Look! App Guide



This booklet shows the many different screens made for the app Look! and explains how the app orginated.

Transcript of Look! App Guide

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Page 2: Look! App Guide


Look! is an app marketed towards the parent

interested in documenting every moment in their

children’s artistic adventures.


their children’s beautiful artistic masterpieces. This

app allows parents to keep these temporary mas-

terpieces forever archived in an online portfolio.

Page 3: Look! App Guide


T Y P I C A L D AY :

WA N T S :

M y d a y u s u a l l y s t a r t s p r e t t y e a r l y , I t r y a n d g e t u p a r o u n d 4 : 3 0 A M t o t r y

a n d g e t e v e r y t h i n g r e a d y f o r t h e k i d s . I w o r k t i l l 4 : 3 0 PM t h e n p i c k t h e k i d s

u p . I h a v e l i t t l e t i m e t o f i x d i n n e r a n d a f t e r d i n n e r u s u a l l y c o n s i s t o f m e

c l e a n i n g a n d p u t t i n g t h e k i d s t o b e d .

Way to keep family out of state updated on our lives.

Quick and easy way to document things made by our kids.

Quickly get prints to help document our children’s lives.

m o t h e r o f t w o + p h a r m a c i s t + r u n n e r

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Log In / Home Users can create accounts and make profiles for their children. These profiles track the age of your child, amount of artworkproduced and allows the user to see friends profiles.

In the home screen users can access their children’sIndividual profiles as well as other added friend’s profiles.

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Profiles / Camera In the individual profiles you can organize artworkby date created, medium used and colors used,making viewing artwork easier!

Users can capture images of their children’s artworkdirectly in the application interface or they can use existing images.

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Share / CreateParents can send their children’s artworkalbums or individual pictures through e-mailsor a variety of social media platforms.

On the create screen users can send artworkout to be made into books, picture frames, apparel and more!

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SlideshowLook offers a unique slideshow setting that allows you to share with others, favor individual works of art and add them to albums.

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