Lopez Update News

Martin & Richelle Missionary Update August Issue 2012 – Ministry News - 321-285-6004 – [email protected] August Update… How are you? I truly hope God is showing himself powerfully in your life as this letter reaches you. God’s deposit inside of us through Christ is enough to overcome adversity. I want to encourage you to stay strong in the Lord and to rejoice with me as I share some of what God is doing through our ministry. Richelle and I are so thankful for our first child! Richelle is 18 weeks pregnant after thirteen and a half years of standing in faith. What has God said concerning your life? Your calling? Your family? He is good and will see to it that it comes to pass. I want to join you in faith as you believe for what God has said. If his will becomes our will then we cannot fail! Take a few minutes tonight and drop me an email or better yet call me so I can pray with you. Thank you for always remembering us in God’s labor and your encouragement as we work to advance the Kingdom of God. Remember to grip your sword, look ahead and risk for Him! Email me: [email protected]. For Him… Blessings always The Lopez Philip Smethurst, his family and other missionaries travel into Angola in 4x4 vehicles, makeshift camps and satellite internet looking for tribes. Follow them: www.timbuctu.me Angola, Africa


September Update around the world from Martin and Richelle Lopez

Transcript of Lopez Update News

Page 1: Lopez Update News

Martin & Richelle Missionary Update August Issue 2012 – Ministry News - 321-285-6004 – [email protected]

August Update… How are you? I truly hope God is showing himself powerfully in your life as this letter reaches you. God’s deposit inside of us through Christ is enough to overcome adversity. I want to encourage you to stay strong in the Lord and to rejoice with me as I share some of what God is doing through our ministry.

Richelle and I are so thankful for our first child! Richelle is 18 weeks pregnant after thirteen and a half years of standing in faith. What has God said concerning your life? Your calling? Your family? He is good and will see to it that it comes to pass.

I want to join you in faith as you believe for what God has said. If his will becomes our will then we cannot fail! Take a few minutes tonight and drop me an email or better yet call me so I can pray with you.

Thank you for always remembering us in God’s labor and your encouragement as we work to advance the Kingdom of God.

Remember to grip your sword, look ahead and risk for Him! Email me: [email protected].

For Him… Blessings always

The Lopez Philip Smethurst, his family and other

missionaries travel into Angola in 4x4 vehicles,

makeshift camps and satellite internet looking for

tribes. Follow them: www.timbuctu.me

Angola, Africa

Page 2: Lopez Update News


Providing clean water

…5 wells completed so far

The narrow way the leads to life…

If you want to find the High and Lofty One, you have to look for Him in the lowly places.

I laid awake on the mattress of our mud hut, looking up at the rafters of our thatch roof through our mosquito net… I couldn’t believe I was actually sleeping in a mud hut. I felt so...humbled.

Then we went out for two full days of ministry to visit the Prime Minister of that region. His son met us along the way and told us he wasn’t home; before we left he said, “My mother is there. You should go talk with her.” We found her and we chatted for a while, she informed us that her gallbladder is so full of stones that it is enlarged and she has had pain since 1998.

She hasn’t been able to do even daily tasks without pain for 14 years! She asked us if we thought it would be safe for her to have surgery since her children are against it. That is when we introduced her to the Great Physician who heals us perfectly and restores us back to the way He made us.

She let us pray for her, all the time not really sure it was going to work. Even so, Jesus healed her completely. For minutes afterwards she kept bending every which-way, trying to find the pain that left her! She couldn’t believe 14 years of suffering left in one moment. Soon after that, she was dancing and praising God with us, something she hasn’t been able to do in years. Glory to God for His mercy towards the sons of men!

Here is a testimony from on of our missionaries that I wanted to share with you. Every day we are advancing the kingdom of God at home, locally and abroad. “Every decision we make to humble ourselves for His sake is a step closer to His heart. It is in our weakness and dependence on Him that we find the riches of Christ and share in His joy. No one told us we had to live in a hut with crumbling walls 3 days a week in order to be a missionary. But we are seeking Jesus and His footsteps are leading us into the humble places of the earth. And we are finding so much joy, faith, and peace”

We thank all of our partners for helping us bring clean water to some of the most remote and neglected communities in Zambia, Africa. This is a drinking water hole, full of bacteria, which communities used for cooking. We have been sharing Christ with them for a long time and now we bring clean water through our Drilling Division! We hit some equipment issued but managed to complete five wells in the following communities: Siachombo, Chidabi, Lunungu, Chabalanda and Malime! You can see their progress if you log into www.timbuctu.me and join the Overland Water Group. We have seen hundreds come to Christ because they now have clean water… praise God!

Join our e-newsletter for more updates: http://eepurl.com/gnc8D