LOOKING AHEAD Std B... · 2015-09-12 · Ozark Christian Schools of Neosho PO Box 398, Neosho, MO...

. Ozark Christian Schools of Neosho PO Box 398, Neosho, MO 64850-0398 (417) 451-2057 Return Service Requested The “Where God can help Himself to young lives.” STANDARD BEARER Founder D. C. Branham Vol. 37, No. 5 September/October 2006 “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14). LOOKING AHEAD . . . 2006 Bible Holiness Convocation October 16 - 19, 2006 Kesler Memorial Auditorium 906 Summit St. Neosho, MO DECISION DAYS March 22 - 25, 2007 – don’t forget ! ! !

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. Ozark Christian Schools of Neosho

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The “Where God can help Himself to young lives.” STANDARD BEARER Founder D. C. Branham Vol. 37, No. 5 September/October 2006

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14).


2006 Bible Holiness Convocation October 16 - 19, 2006

Kesler Memorial Auditorium 906 Summit St. Neosho, MO

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

DECISION DAYS March 22 - 25, 2007

– don’t forget ! ! !

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The President Writes 2


Please read Matthew 4:1-10. The temptation of Christ in

the wilderness has a multitude of practical lessons for the believer.

The perspective from which you view this incident in Jesus’ life

will produce a variety of lessons that are helpful in all the different

areas of Christian living.

I want to look at the temptation from the perspective of a

Christian that is conscientious and committed to the work God put

them in this world to do. Jesus was here on assignment from

heaven, and the devil knew it. The temptation is part of the devil’s

effort to thwart the purposes of God. We often forget that even

though you and I believe the final outcome of the struggle between

good and evil is a forgone conclusion, Satan doesn’t. The devil is

not fighting for what he thinks is a lost cause - he believes he can

win. Every time he succeeds in deceiving another human being, or

causing a Christian to backslide, it pumps up his pride and boosts

his confidence. He really thinks he is going to win, and fights like

he believes it.

So the temptations of our text are the intelligent attempts

of an enemy to cancel the positive efforts of a child of God

committed to do the work of the kingdom. Just as God presumes

that anything that has breath should praise the Lord, Satan presumes

that anything that has flesh can be tempted. From our earliest

Sunday School experience to now, we have studied that story of

Christ’s temptation in the wilderness to our profit. We have seen in

action our High Priest touched by the feeling of our infirmities,

tempted on all points like we are -yet without sin. We have seen the

gospel itself, wrapped in man’s flesh, fought by Satan through

temptation to try and stop the salvation of others.

It is worthy to note that it is not Jesus in peril or danger in

this text. It is not even us who must worry, will Jesus resist, will He

go on, will He go to Calvary, will He by His own blood purge our

sins? No, our salvation was then as it is now, “in good hands”–nail

scarred , but good.

It was the devil who was in danger. The Rock of Ages had

come to build His church and the gates of hell would never

withstand what He was fixing to hit them with–His blood.

Of course, that was Jesus and this is us. He has no hands

but our hands, no feet but our feet. We are His ambassadors. And

the lessons from the temptation in the wilderness can help us see

what the devil is using in an attempt to stop us–to prevent us from

doing the will of God. Note, Satan did not intend to stop Jesus from

having a ministry and working in religion–no, he was going to help

Him do that. He wanted to stop God’s will from being done.

Consider, THE FIRST TEMPTATION (Verses 2-4).

Notice that a complete and intense devotion in the spiritual realm

had caused a huge lack in the physical realm, “he was afterward, an

hungered.” Satan came with the logic of the flesh that says you

have made a huge sacrifice that now entitles you to use your

spiritual power and authority to satisfy the void created by your

sacrifice...”if thou be the son of God, command these stones to be

made bread” (verse 3).

It was logic of this sort that caused certain televangelists

to do what they did. But the temptation to feel you are entitled to

satisfy personal desires because of your sacrifice for the kingdom

did just what the devil wanted - stopped people’s usefulness in the

kingdom. Jesus said the proper attitude toward our labors are found

in the servant’s attitude who had just returned from the field and

was met with a command from his master for more labor –“I am an

unprofitable servant for I have done only that which was my duty

to do” (Luke 17:10). Gratitude is a key here.

If you can resist the craving of your flesh and Satan’s logic

that makes it sound reasonable and say with conviction, I’d rather

hear the voice of God, I’d rather know His will and what He

approves of than satisfy my flesh, you will go on to great

achievements in God as well as tremendous spiritual growth.

Notice, THE SECOND TEMPTATION (verses 5-7).

When Satan could not persuade the Savior to abuse His station and

privilege to satisfy the flesh, he appealed to pride. “If thou be the

son of God”–Satan questions the validity of who He was. Then He

attempts to get Jesus to take a risk and act in a reckless manner that

God disapproved of to try and prove by visible success who He


Spiritually reckless behavior that tempts God has been one

of the leading causes of compromise and unfulfilled ministry. We

don’t win everyone we see, but we need to try. I don’t have to get

all of you into heaven, but I have to please God. I have to live right.

I have to preach holiness.

Reckless spiritual behavior because we feel we have

something to prove is deadly. When we want notoriety or

acceptance by the worldly crowd because the devil is taunting us,

we are putting ourselves in danger–when we are on the pinnacle of

the temple in the Holy City and Satan says, “Now, produce. If your

holiness is better or makes you more godly, prove it.” You may

have to forget a pulpit standard or membership qualifications to

look successful. Or you may have to stop challenging people to put

on Christ and make no provision for the flesh.

Your risks are for a “good cause.” You are trying to make

it possible for all to get in by lowering the qualifications. It

reminds one of the new immigration laws being proposed. They are

already in, lets just grant them amnesty, it would be a lot of hassle

to make them go out and come back in right. Politicians will decide

that for America but who will decide it for the church? “Don’t

tempt God”–what does that mean? One translator said, “don’t test

God,” but we are told to prove Him in other places. This implies

don’t provoke God’s disapproval by doing spiritually dangerous

things for no good reason. Personal pride is not a good reason.

Finally, THE THIRD TEMPTATION (verses 8-10).

The devil couldn’t get Jesus to abuse His privileges to satisfy His

own desire, nor could He provoke His pride to make Him take risks

to prove who He was. So, his final temptation was to try and get

Jesus to take an easier way. Satan said, “Make a deal with me and

I’ll give you what you came for without the Cross. All you have to

do is change the focus of your worship from the true God that is

holy to an unholy one.” (Continued on page 5)

Daniel E. Taylor, Editor-in-Chief

W allace E. Joice, Editor Carol J. Joice, Graphic Art

Bimonthly publication of Ozark Christian Schools. Second class postage paid at

Neosho, M issouri 64850. Printed in the U.S.A. W e are a nonprofit religious organization. Any

contributions are appreciated and are tax deductible. Publication number 712 020.

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From the Editor’s Desk 3


By Editor Wallace E. Joice (Reprint from May/June 1995)

In the First Epistle of Peter, chapter 1, verses 14through 16, we read "As obedient children, not fashioningyourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: Butas he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all mannerof conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I amholy." In this exhortation Peter instructs those to whom hewrote, and, indeed believers of all time, to live livescharacterized by holiness in every area and relationship.

Let us focus our attention especially on verse 15, "butas he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all mannerof conversation." To understand the message of the Apostle, itis helpful to know that the meaning of the word conversationhas changed greatly since our beloved King James Version wastranslated in 1611. The word then meant manner of living orconduct and was a very accurate translation of the Greek wordANASTROPHE which means behavior. However, today theword conversation has come to mean primarily a talkingtogether; informal or familiar talk. While King James usageincludes this, it denotes much more. Whenever the wordconversation is used in the King James Version it meansconduct or manner of life, and not just talking. A good termof modern origin would be lifestyle.

Let us notice some modern translations of First Peter1:15. The American Revised Version of 1901 renders the lastphrase of this verse, "be ye yourselves also holy in all mannerof living." The New American Standard Bible renders thisphrase, "be holy yourselves also in all behavior." TheAmplified Bible gives it thusly, "you yourselves also be holy inall your conduct and manner of living." The popular NewInternational Version translates it briefly and simply, "so beholy in all you do." So the King James Version, rightlyunderstood, and all of these versions emphasize that holinessshould characterize all of the believer's deportment.

The character of God is given as the primary reasonthat the believer is to be holy: "But as he which has called youis holy...Because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy." Peterhere quotes from the Book of Leviticus, chapter 11, verse 44.The same thought is repeated in the next verse, and also in atleast two other places (Leviticus 19:2; 20:26). Yes, theScriptures all the way through emphasize the holiness of God.The Seraphim (Isaiah 6:3) with covered faces and feet and theLiving Creatures (Revelation 4:8) cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy" inHis presence. That Holy God commands us as His people to beholy, and He must and He will have a holy people to serve Himfor "Can two walk together, except they be agreed" (Amos 3:3).

The fact that Peter quotes and applies this OldTestament Scripture in his New Testament Epistle indicatesthat it is no less God's desire under grace than it was under lawfor His people to be holy. Bishop J. C. Ryle, in his classicwork entitled Holiness, commenting on our passage from FirstPeter, quotes from a writer named Leighton, "In this law andGospel agree." So we are enjoined by the writer of Hebrews inchapter 12, verse 14, "Follow...holiness, without which no man

shall see the Lord." Because such holiness is a Christianimperative, Paul prays, "And the very God of peace sanctify youwholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body bepreserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ"(1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Holiness, of course, must begin in the heart, the inwardspiritual nature of man. It can never be a matter of mereexternals. The Pharisees were the great proponents andpractitioners of externalism of Jesus' time. Their religionconsisted in obedience to extrabiblical rules and rituals. Jesussternly denounced them in Matthew 23. Notice especiallyverses 25 through 28, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,hypocrites! for you make clean the outside of the cup and ofthe platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cupand platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woeunto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are likeunto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautifuloutward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of alluncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous untomen, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."

A truly holy life must begin with a holy heart. Jesussaid, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God"(Matthew 5:8). A pure heart will be characterized by puremotives, thoughts, and words. Jesus said, "...out of theabundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Matthew 12:34).A stream can be no purer than its source, so the wise manexhorted us, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it arethe issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23). How often we ought tofervently pray the prayer of the Psalmist, "Let the words of mymouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thysight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14).

It should go without saying that a holy heart will issuein holy outward conduct. As I have already indicated, it willmanifest itself in pure speech. Paul exhorts us, "Let no corruptcommunication proceed out of your mouth, but that which isgood to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto thehearers" (Ephesians 4:29). Dear saints, we need desperately torealize that dirty jokes and vulgar words are not the only formthat "corrupt (rotten) communication" takes. Slander, gossip,and judgmental, hurtful speech are also "corrupt" in God'ssight. (Read the context of Ephesians 4:29.)

A holy heart will show itself in deeds of kindness to theunfortunate. James tells us that "Pure religion and undefiledbefore God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless andwidows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted fromthe world" (James 1:27). One with a holy heart cannot passthose by "on the other side" who are fallen "half dead" on theroad of life (Luke 10:25-37).

A holy heart will submit to God's standards of dress.After the fall, God Himself clothed mankind with "coats ofskin." The Amplified Bible reads "long coats (tunics) of skins"(Genesis 3:21). Paul instructs in First Timothy, chapter 2,verses 8 and 9, "In like manner also, that women adornthemselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness andsobriety; not with gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (whichbecometh women professing godliness) with good works." Inthis wicked world where so much emphasis is placed on sexand sensuality, how needful it is that God's people uphold Hisstandards of modest dress.

(Continued on page 5)

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Scenes from Camp Peniel 2006 4

Scenes from Guatemala Missions Trip

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Scenes from Alumni Work Week 5

From the Editor’s Desk (Continued from page 3)

Not only should Christians dress modestly but they shoulduphold God's standards of dress and hairstyle in regard to the sexes.God created mankind "male and female" (Genesis 1:27). Thoughthey are similar, they are distinctively different by God's design.They are not to dress alike; Deuteronomy, chapter 22, verse 5,commands, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth untoa man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all thatdo so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." In FirstCorinthians, chapter 11, verses 14 and 15, Paul says, "Doth not even

nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shameunto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: forher hair is given her for a covering." Surely the above Scripturesdemonstrate that God is against unisex. God's children who seek toalign themselves with His character should be too.

These are just a few of the important, specific areas inwhich God's children should demonstrate the holiness of God. Noarea of our lives is unaffected. We are to be "holy in all manner ofconversation (conduct)." We are to be holy inside and out!

The President Writes (Continued from page 2)

Of course the devil doesn’t make it as obvious to us as hedid to Jesus. What he presents to you and me is a falserepresentation of the true God. A God who loves but nevercondemns, has mercy but never executes judgment, and to whomholiness is not important. This describes an idol, a false God. Yousay, “I don’t think anyone I know would worship the devil” Maybenot intentionally, but if they are worshiping a false representationof the true God it amounts to the same thing. “What say I then?that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice toidols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentilessacrifice they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would notthat ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cupof the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of theLord’s table and of the table of devils” (I Corinthians 10: 19-21)

If I were the devil and was trying to get a holiness preacherto compromise, this is what I’d do:• I’d magnify his failures–people who leave his church over

standards, etc.• I’d point out the prosperity of some liberal preachers.• I’d amplify the voice of his critics and cause good folks to keep

silent.• I’d mess with his mind and make him feel he deserved better.• I’d attack his pride saying, “If you are really a man of God

what do you have to show for it?”• I’d convince him that the important thing with God is just like

it is to the world. “Its what you do that matters not what youare.”And in reality these are the very things he is doing, and most of

us have faced them. Thank God we have a Savior who knows what we are facingand how to lead us to victory. Jesus resisted the devil’s temptationin the wilderness, and the Bible makes this promise: “For in that hehimself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them thatare tempted” (Hebrews 2:18).

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A Voice From The Past 6


By the late Rev. D. C. Branham

If you are a reader of the Scriptures, even a most casualreader, you will soon realize that the Bible reveals the Holy Ghostto be the empowering agency of the Godhead.

According to Matthew 1:20, the Holy Ghost begat Jesusin His human form. Acts 10:38 declares that Christ accomplishedHis mighty works by the anointing power of the Holy Ghost. AndSecond Peter 1:21 states that the Holy Ghost inspired the writersof the Holy Scriptures. In the Gospel of John, chapter 3, we findcontained Christ’s teaching on the necessity of the new birthwrought by the power of the Holy Ghost. In First Corinthians12:13, Paul states, “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into onebody, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond orfree; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” He alsostates here in chapter 12 that the Holy Ghost distributes the variousspiritual gifts to the Church.

Now with such a volume and such an array of Scripturalfacts, each Christian ought to receive a personal Pentecostalbaptism in the Holy Ghost. Yet there are many who have soughtto be filled for years and have not yet received. WHY? I wouldsuggest it is possible for one’s motives to be right and his methodwrong. Such was the case with King David. David demonstratedthis when he made a sincere effort to return the Ark to Jerusalembut used the wrong means, thus incurring God’s displeasure.

It is equally true that our methods may be right and ourmotivation wrong.

Let us look at some of the wrong motives in seeking theinfilling of the Holy Ghost. What a tragedy, but true, that someonly seek because they “want to speak in other tongues.”Unknown tongues are the initial physical evidence of the Spirit’scoming into the believer, but they are not the supreme purpose ofHis coming. To some this sign is but a supernatural novelty andGod refuses to meet man on this ground.

The purpose of many seeking seems to be to obtain the“joy and blessing that He brings.” Great blessing does accompanythe infilling of the Spirit. “For the kingdom of God is not meatand drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the HolyGhost” (Romans 14:17).

What an experience when He comes. Yes, when the Spiritcomes in, the recipient often reacts with singing, shouting,laughter, and other evidences of spiritual exuberance. Why thisphysical demonstration? My answer to this is very simple.Simply because the body is the medium of expression for what thesoul and spirit feel. At the time of one’s baptism in the HolyGhost, deep spiritual longings are being satisfied. This is aforetaste of heaven! However, there is a danger when this is theonly motive in seeking. It is possible to take that which is holyand beautiful and reduce it to mere carnal pleasure.

I fear many are found seeking at the altars simply becausethey concluded, “It is my duty to receive the Holy Ghost.” Howsad, this motive is utterly futile for it has no concept of personalneed. The baptism in the Holy Ghost is a personal experience andthere must be a personal hunger for His coming.

Now we shall consider right motives in seeking the HolyGhost. Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John

14:15). Just before His ascension He “being assembled togetherwith them, commanded them that they should not depart fromJerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which saith He,ye have heard of me” (Acts 1:4).

Oh, dear Christian friend, it is the revealed will of Godthat each believer (everyone) be filled with the Holy Ghost. Weshould desire to be filled on this basis alone, if there were no otherreasons. But there are!

There are numerous subjective reasons which shouldinspire us to seek the fullness of the Spirit. Ephesians 1:13 tells usthat we are “sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.”

This seal does not imply unconditional eternal security.But rather it is the mark or stamp of God’s ownership. AndSecond Thessalonians 2:13 tells us the Spirit is the sanctifyinginfluence in our walk with Christ. It is the Holy Ghost whoproduces those much needed fruits in the Christian life: “But thefruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,goodness, faith, meekness, temperance...”(Galatians 5:22, 23).

Now according to Jude, verse 20, we can build upourselves in our “most holy faith,” that “when he, the Spirit oftruth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). And,perhaps greatest of all, according to John 16:14, the Holy Ghostwill glorify (or magnify) Jesus to us. We can more fullyappreciate our salvation and our relationship to Christ when theHoly Ghost comes into our lives in His fullness.

Let me ask a personal question. Are these the things youneed in your Christian life? Then, my friend, you need the HolyGhost!

There are also some objective reasons–what the HolyGhost will do through you–that warrant your seeking to be filledwith His presence. Acts 1:8 assures you of power to become awitness. A holy boldness is available that will remove theenervating forces of fear and make you courageous for theKingdom of God. There will also be power in prayer: “Likewisethe Spirit also helpeth our infirmities; for we know not what weshould pray for as we ought: But the Spirit itself makethintercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered”(Romans 8:26).

Christian friend, does your prayer life seem cold andpowerless? A mighty baptism in the Holy Ghost can change allthat! Powerful intercessory prayer is an incalculable service forGod open to the Spirit-filled believer. The gifts of the Spirit,without which no congregation is complete, are in evidence whereHe finds yielded lives. These gifts, operating in your life, canedify the entire congregation.

Is the baptism in the Holy Ghost a luxury to be consideredonly by those who may have the time and desire to seek Hiscoming? Or is the Spirit’s coming an absolute necessity so theindividual and the congregation may reach the greatest potentialfor God?

Let me ask again, is the baptism in the Holy Ghost anoptional feature of Christianity which each person is free to decidefor or against? No, God forbid!

When we, as born-again believers, recognize that weMUST have His fulness, then Christ, the great Baptizer, willgloriously immerse us in the overwhelming presence of the HolyGhost. “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and toall that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call”(Acts 2:39).

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OBI Student Corner 7

OBI EVANGELISTS Micah and Rachel Perry

It has been a great honor and benefit toattend Ozark Bible Institute and College. Mywife, Rachel, and I are both graduates of theschool and there can be no measurement on theimpact that this school made on our lives. We

realize that OBI has not only impacted us personally, but it has alsoopened up many doors of ministry across the country. As a resultof the school’s influence throughout the nation, we have been ableto meet many new friends and reach out to the hurting. So it hasbeen our added privilege to be asked to continue ministering forOBI after we have graduated. I believe that God wants to continuecalling young people to Bible school and our primary purpose willbe to present OBI to college age students who want to be used ofGod. Also, we have a burden for individual churches. I believeGod can send a revival of the Holy Ghost in these last days! Ourplans include individual services, weekend services, or shortrevivals. If you would be interested in contacting us to come toyour church, please call the offices of Ozark Bible Institute andCollege at (417) 451-2057.


PREACHING By Julie Smith

Power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18)

Ready (Romans 1:15)

Edify the body (Ephesians 4:12)

Anointed to preach (Isaiah 61:1)

Count the cost (Luke 14:28)

Hold fast the faithful word (Titus 1:9)

Instant in season, and out of season

(2 Timothy 4:2)

Neglect not the gift (1 Timothy 4:14)

Glory in the Lord (1 Corinthians 1:31)

Power from God will enable you to be Ready to Edify

the body of believers under the Anointing of the Holy Ghost.

Count the cost of the calling; then Hold fast to His Word. Be

Instant in season and out of season, Neglecting not this sacred gift.

Glory not in your wisdom. Glory in the Lord.


PREACHING By Crystal Wirtz









Good News Admonishing

Produced by prayer and Reaching into men’s hearts. It

will Equip the body to be an Army for the Lord. Challenging

people to change and giving Hope to the sinner. When it’s

Influenced by the Spirit, it will Never compromise the truth. It is

Given by God to make men ready!


It does not take great men to do great things;it only takes consecrated men.

—Phillips Brooks

Student Corner–A MESSAGE TO MINISTERS by Julie Smith

Theme: What it takes to be in the ministry is passion,diligence, urgency, and a listening ear.

Aim: To get my hearers to develop the necessary qualitiesof a minister of the Lord.

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you ofthe common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you,and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faithwhich was once delivered unto the saints.

To be a minister from God you must have-- 1. A Passion for People

Someone has said, “I love the ministry, it’s the people Ican’t stand.” You have no ministry without a love for people.

Jude opens this verse calling the people beloved, whichmeans dearly beloved.To be a minister of God you must have--

2. A Mind for the MinistryJude writes, “...I gave all diligence to write unto you...”Jude was willing to put some work into these people.

To be a minister you must have-- 3. An Urgency to Utter

Jude said, “it was needful for me to write unto you, andexhort you...” Jude saw the need to proclaim the gospel.To be a minister for God you must have-- 4. An Ear to Hear

Jude started out saying that he intended to write aboutsalvation, but goes on to write about the need for earnestlycontending for the faith. He had to be open to the leading of theLord. He didn’t preach what He thought they needed. Oftenpeople’s needs are easy to spot, but depending on ourselves todetermine what they are won’t be enough. There is an absoluteneed for a minister to be led by God’s Spirit.

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Alumni Corner 8

Alumni News & NotesBy Dawn Schminkey, Alumni Secretary

“And I Thank Christ Jesus Our Lord....”

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who

hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into

the ministry” (1 Timothy 1:12).

To be a surrendered vessel in the hands of Almighty God is

the greatest priority one could ever have in their life. Since I first

felt a call to the ministry at age 14, I’ve tried to establish that as my

most precious goal. The enemy has met me with numerous

obstacles, but God is always faithful that promised.

God placed a love in my heart for Christian Education at an

early age. As I grew, I felt a burden from the Lord that Christian

Education is a much-needed ministry and must not be overlooked.

I accepted the call to meet that need approximately two years before

coming to OBI.

I have desired to be spent for the gospel of Jesus Christ,

though I had not ever felt a particular call to preach the gospel.

Many I came in contact with believed otherwise. I determined I

would not assume a calling just because of others impressions

though I did begin to wonder. However my wonderings

disappeared on Tuesday, June 13, 2006, at Forts Lake Youth Camp,

Pascagoula, Mississippi. I was traveling with the Higher Ground

Summer Group. That night, I felt a need to get away by myself and

pray at the altar instead of praying with the young people.

Preaching was the very last thing on my mind! As I was trying to

open my heart before the Lord, I felt it–the Holy Ghost placed a

burning in my heart that rushed to my brain and told me to

PREACH. It startled me for I was not seeking it or pondering it at

all. I began to discuss this with the Lord. I told Him I would accept

the call but asked that He might confirm it to me in two different

ways that night, for I wanted to make my calling sure. He answered

the first petition the moment I asked it, the second about a half hour


I am humbled before the Lord and count it a privilege not to

be taken lightly. The Lord of all has called me to service. To whom

else can I turn. I am entering my sophomore year at OBI, and I am

more persuaded than ever that there is no limit to what God can

accomplish in a life that fully yields to His hands. May I be but one

vessel unto honor in His house forever.

Joshua Richie, OBI Sophomore

Ministry News or Changes

Robert and Brooke Douglas are living in Tennessee.

They have been involved in youth ministry at Trinity Tabernacle in

Crossville, Tennessee, and God is blessing them there.

Blake and Anna (McCutchen) Taber have moved to

Oklahoma. They are helping Brother and Sister Gary Norris at

Landmark Tabernacle in Sand Springs, OK. Their cell phone

number is (417) 592-2872. We will definitely miss them both at

Bible Holiness Assembly of God.

There are some new faces here at OBI. We would like to

welcome Brother and Sister Chuck Akers, Brother and Sister Joe

Barraclough, and Brother and Sister Mike Shelton. Brother Akers

is teaching two classes: Indigenous Church and Spanish Ia. Brother

Barraclough is teaching Personal Evangelism. Brother Shelton is

the new Dean of Students and will be teaching the following: Bible

Study Methods, Early Pauline Epistles, Acts, Captivity Epistles, and

Polemics. We are thankful to the Lord for these godly men and that

the Lord has allowed them to teach here at Ozark Bible Institute and



David and Sonya (Stephens) Lara are happy to announce

the birth of their second child, Makaeyla Elizabeth. She was born

December 29, 2005. Makaeyla weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz. Her big

brother’s name is Josiah, and he is 3 ½ years old. Congratulations!

Micah (age 8) and Payton (age 5) have a new baby sister.

Alexis Kaitlyn was born to Max and Christy (Macken) Faulkner

on April 9, 2006. She weighed 6 lbs., 2 oz., and was 19 ½ inches

long. Congratulations on your precious bundle of joy!Jeremy and Kristy (Smith) Howard have a new addition

to their household. Emily Rose was born June 19, 2006. She

weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz., and was 19 inches long. Emily’s older

sister, Amy (2 ½ years old), is a big help to mommy.


Stephen and Tonya Burgess have their lights on during

the middle of the night now because of their little blessing, Kaitlyn

Rose. She weighed 7 lbs., 2 oz, and measured 21 inches long.

Congratulations to you both on your new little girl!


Stephanie Carney and Matthew Hesch are now happily

married. They were united in marriage on June 10, 2006.

Congratulations to you both! May the Lord bless and keep each of

you as you do His work together.

Congratulations are in order for Gene Garcia and Amy

Thomas. They vowed to be husband and wife forever on June 16,

2006. Congratulations again on your new lives together, and may

God use you to further His kingdom.

Urgent Need!

The Penningtons share with us that there is an urgent need

for black graduation caps and gowns for OBI Guatemala. If you

have any that you might be able to donate, please contact Sister

Stoner or bring them to the Convocation in October. Thank you!

Prayer Request

Here is an update on Bro. James Link. Around the

beginning of July, Brother Link had a second surgery on his leg.

The doctor had to take out scar tissue so that his leg would heal.

Then on July 24, 2006, Brother Link had a third surgery on the

same leg because of complications. He needs a complete healing on

his leg, and our God can do it. Pray with us that God will give him

complete healing.

Alumni NewsThank you to those who have sent announcements to us.

Keep sending your news concerning ministries, marriages, births,

prayer requests, testimonies, suggestions, etc. to Dawn Schminkey,

115 S. Ripley St., Neosho, MO 64850, phone (417) 451-7644,

email: [email protected] or OBI Secretary, Bonnie Stoner

at PO Box 398, Neosho, MO 64850, phone (417) 451-2057, fax

(417) 451-2059, email: [email protected], website: www.obiweb.org