
the alternative family


Photo Essay final assignment

Transcript of LondonRiotsPhotoEssay

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the alternative family

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youth culture

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Anarchy in the U.K

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Anarchy in the U.K

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‘fear, frustration- and a deep sense of pride999

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a ‘broken society’

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a ‘broken society’

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Fighting back

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Fighting back

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Vehicles, homes and shops were attacked and

set alight. At least 100 homes were destroyed in

the arson and looting.

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family recovery

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family recovery

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The London riots of 2011 sparked a mass panic throughout a large portion of the U.K with the largest areas being hit, London and Tottenham. The riots

didn’t come from other nationalities, it was not a clash in cultures, it in fact was sparked by the students of Great Britain. However, there is much debate as to whether the Government are to blame for the mass destruction in the larg-er cities of the U.k , with the main issue being the rise of student tuition fees throughout the U.K and cuts of benefits such as the EMA (Education Main-

tenence Allowance). This sparked what many of the rioters called a REVOLU-TION which lead to gavering crowds of students outraging their disgust to the

rest of the population, particularly the government. This large YOUTH CULTURE protest lead to the city riots, with crowds gavering holding signs and chanting

towards the rest of the nation. They than began attacking public establishments, such as shops, pubs, government buildings and banks. This lead to a feeling of ANARCHY throughout the U.K and the destruction of vast areas of the U.K. Po-

lice were soon dispatched, to attempt to prevent the catastrophic events that were taking place at the time of the riots. An officer in on the Guardian website stated that he felt ‘FEAR, FRUSTRATION AND A DEEP SENSE OF PRIDE’ in

what he and the rest of the Police force tackled on the days of the riots.

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Officers of the U.K Police force were left to fix a BROKEN SOCIETY from the already extremely violent rioting throughout Britain, which appeared an impossi-ble task after such vast numbers of people standing up and rioting against the government. They began FIGHTING BACK in force, with the number of arrests reaching 2000, assisting in the re-development of an already broken society. The DESTRUCTION of various areas of the U.K seemed unfixable with vehicles, homes and shops attacked and set alight. At least 100 homes were destroyed in the arson and looting. Eventually, the revival of the nation came around, with homes being rebuilt, shops being refurbished and fires being prevented. Their was a clear community RECOVERY following the riots with support groups being created to help prevent future events of a similar kind as well as FAMILY griev-ances for those whose lives were lost in the devastation of the London riots.

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