground caved in about the man-engine siiaft at the Calumet and Hecla mine at noon to-day. Volumes of smoke nnd gas are com- ing up, and the ground has settled from twelve to fifteen feet between the Hecla shait and the man-engine shaft, and it is dangerous work for the men. iiore-s Daughter Eloae*' Frksno, Dsoamber 10.?Edna Dore aged 10, tho daughter of J. S. Dore, founder of Westpark colony, .eloped I with Will am Rowp, a young'eamster, th s evening and was umrinst, They were arrested by the pa ents pome home Iiter anil ptSpa rat lons are lieing made to have tl-- annulled. Claims lor « iimpcnsiilioii. Ottawa, December 10. ? Captain Warden, of Victoria, B. 0., has left f-r home, hiving completed tbe de- tailed claims of the nine Priti-h sesl- ? re, seized Ht the H< bring sea. which amounts to about $30 ',000. Tlie doc- ument was forwarded to Washington to-day. Good inn for Blmmir. San Kranctsco, December 10.?Tho Superior Court this uf ornoon granted a writ of hulieas corpus, returnable next Thursday, in the case of John A Dimmig, hel l for trial on a charge of murdering Henry lionhayon. Not the Man Wanted. Nevada City. December 10.?The man supposed tolas Thorn, the fugi- tive highwayman who was cjptured yesterday c filing, prove- to be tt in. j Bryan ju tdischarged from the county hospital. Off the Slionl*. PortTownsend, December 10. ?The steamer Idaho, bar-hound for over a week at the mouth of the ColumhU liver, arrived here this afternoon on her way to Alaska. No Bare Distinction Allowed. Washington, December 10.?Judge Snell, of the Pole Court, to-day fined George W. Harvey, a restaurant keeper, $100 for refusing to serve a colored lawyer named Hewlett. Riverside's Winer System. RlVßasing, Decern!** 10.?River side voted by a large majority $150,- --0 X) bonds for a water company to-day to make improvements aud" extend water privileges. Changi a llnnds. Daily Journal has been sold to Charles lie-seier. The price paid is stated at $0000. The present pro- prietors will retire. Overdosed With Opium. Portland, I 'ecember 10. ?The iden tity of the raving maniac who died at tho asylum yesterday remains undis- covered. Physicians say that insanity resulted from the excessive use of opium. A Blj; maze. I*Hn.ADEi.PiiiA, December 10.?Will- iam G. Penney's extensive barrel fac- tory was destroyed hy fire this morn- ing, Loss about $100,000. FROM MANY SOURCES. Item* Rrporlrd by Associated Press Corrsepondeula. Application was made yesterday in the Supreme Court of New York for the admission to bail of Jehntru Most, in whose case an appeal has b. on taken from the judgment of the C. urt of General Sessions. The ap lie it ion was granted, and Most was released on $oOOJ bail. I The manufacturers of rubber boots and shoes, have after repeated unsuc- cessful efforts, concluded the forma- tion of a trust. All of the larger com- panies have signified their intention to enter the trust, and it is believed that the smaller companies will alsj join. Wm. Taylor has been arrested for manslaughter for killing Antone, in the redwoods, near Napa, on Sunday. The two men h id an altercation and Taylor went to Antone's cabin and shot him. Th-shooting was first said to be accidental. Tho Executive Committee of tho Council of Administration, of the Grantl Army of the Republic, ha- de- cided to hold the next National Grand Enc mpment at Columbus, in the second week of September next. At a Catholic demonstration in Vienna to compile congratulatory addresses to the Pope, a strong fecl- ilig whs manifested in favor of the restoration of the papacy to temporal power. John Hutcheson. Governor of the Provincial Gaol at Victoria, B. C, left suddenly Monday night, it is said that he is a defaulter to a small amount. lie is supposed to be at Port Angeles. Tlie military authorities at Halifax say that the story circulated on Thursday night of an attempt to ex- plode tun colton iv the-tank at George's Island was a hoax. A Halifax special 'ays: An attempt was made on Thursday night to blow up one of the principal forts of the city. Serious da-.age was done and the soldiers became fearfully excited. In consequence of the Impr sonment of his collogue, Lord Mayor Sexton will abandon the usual shrievalty banquet and distribute .£IOO among the poor instead. The Czar of Russia gave a banquet on Thursday night to the Knights uf Ihe Onler of St George ami offered . toast to the health of Emperor Wil- liam. The jury in the case of Lee Roy, for killing F. M. Pridger nt Visalia. brought in a verdict of manslaughter. The stakes in the Carney-McAulill' fight were withdraw n yesterday aud the tight is now en i ely off. Another Runaway. Last nig it about 7:30 o'clock a double team attached to a coal wagon rati away on Second street. Olficer Arguello, who was in the vicinity of of Los Angeles Btreet, heard the team coming and braced himself Up to at- tempt to arrest their mad career. He gdloped after the runaway team aud succeeded in overtaking and seiz'n g the reins of the team, thereby check ing their speed ami finally "brought them to a standstill. Hut for the pluckj bravery of Officer Arguello there is no doubt but that some one would have been run over, as v num- ber of ohildren were playing on the street a short distance from where he stopped tho team. ? The strong ami stubborn tlbreof the German royal family has been tried in battle, defeat, soeinl revolution and exile, but never was exhibited so fine- ly as in the manly encounter of the Crown Prince with death. The fam- I ilyhad not always been able to secure good will in success, but baa always earned respect in adversity.?{Provi- dence Journal. I JERRY SHOT. Bold Attempt at His Assas- sination. ARIIEST OF THE ASSAILANT. Revolnfioni-ts Banded Tog-ether toSfrike a Blow at the Peace of Fr .nee. f.tSßeclstsd Press Dispatches to the HaaALBl Tabin, December 10.?Jules Ferry was fired at three times this afternoon by a man in the lobby of the Cham- ber of Deputies. There is great ex- citement iv the city. The details of the shooting are not yet < tdnable, but it is reported that Ferry is seri- ously Injured. FURTHER details. Ferry was shot by a man named Auhertins, who appeared in the hall of the Chamber of Deputies and a-ked to see Ferry and Goblet. Goblet did nt respond to Aubertins' request for an inter vie v, but Ferry did. aud on his appearance Aubertins drew a re- volvei and fired thr c times at him. Two bullets Struck Ferry, but he was able to proceed to toe hospital sup- ported hi bis friends. In reply to in- quiries hy friends as to the severity of his wounds he responded : "ir is nothing," Aubertins has heen a>rested. It has been ascertained that Ferry's wounds are slight. The shots only grazed the skin after piercing the clothes. One shot struck iv the chest an I the other in thethigh. The bystanders tried to lynch Auhertins after he had fired the shots, but were prevented, with diffi- culty, from carrying out their inten- tion. A PREARRANGED PkVOT. Ferry was not. struck in the thigh, as at first reported, hut in tho right -ido. The wounds are of ihe slightest character. The real name nf t c as- sassin is Berckein. He is 20 >ears old. He states that he is one < f a band of twenty revolutionists. Tho band drew lots, aud it fell to him to commit the first crime. Rerckein declares that he swore to kill Ferry. After bis injuries had been attended to at tlie hospital, Ferry returned to his home on foot. excitement in the chamber. In consequence of the attempt on the life of Ferry, there ssVTv many heated quarrels in the Chamber of Deputies between Moderates and Rad- icals. Rouvier Joined in the discus- sions.accusing the Radicals oi provok- ing weak-minded per nns toil eds of violence. Several scuffl. s ensued and it is expected that they will load to ue ' B- * GLEANINGS FROM GERMANY. Proposed Hovision of tbe mill, tary service. ICoprrlKb'ed 1887 by tlie New York Auo- clated Frees J Berlin, December 10?A preamble of the new German .Military Service bill was issued to-night. It sets forth that the German army is composed of men whose liabilityto service in the active arms? extends over twelve years, whereas in the Russian army the period is fifteen years, and in France twenty. "Besides this, it must be considered," says the pre- amble, "th it the geographical position of Germany exposes her to attacks by powerful armies on two frontiers simultaneously. Her security les in her strength, ami this shut 11 be greater than it is at. present. An end must be put to the existing unen- durable condition of things. The Government, therefore, expect* that TO SECURE THE PASS \GE Of the present bill it wi 1 be suffi- cient to appeal to thepatrio'ism of the German people. Hy the bill btfore (he Reichstag, the six yearly classes formerly oomposing part of ihe Land- strinn are placed in immediate readi- ness for any dangerous emergency. The increased coat of administration involved in the augmented number of men who have answered the roll Call will not. exceed 15.' 00 marks, tor the navy further measures are in contemplation. The wince tone of this rema kable manifesto suggests that'the recent outburst of the ollicial press over the massing of Russian troops on the frontier had something of a fictitious character. TIIK ''IKON CHANCELLOR" OBJECTS. Prince Hi-marck is known to have greatly hurt the chances for the im- muiliale passa c of the Landstrum, bill, which the military press now es- timates will add half a million in m to the effective force, in the event of mo- ttihz itioti. Tlie concentration of Rus- siau troops on the frontier at the p es- ent lime, is part of a long concerted plan by the Russian war otlice. They eonsMer it to be necessitated hy the spe- cial dilf'nulties oi Russian mobilizing. At the same time the presence uf for- midable masses of Russians within striking distance of the frontier will be held by the Reichstag us juslitication for a complete reform of tho military. TUB "PESTER LLOYD," In a pacific arti. le, invites Russia to stale her policy regarding Bulgaria relying upon the disposition of the allied powers to meet Russia's views, and to maintain peace with the loyal observance of treaties, the article coi. cidos with the belief held in high diplomatic quarters that Germany and Austria will compel Prince Kerdl- n.in Ito abdicate if Russia will bring forward a suitable candidate for the Bulgarian throne. Whelan Avenaed. Dur.i.iN, December 10.?The trial of tho seven men indicted for man- slaughter for killingConstable Whe- lan was conclu led to-day. The jury returned a verdict of gvllty against O'Leary and four other prisoners. O'Leary is sentenced to ten years' im- prisonment, and the other four to seven each. A Rise la Oaal. San Fba\c:sco, December 10. ?The local coal de ler have decided to in- crease the price of coal %i per ton. The advance includes Wei ington, Catch 8 dint, Wei t Hartley, Sydney j and Brymbo.

Transcript of LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. - Chronicling...



-Arrest, of Va' derbill, the'?WiM West.^ent."


Dastard y Attempt at TrainWrecking in Sail Luis Obispo


IAssociated Press Disnatchestothe HaaAM)ISan rosß, Dnember 10.?Htrry L

Vandorbill arrived here this afternoon.He represented himself as advanceagent for Sullivan's Wil I West show,and is charged w th procuring moneyunder fal-e pretences. His methodwas to offer to give a. contract forbtttoheifl and oth r supplies for thetroupe at. an advance on the pricescharged him, providing that he waspaid a ceitdn amount down ami thebalance when the bills for supplieswete collected. He succeeded in vic-timising several parties before be was

arrested. He admitted havin*beenat Stockton recently, and in reap mse

to a message sent there, a reply was

received that he hid tried the samegame thero ami failed. His photo hasbeen found in the Mamas' gallery.

his record.

Ii is learned that ht; had been s<mtto Sin Qiieutin from Sin Bernard nocounty for burglary, an I was dis-charged in lone, 1886. From news-paper clippings in his pos-ession it isbelieved that he ha- been in Ixn An-geles and other southern towns trans-acting the suite business. He claimsto be a duly authorized ag nt for Sul-livan's show, lie is stylish in ap e.ir-

anee and dress and carries a gold-hooled urn noil i wPh the moiogrun

*'H L. V.,'' which he says was pre-sented to him by W. F. o ly, whomho formerly ser-ed as manager.


[Yanderhllt was in Los \ngeles intho latter part of Oc otter of thepresent year. He sent notices to allthe papers stating that he was therepresentative of Sullivan's tt iliWest Show hut the Herald re \u25a0elvimtprivate informalioil that ho Wassail-ing Under false odors, declined topublish his communication. Afterseveral ineffectual attempts to lice cthe merchants of this city, hedeparted hir the north on Octo-ber SSI, A lIEttACD representativehappened to be on the cars at, the

time and an incident occurred whichmay prove interest ing after the pres.entcxpose. When the conductor intho cours >of his rounds an*preached Vanderbllt, the so-called ad-vance age't pro need a pockatbook,looked in it, sighed, felt in all hispock-Is ami under the seat and filiallydeclared that he had lost bis ticket.

''Can't, help that." said the conduc-tor, ' you must cither get a ticket atthe next s ation or leave Ihe train."

"The idea is preposterous, my dearfellow," said Vanderbilt, -pringingfrom his seat. "I'vealready paid myfaro, antl do not intend to pay itagain."

"We'll see about that when wo getto tho next, dooot," said tbe con-ductor, an Ia ter finishing his tour ofthe train the ticket collector returnedarvd s:tt iv the seat next to Vendersbiit. where he remained until thetrain stopped.

"Now, sir, what are you going todo?" saiil the official, tapping Van-derbilt on the shoulder.

"I'm going to stay right here," wasthe reply, hut the next moment hewas gently passed out on to the depotplatform, ami a stalwart hrakemanmounted guard-over the steps tosee

that he did not return. Vanderliilialmost foamed at the mouth with r.ige,

and uttered dire threats and anathe-mas against the blue-coated official,but at tho last, moment, when the sig-nal was given to pull out,

he "took water" and pro'needto note sary fate, after whichLe was allowed to re ;eoter thetrain. The Herald representativewas unfortunate enough to occupy thenext scat to tlu- enraged advanceagent, and was compelled lo listen tohis grievances for two lung, wearyhours. Among other things Vander-bilt staled that he was a nephew ofthe millionaire of the same name, amithat bo had interested himself iv t"egbow business partly for amusementami iwrlly for profit. "After doingCalifo nia." be said, "I shall go toAustralia," but be has apparently not"done California as well as he antic-ipate I.?[Ed. Herald].


a l.tieky llisroii'ry by a SectionI areas an.

San Lots Omseo, December 10 ?

The wrecking of the south-boundtrain on the Pacific Coast Railway

was narrowly prevented to-night by a

fortunate discovery ofsection ForemanQ ligley. A mile north of lan Olivosthree pieces of iron, each over a fx* tlong, two sticks of hird woo I ami a

bent rail were arranged on the tricknear w--at is known as the big cut.

Tho plot, to wreck the train was de-tected justin time to prevent tho BO-cilent. There is no clew to theperpetrators.

uf.rel.iot an«.«".*.

a Detective Discovers. Una inFresno County.

San Francisco, December 10 ?A.C. Diet?., one of the Creighton bonds-men, who has been missing severalweeks, arrived here to-night, havingbeou found on a ranch in Fresnocounty by a de'ectivo sent to serveBubpicuas ou him for ids appearanceas witness in the McCord case. Diet it'soil warehouse has been attachedpeu ling tho result of tho suit againsthim an I John Hill for tho recoveryof $10 000 in the forfeited bond uf D.T. Creighton.


Attempt lo Import More Womoufor Immoral Purposes.

San Francisco, December 10 ?

Writs of habeas corpus were issued inthe United States Circuit Court to-dayfor twenty-feven Chinese women de-tained on the steamer City of Peking,which arrived here recently. Titowritswere given to deputy marshals lor

service but Captain Dearborn of thePeking refused to allow the women toleave tho steamer, and saidthat he was acting under or-ders from Collector Efager. JudgeSawyer upon being informedof ttie captain's refusal iMueri an or-der directing him to produce thewomen in court forthwith. This wasaccording!* done. Judgo Sawyerthen ordered tbe women to be placedon the steamer San Pablo until th ircases could be investigated. Collector linger stated that he hadissued his orders to Dearborn, Incompliance with the statute, prohib-itingthe importation of women forunmoral purposes, as he bad receiveda report frnin the Deputy-Collector, tothe effect, that it win for these pur-poses the women had been broughthere.

ABCBNB AT THE DOCKS.When the women were taken to the

Pacific mail dock, Customs inspectorhorsey ref ised to allow them to goonhoard the steamer San Pablo, layingthat he was actingAinder instruction*from Collector Hayes. United StatesMarshal Pranks went to the d ck<and ordered Dorseyto allow the wo-men to go on the ship. Dorsey still re-fused and insisted that Pranks sh midshow his badge nf authority as mar-shal. 'P.is Pranks refused to do. andhe finally placed Dorset' under arreston iicharge of resisting his authority,and tbe women then went on theship.


sjoctiiig of (lie i.o< ol CommitteeHt Hall I-'runcisco.

San Fkancisco, December 10?Thelocal executive committee appointedat the mcc ing of the Dire tors of theNational Educational Association atLawrence, Kas., last month, met thi-evening ami orginized with Ira GHititt as PreSl lent, fames (j.KennedyVice-President; .limes W. Anderson,Tre i-aner and J. H I'ryor, Secretary.A dispatch was sent to Aaron Give.President of the associa l ion at Denver0(4., informing him of the organic**tiou ? f the co-liniittee. A letter olregret.f.n enforced absence was readfrom Siijierinteudont Frel-ner of 1.0---tngeles.and let ers and circulars from

President Gove, and Secretary Can-field.

WHAT WAS DONE.A general discus-ion as to a plan of

operation was had. and a committee,consisting of Messrs, Campbell, Wil-son and Kennedy, was appointed toprepaie an address to the teachers oithe State. Saturday of each weekwas fixed as time ol" holding themeeting.


The Pioneers Kiidlv Beaten Bythe (.inula.

San Francisco, December 10.?Pureelt pitched for the Pioneetsagainst the Now Yor s to-day andwhile he was bated freely, he wasgiven good support, by Carroll. Ew-ingwts in tho hex for tha Giants,Tho New Yorks haik the field nt tbecommend \u25a0ment, hut the Pioneers dida d get a man around ihe circuit untiltiie fourth inning. Smith made athree-base hit, then score lon a hotdrive by Pierrier. Score at the clo^e:New Yorks, 11; Pioneers. I.

CUICAO. 1-IIItCADEI.PHIA.Chicago, 9; Phil idelpbia, 0.

\u25a0i iIN. V, B.

Exhibit* In lie lorwnrddl for\u25a0lisplay in l.os Angeles.

Auburn, December 10.?An enthu-siastic mcc ing «t tho Plo-er countyBoard of Trade was held this after-noon, and about $700 raised by sub-scriptions for.the p trp i-o of sendingan exhibit of Placer oi ills fruits tiLoa Angeles ut once. .More money i-gu irantoed, ami i car cotitaining -0,(100 oranges a>d a lino displ.y ofolives, lemons, persimmons and otherfruit w ill be sent oil Tuesday. Thecommittee from Placer county willhave charge of the exhibits, and willalso take charge of any fruit sent. I>)oilier northern committees if they de-sire to make a display.

'Ibe Nblp Niurbuch Sold.POBTLAKD, December 10?Today

the Anieiicin shi.i Wm. 11 Sturbti. k

wis sold to George L. Caldwell foi$2:1500. Tho vessel is of iion, 1330tins burthen, and has been lying ii.this p ire for the p ist eight months.The ship was ihe pr >perty of Wm. IIBtarbuek, of Sew York, and was bnillsome six years aio at a cost of $80---(10,1 Tne Starbnck will no placed in

\u25a0he coast lumlier trade, aud her firsttrip will probably be made to SanDiego

I'nl'isioii nt Sen.Portland, December 10?A col-

lision is reported In the Straits ol

Dmigcuess early Friday morning,between the steamer Premier and an

unknown sailing vessel. Th- Steaineistruck the veavel a glancing blow ontbe Quarter, The unknown seemedto be going in the same direction a-t'io Premier. Th- latter vessel\u25a0Topped engines and reversed asuu ckly as possible, but too 1 le Miavert the collision. Immediatelyafter the colli-iou a sailorllis.ippeare iin tho darkness. The extent of thedamage ia not known.

Illrowiied Wliile Drunk.PORTLAND, December 10 ?News has

ju-tbeen received from PortTownsendof the thowning of four sailors belong-ing to the American ba kentine, T. G.Wilder. The sailors put oil iv a smallboat which cap-ued. Four men werein the boat at the time,all intoxicated.Only one man named Peter Denial Iwas rescued. The names of thedrowned men are: Robert Henry,Audio* 01.-en gad f'harlai Bright.

I.OIIIS 1i... . ..quittedModesto. December 10.?The ca ce

of Louis Baer, formerly of Oak L.le,a merchant Charged with feloninislyremoving poods from the stale withintent to defraud liis creditors, vasgiven to the jury at 5 o'clock ihi-evening. The jury came in at 9:o0o'clock with a verdict of acrju.ttal.

Nivalin's, flea.

San Fkancisco, December 10.?Seneca Augusta Swalm was arraigned

in tho Superior Court to-day on acharge of stealing Clara Hello Mc-Donald's diamonds. Ho pleaded notguilty and tho trial was set for De-cember 20th.


A Passenger Train HeldUp iv Arkansas.


Raid On a Counterfeiters' LairNear Fort Douglas?old

Hands at Iho Business.

Associated Press Dispatches te the Hkbalo. I

IJTTLB Hock, December 10.? Infor-mation has been received hero thattho north-bound train on iho \u25a0 St.Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railwaywas stopped last, night near Texurka-na, by three masked men. They tookeven thingofvalue from the expresscar ami relieved all the passengers oftheir money ami valuable-. Thepostal clerk in the mail car fired seve-ral shots at them with a rifle anil avolley was returned. No harm wasdone. The robbers did not molest themail.

Governor Hughes and the railroad of-ficials have Offered rewards for the ap-prehension of the men.

BbooonotmM on the trail.

Late to-night the officers ar« pursu-ing the train robbers with blood-hounds, and scouring tlie country ineven direction. Later developmentsshow that no attempt was made torob the passenger coaches,

\u25a0TAMP iMJ DIE.

I'minterfciters Neatly Trapped atlon Doaglns.

San Frincisco, December 10.?An Examiner special s:ays: "Act-ing ou information receivedfrom a sailor named Pussy,stationed at Fort Doudas, tic; UnitedStates Marshal last Thursday nightarrested Teddy Maynes, keeper of asecond - hand goods store, for offeringlo sell Hussy a quantity of counterfeitmoney, which he gaid he could pro-cure. Subsequent investigations ledto the arrest of John Eckart, one Ofthe most expert counterfeitersin the West, and who has justcompleted a sentence in the penlten-tiarv for counterfeiting. He was livingwitli Mrs. Brlgtitinore, who keeps asaloon at Ganbyvillo. When the otli-cers surrounded the place Eckart beg-ged that they would not earch tueplace, saying that he would ratherplead guilty at once. The place wassearched, however, and s >me mould-,Castings, and a lot of gild and silverfoil was seized. Kckurt and Maynesare in the penitent! iry. Mrs. Bright-more, who has served a term for grandlarceny, and a number of soldiers,who it is claimed have been in thehabit of purchasing bogus coin, ureho das witnesses to appear next week.

THE TltoKncciillSltCOS.

Slow Trucks nt liuitnnberg; andNew <>r leans.

Guttknhkrg, December 10.?Weath-er rainy, track heavy.

Seven-eight lis of a miles, ninestarters, Veto won; Oracle second,Pl.iyfair third. Time 1:41.

Five-eighths of a mile, seven start-ers, CSstiltah won; Warren Lewissec md, Fred Davis third, rime 1 :00.

Five-eighths of ti mils', seven start-ers. Frolic won; George Angus second,Carlow third. Time 1 :10.

Three-fourths ofa mile, fivestartersMarguerite won; liradburn sewnd,Nailer third. Tim- 1 iii:

L ist race one mile, eight starters,Pocassett won ; S uulersoti second, Vin-der third. Time 1:54.


New Oulicans. December 10.?Wp.it her cloudy, track slow .

drat race, three-quarters of a mile,Dnion la k w 11; Franco second,r'estlH thir l. Time. lr>4.

Seven-eightsof a mile.eight starters,lack Brown w.im; Jan Nave second,Prohns third. Time, 1 'oft'(.

One-half ofa mile, maidens' own-ers' handicap, three starters, HobI'll imas won. Sam Wharton second,Mimln v third. Time, 60.

Last race, one and one-sixth mileshandicap. Son II rperwon; Effle Hsee.md, Little Minnie third. Time,2:00.


Ail I lie I'.vldence in, lv the Uar<per I ate.

Cincinnati, Decembe" 10. ? Th"closing scenes iti the Harper trialcame tit sin .ruing. Both sides an-

nounced that there would be no argu-ments, and Judge Jack-on chargedthe jury.

Too Judge's charge ocenpied anhour and Miy minutes. It wasstro lglv against Harper, and the

declared that the prisoner hadcom nine 1wrongful acts on bis ownadm s-ioll. The jury were taken letheir room to begin their consultation,and the Court adj lUrnflI tilli o'clock

Tin verdict in the Harper case willnot bj received until Monday morn-ing.


Henry i:t Al, vs. the TravellersInsurance IJimii can y.

Denver, Col., December 10.?In theUnited States Court to-day, Judge.Brewer rendered an opinion in thecase of T. C. Henry et. al., against thefiavt-llers Itisiiraiice i ompany, oiHartford, Conn., in favor of the plain,tiff. Theca«e ha- been pentling forover two years and involves the pos-session <f iho old Denver Tiitmnestock, now held by the ReputiliratiVduett at $100 000, besides San LuisValley lands, canals auT mi-cell.vie-

? >us property throughout t.'\e state.

R1.111.11U111 I.OSSIP.

Inspection of the Nintc I.lues tel ake I'lacc Minrlly.

San Fkancisco, December 10.?TheState Hoard of Kailroad Commission-ers to-day decided to inspect the rail-roads throughout, tho State, and willstart ou the expedition on January


The Union Pad c ccntcmplates af irther reduction in its pussenger limeand intends to cut oft' another twelvei.ours between this city and Chicago.

ANOTHER. NCW LINE I'ROBABLE.Fresno, December 10.?At a ma-w

meeting to-night parties made a pro-position to build a road ifthe |K>oplewanted It. The people offered to giveall Ihe aitl possible, and a < pet ingline wltbAhe Southern Pacific, fromItakersHeld to Stockton is within thepossibilities.


Success of Tratkie's Antl-ChlneseMovement.

Tkitkkk, December 10.?Truckeecelebrated the sicond anniversary oftiie boycott to-night, it having beenIwo years since the movement wasstarted. James N. liarry, of SanFrancisco, delivered a stirring addressand the largest hull in town waspo ked lo its fullest capacity. Thethermometer was 14 Agrees belowfreezing point, but a large torchlightprocession paraded tho streets andcountermarched OB tbe Sained site olold Chinatown. Hugo bonfires, thehiing of salutes and repeated cheeringlestttied to ttie enthusiasm of the citi-zens.


now the »*A. B. field" Weatheredthe Becellt l.ulc.

Pobt Townsxnd, W. T , December10.?The steamer A. li. Field, belong-ing to the salmon cannery at JSestue-ca, Ogo., arrived ttiis morning after anexceedingly rough voyage. .Most o*the fuel had to be thrown overboardto lighten the vessel, and When it wasall gone, the fur..dure au I cabins, thepartition between ttie engine room, the

gallery und hatches were cut up andused, ftails were tried with a teoiiltof tlie loss of the foresail. The galedually moderated so as to allow themaking of Neah Hay harbor, wherebUpplieS were obtained.


Trouble with the I'aquis -Con-tinued Eurthquukrs.

Noo\les, A. T., December 10.?Aband of disaffected Yaquis have booncommitting mmy robberies near LaBocanita, Sonera. Cattle have beenrun offby them every day of lale, andsugarcane fields devastated iv thenight.

Earthquakei continued to disturbthe entire western part of Mexico andthe Southern coast. Several slightchocks have been felt hero.

Accideut In a Caal Miue.WiLKB*BABRB,Pa., Ddceiubor 10.?

To-day a coal carriage at Wadded'sshaft was being lowered into a pit .".00feet deep, with ten miners on it.When within 100 feet of tho hottomtho carriage became stationary audthe rope begin to slacken. Rcforethe slack could be taken up the car-t iage descendetl with great force, anilfour men were thrown to the bottomof the pit and instantly killed. Theothers were all seriously injured.

Beared ut I.ait.

.Chicago, Decern*** JO,?Tim firstof the Anarchist benefit entertain-ments was held in the Turner Hallthis evening, and consisted of gym-nastic exhibitions, dancing and beerdrinking. Socialist T. J. Morgan an-nounced that, contrary to the pre*gramme, there would be no speechesHe saiil that it was as well, when theylooked to New York nnd saw the out-

come of the Most trial."Iletkfcie Darlltia" Hurtieit Out.StiKKi'siiKAi) B*Y,Long Island, De-

oember 10.?The resilience of S. M.Berry on Kings' highway, was burnedthis morning. Loss, $:10,000. Mrs.Perry, better known by her stagename, Bessie Darling, and her daugh

ter were alone In the houseand hare'yescaped with their lives. They leftbehind $1700 in money and |6000worth ot diamonds.

For lorgcry.

CoLtncßUß, t».. Deoetnher 10.?Theppecial Grand Jury called to investi-gate the tally sheet forgery of 1885made i s report this afternoon, return*imr eight Indictments. No names aregiven out, but three arre<ts have beenmade, Kobe t Montgomery and Dr.fi. v. Montgomery, of Columbus, andAl ;ernon Granville, nf Chicago.

Pardoned l>y the President.

Salt Lake, December 10.?CharlesLivingston, formerly Street Superin-

tendent of tho city, sentenced byJudge Zane on October 14th. to sixmonths imprisonment, ami a line of$100, for unlawful cohabitation, hasbeen pardoned by President Cleve-land, on petitition of Irs friends.

Russia's o«ffrr« Fmpty.London, December 10 ?A s . iv-

tersburg correspondent of the Unity

NtVHireports that lin-da wants .t loanan 1wiL be compelled to auCept thostringent terms of french bankers,whoso demands have hitherto pre-vented arrangements being made.The Berlin market, he says, is closedio Ruaaia. _

a HensJtsli Father.Victoria, B. c, December 10.?\u25a0

Geo. Price, lately from Portland, yes-terday attempted to give his daugh-ter, iv the employ of a merchant as adomestic, a large quantity of cant-liarMea, enclose! in sweetmeats,The doctor asserts thtt the dose Wouldhave killed or rendered her insane.He was arrestetl and remanded.

struggling »illithe Verdict.

San Francisco, December 10.?Testimony in tho McCord trial closedIbis morning and the argument ofcounsel commenced. The jury re-tired at 3 P. at. and at 11:30 bail notcreed, ami were locked up for the

nidit.o<Krieii Arraigned.

San Fkancisco, December 10.?Philip O'Brien, who stabbed andIi led Thomas Kosengravo severalmonths ago, was arraigned In JudgeMurphy's Court to-day on the chargeof murder.

Rolling II * shut Down.

Joliet, ill., December 10.?ThoJoliot Steel Company have postednotices that their riling uiills willclose on December -3d, indefinitely.

A Well Known I'am misting.Bcoominoton, December 10.?A. B.

Ives, an old ami prominent resideutof Mclean county, died hero to-night,aged 72.


Olmiiges in Senate Cominit-tte (liairinaiisliips.


mHller Debates of the FisheriesCommissioners Postponed

Until January.

IAssociated Press Disnatches to tbe Raaaba.Washington, December 10?The

follow Ing are the principal changes inthe chairmanships of the Senate Com-mittees :

Palmer, Agriculture and Fo estry;Hale, Census; Chase, Civil Serviceand Retrenchment; Frye, Com-merce ;Quay, Expenses of the severalbranches of the Civil Service; F,. -well, Expenditure of Public Money;Stockbridge, Fisheries; Paddock, Im-provement of the Mississippi River;Hawley, Military Affairs: Stewart,Mines and Mining; Teller, Patents;Mitchell, Transportation Routes tothe Seaboard: Wilson of lowa, Re-vision of Laws; Atdrieh, Rules;Piatt, Territories; Stanford, PublicBuildings and Grounds; Sibin, Rail-roads; Hiscock, Centennial Constitu-tion and Discovery of America;Chandler, Indian Traders; Davis,Pensions; Sawder, Postotlices andPostage.

HKSCLTS OP THE GUANOES.DoJph takes Harrison's place on the

Committee on Foreign Relations;How en, Mitchell and Quay take theplaces of Conger, Wilson and Mahoneon Committee on Postotlices and Poet-roads. The Democrats received eightminor chairmanships, an increase olone over last Congress. The li-t hasbeen handed to B. ck, the cha rmau ofthe Democratic caucus, who called acaucus for Monday.


Adjournment of (lie fisheriesComniiftsiouem.

Wasuinoton, December 10. ?Thonegotiations of the Fisheries Com-mission, after a few hours' ses-sion to-day, were adjourned untilWednesday, January 4th. S.r Charlesnipper will loave Washington to-morrow for Winnipeg, where he willmeet Lady Tupper, and the two willp . ceed thence to Ottawa. JosephUhauiberlaiu will leave Washingtonon Monday, December 19th, for Ot-tawa, where ho will visit Lord Laus-downe during the holiday recess.


Report of the o, |>.< rioicni of Ag-riculture.

W \suikovon, December 10. ?TheDecember re pott of the Department ofAgriculture relates maibly to the farmprices of agriculture products. Tiieaverage value of corn is 43.8 cents per

bushel against 3d.6 last year. In 1881it was 63.8, when the cs'imated pro-duct was 1,194,916,000 bushels. Theaverage for oats is 30.7 against 29.8last year. Parley averages 52.2..33 last yeur. Ruck aneat, 1 1-7higher than last year. Its Valueis much increased. It aye aged $93.90per ton against $73.tt0 last year. Theadvance | ias been in the drouth areaof the west. The December report,printed al lite end oftne month wmcontain estimates of tho area, productand vului by states, of corn, wheatand oats.


strenuous Dllorm to Hnve it inNull Iso iii isio

San Fuancisco, December 10.?TheSlate Democratic Club has detailed toappoint a specie] committee to pro-Ceed 10 Washington and use every en-deavor to influence the holding of tlienext National I>emncratie Con entionin tins city. The committee is com-posed ofGeorge Hearst, Kvan .(. ColeHim,.!. I). Lynch, of the Hbbald,\V. S. Ho ecr.ns, Frank .). Sullivan,John Mullan, Thos. L. Thompson,Zacli Montgomery, L. L. Bullockand othors. Two members of theclub go Kast on the mission at once.

aistekifta Advlees.

Port Towkbbno, December 10.?The steamer Ancon, loaded with 400tons of freight arrived last night fromAlaskan ports. Sho reports that a

rich gold-bearing ledge in tho Tread-«< IImines is pauuing (6000 to the

ton.the case of Fuller, charged with

murdering Arch Bishop Softer wassubmitted to the jury 4< hours beforeihe Ancon sailed, and it liatl notreported.

Need*, Ivvi'Migatloii.Hartford, Conn., December 10. ?

In the superior COUit to-day the In-surance Commission applied to havereceivers take charge of tlie Continen-tal Life Insurance Company whichhad on January Ist liabilities of if2-,-000 000, and assets of *200,000. Thecommissioners claim that their af-fairs are in worse shape now. Thecase will lie heard on the L'2d inst.

Weather Forecast.San Francisco, December 10.?In-

dications for tlie twenty-four hoursc >mmencingat 4 p.m. December nth.For California, fair weather, followedin distri ts north from San Franciscoby local ruins, norther y winds inbi nt hern portion, wind shift ing toSouths ly in northern portion; nearlystutionaiy temperature.

I'liilcrmiitru '*> Fire.Cai.c.mkt, Mich , December 10.?The

ground caved in about the man-enginesiiaft at the Calumet andHecla mine at noon to-day.Volumes of smoke nnd gas are com-ing up, and the ground has settledfrom twelve to fifteen feet between theHecla shait and the man-engine shaft,and it is dangerous work for the men.

iiore-s Daughter Eloae*'Frksno, Dsoamber 10.?Edna Dore

aged 10, tho daughter of J. S. Dore,founder of Westpark colony, .eloped

Iwith Willam Rowp, a young'eamster,th s evening and was umrinst, Theywere arrested by the pa ents pomehome Iiter anil ptSpa ratlons are lieingmade to have tl-- annulled.

Claims lor « iimpcnsiilioii.Ottawa, December 10. ? Captain

Warden, of Victoria, B. 0., has leftf-r home, hiving completed tbe de-tailed claims of the nine Priti-h sesl-

? re, seized Ht the H< bring sea. whichamounts to about $30 ',000. Tlie doc-ument was forwarded to Washingtonto-day.

Good inn for Blmmir.San Kranctsco, December 10.?Tho

Superior Court this uf ornoon granteda writ of hulieas corpus, returnablenext Thursday, in the case of John ADimmig, hel lfor trial on a charge ofmurdering Henry lionhayon.

Not the Man Wanted.Nevada City. December 10.?The

man supposed tolas Thorn, the fugi-tive highwayman who was cjpturedyesterday c filing, prove- to be tt in. jBryan ju tdischarged from the countyhospital.

Off the Slionl*.PortTownsend, December 10. ?The

steamer Idaho, bar-hound for over a

week at the mouth of the ColumhUliver, arrived here this afternoon onher way to Alaska.

No Bare Distinction Allowed.Washington, December 10.?Judge

Snell, of the Pole Court, to-day finedGeorge W. Harvey, a restaurantkeeper, $100 for refusing to serve acolored lawyer named Hewlett.

Riverside's Winer System.RlVßasing, Decern!** 10.?River

side voted by a large majority $150,---0X) bonds for a water company to-dayto make improvements aud" extendwater privileges.

Changi a llnnds.

Daily Journal has been sold toCharles lie-seier. The price paid isstated at $0000. The present pro-prietors will retire.

Overdosed With Opium.Portland, I'ecember 10.?The iden

tity of the raving maniac who died at

tho asylum yesterday remains undis-covered. Physicians say that insanityresulted from the excessive use ofopium.

A Blj; maze.I*Hn.ADEi.PiiiA,December 10.?Will-

iam G. Penney's extensive barrel fac-tory was destroyed hy fire this morn-ing, Loss about $100,000.


Item* Rrporlrd by AssociatedPress Corrsepondeula.

Application was made yesterday inthe Supreme Court of New York forthe admission to bail of Jehntru Most,in whose case an appeal has b. ontaken from the judgment of the C. urtof General Sessions. The ap lie itionwas granted, and Most was releasedon $oOOJ bail.I The manufacturers of rubber bootsand shoes, have after repeated unsuc-cessful efforts, concluded the forma-tion of a trust. All of the larger com-panies have signified their intentionto enter the trust, and it is believedthat the smaller companies will alsjjoin.

Wm. Taylor has been arrested formanslaughter for killing Antone, inthe redwoods, near Napa, on Sunday.The two men h id an altercation andTaylor went to Antone's cabin andshot him. Th-shooting was first saidto be accidental.

Tho Executive Committee of thoCouncil of Administration, of theGrantl Army of the Republic, ha- de-cided to hold the next NationalGrand Enc mpment at Columbus, inthe second week of September next.

At a Catholic demonstration inVienna to compile congratulatoryaddresses to the Pope, a strong fecl-ilig whs manifested in favor of therestoration of the papacy to temporalpower.

John Hutcheson. Governor of theProvincial Gaol at Victoria,B. C, leftsuddenly Monday night, it is saidthat he is a defaulter to a smallamount. lie is supposed to be at PortAngeles.

Tlie military authorities at Halifaxsay that the story circulated onThursday night of an attempt toex-plode tun colton iv the-tank atGeorge's Island was a hoax.

A Halifax special 'ays: An attemptwas made on Thursday night to blowup one of the principal forts of thecity. Serious da-.age was done andthe soldiers became fearfully excited.

In consequence of the Imprsonmentof his collogue, Lord Mayor Sextonwill abandon the usual shrievaltybanquet and distribute .£IOO amongthe poor instead.

The Czar of Russia gave a banqueton Thursday night to the Knights ufIhe Onler of St George ami offered .toast to the health ofEmperor Wil-liam.

The juryin the case of Lee Roy, forkilling F. M. Pridger nt Visalia.brought in a verdict of manslaughter.

The stakes in the Carney-McAulill'fight were withdraw n yesterday audthe tight is now en i ely off.

Another Runaway.Last nig it about 7:30 o'clock a

double team attached to a coal wagonrati away on Second street. OlficerArguello, who was in the vicinity ofof Los Angeles Btreet, heard the teamcoming and braced himself Up to at-tempt to arrest their mad career. Hegdloped after the runaway team audsucceeded in overtaking and seiz'n gthe reins of the team, thereby checking their speed ami finally"broughtthem to a standstill. Hut for thepluckj bravery of Officer Arguellothere is no doubt but that some onewould have been run over, as v num-ber of ohildren were playing on thestreet a short distance from where hestopped tho team.

? The strong ami stubborn tlbreof theGerman royal family has been tried inbattle, defeat, soeinl revolution andexile, but never was exhibited so fine-ly as in the manly encounter of theCrown Prince with death. The fam-Iilyhad not always been able tosecuregood willin success, but baa alwaysearned respect in adversity.?{Provi-dence Journal. I


Bold Attempt at His Assas-sination.


Revolnfioni-ts Banded Tog-ethertoSfrike a Blow at the

Peace of Fr .nee.

f.tSßeclstsd Press Dispatches to the HaaALBlTabin, December 10.?Jules Ferry

was fired at three times this afternoonby a man in the lobby of the Cham-ber of Deputies. There is great ex-citement iv the city. The details ofthe shooting are not yet < tdnable,but it is reported that Ferry is seri-ously Injured.

FURTHER details.Ferry was shot by a man named

Auhertins, who appeared in the hallof the Chamber of Deputies and a-kedto see Ferry and Goblet. Goblet didnt respond to Aubertins' request foran intervie v, but Ferry did. aud onhis appearance Aubertins drew a re-volvei and fired thr c times at him.Two bullets Struck Ferry, but he wasable to proceed to toe hospital sup-ported hi bis friends. In reply to in-quiries hy friends as to the severity ofhis wounds he responded :

"ir is nothing,"Aubertins has heen a>rested. It has

been ascertained that Ferry's woundsare slight. The shots only grazed theskin after piercing the clothes. Oneshot struck iv the chest an I the otherin thethigh. The bystanders tried tolynch Auhertins after he had fired theshots, but were prevented, with diffi-culty, from carrying out their inten-tion.

A PREARRANGED PkVOT.Ferry was not. struck in the thigh,

as at first reported, hut in tho right-ido. The wounds are of ihe slightestcharacter. The real name nf t c as-sassin is Berckein. He is 20 >ears old.He states that he is one < f a band oftwenty revolutionists. Tho banddrew lots, aud it fell to him to committhe first crime. Rerckein declaresthat he swore to kill Ferry. Afterbis injuries had been attended to attlie hospital, Ferry returned to hishome on foot.

excitement in the chamber.In consequence of the attempt on

the life of Ferry, there ssVTv manyheated quarrels in the Chamber ofDeputies between Moderates and Rad-icals. Rouvier Joined in the discus-sions.accusing the Radicals oi provok-ing weak-minded per nns toil eds ofviolence. Several scuffl. s ensued andit is expected that they will load toue 'B- *


Proposed Hovision of tbe mill,tary service.

ICoprrlKb'ed 1887 by tlie New York Auo-clated Frees J

Berlin, December 10?A preambleof the new German .Military Servicebill was issued to-night. It sets forththat the German army is composed ofmen whose liabilityto service in theactive arms? extends over twelveyears, whereas in the Russian armythe period is fifteen years, and inFrance twenty. "Besides this, itmust be considered," says the pre-amble, "th it the geographical positionof Germany exposes her to attacks bypowerful armies on two frontierssimultaneously. Her security les inher strength, ami this shut 11 begreater than it is at. present. An endmust be put to the existing unen-durable condition of things. TheGovernment, therefore, expect* that

TO SECURE THE PASS \GEOf the present bill it wi 1 be suffi-cient to appeal to thepatrio'ism of theGerman people. Hy the bill btfore(he Reichstag, the six yearly classesformerly oomposing part of ihe Land-strinn are placed in immediate readi-ness for any dangerous emergency.The increased coat of administrationinvolved in the augmented numberof men who have answered the rollCall will not. exceed 15.' 00 marks,tor the navy further measures are incontemplation. The wince tone ofthis rema kable manifesto suggeststhat'the recent outburst of the ollicialpress over the massing of Russiantroops on the frontier had somethingof a fictitiouscharacter.


Prince Hi-marck is known to havegreatly hurt the chances for the im-muiliale passa c of the Landstrum,bill, which the military press now es-timates will add half a million in m tothe effective force, in the event ofmo-ttihz itioti. Tlie concentration of Rus-siau troops on the frontier at the p es-ent lime, is part of a long concertedplan by the Russian war otlice. TheyeonsMer it to be necessitated hy the spe-cial dilf'nulties oi Russian mobilizing.Atthe same time the presence uf for-midable masses of Russians withinstriking distance of the frontier will beheld by the Reichstag us jusliticationfor a complete reform of tho military.

TUB "PESTER LLOYD,"In a pacific arti. le, invites Russia tostale her policy regarding Bulgariarelying upon the disposition of theallied powers to meet Russia's views,and to maintain peace with the loyalobservance of treaties, the articlecoi. cidos with the belief held in highdiplomatic quarters that Germanyand Austria will compel Prince Kerdl-n.in Itoabdicate if Russia will bringforward a suitable candidate for theBulgarian throne.

Whelan Avenaed.

Dur.i.iN, December 10.?The trial oftho seven men indicted for man-slaughter for killingConstable Whe-lan was conclu led to-day. The juryreturned a verdict of gvllty againstO'Leary and four other prisoners.O'Leary is sentenced to ten years' im-prisonment, and the other four to

seven each.A Rise la Oaal.

San Fba\c:sco, December 10. ?Thelocal coal de ler have decided to in-crease the price of coal %i per ton.The advance includes Wei ington,Catch 8 dint, Wei t Hartley, Sydneyjand Brymbo.