Long term deposit policy of Shamrao Vithal Co-Operative Bank

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Transcript of Long term deposit policy of Shamrao Vithal Co-Operative Bank


2. Introduction Founded in 1906 in Vadola, Maharashtra. Founder: Rao Bahadur Shripad Subbarao Talmaki Present Chairman: Shri Suresh S. Hemmady Managing Director: Shrinivas D. Joshi It started with the motive that Bank works for betterment of theeconomic, moral and material well-being of the Community. Its a multistate Scheduled Bank. Operative in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu , Gujarat, Delhi and Goa . Currently operating through 108 Branches. Urban Cooperative bank. 3. Vision and Mission It was set up with the primary objective of assisting the lessfortunate members of the community in its economic enterprises, to encourage savings and to create funds for providing financial aid to deserving members. It rests on the pillars of thrift, fellowship, character, accommodation and the selfless service of all individuals and organisations who wish to help themselves progress. 4. Awards Second Prize for THE BEST INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY BANK AWARD awarded by The Maharashtra Urban Co-Operative Banks Federation Ltd. "BEST IT ENABLED COOPERATIVE BANK AWARD by former RBI Governor Dr. D. Subbarao. IBA Banking Technology Awards 2011 by APJ Abdul Kalam the former President of India. Runner-up award of the "Banking Frontier IT Awards" 2010 for Excellence in Customer Service Recipient of the "Banking Frontier IT Awards 5. LONG TERM FIXED DEPOSITS [FDL] Account can be opened with a minimum of Rs.1000/- or any amount fixed by Corporate Office from time to time. Minimum period is one year. Maximum period is 60 months or any period decided by Corporate Office from time to time. Interest due will be paid on quarterly / half yearly or yearly basis. Loan can be granted up to 90% of the deposit amount against the pledge of Deposit Receipt in case of need. The depositor desires to have interest payment on quarterly / half yearly or yearly basis, he should notify this instruction in the Account Opening Form while opening the account. The Bank will take note of this and pay the interest amount accordingly. 6. Fixed Deposit Features The fixed deposit will earn simple interest rate applicablefor 365 days deposit which will be credited to Savings account on maturity with Auto renewal facility. Fixed deposit can be ranging from Rs. 50,000 to any amount ArogyaVishesh: It is a deposit policy which is unique combination of a savings account clubbed with a sweep out fixed deposit to facilitate hassle free hospitalization. Arogya Vishesh comes with a distinctive benefit of providing flexibility of payment options at leading tie up hospitals. 7. Bank provides for various fixed deposit rates. It provides for long term as well as short term fixed deposit rates and provides different rate of interest for different period of time. 8. SVC - TAX EXEMPT The Central Government has introduce Bank Term DepositScheme, 2006. Savings and investments in Fixed Deposits of not less than 5 (five ) years in scheduled banks would now qualify under section 80C of the Income Tax Act subject to the overall ceiling of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only ). This scheme is in line with the provisions of Bank Term Deposit Scheme, 2006. 9. FLEXI FIXED This scheme offers the security of a Fixed Deposit withattractive interest and convenience of an overdraft facility of an amount of up to 90% of the deposit. The entire deposit remains intact earning normal rate of interest. Minimum qualifying amount Rs. 10,000/-. Deposit period 1year to 5 years. This scheme offers the benefit of tiding over the immediate liquidity problems without breaking the deposit 10. Flexi Recurring Deposit Flexi Recurring Deposit is a special type of deposit account which enables a depositor to save by paying into the account an agreed minimum sum of money monthly (known as Core Deposit) with an option to deposit excess amount upto ten times the core deposit amount subject to a maximum of Rs.20,000/- per month over a stipulated period. The minimum core deposit amount should be Rs. 500/It is mandatory for the depositor to deposit the core deposit amount every month. The excess amount deposited in a given month will not be utilized for payment of future instalments. The Deposits in this type of account earn compound interest on quarterly basis. The Deposit can be placed for a minimum tenure of 12 months to a maximum tenure of 60 months. 11. Fixed Deposit Rates of Various Cooperative Banks If we compare various fixed deposit rates of various cooperative banks, then we can see that, its best to make a fixed deposit at Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank as it provides for interest of 10.25 per annum. BANKFIXED DEPOSIT RATE1. Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank10.25%2. Kapole Co-operative Bank10.10%3. Bombay Mercantile Co-operative Bank10.00%4. Bharat Co-operative Bank10.00%5. Punjab & Maharashtra Co-operative Bank10.00%6. Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank9.50% 12. LONG TERM DEPOSIT POLICY 13. Introduction of Syndicate Bank Syndicate Bank was established in 1925 in Udupi,Karnataka. Founders: Sri Upendra Ananth Pai, Sri Vaman Kudva and Dr.T M A Pai Chairman:Shri Sudhir Kumar Jain Their objective was primarily to extend financial assistance to the local weavers who were crippled by a crisis in the handloom industry through mobilising small savings from the community. 14. Vision and Mission Vision: To be bank of every Indian and a preferred bankpartner globally. Mission: To achieve constant growth in business. To endeavour for inclusive development and ensure service excellence through excessive harnessing of human capital and technology. 15. Bank provides for various fixed deposit rates. It provides for long term as well as short term fixed deposit rates and provides different rate of interest for period of time. 16. LONG TERM DEPOSIT POLICY OF SYNDICATE BANK Minimum deposit Rs.1000/-. Deposits are accepted for periods ranging from 15days to 120 months. It provides an option for receiving monthly interest at discounted rates or quarterly interest. Premature withdrawal of deposit is permitted any time subject to payment of prescribed penalty. Senior Citizens & Staff will be eligible for additional Rate of interest as per applicable norms. 17. Loans is available upto a maximum of 95% of the deposit amount depending on the length of the unexpired period of the deposit. Nomination facility available. The rates of interest on deposits are as fixed by the Bank from time to time. The Syndicate Bank has announced a hike in interest rates for short-term and long-term deposits. The maximum interest rate for fixed deposits will be 10.15% and 9.30% for deposits up to 399 days. 18. Comparison of long term deposit scheme of Shamrao Vithal Cooperative bank and Syndicate Bank 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0SVC Bank Syndicate Bank< 15 days 90 to 120 180 to 1 year 1year exact More than 1 less than 90 days year days 19. Conclusion There is no much difference between the deposit rates of both thebanks. For deposits to be made for less time, eg. For 15 days to 1 year its better to make deposit in Syndicate Bank as it provides more rate of interest. If deposits are to be made for exactly 1 year then any bank can be chosen as it provides more or less the same rate of interest on the deposits made. For deposits to be made for long time, eg. For more than 1 year its is advisable to make deposit in ShamraoVithal Cooperative Bank as it provides more rate of interest for longer period of time. 20. THANK YOUQUESTIONS???